
--- Log opened Fri Sep 21 00:00:32 2012
@kanzurebut that's definitely a more long-term scheme00:05
@kanzuregotta be committed.00:05
foucistcalories-in/calories-out for hoomans?00:05
@kanzurensh: most people mean "calories out" in terms of "exercising"00:06
foucisti think there might be some papers that show people getting fat off high-carb low-calorie diets00:06
@kanzurebut i'm pretty sure you poop more calories than you could ever exercise out00:06
foucistwell, yeah there's the ole weighing poop and burning it00:07
@kanzure"mom's vintage poop burning machine"00:09
nmz787can someone get this00:27
@kanzurei don't seem to have access00:35
* kanzure sleeps00:35
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* kirka reads kanzure's copy of "Nanosystems"08:31
kirkaLooks like kanzure has the only scanned copy in the net08:31
kirkaI searched for it a lot and haven't found anything08:31
kirkaI think I should torrent it (with kanzure's permission of course)08:32
kirkaNanosystems is a good book, expanded and corrected version of Drexler's thesis08:33
kirkaThat's it http://gnusha.org/stuff_to_deal_with/nanosystems.tar.gz08:34
@kanzuredon't attribute any resulting torrents to me08:38
kirkaOf course08:38
kirkaDo you think that this book should have wider distribution?08:39
@kanzurei don't know what you mean08:39
@kanzurecopenhagen suborbitals has released CAD files http://www.copenhagensuborbitals.com/resources_downloads.php08:39
@kanzure"Solidworks file for testing pressure hull of space capsule Tycho Deep Space-II"08:40
@kanzure"Solidworks and CAD files for a public assignment on the hatch design for Tycho Deep Space"08:40
@kanzure"Solidworks and STL files for the main construction of capsule Tycho Deep Space."08:40
kirkaI mean that there are probably people who search for that book. Do you think I should upload it so they could find it?08:41
Urchinuntill I saw the link I was happy enough with the thesis08:42
kirkaIt depends on your position over copyright, I agree08:42
@kanzurekirka: do you know the http://libgen.net/ guy?08:42
UrchinI'm more inclined to share this sort of thing on request only08:42
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@kanzurebecause you should add it to libgen08:42
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kirkakanzure Well, looks like mirror of that library runs in my nnetwork (Tiera) - bib.tiera.ru08:43
kirkakanzure Ok, I'll try08:43
@kanzureno tiera is different08:43
@kanzureheh "Download static list of all books: html - 18.59M, gzip - 3.8M" http://bib.tiera.ru/index.htm.gz08:44
kirkaThe source of books is the same08:44
kirkaI'll try to do it with libgen08:44
kirkaTher is a forum08:44
@kanzurei know very little about tiera.ru.. where's the forum?08:44
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kirkaNo tiera.ru is a mirror08:50
kirkaThat;s it: http://genofond.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=657008:50
kirkaYou could just post them your gnusha link with description08:51
@kanzurei would rather not have it linked to gnusha.08:51
kirkaYes, that's rational08:52
kirkaI can upload it to piratebay as anonymous and give them a link08:52
kirkaI think Dr Drexler wouldn't mind if a dozen of interested people will read his 1992 book for free :)08:54
@kanzuredon't link to my servers08:55
kirkaJust a folder with tiff files, and description copied from the net08:56
Urchinfor a dozen interested people torrents don't make much sense08:59
kirkaWell I don't have piratebay account, don't you know some filesharing service that allows to upload 800 MB ?09:00
kirkaI'll find it, don't mind09:04
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eudoxiakirka we should probably ocr it first09:30
eudoxia700 mb of tiff files will scare many people away09:31
kirkaeudoxia I tried already, but to no success09:31
eudoxiawell, let's find the smallest jpeg that is decently readable09:31
eudoxiai think i already did that, when i put it on my kindle09:32
kirkabtw Seems like you have written that article: http://wiki.transhumani.com/index.php?title=Molecular_Nanotechnology09:32
kirkaIt's interesting that information that I collected through search is the same.09:32
eudoxiaoh yes here it is, 108 mb09:32
eudoxiaI did09:32
eudoxiait's still a WIP, but yeah, I tried to dump every bit I knew about the subject before I forgot about it09:33
kirkaI have found this Zyvex presentation today, It's quite optimistic: http://rghost.ru/4049862709:34
eudoxiaI remember it09:36
kirkaIt's a little diffirent from previous one09:36
eudoxia>We are working hard to be a leader in this field09:36
eudoxiawell they better be09:36
kirkaeudoxia Don't you know a working filesharing site where I could upload that book?09:37
kirkaPiratebay bans me for some reason09:37
eudoxiaI wouldn't know09:37
kirkaOk, I'll find something09:38
eudoxialast time I uploaded something illegal for the public was two years ago, and it was on megaupload ;_;09:38
@kanzurekirka: i'm sure you can find a russian release group that will take it09:39
kirkakanzure Yes, I think it's a good way to do it09:40
kirkaI'll contact genesis guys09:40
kirkaBTW I find replicator 2 to be good product, regarding of OSS controversy09:41
kirka0. mm precision is just what I need for robotics09:41
kirkaIt takes a lot of time to build and set reprap to acheive such precision, isn't it?09:43
@kanzureno some of the prusa models have that precision09:44
kirkaI have read builders' blogs, it requires months of calibration and rebuilding of reprap to achieve it09:45
Mokbortolan_kirka: yeah, but how fast can it churn out my dynamically generated mini-turret parts?09:48
kirkaMokbortolan_ I don't know, heh09:49
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kirkaI'm going to print this thing one way or another http://rghost.ru/40311893.view :)09:50
eudoxiaIt looks like something out of GITS09:52
@kanzureGITS is cliche these days09:52
kirkaThanks, that's a compliment to my design09:52
kirkaActually, I still need to remove 100 grams of plastic or integrate stronger servos09:52
kirkaI will release everything to the public when it'll walk09:53
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kirkaInteresting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=705raszSLGA10:29
kirkaMerkle and Freitas @ 201210:29
eudoxiafreitas needs to stand up and talk some more10:29
jrayhawkkanzure: I like the Frassetto study since she was feeding a bunch of sedentary nonobese people >5000 calories and they were still losing weight10:31
Mokbortolan_stupid human metabolism, not doing what I expect10:35
* Mokbortolan_ 's body is stubbornly carrying an emergency reserve of lipids.10:35
jrayhawkMokbortolan_: I was planning on watching a nutrition biochemistry seminar with some lesswrong nerds this weekend if you want to join in.10:36
jrayhawkI dropped fifty pounds and a pile of autoimmune and neurological problems.10:40
jrayhawkactually i guess they're legitimately singinst nerds10:41
@kanzureis it steve.10:42
@kanzurecause that doesn't count.10:42
jrayhawkIt sounds like he's getting re-employed10:42
kirka>Merkle: If a chemist looks at our structures, especially hydrocarbon ones he'll say "That's really boooring".10:46
kirka>You know, chemists are interested in structures that are falling apart from slightest touch10:46
jrayhawkMokbortolan_: Hmm. It's six hours broken up into 45-90 minue chunks. I guess Saturday is occupied for them, but today or Sunday might work. What's better for you?10:52
Mokbortolan_Sunday, family eats up all my time on the weekday evenings :)10:53
@kanzuredamn family10:53
jrayhawkOkay. I'd like to aim a start at 10:00AM, but that's up for being pushed back. If you show up to the lesswrong meetup on Saturday, we can discuss it all in one place.10:59
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Mokbortolan_lesswrong meetup?11:07
* Mokbortolan_ checks it out.11:07
Mokbortolan_I forget about meatspace sometimes...11:07
jrayhawkI've never been to one before, so I have no idea if they're well organized or worth going to.11:08
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jrayhawkLucky Labs are crappy venues in general, so I am slightly suspicious.11:09
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Mokbortolan_it's not that bad11:40
Mokbortolan_a big room with tables11:40
Mokbortolan_not *too* shabby11:40
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* kirka sleeps12:48
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jrayhawkThe Lucky Labs typically have zero sound absorbtion, big crowds, and some of them have appallingly noisy industrial equipment.12:50
docljrayhawk: That the portland meetup? I should really get up early and come one of these times.13:00
doclactually 10am isn't that bad. I just tend to get stuck online all morning.13:01
jrayhawkThe LW thing is at noon on Saturday13:02
jrayhawkIf you also want to show up for the biochemistry thing, that's cool, just let me know.13:11
jrayhawkSalem seems like a bit of a drive, though.13:11
@kanzurecan someone check my work? this is a disassembled function and my java equivalent13:17
@kanzuredoes it make sense? i'm a little skeptical that i have it right13:18
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delinquentmekanzure, wish you were here man!!13:21
delinquentmenerd . down . PGH . 2012 =P13:21
@kanzurei would beat you into a bloody mess and force you to write better software13:27
@kanzureyou wouldn't like me being around you13:27
@kanzureon a related note, i am now offering $800/hour software tutoring13:28
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delinquentmeI'm looking for a portable hot spot13:41
@kanzureand giant wifi antennae13:42
chris_99also most android phones let you setup a mobile hotspot13:42
@kanzureif you need a dummy gui then i suggest barnacle.apk13:43
delinquentmeexcept im gonna be on a train13:47
chris_99i've just 3G on a train before13:49
@kanzurei hate my isp14:00
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@kanzurei hate my isp https://github.com/kanzure/dpc2100-toolbelt14:20
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bkeroI hate my new ISP :/15:23
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@kanzureroksprok: sup?16:21
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cpopellThis working?16:28
Mokbortolan_oh hey!16:40
Mokbortolan_you're on my facebook16:40
Mokbortolan_my house owner16:41
Mokbortolan_whoopsd, wrong chat16:42
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roksprokkanzure:nm...I was planning on going to a cambrian genomics thing at biocurious last night, but its like 2 hours away and i'd have to leave half way through...i should get a car.  I was super curious about them too16:58
roksprokoops no link...not sure how i did that...16:59
@kanzureroksprok: fenn lives with the cambrian genomics people17:02
@kanzureand i know half of them (not austen or reese, though) i think17:02
roksprokcool...so I guess they're legit then?17:02
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@kanzureroksprok: http://anselmlevskaya.com/17:04
roksprokany papers on their process, or is it still 'stealth'17:05
@kanzureit's "stealth".. but my understanding is that they are just using sequencing to improve synthesis outcomes17:05
roksprokoooo...i thought that was like...par for the course?  ha i guess i need to read some synthesis stuff17:08
@kanzurenmz787 has some mroe detailed notes about what they are doing.. there's possibly a microarray and laser involved somewhere.17:09
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roksprokcool i'll ask him for a linky, or are they on diyhpl.us?17:10
@kanzurenothing on the wiki sorry17:10
@kanzurethey presented at the military thing with the fbi but DOD asked me to not take transcripts17:11
@kanzureas a result i have no clue what's going on17:11
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roksprokah cool no probs17:19
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@kanzureoh look i spotted people talking about me on the internets18:35
@kanzure(thingiverse stuff)18:35
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JuulHm, could it be that section 3.2 in their terms of use is simply left over from back when they had the "All rights reserved" option as secondary license?18:47
JuulI think that is likely18:47
@kanzurei'm just happy people are thinking about alternatives. if github comes out on top, i think it's a net win because then i don't have to write as many thing scrapers.18:48
@kanzurei still think a package format needs to be decided on18:52
@kanzurea recent "openhardwarehub.com" fellow was trying to push an xml standard18:52
@kanzureand makerbot is trying to do a .thing format which is just zip of .stl and .obj (which is practically useless)18:53
@kanzurei don't think xml is going to win the race to the bottom on this one18:53
@kanzurebut .stl isn't enough to define what a thing is18:53
@kanzureand what happens when the .thing has a .mmp file from nanoengineer? software explodes?18:54
Juulwhat is mmp?18:57
@kanzurenanoengineer has a custom file format for placing molecules around18:57
@kanzuresort of like pdb18:57
@kanzure(it also works with pdb)18:57
@kanzurei think they just wanted something to experiment with, since messing with the .pdb format would attract anger :P18:58
Juulok, that makes sense19:00
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@kanzureyashgaroth: yo19:11
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@kanzuredid dinosaurs sneeze?19:37
yashgarothgonna go with yes19:38
@kanzuredo birds?19:38
@kanzurei haven't noticed if birds do or not, i guess that would tell us about dinos19:38
yashgarothreptiles apparently do19:39
yashgarothhumorous youtube videos confirm birds for sneeze19:39
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@kanzurenmz787: yo.19:44
delinquentmehands nmz787,  beer19:44
delinquentmelol annnnddd im designing!19:45
Juuli have chickens19:45
Juulpretty sure i've seen the sneeze19:45
browniesgreat question kanzure .19:46
browniesdid dinosaurs talk? since, you know, parrots can talk19:46
Juulyeah, but the only thing they said was "success! my time machine worked, now to AAAAAAAAAAAAA!"19:47
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Juulit became garbled after millions of years though19:48
@kanzureJuul: don't you live in downtown sf? how do you have chickens?19:48
Juulkanzure, i live in west oakland19:49
Juulsuper cheap, and one bart stop away19:49
delinquentmeJuul, you have chickens O_o;;?19:55
delinquentmeas like pets or food?19:56
Juuldelinquentme, for eggs! though they're not laying eggs yet.19:56
delinquentmeOHHH SMART.19:56
Juulplanning on feeding them somewhat from the overflowing dumpsters of berkeley bowl19:57
Juulsomeone even has a rooster in our neighborhood19:57
Juulnot sure where19:57
Juulluckily the crowing doesn't wake me up19:57
Juulchickens are like $2 each19:58
Juulif you get them 1 day old19:58
Juuland they're shipped via normal usps19:58
Juultotally weird19:58
Juulyou can only do it right after they hatch, since they then don't need food and water for two days19:58
Juulwe didn't get ours like that though19:59
Juulusps isn't always gentle with their packages19:59
delinquentmethats totally wild20:05
delinquentmehow many do you have? and you can basically feed them human food?20:05
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ParahSailinwhy would someone have a rooster?20:19
nmz787hi all20:21
* nmz787 has no non-virtual beer20:22
nmz787i did however find that my 8 year old dexedrine seems to work20:22
nmz787though the generic 7 year old stuff doesn't seem to20:22
nmz787but that is a day time get-shit-done thing20:23
nmz787man i've been lazy this summer20:23
nmz787i worked twice this week, pretty hard, and was sore each day after20:23
ParahSailindrugs dont typically go bad20:24
ParahSailinthey only go legally expired20:24
nmz787first day i was splitting logs into firewood, and the second day i changed a basement window into stone like the foundation of the house20:24
nmz787but i was doing it from the sidewalk, so i was constantly crouching and writhing around20:25
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eudoxiaXML is so space inefficient20:25
eudoxiaif only HTML had been implemented as S-expressions...20:26
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@kanzurehandy dandy: http://jsonip.com/20:37
@kanzurebut i like http://httpbin.org/20:37
nmz787so my UC proxy access is ending on the 30th20:45
nmz787which means less paper access :(20:45
-!- Cat4D [182bc9d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:49
@kanzurenmz787: quick, signup for a cheap class and then fail it20:54
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nmz787heh heh20:58
nmz787well i'll still have RIT proxy access20:58
-!- Juul [~Juul@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]20:58
nmz787but the UC access was much better20:58
skorketevening all21:01
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-!- AdrianG [~dextro@unaffiliated/amphetamine] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:16
AdrianGso um21:16
AdrianGanyone is taking metformin?21:16
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: a6315cf sydney biohacking group link21:29
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nmz787so midget genetics, what's up with that22:03
nmz787we have toy pets22:03
@kanzureis this your new comedy bit? it could use some work.22:05
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nmz787i'm serious22:07
nmz787it would be sweet to have a midget/'toy' elephant22:07
nmz787i was also wondering if smaller dogs have less mental capacity than larger breeds22:07
nmz787like, what's the difference genetically of a pinscher vs mini-pinscher22:08
@kanzurebtw, most breeders aren't doing genetics work yet22:08
nmz787if its common in multiple species, maybe we can translate it to others22:08
nmz787like mini-cows22:08
@kanzureeven if they think they have a winning pedigree, it's still very much a multi-generational waiting game22:09
nmz787fresh milk, small, like juul's chickens22:09
nmz787right but i'm talking big vs little22:09
nmz787not neccesarily pure-bred, etc22:09
nmz787go texas http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/12/08/23/1552222/wiki-weapon-project-wants-your-3d-printable-guns?sdsrc=popbyskid22:13
@kanzuredoes this include gene guns22:14
nmz787I bet Cody would say 'Yes'22:16
browniesnmz787: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjWYbcbpiWA22:25
browniesyou can start by calling that giraffe breeder22:25
@kanzureit amuses me that there's someone who specializes in giraffe breeding22:26
nmz787good cavitation demo22:43
nmz787Shatter beer bottles: Bare-handed bottle smash22:43
nmz787DIY Liquid Nitrogen for Less Than $500 - Ben Krasnow22:45
delinquentmenmz787, is cavitation general pressure?22:46
nmz787its temporary vacuum22:46
delinquentmeI thought cavitation is when some force is applied as to be sufficient to vaporize water and cause an expansion22:46
nmz787but it can effect a powerful effect22:47
delinquentmeIE what damages props on boats and the like22:47
nmz787its vacuum22:47
nmz787props push the water so powerfully that small vacuums form, and then the water slams back22:48
nmz787like a mass spring system22:48
nmz787it might have to do with using piston engines, but I'm not sure22:48
nmz787it could just be prop design causing the weird pressure vortices22:48
nmz787(a piston engine would emit vibrations)22:49
nmz787aww, one of his parts is ebay sourced22:53
@kanzurenmz787: the biohacking group in sydney is trying to figure out a clever name23:06
@kanzureozbio might work?23:06
@kanzureoutback bio23:07
@kanzuresydney isn't really the outback23:07
@kanzureyashgaroth: you're good at this, you do it23:09
yashgarothlemme ruminate on that shit23:10
yashgaroththrow another biohack on the barby23:10
yashgarotha biohack ate my baby oooh that one23:10
@kanzuremaybe i can convince them to adopt something gutsy like "australian bacteria enforcement agency"23:11
yashgarothnmz787 I recall a case study of a man who had a brain tumor that took up 90% of his skull23:14
yashgarothhe was kind of dumb but married with kids so23:14
nmz787was he a midget?23:15
@kanzurei was trying to find that study once, actually23:15
nmz787yashgaroth: can you get this23:15
@kanzurei recalled it was something like "10% brain size" or something23:15
yashgarothhow would I get an article23:15
nmz787proxy access somewhere?23:15
@kanzurei don't think he realizes that your source is me23:15
nmz787well, shit23:16
@kanzureand none of mine are green on that article23:16
nmz787do i have to buy this damn article23:16
yashgarothI haven't been able to get articles for a couple years now23:16
@kanzurenmz787: http://reddit.com/r/scholar23:16
yashgarothingenta's a bunch of dicks about access, moreso than most23:16
@kanzureor you can go to http://i-nobel.com/bbs/ and plead to the chinese23:16
nmz787I wonder if there's a list of cheapest schools vs access to # of journals23:16
@kanzurecommunity colleges would be your best bet23:16
@kanzureespecially in rich cities23:16
@kanzurewell wait, no23:17
yashgarothI imagine their access is still pretty crap unless they're part of a state network23:17
@kanzurethey don't have much reason to subscribe to research journals23:17
yashgaroththat too23:17
@kanzureaustincc.edu had some access, but it wasn't enough for me to stick around23:17
nmz787man i need to have a kid quick and teach it to read and write chinese for me, so I can get this article23:18
nmz787paywalls are getting steeper all the time...23:18
@kanzureask on diybio23:18
nmz787now that is part of my comedy routine :P23:18
@kanzurea lot of college students are on diybio, they have access23:19
nmz787I think the selection is just X-gal on YPD agar plates23:24
nmz787because the strain has constitutive lactase23:24
nmz787so without IPTG or lactose to induce the non target strain's lac operon, you can differentiate23:25
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nmz787well I got this one at least http://www.nrcresearchpress.com/doi/abs/10.1139/w00-10723:33
nmz787yashgaroth: have you ever seen anyone in your field using either K.lactis or K.marxianus?23:34
yashgarothare they interesting23:34
nmz787hmm, I guess its limited to industrial scale fermenters23:34
nmz787most efficient eukaryotes for protein production23:35
nmz787used to make rennet and laundry enzymes23:35
yashgarothyeast is still kinda niche, 90% is either e.coli or CHO23:36
yashgarothoh yeah industrial enzymes are a whole different story23:36
nmz787i figure since its GRAS23:36
nmz787its what i'll use for any projects23:36
yashgarothwhat cell lines aren't GRAS these days23:37
nmz787I wouldn't drink e.coli23:37
nmz787or CHO23:37
yashgarothI would for some money23:37
nmz787i would drink milk fermented with k.lactis23:37
nmz787(since its already there naturally)23:37
nmz787well, kefir has been consumed for a long time23:38
nmz787that's safe enough for me23:38
yashgarothyou're full of e.coli naturally, and cho is no different from eating some good ol' hamster ovaries23:38
nmz787but milk is cheap and everywhere23:38
nmz787i doubt i would really have to mix in anything23:39
nmz787unless I wanted to supplement some engineered pathway23:39
yashgarothwhat's wrong with using pichia23:41
nmz787doesnt that eat methanol?23:42
yashgarothor s cerevisiae23:42
yashgarothyeah dude bonus you don't get methanol poisoning cuz the yeast cleared that shit out for you23:43
yashgarothand it's still far more characterized than some lactase yeast23:43
nmz787well is there no reason then for the industrial use of k.lactis over the others?23:43
yashgarothwhere do they claim 'most efficient eukaryotes'?23:43
nmz787i dont think i dreamt that23:45
yashgarothI see 'most theoretically efficient at producing alcohol' which is nice but it's not protein23:45
nmz78752 min cell cycle23:50
yashgaroththat's only a big concern if you need to get a 1000L bioreactor running Right Now, but otherwise I'm worried it'd be spending too much time replicating and not enough time producing my proteins23:52
nmz787it's nice that it's already widely eaten23:53
nmz787makes it seem safe to me23:53
yashgarothI wouldn't drink a jug of it23:53
nmz787the crabtree-negative effect seems like it would be a good thing23:53
nmz787which means when there's a lot of glucose, it doesn't make ethanol (but still can under anoxic conditions)23:54
nmz787wouldn't that mean the energy in is going to stuff like protein production?23:54
nmz787instead of ethanol (byproduct)23:54
nmz787and ethanol enzymes23:55
yashgarothI wouldn't imagine any cell would ferment glucose to ethanol if it had oxygen23:55
yashgarothand was aerobic23:55
yashgarothI guess it could save some energy by not bothering with that pathway, but if it's already low expression you're not saving much23:56
nmz787says s cerevisae is crabtree-positive23:56
nmz787you said you would drink a gallon of it23:58
nmz787but doesnt drinking a gallon of milk make you puke as it is, unfermented?23:58
yashgarothwhen did I say that23:58
yashgaroth[23:53:53] .:yashgaroth:. I wouldn't drink a jug of it23:58
yashgarothI'm more worried about it getting to my intestines and doing all sorts of wacky shit23:59
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