
--- Log opened Sun Sep 23 00:00:34 2012
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Mokbortolan_jrayhawk: Online?05:06
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cluckj<virnovus> the thing is, if they ever did do something like that, it'd be in India, where they don't have the ethical objections, and human life is cheap06:14
cluckjthat's pretty awful, and stupid06:14
cluckjoh, he left06:14
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@kanzurehah so people apparently don't know make magazine and makerbot are two different companies:07:20
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skorketthat's why it's so distressing.  Makerbot was clearly a nod to Make magazine08:25
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kirkaWell, I compressed "Nanosystems": http://rghost.ru/4053452109:21
@kanzurewhy? :P09:21
kirkakanzure Now it's just 15MB djvu09:22
kirkaNow I can upoad and distribute it09:22
kirkaI already done it09:22
@kanzureside-by-side C++ to asm visualization http://assembly.ynh.io/09:23
@kanzureoh, and C09:23
@kanzureDARPA/hackerspaces/space thing http://www.spacegambit.org/2012/09/21/spacegambit-program-awarded/09:27
AlonzoTGI guess that's a nice tool for noobs but the pros either read their assembler in the dubgger or use the flag which causes GCC to spew assembly instead of object code.09:28
@kanzurei think it would be fun to attach webkit inspector to gdb09:30
kirkaVisualisation is a convenient thing. I speak it as a person who has written read-pnly FAT driver in assembly@AVR09:30
@kanzurewhy are you using FAT :(09:31
@kanzurehow about xfs or ext3/ext4?09:31
@kanzurekirka: is icq still popular in russia? or is it qq now?09:31
ParahSailinqq chinese only09:32
@kanzurenot true.. i use qq :(09:32
kirkakanzure Well, my EE friend uses it09:32
ParahSailini have qq too, but i only use it to talk to chinese09:32
kirkakanzure It was long ago09:33
kirkaXMPP is used widely today09:33
@kanzureah okay09:34
kirkaI have both09:34
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Urchinthanks kirka, that djvu is more managable09:45
kirkaI'm glad you like it09:46
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kirkakanzure Looks like there was interest in NE1: http://machinedesign.com/article/molecular-modeling-in-cad-092811:56
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chris_99interesting article12:18
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@kanzure"Allan Hills 84001 was a Mars-origin meteorite that contained what looked like fossil evidence of microbes, in the form of magnetosomes." eh?12:38
kirkaNewver heard about that12:40
kirkaLooks suspicious12:40
kirkaWep page unavailable12:41
@kanzureok then here's a backup: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/diybio/mars_analogue_papers.zip12:42
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* kirka sleeps14:20
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@kanzure"No hardware licenses were violated since they designed it all and i think their mobo sits on top of an arduino. They designed the motherboard along with all the gen3 and gen4 electronics. The extruder is also theirs. Just because they gpled does not mean they gave up their rights."14:27
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@kanzureoh then what's the fuss about?14:27
@kanzurei thought makerbot was derivative of reprap14:27
@kanzureas in, directly derivative14:28
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@kanzureklafka is having a seizure i think14:28
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yashgarothjesus klafka15:05
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@kanzureyashgaroth: oops15:06
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nshi'm surprised you can excess flood that many times15:16
nshwithout an oper noticing15:16
@kanzurei thought he'd be done in a few minutes15:16
@kanzurei was wrong :(15:16
Mariumaybe it's an automated thing sending too much text15:39
@kanzureit's his irc client reconnecting15:42
Mariugot it15:44
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@kanzureso apparently dalvik (the java vm for android) silently fails after you have 1000 local variables15:53
@kanzureit wraps around to zero15:53
@kanzureoh oops, this is just the debugger15:56
* eudoxia always defines his containers with absurdly large maximum sizes15:58
eudoxiaso my compiler will still be used when integers are 512 bits wide15:58
cpopell_eu, what'd you think of the spreadsheet?16:04
eudoxiai think a color coded tree might be the best representation16:04
cpopell_what categories, though?16:05
eudoxiacategories on the x axis, time on the y axis, node height is the Δ, and edges are how it affects other technologies16:05
cpopell_right, but my question is how to break it down by category, basically16:06
eudoxiamaybe you could forget about categories and just have interactions between technologies16:06
cpopell_that's a lot of boundaries16:08
cpopell_and really shitty for report organization16:08
eudoxiathe categories on the Category column seem fine, though you might want to subcategorize some16:11
eudoxia"Sensors and Imaging" and "HCI & NL" might go under "Computing"16:11
cpopell_I mean, to an extent everything goes into computing practically16:12
cpopell_I think that computing perhaps needs to be consumer computing with sub categories of HCI, NL, and end user16:12
eudoxiawell, everything is related to computing, but not everything is fundamentally computational16:12
cpopell_with a secondary grouping for computing architecture that has stuff like graphene transistors, spintronics, optronics, and quantum computing16:12
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eudoxiadrones might be under military instead of computing, but there would be edges from machine learning etc. that would go into the drones node because they are an enabling technology16:13
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cpopell_I mean, the problem is figuring out what to do for the paper copy16:14
cpopell_unless I just do it by expected year16:14
cpopell_which might work16:16
cpopell_but damn if it isn't hard to pick an expectation year16:16
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cpopell_I think that there really needs to be 2 years--commercial and consumer16:16
eudoxiawith a delta for each?16:17
cpopell_the delta value is the difference between the lowest and highest expectations from firms I could find16:17
cpopell_I work with techcast, but I'm not fond of a lot of their predictions16:18
@kanzurei don't think a spreadsheet is a good idea for technology dependencies -_-16:20
@kanzurewhy not just use an actual tree or cyclic graph16:20
cpopell_oh, the spreadsheet was actually just looking at when various firms predicted when stuff was going to come out16:20
cpopell_I'm just trying to figure out how to display the data better16:21
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cpopell_I don't have data from forrester :(16:21
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@kanzurecpopell_: how about instead of a spreadsheet you use things like sqlalchemy and models16:22
browniesklafka sorted his stuff out?16:22
@kanzureno i'm just guessing16:23
browniesoh ok.16:23
cpopell_it's on my list, kanz, but I can only do so many things so fast16:24
@kanzurea spreadsheet is just so crude. all that manual clicking.16:24
cpopell_heh. I also do a lot of work at my day job, and I can't really install jack shit there16:24
@kanzureyou should ssh back home16:24
@kanzureyou're probably lying to me16:25
cpopell_I can't access jack shit16:25
cpopell_I can't install anything without IT permission16:25
cpopell_half the internet is blocked16:25
@kanzurewhat about your home ip?16:25
cpopell_nope, can't access it16:25
@kanzureyou checked? they specifically blocked your home address?16:26
cpopell_probably because I haven't set it up16:26
cpopell_honestly, it's a lot more work to do that16:26
cpopell_than to organize my thoughts in a spreadsheet16:26
@kanzurefor a transhumanist you really hate technology16:26
@kanzurejust saying...16:26
eudoxiachrist kanz don't hate on it just because it's not in a git repo16:27
@kanzurei didn't even bring up git yet16:27
cpopell_as far as model based, I'll get to that after I build my first release16:27
@kanzurehave you used uncertainfuture.git's prediction format yet16:28
cpopell_I'm not even up to 'makig new predictions yet', I'm still at 'figuring out state of the science' as well as building my networks.16:28
@kanzurewhat is a network16:28
cpopell_dudes who can tell their bosses to have me come in and give seminars16:28
eudoxiawhen i come back from dinner I'll try putting it into a clustered DOT graph16:29
@kanzureum.. about spreadsheets?16:29
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cpopell_no, about the state of the science16:29
@kanzureanyway, nothing about uncertainfuture is about new predictions16:29
@kanzurethis was a project sponsored by your beloved siai for predictions16:29
@kanzureand then open sourced after i heckled them enough or something16:29
cpopell_did I ever say siai was beloved to me? O_o16:30
@kanzurei assumed so because you like reddit and lesswrong16:30
cpopell_they have better communities than the rest of the hplus movement (yes I know you hate the word)16:30
@kanzuremozart's 5th movement in c sharp16:30
cpopell_and I don't exactly post to lesswrong16:30
cpopell_anyway. I need to go do my article crawl16:40
@kanzurea crawler written in excel macros?16:40
cpopell_reading my rss feeds16:41
@kanzurethat's the number one way to get infected with newsitis, you know...16:43
strangewarpRSS used to make me go "AWESOME" but now it makes me go "ergh"16:51
strangewarpswitching from news feeds to shop-talk feeds has helped16:52
@kanzurei stopped bothering with rss aggregation once i realized how awful everything was (and yes i filtered and pruned and found "better" sources)16:52
@kanzurei do sort of need a good rss feed for new software/hardware projects, but nobody is aggregating those at sufficient scale except for github's silly "what's new" feed16:53
@kanzureand thingiverse's firehose is also a firehose one shouldn't drink from16:54
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nshrss is kinda dead17:03
nshalso, kanzure, stop lording it over us17:03
cpopell_nsh: rss is good for tracking certain blogs17:06
cpopell_and yeah, some rss feeds are dead :(17:06
* nsh nods17:06
cpopell_like most of the office of technology licensing feeds17:06
cpopell_I'm the only subscriber to JHU's17:06
@kanzurei don't think their goal is to publicize their licensing activities17:12
cpopell_mm, nominally they have a goal of publicizing what's available for licensing17:12
@kanzurei don't think rss is dead. i was just complaining that i don't have a feed i actually want to read any more.17:13
@kanzureusually the way it goes down is that someone from a lab decides to start a company with some "intellectual property" from the lab17:13
@kanzureand it's not investors picking things from a lunch menu over rss..17:13
cpopell_there's a lot of university OTLs that just have a list of what's available17:27
@kanzuredo you have one?17:27
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browniesRSS is dead?18:08
browniesthat's news to me18:08
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@kanzurethis is going to be my new hipster browser18:13
@kanzurei will browse ironically18:13
@kanzure"Internet Explorer for UNIX offers some features not found on the Windows version as well, such as Emacs-style keyboard shortcuts and external program associations."18:16
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@kanzureoops i mean http://browsers-fr.mirrors.zensoft.net/ie/solaris/5.0/ie5setup.gz18:20
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@kanzure16:55 -!- klafka [~textual@c-67-174-253-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]18:59
@kanzurehah so that's hwo it ended18:59
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@kanzurebeep boop19:18
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@kanzureneat, i gnabbed their 1000th pull request.20:29
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brownieskanzure: it turns out that .css.erb is compiled down to .css by the asset pipeline during deployment21:14
brownies(assuming you precompile assets before deploying, like any reasonable person should)21:14
browniesso, long story short, there's zero performance hit21:14
@kanzureoh good21:21
@kanzurei can sleep better tonight21:21
@kanzurebrownies: how do you handle tasks that are part of a logical sequence of events21:25
@kanzurecelery wants me to make a list of flat functions that i call21:25
@kanzureand iirc my resque workers were always individual task classes loosely connected to each other21:25
@kanzurebut um. what happened to things like namespaces?21:26
@kanzurewhy is peter-murray rust commenting on celery stuff in a blog21:30
@kanzure(he spoke at open science summit about open knowledge foundation a few years ago)21:31
@kanzureand michael nielsen? wtf is going on there21:31
@kanzureheh.. https://github.com/petterw/crawler/blob/master/fetcher.py so what's the point of using an asynchronous task library if you use blocking calls to your http library?21:36
@kanzureoh i see now. that was michael nielsen's site. that's a good reason to see michael nielsen on there.21:38
brownieskanzure: what? logical sequence of events?21:39
brownieswrap the task inside a bigger task?21:39
@kanzurewell look at that file for instance21:40
@kanzureand ignore the fact that he is calling blocking things in each task -_-21:40
@kanzurehe fetches a page, and then passes the results to another task21:40
@kanzurei guess this could be separated by different task files21:41
brownieswhat's wrong with calling blocking things inside a task that's running in the background?21:43
browniesit's blocking a single background thread, no big deal21:43
browniesalso, i don't know Celery, so it's hard for me to grok any (a)synchronicity here21:44
@kanzurebecause you then limit the number of concurrent threads/workers by the number of files you can have open, rather than other things like memory21:44
@kanzurecelery looks an awful lot like resque from the outside, so uh, just imagine these are Resqueue::Task entries21:44
brownieskanzure: it appears that line 14 is the magic21:44
brownieshe applies the actual parsing of the HTML in an asynchronous fashion21:45
brownieskanzure: i also don't know Resque -_-21:45
@kanzurewhat does delayed_job use anyway?21:45
@kanzureyou use delayed_job right?21:45
browniesit uses a jackass schemaless SQL table with serialized objects stuffed into it21:46
@kanzureoh ouch21:46
browniesa given thread grabs a task by setting locked = TRUE on a given row ... then works on it... then releases the lock and sets the status21:46
browniesit's really quite straightforward.21:46
browniesit's basically the simplest possible thing that could work, and it does, so... we haven't made it more complicated.21:47
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@kanzurebrownies: it's amusing, there's all these comments debating the pro's/con's about gevent vs. eventlet.. "21:52
@kanzure"Since I'm connecting to MySQL, which happens through blocking C code in libmysql, that's pretty important to me. "21:52
@kanzure"In your case you could switch to a pure Python MySQL driver and gevent will turn all your mySQL calls into async."21:53
@kanzurewho exactly is being limited by synchronous mysql connections?21:53
@kanzure"databases suck for messaging" http://oxford.geeknights.net/2009/may-27th/talks/keynote-AlexisRichardson.pdf22:02
browniesdoes he mean SQL databases?22:02
@kanzureprobably yes22:02
@kanzureapparently flickr does that22:02
@kanzurefor all of their things.22:02
browniesthey use SQL for everything? yes, many people do.22:03
browniesthe whole rambling point of these fucking slides was to use RabbitmQ?22:06
browniesi need to find a real book about distributed systems architecture and/or messaging middleware and read it.22:06
browniesi sense that it's important, but the internet is just full of shitty slides.22:06
@kanzuredo you remember those old school html slide presentations?22:07
@kanzurelike back before CGI was well-known22:07
@kanzurei forget what tool generated these. but the internet is full of these "web presentations".22:07
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@kanzurebrownies: read here https://groups.google.com/group/gevent/browse_thread/thread/4de9703e5dca827122:16
@kanzureheh the omegle guy responds. it's just a thread of people using gevent and why.22:16
@kanzureoh hrm. https://bitbucket.org/denis/gevent-curl22:17
browniesomegle runs on python? that's... ambitious.22:20
@kanzurei thought it was some random-ass node experiment22:20
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wizzorbDIY BIO23:48
wizzorbdo it23:48
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-!- roksprok_ is now known as roksprok23:59
--- Log closed Mon Sep 24 00:00:35 2012

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