
--- Log opened Sat Sep 01 00:00:13 2012
-!- JayDugger [~duggerj@pool-173-74-81-239.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:58
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | friends don't let friends do super college08:11
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Fri Aug 10 08:01:18 2012]08:11
[Users ##hplusroadmap]08:11
[ _sol_ ] [ CIA-13 ] [ gnusha ] [ klafka ] [ pasky ] [ Thorbinator1] 08:11
[ AdrianG ] [ cloud-brownies ] [ Guest87504] [ Lemminkainen_] [ phryk ] [ upgrayeddd ] 08:11
[ AlonzoTG ] [ Coornail ] [ Helleshin ] [ lichen ] [ Sanqui ] [ Urchin ] 08:11
[ alusion ] [ devrandom ] [ HEx1 ] [ Mokbortolan_1] [ SDr ] [ Utopiah ] 08:11
[ archels ] [ docl ] [ ivan` ] [ nathaniel ] [ skorket ] [ Validatorian] 08:11
[ audy ] [ drazak_ ] [ JayDugger ] [ nsh ] [ smeaaagle ] [ Vicarious ] 08:11
[ augur ] [ EnLilaSko ] [ Jenda` ] [ nuba ] [ strages_home] [ wizaqua ] 08:11
[ bkero ] [ epitron ] [ jennicde_ ] [ obscurit1 ] [ strangewarp ] [ yorick ] 08:11
[ Burninate] [ fenn ] [ jmil ] [ OldCoder ] [ streety ] 08:11
[ chido ] [ foucist ] [ jrayhawk ] [ OldCoder_ ] [ superkuh ] 08:11
[ chris_99 ] [ gedankenstuecke] [ kanzure ] [ ParahSailin_ ] [ ThomasEgi ] 08:11
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 63 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 63 normal]08:11
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201008:11
-!- Irssi: Join to ##hplusroadmap was synced in 8 secs08:11
-!- CIA-13 [cia@cia.vc] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]08:16
kanzureyou guys are being boring08:16
-!- brownies [~brownies@unaffiliated/brownies] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:18
EnLilaSkoToo much spam08:21
-!- CIA-10 [cia@cia.vc] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:27
kanzureEnLilaSko: which stuff was spam?08:31
EnLilaSkoI was joking that people were spamming because it's dead here.08:31
kanzureyou could even say everyone has a grave complexion08:33
* docl has just signed up for FoldIt08:34
doclthe game where you fold proteins for science08:35
doclI wonder how long it takes to get good at?08:35
* kanzure folds docl08:38
* docl crumples into a novel shape08:39
doclhigh score!08:39
strangewarpdocl: A couple months I think? Quicker if you're a super-pro puzzle gamer08:39
doclhmm. they should fold proteins for nootropics that make you better at folding proteins. then we enter the foldularity.08:44
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chris_99w00t finally programmed a 32 bit PIC08:50
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strangewarpdocl: Damn you, I laughed...08:56
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 25dd8f6 add an anchor for bangalore10:05
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chris_99bThomasEgi, have you done USB before?10:22
chris_99bon MCUs10:22
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:22
ThomasEginot directly10:22
ThomasEgionly via an rs232 adapter chip10:22
ThomasEgii know someone who does tho.10:22
chris_99bah yeah i've done that10:22
chris_99bam just about to try and implement a virtual serial port hopefully10:23
chris_99bon a PIC10:23
ThomasEgiis a pic even fast enough for that?10:23
chris_99bit can do usb directly10:23
archelschris_99b: I was going to give this a try soon http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/index.html10:47
archelsIf an AVR can bitbang USB, so can a PIC. Would probably suck having to port this entire library yourself though.10:47
kanzurewhy would you want to use a pic anyway?10:48
* kanzure is a sucker for avr chips10:48
archelsindeed, indeed.10:49
-!- AdrianG is now known as highspeed10:53
ThomasEgitrue.. i mean. there are avr's that come with hardware-usb controller11:02
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chris_99bthat looks cool archels11:04
chris_99bkanzure, because i've done a fair bit of programming with PICs11:04
archelsThomasEgi: Yes, but those are often overkill, coming in 100+ pin packages. This library allows you to run dataloggers and stuff on really basic, 8-pin micros.11:04
chris_99bPICs have their own lib too11:04
ThomasEgiarchels, they "often" .. yeah. but there are very small ones too. with just a hand full of pins11:05
ThomasEgilike the 8u2 which has 32 pins11:07
ThomasEgiin tqfp package. so. they can be still soldered by hand without special equipment11:08
archelsThomasEgi: and n times as expensive.11:11
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ThomasEgi3dollar 70 cent per unit. if you order single quantities11:14
ThomasEgiabout 2 if you order in the thousands11:15
ThomasEgiif you tell me that hacking a usb stack into a pic is worth that much time*average programmer pay per hour...11:15
-!- EnLilaSko [~Nattzor@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]11:17
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-!- highspeed is now known as HighSpeed11:19
archelsWell, if you're going to switch from PIC to AVR, you'll probably need another programmer as well.11:23
archelsAnyway, I meant that the simple AVRs cost a lot less than those with hardware USB support.11:23
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ThomasEgibut for an usb enabled avr you don't need a programmer11:43
ThomasEgias you can programm it right over usb11:43
ThomasEgiall you need to do is to connect a simple reset-button and a pullup resistor11:44
archelsUntil you screw up the bootloader, sure. :)11:46
ThomasEgihard to do^11:47
ThomasEgiit is some atmel hardware thingy iirc11:47
ThomasEgiand you use their software to upload the actual code to the atmega11:47
ThomasEgiif you really screw that up. you need to go with the 6pin isp header.11:48
ThomasEgiprogrammers for that are cheap. and can be made from a simple atmega,too^11:48
chris_99are they JTAG11:50
ThomasEgisome atmegas come with jtag ports12:01
ThomasEginot sure if they are used for regular ISP12:02
ThomasEgiin worst case you just buy a programmer for 15 bucks and that's it12:02
ThomasEgiif you have a parallel port, then you don't even need that12:02
-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:03
ThomasEgieven a true rs232 port is enough12:03
kanzure"mv: cannot move `blah' to a subdirectory of itself, `blah/blah'"12:03
kanzureanyone know how to do this? :|12:03
kanzurei'd rather not rename things manually12:03
ThomasEgiit is just as the error tells you. you cant move a directory into a directory that's inside that one12:04
ThomasEgithat would like.. create a directory-loop outside the rest of the filesystem12:04
kanzureyes, but maybe there's a "yes, i really want to move this into a folder named blah/ even if that blah doesn't exist yet"12:05
ThomasEginope. this is a "no we can't allow you to create a timespacewraploop on your harddisk"12:05
browniesthe problem is essentially that you're using "blah" to mean 2 different things12:06
browniesand there's no way for it to tell the difference12:06
kanzureyeah i know12:06
kanzurei'd be fine if i have to pass a flag12:06
ThomasEgihow about you move the content of your directory blah into a new directory. and then move this one12:09
ThomasEgiit's more about making sense than passing flags i guess12:09
kanzurethat's what i do already. i do that all the time and i'm bored of it.12:09
browniesthis is kanzure's weekend project12:09
kanzurei could write a script, but then i have to add it to my "populate a new computer with all my terrible scripts" thing.12:09
browniesif he can solve it this weekend, then he'll be net positive on time gained after the next couple decades or so12:10
kanzure$ ls -1 ~/local12:10
kanzurei've done this 573 times, that's like almost an hour of typing12:10
kanzureover the course of >3 years.12:10
ThomasEgihow about using rsync to copy stuff to the new directory and delete the old ones?12:11
ThomasEgimight not be as fast tho12:11
kanzurersync would probably complain about the source or destination already existing?12:11
ThomasEgirsync has many options12:12
ThomasEgii used the wrong options yesturday and ended up creating a copy of a directory within the directory12:12
ThomasEgiwhich is probably not much different from what described12:13
ThomasEgiprobably just need to add the option to delete the successfully copied files or so12:13
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ThomasEgibut then.. i think that's really what scripts are for12:14
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chris_99bitsy bitsy laser cutter13:39
ThomasEgibout 600 euros with shipping..13:55
ThomasEginot bad13:55
ThomasEgithat waterpump looks.. cheap tho13:57
chris_99bcould easily get a better one for £3013:58
-!- HighSpeed is now known as AdrianG13:58
chris_99bone of these would be fun to play with http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/120967374923?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l264913:59
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ThomasEgichris_99b, if you think that watching a small rotor slowly rotate has a great long-term fun factor..14:10
ThomasEgii can recommend analog clocks in that case.14:10
ThomasEgihours of fun14:10
strangewarpMy noopept has arrived :314:13
chris_99b1000 times stronger than piracetam ey14:14
-!- EnLilaSko- [~Nattzor@m83-189-151-141.cust.tele2.se] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:33
yashgarothwell, by weight14:35
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browniesisn't that the mysterious russian chemical?14:37
yashgarothis not mysterious, drug is fine14:37
yashgarothall hail glorious russian biochem corpus14:38
kanzureyashgaroth: what else should i grab besides "methods in molecular bio"14:41
yashgarothEncyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine, T. Strachan, A. Read - Human Molecular Genetics 4ed(2011), Janeway%27s_Immunobiology, Gene and Cell Therapy - Therapeutic Mechanisms and Strategies, ummm14:42
-!- Burninate [~Burn@pool-72-83-254-253.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]14:43
browniesyashgaroth: haha14:43
yashgarothMethods in Molecular Biology & Medicine is another compendium, it's a bit more general too14:43
yashgarothGURPS - 4th Edition - BioTech :D14:44
browniesyou got a paper handy on noopept?14:44
* kanzure looks14:45
kanzureuh apparently, no14:45
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chris_99is there a decent book explaining how different drugs work15:13
yashgarothdid you have a specific subclass in mind15:14
yashgarothfor a lot of psychoactives we don't know much15:15
chris_99not really, would be curious about any drugs really from morphine to whatever15:16
yashgarothwikipedia's pretty good15:17
kanzurei don't recall seeing a generic "what this chemical does when it comes into random contact with your cell parts"15:17
kanzurelike, most of the time there's no interaction between the integral proteins on the surface of a cell and a random chemical in the bloodstream15:18
kanzurebut some can definitely plastify..plasticate? whatever.15:18
browniesperhaps you should start by reading on neurotransmitters15:18
browniesoh i guess that would only be appropriate for drugs that are targeted to the brain15:19
browniesmore generally you can (almost) always find a "mechanism of action" section for any drug on wikipedia or (if you must) in a pharmacology encyclopedia15:19
kanzureehh.. "mechanism of action" isn't always known15:20
chris_99yeah true, wikipedia is helpful for that when it is known.  It'd be cool though if there was a book on how they develop new drugs15:20
kanzurelook up 'drug discovery'15:20
browniesright, it's not always known, but it's a good start15:21
yashgaroththey either find a compound in nature that supposedly has an effect, then modify it, or get a library of millions of molecules and see which ones bind the target protien15:21
browniesyea it's very haphazard and not terribly analytical atm15:21
kanzureor in some cases they have a greybeard that might know something about a very narrow range of chemical structures, and he miight have a good guess15:22
yashgarothonce they have a potential binder they can try and see where it fits into the protein using crystallography15:22
kanzureand this greybeard might have authored the last 400 books on the subject15:22
kanzure(some of the organic chemists are nuts like this)15:22
browniesyeah, sometimes you stumble across a whole family of molecules, and you can try variatons on a theme and get different results within a narrow spectrum15:22
brownieskanzure: are we thinking of the same greybeard? heh15:23
yashgarothusing the crystal structure, there is a little rationality to modifying the chemical...but still not much15:23
kanzurei had one example in mind but i can't remember his name :(15:23
browniesor you can deduce, "hey, sticking this group onto the molecule makes it do X... let's stick that group onto other things and see what happens!"15:23
kanzureone of his popular photos is him standing next to his stack of 400 books he authored15:23
browniesoh, hm, i don't think the one i have in mind authored 400 books15:24
kanzureno not whitesides15:24
kanzuresomeone less popular :P15:24
kanzurewhitesides is even known by non-chemists15:24
browniesnothing like a rousing game of "guess the famous organic chemist" though15:25
kanzurewell, maybe he's on http://www.rsc.org/images/H-index%20ranking%20of%20living%20chemists(December%202011)_tcm18-211414.pdf15:25
yashgarothman I forgot how much germans love chemistry15:26
kanzureand was from israel15:26
kanzurewhich doesn't help, because israel pumps out a lot of organic chemists15:26
yashgarothwait no15:28
kanzurenot an easy thing to find.15:29
kanzureit would probably help if i could remember which subfield it was15:30
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kanzurei swear these chemists look dead inside15:42
kanzurei should make a face guessing game.. molecular biologist or organic chemist or software engineer?15:44
kanzure"organic chemist or legendary blues player"15:46
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kanzure"Wythe Marschall is the co-author of Suspicious Anatomy, an illustrated book of fake neuroscience" ?15:58
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kanzure"Spawned from a dissatisfaction with the theoretical nature of the transhumanism movement, biohackers--often referred to as "grinders"--seek to improve" grinders? :( blaah15:59
nshso i should cancel all that personalised stationary i ordered with "Grinder 4 lyf" on it?16:00
kanzurewell, it just means that more people who really should be pointed to BMEzine will wind up in here16:01
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jrayhawkbody modders make for willing experimental subjects, though16:39
kanzure 516:40
ThomasEgi... willing experimental subjects.. like that one guy that is so keen to turn himself into a furry that he risks even death by super-gen-cancer16:52
ThomasEgi*sigh* yeah... grinders/biohackers attrackt a lot of weirdo (and often unskilled) people.16:53
kanzureto be fair, most of the educational materials in genetics is crap17:01
kanzureit's all the same style17:01
kanzureand it's never lab techniques17:01
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strangewarpIf someone tries to turn themself into a furry with untested biotech, I am going to facepalm so hard17:10
kanzuretechnology doesn't turn you into a furry... the internet does.17:11
ThomasEgistrangewarp, wanna see the link?.. it might make you puke. the guy is pretty resistant against good advice.17:13
strangewarpLike, I am as pro-furry as can possibly be, but even I recognize that using untested biotech never turns out well outside of certain erotic comics17:14
strangewarpThomasEgi: Urgh... fine, link me17:14
ThomasEgiyou've been warned17:14
kanzureoperation... fuzzball? o.O17:14
ThomasEgidaaarn straight.17:14
ThomasEgiohgood i can't stop laughting just thinking about that discussion17:15
strangewarpugh, god, I can't read more than half the opening sentence without wanting to strangle this person17:15
ThomasEgithat sentence spawns across 6 lines^17:15
ThomasEgigoosh i hope i never get reminded of this guy when i am in public17:15
ThomasEgiguess otherwise someone would call the police cause i'd be like laughting my butt of so hard17:16
strangewarpI'm of the opinion that furry and H+ need to be kept apart as long as possible, because you'll get some fannish moron killing himself with bad science sooner or later17:17
ThomasEgibtw.. 2nd post is pretty much what you intended to do17:17
ThomasEgiyeah.. but then. this is the internet. furries will hang on to whatever straw they can to keep their hope floating17:17
strangewarpvery true17:18
ThomasEgitheir reasoning is beyond logic17:18
ThomasEgii mean hey, cat ears are cute, sure. but like... fucking myself up by nuking my genes and turning me into a giant tumor.. no way.17:19
ThomasEgithere are less painful and more fun ways to kill yourself afterall17:20
ThomasEgilike.. jumping out of a plane with no chute or so.17:20
strangewarpI'm into the idea of that sort of bodmod, but I'm going to wait until it's not a shot in the dark with untested methods, natch17:21
ParahSailin_so now i can be a real brony?17:22
ThomasEgiwhat's a browny? mix between a schocolate cookie and a pony?17:22
strangewarpThomasEgi: turn back, before it's too late17:22
ThomasEgidon't worry. i just want to know how i can exploit those fools17:23
ThomasEgithey do seem desperate enough to sacrifice themselves. guess it won't be hard to make them funding some semi-related projects17:23
kanzureThomasEgi: yeah, you might be able to get them to throw money at things17:24
kanzurebut, do you really want their money? it means you will be surrounded by them.17:24
ThomasEgiwho cares.17:24
kanzureit means more exposure to things you don't like17:24
ThomasEgiwith the money i can build my underground village17:24
ThomasEgii have no problems with their ideas. just with the way they want things that are flat out not possible. and i'll shield myself from that17:25
ThomasEgibesides. some materials for grinding are expensive. implant-grade silicone won't sell for under 300 bucks. and platin-iridium aint exactly cheap either17:26
ThomasEgiso yes. bit of furr-founding would help everyone else17:26
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strangewarpYou wouldn't even have to scam them, really17:30
ThomasEgiif they'd give up on the gen mod approach17:31
strangewarpIf you threw their money at biomechatronics research, you could do it with the justification of "40 years down the line, this will make you into an awesome cyborg of XYZ shape" - which is a plausible, if long-term, assertion17:31
ThomasEgieven on short term you can get something like a tail or realistic looking ears in a couple of years17:32
ThomasEgibut.. if you follow that discussion i linked. that person doesn't seems to be too interested17:33
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kanzurewell, show me some numbers. how much moeny do they have?17:33
kanzurei bet they are on average <40 years old, born after 198017:33
strangewarpMost of them are in dead-end middle-class jobs, from what I can tell17:33
kanzureso they probably have some amount disposable income17:33
kanzureso, then, no, they don't have money17:33
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ThomasEgiit's not that grinders need tons of money to do research17:34
strangewarpA few of them are scientists or top-tier programmers, but it's definitely a minority17:34
ThomasEgiso far our crowdfunding worked out pretty well.17:34
kanzurestrangewarp: so zuck's a brony?17:34
kanzureThomasEgi: crowdfunding to do what17:34
strangewarpkanzure: hahahaha no he's just a bro17:34
strangewarpbrolar ice caps17:35
ThomasEgikanzure, to raise enough money to buy the materials neccessary to turn a circuit that works on a lab-bench into a biocompatible implant17:35
ThomasEgigiven the rather big minimum quantities we'd have to order that sums up to about 500 dollars of initial materials17:35
kanzureare you saying you already did this?17:35
kanzureand if so, what's the circuit?17:36
kanzureif it's an interesting circuit you could've just asked me for $50017:36
Eudoxias'warp: for every samuel conway there are a thousand, well, useless people?17:36
ThomasEgiwe are still working on all-purpose circuitry17:36
kanzurewho is "we"?17:36
strangewarpEudoxia: exactly17:36
ThomasEgisuch is basic input/output between eletcronics and the body.17:36
ThomasEgiaswell as battery management, wireless charging and communication between implant and a base station outside the body17:37
ThomasEgikanzure, "we" grinders/biohackers17:37
kanzureall of them?17:37
kanzurecome on, you know that's ambiguous17:37
ThomasEginot all17:37
kanzureare you talking about a thing you wish you are diong, or do you have one specific person you're working with?17:37
ThomasEgimost are just buns going wtih the hype17:37
kanzurei don't understand17:37
ThomasEgibut there are like. maybe 5 to 10 people who have enough knowledge to actually do this.17:38
kanzuredo you have a wireless charging circuit that you're working on, or are you saying you'd like to have that?17:38
ThomasEgiwe do have the charging working already17:38
kanzurewho is "we"17:38
kanzureyou're impossible17:38
Eudoxiai wonder if samuel conway is working on making real furries17:38
ThomasEgi... the circuit is on my shelf17:38
ThomasEgiwithin arm's reach17:38
ThomasEgia friend of mine is working on another part17:38
kanzureok i see. so you think you+your friend is the entirety of biohacking? :P i'm just saying man.17:39
kanzurei mean, it's good that you're doing this and i'm glad.17:39
ThomasEgiyeah. sorta. yes.17:39
ThomasEgithere are a few more people tho17:39
kanzurei don't really appreciate the "in/out group" trend that biohack.me introduced.17:39
ThomasEgimost people just want to try it out. few are capable of contributing in the design and build process.17:39
kanzurei suspect you are talking about that.17:39
ThomasEgihm. what in/out group?17:40
kanzure"biohackers are only the people who have signed up on this website" ignoring the wider trend of biohackers and projects out there17:40
ThomasEginah there are more.17:41
ThomasEginot many to begin with,tho17:41
ThomasEgicollaboration is difficult if you don't get word of others17:41
kanzurewell, upload your schematics or BOMs somewhere17:42
kanzurei can provide hosting if you don't have it yet, but iirc you had a server somewhere17:42
ThomasEgiindeed i do.17:42
ThomasEgiatm, the designs are not finished17:42
ThomasEgiand unlike other projects, i prefer to not publish something that's potentially lethal in case one component fails.17:43
ThomasEgionce the circuit is final. things will be uploaded.17:43
kanzurei think a generic wireless charging circuit is useful for other things17:43
ThomasEgiatm there only is a tDCS design up.17:43
kanzuredoesn't have to be related to body implants or lethality17:43
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ThomasEgiyeah but. that's really the easiest part of all17:43
ThomasEgilemme find it17:43
strangewarpWow, that furry guy in that thread is amazing17:44
strangewarpHe's not interested in anything that would involve robotics or nanotech?17:44
strangewarpWhat an asshole17:44
ThomasEgistrangewarp, hey.. i did warn you^17:45
EudoxiaI doubt Sarif Industries Furry Edition will catch on17:45
Eudoxiaand I doubt nanotech will get far in the next few years, the nanofactory collaboration hasn't published anything since 2008 and the DSDM is way overdue for publication, so, I sort of stopped believing in MNT17:46
ThomasEgithat very shematic17:46
kanzurewget http://rdb.name/tdcs{1..5}.png17:48
kanzureblah what an awful way to publish schematics17:48
ThomasEginot all of those are intended for publishing17:48
kanzurebackup: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/tdcs/rdb/17:49
ThomasEgieven this one isn't really published as the design has to undergo testing17:49
strangewarpEudoxia: I meant that he said "I am not keen on mechanical, cybernetic, implanted, animatronic or prosthetic solutions myself"17:49
strangewarpThat is ridiculous17:49
ThomasEgikanzure, you can delete the first 317:49
Eudoxiaof course17:49
kanzureeww rdb uses collada17:49
strangewarpTypical furry fan though - that community has this weird veneration of the pretension to natural embodiment17:49
strangewarper, pretense*17:50
ThomasEgithey are just exchanging it between some people to review17:50
Eudoxiayeah, you'd think more furries would like to inhabit bodies built out of nanobots or something17:50
ThomasEgikanzure, the current design undergoes testing these days. guess once those are done. there'll be more. but even the version you see in picture 4 is ways ahead of what most people advertise as tdcs on the net.17:51
strangewarpEudoxia: Some of them do, but way fewer than you'd think17:52
ThomasEgicurrent stabelized, current failsafe-limiter, a software fault detection, esd protection and designed in a way you can ripp it off the head befor it fries your brain in case all safequards fail.17:52
strangewarpanyway aarggh, first day back on Cognizin citicoline17:52
ThomasEgikanzure, and.. that collada pdf you see is probably the specification of the file format. after all, he's writing code for 3d engines and collada is a popular format to exchange models and stuff.17:53
strangewarpThomasEgi: Damn.. impressive17:53
ThomasEgikanzure, you'r quite the url-inlader eh?17:54
kanzureThomasEgi: yes i'm aware of what collada is.17:55
kanzureThomasEgi: yes17:55
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ThomasEgiso.. in short. rdb and me are the guys who currently spend a lot of brain in getting implants to work the way we want.17:57
ThomasEgiwe recently found a neat little chip that makes a lot of our life easier. as it combines battery management, wireless charging and wireless communication.17:58
ThomasEgithat's on our "to-buy" list.17:59
ThomasEgiaswell as breakout boards for it so we can test it on the desk.18:00
ThomasEgiif you have a good recource on how to build electrically conducting silicone. that's one of the last things we are looking for.18:01
kanzurei see i see.. it would have been simpler to just say rdb, since we all know him already, and we clearly know you18:02
kanzureby "we" i mean "people reading this at the moment"18:02
ThomasEgiyeah.. well there are.. more people.18:03
ThomasEginot many. some. a few so to say. maybe 2 or so.18:03
ThomasEgiand.. some that are interested in different areas.18:04
ThomasEgii mean you know how hard it is to find skilled people.18:05
ThomasEgiback in 1998 this was no problem. everyone on the net had to be smart enough to read at least a modem-manual to even go online. but these days... well. operation fuzzball. nuff said18:06
Eudoxiathat guy looked like he had some kind of paranoid delusion18:07
ThomasEgisomeone suggest him to go for president.18:07
ThomasEgior some other political job.18:07
strangewarpMeh, people in that fellow's particular position tend to take half-hearted stabs at irrational projects and then give up18:07
strangewarpI know from experience18:07
Eudoxia"I will be keeping the development stages under wraps if possible"18:08
strangewarpWhen I was 16, I tried to do ~things~ with transcendental meditation, and I ended up embarrassing myself so thoroughly that I realized I was completely wrong18:08
strangewarpSo, hopefully the embarrassment will get him before too long18:08
kanzurestrangewarp: "mom, does my hair look like a super saiyin's?"18:08
ThomasEgistrangewarp, :D i know another example for that. don't count on it.18:09
Eudoxiaa lot of furries seem to have a big overlap with schizo* types of personality18:09
Eudoxia"weird paranormal beliefs" check18:09
Eudoxia"paranoid delusions" gun stockpiling Republican furries18:09
Eudoxiai wonder if anyone has studied the incidence of SPD and schizophrenia in the community18:10
Eudoxia"Perhaps the levels of security I have built around this will do my cause more harm than good... Perhaps talking about it this much on here already has." Oh pop a Risperidone you crazy cunt18:11
strangewarpEudoxia: If I remember one survey correctly, people who have gone into furry/otherkin are more likely to identify as body-dysmorphic - but the cause-and-effect mechanism is unclear18:11
EudoxiaI thought transhumanists were the ones with the body dysmorphia?18:12
kanzureno that's just natasha vita-more18:12
Eudoxiawhy can't I hold all these mental disorders?18:12
kanzure"morphological freedom" or somesuch18:12
Eudoxiaah yes18:13
ThomasEgii totaly gave up on mental disorder crap. after finding that i pretty much qualify for all of them^18:13
strangewarpTranshumanists idealize sterile bodiless purity! Until they start caring about the body, of course. Then they care only about the reprehensible carnal pleasures!18:16
Eudoxiasilly you only AIs can have true digital purity18:17
HighSpeeddigital purity = soap and alcohol wipes.18:18
strangewarpI will just go ahead and start calling citicoline "autismium" because it turns me into Rain Man18:27
kanzurewhat do you mean?18:29
kanzurelots of wheel of fortune?18:29
strangewarpultra-focused, but it feels like the focus is distributed to pointless things18:29
Eudoxiathere's probably another pill for that18:30
kanzurestrangewarp: maybe you should pick a thing to do18:30
strangewarpEudoxia: maybe :s18:30
strangewarpkanzure: good idea, hm18:31
Eudoxiayou could hire someone to whip you every time you look away from the text editor18:31
Eudoxiai totally should do that as well18:31
kanzurethat's the spirit, Eudoxia18:31
* strangewarp shrugs, opens up a big Pd/Lua project that needs finished18:31
ThomasEgiif that stuff really works like autism.. you'd hardly even notice the whipping18:32
strangewarpEudoxia: I try not to force myself to do things too severely, ever since I had a nervous breakdown caused by too much of such an attitude18:32
strangewarpThomasEgi: Point. Maybe the comparison isn't very strong, hm18:32
ThomasEgidoes sound a bit like it tho.18:33
Eudoxiathere may be some medication for that strangewarp18:34
strangewarpYeah, like.. Adderall? something18:35
Eudoxiafor nervous breakdowns18:35
strangewarpoh pff18:35
Eudoxiain the long term, though, one may end up liking the whipping, so some other strategy may be needed18:38
ThomasEgi.. hehe. that's not even unlikely18:39
strangewarpPlaster every surface that is not the computer screen with pictures of YO MOTHAH's many decades of depraved sexual escapades, obviously18:39
ThomasEgi.. i guess plastering them with textbooks would help better to not get distracted by the beauty of empty walls18:40
ThomasEgieither you like and learn them. or you ignore them an you can focus on what you want to do18:40
Eudoxiaif the textbooks have good covers you could get distracted contemplating them18:40
strangewarpI got so tired of staring at a blank wall that I've overcome the dislike for painting that was drilled into me by art school...18:41
strangewarpNot finished yet; ought to add a layer18:42
Eudoxiado soul-crushing blank walls correlate with greater productivity than colorful walls?18:42
ThomasEgino idea. bit even blank walls can be interesting. given they have a slight structire18:43
ThomasEgi*bit = but18:43
Eudoxiamaybe you should make the room look like a Swiss patent office18:44
Eudoxiathought i only one have data point to support that18:44
ThomasEgithose acustic-dampening ceilings are even more mesmerizing. i can stare at them four hours finding repetive patterns in the holes18:44
nshthere shouldn't be any18:45
nshwe can have some einstein18:45
nshbut repeating patterns in the ceiling are to be avoided18:46
sylph_makoFor reference http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/2b/Einsteinhausberne.jpg18:46
Eudoxiayes einstein18:46
sylph_makoI don't know how he got any work done with that tablecloth.18:46
ThomasEgistill better than those floor-tile-tables18:46
Eudoxiathat's a lot less soul-crushing than i expected18:47
Eudoxiait's even got portraits on the wall18:48
Eudoxiareplace those with an Afremov and I could code18:48
sylph_makoI'm pretty sure there's no amount of distractions you can remove that will make lead you to focus better than passion.18:49
sylph_makoSomeone had to say it.18:49
strangewarpI want... a big, spartan workspace, with big brainy blcky paintings on the walls18:49
ThomasEgihear hear.18:50
ThomasEgiwhat i _don't_ want... is that traffic on the road in front of my window... as it forces me to work at night.18:50
ThomasEgimeh. i want my undegrount village already.18:51
Eudoxiaunderground? why not... underwater!18:51
ThomasEgibecause underwater ceilings are more expensive.18:52
strangewarpI have put serious thought into taking out massive student loans to finish my BFA, trying to snag an internship, and inuring myself face-first to the rapacious barbarians of the fine-arts consumption class... solely to eventually have a decent modernist workspace18:52
ThomasEgii can't afford them.18:52
kanzurestrangewarp: why do you need massive loans to take an internship?18:52
strangewarpkanzure: because the arts are stupid18:52
strangewarpstudent loans -> finish degree -> get internship, basically18:53
ThomasEgistrangewarp, just put some pots of colors in a room and put big firecrackers inside? and you are an artist.18:53
ThomasEgithen pretend you get killed in a tragic way. which will increase the price on your images.18:53
strangewarpheh, I wish :p18:54
strangewarper, the former, not the latter :p18:54
sylph_makoThomasEgi, heard of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derinkuyu_Underground_City ?18:54
ThomasEgialso pretend to be your own , and last living relative so you actually get all themoney18:54
kanzurestrangewarp: um, most people choose an internship first18:54
strangewarpkanzure: Arts internships are only available to people who are either actively pursuing a degree, or newly possessing a degree18:55
strangewarpSolely because there's so much competition for them18:55
ThomasEgisylph_mako, not yet. interesting article. tho i planned to start with less than 20k people..18:55
kanzurestrangewarp: sounds like a silly thing to pursue then.18:56
strangewarpkanzure: That's why I've /only/ been tempted, and never decided to do it :p18:56
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kanzurewhy is my file storage api written by open knowledge foundation and rufus pollack? https://github.com/okfn/ofs19:06
kanzurehttp://archive.org/help/abouts3.txt "using the archive's S3 like server API" what?19:10
nshcan i buy another clue?19:12
kanzurei'm just very confused at the moment. all i wanted was a python library for switching out file storage backends. i don't want to have to write something to deal with using local filesystem stuff or s3 stuff.19:12
kanzurebut there doesn't seem to be anything that does this, except ofs and shove, both of which seem to not be used by anyone19:13
kanzureand ofs is made by open knowledge foundation (the guys who run the open-science group in the uk)19:13
kanzureit looks like django has a nice "plug-and-play" file storage backend api thing, but why doesn't this exist outside of django in the python world?19:14
nshgood enough question19:20
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kanzurewb brownies20:12
browniestried to reset sleep schedule... fell asleep at 4pm.20:13
ThomasEgipast 5am here, about to fall asleep20:14
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browniesoh, whoa, it's a 3day weekend?20:18
strangewarp9:20 PM.. about to go to bed. Unusual for me, since I have the stupidest sleep disorder ever20:19
strangewarpFrom my previous short experience with citicoline, it appeared to be normalizing my sleep disorder, but that might have been staistical noise20:20
strangewarpNawgan drinks were on sale in town, and I've got a shipment of citicoline / alpha-GPC coming in a couple days, so bwa ha ha20:21
browniesno luck with the usual methods for normalizing your sleep schedule?20:21
strangewarpMelatonin: gave me bad dreams and man-tits and made me sleepy all day20:21
strangewarpPrescription sleeping pills: didn't work20:21
strangewarpAlarms: kept me off-kilter until I succumbed to napping, and the naps would last 10 hours20:22
strangewarpPolyphasic sleep: ahahahahaha20:22
browniespolyphasic sleep is... actually, yeah, your summary is spot-on.20:22
browniesstrangewarp: how about fiddling with timing of blue light intake?20:23
strangewarpbrownies: I'm going to look into buying a nice blue light if the citicoline doesn't normalize my sleep, yeah20:23
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kanzureBe the first to like this pull request."20:33
kanzurewtf bitbucket :\20:33
kanzureso i fixed one typo and for some reason the changeset shows >10 commits?20:35
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kanzureblargh x100020:57
kanzurethat "simple file storage engine" thing for python (shove) turns out to use pickle20:57
kanzureto write files :(20:57
kanzureand every time you render the url with ofs, it sends a call to s3 involving "bucket.set_canned_acl(acl_str, self.name, headers)" on that file? why would you need that to figure out a url?21:07
kanzureoh i see, it's a one-time use url.21:10
kanzurethat makes slightly more sense.21:10
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jrayhawkha ha your insistence upon using distributed storage for centralized querying brings you the level of pain you deserve21:50
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