
--- Log opened Wed Sep 12 00:00:24 2012
browniesthere ought to be a rule of thumb here00:02
browniesif you're not smart enough to acquire nootropics on your own, you shouldn't be experimenting with nootropics00:03
Lemminkainen_aw come now brownies00:04
Lemminkainen_tain't about not being smart enough here, it's about appealing to others' experience first00:04
Lemminkainen_if nmz787 were to be all "don't even ask that brownies moob, they're shady as fuck and will give you salt pills", I'd appreciate that metis00:05
nmz787kanzure: http://imgur.com/r/funny/JG5dA00:06
nmz787brownies: but what if a dose of nootropics enabled you to become smart enough to acquire more nootropics??? sortof starting a chain reaction?00:07
nmz787but i kinda agree00:08
nmz787what's NAC00:08
Lemminkainen_nmz787: N-acetyl cystein00:16
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nmz787heh, right at the top http://www.faqs.org/faqs/ai-faq/neural-nets/part1/preamble.html00:37
nmz787do newsgroups still exist?00:38
nmz787i dont know if i ever posted to one, but I remember using some email client a long long time ago to read some00:38
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ybiti see00:59
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kanzureybit: DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE ME07:40
kanzurei don't think they pushed my change to their site yet07:41
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delinquentmeumm is there a way to ping a website and find out what kind of server its running on?07:47
chris_99sometimes its in the HTTP response07:47
chris_99so curl would show it07:47
chris_99or if you nmap it, possibly that could also tell you07:48
kanzurehttp headers will usually tell you07:48
kanzureand then you can look at the open ports via nmap07:48
kanzurei see that chris_99 is faster than me today07:49
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delinquentmeThank you,08:42
delinquentmeRetention Specialist08:42
delinquentme$ curl -I -L <url>08:42
kanzureurine retention specialist?08:43
* kanzure isn't sure08:43
nmz787Retention Specialist == get's stuffed up a lot, isn't regular08:44
delinquentmeyeah thats a rough job title08:54
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kanzurewizaqua: hi09:45
kanzureblah someone is wondering why i hate 'social entrepreneurship contests'. isn't that an easy one?09:46
kanzureParahSailin_: but yeah i got spammed by jonas about utilihab today09:49
kanzurefor a 'social entrepreneurship contest'09:49
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nmz787kanzure: have you seen this https://threatpost.com/en_us/blogs/new-attack-uses-ssltls-information-leak-hijack-https-sessions-09051210:00
kanzurehaven't used that yet10:01
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nmz787a friend's dad has prostate cancer, anyone know how to combat that?10:49
nmz787i've heard DCA (dichloroacetate) is pretty good, but I can't find anything on it relating to prostate10:49
jrayhawkmost cancers are responsive to ketosis and/or vitamin d10:51
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jrayhawka GAPS or ancestral lifestyle template always help, too10:58
jrayhawkGAPS is a good ultra-conservative medical dietary intervention10:59
jrayhawkit's not very pleasant long-term, though10:59
Mokbortolan_Gastro - and Psychology Something11:00
jrayhawkIt's designed as a gut-healing protocol, which winds up having profound effects on metabolic, autoimmune, and psychological problems11:01
kanzurecan he just have his prostate removed?11:04
jrayhawkcambell-mcbride is a lot more paranoid about lesser known food intolerances, like FODMAPs and insoluable fiber, than the usual ancestral dieting folks are11:04
jrayhawkshe's been good at pushing bone broth, though, which is cool11:05
nmz787kanzure: i guess its spread outside there11:05
jrayhawkusually when somebody says 'prostate cancer' they mean 'mostly innocuous mass that will probably take twenty years to actually do anything effectual'11:07
nmz787hmm, yeah, I dunno11:13
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superkuhMy dad just had surgery for that (yesterday).11:19
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kanzuresuperkuh: is he ok?11:40
superkuhYeah, as good as can be hoped. They had one of the Da Vinci surgical robots do it.11:42
kanzurewas the robot requested?11:43
superkuhI don't know the details. It was probably suggested by his doctor. The local hospital here just acquired the machine within the year.11:44
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kanzurebeep boop12:55
kanzurejmil: so besides open hardware summit and open science summit, where else will i run into you?13:01
jmilkanzure: just got a talk at TEDxYouth@SanDiego :D13:02
jmilthat's about it13:02
jmilhopefully will get a faculty position this year13:02
jmilapplying now13:02
kanzurewhere are you aiming for?13:02
nmz787kanzure: you're heading to OHS?13:09
jmilkanzure: anywhere i get a good offer/fit13:13
kanzurenmz787: no :(13:13
kanzurejmil: heh ok13:13
kanzurenmz787: btw you could probably get in with volunteering or some crap13:13
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nmz787kanzure: how are you running into jmil there then?13:16
kanzurein my mind13:17
nmz787or do you mean, you'll see him in some video feed13:17
kanzurein my mind, i'm more elusive than todd huffman at conferences :P13:17
kanzurebut, todd is still better at showing up at all conferences than me13:17
nmz787Debut of the first practical “artificial leaf”13:17
nmz787The first artificial leaf was developed more than a decade ago by John Turner of the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado. Although highly efficient at carrying out photosynthesis, Turner’s device was impractical for wider use, as it was composed of rare, expensive metals and was highly unstable — with a lifespan of barely one day.Nocera’s new leaf overcomes these problems. It is made of inexpensive mate13:18
nmz787The key to this breakthrough is Nocera’s recent discovery of several powerful new, inexpensive catalysts, made of nickel and cobalt, that are capable of efficiently splitting water into its two components, hydrogen and oxygen, under simple conditions. Right now, Nocera’s leaf is about 10 times more efficient at carrying out photosynthesis than a natural leaf. However, he is optimistic that he can boost the efficiency of the artific13:18
ThomasEgi10 times more efficient than natural photosynthesis eh?..13:19
ThomasEgii am pretty sure that natural photosynthesis is about 30% or so13:20
nmz787if it comes to market, hell yea!13:20
nmz787I thought natural was 8%13:20
nmz787or so13:20
ThomasEgiunder natural daylight about 20, accordnig to wikipedia13:21
ThomasEgiand.. doing something 10 times more efficient than millions of years worth of evolution... sorta rings my bullshit-alert-bell13:21
nmz787i'm seeing 3-6%13:21
ThomasEgiif you count in photorespiration13:22
kanzureThomasEgi: wait, what? there's no reason nature would have found a step-wise change like that, ever13:23
kanzureor a natural route to an order-of-magnitude improvement13:23
ThomasEgii just say that i'd triple-doubt that 10x more efficiency information13:24
ThomasEgiand ask how the the number came up.13:24
ThomasEgibecause it smells like someone want's to advertise his research and picks semi-related numbers to fabricate a 1000% efficiency gain13:25
nmz787this is a good overview on artificial photosynthesis from Materials Research Society in 2008 (I have this in print)13:25
nmz787open access for this issue too, which is cool13:25
nmz787Engineered and Artificial Photosynthesis: Human Ingenuity Enters the Game13:25
nmz787"The best single-threshold photovoltaic devices have ECEs that approach the Shockley–Quiesser limit of about 30%, which was calculated taking all of the above considerations into account. In contrast, although the initial steps of plant and bacterial photosynthesis often have very high quantum yields, the ECE of natural photosynthesis is relatively low (maximally about 6% but usually observed to be <0.8%)."13:27
nmz787"energy conversion efficiency (ECE)"13:28
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ThomasEgithat means.. sunlight to whatever you harvest13:28
nmz787"Note: ECE (energy conversion efficiency) is calculated by dividing the energetic equivalent by the energy content of the total solar spectrum averaged over 1 year incident on 1 hectare (ha) for a sunny climate at moderate latitude [21 million kWh/(ha year)] (Phoenix, AZ; http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/old_data/nsrdb/redbook/). Si based PV cells produce electricity, not fuel. We assume 80% of the hectare can be covered by solar collectors13:29
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ThomasEgiand they compare that number to whatever they messure in a lab?13:32
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* bkero waves from Toronto.14:12
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chris_99i thought this was amusing http://hackerne.ws/item?id=4508980 (Ask HN: You're in an empty room. How do you generate a random number?)14:15
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delinquentmekanzure, do you have an email for jmil?14:28
jrayhawknobody deserves toronto14:30
jrayhawknot even ontario14:30
ThomasEgichris_99, take a small bundle of pubes, count those and do modulo 10 to get a 0-9 digit14:36
chris_99that's one of the comments basically14:36
chris_99i liked this one too 'Bash your head against the wall and count the stars.'14:37
Mokstarsounds like it'd be easier to toss hairs into the air and then count the intersections when they land on each other14:40
Mokstarof course, that'd leave you with a distinct lack of 0's14:40
Mokstarbut you'd get fluid dynamics in the mix14:40
chris_99modulo n would fix it14:41
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chris_99i know, just wait until you start hallucinating after sensory deprivation14:45
kanzuredelinquentme: Jordan Miller <jsmiller@seas.upenn.edu>14:47
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skorkethey all15:22
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kanzurebloop bleep.16:15
kanzure"The long-held serotonin hypothesis has proven to be completely baseless and there is no good evidence that depression has a neurochemical etiology"16:17
kanzureneat, i'd love a citation on that last part16:17
jrayhawkhttp://evolutionarypsychiatry.blogspot.com/2011/11/depression-beyond-chemical-imbalance.html is a decent read, though also needs more citations16:26
ParahSailin_kanzure, o snap16:27
kanzurei like how everyone thinks brain stuff is simple "dopamine/serotonin levels", it's really cute :)16:27
kanzureso anything that proves otherwise is worth keeping around16:28
ParahSailin_md's are mostly hacks16:29
jrayhawkhttp://evolutionarypsychiatry.blogspot.com/2011/12/beyond-chemical-imbalance-part-2.html ah, this one has a nice big citation16:31
browniesthere's no good evidence that depression has a neurochemical basis? o.O16:37
kanzurewell it's not like we are monitoring the neurochemical output in depressed people at every neuron16:37
kanzureusually these people have objections to splitting their heads open, it's realy annoying16:37
jrayhawkit's an argument about semantics, really. are b-vitamins and carnatine neurochemicals?16:39
jrayhawkand i guess about framing etiology16:40
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kanzurei suppose the original author of that quote should have said "no good evidence that depression is directly caused by serotonin levels"16:41
kanzurebut that would be redundant16:42
jrayhawkthat's not entirely true16:42
jrayhawkmonoamine manipulation actually does work in a lot of cases16:43
jrayhawkbut 'etiology' is the key word he uses16:43
jrayhawkdisease management is not the same as health care16:46
jrayhawkoh, his proposal is medicre. that's too bad.16:49
jrayhawk'It is entirely possible that the idea of depression is itself a cause of depression, in much the same way that the western presentation anorexia nervosa has been imported into Chinese culture and is slowly replacing the far more common indigenous eating disorder, which presented as idiopathic digestive problems rather than a psychological aversion to food based in body image.'16:50
jrayhawkha ha that guy has no idea how tightly coupled the intestine and the brain are16:50
kanzurei didn't quote his other stuff because it was stupid16:51
jrayhawkyeah, good call16:51
jrayhawk'Anecdote is not the singular of data' uh...16:54
browniesyeah, what an idiot. everyone knows it's anecdatum.16:55
browniesjrayhawk: fair point about etiology.16:55
jrayhawkthe plural of anecdote must clearly be datums16:55
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kanzurebrownies: http://forkbin.com/ so where's my play button?18:22
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brownieskanzure: well, well, well.18:34
browniesisn't that interesting.18:34
kanzurei guess not super interesting18:37
kanzurebut at least someone did it18:37
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nmz787kinda cool18:45
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nmz787is this hplus? http://18again.com/vaginal-cream-faqs.php18:57
nmz787Virginity cream sparks Indian sex debate18:57
yashgarothnah that's some straight biohacking right thur19:00
brownies"contains natural ingredients including gold dust"19:10
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nmz787theres a youtube vid19:15
nmz787omg http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwp&v=g63YG-BOCns&NR=119:21
nmz787Woman with Two Vaginas19:21
nmz787top comment "so she can b a slut and an virgin at the same time"19:23
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kanzurenmz787: that comment makes me sad19:42
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nmz787yeah pretty bad20:08
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kanzurebrownies: so i forgot about this guy, but apparently i had started corresponding with him in 2008.. http://ideonomy.mit.edu/gunkel.html20:25
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kanzurepatrick gunkel obviously needs forkable lists20:25
ParahSailin_thats weird20:39
nmz787i wonder if he rides around everywhere with that cat on his shoulder20:43
nmz787"If asked, he will reel off the 14 kinds of soda pop he has on hand."20:44
nmz787he has too much pop20:44
nmz787so have you two hung out?20:50
kanzureno he was in nj in 200820:51
ParahSailin_i've talked to homeless people that arcane20:52
ParahSailin_they never got any story in the newspaper for themselves though20:52
brownieskanzure: skimming... nice idea... very meta.20:56
brownieskanzure: the question is whether he can invent an idea-generating tool that can generate the idea for itself20:56
skorketso, algorithmic idea generation?20:59
nmz787seemed more like a simple matrix multiply to me21:02
kanzureParahSailin_: :)21:03
kanzurenmz787: yes21:03
nmz787i was listening to some blurb this guy spewed earlier, didn't finish it21:04
nmz787the LSDNA talk21:05
nmz787he said some interesting things, about some people taking DNA as a hallucinogen... but didn't cite it21:05
nmz787and I couldn't find anything relevant on google scholar about it21:05
nmz787what's a PhD in Rhetoric anyway?21:06
skorketit's just called a PhD21:07
nmz787is rhetoric b.s.?21:08
nmz787or the art of  bullshitting?21:08
skorket"speech or discourse that pretends to significance but lacks true meaning"21:10
nmz787so i wasted my time trying to find any decent info on DNA in that talk basically21:12
nmz78764 raspberry pi cluster http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/09/120911125106.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+sciencedaily+(ScienceDaily%3A+Latest+Science+News)21:26
nmz787"If you want to build a Raspberry Pi Supercomputer yourself see: http://www.soton.ac.uk/~sjc/raspberrypi"21:26
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skorkethow are things nmz787?22:33
nmz787trying to help my gf with her thesis22:41
nmz787which is image classification via artificial neural networks22:42
nmz787I got my power supply, but not the diode yet... the seller sent it with delivery confirmation, and I don't see the postman (I guess he doesn't knock loud enough?) so I still dont have the laser22:42
nmz787so I think this is how ANNs work: basically you need to feed input to the neurons, and either ask a question (if statement) and get a binary output (yes no, 0 1) based on the some initially chosen threshold value (weight of neuron?), or is something like input X * weight-of-neuron then square rooting that and feeding it into the next layer22:43
nmz787this has some example input data for an ANN with 114 input nodes and 1 or 3 outputs http://www.powershow.com/view/114301-NDg1N/Glaucoma_Detection_Using_An_Artificial_Neural_Network_flash_ppt_presentation22:45
skorketOne model that I studied, and I think it was pretty common, was that neurons were connected via edges.  Each edge had a weight to it.  Output from one neuron was multiplied by the weight22:51
skorketoutput from the previous layer multiplied by weight and summed.22:51
skorketEither fire the neuron if it crosses the threshold or use some sigmoid function to approximate a step function22:51
skorketnothing special, just partition the higher dimensional space into two22:51
nmz787i'm looking to do image noise classification. i think i want to diff adjacent pixels, and have the diff be the input to a single neuron. or diff adjacent pixels in a kernel, and have the kernel RMS value feed into a neuron22:52
skorketwhat's the end goal?22:52
nmz787pattern of a camera22:53
nmz787also these would be dark images22:53
nmz787i.e. the sensor was covered from light when recorded22:54
nmz787(dark for training, then compare with real life 'test' image)22:55
nmz787since the training diffs will be pretty small, the test image will probably only give a positive result in areas of similar or low illumination. So I think the bigger the image, the better22:56
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nmz787this is encouraging http://stackoverflow.com/a/4821157/25312723:22
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AdrienGanyone looked into tDCS23:27
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MokstarAdrienG: check out /r/tdcs23:50
MokstarI have none.23:51
Mokstarthey call me Ming23:52
Mokstarthe Merciless23:52
AdrienGhae u used it?23:53
Mokstarof course23:53
Mokstaryou know how reckless I am23:53
* Mokstar jams oversized white LEDs in his ears.23:56
AdrienGwell, birds of feather flock together.23:58
AdrienGhow's the LED project?23:58
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