
--- Log opened Tue Sep 11 00:00:23 2012
-!- skorket [~skorket@cpe-24-58-232-122.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:01
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kanzurenmz787: well, i certainly don't recommend becoming an alcoholic, if that's what you're asking00:27
nmz787well would regularly drinking 1-3 beers per day be bad?00:33
nmz787i imagine that's pretty low in the context of most abusive situations00:33
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nmz787and i would think that the enzymatic machinery would be present for degrading the more toxic metabolites00:34
nmz787the aldehyde00:34
nmz787i heard alcohol was how people survived in times of bad water00:35
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nmz787kanzure: https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Neural_Network_Workshop00:39
nmz787kanzure: nnw.tgz doesn't exist anymore :(00:39
nmz787Code at http://www.mindmech.com/nnw.tgz00:39
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nmz787git clone git://ml-noisebridge.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/ml-noisebridge/ml-noisebridge00:42
nmz787might be there00:42
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nmz787tashoutang: are you here?01:06
tashoutangI am buzy preparing the Lab01:16
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tashoutangcause the new semester will start next week01:16
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tashoutangnmz787 what's the matter?:)02:25
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ybitmorning internets!06:13
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kanzurebrownies: hah i have commits in the yeoman project now :/07:53
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brownieskanzure: haha09:14
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archelscybernetics http://www.technologyreview.com/view/429186/first-evidence-of-affine-symmetry-in-hand10:42
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nmz787Chemocentric informatics approach to drug discovery: identification and experimental validation of selective estrogen receptor modulators as ligands of 5-hydroxytryptamine-6 receptors and as potential cognition enhancers.12:26
kanzureso they selected those receptors through some "informatics" work?12:27
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nmz787they used that for something12:28
kanzurebtw have you seen the allen brain institute stuff?12:29
kanzurethey have some neat brain expression data and map stuff (tissue scans)12:31
chris_99heh i thought you said 'alien brain institute'12:32
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chris_99does anyone do stereolithography here?12:42
kanzureazonenberg probably has12:44
chris_99cool, i'll give him a shout when he's about.  Just looking at getting a projector for it12:45
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kanzurei think most people use a lamp and a mask, plus lots of unspecified optics12:46
chris_99i've looked @ the lemoncurry thing, and they use a DLP12:46
kanzurelemoncurry is not a standard thing :)12:46
chris_99no i know12:46
kanzurebut yes dlp is the way to go. fuck masks.12:46
kanzurei know a postdoc who does lots of masked photolithography who just hates it. he'd be willing to field a few questions if you email them my way.12:47
chris_99cool :)12:47
chris_99i also looked at using a mirror galvanometer setup, but that'd probably be more expensive12:48
chris_99than the projector12:48
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nmz787kanzure: why does autodesk give a shit about synbio???12:57
chris_99nmz787,   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stereolithography explains it better than me12:58
nmz787i know that technique13:00
nmz787but my brain doesn't connect the word stereo with the concepts at all13:01
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nmz787I though SLA stood for Selective Laser Addition or something13:01
nmz787ahh, i guess stereo actually means solid... so that we have stereoscopic vision is  because we can distinguish volume, i guess13:03
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nmz787and stereophonic sound systems help represent the 3D information of multiple musicians13:04
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chris_99bwhat did i miss my net connection keeps messing up :(13:04
chris_99bah just checked the logs, yeah i see what you mean about stereo sounding weird13:05
nmz787yeah I though it meant two beams13:06
nmz787or two masks13:06
nmz787or something13:06
chris_99byeah it makes it sound like that13:06
chris_99bdoesn't it13:06
nmz787so is it just me or is the whole silicon valley culture a bit annoying?13:06
nmz787like, this Kim guy is on the synbiobeta conference page, with this company http://www.slingshotbio.com/13:07
nmz787but the web page for their company is meaningless13:07
nmz787it has nothing of substance on it at all13:07
chris_99bheh yeah i just looked at that, and haven't got a clue what they do13:08
nmz787Purpose: to engineer crops that can capture and metabolize nitrogen from the atmosphere, reducing the need for petrochemical fertilizers and reducing the cost of farming in developing countries.Amount: $100,000Term: 1 year and 7 months13:09
chris_99bthat'd be impressive13:09
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kanzurenmz787: autodesk likes synthetic biology because andrew hessel13:13
chris_99bnmz787, did you decode any stuff from that CCD btw, i presume it requires an ADC13:26
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nmz787it comes out analog13:27
chris_99byeah i mean convert to digital13:27
chris_99bshould have said digitise13:27
nmz787i just used an oscilloscope13:28
nmz787i started working on the ADC stuff but only got as far as making a breakout board13:28
chris_99baha cool13:28
chris_99bdo you happen to know if theres any IR filter on it, as i was considering getting one to do IR spectroscopy13:29
nmz787IR won't work past about 1000nm with it13:42
nmz787the CCD datasheets generally have a spectral sensitivity chart13:42
nmz787you need InGaAs for NIR and MIR spectroscopy13:42
chris_99byeah i saw the chart i was thinking if there was an IR filter on it, that'd affect it13:45
nmz787nah its the inherent Si sensitivity13:47
chris_99bcheers i've found some by Hamamatsu13:50
chris_99bafter you suggested that13:50
nmz787you can find them on alibaba.com too13:51
nmz7872D InGaAs13:51
chris_99bsweet :)13:53
chris_99bi want to measure alcohol content hopefully13:53
nmz787chris_99b: http://libgen.info/view.php?id=74986013:58
chris_99booh thanks14:00
chris_99bbtw i found the hough transform isn't especially helpful heh14:00
chris_99bat least for the kind of stuff i'm trying to do14:00
chris_99bi've been told this is a lot better http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/Research/Projects/CS/vision/shape/sc_digits.html14:00
nmz787ahh, that squares.c didnt work for your images?14:01
chris_99bwell i didn't use squares.c but i used another implementation of the Hough transform14:02
chris_99band the lines generated14:02
chris_99bwhere not very helpful14:02
chris_99bso i couldn't generate rectangles anway14:02
nmz787have you solved this otherwise yet?14:03
chris_99bnope, i might have to port that matlab code14:04
nmz787ahh, i would give squares.c a try, can't hurt, and it should be a snap to compile since its an opencv example14:05
chris_99bhmm i might do, but if i recall it is just using the hough transform14:06
chris_99band maybe a bit of edge detection too14:06
nmz787there are different hough transforms though14:06
nmz787i.e. hough lines vs hough circles14:06
chris_99byeah, i used the line one14:06
nmz787dunno if there are others14:07
chris_99bnot that i've heard, maybe there are though14:07
chris_99bi'm really suprised there aren't more simple algorithms for detecting simple shapes14:11
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skorkethey all14:41
skorketdid I tell you about my current direction in using my CNC for PCBs?14:42
nmz787I've made a PCB with black spray painted copper clad and etched with a laser cutter14:43
chris_99bis that as good as using photoresist + uv + acetate14:44
skorketoh nice.  I was considering going that route but I heard blanketing the PCB with spray paint consistently was a bit hard14:46
nmz787yeah it took a few tries, mainly because the paint was clearly etched, but microscopically there was still some (I didn't see it with a microscope) and as a result copper etch didnt work14:48
chris_99bdid you make your own CNC skorket?14:49
nmz787but I finally figured out to use a quick pass of alcohol or acetone to clean off any residual, but not enough cleaning that the intact paint didnt smear14:49
skorketchris_99b, I did14:50
chris_99bfunky, do you have a guide to how you built it?14:50
nmz787skorket: what's your idea for CNCing PCBs?14:53
skorketZ sensing through a continuity test14:55
nmz787how are you actually cutting the copper?14:56
chris_99bthat's a cool idea, so it'll know exactly when the drill's hitting the copper14:58
chris_99bis that what you meant?14:58
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skorketCutting the copper with a .0135" carbid tip.  I have others but I haven't tried them yet15:14
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skorketand yep, continuity test with one lead attached to the bit, the other to the copper face of the PCB15:15
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chris_99bproblem is though when you get to parts of the PCB which have no connection to your croc clip15:16
Mokbortolan_well, you might have to use jumpers or other methods to connect them15:17
chris_99bis there any advantage though over just using the Z axis information from your steppers15:17
skorketthe pcb warps.  The z isn't consistent across the surface15:18
chris_99byeah that makes sense15:19
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: cab472d add link to cheap power supply tutorial for gel boxes16:14
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nmz787kanzure: are you speaking at open science summit again this year?16:30
kanzureprobably not.. it's in the UK16:35
kanzurehuh? i thought jojack said so?16:37
nmz787"Oct 19-20, 2012 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA"16:38
nmz787ctrl-f for uk or u.k. finds nothing16:38
kanzureit hasn't raised any money. ouch.16:39
kanzurewell, nobody puts conferences on kickstarter anyway.16:39
nmz787oh, hah, i'm wearing my open science summit tshirt from last year right now16:39
kanzureoh i see. it says computer science museum 2012. well, not the uk. maybe he changed his mind.16:39
kanzurewell in that case, i haven't decided :).16:40
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skorketok, guess it's time to get started on that automatic continuity tester18:37
skorketnmz787, I'm also going to alter grbl to spit out some status variables, like current position, feed rate, etc.18:38
skorketnot sure if you're interested in that whole thing18:38
delinquentmeskorket, are you building a reprap?18:59
skorketdelinquentme, no, I've built a CNC19:00
delinquentmeOh sweet! using grbl?19:01
delinquentmedo you know about ##diy-cnc?19:01
delinquentmeor one #19:01
skorketyes and yes19:01
skorketthere's also #linuxcnc but that's mostly for linuxcnc, as you'd imagine19:02
delinquentmeyeah I was looking at grbl for controlling steppers19:05
delinquentmeended up stuck at the hardware component level19:06
skorketwhat do you mean?19:06
delinquentmeskorket, I was looking for a particular driver which would i guess allow for component / sensor scaling19:08
delinquentmeIE modular " add on a hall sensor "  ... " add on a stepper "19:08
delinquentmemodular MC or something19:08
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skorketso that you could use sensor feedback in the controller?19:09
delinquentmeskorket, well ... I mean the issue I currently have is that when dealing with open source hardware19:28
delinquentmethe ...19:28
delinquentmevirtues of open source ... is partially the awesome turn around time and development19:29
delinquentmeSooo someone hacks together a stellar redundancy on my machine ... and we want to run it ... If this is so I'm probably going to need to add another driver ...  so how can that process be made as easy as possible19:30
kanzurejust use linux's firmware stuff. i don't see the problem.19:31
skorketI don't really understand what you're talking about delinquentme19:33
delinquentmekanzure, stepper driver19:34
delinquentmeskorket, physically adding modular components ... like the best stuff out there right now is designed for the reprap19:34
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delinquentmeIE 5 stepper motors ...19:34
delinquentmewhat happens when you need more stepper motors19:34
delinquentmeREDESIGN THE MAIN BOARD19:34
delinquentme^^ inefficient19:34
ParahSailin_kanzure, im not enough of an asshole to shit on this post on open mfring list http://idejakten.se/vote/utilihab/19:35
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skorketyeah, grbl is not really designed for that19:35
skorketbut maybe kanzure is suggesting that linuxcnc has that extensibility?19:36
delinquentmeHurr. durr.19:39
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kanzureParahSailin_: so you're saying you hate utilihab?19:57
kanzureskorket: you don't even need a "main board" like that with linux. what do you people have against computers. :(19:58
kanzureyou're perfectly fine with computers everywhere else19:58
kanzurebut as soon as there's as stepper, computers become voodoo or something19:58
kanzure*as soon as there's a stepper19:58
ParahSailin_it looks silly, and overly expensive, yes20:00
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skorketI like computers very much, they're just not always appropriate to every task20:14
skorketalarm bells should be ringing when you have to install a whole new kernel just to control a couple of stepper drivers20:15
skorketreal time needs = microcontroller20:15
kanzurewell, most microcontrollers demand that i install windows to write code, so how's that not another kenel?20:20
skorketI've got a toolchain that works very well in linux20:22
skorketyou might have some difficulty in pic, I grant you20:22
skorketpropeller looks like theres some stuff out there20:22
skorketI think I saw some fpga stuff that worked under linux20:22
kanzurepropeller seems highly proprietary20:23
kanzurefpga stuff on linux is also highly proprietary20:23
kanzurexelinux stuff20:23
skorketyeah, not sure about xilinx.  I saw some other starter fpga thing that looked like it might have a nice linux toolchain20:23
kanzureshow me.20:23
skorkethmm, maybe I'm wrong about that one.  This is what I was thinking of: http://www.xess.com/prods/prod048.php20:27
skorkethttp://www.xess.com/downloads.php has a python script to flash and get data from it, but I'm not sure about the rest of the toolchain20:27
skorketthe relevant bits are open source (I think?) but that doesn't mean it's readily available under linux20:28
skorketyeah, sorry, I've never used it, I just found it the other day.  Under 'third parties' theres some 'xstools for linux' which might be a complete toolchain20:29
skorketand of course the board that this is for isn't that powerful20:29
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kanzurebleh internets :(21:34
kanzureif i was a billionaire, i'd make sure the god damned internets worked.21:34
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browniessomeday, kanzure . someday.21:43
kanzurebrownies: tethering sucks21:49
brownieskanzure: get 4G, then tethering is at least tolerable21:50
kanzurebut, i have that "unlimited" data plan21:50
brownieskanzure: so it's, what, 3gb?21:50
kanzureyes :(21:50
kanzuremy monopolist isp says that the quickest they can check out my problem is next monday21:52
kanzurenext monday is like an internet year away21:52
kanzurehell it's a whole new iphone version away21:52
brownieswell, at this point anything other than pizza delivery is a whole iphone version away21:52
kanzurenope, pizza doesn't deliver around here past 11pm21:53
kanzureand starts up around 10am21:53
kanzurewhat's the point of delivery if you can't get it at 2am?21:53
kanzurewhat the fuck is wrong with people21:53
browniesi'm actually pretty annoyed that it'll be another week between tomorrow's announcement and being able to actually buy the damn thing21:53
kanzureso far i haven't seen anything interesting on it21:53
brownieskanzure: does your whole city also close down at 10pm?21:53
kanzureno there's two restaurants that stay open 24/721:54
browniesi thought Austin was supposed to be hip and exciting21:54
kanzurewe are hip and exciting 6am-10pm21:54
browniesthose are not every hip and exciting hours21:54
kanzureexcept for 6th street21:54
kanzurewhich is 2am-4am21:54
Lemminkainen_where get pharmaceuticals?21:58
Lemminkainen_I'm interested in acquiring some Trental and Provigil21:59
Lemminkainen_but unsure of where to procure these from21:59
kanzurestep into my office22:04
kanzureby "my office" i mean "my van"22:04
kanzureand by "my van" i mean my "sex tarp" http://xkcd.com/1101/22:05
Lemminkainen_but kanzure I don't love you like *that*22:06
Lemminkainen_I love you like a cold apple22:06
Lemminkainen_I really like cold apples on a hot day22:09
yashgarothif you know what he means22:09
Lemminkainen_anyway, I've been looking more into things like NAC, piracetam, Trental, Provigil, etc etc and I would like to play with some of them22:09
Lemminkainen_I am, however, professionally homeless, so I am somewhat perturbed by the idea of several pill bottles rattling around my luggage22:10
kanzurei'm professionally awsome22:11
strangewarpstop fucking apples, it's not the goddamned 1970s anymore22:14
Mokbortolan_people fucked apples back then?22:15
Mokbortolan_wow, hippies were weirder than I thought22:15
Mokbortolan_Lemminkainen_: well, you can have them as white powders in bags!22:17
Mokbortolan_although, Provigil you can get (from india) in foil sheets22:18
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Lemminkainen_tell me more Mokbortolan_22:42
nmz787we're nothing but chemistry that realizes itself22:59
Lemminkainen_this is true nmz787 but I am looking to get a hold of more chemicals23:03
nmz787more atoms!!!23:39
nmz787what country are you in?23:39
ybitkanzure: how?23:42
ybit07:53 < kanzure> brownies: hah i have commits in the yeoman project now :/23:42
ybit22:18 < Mokbortolan_> although, Provigil you can get (from india) in foil sheets23:43
ybiti can confirm this and i can also confirm it didn't work23:43
nmz787why would it come in foil?23:44
nmz787i'm pretty sure backalley powder in india is not to be trusted to work23:45
Lemminkainen_nmz787 I'm in US23:50
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--- Log closed Wed Sep 12 00:00:24 2012

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