
--- Log opened Thu Oct 04 00:00:45 2012
Urchinfreenode's policy is no public logging without asking00:10
UrchinBioGuy: I simply keep my irc client running and it just loggs everything00:11
Urchinit helps that I'm always on00:11
UrchinI currently have 9 day uptime on my irc client00:11
Urchinit used to go up to about 3 months00:12
BioGuyI need a desktop again...then I could just keep that running all the time and it probably wouldn't be that difficult to write a script for my IRC client to write logs for each buffer I have open00:15
foucistthere are a bunch of loggers like clog for example (which is on a bunch of programming chans etc)00:16
foucist00:16 -!- clog [~nef@bespin.org]00:16
foucist00:16 -!-  ircname  : CLOG (Channel LOGger) http://tunes.org/~nef/logs/00:16
foucisti log everything as well, for grepage purposes00:16
BioGuyYou ever wonder how some Linux/Unix commands got their names? Take grep... would it have killed them to name it 'filter'00:19
Urchinactually, it was originally a command in a text editor, iirc00:21
Urchinand I don't have a desktop computer00:21
UrchinI just have an account on a shell server00:22
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Urchinand, fortunately, I pay nothing for it00:23
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BioGuyHow would freenode be able to tell if the user logged in is an actual user or a logging program?00:43
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UrchinI think it was vi00:46
UrchinBioGuy: why don't you simply activate the logging option on your irc client00:47
BioGuyeherm... didn't even think about it. Didn't realize it might have that built in00:50
* BioGuy feels a bit silly now.00:51
Urchinweechat is on the advanced side actually00:52
Urchineven the most basic ones have it, AFAIK00:52
Urchin(outside of web apps)00:53
BioGuyIm pretty new to linux and terminal based IRC clients - I tried irssi and another one (forget which) before WEECHAT. I felt like weechat was the most newbie friendly00:55
BioGuyIt didn't take me too long to figure how to get a layout the way I wanted it and configure a list of servers to autoconnect as well as channels. In the other clients I had just a helluva time figuring how to do the most basic things.00:57
BioGuyNow I just need to figure out where my logs are saved00:59
gedankenstueckeBioGuy: grep indeed got it'S name through an ed-command: g/re/p as shorthand of the combination "global/regular expression/print" ;)01:01
UrchinI'm running scrollz, it's a modified version of ircII01:01
Urchinnot very user friendly, apparently, but it does what I want it to do01:01
UrchinI used to try bitchx for couple of times01:02
BioGuyFigured weechat would be a good "training wheels" client for me. But, it seems to be able to do everything I would want it to and there are tons of scripts made for it01:02
BioGuyI should just assume that anything unnecesarily cryptic or confusing came from vi01:03
UrchinBioGuy: also, see the ice cream koan01:03
Urchinweechat is solid, from what I understand01:04
UrchinI don't get to be too picky over what I use01:05
UrchinI'd have to submit any proposal for instalation of an irc client to the admins01:05
BioGuyROFL - His question answered, yet unanswered, the novice turned to go, but Stallman called to him, “Neither Emack nor Bolio had anything to do with the ice cream shop, either.” (The store is named after two homeless men.01:05
Urchinand could expect a response next year01:06
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kanzurewell. i ninja kicked my glasses when i woke up and now i don't know where they went.06:54
archelsTime for laser surgery?06:57
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kanzure"What's the next step after openpcr to do a heredity test? Do I use the iconic Genome Compiler?"08:43
kanzureblaah. i wish the "Genome Compiler" guy would go away.08:43
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kanzure"Kasianowicz estimates that the technique could identify a DNA building block with extremely high accuracy at an error rate of less than 1 in 500 million"09:08
kanzureoh another nanopore method09:08
kanzurePEG-labeled nucleotides and nanopore detection for single molecule DNA sequencing by synthesis09:08
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kanzureoh neat apparently i know those guys (via money/who's paying me)09:26
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kanzurejrayhawk: i need some hints on cleaning up memory on gnusha09:53
kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/~bryan/humanityplus-at-caltech/ seems to be 37 GB.. is this worth keeping around? or what do i do with it?09:53
bkeroencode that shit down to a reasonable size09:54
bkeroand then it'll be 1gb09:54
bkerokanzure: I see your name on there along with other hplus nerds09:54
kanzuregg for what?09:56
bkeropresumably you gave a talk at caltech, along with them09:56
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kanzurebkero: yeah. also i did a harvard talk.09:58
bkeroright on09:58
kanzureoh hrm. i seem to have 17 GB of opencascade stuff.09:58
* bkero isn't hosting openfarmtech anymore :/09:59
kanzurewait, you were hosting them?09:59
bkeroelifarley I think his name was10:01
kanzure3.4 GB TP-v261.exe10:01
kanzureseems to be a traceparts.com thing10:01
bkerogzip that shit10:02
kanzureand it looks like "http://dl2.traceparts.com/dl/traceparts/tpdvd/updates/TP-v261.exe" doesn't exist anymore. so i'm not so sure about deleting it.10:02
kanzureit's already a compressed archive10:02
bkerohope so10:02
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eudoxiaopenfarmtech was the old OSE, right?10:02
kanzurei think it's the same site.10:03
bkeroI think it was called openecology at some point10:03
bkeroAlthough he upgraded mediawikis10:03
kanzureso, i always disliked marcin for keeping everything in a wiki. i mean, a wiki is better than nothing, but it's not the best format to encourage people to collaborate on his machines..10:04
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kanzure"gzip: No space left on device" doh10:04
delinquentmemetal is gud mkay.10:04
delinquentmehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWjg-_7xtpo  pedal point .. im so obsessed w this right now10:04
eudoxiakanzure: i guess they need something more than a wiki since everything in there seems to depend on these external google docs thing10:06
kanzurejmil: are you still using the reprap git backups in /home/jsmiller on gnusha.org?10:06
kanzureeudoxia: using google docs is even worse for this!10:06
jmilkanzure: naw i think i turned htat off when Adrian pu-pu'ed the idea for the last time10:07
kanzureyeah it looks like /home/jsmiller/reprap is just a copy of /srv/git/reprap.git, so i'm just going to remove the dupe10:08
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kanzureeh. proprietary chemical strip tester.11:13
jrayhawkdu -m / | sort -n is usually a fun operation11:15
kanzurei cleaned up some dupes and stuff. the extra reprap/nanoengineer repos, for example.11:16
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kanzureJuul: hi12:30
Juulkanzure, hi12:30
kanzureJuul: so it turns out that only 2 biobricks are open source.12:30
Juulkanzure, oh? you mean the BPL ?12:30
kanzureBPA/BPL thing.. yes12:31
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kanzurenmz787: hi12:49
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nmz787kanzure: sup13:02
nmz787kanzure: so apparently 9 year old Barr dexedrine is OK13:03
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kanzurenmz787: having fun?13:23
nmz787lol, nah, i drove for 7 hours earlier13:33
nmz787gonna prep a bit for my genspace DNA talk13:33
nmz787but I was /very/ concentrated on driving13:33
nmz787I dunno if it was fake or not, but I thought I felt my heart fluttering a bit13:34
paragonefake heart fluttering13:35
nmz787i can only hope13:36
paragonedoes hoping make it less likely that more fake heart flutterings might take place?13:36
nmz787i felt my jugular for a while and didn't detect anything, but I think the real test is an EKG13:38
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archelsDon't worry, it was your digestive system.13:48
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archels(oh, and your hypochondria, but that was implied)13:48
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delinquentmenmz787, wait you has focus??14:31
delinquentmetell me aboot dis. is this this  barr dexedrine14:32
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browniesenglish, man. english.14:37
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delinquentmebrownies, i ate you this morning.14:54
delinquentmeyou're not allowed to IRC from my stomach.14:54
browniesand yet, here we are.14:56
delinquentmebrownies, i liked you better going down.15:02
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Mokstaraugur: http://med.stanford.edu/ism/2012/october/hypnotize.html16:12
bkerokanzure: those videos are terribly encoded.  I just mencoder $input -ovc x264 -oac mp3lame -o $input.m4v and it went from 1.1GB -> 129MB.16:25
augurMokstar: what16:35
Mokstarjust wanted to pass that alon16:52
Mokstarwe had a discussion many months ago regarding the validity of hypnosis as an observed phenomenon16:53
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BioGuyHrmm... wondering if anyone could help me acquire or has a plasmid and single cutting restriction enzyme for that plasmid?18:39
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kanzure /win 420:10
kanzureblah? oh.20:10
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IDWMasterTopic is biohacking, does disabling the HGS14 gene count?20:31
yashgarothsure, why not20:32
kanzuresounds like a weird thing to target20:33
kanzureg-protein signaling can fuck a lot of stuff up20:33
yashgarothgood luck injecting viruses into your brain, but it does fit the definition20:33
IDWMasterThat's why I'm here. I've been wondering if anybody was looking for a human test subject, or if it would be possible to somehow test what they've been doing on mice on myself.20:34
IDWMasterI have the active RGS14 gene and would like it disabled.20:34
IDWMasterWhere would I start and who should I contact?20:34
yashgarothjesus bro just do some fucking nootropics or something, no one has anything remotely effective to do that in humans20:34
yashgaroththey do it in mice with germline genetic engineering, and you're a couple decades too late to do that to yourself20:35
kanzurergs14 seems to control all protein signaling in cells. of course you have the "active" version.20:35
IDWMasterHmm. So you'd need something else which could counter-act it to disable it when it's active and somehow distrbute it to all the cells....20:36
kanzurehere.. read some books http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/books20:36
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yashgaroththat was bizarre20:39
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brownieswtf was that O.O21:10
browniesand what is RGS14?21:10
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yashgaroththere was some study on mice where they knocked it out in a very specific part of the hippocampus and the mice did better on some test21:12
yashgarothit's like a minor, brain version of the telomerase idiocy21:12
yashgarothand of course since mice are identical to humans, many dipshits will read some terrible pop-sci article and apparently think you can get it done in a black clinic21:13
yashgarothand I die a little more on the inside21:15
browniesthat's a new, special level of stupid.21:16
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BioGuyTelomerase idiocy?21:23
yashgarothyou know, the "let's add telomerase to every cell somehow and I'll never die"21:24
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browniesextend ALL the telomeres21:27
yashgarothupregulating telomerase by itself will make you die of cancer faster, so all the studies are either with special cancer-resistant mice, or 'we engineered mice to not have telomerase and they were all shitty, then we gave them back telomerase and they were okay, what a fucking surprise'21:29
browniesyou crazy biologists and your experimental setup21:33
brownies"with several million dollars of grant money, we have discovered that if we remove this critical piece of cellular machinery from mice, they will die faster"21:34
yashgaroththat, combined with the fact that biology is the only scientific field where laypeople feel entitled - nay, obligated - to voice their own opinion on the topic, e.g. GMOs, evolution, vaccines, and the 'second definition' of biohacking21:36
browniestrust me, it is not the only scientific field where idiots trumpet their own opinions as fact.21:41
browniesi suppose they are especially dangerous with biology though21:44
yashgarothyou don't see ballot measures demanding that cold fusion be taught in schools, or that SN2 reactions are only a theory; but you're right, if I weren't in biology it wouldn't seem quite so one-sided, I'd imagine21:44
browniesthe whole vaccine... meme... was (is?) especially mind-boggling21:44
browniesoh, right, creationism. that's still going on. -_-21:45
yashgarothwait climatologists have it worse, at least when no one believes in evolution the world doesn't become uninhabitable21:46
BioGuyThough I think one could argue that creationsim isn't so much an argument of biology as it is a belief of how we came to be that happens to clash with biology22:02
BioGuy...kind of like Galileo and the Church22:02
* BioGuy thinks climatologists would be much more stressed out about the missinformation on global warming that biologists are about creationism22:04
BioGuyThough I'm curious why do you think re-activating telomerase wouldn't lead to greater longevity?22:05
yashgarothbecause it's used by the body to limit the prevalence of cancer; stem cells have telomerase, and I have my private theory that most cancers derive from stem cells rather than somatic cells22:06
yashgarothwithout telomerase a cancer will crap out and die pretty quick22:07
yashgarothand every method to induce telomerase post-natally, usually some sort of viral vector with the telomerase gene, will only affect superficial cells that die off naturally with no negative consequence22:08
yashgarothif you're doing germline genetic engineering, and you throw it in with a bunch of extra tumor suppressor genes, and that manages not to fuck up normal cellular activities, it might be viable22:08
yashgarothbut no one wants to discuss germline gengineering, and so you get skin creams infused with recombinant telomerase and sell it to morons22:09
BioGuyOh... so your not suggesting that telomerase wouldn't be a major factor in increasesd longevity, but that the problem is just more complicated than just re-activate telomerase in every single cell?22:12
BioGuyOh ya I totally agree. I love the Oscar Wilde quote, "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple."22:14
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BioGuyIt would be interesting to see a mouse model study where one set of mice somehow had telomerase reactivated in as many cell types as possible and another set of 'normal' mice, feed them both food or water with some carcinogenicity and then look at which sets have higher prevelance of cancer.22:21
yashgarothI think it's been done and they get more cancer, but I haven't been keeping up on the literature since putting 'telomerase' in the article automatically discourages me from reading22:22
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BioGuyPersonally I think longevity is an interesting subject, but in the end how interested should we really be in it. I think for far too long (even outside of biotech) we have been far too concerned with living longer than living healthier and happier. Before I could ever be really interested increasing longevity I think we need to first tackle chronic disease, psychiatric and braind disorders, the22:27
BioGuyecological consequences of humans living longer, etc, etc.22:27
BioGuyoops "...but in the end how intersted should we really be in it?"...22:28
Adifex^^^ very good point.22:28
Adifexespecially the happier part.22:29
yashgaroththat's not typically a popular position in communities like this channel, but still valid22:29
AdifexBut to that end, how much can we do? There will always be depression, and it's hard to solve things like existential problems one has like one would use science to produce longevity.22:31
BioGuyI think there will always be sadness (...or at least I don't think its something we should strive to get rid of), but depression is something I think we should actively work toward eliminating from the human population and it is possible - we just need to understand all the biochemical pathways involved, figure out the causes, and eliminate them potentially by reducing toxic burdens, epigenetic22:35
BioGuymechanisms, and or regenerative medicine.22:35
BioGuyRight now, for example, chronic long term depression can be caused by a mutation in the MTHFR gene. They may or may not have some relief by taking SSRIs but these individuals have complete relief when they supplement with methyl-tetra-hydrofolate (the MTHFR gene methylates folic acid) without methylated folic acid the body has a realy hard time synthesizing seretonin as well as many other biochemical22:39
BioGuyactivities (for example recycling homocysteine back to SAM-E)22:39
nmz787hmm, cool22:40
nmz787i think teaching kids faster and better is probably key too just dealing with death22:41
nmz787seems pretty far off that we'll be able to repair every cell, and only once22:41
nmz787well, maybe it could use a quorum sensing system or something22:41
nmz787uploading 3.8gb video from the talk i gave tonight to youtube, slow upload speed though... 195 mins remaining22:43
yashgarothdo we really need to see you in glorious 1080p?22:44
nmz787nah, its only 720p22:45
nmz787but it's mainly focused on the white board22:45
Adifexwhat's your youtube channel?22:45
yashgarothhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsKKuF8VIaE :D22:46
nmz787i also have nmz787 but i can't merge the two accounts22:46
BioGuyROFL I need to quote this somehow - Do we really need to see you in glorious 1080p? --nah, its only 720p22:48
BioGuynmz787 your talk was at genspace?22:49
BioGuyWhat did you give a talk on?22:49
nmz787but it won't be up for another 3 hours22:51
nmz787then it will actually have to process22:51
BioGuyHey very cool, cant wait to watch it22:53
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BioGuyI've often wondered if people's fear of death is innate or cultural. I'm leaning towards cultural. Some buddhists for example embrace death in such away (I think its called mindful dying/death, something like that) where they actively feel and observerve everything that occurs as they are dying. Though regardless of whether fear of death is cultural or innate one thing I am 99% sure of at this point is23:00
BioGuythat when a person's body is ready to die they are no longer afraid of death. They might be afraid up to a certain point, but past that point it becomes a non-issue for some reason.23:00
nmz787I think you all need to watch this 15 seconds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejvbhKErm6c&feature=player_detailpage#t=282s23:03
brownieswas that relly necessary -_-23:12
brownieshm, now i want a solid gold toilet23:17
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BioGuynmz787 was that you?23:23
BioGuyIf so your hillarious! We definitely need to meet when you get into Portland.23:24
BioGuyI love how the chick in the background is just going about her business with not a single look of, "What the hell is he talking about?"23:25
BioGuyI think I'm actually genuinely interested in queen Victoria's and the pooping habits of peasants now23:26
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bkerowat did I miss23:28
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lichengold toilets. okay then.23:44
bkerogold toirets?23:45
lichenidk. it was linked a bit ago23:45
lichenmore portlanders in here i see23:53
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