
--- Log opened Fri Aug 17 00:00:51 2012
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minimoosegm kanzure04:11
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foucistGOOD MORNING04:27
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minimooseWould this count as H Minus?05:26
Utopiahprefer http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/15/sun-jifa-prosthetic-hands_n_1777168.html#slide=138292405:28
minimooseThat's why I fish with bleach rather than dynamite.05:32
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ParahSailin_gonna be more expensive than growing whole animals06:45
foucistParahSailin_: disruptive technology tends to start off more expensive then end up cheaper06:52
ParahSailin_chicken meat can be produced at a feed ratio of 206:53
ParahSailin_beat that in tissue culture06:54
ParahSailin_cow can be produced out of non-food items like grass and hay06:54
ParahSailin_the work needed in a factory to turn that stuff into sugar and amino acid tissue culture medium is incredibly less efficient06:56
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nmz787ParahSailin_: what is the feed ratio?07:00
ParahSailin_5 lb chicken takes 10 lbs feed07:01
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foucistParahSailin_: there's other factors to consider as well, such as amount of land to generate the feed required, amount of land to host the food producing mammals, the suffering that is inflicted on these animals, and so on07:07
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nmz787how about water usage and amount of fertilizer required to produce that feed07:13
nmz787as well as how much of that fertilizer runs off the farm into watersheds07:13
ParahSailin_what are you gonna make medium out of? corn syrup?07:13
ParahSailin_so its same feedstock07:13
nmz787well we could just engineer algae to taste better :/07:16
foucistwell isn't that where the meat's gonna come from?  algae or fungus or similar07:25
foucistor some sort of nano process hmm07:26
@kanzureroyal society of chemistry journal pricing for 2013: http://www.rsc.org/images/New%202013%20RSC%20Price%20List_tcm18-221153.pdf07:41
@kanzure"All databases from 2013 will be online only (this applies to individual subscriptions and collections)  and we are discontinuing the Chromatography Abstracts database"07:44
@kanzuregaah sciencedirect has broken the down arrow key07:47
nmz787kanzure: expensive07:47
nmz787its crazy that print only costs about $200 more for lab on a chip07:47
nmz787$200 seems reasonable for a year of microfluidics articles07:47
nmz787but not $300007:48
JayDuggerAlgae (spirulina and chlorella) tastes fine.07:49
JayDuggerJust like fish food.07:49
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JayDuggerIf you can learn to drink beer, you can learn to eat algae.07:51
nmz787can you survive on algae today though, or does it need supplemented?07:53
JayDuggerSpirulina has all essential amino acids, IIRC, but not all vitamins nor minerals.07:54
@kanzurehere's church's latest article (the one in the news about books):07:54
@kanzurebasically he stored html and javascript in html07:55
@kanzurethen he sequenced it and retrieved the data.07:55
@kanzure*html and javascript in dna07:55
JayDuggerThat's not right.07:55
@kanzurei corrected myself already07:55
JayDuggerwhat's the regular expression for the second instance>07:55
@kanzurewell in this case it's html$07:56
JayDugger"DNA has many potential advantages as a medium for immutable, high latency information storage needs."07:56
JayDuggerRead time? Seek time? Write time?07:56
@kanzureduplication, error checking, etc.07:57
@kanzurectrl-x ctrl-e is my new favorite bash friend07:58
@kanzurealthough, what i really want is just some way to search the current line to move my cursor..07:59
JayDuggerI remember a SF short story, "People of the Book"? where Moslems had the Koran encoded in their introns...but my search-fu falls.07:59
JayDuggerC-M ]08:00
JayDuggerI think that only works in reverse, though.08:00
@kanzurewtf is this devil magic? set -i vi; esc-3b-i .. it's sort of like vi except not?08:02
nmz787kanzure: that paper has kosuri again (the guy gibson mentioned on the phone)08:04
JayDuggerbash readline says C-] for character-search when in emacs mode, but I must use C-M-]08:04
@kanzurewell, i use ctrl-r regularly but that's not what i want08:05
JayDuggerreverse search history, right?08:05
@kanzureyes that's ctrl-r08:06
@kanzureoh well. vi-mode editing in bash is good enough for now.08:06
JayDuggerYou want to search on a line, I think, which C-] or M-C-] will do, if set -o emacs gets set first.08:06
JayDuggerWFM, YMMV, etc.08:06
@kanzurewell, i was hoping that there's some bash-internal-thing that i can use without having to add set -o lines to all .bashrc files i encounter08:07
JayDuggerThat I don't know. I just type it at the prompt if the .bashrc hasn't got it.08:08
@kanzurethat's not useful.. usually you're in the middle of a very long entry when you realize you want to edit it08:08
JayDuggerIt's only what, 12 keystrokes? Under a second for you.08:08
@kanzureno my point is that if you have a huge buffer, the only thing you can do is ctrl-c and lose it, and then set -o, and then retype the original (because it wont be in your bash history because you ctrl-c'd)08:09
@kanzures/huge buffer/huge line08:09
@kanzureoh, unless you comment it out with # and then hit enter08:10
@kanzurei should do that08:10
JayDuggerWill the C-c prevent the line from writing to .bash_history? It does! I didn't know that.08:10
JayDuggerAnd I didn't know that comment it out trick, eithe.08:11
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@kanzureok, so the "get out of trouble" bash editing guide: page-home, add "# " to the beginning of the line, hit enter, set -o viemacsohgod, arrow up up, then enter editing mode or uh.. ctrl-x ctrl-e if you're ok with opening $EDITOR08:18
ParahSailinarent all you ninjas using zsh?08:21
@kanzurenope i am a backwards bash user08:21
JayDuggerbash, and punch cards!08:22
JayDuggernone of that paper tape nonsense,08:22
-!- archels [~foo@sascha.esrac.ele.tue.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]08:26
@kanzurejapanese things http://youtube.com/watch?v=Tlje5EODTIA08:32
@kanzurewell, i've had my dose of japanese oddities for today i guess.08:32
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@kanzure"Knew someone years ago who had a health food store. He had problems with people stealing product. CCTV was just starting to become common place, but was still expensive. He found somewhere that would sell you a plastic camera body shell, with a red LED sticking out of the body that would flash periodically. It cost maybe $50, where a real one would have cost $1000+."09:04
-!- nmz7871 is now known as nmz78709:10
@kanzure"John Schloendorn is the most competent biotech guy I know."09:11
HaruspexWell, it now cheap but in most places they don't record as it would mean a tremendous amount of space09:11
@kanzureevidence that eliezer is full of shit09:11
Haruspexthey are generally only live feed, with maybe up to a few days worth of recordings09:12
nmz787kanzure: have you seen this http://sourceforge.net/projects/pycam/09:12
nmz787kanzure: who are you quoting?09:13
@kanzureeliezer yudkowsky09:14
@kanzurebasically, my nemesis.09:14
@kanzureuhh "Dear Dr. Bishop, Given your field of interest I would like to invite you to submit your next manuscript to the innovative new open access journal GigaScience." i guess they didn't do their research on the gigabooks brand.09:18
@kanzureoh it's bgi.. so it's chinese gigascience, i see.09:19
skorkethey, nmz787, did you figure out your max rpm issue?09:20
nmz787the motor would need to turn at around 3200 RPM09:20
nmz787the sparkfun 400 step motors dont have a datasheet with more than a few chinese characters on them about power09:21
skorketyou really need 3200 rpm?09:24
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nmz787to achieve the speed we want, yea09:25
nmz787that's at constant velocity too09:25
skorketyikes.  That seems pretty high, but, of course, I'm no expert.09:25
nmz787i have no idea09:25
skorketanyway, those motors seem to have somewhere in the 100's of rpms.  See here: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10846 .  In the comments, someone mentions them stalling at 88 rpm09:26
skorketalso, some useful 'ballpark' figures can be found here: http://www.velmex.com/motor_torque.html09:27
phrykkanzure: Do you actually have a doctors title?09:27
nmz787hmm http://www.adafruit.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=31&p=11728509:27
skorkettheir datasheets for the motors have torque vs. rpm as well, to get a sense09:27
nmz787this says 1000rpm was achieved09:27
skorketyeah, interesting09:28
nmz787seems like max RPM is limited by the controller's max pulse freq, and amperage available09:28
nmz787lots of motor torque curves decrease as pulse freq increases09:28
skorketright, he says something about using ARDUMOTOR, so maybe he doesn't know how to configure it properly09:28
nmz787that may mean i need more than the pololu controller09:28
skorketI saw my stepper stall out when trying to push it.  I just had to decrease the pulse width and it worked fine09:29
skorketyes, that may be true09:29
skorketyou might look into building your own as well09:29
skorketalso, from the sparkfun comments, I found this: http://www.wantmotor.com/ProductsView.asp?id=157&pid=75&sid=8009:32
skorketI talked to one of their representatives and they gave me a quote of $95 for 10 plus $45 for shipping09:33
skorketin case you have a need to to buy them right now without waiting for sparkfun to restock09:34
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nmz787$95 each for quantity 10?09:43
skorket9.50 each plus 4.50 (each) s+h09:43
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nmz787really cheap09:51
nmz787this is the only stepper i know of that has high current and microstepping that I know of09:52
nmz787there are some allegro parts, but they don't look like they're totally ready to use09:54
nmz787requires external MOSFETs http://www.allegromicro.com/en/Products/Motor-Driver-And-Interface-ICs/Bipolar-Stepper-Motor-Drivers/A4989.aspx09:55
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skorketwhat value in the datasheet determines that the a4989 is fast enough and the a4988 isn't?09:59
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@kanzurefenn_: http://gundam-vs.jp/12:06
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nmz787kanzure: how do I grep all the chat logs for last 2 months?13:18
TheEmpathgrep "butts" | more13:18
TheEmpathless?  oh god i dunno T____T13:19
chris_99less is more13:19
@kanzurenmz787: grep "foo" 2012-07*13:19
nmz787so i have to download them all?13:20
@kanzureno you can do this on gnusha13:20
@kanzurecd ~gnusha/public_html/logs/13:20
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Mokbortolan_wb ThomasEgi13:21
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ParahSailincurl http://betterthangrep.com/ack-standalone > ~/bin/ack && chmod 0755 !#:3 && ack "foo" glob13:27
Juulhrm, i just got three password reset emails from twitter13:32
Juulsomething is afoot!13:32
Mariuyou have a security breach aboard your ship :o13:33
TheEmpathlook!  more hidden footprints!13:34
Juulthis is the second time someone has attempted this, i don't know why my account is so interesting13:36
nmz787Study: Chemical used in hand sanitizer hinders musclesSacramento Business Journal by Kathy Robertson, Senior Staff WriterDate: Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 6:47am PDT13:37
nmz787On the Feasibility of Side-Channel Attacks with Brain-Computer InterfacesConference: USENIX Security '1213:40
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@kanzurenmz787: http://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=skosuri13:54
@kanzurenmz787: here's the supplement http://db.tt/elIqsy7213:57
TheEmpathheyo 10-40% successrate in using EEGs to extract numeric information from your brain http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/134682-hackers-backdoor-the-human-brain-successfully-extract-sensitive-data14:01
TheEmpathsorry, data in general.. not just numbers14:01
@kanzurecan you just link to the paper instead14:03
@kanzureextremetech.com sounds like a spamblog14:03
TheEmpathlemme dig14:03
@kanzurejuul: wasn't me14:04
TheEmpathOn the Feasibility of Side-Channel Attacks with Brain-Computer Interfaces14:04
@kanzurei coulda sworn nmz787 just linked to that14:05
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@kanzuregot a call from glasgow.. 447563051410.. i directed him to brian degger in newcastle14:08
@kanzurei don't remember what's near glasgow14:08
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Steel2hey kanzure, I got something for you that I won't say often14:44
@kanzurestop stalking girls in neuroscience departments14:45
Steel2I was wrong and you were right. I should have quit higher ed long ago14:45
TheEmpathits only gay when you're married14:46
@kanzurethe outside world is moderately less abusive14:46
browniesSteel2: whoa. why?14:48
Steel2my advisors are crazy assholes who are more insulting than kanzure on a tear :V14:48
chris_99whatcha studying Steel2?14:49
ParahSailinits good to drop out of grad school14:49
@kanzuremaybe there should be a grad school half-way house14:50
-!- nathaniel [~nathaniel@reddit/operator/nathaniel] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]14:51
@kanzurea place for students to stay while they getre-adjusted to life14:51
@kanzure*get re-adjusted14:51
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brownieskanzure is mostly harmless and bitter15:04
browniesSteel2: well, my sympathies/congratulations15:04
Steel2chris_99: nanoprinting/manufacturing15:05
Steel2I'm going to see if I can take a consolation M. Eng15:05
chris_99ah you're doing a PhD?15:05
brownieskanzure: that's the 1 of the 2 you chose to question? good to know ;)15:06
@kanzurebrownies: it is better that you think i am harmless because then it's easy to surprise you15:06
Steel2chris_99 I was doing MS15:06
Steel2masters of engineering is non-research based15:07
Steel2so I'd basically be saying 'fuck it' about my thesis15:07
GANAESHhi guys15:08
GANAESHIs this some kind of sophisticated chat system?15:08
ParahSailinnah, irc is cold war era technology15:09
strangewarpOh, you're using the web applet15:09
strangewarpThat's merely a portal to IRC, which is best accessed via standalone programs15:10
ParahSailinthere are small demons in your machine that enable you to talk to other people15:11
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GANAESHHi guys....have used many commercial kits for dna purifications and extractions...am seeking platforms where I can learn the art of developing my own home grown organic kits15:17
@kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq can help15:18
GANAESHeven cloning ......though may looks far-fetched15:18
GANAESHI am fan of Robin cook15:19
GANAESHany new outcome?15:19
GANAESHthanks kanzure15:19
@kanzurethere is also http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/projects and http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/methods and http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/equipment15:20
GANAESHThanks buddy15:26
GANAESHI am going thru the links u hv provided15:27
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@kanzurei wonder if there's a vulnerability in ojs16:22
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delinquentmeanyone happen to know the WEIGHT of a 3.5" HD17:23
delinquentmejust a rounded number17:23
Juul0.75 kg17:28
jrayhawkthere's a lot of variance due to number of platters17:30
Juulstill, probably between 600 and 800 grams17:32
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chris_99are you seeing if it gets heavier with more data on ;)17:40
@kanzurenmz787: what about a koh-etched needle thing? did we consider that ever?17:41
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delinquentmechris_99, haha nah ! wasnt there tons of stuff about that a few months back?17:56
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chris_99might have been, i always found that idea quite amusing though18:03
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delinquentmeanyone in here have any robotics work sourced to india =D ?19:40
AdrianGwhat r u trying to outsource19:41
delinquentmeLooking at these crazy controllers people make to control steppers and shit19:42
delinquentmeit seems that the industry is really into building big bulky shit19:42
delinquentmetheres no good abstraction for stepper motors19:45
delinquentmeAccelStepper is Schmeh.19:45
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.20:17
alusionGood evening JayDugger.20:24
@kanzuredoes anyone have a copy of shellcoder's handbook?20:24
tashoutangGE avery one20:25
brownieskanzure: http://about.jstor.org/rr20:49
brownieskanzure: ^ highly relevant to your interests20:49
@kanzure"When you find an article that’s part of Register & Read, click on the “Get Access” option."20:51
@kanzureok, so how many articles is that20:51
brownieshm, yeah, maybe not20:51
@kanzure"Register & Read includes approximately 75 journals from more than 40 publishers, a subset of the content in JSTOR."20:51
browniesword on the street is that the subset of journals they've opened up is especially shitty20:51
@kanzureoh at least they put it in a god damn list http://about.jstor.org/sites/default/files/jstor-register-read-titles-2012-06.xls20:51
browniesi just had a crazy idea20:52
brownieswhat if we got like 10,000 nerds together... everyone puts in $5 ... and we just buy a subscription to all the journals?20:53
@kanzurebrownies: because that will buy approximately 1 journal subscription20:54
brownieskanzure: hm. well, shit.20:54
@kanzureand the chances that everyone wants to read from that 1 journal... is pretty low20:54
@kanzureok the spam account for that myjstor is jfksdalfasdjfas@mailinator.com / jfksdalfasdjfas20:55
@kanzureso how do i know if this is the 'register and read' bullshit?20:57
ParahSailin_brownies, its the principle of not paying20:57
@kanzurewhy the hell isn't there a "type in a url to a .xls file and get back a web view" service20:58
@kanzurewho the hell wants to download .xls?20:58
@kanzurei hate this planet20:58
browniesto an Excel file?20:58
browniesoh, lol @ that20:59
@kanzureok so it says that 'Modern Law Review' should be accessible21:01
@kanzurethis says "Preview or purchase options are not available"21:01
@kanzure"ou may be able to access this item through one of the over 9,000 institutions that subscribe to JSTOR."21:01
@kanzureoh but this one does:21:02
@kanzureit seems to submit a form by doi value.. i wonder if they will allow any doi value to be entered? are they doing validation?21:03
@kanzure"Item can be removed from shelf in 13 days." wtf fuck them. why wouldn't i just open a million accounts to get around this?21:05
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skorkethow's everybody doing?23:18
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@kanzurebeep boop23:52
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