
--- Log opened Mon Oct 29 00:00:09 2012
-!- marainein [~net@2001:388:608c:6cb5:d918:9db9:631b:ed74] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]00:04
nmz787why isn't this in the olympics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sperm_competition00:12
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Mokstarferrofluid electrical generator03:05
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Lemminkainen_Mokstar: your design?07:57
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jrayhawknmz787: http://espn.go.com/olympics/summer/2012/story/_/id/8133052/athletes-spill-details-dirty-secrets-olympic-village-espn-magazine10:06
jrayhawkit's just not televised10:06
@kanzureopenbiotech.com conference talk (probably open science summit 2012) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCQmDUURe3I10:24
-!- nano1 [~nano1@8-98.ptpg.oregonstate.edu] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:57
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@kanzureMaluseth: hi12:27
Malusethi checked out your website, heybryan.org12:27
Malusethwhat is gnusha?12:27
Malusethim just curious12:27
@kanzureyou know, i don't know any more12:27
@kanzureit's a server.12:27
Malusethdo you guys do CAD work here?12:28
MalusethCAM CIM?12:28
Malusethcool, i'm trying to learn these things building a fab lab-12:28
Malusethcan i hang around?12:28
Malusethcool thanks :)12:29
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MokstarLemminkainen_: nooo, looks to be a taiwanese fellow12:44
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nmz787Mokstar: are you in portland?13:04
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Mokstarnmz7871: yep13:28
nmz7871cool, I'm now in hillsboro!13:29
Mokstarworking at intel?13:29
Mokstarhillsboro's nice, if a little boring for me13:29
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Mokstarstrip malls vs grotty old brick stores13:29
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Mokstarnmz787: wb13:30
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@kanzureoh it's andrew hessel. that's amusing.14:34
@kanzurewhy is hessel writing for theatlantic.com?14:35
nmz7871i love how homer simpson called 'wired' 'weird', and was upset when Lisa corrected him14:35
Adifex^^ like that14:43
nmz7871jrayhawk: you still home?15:01
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AdrianGjus liek dat15:07
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jrayhawknmz7871: Nope.15:38
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-!- Maluseth [~Maluseth@CPE000d56264e40-CM0018c0c46754.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap15:51
Malusethif i learn solidcam software, does this include CAD as well or are these two seperate things16:04
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Malusethoh i got it nvm16:07
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MalusethI am trying to learn a programming language for following purposes. Please tell me if "Python" is sufficient for these tasks:17:12
Maluseth1. Control system for mechanical engineering-17:12
Malusethlike, say- i'm controlling a robotic arm-17:13
@kanzureyou shoudl look into linuxcnc17:13
Maluseththank you i will keep that in mind17:13
@kanzurepython is fine for these tasks17:13
Malusethhow far has python gone to?17:13
@kanzurebut if you need real-time control in under 1 ms then python is not your best option17:13
Malusethcan i build sophisticated websites with it too?17:13
@kanzureyoutube is built on python17:13
@kanzureand yes you can17:14
Malusethwuw didn't know that17:14
Malusethi see17:14
Maluseththank you for the information17:14
Malusethi saw this things called the piCloud17:14
@kanzurepicloud's okay. you should also learn about heroku and aws.17:14
@kanzureor dotcloud17:15
Malusethwow you already used it?17:15
@kanzuresort of.17:15
Malusethcould i somehow use cloud computing for rendering objects?17:15
Maluseththrough these services?17:15
Malusethwhere can i use them for exactly?17:16
Malusethim very curious about everything17:16
@kanzureyes you can use "cloud computing" for anything you can use regular computing for.17:16
@kanzure"cloud computing" just refers to the idea of not having an exact box that your software is running on17:16
@kanzurethingiverse was using stl2web for the longest time on aws i think17:16
Malusethso then it is compatible with *any softwares. wow17:17
@kanzurebut they switched to rendering with a python/blender combination recently17:17
@kanzurepicloud isn't exactly compatible with "anything" mind you. aws is more general purpose in comparison.17:17
Malusethomg you know everything wow17:17
Malusethim just trying to learn here17:17
Malusethmy edge is that i know absolutely nothing.17:18
Malusethok im writing down the stuff you told me17:18
Malusethand research17:18
@kanzureMaluseth: read everything here http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book and follow the experiments17:19
@kanzureand this http://www.rubyinside.com/media/poignant-guide.pdf17:19
@kanzureit's not python but it's thorough and will get you using heroku17:20
Malusethhow about linuxcnc? which one should i engage into?17:20
@kanzurei don't know of an equivalent book for python/django/heroku. i don't know, just read up on boto or something.17:20
@kanzurewell you would install linuxcnc on a computer hooked up to your arm.17:20
Malusethmy interests are in: mech eng | web programming and biochemistry.17:20
@kanzurewell then you should read the biochemistry books listed here http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/books17:21
brownieseh? what's a boto?17:21
Malusethit's not for an robotic arm specifically- i was thinking general mechanical engineering, control systems for say construction tools17:21
browniesyou can read that one book. Think Like a Computer Scientist17:22
browniesalso learn math, calculus, geometry, algebra, stochastics, data modelling, and linear algebra17:22
@kanzurebrownies: boto is how you do aws things from python17:22
browniesthen you'll be all set to build control systems.17:22
Malusethi dont know if i can learn all that17:22
Malusethbut i will try.17:23
Malusethin fact, from here and on, i'm going to keep a web log17:23
Malusethand put my progress, -17:23
Malusethof learning.17:23
Maluseththank you guys. i want to eventually create something interesting17:23
Malusethit'll take years but :)17:24
Malusethi'm 19 btw17:24
Malusethi quit school and17:24
Malusethwell, i dont know nothing17:24
@kanzurewell at least you got that part right (quitting school)17:25
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Malusethwhat really? quitting school was good choice?17:25
Malusetheveryone's telling me i'm an idiot17:25
Malusethfor quitting17:25
Malusethbut so much freedom now17:26
@kanzurewell, maybe you are an idiot17:26
@kanzurebut it's not because of school17:26
Malusethand it doesn't mean my aspirations in learning is gone17:26
Malusethoh thanks a lot lol17:26
Malusethyeah maybe i am. but i couldn't care less17:26
Malusethas long as i learn something17:26
Malusethso as a humble idiot in this channel allow me to learn.17:27
Malusethbut with this equipment i have -17:27
Malusethi can't do shit17:27
Malusethi'm using a IBM t42 with radeon mobility 7500 (32mb ram)17:28
Malusethcan't even learn CAD.17:28
Malusethwhere can i start...17:28
Malusethi'm thinking of making websites for people at like 100 bucks. will people use my service you think?17:29
Malusethif i can just make about 1200. i can get a CAD capable laptop with some good GPU power.17:29
@kanzurewhy are you pricing yourself so low?17:29
Malusethbecause quantity17:29
Malusethcompetition is everywhere17:30
Malusethand i'm just gonna make static websites - where the client writes the content,17:30
Malusethbut i design the graphics17:30
Maluseththis way, i can save time making it, and the client should be happy17:30
Maluseth'cause they usually don't know jack about hosting and domain17:31
Malusethlocal businesses i mean17:31
Malusethwell, that's the theory anyway...17:31
Malusethbut i don't know where to advertise17:31
Malusethif you guys can refer, let me know hahaha we'll price it 150 and split 50/5017:32
Malusethi'll do the work17:32
Malusethi just need enough to get some equipments17:32
@kanzureso basically i charge $50,000 and you want only $100 of it17:33
@kanzuregot it.17:33
@kanzureyou should rethink your life17:33
Malusethnobody would pay that haha17:33
Malusethway i think is that... as long as i get what i need,17:34
Malusethmy sacrifice is only temporary17:34
@kanzurehow do you know what they pay? you have zero experience17:34
Malusethit seems most people pay about 500-2000 depending on the graphics and animation17:34
Malusethsophisticated websites with scripts seem to be much higher17:34
Malusethi dont have experience, but i read magazines17:35
Malusethi live in a filipino community and everyone here dont know anything about computers17:35
Malusethand the local businesses need some help maybe17:35
ParahSailinfilipinos are awesome17:36
@kanzuremaybe you should lower your price to $10/site17:36
MalusethAWS = general cloud computing solution. linuxcnc = programming CNC machinary. Heroku = sounds like the real deal17:37
Malusethkanzure = i can't. too time consuming.17:37
ParahSailinheroku runs on aws17:37
Malusethi can't waste a year17:37
Malusethon a 1200 equipment. i was thinking more like 2 weeks.17:37
Malusethor a month :P17:37
Malusethcan i use heroku to prgram web stuff?17:38
@kanzurehonestly heroku is too expnesive for you17:39
Malusethyeah filipino people are very talented17:39
ParahSailinheroku is a middleman reselling aws17:39
Malusethmaybe i should just get a job but thats too time consuming too17:39
@kanzureaws is too expensive for you too17:39
@kanzurebasically if you're selling $100/site then the hosting costs will eat up your margin within a few months17:40
Malusethwell, at least i'd have some prospects to look forward to..17:40
@kanzurei have changed my mind. you are definitely an idiot.17:40
Maluseth....harsh kanzure. harsh.17:40
Malusethi'm 19 man without any experience, don't jump to conclusions17:41
Malusethwow kanzure i didn't expect that :{17:42
@kanzurewell, you can improve if you work hard at it. but you should do some basic math on the numbers you've been talking about.17:42
@kanzure$100/site works out to like $1/hour for 2 weeks of work and you end up with $0 for hosting.17:43
Malusethnot if i just duplicate the site with templates17:43
Malusethim gonna ask them to give me samples of what site they want17:43
@kanzureclients aren't like that.17:43
Malusethand copy it17:43
Malusethi dont know if they have real standards, these filipino people are in their 40-50s17:44
Malusethhardly browse the web...17:44
Malusethit'll take me 1 hour to finish 1 website. hahaha17:44
Malusethbut gathering the clients is the difficult part.17:44
Malusethbut that's just one way making some cash.17:45
Malusethso this stuff costs money huh?17:45
ParahSailingo ahead and charge $100 for the first one-- at that point youll have an idea of how much work it actually is and be able to revise your price appropriately17:45
Malusethbeen downloading CAD softwares cracked17:45
Malusethyeah prolly17:45
Malusethbut i made a website before17:45
Malusethjust basic layout takes only so long to make with dreamweaver17:46
Maluseththey grab the domain name and give me access to hosting17:46
ParahSailinwhats dreamweaver17:46
Malusethand i can edit and upload easily17:46
Malusethvisual html software17:46
Malusethno need for codes17:46
@kanzuresigh don't use dreamweaver -_-17:46
ParahSailinis that kinda like a text editor?17:46
@kanzureParahSailin: it's wysiwyg17:47
ParahSailinkanzure, i know what dreamweaver is17:47
Malusethit's either that or frontpage hahaha17:47
@kanzureget out. i don't want anyone in here who thinks frontpage is a good idea.17:47
Malusethdont worry i'll get some income rolling, even if i work nightshift at home depot17:47
Malusethdude man, chill. i only used those 2 softwares.17:48
ParahSailinlearn how to do it right, no fucking dreamweaver or frontpage17:48
Malusethi dont know any more to have an opinion.17:48
ParahSailinall you need to use is a decent text editor-- sublime text 2 is a good newbie one for windows17:49
Malusethi'm just trying to learn guys, don't discourage me too much. i'll eventually get it right.17:49
Malusethok ok17:49
@kanzureno, you're not trying to learn. so far you've completely ignored everything we've told you.17:49
nmz7871i havent used frontpage since i was a young teenager17:49
Malusethok, so price it higher for my services, or get a job. once i have the money, experiment. until then, read.17:50
@kanzurenmz7871: btw blackhatbio.com is ours, i'm soliciting ideas. yashgaroth wants pics of petri dishes with "NOT ANTHRAX" written on them.17:50
@kanzure"NOT ANTHRAX, 2L, $578.00"17:50
@kanzure2L of a mystery fluid, aww yeah17:51
Malusethsounds cool blackhatbio.com17:51
nmz7871NOT XARHTNA17:51
AdrianGkanzure, i liak "not anthrax"17:51
-!- nmz7871 is now known as nmz78717:52
Malusethstorm "sandy" coming to my town17:52
Malusethhope i'll survive this17:52
@kanzurenmz787: i was also thinking of a bitcoin organ exchange17:52
Malusethi have so much to learn17:52
@kanzureMaluseth: why are you in here?17:53
Maluseththis channel is like the most amazing thing i came across17:53
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AdrianGorgan exchange isnt really bio17:53
Malusethyou guys seem to be involved in so much different things17:53
AdrianGits more liek hacking17:53
@kanzureMaluseth: yes but i mean how did you find this channel?17:53
@kanzureAdrianG: organ harvesting exchange, then.17:53
MalusethI was typing i think "hackerspaces" and i found your website17:54
MalusethAustin seems bit too far though17:54
Malusethi live in Ontario, Canada17:54
@kanzuredamn i must be great at seo17:55
@kanzurebrownies: check that shit out17:55
Malusethi searched for hours Kanzure don't give yourself too much credit :P17:55
Malusethnow to organize, and memo. research.17:56
Malusethhoping to get a 8900 firepro installed in a laptop17:57
Malusethwith 4gb ram 2gb video memory17:57
Malusethhope that's sufficient. im sure it is17:57
Malusethfor me anyway.17:57
-!- yashgaroth [~f@cpe-66-27-117-179.san.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:59
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@kanzureyashgaroth: i still need a reasonable list of 'federal laws' to post to the blackhatbio.com 'seized' landing page.17:59
@kanzure"conspiracy to maybe think about committing copyright infringement" is insufficiently blackhat/bio.18:00
@kanzure"kidnapping/imprisonment" and "distribution of bioweapons" would be more interesting18:00
yashgarothhmm are there like classified laws? "the following federal crimes: [REDACTED]"18:00
@kanzurenah there has to be something in the US code book18:01
yashgaroththat's a big book, I wonder if they've made it searchable18:01
ParahSailinthere are numbers that are illegal to think about18:01
@kanzure"for other than prophylactic, protective, bona fide research, or other peaceful purposes."18:01
yashgaroth"imprisoned for life or any term of years" dang18:02
-!- ybit2 [quassel@2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:feae:6e5b] has joined ##hplusroadmap18:03
@kanzurenone of these sound like the names of charges, though18:03
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@kanzureso 1962(d) is "conspiracy to commit racketeering" and links to http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/196218:04
@kanzureso i guess you can just make up fake charges based on line items from the us code18:04
yashgarothin breach of articles I-X of the biological weapons convention? or would that be some sort of UN takedown18:05
@kanzuredoes the US give a fuck about the biological weapons convention? i'd have to check.18:05
yashgaroththat smallpox reserve is for totally peaceful purposes, also russkies18:06
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brownieskanzure: check what out?18:16
@kanzure;/kick ybit18:17
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@kanzurebrownies: nevermind. the guy basically spent 5min using dreamweaver and then searched around the web figuring he was a master hacker or something. i don't know.18:17
browniesthat is funny.18:21
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nano1kanzure: hi again.  what does "sponsored by george church" mean in the description of this channel?18:38
nano1that is, is George Church *actually* involved with this channel or is it ascribed to him by a third party?18:39
yashgarothgeorge church is humorously known to be on the board of/an advisor to, dozens of biotech companies18:39
@kanzuregeorgeinvolvd with everything18:39
@kanzure*george church is involved with everything18:39
nano1yes, but even this?18:39
yashgarothI'm surprised you didn't ask about the NRA18:39
@kanzurein a way, he is inside all of us. even now. i.18:39
@kanzure*even now. inside all of us.18:40
nano1i understand18:40
JayDuggerSponsored by the NRA, too?18:40
yashgaroththe second amendment guarantees gene guns for private citizens18:40
yashgaroththey have perfectly legitimate uses for deer transfections18:41
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JayDuggerGood. Now pun about a well-regulated militia.18:51
yashgarothummm...a well regulated academia?18:53
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JayDuggerkanzure, "does the US give a fuck about the biological weapons convention? i'd have to check." The short answer, yes. Nixon did two good things. He stopped US development of biological weapons and he went to China. A good source is Abliek's "Biohazard."20:13
JayDuggerNixon was otherwise a worthless piece of shit.20:13
JayDugger(From what I read in history books.)20:14
jrayhawkhe's also responsible for grain diplomacy and grain subsidies20:18
jrayhawkwhich cost us a trillion dollars a year in medical costs20:18
jrayhawkmedical costs which are projected to exceed GDP by 203020:19
Malusethwhat do you guys think of ruby language compared to python? can you use it to make control systems for electrical/mechanical devices?20:20
Malusethi'm just learning and i don't want to make a bad choice on my first language.20:21
jrayhawkDepends on what you're controlling. Task switching on modern X86 systems can be done something like 100khz, which may be a limiting factor depending on what kind of hardware interaction you're doing.20:22
Malusethbut it is possible then. what do you think is more easier to learn? ruby or python?20:23
jrayhawkPython's slightly faster, Ruby has a better object model, neither really have good realtime guarantees because they're GC languages20:23
Malusethyou can filter it through heroku ?20:24
Malusethi mean if heroku is something that can speed things up?20:24
jrayhawkwhy... would... you control hardware through heroku20:24
Malusethoh nvm i got it wrong20:24
Malusethit's a language for connecting to cloud computing20:25
Malusethsorry im learning20:25
Malusethwhich do you think is easier to learn? ruby or python?20:25
Malusethpython seems to be much more widely accepted in the academia?20:25
@kanzureyou should learn both.20:25
Malusetheventually, but to start off, what would be easier?20:25
Malusethruby seems very straight-forward?20:26
Malusethi do need references though20:26
jrayhawkRuby is more pleasant on account of syntax and object model, python is more practical on account of enormous collection of well-written libraries.20:26
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jrayhawkNeither is really appropriate for anything other than extremely primitive hardware work.20:26
@kanzureif you are making web applications, then ruby is a better choice because the rails community is huge. python's web development community is large but not nearly.20:26
jrayhawkanything more than, rather20:26
Malusethi'd be happy to pull off that extremely "primitive" work hahaha20:27
Malusethruby on rails is = web application oriented ok20:27
Malusethbut python has more20:27
Malusethreferences to draw on..20:27
Malusetherr... ok20:28
Malusethwhat should i learn if i were to learn both languages?20:28
Maluseth(not that i think it's even possible)20:28
Malusethsorry guys im trying to make the right choice20:29
jrayhawkvoting ruby.20:29
Maluseththen i guess i go over to C and C++ and stuff later right?20:30
Malusethbut that just looked extremely confusing and crazy.20:30
jrayhawkwhere did WhyTheLuckyStiff's Try Ruby thing go20:30
jrayhawkhttp://tryruby.org/ i guess20:31
@kanzuredon't use codeschool20:32
@kanzureabsolutely not20:32
@kanzureand don't use udacity either20:32
@kanzurethey are idiots and don't know how to teach programming20:32
Maluseththey seem to originate from same source20:32
@kanzureyeah well it's bullshit20:32
Malusethwhat do you recommend?20:32
@kanzurei recommend the links i gave you.20:32
Malusethok thanks.20:32
Malusethi guess what i'm looking for ultimately is 3 things: 1. web development. 2. electronics/mech eng 3. to be using cloud computing for somekind of bio experiment.20:33
@kanzurefor bioinformatics-in-the-cloud you should use crossbow20:34
Maluseththose 2 languages is unlikely to suffice20:34
@kanzurewhich works on aws.20:34
Maluseththank you20:34
@kanzurebioruby is a bioinformatics library for ruby and biopython is a bioinformatics library for python. so either way.20:34
@kanzurego away20:34
@kanzuresorry, the keys are like right next to hello20:34
curt1sanyone on the east coast20:35
Malusethi am.20:35
MalusethOntario here20:35
Malusethone woman got killed because of sandy storm already20:35
Malusethbioruby and biopython20:35
Malusethbut you recommend crossbow for bioinformatics-in-the-cloud20:35
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nano1JayDugger: Whoa, Ken Alibek is a bit of a fraud from what I've heard.  While working at Ft. Detrick with the NCI, I heard that he drummed up a lot of that material in his book.  I was shocked to find that out, b/c I was hoping to find him on the Detrick campus, but he was no longer there.20:36
Malusethlearning learning. organizing.20:36
Malusethi am going to put EVERYTHING down in a web log20:36
Malusethso you can review20:36
curt1sblog it20:36
Malusethif anyone willing20:36
@kanzurei'm not going to review20:36
Malusethi'll just make it for my own reference purposes20:36
Malusethi'm hoping you would scan it so to tell me where i should go next etc20:37
Malusethbut that comes later20:37
curt1sa personal blog20:37
curt1sthe best kind20:37
Malusethi shalt make thee mentors proud20:37
Malusethok back to research20:37
nano1Maluseth:  I am using Learn Python the Hard Way.  I would highly recommend it.20:40
Malusethnano1: doesn't sound like an enticing title but I will look into it. thank you.20:40
nano1Honestly, it's not that bad20:41
@kanzurethat book isn't great20:41
nano1well, there's always that!20:42
Malusethok thnx20:44
Malusethi think i'll try out ruby and ruby on rails as a start.20:45
Malusethpython for =electrical mech engineering.20:45
Malusethwhatever i can make of it anyway. lol20:46
@kanzurewhat? why?20:46
Malusethbecause no money for CAM equipments to use with python?20:46
Malusethweb development hardly costs any money20:46
Malusethyou said ruby on rails was for web development right?20:46
ParahSailinso's python20:46
Malusethbut much more support for ruby on rails right?20:47
Malusethfor references of learning.20:47
@kanzurethere are equal references for both.20:47
@kanzurethere are simply more useful gems for web development in ruby than there are eggs for web development in python.20:47
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Malusethaha! thank you. then that settles it.20:48
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Malusethi want to develop a nice site or a very controlled blog20:48
Malusethas a start. eventually i'll make money and start buying equipments.20:48
Malusethok ruby it is. but gotta pull up my site first and start some online labour.20:49
Malusethsent money to paypal from my bank account today, 6-8 business days. why so long sigh.20:49
@kanzurestop using paypal20:50
@kanzurestop using windows20:50
Malusethdo i need to learn ruby in order to learn ruby on rails?20:50
@kanzureyou are making the most awful decisions20:50
@kanzurejust dive into rails, you will learn ruby as you go.20:50
Malusethi don't know any better. should i use linux?20:50
Malusethgot it.20:50
Malusethwhich linux do you recommend using? ubuntu?20:51
@kanzurego ahead and use ubuntu.20:51
Malusethok copying down the links.20:51
Malusethi downloaded this software. DDS-CAD20:52
Malusethapparently it's a CAD made for architecture simplified20:52
@kanzurejust use autocad for that.20:52
Malusethbecause i want to design my own house, i'm gonna buy land - down Ontario20:52
Malusethmy friend is a construction worker and can get me materials i need for very cheap20:52
Malusethautocad is complex?20:53
MalusethDDS-CAD says they simplified everything so you can concentrate20:53
Malusethbut ok20:53
@kanzurewhat's complex about it exactly?20:53
Malusethtoo many features for autocad20:53
Malusethfor dds-cad, they took out most features and left it raw20:54
Malusethso they say20:54
Malusethfor a beginner, maybe it's easier to organize that way20:54
Malusethalso, my pc can only handle that software prolly20:54
Malusethbut crack didn't work :P20:54
Malusethi'll just concentrate on the ruby on rails and make money to buy a new laptop20:55
Malusethyou apparently need a physical dongle to use the DDS-CAD20:55
Malusethand it provided bypass crack file for that but didn't work :(20:55
ParahSailinwhy dont you get a job in alberta in the tar sands20:55
Malusethi know! people have been telling me20:56
Malusethalberta apparently has serious job openings there20:56
Malusethbut. i like my location for now20:56
Malusethi mean, at the worst of the worst - i can get into a shelter system20:56
Malusethand not go out in the streets lol20:57
Maluseththere's food banks everywhere around20:57
Malusethso this is the best place for me to survive really20:57
ParahSailintar sand jobs pay well20:57
Malusethyou'll never know if you get fired or not though i can't risk it with the money i *haven't saved up20:58
ParahSailinand you're already in canada, so it's not like you're losing out too much on climate20:58
Maluseththat's true20:58
Malusethi don't know i actually thought about that for some time. my friend is a welder and he just got a job there20:58
Malusethi got no skills in that area though, i want to learn these stuff20:59
ParahSailini imagine thats a good place to learn on the job20:59
Malusethmaybe maybe i will look into it. i don't think my grandma would like it though. i live with her currently21:00
ParahSailini have a machinist friend up there making six figures21:00
Malusethi have to find a home for her... sigh...21:00
Malusethmy brain is empty. i gotta learn something first21:00
Malusethanyways thanks back to research.21:01
ParahSailinchris2003@shaw.ca -- tell him you want to do entry level shit in the tar sands21:01
Maluseththat's a contact address21:01
Malusethi'll think about it...21:01
ParahSailintell him rob sent you21:02
ParahSailindont think about it--- do it21:02
Malusethi have complications with family here but really thank you for the contact21:02
Malusethi do need money to learn...21:02
ParahSailinchris can probably tell you if its a reasonable proposition to be hired as an apprentice with not skills21:04
Malusethit's minimum wage though right?21:04
ParahSailinyou're asking the wrong person21:04
Malusethi guesss it's a job that connects to what i want to learn though21:05
Malusethare you sarah palin?21:05
yashgarothif it's anything like the US oil industry, it's far above minimum wage21:05
ParahSailini can see canada from my house21:05
yashgarothdownside is that most of your money is overtime, and it's fairly backbreaking labor21:06
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nmz787" CBS Correspondent John Miller reports hearing two loud booms, followed by complete darkness on the streets for about 20 blocks in either direction. "22:25
Mokstarnmz787: how are you liking it so far?22:25
nmz787'"It's seems like this one's for real," Grvymala said of the coming storm.'22:25
nmz787well, we just /came/ from NYC22:25
Mokstarhave you discovered how infurating the drivers are here?22:25
nmz787so I think we're doin a helluva lot better in light of this hurricane22:25
nmz787got a nice ranch house here in hillsboro22:25
bkeroportland is best coast22:26
nmz787haven't had too much of a problem with drivers yet22:26
Mokstarthey do silly things, like drive the speed limit22:26
Mokstaror lower22:26
nmz787got some $3.5/lb pasture fed beef at new seasons, which is pretty damn cheap for grassfed22:26
Mokstarand don't get me started on pedestrians22:26
Mokstarit is22:26
nmz787oh, man some cars totally slowed down from like 300 ft away, we were just standing by the street, i was on the phone so i didnt want to walk past them idling (loud), but they all stopped and kinda forced me to cross22:27
nmz787that was weird22:27
Mokstaryeah, cops do street-crossing stings22:28
MokstarI don't know about hillsboro22:28
Mokstarpedestrians just wander out into traffic22:28
Mokstarrandomly, from anywhere on the sidewalk22:29
nmz787well thats normal for a big city, its called jaywalking22:29
Mokstarthey don't have to do it22:30
Mokstarthis isn't new york22:30
Mokstarthe streets aren't jam packed with people22:30
Mokstarexcept sometimes22:30
Mokstarbut normally, no22:30
Mokstarthey have nice wide sidewalks22:30
Mokstartons of street kids and bums though22:30
Mokstarbut they're harmless enough22:30
nmz787nah but i walk on the street to avoid weirdo bums22:30
nmz787go around a car22:30
Mokstarbecause the cops will beat them if they cause problems22:30
nmz787or walk the hypotenuse22:31
Mokstarjust ignore them, you'll be OK22:31
Mokstaror you can stop and devote years of your life to rehabilitate each one22:31
Mokstarbut then that requires that you make certain assumptions about the purpose and nature of existence, and your right to interfere/aid another's path22:31
Mokstaror something like that22:32
nmz787yeah but isnt there one of those theories that you can only assume you are the only thinking being, because you can't actually know if everyone else is a creation of your own mind22:33
Mokstaryou can wash their feet, give them haircuts, coffee, and burritos22:33
MokstarI think they do that on thursday nights22:33
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