
--- Log opened Sat Sep 22 00:00:14 2012
--- Day changed Sat Sep 22 2012
nmz787so can you stop cell cycle and just have a constant flow reactor?00:00
nmz787like, the cells are dividing, but there's still nutrient and they stay to the bottom of the tank or something?00:00
yashgarothyou could but people are lazy00:01
nmz787what do you mean?00:01
nmz787you just grow it up, centrifuge, repeat?00:01
yashgarothI've often though of a huge mesh with adherent cells on it, and you just flush out media+product and flush in new media00:01
nmz787saw this re floccing http://www.amb-express.com/content/2/1/3800:01
yashgarothbut generally it's easier to just centrifuge and discard the cells, then grow more00:01
nmz787can you cook the cells and feed them to the next batch?00:02
yashgarothno that will scare the next batch and they won't make good protein00:02
yashgarothor rather media is a minor cost in production so they don't bother trying to validate 'cooked cell broth'00:03
yashgarothalso most media these days are defined minimal media00:04
nmz787"The average cell-cycle time of the faster-growing population was 52 min, which is among the shortest steady-state cell-cycle time of any eukaryotic organism on defined glucose ⁄ ammonium mineral medium, and is certainly much shorter than that of the more minimalist Mycoplasma genitalium"00:04
nmz787the last part is interesting00:04
yashgarothm genitalium isn't known for its fast replication00:05
yashgarothand it's still a lot longer than many bacteria00:05
nmz787but M. genitalium isnt a eukaryote right00:05
yashgarothnope it's a mycoplasma00:06
yashgarothsmaller than most nuclei itself00:06
yashgarothalso mycoplasma are huge assholes but I suppose that's irrelevant00:06
nmz787assholes that take a long time are the worst00:11
yashgarothI suppose it's related to them being tiny00:12
yashgarothwell anyway it's sleepy time for me00:16
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nmz787whoa, this is pretty cool http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVekrZ-H5Pc&feature=etp-gs-hpl-0202:09
nmz787"H+ The Digital Series - Official Trailer"02:09
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roksprokthanks for the tip nmz787, checking it out now02:59
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chris_99is it no longer possible to get bibtex from google06:20
chris_99oh they've hidden the preferences link - http://scholar.google.co.uk/scholar_preferences06:22
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cluckjkanzure, http://www.fastcompany.com/3001309/biohackers-and-diy-cyborgs-clone-silicon-valley-innovation07:49
cluckjyou will enjoy that07:49
cluckjon some level, at least07:49
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@kanzurecluckj: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/news08:09
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gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 20b8f98 syria biohacking group contact info08:27
gnushadiyhpluswiki.git: 3a8657e fix broken syria link and formatting08:30
cluckjkanzure, awesome.09:07
cluckjhow regular do you guys have meetings in texas?09:08
cluckjI'm trying to figure out when to go where and for how long09:08
@kanzurefuck meetings09:10
@kanzurewe use the interwebs09:10
@kanzureSo, never.09:10
@kanzurebut if you were to show up, i could round up the usual culprits09:10
cluckjI'm thinking jan/feb because winter here is the worst09:12
cluckjthen the bay area in july so I can catch that fbi conference if they have it again09:13
@kanzure"Semi parametric version of Raspberry Pi Case" http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3071409:34
@kanzureopenscad attachments library http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3013609:36
@kanzureprusa 2 blender files http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2895109:37
@kanzure"legitimate rape whistle" http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:29108 ... hah09:37
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ParahSailinsucks it doesnt whistle09:39
@kanzurei think that's the point09:41
@kanzureer, wait, no, that's opposite of the point09:41
cluckjit's ironic?09:42
cluckjI don't know09:42
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@kanzurestrangewarp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUxAwMHgrPQ09:50
@kanzureoh this is neurosky?09:54
chris_99haha that's crazy09:57
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strangewarpYou're lucky I tabbed over, since this IRC client doesn't ping me when my name is mentioned :p10:07
* strangewarp clicks dat utoob..10:07
chris_99they should totally add a tail to that too10:07
strangewarpOh, these things10:09
strangewarpchris_99: I think they just released a tail appliance, actually10:09
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chris_99i want to drive my car now via my brainwaves ;)10:10
strangewarpHonestly.. I won't be interested in this sort of thing until they can send nerve signals, in addition to receiving them10:11
ThomasEgiagainst a tree?10:11
strangewarpBut then, I'm kind of weird about the body10:11
chris_99is there any other tech similar to EEG that's portable10:12
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strangewarpI like them as a fashion accessory, though10:13
chris_99wasn't there something to do with shining light into the brain, i'm not sure how well that would work, what with hair and whatnot10:13
strangewarpoptogenetics? I've heard that's a crapshoot, judging from conversations I've lurked through in here10:14
chris_99is this part of that - http://www.kurzweilai.net/how-to-stimulate-your-brain-by-shining-light-through-your-ears10:14
chris_99ah no10:15
chris_99that sounds interesting10:15
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chris_99http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7uRFVR9BPU seems to be an example of optogenetics10:17
@kanzurechris_99: ultrasound is more doable than optogenetics. optogenetics requires, uh, genetic manipulation.10:17
chris_99depends what you want to do it too10:18
chris_99i guess10:18
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-52-163-101.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:32
eudoxia>this is how your gonna be controlled in the future if you don't act now sheeple10:33
eudoxiai should just, i dunno, write a chromium plugin the hides youtube comments10:34
@kanzureuse youtube-dl or cclive10:35
eudoxiamiss the description etc.10:35
eudoxiai want to have the video and the description and the user and the recommended videos... just not anyone else10:35
eudoxiaalso i'm kinda disappointed the nekomimi only has three states10:41
@kanzureyes well, eeg is awful10:42
eudoxiawould putting the electrodes under the dura significantly increase the resolution?10:47
eudoxiabesides significantly increasing the chances of dying of a brain infection10:48
yashgarothpretty sure the skull is the main inhibitor of signal10:48
kirka*To almost 100%10:49
kirkaI think it's insane to "install" these implants10:49
kirkaLike magnets and so on10:49
kirkaIt can easily infect user, and he'll die10:50
strangewarpUntil someone cracks transdermal biocompatibility at DIY prices...10:50
yashgarothin the brain maybe, if it's in your finger you do have an immune system there10:50
@kanzurei don't think transdermal biocompatibility will improve how useless finger magnets are10:50
strangewarpeudoxia: whoops10:51
kirkaThese brain interfaces are very invasive and dangerous, Even lab ones10:51
eudoxiamaybe the CSF can act as a heat exchanger10:52
kirkaIsn't it rational to wait while implant technology will be perfected?10:54
strangewarpdepends on what you mean by "rational"10:55
@kanzurekirka: also, read these. http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/neuro/implants/10:55
kirkaWhy would someone healthy need BCI?10:55
kirkaI dislike idea of brain implant actually10:55
eudoxiawell, I dunno, but what I'd like to do is something like10:55
@kanzureat the moment a BCI can't do more than a few bits of information transfer per hour10:56
Urchinto interface with computer?10:56
eudoxiawhat you think is what you get10:56
@kanzurebut ideally it would be much more information transfer10:56
AlonzoTGomg, someone's discussing something interesting in this channel10:56
eudoxiafor codin'10:56
* archels gasps10:56
kirkaVision is fast, safe and natural interface to outside world including computers10:56
@kanzurekirka: it's not fast enough10:56
@kanzureand it's not natural enough10:56
* eudoxia believes BCIs will make him a less shitty coder10:57
kirkaThat's subjective10:57
archelskirka: although I agree that the BCI technologies we have today are rather terrible, I could think of a few reasons why a healthy person would want a BCI!10:58
strangewarpConnecting things to the nervous system is the first step to both immersive haptic simulation, and extreme biomechatronic bodmods. And possibly that "uploading" stuff, as well10:58
eudoxiaAlonzoTG I found you in the technocalypse list the other day10:58
kirkaWell, for me cell repair machines will be enough10:58
@kanzuretechnocalypse was just michel bauwen's anti-transhumanism documentary10:58
@kanzuremichel bauwen runs p2pfoundation and now seems to be far more pro-transhumanist10:58
AlonzoTGYeah, I'm working on two writings that might show themselves in the coming days/weeks/months.10:59
eudoxiakanzure i thought it was originally a term by michael rosko that was adopted by the non-existent cult of transtopia10:59
strangewarpP2P Foundation recently hosted a Dale Carrico article, which made me dry-heave a bit10:59
@kanzureeudoxia: well, it's also the name of a documentary. it's pretty awful.10:59
AlonzoTGOne is a paper called "topics in mind coalescence" which builds on someone else's paper called "coalescing minds".10:59
@kanzureAlonzoTG: your concept of 'minds' bores me.10:59
eudoxiakanzure yeah I saw a link to that one but didn't watch it, I assumed it would be awful10:59
AlonzoTGshut up.10:59
yashgarothhe's got you there kanz11:00
AlonzoTGThe other is a killer app for neural interfacing,11:00
AlonzoTGwhich would be a full game,11:00
archelskanzure: On the subject of BCI, have you heard of the new superresolution microelectrodes?11:00
strangewarpSo, fingernails seem like natural transdural ports, maybe that system can be co-opted11:01
AlonzoTGwhere you mind-meld with your avatar and either fuck your brains out or explore different transhumanist paradigms,11:01
AlonzoTGideally linked in to your home replicator. ;)11:01
@kanzureAlonzoTG: this sounds like second life, which was a terrible failure11:01
eudoxiastrangewarp oh god no not sticking things under your fingernails11:01
strangewarpSecond Life failed because it was not haptic11:01
strangewarpand programmed in a shitty way11:01
AlonzoTGSecondlife has been stagnant for at least five years now.11:01
@kanzurei don't think haptics would have made it better11:02
archelskanzure: They use CCD technology, so you essentially get as many electrodes as there are pixels on your camera. :)11:02
@kanzurejoystick feedback never improves things that much11:02
kirkaNo wonder that h+ creates so ditorted image in public''s eyes, it's way too radical11:02
strangewarpkanzure: sorry, I should specify, "immersively haptic", not just haptic through some widget11:02
@kanzurekirka: joystick feedback isn't radical11:02
kirkaBCI is11:02
ThomasEgistrangewarp, BCI isn't exactly the same as connecting stuff to the nerves running through your body. wiring up some nerves and connecting them to a computer (you don't even need transdermals for that), is a _comparebly_ easy task.11:02
@kanzurekirka: BCI already exists11:02
kirkaYes it does11:03
strangewarpThomasEgi: Hmmm, point. So you could do everything subcutaneously, and then have wireless communication.11:03
AlonzoTGactually, there have been some revolutionary advances in the past few weeks.11:03
AlonzoTGon bio-compatible transistors and stuff...11:03
AlonzoTGa major enabling technology!11:03
yashgarothBCI is pretty mainstream futuristic, there's like a dozen movies where people "jack in" a needle into their brain11:03
@kanzureAlonzoTG: you're probably full of shit11:03
AlonzoTGfuck you, kanzure.11:03
@kanzure"revolutionary" is one of those tell words11:03
AlonzoTGIn this case, I think it is,11:04
AlonzoTGbecause I think it will enable the ultimate form of human neural interfacing.11:04
archelskirka: Don't make us reiterate cochlear implants...11:04
kirkaYes they exist11:04
@kanzurecochlear implants are very mainstream11:04
@kanzurei think there's a few million in circulation, at least11:05
ThomasEgiand their audio-quality still sux badly compared to natural hearing.11:05
kirkaBut h+ guys postulate that BCI is almost mandatory to become "better" in some way11:05
eudoxiathe ultimate form of neural interfacing is when your neurons are software objects11:05
* eudoxia pisses people off with his uploading bullshit11:05
@kanzureThomasEgi: actually i hear that some of the newer ones are pretty great. still not as great as possible, but orders-of-magnitude better than the original crap.11:05
kirkaActually, I understand why Drexler doesn't talk about h+ and human enhancement11:06
AlonzoTGyeah, uploading is for fags.11:06
-!- AlonzoTG was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [AlonzoTG]11:06
@kanzureuploading is one of his trigger words11:06
archelsWe also since recent got pretty decent retinal implants.11:06
kirkaHe is a humanist, and I'm too11:06
archelskanzure: haha11:06
@kanzurekirka: humans use BCIs. does that make me a bad person?11:06
ThomasEgihehe easy to believe that. i think they started with like 16 electrodes for an cochlear implant.. iirc they are now at 64 or so. with some tricks to get a few more inbetweens stimulated11:06
kirkaI like humanity as it is, I just need to live longer11:06
kirkakanzure No11:06
@kanzurekirka: then what do you have against computers??11:07
eudoxiapeople I have successfully trolled on the internet with uploading: Christopher Phoenix, Alan Grimes11:07
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kirkaI'm just trying to understand what's so interesting about BCI and diy implants11:07
strangewarpUploading is a nice goal, but I think the most medium-term fun will be had in immersive simulations connected to the nervous system, honestly11:07
@kanzureAlonzoTG: you should refrain from talking about uploading in here. you are very bad about it.11:07
archelskirka: No one is forcing you to wear or implant a BCI, but personally I find it hard to see why you would not want it. :)11:07
@kanzures/about it/at it11:07
kirkakanzure I actually like computing machines, but they are slaves to my will :)11:08
AlonzoTGThat's a very difficult subject.11:08
@kanzurekirka: will?11:08
AlonzoTGBecause a neural interface isn't just a neural interface.11:08
kirkakanzure As master and slave11:08
AlonzoTGI mean you need at least a few dozen killobytes of disambiguation to specify precisely what you mean by a neural interface...11:08
AlonzoTGThere are hundreds of variables,11:08
AlonzoTGamong them, and very important to me are:11:09
AlonzoTGcan the gubbernment shut it off?11:09
AlonzoTGcan a corporation shut it off?11:09
AlonzoTGdo you have the source?11:09
AlonzoTGcan it evolve over time as techniques improve?11:09
@kanzurei will kick you again if you turn into a government conspiracy theorist, damn it11:09
AlonzoTGHow difficult will it be to get a hardware upgrade?11:09
ThomasEgiAlonzoTG, neural interface basically means. sending information from a machine, to your neurons. and back.11:09
ThomasEgiwithout all the phylosophical and social stuff attached11:09
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o yashgaroth] by kanzure11:09
strangewarpkirka: Some people want totally rad bodmods; other people want to live in a noosphere; other people want to be heroic human masters of their domain. I try to respect all of these, since I think they are determined by a combination of ideology and level-of-body-dysmorphic-tendencies.11:10
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o archels] by kanzure11:10
AlonzoTGLook, kanzure, I have more experience than almost anyone in arguing against uploading, so it is extremely insulting to say that I'm "bad at it"...11:10
@kanzureAlonzoTG: your arguments are "I have a psychological condition that makes me think you're all out to get me"11:10
eudoxiait's true he's been rambling on and on for years for everyone to see11:10
kirkasatrangewarp Yes, but for h+ movement it's bad PR11:10
@kanzureeudoxia: who?11:11
strangewarpkirka: Hmm, possibly; depends on the framing of the argument. I get what you're saying though11:11
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cpopellHey eudoxia11:11
kirkastrangewarp Actually I don't know a name for a movement that advocates acheiving better life standards through technology. I think such ideas could be popular.11:12
@yashgarothpretty sure that's just civilization11:13
@kanzureand bathing11:13
kirkaThere are either people who don't care, or radical h+ guys who'll are already implanting stuff into their bodies11:13
@kanzuremost of the people implanting things are idiots. it's not radical.11:13
kirkaI think so11:14
@kanzurewait, no, i think that's the definition of radical11:14
@kanzureok whatever11:14
eudoxiai wouldn't say lepht is an idiot, she's just, like, psychoti11:14
ThomasEgikanzure, +1 on the idiot thing as many don't even do their most basic homework about what's dangerous to a body and what's not.11:14
strangewarpYeah, implanting stuff is only good for making yourself feel radical; it isn't meaningfully transgressive with the banal level of sophistication you can currently get in DIY implants11:14
@kanzureThomasEgi: so.. running 3 million amps through my heart, totally ok right? :)11:15
ThomasEgikanzure, there are people who think that's apparently no problem :D11:15
eudoxiahas there yet been a case of someone brutally maiming their fingers in an attempt to get magnetic implants?11:15
ThomasEgivery few know better. and even less know well enough to build implant's that work fine.11:15
@kanzureeudoxia: new plan! let's put a rfid chip on a table, place our finger over it and smash our finger with a hammer until it's embedded11:16
kirkaI think that general public should have greater awareness of possibilities to improve human condition that technology gives us. That's necessary to make fatal crisis less probable in the future. That's why PR is important.11:16
@kanzurePR is not going to save the world11:16
@kanzurethe world doesn't need saving anyway11:16
ThomasEgiand those idiot's are causing a lot of bad PR11:16
kirkakanzure You are right11:16
ThomasEgiwhich makes it harder for the few people who know what htey are doing.11:16
@kanzuremost people like cpopell are telling me that PR will attract smart people to work on projects11:16
eudoxiaachieving your goals by working on projects is the best pr11:17
@kanzurebut so far the PR has just attracted people who aren't educated11:17
cpopellcpopell is doinh.11:17
@kanzurecpopell: your theory is failing on me11:17
kirkakanzure But public awareness could make transition less turbulent => less dangerous11:17
cpopellDoing his own thing11:17
ThomasEgikanzure, i can totaly agree with that observation11:17
cpopellkirka, thats why im trying to get my consulting firm going11:18
kirkaThat's a good thing to do11:18
cpopellHowever,I am definitely a radical11:18
cpopellId love to be a lobbyist11:20
kirkaCould you lobby for MNT funding a little? :)11:21
eudoxiaseconding that11:21
cpopellI need to find clients. Eudoxia, apply yet?11:22
eudoxiacpopell in process. i'll take the SAT in two weeks and the subject tests in early november so I'll be applying regular action11:23
cpopellOkay. Keep me updated.11:24
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nsh <cpopell> Id love to be a lobbyist12:34
nshand other awful things i read on the internet12:34
kirkaMaybe he wants to lobby for rational projects12:34
* nsh blinks12:34
nshthat's like announcing for privacy12:35
nshno, i'm being facetious12:35
nshyou can do good advocacy work12:35
nshc.f EFF etc.12:35
cpopell2I want to lobby for non-destructive tech policy12:38
cpopell2by clarifying to rich old dudes12:38
cpopell2just what's in it for them12:38
kirkaIt's strange for me that they do not understand that they would benefit from medical nanotechnology, for example12:39
@kanzurekirka: rich old dudes will be dead before medical nanotechnology works12:39
cpopell2not if they threw enough cash at it >_>12:39
cpopell2I'm constantly dismayed that the gates foundation has like 400B12:39
bkerocpopell2: They can throw all the cash they want12:40
@kanzurethrowing money will not reduce the amount of work that is required12:40
cpopell2no, but it will incentivize working on it12:40
bkerocpopell2: http://t.co/ku11fbS212:40
@kanzureno you just claimed that they wouldn't be dead12:40
bkeroThat article goes over directly that12:40
@kanzureso now you're claiming something else12:40
kirkakanzure Yes, now it's too late for them. But in 1991 they still had time12:40
bkeroThey can throw obscene amounts of money at it, but it's no guarantee it will work or be done in their lifetime :)12:40
cpopell2I'm not convinced we're anywhere near a saturation point12:40
@kanzurecpopell2: you seem to be unable to follow your own argument12:41
cpopell2kanzure: I'd say 50 year olds have a decent chance12:41
bkeroIf you want something that doesn't exist, there's only a probability you can get it12:41
@kanzureit's like talking to a wall :(12:41
* kanzure goes back to fixing his cipher12:41
cpopell2Don't worry, I feel the same way12:41
cpopell2it's like talking to my ex-girlfriend, fundamentally alien ways of thinking12:41
@kanzure12:39 < cpopell2> not if they threw enough cash at it12:42
@kanzure12:40 < cpopell2> no, but it will incentivize working on it12:42
@kanzureyour second statement does not support your rich old dude argument12:42
@kanzurethis isn't alien, this is english..12:42
cpopell2Throwing cash does not reduce work needed12:42
cpopell2but it increases the number of workers12:42
cpopell2As well as how frugal said workers have to be12:42
@kanzureincreasing the number of people working on a problem doesn't necessarily solve the problem faster12:43
@kanzuree.g. 9 women can't have 1 baby in 1 month12:43
@kanzurecpopell2: you certainly haven't accelerated freitas' research, for example.12:44
@kanzure(since we were talking about nanotechnology)12:45
kirkacpopell2 What do you think of molecular nanotechnology?12:46
cpopell2If it advances human capability, I support it*12:46
kirkaThat's good, thanks12:46
cpopell2*(I feel free to disregard this statement in a variety of ethical situations about how said advancements come about)12:47
kirkaAs I can see there are ~5-10 MNT researchers in America12:48
kirkaThat's ridiculous12:48
cpopell2I did nano stuff but it was all the micro/nano border12:48
kirkaThere are probably a lot of people that wanted to make MNT their scientific career12:49
kirkaI wonder why they don't do it, where is the barrier12:49
@kanzurebecause science doesn't pay12:49
@kanzureand academia is abusive.12:50
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cpopell2this is why I came very close to simply dropping my masters.12:50
Urchinsounds right12:50
cpopell2Also, kirka, for instance, my lab setup is ~200k (well, the one my research comes from. I use a computer)12:50
kirkaThat's not a whole lot of money12:51
@kanzurei should form an anti-science-abuse league12:51
kirkaIt's strange that hevyweights like Gates invest in nuclear reactors and nanoparticles, but don't invest in MNT12:52
kirkaMaybe I don't have enough information, I could be wrong12:53
Urchinnuclear reactors are important too12:53
kirkaYes I agree12:53
kirkaOf courdse they are12:53
strangewarpNuclear reactors are space-cadet crowd-pleasers, and malaria vaccines are ideology-food for green-earth techno-regressives12:54
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cpopell2kirka: The smarthand project had 5 million euros of funding, total12:54
cpopell2from what I recall12:54
kirkastrangewarp So you suggest that he runs the whole thing just for PR? Could be so.12:54
cpopell2I don't know if we've SEEN his endgame yet12:55
strangewarpkirka: Gates didn't donate to charity until Bill Clinton dragged him out into the open for it, so...12:55
kirkastrangewarp Interesting, thanks12:55
cpopell2I wouldn't be surprised if gates is secretly backing Planetary Resources12:55
kirkaParahSailin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molecular_nanotechnology12:55
ParahSailinlftr is cool, not just a crowd-pleaser12:56
cpopell2ugh, why'd you sign off eudoxia12:56
kirkabtw That's the best bionic arm I have seen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyCLuVOmZxo12:56
ParahSailinately someone like bill gates is the only one with enough money to navigate the aec12:56
ParahSailinpeter thiel doesnt even have enough money to do a thorium reactor12:57
Urchincivilization-wise I see space colonization as the most important upcomming project12:57
ParahSailincolonize antarctica, then moon12:58
Urchinnah, just go straight for the asteroids and build space stations12:58
ParahSailin"oh, that's too expensive and no reason?"12:58
strangewarpturn mars into computronium!12:59
Urchinenough with these fucking gravity wells!12:59
kirkakanzure Do you think that positive public attitude towards MNT would move Congress?12:59
ParahSailin"carry on, do something even more expensive and more pointless"12:59
@kanzurekirka: i don't care about congress' thoughts about molecular nanotechnology12:59
Urchinisn't it a current argument that the Earth can't support our present level of population?12:59
kirkakanzure They still have money and power12:59
@kanzureUrchin: no, the earth can support a few multiples of our population size13:00
ParahSailinUrchin, evidence is no13:00
Urchindoes it not stand to reason that we should look for that support elsewhere then?13:00
kirkakanzure But you know it better13:00
@kanzurekirka: i don't care. i also have money and power.13:00
ParahSailinsee: current earth population13:00
Urchinwell, it's still a popular argument13:00
@kanzurethe argument doesn't make sense13:00
@kanzureit's cheaper to just kill all humans13:00
@kanzureif that's your concern.13:00
Urchinit's not13:00
Urchinspace colonization is13:01
kirkaI think it's important to have a "backup" of our civilisation13:01
@kanzurekirka: definitely.13:01
kirkaBut with current technology it would be very complex enterprise13:02
kirkaI don't know13:02
kirkaIt would be great if we had a little bas on the moon before molecular assembler is developed13:03
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eudoxiakirka you are taking robert too seriously13:48
eudoxiawe are not at risk of being scavanged for atoms by ecophages13:48
kirkaI understand13:48
kirkaWho is Robert?13:48
kirkaNo, I'm not goo guy13:49
eudoxiacookie-cutter guy then? :P13:49
cpopell_eudoxia, you're on :V13:49
kirkaBut we have a lot of other weapons13:49
kirkaNuclear, biological13:49
kirkaSure, they probably cannot destroy whole population13:50
eudoxiabut with mnt you can make a shitton of nukes?13:50
eudoxiaI doubt it13:50
kirkaWe already have nukes13:50
eudoxiaI just don't see how MNT plays into the need to have a moon base13:50
kirkaTher is possibility of some war caused by economic turbulence13:51
eudoxiaan assembler-centered economy would definitely change the economy13:52
kirkaI agree, Moon base seems an excess13:52
eudoxiaa friend of mine convinced me colonizing the ocean was better13:52
kirkaLooks rational. With geothermal energy I suppose?13:53
eudoxiaI think he suggested hydrothermal vents13:54
eudoxiawhich is the same13:54
strangewarpWhen people have their basic needs of food, water, and housing satiated, they're less likely to become warlike.. so if you get molecular assemblers to the point where they're acting as public dispensers for such things, it would probably make the world more stable, not less13:54
cpopell_moon is a good place to do construction13:54
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kirkaI think universal ecophage isn't possible in near future. For example it would need a lot of tools, maybe 1000s to deal woth diffirent atoms and molecules13:55
kirkastrangewarp I hope it's so13:56
eudoxiathat's one point I never heard Freitas address13:56
strangewarpMaybe, but all you'd need is a box that can assemble basic nutrition, clean water, and building materials, and you'd be set13:56
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eudoxiaI was thinking something more like, MNT to create microfluidic ordinary-chemistry plants to synthesize some basic food chemicals13:56
strangewarpSo the problem is hard, definitely, but doesn't require a /comprehensive/ solution - just a good-enough solution13:56
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kirkaI hope so13:58
kirkaThrer are still politics who think with balls, not their heads13:58
kirkaAnd military guys13:58
strangewarp"The grand irony of the modern age is that technologies of abundance are held by elites who think only in terms of scarcity"13:58
* strangewarp /paraphrasing13:59
eudoxiaoh good i thought it was an original quote13:59
eudoxiasince google didn't find it13:59
kirkaeudoxia For radical solution of food problem, I thought about engineering a plant that grows easiliy and produces fruits tailored to human nutritional needs. But that's order of magnitude more complex than current genetic engineering.13:59
cpopell_radical solution of food problem: improve distribution14:00
strangewarpThere are two paths to the food problem: improving distribution, and improving food-bootstrapping tech14:00
strangewarpI advise pursuing both14:00
@kanzurei advise catapults for food distribution14:03
@kanzurewe can catapult food with railguns from our backyards to siberia or w/e14:03
strangewarpI choose... to take that idea seriously14:04
kirkaThre aren't much people in Siberia14:04
eudoxiaI don't think that's sustainable14:04
eudoxiarailguns are expensive14:04
@kanzurethere's prolly a cheaper way to catapult things14:04
kirkaI think Africas food problems are caused by laziness - they could have three harvests per year14:04
kirkaIsrael exports food grown with hydroponics14:05
strangewarpAfrica's politics are fucked up from the legacy of colonialism and post-colonialism, and their famines and wars are caused by the political fallout thereof14:06
kirkaAnd Palestina lives off humanitarian aids14:06
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ParahSailinafrica's food problems are because colonists wanted to plant annual corn that is not really suited to the lcimate14:06
ParahSailinpreviously subsaharan africa was pastoralist as in herding animals that eat grass14:06
cpopell_politics and war =/= laziness14:06
ParahSailinless erosion and desertification that way14:07
eudoxiadon't forget diseases14:07
kirkaThey are incapable of forming effective governments on their own, it seems14:07
kirkaAfrica is full of dictators14:07
ParahSailinwho is capable of forming effective governments14:07
eudoxiawell, what passes for effective in the world14:07
kirkaWest is good at it, seriously14:07
@kanzureno we'er not14:07
cpopell_I think you're ignoring context in a lot of ways, kirka14:08
kirkaBetter than rest of the world14:08
strangewarpThe lines that make up many African countries are the same ones that were drawn by colonial interests, and often contain multiple incompatible cultural groups in a manner that leads to strife14:08
kirkaI just don't like that 3rd world countries are exploiting humanitarian aid14:08
cpopell_what do you think about south america, kirka?14:08
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strangewarpDictatorships like the D.R. Congo are largely sustained by neo-colonial resource-extraction companies, who will prop up a corrupt government in order to keep prices low14:08
kirkaWell Brazil seems to be on right way14:08
kirkaI may have a large pro-capitalist bias, yes14:09
cpopell_I have a large pro-capitalist bias as well, but I also realize it's not a mathematically perfect system14:10
ParahSailinpro-capitalist or pro-mercantilist?14:10
kirkaBecause I'm precepting results of 70 years communism building right now14:10
cpopell_I'm sort of fond of a mixed capitalist/socialist society14:10
kirkaParahSailin Sorry, I haven't heard about mercantilism as separate doctrine14:11
kirkaI have strong anti-socialist and anti-communist bias as well14:11
strangewarpHonestly.. the USSR's form of communism, as set forth by Lenin at the second International, required so much ideological purification that it would inevitably create an environment of corruption and repression14:12
ParahSailincertain political scientists have tried to reclaim the word capitalism from the way marx defined it as a synonym for mercantilism14:12
kirkaRussia was richer before commies came14:12
strangewarpBut, I don't think there is anything objectively wrong with communalist efforts in general14:12
cpopell_I support socialism to some degree at this point mainly because there aren't going to be enough jobs for people soon14:12
cpopell_even more so than now14:12
kirkaYes, jobs seem a problem14:12
kirkaMeybe grundeneinkomm could work14:12
ParahSailingenerally they distinguish "good capitalism" from mercantilism as the absence of monopolies to capital owners14:13
kirkaBut that means that government has to do domething to monopolists?14:14
kirkaIt looks to me that most monopolies will decay by themeselves as a consequence of low mobility: look at Microsoft14:15
eudoxialast i checked microsoft is still going strong and only 1-2% of people use linux on the desktop14:15
strangewarpMicrosoft is trying to stop people from switching to Linux by strong-arming the chip manufacturers into hardcoding mechanisms that only accept Windows OSes..14:15
ParahSailini mean government-granted monopolies14:16
kirkaYes, but it's not the largest IT commpany anymore14:16
kirkaParahSailin That's bad, I agree14:16
ParahSailina la the east india company, or a modern days IP profiteer14:16
eudoxiaoh god why did you have to bring that up14:16
eudoxiaIntel's latest chip will be a "Windows 8 only chip"14:16
* eudoxia 's aneurysm just keeps getting bigger and bigger14:17
* kirka has AMD14:17
@kanzureso 70 million linux users?14:18
@kanzureand 500 million android/linux users14:18
chris_99is that for real eudoxia?14:18
Urchinlinux is very much on servers14:18
kirkaI thought a lot about possible benefits of centralized automated industry goverened by control theory alorithms and came to conclusion that their time was in 20 century, Modern world cannot be centralized anymore14:19
kirkaThere was such project in USSR14:19
kirkaBut it was abandoned14:19
kirkaMaybe that's a good thing14:20
strangewarpIt could have turned things around, honestly, if the USSR's leadership weren't so resistant to automation14:20
strangewarpBut, the USSR was a fatally flawed project, thanks to Lenin's early obsession with ideological purity..14:21
chris_99i'm confused by that eudoxia it say's it's x8614:21
eudoxia"any ideology that requires changing human nature is bound to fail"14:21
kirkaIt's a good thing that that  archaic regime cdidn't crashed 20 years later14:21
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Urchinhm,14th most powerful supercomputer is running windows14:21
kirkaWe have cold war ended14:22
eudoxiachris_99 I'm confused too. I did not know processors had to support operating systems, and not the other way around.14:22
chris_99it's just that it's not supported14:22
chris_99it doesn't mean it wont run14:22
kirkaClover Trail is just a chip for tablets14:22
UrchinLenin was getting his act together near the end, Stalin fucked things up14:23
chris_99also it's just a crappy Atom chip ;)14:23
kirkaThey all had criminal past: STalin actually robbed banks14:23
chris_99so, how are Lenin/Stalin actually commies?14:24
UrchinStalin had one good thing going for him during WWII, he was *proven* to be a lousy military commander14:24
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kirkachris_99 They called themeselves "communists"14:25
kirkaOh, it's late already14:26
* kirka sleeps14:26
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cpopell_viscosity had a larger than predicted effect on droplet size14:34
cpopell_on the other hand, I predicted the response to all other variables14:34
cpopell_my masters thesis model14:36
chris_99whats your thesis on?14:38
cpopell_'A physics inspired control oriented model of near field electrohydrodynamic inkjet printing'14:40
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@kanzurei wonder if open hardware summit will ask makerbot to not be present17:18
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@kanzurehah "which means if you want real information about a given drug then the only way to get it is to subpoena the FDA, or read a book written by someone who has."17:19
brownieskanzure: hey, so i was reading that instructables thing about "make your own PCR with 3 pieces of wood and a laser" or something17:20
brownieskanzure: why don't people just make a bunch of those wee PCR machines and sell them?17:20
@kanzurethey do.. that's what openpcr is17:21
@kanzureexcept they priced it at >$50017:21
browniesbut isn't it like $12 in parts?17:21
brownieskanzure: isn't it open-source? why doesn't someone else just start selling it for $25?17:21
browniesalthough i guess they have no shortage of people willing to pay http://openpcr.org/2012/06/alas-openpcr-is-pre-stocked/17:22
@kanzuredo you really want to sit around procuring parts and packing boxes17:23
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brownieswait, they send it to you as a kit o.O you have to assemble it yourself like a jackass17:23
@kanzurei think they were doing laser cut parts, so they were running a laser cutter all day or something17:24
brownieskanzure: yeah, i guess i'd demand a 4000% profit margin for doing that, too.17:24
@kanzurei agree with you that someone should do it, but i don't know if i like the numbers enough17:24
brownieskanzure: yeah, that's the other thing. wtf @ the wood paneling!17:24
browniesi'd like to see it done with some laser-cut aluminum, with a branding/logo lasered into the back17:25
browniessell the whole thing preassembled, shiny, and ready to go.17:25
@kanzurei'm sure it can be chinified easily17:25
@kanzurei'd be more interested in finding a chinese reverse engineering shop17:25
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brownieskanzure: heh. i'm sure they're all busy ;)17:26
@kanzuresend them a unit -> get back 10 chinese knock-offs.17:26
hifrogoh, ah... http://arstechnica.com/science/2012/09/pulsating-nanotube-spits-out-buckyballs/17:26
@kanzurebut then you have quality issues and you have to teach them how to test it, and pay them to test it, etc.17:26
brownieskanzure: more like... send them a unit ... get back 100 knock-offs... hope that 1 of them works.17:26
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@kanzurebrownies: they're both in sf btw, josh and tito. josh is a software guy.17:27
@kanzureif you wanted to, say, go talk to him.17:28
brownieskanzure: might take you up on that later17:28
browniesnot sure what i'd talk about with him atm, other than "zomg get your branding together man"17:28
@kanzurei think lots of teachers were paying for it17:29
@kanzurei'm not completely sure though, it's definitely out of the price range of teachers17:29
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browniesyeah, that seems strange. you mean professors?17:34
browniesthere's no way in hell a teacher has $60017:34
@kanzureno professors apparently get lab equipment via an initial career/lab grant from the university/NIH17:35
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@kanzurei could see a few biology teachers at a high school chipping in for one17:36
@kanzurebut certainly not a single teacher17:36
@kanzureand, it's not exactly diybioers, because i hear almost nobody talking about their openpcr on diybio17:36
@kanzureso who exactly is buying this junk?17:37
delinquentmebc the cost?17:37
@kanzureteachers are poor17:37
delinquentmeSo like market fit right?17:38
delinquentmewho uses really niche versions of orbital shakers?17:38
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delinquentmethe easiest business model is PAY ME for shit17:38
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delinquentmebut at the same time ... that market fit could turn that into pay me 10x17:39
@kanzurewhat are you talking about17:39
delinquentmecost on orbital shakers17:39
delinquentmeand how can I build out a niche product17:39
@kanzureyou've already demonstrated your inability to deliver prototypes or do marketing17:40
delinquentmekanzure, fuck yourself17:40
delinquentmedont ever say shit like that17:40
@kanzure:\ so how is an orbital shaker different from the liquid handler though17:40
delinquentmewhat do you mean17:40
@kanzurei would prefer the liquid handling machine to suceed more than i'd care about an orbital shaker17:40
@kanzurepeople asked you to show your prototype doing things and you refused17:41
delinquentmeyeah but I'm lacking the stack knowledge on how to put it together17:41
@kanzurethey were going to buy things from you, possibly17:41
@kanzurewhat? you had it working i thought17:41
delinquentmethe 001 was a joke17:41
delinquentmelike it got pumping17:41
delinquentmebut not reliably17:41
@kanzurei see. i didn't know this.17:41
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delinquentmeI know that the shaker has value so like stepping in the direction is a smart move17:42
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delinquentmeand it gets me industry contacts17:42
delinquentmeI've got the materials sitting at my house to start building17:42
delinquentmelasercut parts came in yesterday17:42
delinquentmenow i just need afew more screws off mcmaster17:42
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delinquentmethe issue on the full on LH002 is that when people need to make revisions or add additional functionality17:43
delinquentmeI didn't have a solid solution for " how can I simply add another encoder here? "17:43
delinquentmelike it would require a redesign of the chips I was using ... which is dumb17:43
delinquentmeis I2c sufficiently fast to run a LH machine?17:44
delinquentmebut that style protocol lends itself well to modularity17:44
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delinquentmeYES the LH is more interesting ... but I know I can deliver on a shaker without an issue17:44
delinquentmeand move from there17:44
delinquentmevery soon I get to call the dude @ gilson up who shot me down17:45
delinquentmeand be like ' You should buy a few of these '17:45
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@kanzureok so you were trying to get them to buy a thing that didn't exist17:46
@kanzurethat's a pretty good reason for them to not have given you money17:47
delinquentmekanzure, stop being the asshole in the room with all the alleged answers17:47
@kanzurethat's a different story from what i thought you were pitching a few minutes ago.17:48
delinquentmeseriously theres a million variables and you're claiming to grok the specifics of how it want down17:48
delinquentmeand I dont follow17:48
@kanzureyes, because of what you told me previously.. which turned out to be wrong.17:48
@kanzurei was using the previous information to inform my statements about your orbital shaker marketing crusade.17:48
@kanzurepeople don't just give you money without working demos. but as i've now learned, you weren't telling them that you had a working prototype. as long as you understand that the same rule applies for an orbital shaker, go for it.17:50
delinquentmekanzure, clearly kickstarted doesnt work17:51
delinquentmekickstarter* -- specifically people never. EVER. get $$ w/o working demos17:51
delinquentmeI mean like we could go on all night w shit like this ... but its just not productive17:51
@kanzureyou mean going on talking about kickstarter?17:52
delinquentmein response to <kanzure> people don't just give you money without working demos.17:52
@kanzureok so you disagree with that? and that's why you would be talking about it all night?17:53
delinquentmeI mean ...17:56
delinquentmeOK heres a synopsis of the stack:17:57
delinquentmehumans = complex17:57
delinquentmedepending on who you're selling to .. different things will work17:57
delinquentmeyes there are major factors .. having a proto would be one of those ... but like say you've got the street cred .. youd probably not need a proto17:57
@kanzurebrownies: so on one of my paying gigs.. they started to put javascript in erb files while i was working on another thing. words can't explain my sadness right now.17:58
delinquentmeexample w peter diamandis ... and the x prize ... he didn't have the product .. but he convinced people because he had convinced others to stand with him on it17:58
delinquentmeI mean I think you're intention is to help17:59
delinquentmebut! what I could really use help on is picking out specific markets17:59
delinquentmeI know " really big ass duty shakers " is a niche17:59
delinquentmeanother niche im thinking exists is " slave this to another machine easily "17:59
delinquentmerobotic arm controlling a shaker has value18:00
delinquentmeX controlling a shaker .. has value18:00
delinquentmetemp controlled shakers .. are also a niche .. GE makes a killing on these things at like 4k a pop18:00
delinquentmelike its this kinda stuff with which I can put your knowledge to use ... sales I think I've got a decent hold on18:03
@kanzurebrownies: wait no it's even worse; binary data is being directly written into <script> by a template by something that pulls a file from s3.18:03
brownieskanzure: we have some js.erb files. it's not a big deal.18:05
brownieswell, that second thing is pretty bad. rofl.18:05
@kanzurewhy do you have .js.erb files >:(18:06
@kanzuredelinquentme: ok we are on two different wavelengths. our previous conversation was about something completely different.18:06
brownieskanzure: usually we end up being forced to tack on the ERB so that we can use the url/path helpers18:07
browniesiirc we're not using any other ERB, as that would be strange and terrifying.18:07
brownieshm, i wonder, is that killing our load times? does the idiot Rails server generate that JS file uniquely each time?18:07
browniesugh... it probably does. fuck.18:07
@kanzureyour urls/paths shouldn't be changing that regularly dude :P18:07
brownieskanzure: it's largely to make it seamless between dev and production18:08
brownieskanzure: and they do change somewhat often, since we recompile and update static assets regularly18:08
* brownies pulls up the actual codebase to see how prevalent this is18:08
delinquentmekanzure, I mean I told you what I could *SUPERLY* use from your knowledge18:09
delinquentmeyou should be able to tell whats holding you up by just looking at the server logs...18:09
delinquentmeCompleted in 67ms (View: 65, DB: 0) | 200 OK [http://localhost/login]18:10
brownieskanzure: never mind. we only use it in one file, to swap out production/dev API keys18:10
brownies<% if Rails.env.production? %> stupid_api_key = etc. <% else %> etc.18:10
@kanzurebrownies: i sort of feel like that shouldn't be done by erb :P18:10
cluckjmmm yeah just built a fractal tv antenna out of aluminum foil :)18:12
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@kanzurevirnovus: hi18:13
virnovushey, i just found this video.  I have a hard time believing it's true though: http://www.ndtv.com/video/player/news/major-breakthrough-full-body-transplant/19525618:13
virnovusclaims an Indian lab has done full-body transplants18:14
@yashgarothno it doesn't18:14
@yashgaroth /no they haven't18:14
@yashgaroththat's just the obvious truth, let me finish watching it18:15
virnovusthe thing is, if they ever did do something like that, it'd be in India, where they don't have the ethical objections, and human life is cheap18:16
@yashgarothhaha "then it's simply, they just take your head and place it on the donor's entire body"18:16
@kanzurebrownies: oh god i need to rant about this to someone18:17
@kanzuresee pm18:17
virnovusi liked the "a man had to go through counseling, because they put his head on a woman's body because it was the only one available"18:17
virnovusit doesn't say if they're quadraplegics though.  It would actually be possible if they just didn't attach the spinal cord18:19
@kanzurewho are you18:19
virnovusthat is, they've successfully done it on animals18:19
@kanzurewhy are you here18:19
virnovusI've been here before, just not for a few months18:20
@yashgaroththis is so obviously fake that it boggles my mind you posted it18:20
@kanzurecan you leave?18:20
virnovusi just thought it was bizarre and kind of funny.  what's wrong?18:20
virnovuseh, whatever.18:25
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@kanzurewtf :(18:28
cluckjdon't feel too bad, he was pretty offensive18:29
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@kanzureJerrySperry: you should get together with ParahSailin20:45
JerrySperryso whats this IRC for?20:46
@kanzureglobal world domination20:46
@kanzurewhy are you here?20:47
@kanzuredid you go to harvard20:48
JerrySperryi attend20:48
JerrySperryhow did u know20:48
@kanzureor are you the adjunct prof at brown20:48
@kanzureoh you know.. standard creepy stalking skills20:48
@kanzurehey so, you should go to bosslab at davis sq20:48
@kanzurei assume you're into biohacking stuff if you're in here20:48
JerrySperryhow did u do this20:48
JerrySperryplease enlighten me as to how u did that20:49
@yashgarothmad hx20:49
JerrySperryip lookup i assume20:49
@yashgaroththey teach you that at harvard20:49
@kanzureyour irc client shows your name20:49
JerrySperrywhat do you mean20:50
@kanzureircname  : Steven Petteruti20:50
JerrySperryhow did u get that20:50
ParahSailinillegal hx20:50
@kanzurei think i'll be the one asking questions here, thanks20:50
@kanzurewho is your daddy and what does he do?20:50
JerrySperryis this illegal?20:51
@kanzureno we're sanctioned by the FBI WMD directorate20:51
@yashgarothquick jerry, code a gui to anonymize your ip20:51
@kanzures/sanctioned/possibly sanctioned20:51
@kanzuregotta be legit about that.. don't want to upset nathan about that20:51
@yashgarothsupported, in a way20:51
@kanzure"involved", if you will20:51
ParahSailinwhats zebra do?20:52
@kanzureanyway no i'm not illegal20:52
@kanzureare you illegal?20:52
JerrySperryi have no idea what you guys are talking about lol20:52
@kanzureno but really, why are you here.20:53
JerrySperryi just searched biology20:53
JerrySperryb/c i like bo20:53
@kanzurehuh? where did you search this?20:53
@yashgarothexcellent SEO work, kanz20:53
JerrySperryin the channel thing20:53
@kanzureyashgaroth: hah. lucky rabbit foot seo must be working!20:54
JerrySperrycan u tell me how to hide my name and stuf20:54
@kanzurewhy would you do that :(20:55
ParahSailinalready know your name20:55
@kanzureyeah it only works if we don't know you already20:55
JerrySperryi used an alias20:56
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@yashgarothwell that was odd20:58
@kanzureman it's surprisingly easy to be a mad hax0r these days..20:59
@kanzurejrayhawk's "show goatse on a remote screen" trick the other day would seem like pure magic to him, i bet.21:00
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@kanzure"It takes approximately six to nine months to produce an episode of Futurama."21:12
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brownieskanzure: 6 to 9 months for a single episode?21:55
brownieshm, something about that math doesn't quite add up.21:55
@kanzurethe wikipedia article says they use some pre-maya software from the 90s21:57
nmz787so have you seen this kanzure http://www.youtube.com/user/HplusDigitalSeries21:57
@kanzurei've seen it mentioned around..21:58
@kanzurehaven't watched it. it will probably make me angry.21:59
@kanzureis it safe?21:59
@yashgarothit's a fairly normal 'transhumanism causes the apocalypse' series22:01
@kanzureyoutube comments seem to indicate it's luddite bullshit22:02
@kanzureblah. yeah fuck that.22:02
@kanzureman, i think we're probably the most dangerous people in the world22:02
@kanzureon the one hand we have all the antitranshumanist luddite haters hating on us22:02
@kanzureand then we also have the weapons of mass destruction biohacking peeps hating on us22:02
@kanzureis there anyone that likes me22:02
brownieskanzure: -pre-maya software? don't they just... draw it by hand?22:07
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@kanzurebrownies: not according to wikipedia.. PowerAnimator22:08
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nmz787brownies: openPCR isn't $12 in parts22:24
nmz787it is probably 4 to 6 X that22:24
browniesnmz787: ok, so.. buy for $60, put parts in box (without assembling!) and sell for $600?22:37
browniesi certainly don't begrudge them their success with such an audacious model. i'm downright impressed.22:38
@kanzurethey might still be doing manual laser cutter runs, but yes that's essentially what they're doing22:38
nmz787no 60 is still too low22:42
nmz787the wood plus cutting probably costs about $8, the power supply another 8 or 10 (in bulk), the peltier unit is at least 25 but possibly up to 4522:43
nmz787then you have the wires, the microcontroller and board, the peltier driver (H bridge)22:43
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nmz787plus I think it has an LCD or LED display, another 8 or 12 dollars22:43
nmz787so maybe 6022:44
nmz787maybe 8022:44
nmz787the peltier is the big ticket item though22:44
@kanzureyou can safely assume they are bad at sourcing the board/controller22:44
@kanzureactually i haven't checked what part they are using for that :(22:44
nmz787cluckj: why did you say that virnovus guy was offensive?22:45
@kanzurebecause of how misinformed and wrong he was22:45
@kanzureyou can be so wrong that you're offensive22:45
nmz787nah the board/controller is prob cheap no matter where you get it done22:45
@yashgarothalso I checked, he was that guy who drugged his friends or something22:46
nmz787well he didn't state anything more than that video said22:46
@yashgaroth21:05 < virnovus> and i didn't want them to smoke it all so i spiked it with jwh-01822:46
nmz787it was posted on April 122:46
nmz787so it must've been an april fools22:46
@yashgarothoh haha22:47
nmz787what were they smoking tho?22:47
@kanzureit's obvious for other reasons though22:47
@yashgarothnmz787 21:04 < virnovus> they came over, looking for weed22:47
nmz787if it was alread pot, adding jwh wouldn't be drugging his friends more than they would have prob wanted22:47
nmz787i wouldn't want to unknowingly be spiked with jwh22:47
nmz787I would be interested in cloning myself22:48
nmz787I'm not sure its a great idea for anything other than organ harvesting22:49
nmz787I was pretty pissed at my body during puberty22:49
nmz787there must be some better genetics out there for some potential future kid of mine22:49
@kanzuresee, this is why i support venter-style global grave sampling expeditions22:52
@kanzurei do wonder if there's any utility in building up 'genetic portfolios' in the mean time though..22:53
@kanzurefor instance, raise some VC money now and start doing studies on 1000-5000 individuals to do SNP analysis for certain traits22:53
@kanzuresome traits are already known, others are probably controlled by a few polymorphisms, and others are definitely not (like limbs)22:53
@kanzurei hear that patri friedman did some genetic work on his son before they found a surrogate mother22:54
nmz787so i didn't find much on animal dwarfism genetics22:54
@kanzurebut he might have just been talking it up22:54
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nmz787i remember in a first year bio class, there was a case study on some peruvian/andean people who would have basically died out (or moved from the hills to a city slum) if child labor were outlawed, purely because the children were energetically more efficient at farm work than their larger elders22:55
@yashgarothplenty of money to be made there if you can make perma-kittens and such22:57
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@kanzureyashgaroth: i'm pretty sure you could just secretly replace their kittens and get the same effect22:59
nmz787yashgaroth: only if they glow too i fear22:59
@yashgarothonce a month, we throw some chloroform into your bedroom, and a new permakitten(tm) will be placed in your home23:00
@yashgarothglowing is of course standard23:00
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@kanzuregenetic portfolio entry: none of those retarded hereditary diseases23:02
@kanzureinsurance companies would eat that up23:02
@yashgarothso uh isn't that similar to what 23andme does, where they sequence a million SNPs and then ask you short questions about your traits?23:03
@yashgarothnot that they really know anything about the volunteers except their name and how they answer questions, which isn't super scientific23:06
nmz787farmer-oriented dating site... farmersonly.com23:07
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@yashgarothlikes: combine harvesters, dislikes: rinderpest23:09
cpopell_okay, feel much better23:15
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Mokbortolan_jrayhawk: Missed the meeting today :(23:57
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Mokbortolan_did you go?23:57
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