
--- Log opened Mon Aug 27 00:00:08 2012
-!- Mokbortolan_ [~Nate@c-76-115-136-13.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]00:08
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-!- brownies [~brownies@unaffiliated/brownies] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:35
brownieskanzure: irssi is pretty wild00:35
@kanzurewhat did you use?00:35
browniesjust switching/trying out irssi00:37
brownieskanzure: any suggestions on themes/config?00:41
browniesin particular, some sort of "tab bar" showing the active windows would be cool00:41
@kanzurethemes o.o00:42
@kanzurethere should be a default tab bar00:42
@kanzuresetup autorejoins00:42
-!- Urchin [~urchin@unaffiliated/urchin] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]00:43
brownieskanzure: i set up all kinds of settings, but i passed on autorejoin... any reason to use it?00:44
browniesthere's no "tab bar," really ... it's more of just a status bar, but it'd be nice to have a permanently visible *list* of channels i'm in00:44
@kanzurebrownies: bottom blue bar? https://docs.indymedia.org/pub/Sysadmin/IrssiHowTo/irssi.png00:45
* brownies grumbles00:45
@kanzureoh i see now00:45
@kanzureyeah, well, the horizontal bar idea sucks00:45
brownieshmm... un-clickable links, eh? that'll be... interesting.00:46
brownieskanzure: screenshot your setup?00:49
Utopiahbrownies: https://bitbucket.org/sterlingcamden/urlpicker/overview00:51
@kanzureok one sec00:51
tashoutanghi, guys, does china's website help?00:52
browniesUtopiah: heh, thanks... not using rxvt though00:53
@kanzurebrownies: http://heybryan.org/shots/2012-08-27-0249.png00:53
@kanzurenobody laugh that i use gnome00:53
browniesi'm running mosh from OSX to debian where i have irssi running inside screen00:54
browniesbecause clearly i needed the maximum number of layers in between me and IRC00:54
brownieskanzure: hm, that's basically what mine looks like, except not as ugly00:54
-!- superkuh [~superkuh@unaffiliated/superkuh] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:55
browniesi'm not convinced i want to memorize which window # correlates to which channel00:55
@kanzurewell, you can move windows next to each other00:55
@kanzureso i tend to cluster things near the front00:55
@kanzureand horizontal sucks because there's about 50 that are off-screen00:55
browniesthankfully i'm not in 100+ IRC chans like you00:56
browniesbut i still refuse to memorize 10 windows00:56
@kanzureyou can move with alt+left/right00:57
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browniesah, good point... i've been using meta+num keys00:57
gedankenstueckebrownies: have a look into adv_windowlist for irssi00:58
browniesah, nope, arrow keys don't work with this hilarious combo of software i've stacked together00:58
-!- pasky [~pasky@nikam.ms.mff.cuni.cz] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:58
@kanzurepasky: welcome back00:58
@kanzurebrownies: how about ctrl+p/n?00:58
paskyhi :)00:58
* pasky fighting with irssi vs. freenode namespaces00:58
gedankenstueckebrownies: you're using the mac os shell?00:58
browniesgedankenstuecke: the Terminal.app? yeah01:00
gedankenstueckebrownies: ic, the problem is that the alt-key isn't properly mapped by default01:01
@kanzurei suggest totalterminal.app01:02
browniesgedankenstuecke: yeah, i just fixed that01:02
gedankenstueckebrownies: my suggestion is get iterm2, there you can map the right alt-key to a meta-key of your choice01:02
brownieskanzure: meh, not a fan of TotalTerminal... afaict it's just a thin UI layer over Terminal.app anyway, so no added functionality01:02
gedankenstueckehas the advantage that you still have the left alt-key on the system-standard and can use it while also having the benefit of having a "real" alt-key for everything else01:03
@kanzurebrownies: i like the global shortcut :P i imagine there's a way to set it up without totalterminal01:03
browniesgedankenstuecke: ahh i see. might check it out later.01:03
gedankenstueckeoh, and they have added a visor/quake terminal-like mode so you can slide down a terminal per global shortcut01:04
@kanzureyeah that's what i use totalterminal for01:06
gedankenstueckekanzure: i prefer the split-pane terminals of iterm over tabs01:07
gedankenstueckebrownies: and here's a screenshot/setup-tutorial for adv_windowlist. it gives you multiple rows for listing channels: http://www.die-welt.net/2010/12/because-people-asked-my-irssi-advanced-windowlist-setup/01:07
-!- archels [~foo@sascha.esrac.ele.tue.nl] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:07
browniesgedankenstuecke: perfect, thanks01:11
gedankenstueckebrownies: sure, np :)01:17
gedankenstueckebrownies: oh, and have a look at the trackbar.pl-script. it gives you a divider which shows the line you've last "read", i.e. at which line you switched away from a given channel01:19
browniesgedankenstuecke: heh, just realized i needed something like that01:28
browniesjust installed awl ... looks nice.01:28
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browniesah, this is looking decent, now that i installed some scripts.01:47
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strangewarpHuh. Bill Clinton is vegan now.02:21
strangewarpThat's cool.02:21
strangewarpMakes sense, really, if he's trying to compensate for years of fast food abuse...02:22
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chris_99do you guys think this actually works - http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2194220/Campaigners-slam-legal-pill-lets-drink-pints-beer-pass-breathalyser-test.html07:38
chris_99(i think it's a terrible idea mind)07:39
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | friends don't let friends do super college10:10
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Fri Aug 10 08:01:18 2012]10:10
[Users ##hplusroadmap]10:10
[@kanzure ] [ Burn_ ] [ fenn ] [ jrayhawk ] [ ParahSailin_] [ Thorbinator ] 10:10
[ _sol_ ] [ chris_99 ] [ foucist ] [ Lemminkainen_] [ pasky ] [ Urchin ] 10:10
[ AdrienG ] [ CIA-20 ] [ gedankenstuecke] [ lichen ] [ phryk ] [ Utopiah ] 10:10
[ AlonzoTG] [ coornail ] [ gnusha ] [ Lucas__ ] [ Sanky_ ] [ Validatorian] 10:10
[ alusion ] [ cutbert ] [ Guest56798 ] [ marainein ] [ smeaaagle ] [ Vicarious ] 10:10
[ archels ] [ devrandom] [ Helleshin ] [ Mokbortolan_ ] [ soylentbomb ] [ wizaqua ] 10:10
[ audy ] [ drazak_ ] [ HEx1 ] [ nuba ] [ strangewarp ] [ ybit ] 10:10
[ augur ] [ EnLilaSko] [ ivan`_ ] [ obscurite ] [ streety ] [ yorick ] 10:10
[ bkero ] [ epitron ] [ Jenda` ] [ OldCoder ] [ superkuh ] 10:10
[ brownies] [ Falfe ] [ jennicde_ ] [ OldCoder_ ] [ ThomasEgi ] 10:10
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-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201010:10
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-!- upgrayeddd [u2969@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-poiztxueexjfoahx] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:15
chris_99just ordered some parts to make a magnetic stirrer :)10:15
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Lucas__what's going on guys?10:21
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archelsdoing science, what else?10:27
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@c-71-236-101-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:36
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@kanzurestop reading news articles11:05
@kanzuredelinquentme: it does damage to your brain11:05
delinquentmethis is fawlse!11:06
@kanzureread digikey catalogs instead, or something11:06
delinquentmekanzure, i need a pretty potentiometer11:07
delinquentmealso have this issue where I found a really cool looking one .. but its like a 16 LED pot11:08
delinquentmedis right?11:08
delinquentmewould look really swanky11:08
-!- augur [~augur@129-2-129-32.wireless.umd.edu] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:13
archelshah, what would that not be overkill for?11:13
chris_99heh, what do you need that for delinquentme11:15
delinquentmechris_99, so I'd love to have that indicate like 4 settings11:15
delinquentmeand IDK ... what would be REALLY cool is to have the led that the current pot value is set at to be at 100%11:16
delinquentmeand then dim the LEDs to the sides of it at like 50%11:17
delinquentmereally I just need a 4way pot11:17
chris_99what do you mean by 4 way?11:17
delinquentmewell .. I only need to switch between 4 values11:17
chris_99oh right11:17
delinquentmeso actually I could totally buy that and just do that in code11:17
chris_99yeah just with ADC11:17
archelsThey make good old fashioned 4-way rotary switches, you know.11:18
chris_99Analogue digital converter11:18
delinquentmearchels, yeah sure but they're not adding to the aesthetic11:18
delinquentmechris_99, I was thinking just reading the value ... like 4 of those values could correspond to 1 particular setting11:19
delinquentmeI wonder if the physical pot has clicks to it ... I'd expect it would11:19
archelsmore stuff which can break.11:19
chris_99yeah, but you're gonna have to convert voltage to digital value aren't you11:19
delinquentmeOh thats easy11:19
archelsIn case you hadn't figured it out yet, this is not a potentiometer, it's a rotary encoder.11:20
chris_99yeah, that's why i'm saying you need an ADC delinquentme11:21
chris_99in the mcu11:21
delinquentmearchels, the ring is an encoder ... but the pot controls the ring11:21
delinquentmeand the encoder ( w the LEDs ) gives the visual feedback that i'd love to have11:21
chris_99it'd be even cooler if all the leds lit up say green, and just one was red11:23
archelsThe thing in the middle, with the knob, is not a potentiometer. It's an encoder.11:23
archels(Sometimes known as "digital potentiometer".)11:24
delinquentmearchels, it sounds like you're digging into EE stuff11:24
delinquentmeit gives me a value relative to where the knob is11:24
delinquentmeabstractions are good11:24
archelsno, it gives you a signal when someone turns it.11:25
archelsUnless it's really advanced and has an I2C interface or such, but usually they're just quadrature encoders.11:25
archelsGo for the 4-way rotatry switch. Save yourself a lot of money and time. ;)11:25
delinquentmearchels, are you *dead* positive on this11:26
delinquentmebecause you're about to mess up a number of models I've got in my head11:26
delinquentmeencoders are normally for MEASURING inputs11:26
delinquentmepots are for giving inputs11:26
archelsDon't take it from a random guy on IRC, read the datasheet.11:26
archelsYes, it's measuring the input provided by rotating the shaft.11:27
delinquentmethats what the thing with the LEDs is doing11:27
delinquentmeand the thing that you'd physicall grab is a pot11:27
archelsWhat? The LEDs is just a display thingy, it's complete independent of the actual input device.11:28
delinquentmeactually either will work just fine11:29
delinquentmeif its an encoder thats cool11:29
archelsYes, but if it has 16 feelable 'clicks' when you only have 4 options, that's very confusing.11:29
delinquentmeI wonder if a 4 way encoder could be placed in there11:31
delinquentmeand just tell the LEDs how to behave relative to that11:31
archelsYou're not going to find a 4-way encoder. Just get a switch. And four separate LEDs if you want eyecandy.11:32
chris_99what are you making btw delinquentme?11:34
archels(alternatively, one or two pushbuttons to select the option, and four LEDs to indicate which option is active)11:35
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delinquentmehave installing in windoez to do11:42
delinquentmeso archels is that doable?11:47
delinquentmejust throw in a 4 way clicky encoder11:47
archels< archels> You're not going to find a 4-way encoder. Just get a switch. And four separate LEDs if you want eyecandy.11:47
archels < archels> (alternatively, one or two pushbuttons to select the option, and four LEDs to indicate which option is active)11:47
delinquentmei own 2 4 way encoders11:48
delinquentmegrey code encoders11:48
archelsrotary? Probably uses sweep contacts instead of optics.11:49
delinquentmeif encode_read == 00  {} else if encode_read == 10 else if encode_read == 11 else if encode_read == 0111:51
delinquentmeand if the LEDs are individuall adressable11:51
delinquentmeturn them on in accordance11:51
delinquentmeonly issue is that it will continue to spin past the min / max11:52
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-!- Mokbortolan_ is now known as Mokstar12:10
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@kanzurenmz787: hi13:44
@kanzurehmm https://github.com/cortesi/mitmproxy/tree/master/examples13:53
@kanzurein html5 is the canvas arc x/y starting at the center of the arc or is it the initial coordinate of the arc's path?13:59
-!- minimoose [~minimoose@74-95-191-59-Philadelphia.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has quit [Quit: minimoose]14:09
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loansharkhow are you kanzure?15:38
@kanzurenmz787: another one.. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/jywarren/public-lab-diy-spectrometry-kit15:44
@kanzureoh this is just the http://publiclaboratory.org/tool/spectrometer one.. i see15:44
nmz787kanzure: yeah i've commented on the hackernews thread15:45
@kanzureoh i see you're already on tha-15:45
@kanzureright ok.15:45
@kanzurethese are some ok books: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=444082215:45
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nmz787"In addition, some microbes are found only in particular peoples where they appear to play a unique role. In some Japanese populations there exists a gut microbe that has stolen genes from a marine bacterium; those genes help the bacterium to break down seaweed (such as that encountered in sushi rolls). "15:50
Mokstarin US populations there's a microbe that's evolved to break down otherwise indigestible hamburgers from McDonalds.15:52
Mokstar(that was a joke, btw)15:53
Mokstar(no such bacterium has evolved, and the indigestible fragments of McDonald's hamburgers remain a significant problem for wastewater treatment operations)15:54
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jrayhawk"As predicted, mice lost more than four grams of weight on raw sweet potatoes, but gained weight when given cooked sweet potatoes (whether or not they were pounded)." "The mice lost 2 grams of body mass on raw meat but just 1 gram on cooked meat. In retrospect this does not seem surprising. Heat denatures proteins and makes them easier to digest." uh... toxins and micronutrients matter, guys15:58
jrayhawkthis writer was almost doing okay up until that point!15:58
jrayhawkand the effects of food on gut flora profile, of course15:59
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jrayhawk"In this light, we would do well to eat fewer processed foods and more raw ones. This is not a novel insight (Such foods, after all, tend to have more nutrients such as B vitamins, phytonutrients and minerals and so are good for reasons having nothing to do with counting calories)." aaaaaaa16:05
jrayhawkokay, note to self: never read news links in here16:05
@kanzureyep.. i think we should ban news links16:10
@kanzureinvariably someone will get excited about some really cool technology, and then never ever use it or make it work or follow up16:11
nmz787jrayhawk: not sure why you note not to read news links16:12
MokstarI'm really sad about the blue morpho butterfly display technology16:12
nmz787jrayhawk: it was longwinded, but not bad16:13
jrayhawkhis entire premise is stupid and the conclusion is even stupider16:14
nmz787i dont think its stupid to assume most people dont realize that stuff16:21
nmz787its stupid to assume most people are smart16:22
jrayhawkhumans do not eat to a set number of calories unless they're neurotic control freaks; they eat to satiety. manipulation of weight through caloric restriction is almost always pathogenic, not healthy. cooking makes nutrients more bioavailable, not less. cooking decreases toxin load, not increases. this 'raw food' recommendation is a good way to kill more people.16:22
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jrayhawkthere's a few interesting nuggets of value in this, but they're overwhelmed by an inept narrative.16:22
jrayhawkuntil we give up on calories as the dominant paradigm in weight management, we will not be any good at weight management16:23
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@kanzurejrayhawk: do you think we could make arrangements to host openwetware.org?16:30
@kanzurethis is maybe 5% serious16:31
jrayhawkhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19209185 if you feed a 5000-6000 calorie-a-day non-inflammatory diet to sedentary standard american dieteers, they will *still* lose weight16:31
jrayhawkkanzure: that's probably fine. if it needs a new vserver, verify with bart that it's okay16:32
@kanzurehrrm i sort of meant in terms of resources16:32
jrayhawkoh, yeah, we can probably deal with whatever16:33
jrayhawkhow many terabytes is it16:33
@kanzureprolly less than 216:33
@kanzureopenwetware.org seems sort of like a headless corpse16:35
@kanzureso i just need to find juul and confirm with him that endy doesn't hate me16:35
@kanzure*hate me yet16:35
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browniesjrayhawk: what should the standard paradigm be?16:37
jrayhawkinflammation seems to be the most important one at this point16:38
jrayhawkmind you inflammation interrelates with oxidative stress and thyroid downregulation16:39
jrayhawkand interrelates with cortisol management16:39
@kanzurewtf is "resoleomics"16:40
jrayhawkit's sort of at the center of everything; whether you want to consider 'cortisol management' as a subset of 'inflammation management' can make things a lot more complicated16:40
jrayhawkbut yes, going hypocaloric against a homeostatic 'set point' actually worsens that set point due to the body perceiving it as a stress16:41
jrayhawki am trying to find a study about hypocaloric diet termination bounce-back resulting in a worse place than where you started16:42
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jrayhawkah "yo-yo dieting" is the term i want16:48
browniesjrayhawk: yeah, that does make sense. hypocaloric diet would (intuitively) trigger fat storage16:48
jrayhawkanyway, if you want to study the mechanisms, searching around on 'leptin resistance' will get you a good start, and 'zonulin' is the most shockingly concise culprit in modern disease.16:51
@kanzurei get 403 forbidden on http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/1354850060062154516:51
@kanzurei also don't see any available copies: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=4440451723499008476&hl=en&as_sdt=0,4416:52
@kanzurehowever "Caloric restriction experience reprograms stress and orexigenic pathways and promotes binge eating" cites it and has a pdf..16:52
jrayhawkhttp://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=yo-yo+diet eh16:53
browniesbut on the other hand, caloric restriction is one of the only documented/proven methods of life extension16:53
browniesso... eat less, and you'll become very old and very angry?16:53
jrayhawkdocumented/proven in rodents16:53
browniesjrayhawk: fair.16:53
* Mokstar jams a pair of white LEDs in his ears.16:53
jrayhawkrodents are not good models for this; they have very short very sexually active lives16:54
jrayhawkevolution appears to have made a hyperthyroid/lifespan tradeoff to increase proliferation and genetic turnover in rodents16:55
browniesso they are a good model if you are a rock star, but not otherwise? ;)16:55
* kanzure cracks the whip16:55
@kanzureoh i forgot about this odd one "Orally delivered siRNA targeting macrophage Map4k4 suppresses systemic inflammation"16:56
jrayhawksometimes tumors or hashimotos causes hyperthyroidism, but obviously there are confounders in studying that16:56
@kanzuremacrophage-induced sort of limits the relevance16:57
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@kanzurei need a better way to organize all that stuff17:00
loansharkapart from measuring the concentration of DNA and RNA in a sample, what else can you use spectrometry for regarding genetic engineering? just curious17:01
@kanzurespectral protein property stuff17:01
jrayhawkoh, yeah, and i guess 'daily and seasonal circadian rhythm management' may be a subset of 'cortisol management' may be a subset of 'inflammation management', depending on how liberal you want to get with how you conceptualize these things17:02
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@kanzuretashoutang: hi. thanks for the help with baidu yesterday. :)17:21
@kanzuretashoutang: what do you think? http://i-nobel.com/17:21
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tashoutangmoning @K17:21
tashoutangaccess denied17:22
@kanzureoh oops17:23
@kanzurealthough i get errors like "该版块设置了限制积分访问,以下积分为访问该版块需要的最低积分要求"17:26
tashoutangso do you need the points?17:27
@kanzurei guess so. interesting.17:27
@kanzurenot sure :)17:27
tashoutangi-nobel...a company17:27
@kanzureit's a company?17:28
tashoutangit registration ....Ah, maybe you can use the WHOIS to find out its registration tel.... and E-mail address17:29
@kanzurei have had an account for >6 months17:29
@kanzurei think they want you to purchase "forum gold"17:29
@kanzureor "bbs gold"17:29
tashoutangkind of business model17:29
tashoutangwell, I start to get on that forum17:30
tashoutangif you are interestred in bbs and IRC17:30
tashoutangmaybe you can use qq17:30
brownieskanzure: you're using requirejs?17:30
@kanzureyes i use qq17:31
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@kanzuretashoutang: my qq is 230297676317:31
@kanzurebrownies: no but i would like to be a better person and i think that involves requirejs/commonjs17:32
tashoutangI lost my qq acount about one year ago17:32
@kanzurewhen i log into qq i get an error "尊敬的用户,您的QQ版本已经停止使用" so i will have to update my software i think17:33
tashoutangright, that is exactly the word said17:35
tashoutangwow, your chinese is somehow very good....17:35
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@kanzurebecause drugs17:36
tashoutangdo you have any dictionary "on line" such as "You Dao"?17:37
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@kanzuretashoutang: http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/益智药17:38
@kanzureoops http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%9B%8A%E6%99%BA%E8%8D%AF17:38
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@kanzureoh, that is a short article17:38
@kanzurewell. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nootropics is better.17:39
brownieskanzure: we're using requirejs. it's a bit of jackassery but i think it's not bad overall.17:39
browniesi go back and forth on that opinion btw. it's very borderline.17:39
@kanzureit looks sort of like overhead but also like the sort of thing i'd like if i was pumping out js libraries17:40
browniesif you have other non-optional JS libs that break $.ready (because, yes, that is a thing that they do...) then you can't use requirejs17:40
tashoutangmorning , brownies17:40
brownieshello tashoutang17:40
brownieskanzure: yeah, i'm sure our code would be much more of a clusterfuck without it. you need *some* sort of dependency management for any non-trivial codebase17:40
brownieskanzure: so at this point it's either (1) requireJS, or (2) get rid of requireJS and write some sort of dependency manager/loader in Ruby17:41
brownieslaziness compels us to stay with option #117:41
@kanzure#2 sounds like work17:41
@kanzureso why do all these chinese websites look like sketchy/scammy domains17:42
@kanzureh737.com, m0033.com, 88879.com, vn008.com.. i feel like i'm going to get a virus just by reading their names17:42
joshcryerwait you know chinese?17:44
@kanzurei know nothing!17:45
* kanzure hides17:45
tashoutangjoshcryer: @K is good in Chinese...17:46
joshcryerI'm staying far far away :P17:46
joshcryerrather than learn chinese after I learn spanish I'm learning lojban17:47
tashoutangwell, if you get a chance to learn Chinese in Taiwan or the mainland China, and if you met a beautiful girl friend, I think you may handle this kind of language in 2~3 years...17:48
joshcryerhehe :)17:48
joshcryerI would learn Chinese for a beautiful girlfriend in TW or CN.17:48
tashoutangwell, the same logic, I would learn Spainish in Spain if I met a beautiful Spnish girl....17:49
tashoutang@K and bro: so you are using Ruby to compile the C language?17:50
tashoutangand use some modulized tools to construct a website/database....17:51
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ParahSailin_8 is a superspecial number to chinese17:55
@kanzurebrownies: don't laugh at him :)17:55
@kanzuretashoutang: no. but, yes i do make websites. i do use ruby and i do use c. but not together like that, no.17:56
@kanzureParahSailin_: i thought that was 'bai'17:56
ParahSailin_well 88 sounds like baibai17:57
tashoutanghaha yeah17:57
ParahSailin_normally 8 is just the lucky number17:57
tashoutangOK start today's anatomy studying... see you, guys:)17:58
* brownies facepalms at latest customer support request17:58
brownies"I don't really know how to use (your software), can you help?"17:58
ParahSailin_chinese has a 博大精深 tradition of making puns with numbers18:00
@kanzureParahSailin_: so i was thinking of a chinese translation of the diybio faq or something18:02
@kanzurealso it looks like the chinese wikipedia article on nootropics is essentially blank18:02
ParahSailin_i think google translate does a better job translating english to chinese than vice versa18:04
ParahSailin_translation to chinese is kinda like a lossy compression algo18:05
@kanzureon the other hand, i suppose most people with an interest in molecular meddling will just bother to learn some english18:06
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@kanzurealusion: hi18:54
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nmz787jrayhawk: i like this one http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/26/opinion/sunday/immune-disorders-and-autism.html22:05
nmz787the take away is i learned a new possibly-good-for-your-immune-system parasite name22:05
@kanzureso it was phantomjs after all22:07
browniesgood ol' phantomjs22:07
@kanzure"Giving UNIX users random names (and using mod_userdir as a routing layer) served as a convenient access-control mechanism. We assigned CTF solvers a level URL such as https://level01-2.stripe-ctf.com/user-iqrncaxifi, which was backed by a UNIX user with name user-iqrncaxifi. To prevent people from discovering other users, we set permissions on /etc/passwd and /etc/group to 600."22:08
@kanzure"It turns out that this makes some software a bit sad (e.g. bash can’t fill in the username in your shell prompt, and Python can’t load the site module), but for the most part those can be worked around."22:09
@kanzure"One issue with the UNIX user approach is actually creating the accounts. It turns out that adduser by default does a linear scan through all possible user IDs, and effectively grinds to a halt once you have lots of users on a system."22:09
@kanzure"If you pass it a uid and gid directly, it runs in about 500ms, which still isn’t fast enough for on-demand allocation. Hence we maintained a central database of UNIX users and preallocated 1000 users per box."22:09
nmz787so whats the exploit22:13
nmz787is there some exploit in adduser by making it grind to a halt?22:13
@kanzureno it just means their site would be slow22:13
@kanzurewhich is unacceptable when you're under high load22:13
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@kanzureit looks like they have 6400 users on their system (at least; there's probably another 6000 that couldn't solve level 0)22:14
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jrayhawkwell, at least the sorta touch on gut flora restoration22:46
jrayhawkthe hygeine hypothesis is sooooorta useful if you conceptualize it as gut flora turnover rather than the retarded "oh our immune system just needs something to attack" narrative you usually see22:54
tashoutangfuch Anatomy23:00
jrayhawkguts on a westernized diet have a really hard time dealing with dietary changes and recovering from antibiotic use due to how sterile the food is23:02
jrayhawkbut yes, that article is almost good. it makes the connection between autism and a pile of other autoimmune disorders, mentions the inflammation-free ancestral past, the inflammation-lessened recent past, and comes up with a plausible-sounding hypothesis23:10
nmz787that worm is cool23:16
nmz787i like tidbits like that23:16
nmz787fenn: you around?23:16
nmz787fenn: i wonder how flat that discountsteel aluminum was23:17
nmz787fenn: there is no spec, like the thorlabs optical plates have23:17
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