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@kanzureyou guys are all boring05:01
chris_99i just found out how the little micro-hybdrid rockets work, and they sound kind of nifty.  They use nitrous oxide + PVC as the fuel source.05:15
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wizzbrah[08:01] <@kanzure> you guys are all boring08:33
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@kanzurethis just seems weird:11:11
@kanzure"Common activities: genetic engineering"11:11
@kanzure"Desired activities (not feasible persently): synthetic biology"11:11
chris_99yeah and then thay say ' No genetic modification possible due to tight European regulations '11:12
chris_99er what11:12
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chris_99does anyone know if http://diybio.madlab.org.uk/ is any good11:14
@kanzurewell, they seem to run lots of public outreach sessions at their space in the uk11:17
@kanzureand they seem to have some weird background in television/public outreach/news.11:17
chris_99hmm, i'm confused if they're still active, as their last blog post seems to be in july11:18
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@kanzurechris_99: yeah they just suck at posting updates11:18
@kanzurei think they post most of their updates through the bbc :P11:19
chris_99ah hehe11:19
@kanzurepasky: have you met prusa?11:39
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gnushananoengineer.git: 1331640 shouldn't list names without the contributors in a README12:27
@kanzureaww "We don't yet support double or triple bonds..."12:43
browniesjust like the early universe!12:53
@kanzurebrownies: https://github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer/blob/master/cad/src/model/assembly.py#L166312:55
@kanzurelegacy code is the worst12:55
paskykanzure: sure, he used to come to brmlab fairly frequently13:08
paskynot so often lately though13:08
chidohe gave me a reprap badge13:13
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@kanzureah neat13:19
@kanzureokay then13:19
@kanzure"Hello, I'm Ki Sang Jung from HK. I wish to introduce to you a profitable deal worth USD $ 98.6M, it's legitimate and may be of appeal to you. I want your consent to enable me provide you with detail."13:35
@kanzure.. and it's sent from a brazilian email provider.13:35
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eudoxiah+ magazine almost had three consecutive articles asking for money13:47
eudoxiai think that's a new record13:47
@kanzurewtf why are you reading that13:48
@kanzurealso did you check out the mocking branch in nanoengineer?13:48
eudoxiasometimes my blood pressure gets too low13:48
eudoxiano, what does it do?13:49
eudoxiaor, rather, have13:49
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@kanzureeudoxia: it disables all of the graphics libraries and makes nanoengineer run on modern linux with python2.613:55
eudoxiawhat do you mean 'disables the graphics libraries'?13:55
eudoxiakanzure it looks like it couples some of the OpenGL with a python testing library?13:59
@kanzurecorrect. this way the gui stuff doesn't get in my way.13:59
@kanzuredon't pull that branch because it's craptastic. i might make it a mode or something before i start moving things into separable modules.14:00
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@kanzurenmz787: hi15:59
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nmz787so i may get to meet george church at genspace next thurs17:47
nmz787apparently he's gonna be there in the AM17:47
nmz787since he's on their scientific board17:47
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@kanzurei wonder how good his memory is17:54
@kanzuresometimes it seems like he's the sort of guy to forget 50 out of 60 of the companies he's invested in17:54
yashgarothinvested? I thought they paid him17:56
@kanzureoh right, yes that too17:57
@kanzurebut i'm pretty sure he has his own money that he throws around a little17:57
@kanzureboop beep18:25
eudoxiabeep bopity bop18:25
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@kanzurere: pharma costs22:48
@kanzure"it's closer to $1 billion on average."22:48
@kanzure"In the March 2003 edition of the Journal of Health Economics, a trio of economists from the United States wrote about a number. Soon after, that number began popping up all over the place — in newspapers and political speeches, on television and the Internet."22:48
@kanzure"But the figure, despite reaching near-canonical status, drew criticism. Some said it was inflated. Less diplomatic detractors said it was a 9-digit fairy tale."22:48
yashgarothoh, per drug? yeah22:48
@kanzure"That number was 802,000,000. It was, according to the 2003 study, the number of US dollars that pharmaceutical companies spent, on average, to bring a new drug to market (J Health Econ 2003;22[2]:151-85)."22:48
@kanzure"Now there are new numbers. Some health economists peg the current cost of drug development at US$1.3 billion, others at US$1.7 billion.22:49
@kanzure"... the data used to come up with the original number came from an industry financed source and was not made public."22:49
@kanzure"When I was working at a big pharma company, I heard about a new manufacturing site they had built in anticipation of a really big drug being approved. The cost? Several hundred million dollars."22:50
@kanzure"What happen when the drug got rejected by the FDA? The manufacturing site was written off (couldn't really be used to make anything else)."22:50
@kanzureuh.. someone needs to go hijack those phantom pharma factories.22:50
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yashgarothwell I'm only gonna read that last article cuz it's late, but they don't seem to consider the cost of the ~90% of drugs that fail in clinical trials22:55
@kanzurewell, let's consider commando pharma22:56
@kanzureguerrilla pharma22:56
@kanzureso let's say we ignore the FDA, and uh, ignore phases 3 and 4?22:56
@kanzureand possibly ignoring phase 222:57
@kanzureand let's also say that you don't include all your failed terrible decisions in the price of it22:57
yashgaroth10 mil, maybe 5, which I base on very little22:58
yashgaroththat also depends on a how much basic research has been done on the target22:59
yashgarothI can neither confirm nor deny that a phase 1 trial's worth of drug will cost approximately 1 mil to produce at GMP specifications, and 5 mil for a phase 223:00
yashgarothand that GMP costs about 5-10x more than quasi-GMP production, ignoring the large equipment capital23:02
yashgarothby 'quasi' I mean 99% safe, rather than 99.9%23:03
yashgarothfor true underground pharma, or whatever we're calling it, I suppose you could look at certain large asian countries that don't respect foreign patents23:04
yashgarothfor a more accurate portrayal of cost, anyway23:04
yashgarothnot that they do much reliable basic research there, no offense to said countries23:05
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yashgarothanyway I'm out for the night, here have this http://www.theonion.com/articles/munchstrosity-created-in-fritolayboratory,29587/23:13
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nmz787kanzure: awake?23:45
--- Log closed Sun Sep 30 00:00:41 2012

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