
--- Log opened Thu Nov 15 00:00:14 2012
kanzureStarting web server: apache2ulimit: 88: error setting limit (Operation not permitted)00:05
kanzureapache2: Syntax error on line 207 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Could not open configuration file /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: No such file or directory00:05
kanzureAction 'start' failed.00:05
kanzurejrayhawk: i can't restart apache2 on gnusha :(00:06
* kanzure sleeps00:06
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jrayhawkthat error message isn't actually particularly important00:28
jrayhawkbut i will go ahead and comment it out anyway00:28
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heathjsif the blue brain project was successful in simulating the neocortical column of a mouse, you would think papers would be published, yeah?06:00
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heathjsthis was in 2010.. plenty of time to write something06:02
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archelsheathjs: http://jahia-prod.epfl.ch/site/bluebrain/op/edit/page-52755.html06:13
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archels"[...] when compared with in vitro studies (e.g., L2 [8578 lm vs. 4309 lm {Meyer, Wimmer, Hemberger, et al. 2010}], L4py [7492 lm vs. 2813 lm {Staiger et al. 2004}], and L6 neurons [5861 and 5899 lm vs. 3916 and 3868 lm for L6cc and L6ct pyramids, respectively {Kumar and Ohana 2008)})."06:53
archelsnice nesting of quotes there, chaps06:53
archelser, parentheses06:53
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archelsyawn, noise.09:15
archels1.1 hour left until I reach 1000 iterations on my simulation09:18
archelsdo I wait, or just abort it, concluding that if it hasn't blown up by iteration #793, it will still not have blown up by #1000?09:18
kanzurewaiting is the mindkiller09:20
archelskanzure, can I have the old BlueGene/P that is sitting in your garage?09:21
archelsI promise to only run bio-simulations on it.09:21
kanzuresorry it is currently earmarked for evil ai09:21
kanzurehave you considered doing this on ec2?09:22
archelsNo, but that's a very interesting idea.09:26
archelsHmm, does that allow me to do actual parallel processing though? It talks about "setting up an image" and then "launching as many images as needed."09:28
Mariu"I’m glad to hear that, because I think he is a fundamentally a very good and very decent man who shares our core values."09:32
MariuI like that :p09:32
kanzurearchels: what do you mean by parallel? you can choose a virtual machine that has multiple cores, yes. or you can do gpgpu stuff.09:34
kanzurehm, sourceforge was acquired by dice09:42
archelsarse, I left my credit card at home.09:44
archelsat iteration #864 by now09:45
kanzureamazon offers $15k of ec2 time to academic projects as long as you promise to write a paper about the results mentioning ec209:46
archelshah, no shit?09:46
kanzuredoes this make me your best friend?09:46
archelsWell, what if we fail to publish? :)09:47
kanzurei never really asked that09:48
ParahSail1nyou have to pay first? and then get reimbursed?09:48
kanzureno i don't think so09:48
ParahSail1nim unable to find this09:48
kanzure"The next deadline for quarterly research grant applications is September 14, 2012" sucks for you!09:49
kanzure"Grant amounts will vary depending on the research proposal and usage requirements documented in the proposal. Grants will be in the form of credits applicable to AWS services. EC2 usage within the grants will be for on-demand instances only."09:50
archelsI can probably get my prof to pay, our problem sets aren't *that* massive.09:51
kanzureyeah just remember to spin down the instances when you're not using them, and it will probably be cheap09:51
kanzureyou can also do some python/boto stuff if you want more fine-grained control over automatically spinnin down/up the instances09:52
archelsour current cluster is 64-core 1.4GHz AMD Opterons with 192GB RAM09:53
archelswonder how it'll stack up against EC2.09:53
kanzureoh. i thought you were just running it on your laptop.09:53
ParahSail1narchels: who are you with and what do you run on that?09:53
kanzureso linux is managing all 64 cores?09:53
archelskanzure: right now yes, but I need to decide on which cluster to go through the hell of installing all the software again.09:57
kanzurewell, with amazon you should be able to just run your regular debian images09:57
archelsyes, but will that really squeeze the performance out of it?09:59
kanzurehmm i feel like we're talking past each other.09:59
kanzurehow do you currently install things to your cluster's system?09:59
archelsI SSH into it. They have a Linux 2.6 kernel, Ubuntu distribution.10:00
kanzureok cool. so if you install something, do you go write that down anywhere?10:00
kanzurelike do you guys maintain an image that you know is working, and just reinstall that when you fuck up?10:00
archelsNo, but that's what I'm doing locally, on my laptop. Backups and everything for the cluster is managed by the central IT group.10:01
kanzureokay i see.10:02
kanzurewell, to use ec2 you use something called an AMI (amazon machine image)10:02
archelsRight, but I don't even need to make that myself, I can just select a pre-built one from the EC2 control panel.10:03
kanzuresee the debootstrap stuff10:04
kanzureyeah you could, sure10:04
kanzurethere might even be a neuroscience one that is pre-built10:04
kanzurethere's a debian neuroscience team that does packaging of some useful things10:04
archelsDoes it make sense to talk about CPU clock frequency and number of cores in EC2-land? Can't find much info on that.10:04
kanzureyou can choose which type of instance you want10:05
archelsOne EC2 Compute Unit provides the equivalent CPU capacity of a 1.0-1.2 GHz 2007 Opteron or 2007 Xeon processor. This is also the equivalent to an early-2006 1.7 GHz Xeon processor referenced in our original documentation10:06
kanzuremost of my experience with ec2 has been horizontal scaling (adding more instances) rather than trying to grab the most RAM in a single instance, so i'm not going to be completely helpful to you10:06
kanzureby horizontal i mean things like "break the problem up into subsets and let the instances communicate with each other through some terrible application-level code or hadoop stuff)10:06
archelsyeh, I hope this finite element stuff scales well over multiple cores.10:07
archelsIt's supposed to, but who knows. :)10:07
kanzuresaurik: so what are the chances of an iphone virtual machine?10:08
kanzuresaurik: i want to load up apps into RAM and do the decryption or whatever, so i'm interested in figuring out if i can avoid using a physical device10:09
kanzurei think the simulator might be able to handle this?10:09
kanzuresaurik: https://github.com/stefanesser/dumpdecrypted10:11
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saurikkanzure: the simulator is a simulator, not an emulator, so no11:11
saurikkanzure: like, if you compile an app for the simulator, you are just compiling the binary for x8611:11
saurikand running it as a native process on your mac11:11
saurikthe simulator binaries aren't encrypted, so you don't have the infraustructure there to decrypt them11:12
saurikyou can either reverse engineer the ios decryption code to pull the key11:12
saurik(which no one has ever bothered to do before, afaik. the people who mostly care are pirates, and they tend to not be as bright, and if you do it in small scales dumping it from ram with gdb is trivially automatable)11:13
saurikor you can setup an ios device as like a daemon to load binaries and send back decrypted ones (would be fairly simple)11:14
saurikor you can try to help out with iEmu (which is mostly up to being able to run iBoot, but I do not believe is anywhere near booting all the way through to the real kernel)11:14
kanzureyeah, i know the simulator is not an emulator. but why hasn't someone just run the iphone arm software on an arm emulator?11:47
kanzureah thanks for telling about iEmu, i'll look into that11:47
kanzuresaurik: if i choose to use a physical device, do you know an order of magnitude estimate of how long it would take per app?11:48
saurikno. obviously not that long, though, given that the binaries are decrypted on demand11:53
saurikusers would get pretty angry if launching an app were super super slow11:53
kanzureblah it took me more than 30 seconds to check for a /Packages file on a cydia repo. i guess it would make sense that it would follow an actual standard.11:54
kanzurei will probably try to pull the decryption key because i have a tendency to chase windmills. then i'll settle on a version that uses gdb or something else to dump memory, and later i will feel bad for not having an emulator and would probably submit patches to iEmu.11:58
kanzureanyway, i will probably12:03
kanzureoops. ignore.12:03
jrayhawkarm doesn't have a platform standard; you can't "just run the iphone arm software an arm emulator"12:16
kanzureoh :\12:20
kanzurejrayhawk: so one of the problems with loading apps onto an ios device for me is that my upload rate is extremely crippling12:21
kanzurecan i just stickynote an ipod touch to a server, or is it all colo?12:21
jrayhawkI can leave crap lying around in colo. That'd be fine. Not sure how to handle remote restarts and touchscreen stuff, though.12:22
jrayhawkmaybe restarts can be managed over the USB interface?12:22
kanzureafaik jailbroken ipods don't need to be touched as much because it's shell-accessible.12:22
jrayhawkCan you get a shell over USB or ethernet or something on those?12:23
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jrayhawkactually i guess you'd want internet access anyway, so ethernet or wireless would be sorta mandatory, huh12:24
kanzurelet's see... http://cydia.saurik.com/openssh.html12:25
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kanzureoh right, cydelete/cydia gives you apt-get and other sane things12:27
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saurikif you really do want to set this stuff up as a server12:58
saurikif you can obtain an apple tv 2 (not 3) that will be better12:58
saurikthe apple tv is wall powered (no batteries to worry over) and has an ethernet port12:59
kanzuredoes it do normal things like wake/boot on lan?12:59
saurikI doubt it does "boot on lan". it might do wake on lan. but I'm not certain it even ever goes to sleep13:00
jrayhawkIt probably has a watchdog, so booting is not a big concern.13:00
saurikit is a super small low-power arm device13:00
saurikthat pretty much likes to constantly be operating13:00
browniesApple TV as server? wild.13:00
saurikthe concern would be that you'd want one that you can get an untethered jailbreak on, so if it reboots it will come back up. I don't know what the status is of which firmwares have that property for the apple tv mostly as I don't really use the apple tv13:01
saurikand you'd want the apple tv 2 (not 3) as it is succeptable to limera1n13:01
jrayhawkTethered boot is also an option.13:02
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* Daeken waves13:02
kanzureisn't limera1n by that guy who sold out to someone somewhere. can't recall.13:03
brownieswhy no apple tv 3? it isn't jailbroken yet?13:03
saurikkanzure: define "sold out". he was sued by sony, and then went to work for facebook after he was forced to settle that case out of court13:04
kanzureoh sorry, i thought he went to work for apple.13:04
kanzurewrong person then13:04
saurikyou might be thinking of comex13:04
saurikbrownies: correct13:05
Daekenhaha, it was funny... i was at blackhat one night drinking, and my girlfriend recognized someone she knew, who happened to be with someone else.  so when she's catching up with him, i introduce myself to the other guy... and it's geohot.13:05
saurikkanzure: what generally, are you trying to accomplish, btw?13:05
kanzuresaurik: i am downloading all ads from apps and then tracking the shit out of campaigns13:06
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kanzureandroid has been going very well. i'd like to expand to ios soon.13:06
saurikinteresting. and what you are pulling is like their advertising key or whatever it is called with whatever services these are?13:07
saurikfair enough13:07
kanzureit's fairly obvious yeah13:07
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kanzurenmz787: any thoughts on an uber cheap refractometer?13:33
nmz787for what?13:33
kanzurei think.13:34
kanzurepossibly blood things13:34
nmz787isn't it just a microscale ruler with the signal coming in at an angle to a piece of glass or lense?13:36
nmz787looks cheap https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Measuring_Principle_v2.png13:40
nmz787i see a webcam, prism, a lens a filter and an LED13:41
nmz787'Schematic setup of an automatic refractometer: An LED light source is imaged under a wide range of angles onto a prism surface which is in contact with a sample. Depending on the difference in the refractive index between prism material and sample the light is partly transmitted or totally reflected. The critical angle of total reflection is determined by measuring the reflected light intensity as a function of the incide13:41
nmz787you could make a nice spectrometer if you replaced the webcam with a higher end backthinned camera (i.e. HTC evo 4G phone and iPhone type cameras, maybe there are cheap webcam/consumer cameras with this) and the last lens with a concave grating13:43
nmz787you would get spectral data at the same time as refraction data13:43
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nmz787where is the nicking enzyme image?14:17
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kanzurenmz787: well there's this one http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/nucleic/enzymeSynthesisCycle_new.png15:22
kanzureand this one http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/DNA/nicking-library-method.jpg15:23
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jrayhawkPow! Biff! Ligase!15:24
kanzureperhaps we can get mike to do ##hplusroadmap science animations15:25
kanzurebiology is a million times cooler than http://www.mikerayhawk.com/images/lu/lu_nexus_force.jpg15:26
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nmz787wait is this another rayhawk brother?16:27
nmz787the weird 'normal' one?16:27
nmz787that joe never talks about16:27
nmz787so kanzure I heard orcad can do autorouting with curves and length matching16:28
nmz787kanzure: anything equivalent that you'd recommend instead?16:28
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kanzurenmz787: there's like ten of them16:45
kanzurerayhawks i mean. not orcads.16:45
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jrayhawkfunnily enough, rayhawks are the reason orcad exists17:12
kanzureoh hell.17:13
kanzure"Lead developer for OrCAD Release IV, including the graphics editors DRAFT and LIBEDIT as well as task-switching support of the ESP Framework."17:13
kanzurethis profile shows someone who seems to be employed at places17:14
kanzurebut i'm pretty sure this can't be you, because you would hate employment17:14
kanzureoh also it says "highly productive" so that can't be right17:14
jrayhawkit's true!17:15
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kanzureughh http://transhumanity.net/articles/entry/were-offering-certificate-programs-in-transhumanism19:21
kanzure"The certificate candidate needs to create either a 2-3 minute video on a transhumanist topic, or 10 jpeg “memes.”"19:22
kanzure"Technical instruction will be provided."19:22
yashgarothno, right? I mean...no19:22
yashgaroth"perks": 750 word file of information that contains advice on how to increase longevity and mental capacity19:24
kanzurei'm surprised these people don't suffocate from their own stupidity19:24
kanzurewhat's even worse is the comments. i met morris and i can't believe he fell for this shit.19:26
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yashgarothoh so it looks like I'm meeting up with jojack on sunday19:27
ThomasEgifor all those of you interested in living a tad longer19:27
yashgarothyes foxo is a proliferation factor19:27
kanzureThomasEgi: i liked foxo before it was cool19:28
kanzureread or die19:29
ThomasEgii prefer to die one day19:30
ThomasEgii don't feel like enduring mankinds stupidity forever19:30
ThomasEgione lifetime, is more than enough of that19:30
kanzurenobody said anything about forever. what's wrong with you.19:31
ThomasEgiyou.. don't really want to know that. for now. i'll go to bed caus i am lacking sleep. a lot of sleep19:33
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kanzurebleh it's just wine21:26
sylph_mako99% is not enough?21:28
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nmz787so who is the orcad rayhawk jrayhawk?21:59
nmz787jrayhawk: do you know how to use orcad?21:59
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yashgarothoh hey kanzure I just realized I met jcline last saturday23:04
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