
--- Log opened Tue Sep 04 00:00:16 2012
Mokstarthat'd be neat00:00
Mokstarwouldn't the storage be a bit expensive?00:00
kanzurei can pay it00:00
kanzureat most it's like 50 TB of papers00:01
MokstarI've always wanted to build a distributed database that operates similar to a bitcoin blockchain, but trims itself00:01
kanzurewhich is sorta like having an expensive fancy car hobby00:01
Mokstaryeah, that's doable00:01
foucistkanzure: what do you mean?  is hplusroadmap a website?!?!?!?  :P00:01
foucisti've never been to it..  i don't think i shall ever! muwahaha00:02
kanzureno i meant the "pay college students for access" scheme00:02
Mokstarwell, are the papers compressed?00:03
Mokstarduh, I guess00:03
kanzureMokstar: my 50 TB calculation is assuming 50 million papers at an average of 1 MB (so, basic pdf)00:03
kanzuresome papers are just image scans and are multiple megabytes, but mostly they are <1 MB if they are just text and one or two pics00:03
Mokstarare you gonna try to index the content?00:04
kanzurebtw we already have like 80 different scraper formats00:04
kanzuredelinquentme went and published it on hacker news a few months ago -_- but it was the broken version :P00:04
Mokstardo you have a web service?00:04
Mokstarweb API00:04
kanzureit is a web service.00:04
kanzureno it's not public right now :(00:04
MokstarI'm working on embedding X3D models into static pages, and the controls of it00:05
kanzureright now the limiting factor is ezproxy accounts :P00:05
Mokstarand had the thought of a rotating brain with selectable regions that you could associate, use as search terms, for relevant papers00:05
kanzurei'm sure your wife would share her account/access with me if i asked nicely, but would you ask her if she would be willing to be paid to share it?00:05
Mokstarhehehe, sure!00:05
kanzureand if so, what does she think a fair price is?00:06
kanzurei'm sure the market would determine that00:06
MokstarI dunno00:06
kanzurebut it might be anything from "Enough to pay my dumb student debt" to "$5/mo"00:06
Mokstarhah! I think we're at $20k now :p00:06
kanzure500 people x $10/mo on one account => a reasonable dent in $20k00:07
Mokstarthink they'd notice?00:08
kanzurei know they do notice00:08
kanzurebut.. all previous cases have been something like "it was posted publicly"00:08
joshcryerhow so? been caught before?00:08
Mokstardo they cut people off?00:08
kanzurewhich could mean anything.. maybe they noticed 1 person using it, or maybe they noticed 2000 people using it00:08
kanzureyes they cut people off when they notice abuse00:08
kanzurebut the fun part is finding that limit ;)00:08
joshcryeryou would have to have a mechanism so that only 1 ip at a time uses the system00:08
kanzureno that's not important00:08
kanzurethey aren't detecting simultaneous users00:08
joshcryerpremium accounts would be personal VPN access00:08
kanzurejoshcryer: it's not a vpn00:09
MokstarI could analyze their system00:09
kanzureit's usually OCLC's ezproxy software, which is just an http thing00:09
kanzureeg http://sciencedirect.ezproxy.lib.utexas.edu:2048/myarticle.pdf00:09
joshcryerhow do you know it's not per ip?00:09
kanzurebecause the whole point is to allow off-campus access00:10
joshcryeryeah, but one account = one user = one ip00:10
kanzureezproxy is proprietary software and doesn't have more than one or two programmers working on it00:10
kanzurei've disassembled it a bit and looked through it - it's not that sophisticated00:11
joshcryerthe project is easier then than it seems00:11
kanzurewhat happens is that the librarians get notified by the publishers or something, and they are like "hmmmm" and then pop the user's account gets reset00:11
kanzureand, if the user is intentionally giving out access, that's easy to fix.. just stop paying that college student00:11
joshcryerI assume then that it's based more on level of "researching" / "downloading" than IP00:12
joshcryerOK, that makes sense00:12
kanzureif all of this activity is centralized through my server i could collect data to determine what these limits are00:12
kanzurei bet on different campuses it's different00:12
kanzureobviously 1M papers/day through 1 account shouldn't be allowed00:12
kanzurebut... probably a few thousand will be okay00:12
Mokstar"I'm analyzing them for statistics!"00:13
Mokstar"I'm mapping references and analyzing word count and sentence length relationships!"00:13
kanzureanywho it would be easy to collect data like, "oh hm, after 200 people logged into accounts from MIT, they get reset. let's put the limit at 200 people-ip for MIT access."00:13
kanzureso uh. which ones of youse are students?00:16
MokstarI was contemplating going back to school00:26
kanzureuntil you reailzed how awful it would be?00:26
Mokstaruntil I realized I couldn't quit my day job :p00:27
kanzurearchels: would you sell?00:28
Mokstarhopefully I'll be able to hang on to enough neuroplasticity by the time I don't need to work for the man anymore00:28
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joshcryerMokstar, good decision, who wants student debt ;P00:32
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archelskanzure: nein, don't want to end up like Aaron Swartz.02:02
archelsI still have paper access through my old university because I am member of a radio amateur club; perhaps you can find some sort of student's association to sponsor and they will give you ssh access on one of their boxen?02:03
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nmz787kanzure: ping07:03
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nmz787ThomasEgi: you have a wireless charging circuit? How big is it?07:16
ThomasEgiconsists of 2 parts07:16
ThomasEgithe base station07:16
ThomasEgiand the receiver07:16
ThomasEgiit is as small as you can get the parts for. power output will drop with decreasing size tho07:17
ThomasEgiit's pretty simple. just 2 LC circuits07:17
nmz787oh, so no ICs?07:22
nmz787i've seen some ICs07:22
nmz787but I guess they were tuned really well or something07:22
nmz787vs just using LC07:22
nmz787ThomasEgi: are you an EE07:23
nmz787this was it http://www.powercastco.com/07:23
nmz787I would like a wireless power receiver, coupled with a wireless transmitter that is modulated by the output of a photodiode/phototransistor/photoresistor07:24
ThomasEgii am partly EE. more a mix between EE, clasicall mechanical engineering and informatics07:25
ThomasEgiof course there are ic's that do the task. some are very convenient07:26
nmz787and the whole package would be autoclavable07:26
nmz787so 130-150 degrees C07:26
nmz787oh I guess autovlave is technically 121 C07:27
ThomasEgithat chip you linked works in the MHz range. which is pretty ok, but hard to work with unless you have the lab equipment or good simulation tools at hand07:27
nmz787powercast told me this when I asked about autoclaving their IC "The encapsulation lid is plastic and the components are rated to 85C.  PCB reflow can be a lot hotter, but it is only for a short time.Can you tell me more about your application"07:27
ThomasEgithe LC sollution works at 128kHz. equipment for tuning those is really cheap and readily available. there are also ready to use IC's for that frequency that have selftuning capability07:28
ThomasEgilike the one from Texas Instruments. it also comes with a lithium-batter management ciruit and RFID frontend.07:29
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ThomasEgibidirectional rfid btw.07:30
nmz787i think my requirement doesn't need a battery, if operations could be sustained with just wireless power on all the time07:31
ThomasEgiso that one tiny chip only requires a coil and a cap as external components. and you get power, battery management and bidirectional communication.07:31
nmz787but yeah i want to make it autoclavable, which I think sets this problem into a very unique space07:31
ThomasEgiwirless power has a very short range.07:31
nmz787RFID as comms?07:31
nmz787or just as ID?07:31
ThomasEgias communication07:33
ThomasEgiit works both ways07:33
ThomasEgithe texas instruments chip has a storage temperature of 125 degrees07:35
ThomasEgispecified as one cycle up to 1000h07:35
ThomasEgipeak temp of the solder profile is 260 degrees C07:37
ThomasEgihow long would autoclaving take?07:38
nmz787i think 20 mins,  but maybe up to 4007:40
nmz787but the device would likely get autoclaved after every use, so maybe once a day07:41
ThomasEgihm... that... probably won't be too good07:44
ThomasEgiwhat kind of device would that be?07:44
nmz787wireless autoclavable photosensor07:44
nmz787so it reports the light level07:45
nmz787and it would something like a magnetic stir-bar07:45
nmz787with a Red LED on the side of the flask being stirred... the device would report the turbidity07:46
nmz787this was actually asked for by Tom Knight, of MIT07:46
nmz787years ago on DIYbio07:46
ThomasEgii would highly recommend to just use a PTFE coated platinum temperature sensor for that07:47
ThomasEgioh wait light sensor07:47
ThomasEginot photo.07:47
nmz787light != photo ???07:47
ThomasEgifor a split of a second i got it mixed up with temperatures07:48
ThomasEginah. i'd recommend something different07:48
ThomasEgilike 2 fibre-optics,07:49
ThomasEgiwith a gap for the liquid to go in07:49
nmz787yeah, i think that opens up contamination a bit more07:49
nmz787just having the wires stick through a cap or stopper07:49
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ThomasEgiat least it wouldn't have any semiconductors in a part that requires autoclaving07:50
ThomasEgiif it really has to be something like a stirring bar. i'd rather recommend to avoid all semiconductors if possible.07:51
ThomasEgimaybe working a reflecting mirror or so.07:51
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ThomasEgimaybe a prism-like mirror or so.07:51
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ThomasEgiwith multiple light sensors around your flask you could also calculate the ammount of light scattered and reflected more precisely07:52
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ThomasEgior.. not using any kind of whatever inside the containment vessel07:53
nmz787stirbar + mirror does sound easy07:53
ThomasEgiand just work with transmitting and reflected light07:53
nmz787the path length for the light would just effectively be doubled07:53
ThomasEgiif you use AC modulated light, you can easily avoid DC errors from daylight/environmental light07:54
chris_99stirbar + mirror, whatcha making?07:54
ThomasEgiwith multiple sensors yu should be able to get a number of data points which you could match against a physical model07:54
nmz787growth sensor... aka turbidostat07:54
nmz787aka optical density sensor07:54
ThomasEgiwith no requirement for autoclaving, probably higher accuracy. and a whole lot easier and cheaper to build07:55
chris_99oh interesting07:55
nmz787yeah the old fashioned method is to use a side-arm flask, and every so often take the flask off the stirrer and tip some liquid into the sidearm, then stick the side-arm (about the size of a test tube) into a spectrometer07:55
ThomasEginot only could you get the ammount of light that travels through  but also the one that gets scattered sideways. and the overall tranmsittance of light07:55
nmz787ThomasEgi: well the stirbar-mirror would still need autoclaved07:56
ThomasEgiif you don't use one.07:56
ThomasEgii mean i don't know your flasks07:56
ThomasEgiyou could aswell use a static mirror.07:56
ThomasEgibut hey. that's a mechanical thing07:56
ThomasEgiyou can heat it until it melts07:56
ThomasEgishould be no big deal07:56
ThomasEgidoesnt even need to be rotating. just a small mirror or so. maybe a polished metal plate molded in glass or so07:57
ThomasEgiyou know how blood oxymeters work?07:59
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ThomasEgithat could be adapted to work in a simmilar way. to messure the ratio between reflected ,transmitted and otherwise scattered  light i guess08:00
nmz787sortof, but that's a chromatic shift i though08:01
nmz787coupled with the ratio08:01
ThomasEgiwell it wouldnt work exactly like blood oxymeters08:02
ThomasEgibut simmilar08:02
ThomasEgiah. short check on how it usualy gets messured. with 2 messurements. once tre transmitting part. once the light that scatters off 90°08:05
ThomasEgiusualy with infrared light08:06
ThomasEgidoesnt sound very hard to build08:06
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kanzurenmz787: pong08:42
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chris_99nmz787, seen this 'While most turbidostats use a spectrophotometer/turbidometer to measure the optical density for control purpose'09:38
chris_99so you need a spectrophotometer don't you09:39
nmz787you can use one09:40
nmz787most optical density for common lab bugs is 600nm09:40
nmz787or thereabouts09:40
nmz787"A word of warning though, since the OD of a sample is dependent on the size and shape of the particles in it, different cell lines can have completely different relationships between OD and cells/mL. This means that a separate calibration will be needed for each cell type you use, which is tedious, but better than recording meaningless and arbitrary numbers in your lab book."09:41
nmz787"Nick founded Bitesize Bio in 2007 to create a central community and knowledge resource for bioscience researchers. After a batchelor's, PhD and 10 years working in biotech, Bitesize Bio inspired him to turn his hand to publishing. He now spends his...09:42
nmz787he misspelled bachelors09:42
chris_99does OD relate to specific gravity?09:42
chris_99i'm guessing not09:42
nmz787no, i dont think so09:42
nmz787the yeast generally flock (settle)09:42
chris_99what are you using it for, yeast?09:42
nmz787but you could probably determine % alcohol with a spectrometer09:42
nmz787just something that needs built09:43
chris_99yeah you need IR spectrometry for alcohol09:43
chris_99you man measure specific gravity though with a refractometer09:44
nmz787a refractometer can be messed with by sugar type tho too09:45
chris_99yeah i guess, apparently it's reasonably accurate for beer09:46
nmz787"Refractometer Experiment: demonstrates that hop oils can throw off refractometer readings."09:46
nmz787sorry oil not sugar09:46
chris_99hadn't heard of that09:46
chris_99i ordered a fibre optic refractometer recently for beer, to measure the SG without having to take out samples09:48
nmz787"However, I now intend to use my hydrometer in addition to my refractometer post boil."09:48
chris_99yeah i normally use a hydrometer though09:48
nmz787was it you who posted about a $200 spectrophotometer?09:49
nmz787there's the non-ebay likn09:50
nmz787are you in UK though?09:50
chris_99yeah i've seen that, yeah i am09:50
nmz787so maybe ebay is better09:50
chris_99they also sell calibrated ones09:50
chris_99on the website09:50
chris_99the ones on ebay are uncalibrated09:51
nmz787"Practical Approaches to Transhumanism"09:58
nmz787i.e. grindhouse wetware is talking to a bunch of ppl09:58
nmz787"19 attending"09:58
nmz787here are the alignment instructions10:02
nmz787i should buy one of these to play around with, and finish the openspectrometer10:02
chris_99they use a Hg-Ar lamp10:04
nmz787dick head fish http://phys.org/news/2012-08-penis-head-fish-vietnam.html10:17
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skorketnmz787, what state is the open spectrometer project?10:26
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nmz787i got the CCD control working on the parallax propeller using only 1 core10:33
chris_99what CCD did you use?10:33
nmz787started working on getting the ADC setup correctly with the USB 2.0 chip to pipe data out10:33
nmz787there are 2 videos here http://www.youtube.com/user/ntm787/videos10:34
chris_99cool :)10:35
nmz787I have been figuring out a lot of optics stuff though lately, so I think I'm ready to give openspectrometer some more development push10:35
skorketnmz787, where did you purchase the ccd?10:44
nmz787found an ebay seller and PMed him10:44
nmz787he was in HK or china10:44
nmz787about $1010:44
nmz787I don't have the propeller code on github10:45
skorketthis?  http://www.ebay.com/itm/1PCS-TCD1304AP-CCD-LINEAR-IMAGE-SENSOR-/221068542987?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3378b6440b#ht_1455wt_90810:45
nmz787er, hrmm, I will get it on there today10:45
nmz787not sure if that's the same seller10:45
skorketand why'd you choose propeller?10:45
nmz787I wanted lots of power, ease of use10:46
nmz7871 of 8 cores is for the CCD, then I can download a library from http://obex.parallax.com/ for SD card stuff10:47
nmz787that would take 1 core10:47
nmz787then another core for the USB controller10:47
nmz787and maybe another core for doing compression or real-time analysis... 'plugins'10:48
nmz787uh, another core to listen to control comms from the computer10:48
nmz787(as I envisioned hooking the ADC output directly to the USB to parallel I/O controller10:49
nmz787rather than bringing the bits into the CPU10:49
nmz787for high-speed streaming10:49
nmz787but bringing them into the CPU may also work, if I use the registers10:50
skorketinteresting.  How much is an 8 core propeller?10:50
skorketand do you have any experience with the linux tool chain for it?10:51
nmz787no, but I think I looked about a month ago, and there was development since the last time I'd looked10:51
nmz787but in windows it was as easy as using Arduino10:51
nmz787i.e. 1 file download, unzip, plug in the propeller to a USB 2 Serial, and bam10:52
nmz787I was playing with the idea of using an ARM10:52
nmz787but they're really a PITA to get setup if you don't NEED an ARM10:52
kanzureblaah windows10:52
nmz787rather, if you haven't set on up before10:53
nmz787skorket: also 80MHz (mine is running fine at 96MHz)10:57
skorketI'm like working with the AVR but I think that's mostly because of familiarity.  Maybe I should invest in a propeller...10:58
nmz787there's a great dev board for it10:58
nmz787any of these http://www.parallax.com/Store/Microcontrollers/PropellerDevelopmentBoards/tabid/514/List/0/CategoryID/73/Level/a/SortField/0/Default.aspx11:00
skorketWhat would you recommend to get started?11:00
nmz787depends what you want to do, this is cheap and has some buttons and big pin headers11:01
nmz787"Pads for sigma-delta A/D circuitry (two resistors and two capacitors, both 0603) for using the Sigma-Delta A/D AppNote"11:02
nmz787delta-sigma ADC is a pretty cool technique11:02
nmz787its used a lot in ADC ICs, but the speed of the propeller lets you do some lower res/slower ADC too11:03
nmz787i think it only uses 1 or 2 digital IO pins11:03
nmz787and there11:03
nmz787there's a library for it11:03
skorketthanks, I'll look into it11:04
nmz787there's this too11:05
nmz787more expensive http://www.parallax.com/Store/Microcontrollers/PropellerKits/tabid/144/CategoryID/20/List/0/SortField/0/Level/a/ProductID/467/Default.aspx11:05
skorketyeah, I saw that one.  I have to look at it more but that looks promising.  My main concern is the linux toolchain.  I remember we talked about it before, didn't we?  I did a quick search then and it looked like there was some success ranging from a native toolchain to some toolchain involving wine11:08
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nmz787i think there is a non-wine way11:09
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kanzurei don't think wine is a good thing to depend on12:59
kendokawhiskey is pretty reliable13:03
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kanzurekendoka: indeed13:06
kanzurewait, is whiskey the name of a windows api emulator too?13:06
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chris_99does anyone know if that sensor was b&w only13:11
chris_99reading the specs it doesn't mention colour13:11
MariuJohnny Walker13:12
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chris_99nmz787, was that sensor b&w only13:52
nmz787oh, yeah13:53
nmz787no bayer filter13:54
nmz787if that's what you mean13:54
chris_99so you'd need 313:54
nmz787: yeah its 1D13:54
nmz787a line of pixels only13:54
chris_99for a spectrometer you'd need colour though13:55
chris_99wouldn't you13:55
nmz787that's what the grating does13:55
chris_99i thought it split them into lines of different colours13:56
chris_99for instance this, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1a/Simple_spectroscope.jpg how would you process that in b&w14:00
chris_99as theres two blue lines isn't there14:00
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nmz787because the grating/prism does a fourier transform on the slit light14:02
nmz787it sorts the freq for you14:02
nmz787rather than the bayer pattern 'sorting' the light into 3 color 'bins'14:03
chris_99oh so you're saying on the far left, is X Hz and on the right is X+n Hz?14:03
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chris_99cool that makes sense14:08
nmz787so you just need to do a baseline, then place your sample in the light path14:08
nmz787and correct the experimental with the base line14:09
nmz787because even if the light is equal in terms of Watts across the spectrum, the sensor has a sensitivity curve that differs from 300-1000nm, etc14:09
chris_99what do you mean by baseline?14:12
nmz787light source with no sample in the light path14:13
nmz787then you place the sample in the light path, and some of it will get absorbed, some might fluoresce, etc14:14
chris_99ah ok, using a pure white light right?14:14
nmz787well, the calibration curve will tell you what the white light is made up of14:14
chris_99wouldn't it make sense to use something like a laser to align it14:19
nmz787that would work yep14:22
chris_99can you get IR diffraction gratings easily14:24
chris_99i've just looked on fleabay but can't see any14:24
chris_99hmm found one for £45.00 not esp. cheap14:27
nmz787IR starts to get tricky though at a certain point, around the 1000nm mark14:31
nmz787when it starts to make sense to use mirrors instead of lenses14:31
nmz787which are all expensive14:31
chris_99oh yeah i was gonna ask you, you need a lens for the CCD right?14:32
chris_99to focus the light14:32
chris_99i guess if the ccd has microlenses, maybe you could get away with placing the grating right on the snesor14:33
kanzuresomeone named "Data Pathway" has emailed me.. "You have me on your google analytics account with access to the stats to gnusha.org and openmanufacturing.org"14:35
kanzure"would you mind removing me from the account? I am turning some admin tasks over to an assistant, and those dead sites are a little extra clutter I don't want to answer questions about ;-)"14:35
kanzurewhy does james have access in the first place?14:35
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kanzurewhy is andrew hessel doing marketing for autodesk?14:45
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kanzurewhat an awful biotech startup landing page: http://emeraldtherapeutics.com/14:47
kanzuredon't do that, kids.14:47
chris_99if only they'd made the double helix spin too14:47
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nmz787this is pretty sweet for $52 http://www.elexp.com/kit_v962.htm#3in1allterrain14:54
nmz7873-in-1 All Terrain Robot14:54
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chris_99haha it's got a forklift mode15:02
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chris_99http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EWWt93Fxls&feature=g-vrec i like this use of a 3D printer @ ~3 minutes15:29
kendokabryan print me a new liver15:35
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kanzurekendoka: ask jmil, he might be able to pull that off with his machine15:38
kanzurejmil: hi15:38
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kanzuregod i hate wired http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-09/04/diy-biohacking15:50
kanzure"Magnet-implanting DIY biohackers pave the way for mainstream adoption"15:50
kanzurethat's a pretty big lie.15:50
Mokbortolan_1so this "biohacking", why don't they just call it, "putting magnets into fingers"15:51
Mokbortolan_1because that's all I see going on15:51
kanzurei don't know :(15:51
Mokbortolan_1has anybody got a practical application for fingermagnets?15:51
kanzure"mainstream".. um. first, who the fuck cares about mainstream, and two, who cares about magnets?15:51
kanzureughh ""The magnet is attractive because it's this small thing that's so simple, but gives you a new sense of the world," says Grindhouse member Lucas Dimoveo."15:52
kanzurethat's Lukas_ when he's in here15:52
kanzure"One transhumanist who is most definitely considered mainstream is not particularly impressed with Cannon's dream mod, nor Grindhouse's particular brand of biohacking. "The first heart replacement was in the 60s -- this is normal!" Natasha Vita-More tells Wired.co.uk."15:55
kanzurenatasha is not mainstream :(15:55
kanzureliar "Cannon says the general consensus from the transhumanist community is that the team is "stupid for dreaming". "15:56
kanzurethese guys are assholes.15:56
jrayhawkMokbortolan_1: sensing electric fields is useful for power technicians, electrical engineers, etc.15:56
kanzurejrayhawk: when quantified.. yes.15:56
chris_99haha jrayhawk15:56
kanzureif you're exploring places without blueprints, i could see that really useful15:56
jrayhawkI've seen claims of people identifying faulty equipment.15:57
ThomasEgijrayhawk, it is magnetic fields. not electric ones. it really is just a toy. fun toy for most it seems15:57
jrayhawkEither grounding out where it's not supposed to or utilizing waaay more power than it's supposed to.15:57
kanzurei think the "us vs them" mentality that grindhouse is suggesting is just really useless15:57
chris_99it seems like a crap way to identify faulty equipment15:57
jrayhawkThomasEgi: it's called 'electromagnetism' for a reason.15:57
kanzureif when they say "mainstream transhumanists" they are talking about natasha, then they are wasting their time15:58
kanzureif they mean me, then they are just being unnecessarily hostile15:58
ThomasEgijrayhawk, still magnetic fields, not electric ones^;)15:58
jrayhawkelectric currents generate magnetic fields.15:58
jrayhawkthat is how electric motors work.15:58
ThomasEgiyeah but electric fields don't generate magnetic ones15:58
chris_99electric fields?15:58
ThomasEgiat least not static15:58
jrayhawkelectric fields...?15:59
ThomasEgiwhat about electric fields?15:59
superkuhA gradient in charge.15:59
ThomasEgithose magnets won't allow you to feel if you hold a life wire in your hand.. only if there are 10 A going through it or not.15:59
Mokbortolan_1A moving charge always has both a magnetic and an electric field,16:00
ThomasEgiyeah. but with those magnets you are not able to feel the electric component16:00
superkuhYeah, well, it's not going to tell you if you're picking up a charged capacitor or anything.16:00
chris_99yup all it'll tell you is if something is magnetic or not ThomasEgi obviously16:00
Mokbortolan_1I thought you could pick up on AC16:00
ThomasEgihm.. not even that16:00
chris_99*attracted to a magnet16:00
kanzurethey should stop wasting their time picking on natasha. it's not like she has any followers.16:00
jrayhawkYeah, high-current AC is what I usually see mention of.16:01
ThomasEgiit's mostly alternating magnetic fields that you pick up16:01
chris_99what people really should be doing, is attaching a hall effect sensor16:01
chris_99to their neurons ;)16:01
ThomasEgihigh ac current, motors, fans. tranforrmers.. stuff like that16:01
ThomasEgichris_99, work in progress^16:01
chris_99or just make it output vibrations16:01
jrayhawkanyway, this "not *real* biohacking" attitude is not particularly useful16:01
jrayhawkit's a no true scotsman paradox16:02
ThomasEgijrayhawk, let the kids have some fun. they do a great job crowdfunding projects16:02
kanzureto be fair, natasha doesn't work with hardware either16:02
jrayhawkyou can claim it's not *good* biohacking, but then you have to qualify your position.16:02
kanzurenatasha did some documentaries16:02
kanzureand submitted them to film festivals16:02
kanzureand had her 1980s talk show in los angeles16:02
kanzureso uh.. i mean. it's really silly to pick on her.16:03
kanzureexcept in the sense that nobody thinks that making a more beautiful film will cause hardware to come into existence16:04
kanzurejrayhawk: so is that still a no true scotsman argument?16:05
kendokaNext Topic at H+ "Magnets: How Do They Work?"16:07
chris_99nmz787, http://myspectral.com16:14
chris_99unless i'm being very dumb, the schematics aren't there though16:15
kanzure"spectruino" hah16:15
kanzure"As Creative Scientist of the team, he is working on bringing hands on education and experiments to the masses.16:15
kanzurei wish people would stop saying "masses"16:15
kendoka"all the little people"16:16
jrayhawkthey found controversy and played it up, which isn't particularly hard in a community of idealists16:16
kanzurealso: assay depot (+ DARPA) is repeating the biocurious competition thing at genspace16:16
jrayhawkif you don't want to look like an asshole, don't claim that everyone who has a vision different than yours is also an asshole16:16
kanzurejrayhawk: so did i do something wrong that made them want to do that, or what?16:17
kanzurejrayhawk: how do i handle them16:17
jrayhawkyour desire to force them to conform to your value system is what makes you an asshole. you should find productive overlap where you can and fucking let go of the rest, already.16:19
jrayhawkneither quantifiedself nor big-time bioresearch invalidate eachother, nor do they particularly interfere with eachother.16:20
kanzurei don't think i ever claimed they do16:20
jrayhawkthey are an allegory16:21
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jrayhawkthe key difference is that i don't think each of quantifiedself and big-time bioresearch spend much time claiming how stupid and useless the other is16:46
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nmz787it doesn't have any identification/fingerprinting functionality17:54
kanzuremac posted a link to their work again, but i never remember him posting a link to your stuff :(17:55
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nmz787they're MIT guys17:55
nmz787maybe that's why?17:55
nmz787or maybe because I never finished17:55
kanzuredunno. mac went to mit i think, so he might be biased, but i doubt it.17:56
nmz787I dont think he went to MIT, i think he worked there17:57
kanzuregood point18:06
kanzurei think before igem, mac was doing drupal work18:06
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nmz787kanzure: http://cis-action.com/about18:37
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kanzurehah i see, he uses jason morrison.. that makes sense.18:46
kanzurejason works at thoughtbot18:46
kanzure"I work in a splendid coworking space with a bunch of other web entreprenuers and I like my direction right now even though I don’t have a job."18:47
kanzurei see i see18:47
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kanzureyashgaroth: yo19:15
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nmz787see you updated linkedin19:18
yashgarothuh huh19:18
yashgarothfuck yeah19:18
yashgarothmakes up for 'assistant'19:18
kanzureyashgaroth: you should say you're a 'senior growth hacker'19:18
kanzuregrowth hacker is the new ninja19:19
yashgarothI thought gothninjas were the new ninjas19:19
nmz787bbl, watching some old TV show19:19
brownieskanzure: o.O19:23
brownieskanzure: that sentence is really expert-level doublethink19:23
brownies"i work... in a cowrking space... with other "entrepreneurs"... i don't have a job."19:23
yashgaroth"I work ... even though I don't have a job." indeed19:25
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kanzurei think that page is old19:25
kanzurehe tried to do snparty, where he sold snp testing kits to like 10 teachers19:25
kanzureand then he moved to sf to do cofactor bio, except he had like 2 customers19:25
browniesis that enough customers?19:33
kanzureno i assume this is why he's not doing either of those things now19:41
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kanzureblah why hasn't the FBI sent my my records yet? isn't FOIA supposed to work?19:57
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delinquentmejmil: on the choice of stepping for your shaker ... why 16th steps?  Doesnt that generate more heat and less torque?20:07
delinquentmeIm sure it would be smoother ... but I was thinking you could almost use another section of tubing to act as some sort of elastomer ... and run it at full stepping ... allowing for smaller motor / cheaper / less heat from active coils20:08
delinquentmepassively active coils20:08
jmildelinquentme: less heat. less torque, but overpowered motors for the application so they still run cool. incubators unfortunately DON'T have cooling function, only heating function. so if the motors overheat they will kill all your cells20:08
delinquentmeI thought that microstepping generates more heat ... as more coils are energized at a given time?20:09
nmz787delinquentme: no20:10
nmz787microstepping just applies a limited current20:10
nmz787instead of full on off20:10
nmz787following a Nth (microstepped) quantized sine wave20:10
jmilkanzure: wow finger magnets is so freaking stupid. kendoka we are working on your liver. give it 30 more years. should be by then.20:10
kanzurenmz787: did you run into carl? i forget what your plans are20:11
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jmil'course i been wrong before20:11
nmz787i had to come back to nyc20:11
kanzurejmil: i think he could probably find a donor before 30 years :)20:11
delinquentmeyeahh i was up in PGH all weekend :D20:11
delinquentmekk looks like i needs more stepper research20:12
kanzurebrownies: this one has a pretty image maybe that means it works http://code.google.com/p/starloot/20:14
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brownieskanzure: GPL! eww20:16
kanzurean interesting ld48 entry: http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/2012/04/24/post-mortem-work-on-immune-system-game/20:23
kanzurebased on immune system stuff20:23
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nmz787this doesnt necessarily sound like a bad thing http://www.in-pharmatechnologist.com/Ingredients/Chinese-drugmaker-accused-of-using-cooking-oil-in-antibiotic-production/?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Newsletter%2BDaily&c=fTyEGch4gwMa8y%2FPG5ntqQ%3D%3D&utm_source=BNT+September+4%2C+2012&utm_campaign=BNT090412&utm_medium=email20:47
nmz787"The clampdown was prompted by the discovery of chromium-tainted gelatin derived from the leather industry rather than pharmaceutical grade gelatin had been used to produce gel capsules"20:49
nmz787that that sounds worse20:50
tashoutangkanzure can you tell me about the 益智藥 where can I get it?20:50
kanzuretashoutang: http://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/36691-ten-months-of-research-condensed-a-total-newbies-guide-to-nootropics/20:53
kanzurehaha now that i'm re-reading that, it is funny: "When I take practice tests most days I have nearly perfect recall and my only mistakes are analysis." uhhhh20:54
kanzurethat's the most important part! hah.20:54
yashgarothat least he can remember the excuse easily20:55
foucistwhat he means is that the only source of errors on his exam is gonna be the part that doesn't depend on his perfect memroy20:56
kanzureyes i know20:56
kanzurei think the idea is to make no mistakes :)20:56
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-!- Mokbortolan_ is now known as Mokstar22:57
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--- Log closed Wed Sep 05 00:00:17 2012

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