
--- Log opened Sat Nov 03 00:00:14 2012
@kanzurehey wait a sec, i think i type faster than my hard drive seeks?00:02
@kanzureoof reviewing https://github.com/kanzure/pokecrystal/pull/41/files00:47
browniesjrayhawk: eh? what browser do you use?00:51
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | friends don't let friends do super college11:00
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Fri Aug 10 08:01:18 2012]11:00
[Users ##hplusroadmap]11:00
[@kanzure ] [ chido ] [ foucist ] [ lichen ] [ Sanky ] [ ThomasEgi ] 11:00
[ _Sol_ ] [ chris_99 ] [ gedankenstuecke] [ Maluseth ] [ saurik ] [ Thorbinator] 11:00
[ AdrianG ] [ Coornail ] [ gnusha ] [ Mokstar ] [ SDr ] [ triplesix ] 11:00
[ AlonzoTG ] [ curt1s ] [ gnusha_ ] [ notkanzure ] [ sivoais ] [ uf6667 ] 11:00
[ antifas ] [ delinquentme] [ heathjs ] [ nuba ] [ skorket ] [ upgrayeddd ] 11:00
[ archels ] [ devrandom ] [ HEx1 ] [ obscurit2 ] [ smeaaagle ] [ Urchin ] 11:00
[ augur ] [ docl ] [ He||eshin ] [ OldCoder_ ] [ strages_home] [ Vicarious ] 11:00
[ bjonnh ] [ drazak_ ] [ ivan` ] [ ParahSail1n] [ strangewarp ] [ yashgaroth ] 11:00
[ bkero ] [ EnLilaSko ] [ JayDugger ] [ ParahSailin] [ streety ] 11:00
[ brownies ] [ epitron ] [ jrayhawk ] [ pasky ] [ superkuh ] 11:00
[ Charlie__] [ fenn ] [ Lemminkainen_ ] [ phryk ] [ TheEmpath ] 11:00
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 63 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 62 normal]11:00
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201011:00
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jrayhawkbrownies: typically links-family11:03
jrayhawklinks2, links-hacked, elinks (hi pasky!)11:04
browniesoh, i thought you were answering my meat question from earlier.11:05
browniesthat's fair. i still stick with Chrome.11:05
-!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: gnusha, foucist, gedankenstuecke, fenn11:06
jrayhawkand quvi and get-flash-videos for dumb multimedia sites11:06
jrayhawksurfraw also has some pleasant headache-saving features, but i am less smart about using those as a first course of action11:07
* pasky waves :)11:15
-!- wizrobe [~aserid@c-76-23-254-105.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap12:23
chidokanzure: there was a power outage at the university server room, apparently. pasky is fine :)12:25
Urchinbecause the flu kills you less often?12:51
* Urchin is not serious right now12:54
archelsrectangularization of the longevity curve12:59
browniesFurthermore it was found that those getting the vaccine had a 40% reduction in all causes of death in the  following one year.12:59
brownieslong story short, getting the flu vaccine makes you a better driver.12:59
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Urchinprobably overall lifestyle effects13:31
Urchinif anything13:31
Urchindying does come as a fashion13:32
Urchinor a fad13:32
ThomasEgilike.. if someone is scared enough to get flu vaccine, they probaby are more cautious in evrey aspect of life.13:32
ThomasEgifunny enough. i never got flu shots and i never got flu either.13:34
ThomasEgifeels like a total hype from my perpective. like "omg we'r all going to die $INSERTAUTUMYEAR"13:34
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chris_99you guys seen the google query correlation with flu data13:44
AdrianGlink nao13:50
browniesiirc once could predict a flu outbreak using that?13:52
chris_99yeah i'd imagine so13:54
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Urchindoesn't cover my country14:52
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doclI'm reading http://www.intechopen.com/books/current-frontiers-in-cryobiology17:23
-!- foucist_ is now known as foucist17:23
doclEugen linked to it on new cryonet, as the first chapter has an ant-cryonics rant.17:24
doclIt has kind of bad english but is opinionated enough to be entertaining.17:27
doclThis Katkov guy is apparently a bit of a character.17:28
doclI do like that he clearly differentiates between "equilibrium vitrification" (E-VF) and "kinetic vitrification" (K-VF). Apparently there is a lot of confusion about the correct terminology out there.17:30
doclIn cryonics we're doing E-VF -- slow perfusion of cryoprotectant to high concentrations and cooling over time.17:31
doclHowever, many prominent cryobiologists (including PZ Myers) treat the word "vitrification" as a synonym for K-VF, cooling something really fast so that the cell's internal juices are sufficient to keep it from freezing.17:32
doclSo they seemingly get really confused when cryonics people talk about how they plan to get vitrified when they die.17:39
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curt1shi AdrianG18:47
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doclI get the feeling that cryobiology is a rather small, marginalized science... like, the only things they ever get paid for are assisted reproduction stuff and blood work.19:09
doclGenomics and stuff like that gets all the big bucks and NIH grants.19:10
curt1show is everyone this weekend19:52
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skorketevening all19:54
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curt1shi skorket20:03
skorkethow's it going?20:03
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JayDuggerGood evening, everyone.21:10
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--- Log closed Sun Nov 04 00:00:15 2012

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