
--- Log opened Thu Sep 20 00:00:31 2012
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strangewarpI ought to pick up some bags of yerba mate; I had a can of Guayaki yerba mate yesterday and it seemed to have an interesting effect on top of the noopept and Cognizin07:11
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strangewarpOh, what the fuck08:29
strangewarpAnother one of my favorite intellectual blogs started slamming transhumanism out of nowhere -_-08:30
strangewarpOnly brought it up in terms of Kurzweilian capitalist technocracy, and how said thing is terrible, of course08:30
Mariustrangewarp, they enjoy their comfort zone too much. And "Kurzweilian capitalist technocracy" is not comfortable for their basic perceptions.08:34
strangewarpI am annoyed by how transhumanism's silliness is assumed to go without saying, by otherwise decent and interesting bloggers, argh08:34
strangewarpMariu, yeah08:35
JayDuggerSo...going to update your favorites based on your new knowledge about their assumptions?08:39
@kanzureor you can delete your rss aggregator and stop reading blogs08:40
strangewarpJayDugger: nah, the blog has multiple authors, and is occasionally interesting08:46
skorketHaD picked up the MakerBot controversy08:46
skorketTIL, Bre Pattis is from Ithaca08:47
strangewarpkanzure: I used to read many more blogs, and of much lower quality; I think I will eventually mostly stop reading them, but I've tried giving them up entirely and it creates a gaping hole in my routine that is awful08:47
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eudoxiawhich intellectual blog was that?08:59
strangewarpThe New Inquiry08:59
strangewarpHonestly I might have overreacted08:59
strangewarpIt was just half a paragraph's worth of fretting about the semiotics of ridiculous techno-optimism08:59
-!- EnLilaSko [~Nattzor@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:01
kirkaI find this paper interesting: http://www.pnas.org/content/109/26/E1705.full.pdf09:02
@kanzurekirka: do you know leonid evdokimov?09:04
@kanzureyou are in st. petersburg?09:04
kirkaYes I am09:04
@kanzureyou should go find him :)09:05
kirkaWhat's special about him?09:06
@kanzurehe writes very clean C09:06
@kanzurepeople who write clean C are good friends to keep09:06
kirkaI managed to run NE1, load large models and use Atoms tool09:07
kirkaSwitched off HW acceleartion and patched >10 source files09:08
kirkaDNA insertion doesn't work though09:08
kirkaNow I can say that I don't like at all how it's written09:09
@kanzureyes, it's not adherrent to many python idioms09:09
kirkaThere are many elaborate cache strategies, color sorting, hardware model rotation is very complex and errorprone, and DNA and proteins aren't represented as atoms, that adds additional complexity09:10
kirkaBut I like interface and atom editor09:10
@kanzurei think DNA is represented as atoms clustered together, right?09:11
kirkaYou are probably right09:13
kirkaBut aren't there other classes over it?09:13
kirkaI'm thinking about architecture of atomic/molecular CAD09:14
kirkaWithout DNA and proteins it becomes mich simpler09:14
kirkaWhen I'll write my own CAD, I won't include that functionality09:15
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* kirka loaded Neon Pump09:17
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@kanzuredrama http://marcuswolschon.blogspot.com/2012/09/occupy-thingiverse.html .09:25
@kanzuremore drama http://web.archive.org/web/20110707143620/http://www.thingiverse.com/legal09:25
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@kanzurenmz787: hi09:28
kirkanmz787 hi09:28
nmz787ever figure out that git stuff?09:28
kirkaI think I have09:29
nmz787kanzure: have you tried running kirka's code out of a chrott?09:29
kirka>I managed to run NE1, load large models and use Atoms tool09:29
nmz787did opengl ever get better?09:29
nmz787or sstill 5fps?09:30
kirkaI switched off HW acceleration in VM and digged source code09:30
@kanzurei haven't tried his changes yet no.09:30
@kanzurenmz787: i think the next reasonable thing to do with nanoengineer is to separate the GUI from the backend code.09:30
kirkakanzure I agree09:31
@kanzurethe "import" statements should not be so intertwined.09:31
@kanzuremost of this stuff doesn't require third-party libraries (except for graphics)09:31
kirkakanzure If I knew the class layout and dependencies, then I probably could cut graphics stuff from codebase and replace it with something09:32
@kanzurei don't think removing it is the right answer09:32
kirkaIt would be nice to include all numeric (and other) python libraries with NE109:32
@kanzurejust disabling it or letting it continue with pyqt4 failure09:32
@kanzurewtf no.09:32
@kanzurethat's what pypi.python.org is for09:32
@kanzureif you need the packages, there's some here:09:33
kirkaSo, when they finally deprecate python.oldnumeric , you'll have to redesign whole source around numpy API09:33
kirkaOh, thank09:33
@kanzurediybio should do a key signing party09:39
@kanzurewait, do i trust these people?09:42
kirkaSo feds are really after diybio guys?09:42
@kanzurekirka: the feds collaborate with us09:42
@kanzureevery year the FBI holds a meeting and they fly us out (nmz787 was there too)09:42
@kanzurehere are the transcripts from the 2012 diybio/fbi meeting:09:42
kirkakanzure Seems that your and others' focus is biohacking now, not MNT09:47
@kanzuredon't put me in a box :(09:48
kirkaI don't like being put into the box too09:49
nmz787MNT == Mutant Ninja Turtles??09:50
nmz787I would say that mutating turtles to learn ninja skills is biohacking09:51
nmz787what do you really mean by MNT?09:51
kirkaMolecular NanoTechnology of course09:51
nmz787proteins and shit are moleculars09:52
nmz787we talk about them a lot09:52
kirkaI'm interested in protein structure design and prediction09:52
nmz787kanzure even has helped me a lot with figuring out a path to DIY DNA synthesis09:52
nmz787that should be better than what exists on the market today09:52
nmz787are you a member of the DIYbio google group?:09:53
kirkaI'll read it, thanks09:53
nmz787ahh, if you're interested in biohacking stuff you should join09:53
nmz787i just posted the other day about an idea for protein folding experiments09:53
nmz787but it seems that the group is less active lately, especially with more experienced folks09:54
kirkaThe thing is that I'm still studying, so I can become bioinformatics guy in the future09:55
kirkaThat;s one of many possibilities09:55
kirkaCS, ML and numeric methods are applied everywhere09:56
nmz787do you know any ML?10:01
kirkaYes I do10:02
kirkaBut I still have a lot to learn10:03
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nmz787ahh, coolo10:11
@kanzurenmz787: do you happen to be an iptables master?10:12
nmz787my girlfriend and i are learning artificial neural networks10:12
nmz787not a master, no... but I can generally get it to do what I want after searching the manual/nets10:12
kirkaANNs have a renaissance now10:12
nmz787in the past I've also used firestarter as a GUI for iptables10:13
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kirkaSoftware rendering works pretty fast if I give VM 4 of 6 cores10:20
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kirkaAh, a lot of parts coming with NE1 are really well designed10:21
kirkaBevel gears for example10:21
kirkaAnd universal joint, and planetary gears10:22
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nmz787so fastcompany never posted my comment that i submitted yesterday10:31
@kanzurenah you have to wait longer i think10:31
@kanzureor, if other comments were posted, then that indicates they did can it10:32
nmz787there are 2 other comments10:32
@kanzureah :(10:32
nmz787i guess the normos wont ever hear of our FAQ10:32
@kanzuremac still hasn't updated diybio.org to link to it10:32
nmz787they fixed the spelling errors10:32
kirkaHaven't you read about DIY STM?10:35
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kirkaI know, it's virtually impossible to acheive good precision10:36
@kanzurenmz787: you should post the comment you made to fastcompany on diybio, since they wont publish it10:36
nmz787well i reposted the faq/news link10:37
@kanzureit would be fun to do a markov chain bot based on all of the text from all of those articles10:38
@kanzureit would be the most excited, pro-open-source, WMD fearmongering bot ever.10:38
delinquentmespent 20 bucks for laser cut molds :D10:38
delinquentme<<, happy kid10:38
delinquentmeanyone wanna dance??10:39
@kanzuredelinquentme is high from co2 fumes from the laser cutter10:39
delinquentmenmz787, also theres a makerfaire this weekend10:39
delinquentmekanzure, they said that was a clean air port!10:39
kirkakanzure I have done it in scheme, and trained it on classical russian literature10:39
kirkakanzure He spoke like mad aristocrat10:40
@kanzurei want one that speaks like a very mad scientist10:41
@kanzurean ANGRY scientist10:41
nmz787kanzure: i'm in pittsburgh, not NYC this week10:42
@kanzureyou meant delinquentme i think10:42
delinquentmeyeahh there is a local pgh one :D10:42
delinquentmehaha so like there might be a robot there10:42
delinquentmeIDK though ... w cmu10:42
kirkahttp://www.geocities.com/spm_stm/Project_overview.html http://www.geocities.com/spm_stm/Progress.html That's it10:45
@kanzurethere are others10:45
delinquentmeif (!self.md5.blank? and File.exists?(File.join(DBFile.make_md5_path(self.md5),self.md5)) and !File.join(DBFile.make_md5_path(self.md5),self.md5).match(/[^A-Za-z0-9\/]/)) or (File.exists?(self.file_path) and ACCESSIBLE_FOLDERS.select { |af| self.file_path.index(af) == 0 }.length > 0 )10:46
delinquentmekirka, what is this im looking at?10:46
nmz787nah i meant kanzure, because you mentioned makerfaire10:47
nmz787kirka: that's your STM?10:47
nmz787unless all makerfaires happen this weekend10:48
nmz787it is in pitts thi weekend10:48
kirkaNo, of course10:48
kirkaI just read that article and find it interesting10:49
@kanzuredelinquentme: looks like ruby to me10:49
kirka100 nM resolution10:49
browniesyup. definitely rubies.10:49
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delinquentmekanzure, yeah10:50
kirkaI haven't seen any finidhed STM project on the net though10:50
delinquentmeguy makes his own attachment plugin... names it paperclip10:50
@kanzurekirka: http://www.makezine.com/blog/archive/2006/07/how_to_build_a_simple_scanning.html10:51
nmz787delinquentme: wanna meet at makerfaire?10:51
delinquentmenmz787, im seeing about weekend accomodations in the burgh10:51
delinquentmealso i might bring some electronics10:51
delinquentmethe guts of the shaker ... as I've got a encoder to wire up and figure out how i'd like to run frequency and start / stop10:52
nmz787ahh, hmm, I wish I could offer a place to crash but there just isn't space here10:52
@kanzurekirka: the makezine one is probably most usefl.10:52
delinquentmenmz787, do you know nick??10:52
delinquentmepinkston yeah10:52
delinquentmekanzure, kinda knows him10:52
@kanzurepinkston is in sf10:52
kirkakanzure Thanks but makezine is dead, I have read e-basteln and http://www.lugoj.com/NanotechSTMArticles/HomeBrewSTMs.html looks useful10:52
@kanzuremakezine is dead? wtf wtf10:53
nmz787i dont know anyone named pinkston10:53
delinquentmebut hell be there as well as some dude who worked on the lasersaurs in pgh10:53
nmz787i thihnk10:53
@kanzurepinkston did cloudfab.com and sold it10:53
kirkaUsing piezo buzzer as actuator is very creative10:53
delinquentmekanzure, hes here for the part this weekend :D10:53
delinquentmeY U NO HERE HOMESLICE?!10:53
delinquentmepgh = clearly the coolest place on earth10:53
delinquentmefor 3.5 days10:53
@kanzurekirka: ok how about this one.. http://blog.makezine.com/2006/07/30/how-to-build-a-simple-sca/10:53
@kanzureoh it just links to geocities10:53
@kanzurehow sad10:53
kirkaAh yes10:54
kirkaThe most complex part is actuator and tip10:54
@kanzuredelinquentme: he's doing some non-profit thing for open source hardware/manufacturing. you should say hi to him.10:54
kirkaI have experience in electronics/programming10:54
kirkaIf I were going to do it, I would build tunneling current measuring unit first10:55
@kanzurekirka: i think the parts are <$200010:56
kirkaAnd I expect that it's quite complex to distinguish tunnel current from dirst current or short circuit10:56
@kanzuremake a bill of materials with the necessary parts, and i can purchase them, if you agree to make it an open source project10:56
kirkaI agree, but I have to learn a lot before I would start this projects with confidence10:57
kirkaI'm not in a hurry though10:57
delinquentmekanzure, pinkston is?10:57
delinquentmehe told me about the mfg .. but I didn't know it was OS10:58
kirkakanzure I will begin collecting information about STM designs. I will upload it as I'll have progress11:00
@kanzurekirka: please consider adding the information to diyhpluswiki.git11:01
kirkaIndex http://www.e-basteln.de/index_r.htm11:01
@kanzureit's a git-based wiki, so you can edit on the web or with your normal text editors11:01
@kanzureand STM stuff should be on there :)11:01
@kanzurehmm it looks like pieter van boheeemen is in the news again11:04
@kanzure"Lava Amp makes a $300 machine to run PCR but not to diagnose a particular disease."11:04
@kanzurewhat? jojack hasn't released lava amp.. you can't buy one11:05
@kanzurehah i never knew they had content on their site11:05
@kanzure"Amplino was founded in 2012, is based in Leiden in the Netherlands, has three employees, and is privately funded."11:05
@kanzureok is that really DIY?11:05
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: dfd65d1 an article about amplino/pieter11:11
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kirkakanzure It would be very cool if someone have shown working STM with piezo disk actuator11:20
kirkakanzure piezo disks are dirt cheap11:20
kirkaThere should be some pitfall, as Idon't see any finished STMs with that approach11:21
nmz787i think they are expensive if you dont make them yourselves (the tip)11:22
nmz787and they are hard to make if i recall correctly11:22
kirkaActuator and precise mechanics are the most costly parts11:22
kirkaYes they are11:22
nmz787there's gotta be some law of physics we're not exploiting to see small stuff cheaply11:23
kirkaSTM seems most cheap technique11:23
nmz787DNA origami tips?11:23
kirkaI thought about that. They probably will not fold in free air or vacuum. IBM guys use CO-termintaed tips: http://www.zurich.ibm.com/news/12/ncAFM.html11:24
nmz787kanzure: i always thought the consensus on DIYbio was that you'd get the pants sued off you for making a qPCR machine11:24
nmz787well that's cutting edge11:25
kirkaI made a local mirror of gecities STM site. Important information.11:26
nmz787kanzure: what is it called when you have two options for an answer but only 1 is appropriate11:28
nmz787like when you take the square root of something11:28
nmz787there is always the negative answer11:29
kirkaThat guy uses completely analog electronics with integrators and so on. It would be much easier to put there some high resolution DACs and microcontroller, and connect it to PC with UART.11:37
kirkaThat's his design http://www.geocities.com/spm_stm/Electronics_discription.html11:38
kirkaOf course OPAMPs would be still nedded, but there wouldn't be analog control loop11:39
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nmz787what part are you talking about11:43
nmz787i mean what does the integrator do?11:44
nmz787analog is usually more responsive though11:44
kirkaYes you are right11:44
kirkaI'll find about integrator, wait11:45
nmz787so you'd probably lose resolution in some axis if you went digital11:45
nmz787or had to scan more slowly11:45
kirkaYes speed would be lower11:45
nmz787and add some statistical noise reduction later (DSP)11:45
kirkaBut on 10 mhz AVR controller I could easily do 100khz control loop11:45
kirka*20 mhz11:46
nmz787yeah but comparing to analog *infitine hertz*11:46
nmz787you could use an FPGA and get pretty high11:46
kirkaNo, opamps have pretty finite bandwidth11:46
nmz787or some of the OMAP processors would work well11:46
kirkacheap ones at 1-5 Mhz11:46
nmz787o, OMAPs are generally dual core 1 ARM 1 TI DSP at like almost GHz11:47
kirkaThey are complex to use and not well suited for real time tasks11:47
kirkaMCU fits ideally here11:47
nmz787whats the diff between opamp and darlington?11:47
kirkadarlington is just a pair of very similar complementary bipolar transistors11:48
kirkaI made an error11:48
kirkaThat's two BJTs connected so that they work like one with more gain11:49
kirkaI find it very cool: http://www.geocities.com/spm_stm/Disk_Scanner_Exp.html11:50
kirkaIntegrator is used for coarse control of tip's Z coordinate11:53
-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has quit [Quit: downtime]11:55
kirkaInput OPAMP has 3 Mhz bandwidth11:55
nmz787what does this mean "Remember the stainless steel disk is the Z electrode."11:57
kirkaIt's common to all 4 electrodes11:57
kirkaIt's natural to use it for global Z compensation11:58
nmz787parallax propeller is 8 core at 96MHz for $811:58
nmz787very easy to use11:58
kirkaYes, but I think attiny2313@20 Mhz will be enough. Or atmega.11:58
nmz787i thought stainless steel bottom is ground11:58
kirkaIt's not imperative11:59
kirkaHe is obviously experienced guy11:59
* kirka reads datasheets for suggested opamps12:00
kirkaI think first step should be building pico-ampermeter and trying to measure tunneling current profile12:03
nmz787it doesnt mention tips12:03
kirkaThat's it12:04
nshwhat you guys designing btw12:05
nshoh god the colours12:05
kirkaWE are reading about DIY STM12:05
nshwhat's the choke point?12:05
nshthat is, most difficult part to achieve DIYily?12:05
nmz787so you clip a groundwire onto the sample?12:06
nshs/choke point/stumbling block/12:06
* nsh lrns2english12:06
kirkaEeeh, nanometer precision at actuator, I suppose12:06
nmz787seems like voltage control on the XY and Z12:06
kirkanmz767 Nope, there is Sample bias voltage OPAMP12:06
nmz787so there is a single wire going to the tip12:07
nmz787how do you get a signal from that?12:07
kirkaTip's current generated voltage on input resistor12:08
nshi would have thought that vibration control would be pretty hard in a garage context12:08
nshunless you have a supercooling system to hand12:08
kirkaThat very little voltage is pre amplified with LF411 opamp12:08
nmz787from wiki "STM can be a challenging technique, as it requires extremely clean and stable surfaces, sharp tips, excellent vibration control, and sophisticated electronics, but nonetheless many hobbyists have built their own"12:09
kirkansh He does it with foam and concrete blocks: http://www.geocities.com/spm_stm/STM_operation.html12:09
kirkaYes it is12:09
nshkirka, apparently a mostly-deflated bike innertube can be very effective12:10
nmz787"The STM is based on the concept of quantum tunneling. When a conducting tip is brought very near to the surface to be examined, a bias (voltage difference) applied between the two can allow electrons to tunnel through the vacuum between them. "12:10
kirkansh Thanks, I'll write that down12:10
nmz787seems like the sample must be in the circuit12:10
nshbut that's in the context of record players in very noisy bass heavy club environs12:10
nshso it might not translate12:10
nshbut the principle is the same12:10
kirkanmz787 Of course it should12:10
nmz787nsh: i think you do need vibration dampening, but that is routine in optics already12:10
nmz787nsh: its generally a granite slab sitting on air shocks12:11
* nsh nods12:11
nshall the the Q12:11
nsh*all about the12:11
nmz787in a granite science bunker deep in old mountains12:11
kirkaI'm not in a hurry anyway. Only way I would do such thing and have any chance of success is conducting major research in beaforehand12:11
kirkaalso reading about commercial STM construction12:12
nmz787deflated bike tube eh12:12
@kanzurewtf why is there no cyanogenmod build for android emulator?12:13
nmz787kirka: seems like you could replace his Z allen key screw with a motor12:13
kirkanmz787 Yes, but it has to be very precise motor12:14
nmz787squiggle would probably work12:15
nmz787dunno what they cost though12:15
kirkaActually in CD laser heads they use solenoids for precise movements. But EM fields could interfere with STM tip12:15
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kirkaI could take his tested schematics and connect it to three DACs and one ADC.12:18
kirka10 khz control loop will be enough12:18
kirka*and of course, MCU12:18
kirkaBut I have an oscilloscope12:19
kirkaCool, he is a pro: http://www.geocities.com/spm_stm/My_SPM_exp.htm12:23
nmz787what is SPM?12:23
kirkaScanning Probe Microscopy12:23
kirkaActually I've read about one guy who wanted to replicate this project: http://www.chemhacker.com/topics/stm/12:25
kirkaHis project seems abandoned though12:25
kirkaAh, so he was going to sell it12:27
kirkaHe is just lightheaded about it12:29
nmz787oh ChemHacker is Sacha of Pumping Station: One12:32
kirka>To simplify design I implemented all the host interface glue logic in one MACH210 chip. This DSP is used to run three servo loops that control the micro positioning of the scanning probe. This board acquires the image information in real time, buffers it and down loads it to the host computer. Data acquisition board, this board has four 16 bit ADCs and six 16 bit DACs with a 170KHz maximum sample rate.12:33
kirkaThat's just what I was talking about12:33
kirkaSeems that 16 bits is enough12:34
kirkaOh maybe it's just coarse positioning12:34
nmz787* * 10 bits gives ~17.59 mV/step which is ~2.81 nm /step (at ~0.16 um/volt) that’s so large that the needle will pass into and out of tunneling in only one step.12:37
nmz787* * 16 bits gives ~0.2747 mV/step which is ~43.9 pm/step, small enough that you can control tunneling with more than one step.12:37
nmz787you could email him "Sacha De'Angeli" <sachadeangeli@gmail.com>,12:39
kirkaThat's basic math, I shall rederive it12:39
kirkaThanks, I have saved to my STM.txt file12:40
nmz787ok ttyl12:43
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kirkaSo with 1600 nm range 16 bit DAC gives me 1600/(2^16) = 0.024 nm = 24pm per step12:47
kirkaNot bad at all12:47
kirkathis can be acheived at 10 volts for that piezo disk12:47
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@kanzure"Stripe is pretty new, they are similar to PayPal."13:10
@kanzureman these guys are dumb :/13:10
@kanzure"BTW authorize.net pays you in a 2-3 days. We use it all the time for our services and our clients."13:10
@kanzure(way to ignore the thing i actually said)13:10
kirkaWhere is our cryptoanarchy@bitcoin? :)13:11
@kanzureall the cryptoanarchists killed themselves http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Len_Sassaman13:12
brownieskanzure: are you still trying to reason with those web developers?13:14
brownies"web" "developers"13:14
kirkaHeh, Stephenson predicted goverment bankruptcy because of lack of tax income13:15
kirkaBut we are far from it13:15
@kanzurebrownies: yes13:15
@kanzure"It sounded like a fun little diversion so I threw together something called githubiverse. It currently consists of a Github Pages template: drop this into the gh-pages branch of any github project, add a little configuration, and your github pages will display the source files, STLs and any images, along with some other information. "13:16
browniesgithub's inability to display images while i'm browsing the repo is really infuriating, actually13:20
@kanzurei thought they said they are doing image rendering now?13:21
@kanzureoh wait that's only for basic image diffs13:21
@kanzurei think they want to avoid being a CDN13:21
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alusionDo any of ya'll have a recommended vendor for chloline citrate?13:22
alusionBtw if any of ya'll are on a nootropic diet, how has your memory retention been affected since?13:25
brownieshm, i should test such things. how do you measure/benchmark that alusion ?13:27
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alusionI would imagine some sort of memory recall games / cards periodically? That or perhaps recalling information from reading some sort of book. There's plenty of methods but imo I think Flash cards would work best13:31
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browniesi guess i should just find some web-based dual-n-back app and use that13:36
alusionI'm sure the android market has an app for that.13:39
kirkaThese guys replicated Jogn's STM design. They say that it works but they don't have pictures yet http://www.ilovephysics.com/2007/10/15/building-a-scanning-tunneling-microscope-for-less-than-100/13:39
kirka>however, Donnie left for Old Dominion University via our 3/2 engineering program and I haven’t yet recruited a student to pick up the pieces13:40
kirkaBut it looks like it chould work13:41
kirkaAnother project, with atomic res: http://sxm4.uni-muenster.de/introduction-en.html13:45
kirkaNote vibration decoupling system just like nsh said13:45
kirkaBut they use precision components, of course13:46
nshprecision is not strictly correlated with cost13:47
kirkakanzure That's what you asked, OSS STM13:49
kirkakanzure almost all components are free13:49
kirkaoops >We retain the exclusive right to sell construction-kits or fully assembled devices based on our design.13:49
Urchinmy uni has an STM project, but it's languishing on a shelf somewhere13:50
kirkaUrchin Strange that people aren't interested by such things13:50
Urchinwell, I am apparently one of the few, and when I was due to start working on it, I had medical problems and was absent for couple of months13:51
UrchinI might ask to get back13:52
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Urchinsolid state physics is not well loved13:56
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kirkaI'm going to sleep14:15
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@kanzurespam spam spam http://nanoengineer-1.com/dev1/index.php?Itemid=85option=com_fireboardfunc=showcatGo=Gocatid=1015:43
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nshhey kanzure18:40
nshwhat's up?18:40
@kanzurejmil_: i feel so bad. my grandmother emailed me an article about tissue printing, but it was the sucky article and not yours.18:41
@kanzureoh well18:41
nshpretty cool that your grandmother emails you articles about biotechnology though18:41
nshthat's more impressive than my grandparents18:41
nshalthough they have the slight impairment of death18:42
nshbut even before, handling a phone was about the level of technological literacy18:42
nshor scientific18:42
@kanzureyeah she also sends me these awful articles about singularityu18:42
@kanzure"WHY AREN'T YOU GOING, BRYAN?"18:43
@kanzure"because they are a bunch of fucking posers, maybe?"18:43
@kanzureno phones are still beyond her18:43
nshsounds sufficient18:43
@kanzureshe's the "has a mobile phone, but keeps it turned off" type18:44
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skorketevening all19:25
strangewarpMy mother reads DailyKos a lot, and I guess they had an article on there that said transhumanists are elitists who want to pollute the environment and live atop a pyramid of suffering, because I had to roll back some weird opinions she'd gleaned from it19:27
doclso, dale carrico in other words?19:28
@kanzuresee, this is why people should stop reading the news19:32
strangewarpI think politics are a mind-destroying weapon19:39
joshcryerI think it's a mixed bag with regards to transhumanists and the environment.19:39
joshcryerBut "pyramid of suffering" is a joke.19:40
Urchingetting off this dump of a planet is not a bad idea19:40
joshcryerConverting the planet into a mass driver to go to the core isn't a bad idea. ;)19:41
joshcryers/core/core of the galaxy19:41
* joshcryer thumbsup19:41
UrchinO'Neil stations would be my preference19:42
joshcryerSo Clang takes far too long to compile.19:42
joshcryerIt's been two hours. :O19:42
joshcryerUrchin, I'm thinking hiveminds, bodies are too quaint.19:43
Urchinfrak hive minds, just upload yourself19:44
joshcryerGo to Reddit, look at the comments. If you're simulating that it's more efficient if the mind which have similar views are one in the same. You wouldn't notice a difference.19:46
* nsh tries to parse joshcryer's last19:48
* yashgaroth too19:48
* Urchin failed to parse it19:49
joshcryerMost Reddit comments are copy-paste-jobs of someone elses thought. Say you're simulating some minds, if you got redundant thoughts, why compute them uniquely? Basically, "Hey, great minds think alike." Yeah, literally.19:52
joshcryerSorry I am incoherent. :P19:52
strangewarpReddit bothers me, because even though its comments converge on common themes, those themes often seem like they aren't objectively the most productive or insightful19:58
strangewarpThis is also why democracy so often kind of sucks, I think19:59
nshpeople several standard deviations from the mean intelligence disappointed in bulk of distribution. film at eleven19:59
@kanzurensh: or you're average20:00
@kanzureand just grumpy.20:00
* nsh smiles20:02
nshthat too20:02
nshbut joshcryer, more speculatively, i wouldn't be surprised if there isn't a some kind of compression of thoughtspace at whatever level you want to call reality20:03
nshin terms of 'collective unconscious'20:03
nsh(which is vague enough to be mostly useless, yes)20:03
strangewarpmeh, even if there isn't, there are only a finite number of possible thoughts anyway20:04
nshif you make some inprovable assumptions about that fundaments of mathematics20:21
nshi guess.20:21
@kanzurebre is very good at doublespeak20:24
@kanzurei guess not good enough though20:24
strangewarpnsh: there is a finite but unknown upper bound on the number of possible universes with rational topology; these contain all possible thoughts; thus the number of possible thoughts has an equal or lesser upper bound20:25
nshstrages_home, that sure is a pretty collection of words :)20:26
@kanzureit would be a shame if one of those words was to get hurt20:31
* kanzure takes a hostage20:32
* strangewarp grins...20:32
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nshstrangewarp, sorry for being glib. brain was too distracted to formulate reply.20:40
strangewarpeh, that's okay, I'm on my way to bed so my arguments are weak anyway20:40
nshmy point was that you can't rule out infinitude without making some strong assumptions20:40
nshpretty 'early' in your physical theorising20:40
nshand topology itself is predicated on infinite sets20:41
strangewarpWell, I'm assuming Big Universe here - and technically, under any form of Big Universe, you could say an infinite number of possible universes exist, even those with irraional topology, but their magnitude would be exponentially rarer for every topology-sustaining quantum miracle they require, natch20:42
nshit's an open question whether mathematical infinity is physically realised or just a very effective simplification20:42
nshi don't even know why you're talking about more than one universe20:43
nshi don't even know what that means...20:44
strangewarpJoke answer: "to be thorough"20:44
nshveering into theology imho20:44
nshbut restricting ourselves to the incredibly myopic view of one totality of existence20:45
nshfor a moment20:45
strangewarpIf cognitive materialism is true, then not theology, else theology20:45
nshthere's still room for physical infinity20:45
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nshwhat's cognitive materialism?20:45
strangewarpThe person is just the matter that makes up the mind, and if you duplicate the matter, you've meaningfully duplicated the person20:46
nshyou can form some argument based on the maximum information density and minimum energy required to manipulate a qubit20:46
nshand if you have a four sided triangle you can play lemonade on the violin20:47
nshyou can't duplicate information20:47
nshno-cloning theorem20:47
* strangewarp rubs temples20:47
strangewarpSo you are calling this "information" thing a qualia, then20:48
nshnot unless i didn't wipe my shoes thoroughly enough on the way in20:49
@kanzurei saw a panasonic laptop once with a keyboard that looked like the original lenovo thinkpads. anyone know what it is?20:49
@kanzureyou know, since lenovo has grown evil20:49
nshhow long ago was once kanzure?20:49
@kanzureless than a decade?20:49
@kanzurei am bad at time20:49
nshdid it look like this: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2393939,00.asp20:50
roksprokkanzure: any idea how makerbot can have 150 employees? Is that normal for hardware?20:50
roksprokalso i thought panasonic only made rugged laptops20:50
@kanzureroksprok: support peeps, a handful of web peeps, software/firmware peeps, some people to tinker with hardware20:51
nshstrangewarp, gonna have to duck out of philosophy. interesting though20:51
@kanzuresome people to do sourcing, accounting, hr, probably some people doing assembly/packaging/testing20:51
@kanzureand probably some people doing shipping20:51
@kanzurethey might mean 150 except.. 100 of them are some $1/hour chinese folks putting stuff into boxes20:52
roksprokit would have to be, cuz that's 10 catagories, are there really 15 people doing each of those?20:52
roksproki wonder what their breakeven number of printers to sell is, or if they're hoping people will buy a shitton of plastic20:53
@kanzureyou should also look at the number of makerbots they have sold20:53
@kanzurethey have that on a wiki page somewhere20:53
@kanzurea friend of mine got #720:53
@kanzurebut they are up to #4000something20:53
roksprokthat's....more than i expected.  i suppose that means its not just hobbyists? if so thats cool, i discounted them wrongfully20:55
@kanzurehuh? i'm sure there's at least 4000 hobbyists that can afford makerbots20:57
roksprokooooo...i thought #7 was 7 units20:58
roksproki fail20:58
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@kanzure"BGI-Shenzhen Acquires Complete Genomics"21:46
@kanzure". Following the acquisition, which will cost BGI a grand total of $117.6 million, Complete Genomics will keep operations in Mountain View and continue to operate as an independent company."21:47
@kanzurehrm $120M for a sequencing company?21:48
@kanzurei mean, there's a lot of these companies these days21:48
@kanzureall of them are venture backed; it's at least $5B of VC money.21:48
yashgarothB with a b?21:48
yashgarothyou mean all sequencing companies combined?21:49
@kanzurei mean, if BGI needs more capacity, they could just buy some cheaper sequencing company21:49
@kanzurelike knome21:50
yashgarothmaybe china was unable to steal their data and just bought them instead21:50
@kanzurealthough, knome probably outsources their sequencing to BGI anyway21:50
brownieswell how much did complete genomics raise?22:00
@kanzurei guess we can assume their investors were holding out for 10x returns, so probably $10-$20M?22:00
@kanzuregoogle says they raised $45M in series D22:01
@kanzureand $74M in an IPO22:01
brownieseh? were they public?22:01
@kanzureah $91M in VC funding total22:01
browniesyeah, GNOM on the NASDAQ. wild.22:02
@kanzuredamn i wish i was cool enough to get a stock symbol like GNOM22:02
browniesall the cool ones are taken.22:03
nsh"you can still get one from an obscure country"22:18
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@kanzurejrayhawk: what's a good reference that refutes calories-in/calories-out? preferably some paper22:50
nshyou can't refute thermodynamics22:57
nshi'm sure there are papers on differential metabolic response to dietary variation and things like altered satiation/starvation measures22:58
nshbut calories in still equals calories out22:58
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@kanzurensh: /win 523:21
browniesstop trying to break thermodynamics kanzure23:31
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nmz787so how can i screw with a scammer?23:51
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@kanzureto screw with a scammer you must become the scammer23:54
nmz787how can i get them to send me money then?23:55
nmz787i know at least one, maybe 2 phone numbers, and an email23:55
nmz787and they called me once asking for a deposit on a house23:55
@kanzurefirst you study the masters who have come before you23:55
nmz787from some foreign number23:55
@kanzurecheck out that one guy who had the nigerian scammer make him a bust and mail it23:55
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