
--- Log opened Sun Dec 09 00:00:35 2012
--- Day changed Sun Dec 09 2012
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yashgarothnmz787: anyone doing mAb drug studies will need huge libraries of mutants, albeit mutants of a specific region in the gene00:31
yashgarothphage display panning would be the keyword(s)00:34
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nmz787fenn: http://www.rp-photonics.com/chirped_mirrors.html01:18
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@kanzureneat, this http module supports rotating proxies https://github.com/icodeforlove/node-requester06:06
@kanzurediybio/europe crap http://www.diybio.eu/european-meetup-sprouts-4-projects/06:24
curt1swhy is it crap07:26
curt1sbecause they banned u?07:26
@kanzureit's crap because they don't type transcripts07:26
@kanzureand there's only *one* blog post from 50 people that showed up? fuckers07:26
curt1smaybe they are doing super secret stuff07:27
@kanzurerails error page repl https://github.com/charliesome/better_errors07:27
@kanzurecurt1s: i doubt it.07:27
Mariutell them to unban you07:29
@kanzurei think it's more apt to say they removed me07:29
-!- Statimcets is now known as augur07:57
-!- Urchin[Emacs] [~user@unaffiliated/urchin] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:08
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@fennkey64 looks suspiciously like a flat kinesis09:03
@fennwell anyway, i'm not sure why you linked to that. pretty boring project09:04
@fennwhy bother with a 3d printed case if it's flat?09:06
@fenn"I can see how the save and emergency save buttons can come in handy in a medical environment."09:11
@fenni was thinking of making/selling stuff like this http://deskthority.net/mice-other-input-devices-f3/russian-wood-mouse-t4532.html09:13
@kanzurenovelty keyboards? meh09:15
@fennthe wooden mouse has an LCD screen?09:18
@fennshowing total distance and distance per this session09:18
@kanzureah i only glanced at the keyboard09:19
@fennit's not a novelty keyboard09:20
-!- Helleshin [~talinck@cpe-174-101-208-182.cinci.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds]09:32
Urchin[Emacs]there was a cellphone that ran on punchcards09:33
curt1sinteresting 109:40
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archels"our biochemistry levels change"09:49
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-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+b audy!*@*] by kanzure09:58
@kanzureis dtrace any good? https://github.com/dtrace4linux/linux10:02
chris_99is it similar to ptrace?10:04
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Urchin[Emacs]kanzure: it's supposed to be excellent10:45
Urchin[Emacs]haven't used it though10:46
archels"Subsequent studies from our11:00
archelslaboratory showed that subtotal decortication (involving the11:00
archelsprefrontal area) resulted in a significant delay in the onset of"11:00
archelsnice experiment that must have been...11:01
archels"chemical ablation of dopaminergic terminals in the striatum"11:03
archelshaha the first author is called Saadé11:04
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-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-b audy!*@*] by kanzure11:38
jrayhawkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58OabCRCx_Q saade is a human dynamo12:56
jrayhawkhttp://evolutionarypsychiatry.blogspot.com/2012/03/depression-genetic-faustian-bargain.html http://evolutionarypsychiatry.blogspot.com/2012/11/inflammation-and-depression-cause-or.html are also interesting12:57
@kanzurearchels: what is it?13:19
archelssome interface design from 199613:21
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AdrianGjrayhawk, http://www.openculture.com/2009/12/sapolsky_breaks_down_depression.html13:54
jrayhawkYes, that's what I was responding to.13:54
jrayhawkthe sapolsky thing is rather old; we have better genetic research and can tie things into inflammation a lot more obviously, now.13:54
AdrianGwhat is the salopolsky thing13:58
@fennjrayhawk: thanks for the articles.. she mentions difficulty assimilating folate but also inflammation caused by grains. but the major source of folate is grains, (well, beans) so it's a complicated message14:20
jrayhawkShe's referring to folic acid being basically unmetabolizable by humans.14:24
@fennoh that's what she meant by "folks with methylation issues"14:25
jrayhawk(nutritionists fucked up 'folate' and 'folic acid' and they mean the opposite of what's implied by naming convention)14:25
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@fenni didnt know that. does it matter?14:26
jrayhawkin the sense that the 'folic acid' reinforcement we've been sold on as 'folate' is actually a free radical with no useful pathway14:27
jrayhawkNow we have to actually say 'tetrahydrofolate' in order to mean anything specific or useful. It is a bit of a mouthfull.14:28
@fennsorry, what? it's a free radical? i don't believe that14:28
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@fennare you saying that since it's not fully methylated it does more harm than good?14:29
jrayhawkYes? http://jn.nutrition.org/content/136/1/189.short http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15824266 http://www.ajcn.org/content/85/1/193.abstract http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/35874922/ns/health-diet_and_nutrition/t/your-breakfast-giving-you-cancer/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19190501 http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/16/7/1325.abstract http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/content/101/6/432.full14:31
jrayhawkhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17697404 'golly this genetically novel chemical sure sticks around for a while'14:34
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-!- lichen [~lichen@c-24-21-206-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]14:40
@fennthat's a lot to read through, and i'm fighting with web browser issues at the moment14:48
@fenn"whereas folate deficiency in normal tissues increases the rate of neoplastic transformation, high doses of folic acid may accelerate the progression of existing neoplastic lesions to cancer" doesn't sound so bad really. reminds me of the china study boondoggle14:48
@fenn(from that last link)14:49
@fenni wish scientific journals displayed responses inline, the way blog comments work14:50
jrayhawkYeah, an uncomfortable number of those are epidemiological.14:50
@fennwhy don't they just supplement with the fully methylated form in the first place?14:51
jrayhawkI don't think the USDA/FDA has ever been particularly concerned with empirical evidence14:52
@fennif you didnt catch my meaning, in the campbell study used to justify the china study, the rats fed protein had more tumors because they were still alive15:00
jrayhawkYeah, that was pretty hilarious.15:01
@fenni wonder how much harder it is to do all-cause mortality epidemiology than from a single disease15:01
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@fennit looks like they're tracking individuals in this prostate cancer study at least15:04
jrayhawkHis seven countries study was also based on a positive correlation between 'animal protein' and 'total cholesterol' coupled with a positive correlation between 'total cholesterol' and 'colorectal cancer' rather than just directly using the (inconveniently) negative 'animal protein' and 'colorectal cancer' correlation15:04
jrayhawkcambell is such an amazing scumbag15:04
@fennah but it's what people want to believe15:05
@fenni wonder how long it will take for mainstream nutrition research to get straightened out15:06
@fenndoctors are still repeating ancel keyes' mediterranean diet as truth15:07
jrayhawkto be fair, the mediterranean diet is a hell of a lot better than what people eat now15:07
jrayhawkthe mediterranean diet involves *whole seafood*15:08
@fennno, it's definitely the radon in the air15:08
@fennof recent wired-magazine fame15:09
@fennoh, nytimes, same thing15:10
@fennanother case of telling people what they want to hear, "social connectedness cures cancer!"15:11
@fennor was it napping15:11
jrayhawkwell, either decreases cortisol, so sounds good to me15:11
@fennyeah but they explicitly mention the neighboring island where people also nap and drink wine etc has much lower life expectancy15:12
@fennodd that the authors completely ignore the hot springs in favor of wine and napping15:13
@fenndoes anyone else use light text on dark backgrounds in web browsers? if so, how did you go about doing it?15:18
@fenni'm futzing with bookmarklets and css and realizing there's a lot more to it15:18
archelstry the Opera browser15:20
jrayhawkI think most browsers have a CSS override option.15:22
@fenni'd like to maintain the ability to switch back and forth on a per-tab basis15:24
* superkuh seconds Opera.15:25
jrayhawkdur, i didn't mean seven countries study, I meant Diet, Life-style and Mortality in China15:27
jrayhawki'm confusing my hack epidemiologists15:27
@fenna redundant phrase15:27
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@fenn"Most computer manufacturers right now (1990) are introducing products which are no different essentially than what was introduced by Xerox and Apple in 1982."16:52
@fennbut now we have the iPad!16:53
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jrayhawkI am, admittedly, fitted with a telephone and radio.17:57
-!- Urchin[Emacs] [~user@unaffiliated/urchin] has left ##hplusroadmap ["ERC Version 5.2 (IRC client for Emacs)"]18:02
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@kanzuregee thanks python http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7583867/monkey-patching-datetime-produces-strange-results18:21
@kanzurewhy isn't wheezy on 2.7 at least?18:21
@kanzureoh wait maybe i'm using squeeze.18:21
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browniesi can never keep track of the debian version names18:43
browniesthere's no fucking rhyme or reason, and all the names are terrible to boot18:44
jrayhawkhttp://www.debian.org/releases/ congrats, you can now keep track of debian version names18:48
@kanzurebrownies: something about toy story18:56
juri_sid. its the only release.19:07
jrayhawkthis is the correct answer.19:07
juri_if it doesn't work in sid, bloody well get on fixing it.19:08
browniesjrayhawk: hot damn. thanks.19:15
brownieswe're either on lenny or squeeze.19:16
browniesi am mildly annoyed that they couldn't just use alphabetical order. -_-19:16
jrayhawkI think they've run out of speaking characters to name releases after, so you have a chance to lobby for a new system.19:17
jrayhawki think the toy story thing was just a perensism anyway19:18
browniesa what-ism?19:30
juri_something specific to bruce perens.19:35
browniesoh i see. it's so specific it doesn't exist on google =P19:52
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@70-90-236-161-Pennsylvania.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:20
bkeroSomeone is implementing transhumanism as a religion. http://www.neopax.com/praxis/index.html20:25
* fenn cringes20:26
@fennthis is just more zero state bs20:26
@kanzurehow do we kill this20:26
@kanzurebut really.20:28
@fennmostly by not repeatedly linking to it20:28
@kanzureat this point the shitty parts of transhumanism are self-sustaining20:28
strangewarpI think I've found a way to undermine the Turing Church's philosophy, at least, but it would be done through a superior philosophy that swaps out Omega Point (which is mostly dumb) for Big Univese (which is arguably compelling) ..20:29
@kanzurei don't know how, it's not like they make any money20:29
@kanzurei suppose singularityu makes money20:29
@kanzurebut it's not supporting all the other awful parts of transhumanism20:29
@kanzurewta was supposed to be supported by membership fees, except they have like 40 members only20:29
@kanzurepaying $5/year.. so there's no way membership fees are feeding these terrible beasts.20:29
@fennit doesn't cost anything to host a book on a website20:30
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@kanzurebut there's people who are actively doing "only" shitty "transhumanism"-things.20:30
strangewarpOh, this Praxis thing looks pretty sloppy20:31
* strangewarp skim skim skim...20:32
@fennwhat i don't understand is why they're actively trying to draw parallels between transhuman ideas and vague religious christian themes20:32
@kanzurei blame giulio prisco and the mormon transhumanist group for that20:32
@fennit's just gross20:32
@kanzurehow are their christian themes going to help me make better death lasers?20:33
@fennand on top of that, selling it for $3, why? just fucking publish it already20:33
@kanzureerm i mean wellness lasers20:33
@fennand i liked the word "praxis", now it's been ruined20:34
strangewarpOkay, he seems to be gathering the accoutrements of a religion, because he considers that to be important, but ergh20:34
@kanzure"Bryan, if your point was that technical skill(s) are required to be active in philosophy aiming at positive change through technology, I agree."20:35
@kanzureman i must not be clearly communicating my points20:35
strangewarpLike, why not just modernize cosmism with Big Universe, instead of going through the song-and-dance of sloppy gnostic techno-pantheism like this fellow seems to be doing20:35
@kanzurethat was one of the guys replying to my "rant" against zero state..20:36
@fenn"By dismissing out of hand spirituality (no matter how vaguely defined) it alienates a large percentage of the population. I hope this work goes some way towards rectifying that situation, and also some way towards blunting its naive materialist message" he lost me with the very last bit20:36
@kanzurewhy does alienation matter20:36
@kanzureand where is it written that transhumanism dismisses spirituality?20:36
@fennwell, it does matter, but you can't fix it by "blunting the message"20:36
@kanzurekurzweil's whole awful book was about spirituality and i hated it20:37
@kanzure(because of how careless ray was, not because spirituality)20:37
@fennstrangewarp: agreed, we need a new carl sagan, not another mckenna20:38
@kanzurecarl sagan was terrible20:38
@fenncarl sagan was at least based in reality20:38
@kanzurewhile he was busy masturbating about the beauty of a flower, actual scientists were studying chromophores20:38
strangewarpfenn: Carl Sagan was not a cosmist20:38
@kanzureerm, sorry, chlorophyll20:38
@fennhe was a ... cosmologist20:38
@fennam i missing something here?20:39
@fennwhat you mean by "big universe"?20:39
strangewarpI dislike conventional cosmists and I think their entire philosophical system needs an overhaul actually20:39
strangewarpcosmist =/= cosmologist20:39
@fennoh i never read anything by hugo de garis20:39
@kanzuredon't bother20:39
@fennartilect war blah20:40
@kanzurehugo is up there with all the other humanityplus crapheads20:40
@fenni like the idea of evolving three dimensional fpga's20:40
@fennbut i doubt that has anything to do with "cosmism"20:41
@kanzurehave you ready any of his hplusmagazine posts? i want my money back.20:41
@fennno, should i?20:41
@kanzureno of course not20:41
@fennwhat's up with xiamen university20:42
@kanzureisn't that where hugo and goertzel went to get professorships20:42
strangewarpfenn: Big Universe is effectively modal realism for every rational causal topology, provided that one of three things is true: 1) Modal realist literalism; 2) Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics; 3) multiple Big Bangs occurring over massive distances.20:42
strangewarpOf course it's unprovable conjecture so I only consider it a mental plaything currently.20:43
@fennmodal realism?20:43
@fennyou can't define something i dont know by using other phrases i don't know20:43
strangewarpone second.20:44
@fenn"all possible worlds are as real as the actual world"?20:44
@fennwhatever that means20:44
strangewarphttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modal_realism - So far as this being literally true, I think that's the most unlikely of the three.20:44
@kanzureany philosophy that relies on mwi being true or false isn't exactly a strong candidate to rely on20:44
@fennif something is "real" but has no possible bearing on any outcome of any experiment, who cares20:45
@fennpeople need to fix their stupid semantics20:46
strangewarpfenn: acausal trade; resimulation if cognitive materialism is true; etc20:46
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strangewarpstill, I think the difference between my approach, and these Praxis / Turing Church people is, I fully recognize and admit that mine is a mental plathing that relies on like six different what-ifs20:47
strangewarpanyway brb20:48
@fennsomehow we got derailed from bashing zero state, but i'm not convinced this was a bad outcome20:48
@kanzurei'm not convinced that "more philosophy" (even if it's better or more careful philosophy) is the right medicine against all of the terrible transhumanism philosophy that people get absorbed into20:48
@fennat the very least, if you want to alienate people, start using specialist jargon20:50
@kanzurei really liked http://www.maxmore.com/extprn3.htm but apparently most of the people who read it didn't go on to actually improve their technology20:50
@kanzureone half of its readership consisted of giulio prisco who went off to try that "order of cosmoneers".. which was a wiki and second life thing. :(20:52
@fenn"Extropians strive to maintain the pace of progress by encouraging support for crucial research, and pioneering the implementation of its results."20:53
@kanzure"encouraging support"20:53
@fennthat's kind of wimpy isn't it20:53
@fenni was going to say "it doesn't actually say to improve technology" but i found that quote20:54
@fennsorry to burst your bubble20:54
@kanzurewell, it seems you and i live in a bubble where we both feel that this document is 1000x too weak20:54
@fennmaybe the earlier versions were better20:55
@kanzurethe books listed under "READING" aren't going to get you anywhere.. where the hell is "Molecular Biology of the Cell" ?20:55
@kanzureor horowitz's thing?20:55
@fenni've been comparing the new THX-1138 to the old THX-1138 and wondering what happened. it's almost as bad as the new star wars20:56
@kanzureshit, "the selfish gene" is on the reading list. that's a terrible suggestion.20:56
@fennnot if your business is spreading philosophy20:56
@kanzureand "Ayn Rand: Atlas Shrugged"... hah.20:57
@kanzureyou asked about earlier versions.. here's v2.5: http://www.aleph.se/Trans/Cultural/Philosophy/princip.html20:57
strangewarp[21:48] <@kanzure> i'm not convinced that "more philosophy" (even if it's better or more careful philosophy) is the right medicine against all of the terrible transhumanism philosophy that people get absorbed into20:58
@fenni would hope that for the majority of people who find this document interesting, the principles are self-evident and need no elaboration20:58
strangewarpAlas, I've got to provisionally agree with that :/20:58
@kanzurefenn: well, maybe they do need elaboration.20:58
@fennit's the people who don't find them self-evident that we need better persuasive arguments20:58
@kanzureno not even persuasion.. it just needs to be explicitly written down in the first place20:58
@kanzure"yo dawgs, go sign up for a community college class on something you don't know but need to know to do these things"20:59
@fennor slip it in as subliminal suggestion somehow20:59
@fenni don't even know20:59
@kanzurethe "what next?" shouldn't be "here's some fucking awful philosophy books"20:59
@fenni haven't read about 80% of those books21:00
@kanzurewhy didn't davidad end up gushing philosophical rhetoric anyway?21:00
@kanzuredid mit beat some sense into him? i mean he was surrounded by kurzweil and others for years.21:01
@fennhe was never into philosophy as far as i can tell21:01
@fenni did read "prometheus rising" and was quite underwhelmed21:02
@fennit's sort of like reading "hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" and expecting to get an actual map of the galaxy21:03
@kanzurehere's v2.01 from 1992-08-07 http://artofhacking.com/IET/OCCULT/live/aoh_extropia.htm21:03
@fennheh /IET/OCCULT/21:05
juri_wow. that's a lot of crazy. for referene, i'm both a taoist and a singularist. i have the 'simplicity' edict all fouled up.21:06
@kanzureso i see 10 paragraphs on self-determinism and other obvious philosophy things and nothing like "yo dudes, go learn how to weld"21:06
juri_learning to contribute constructively to the commons is not something that's taught.21:06
@fennextropians@gnu.ai.mit.edu hehe21:06
@kanzure(while you might not ever weld again, knowing about possible welds and why that wont work is fairly important)21:06
@kanzurefenn: yeah, it was hosted on the same server21:06
@kanzureit's a shame that the GNU philosophy didn't leak over much.21:10
@kanzureor any comprehension of the free software movement21:11
@fennwell at least these are actionable: " We practice and plan for biological and neurological21:11
@fennaugmentation through means such as effective cognitive enhancers or21:11
@fenn"smart drugs", computers and electronic networks, General Semantics21:12
@fennand other guides to effective thinking, meditation and visualization21:12
@fenntechniques, accelerated learning strategies, and applied cognitive21:12
@kanzureoh how convenient.. things that don't require doing anything.21:12
@kanzureexcept buying drugs21:12
@fennusing computers and electronic networks was a big deal in 199221:13
juri_as an old BBS sysop, i'm here to tell you it wasn't.21:13
@fenncome on, drugs + internetz + meditation + philosophy = teh infinite super powerz21:14
@kanzurewhat bothers me is that nobody questioned that equation21:15
@kanzurethe only people who questioned it were people who were wanting to inject their own religion/anti-religion crusades..21:15
@kanzureand somehow zero state sees humanityplus as *too* extreme on the technology side. there isn't even a tech side in the first place!21:16
@fennanything at all seems extreme when the goal is zero :(21:17
@kanzurewhat was that private transhumanist web group that claimed to be working on satellite software?21:18
@fenni love that site for its extreme impedance mismatch with the rest of the world21:21
@fenn"Do not contact us, except as specified below. We do not reply otherwise. no part of this website may be copied for any purpose whatsoever"21:21
@fennokay, that seems somewhat normal in the butt-headed business world21:22
@fennit's just so optimistic, and so short on detail.. i wish there were more substance21:24
@fennoh well21:25
@fennso i've been thinking about head up displays and worrying about how to outfit an army of borgs with pico projector VRD's when they cost $400 each21:26
@fenni found a thread written by some turkish EE professor that shows how to make a raster scanning laser projection TV for $10 in parts21:26
@fennhe's done a red/green version http://youtube.com/watch?v=NTpwygS8baY21:27
@fennand there's some live video but it's somewhat boring21:28
@fennwell anyway it looks reasonably miniaturizable without requiring any access to lithography equipment21:28
@fennbasically a torsion rod with a mirror made of hard disk platter attached to the end, driven by a coil and ferrite bead21:29
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juri_its amazing the computer technology people are discarding every day, and what it can be repurposed for.21:32
@fennit's more amazing the worthless ends the amazing technology is put towards21:33
@fennwatching football?21:33
strangewarpfenn: Wow, that is a major source of angst for me actually21:34
@fennit's easy to forget about when you live in a warehouse/lab in SF21:35
@fennbut not so here in boringland21:35
@fennjuri_: what brings you to this wretched city?21:36
@kanzurereally? what about boringland, austin branch? i don't think i've ever spoken the words foot or ball to you.21:36
strangewarpI have a vague affection for the Broncos, solely because I have good childhood memories of that time they won the superbowl with John Elway...21:36
strangewarpbut I always opt out of watching sports, because bleh21:37
@kanzureprobably because you were fed lots of food and your people peopled you21:37
strangewarpyes exactly :p21:37
* fenn mumbles something about finland21:38
strangewarpFinland has the most metal bands per capita out of any country21:38
strangewarptrivia, but amusing21:38
@kanzurethat's because snow turns your heart metal21:39
strangewarpalso, because a strong welfare state encourages grassroots arts projects21:40
juri_fenn: i'm on the other coast. ;)21:40
@fennjuri_: i'm in DC now, just too lame to make it over to the hackerspace21:40
juri_I actually came to DC to create a freegeek.21:41
juri_the one i was running was getting 'too successful'. i was tired of the big-fish-small-town problem.21:41
@fenn"too successful" how?21:41
juri_until i stepped out, I was teaching classes that were packed 35 hours a week, was opening a branch office..21:42
juri_the place was run more like a freegeek + hackerspace.21:43
@fennand this is a bad thing?21:43
juri_it was a great thing. i decided to pack up ad move to DC, and start one here.21:43
juri_at the point mayoral cantidates are trying to curry favor, its time to move.21:44
juri_I thought it would be ironic to take an idea from portland, optimize it in arkansas, the go to DC to show the east coast how it's done. ;)21:46
@fennwell, good luck21:46
juri_I'll need it.21:47
juri_going from serving a population of ~100K to DC is a major scale change.21:48
@fennyou have to remember DC's more like a third world country, lots of petty corruption, massive wealth stratification and segregation21:49
juri_um. you do know what arkansas is like, right? ;)21:49
@fenneveryone in arkansas is poor21:50
juri_not everyone. there's the tysons, the waltons...21:50
@fenndo they actually live there?21:50
juri_I still have equipment with 'walton college of business' stamped on it.21:51
@fenn(lived, past tense) http://voices.yahoo.com/walton-hunt-tyson-gone-corporate-titans-7591806.html21:51
juri_at university auction, i used to check for that 'quality sticker'. as it meant the gear was tossed away long before being useless.21:51
juri_oh, yes, not the origionals, but their descendants.21:52
juri_AKA, the brats who get to blow the money.21:52
@fenni find it interesting that walton-backed First Solar has been so successful. they must know something, or else have enough clout to make any business successful21:53
@kanzure"stark industries terminal hijack system" hrm21:53
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@fenni wonder why nobody has mass produced these vibrating mirror laser televisions yet21:56
@fennit's such a simple and straightforward idea21:56
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@fennthere were vibrating mirror head up displays in the 80's that used LEDs21:57
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@fenn(before solid state lasers were invented)21:57
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+b augur!*@*] by kanzure21:58
@fennkanzure: i hope you're /msg'ing them to explain why the ban21:59
@kanzurenope. but i'm removing the bans whenever.22:00
@kanzureactually augur seems sort of stable for the moment22:01
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-b augur!*@*] by kanzure22:01
auguryeah my computer wasnt waking from sleep properly22:01
augursorry about that22:01
@fenni wish steve mann provided more info on his fiber optic glasses http://wearcam.org/presenceconnect/cement348351356368decon.jpg22:07
@kanzureisn't he a professor and obligatted by law/the gods to publish in obscure journals? maybe it's published.22:07
@fennit might be in his image processing textbook somewhere, but i doubt it22:08
@fenni haven't seen any concrete plans of any of his HMD gear anywhere22:08
@fenni actually got to see one close up at singularity summit; it was just a myvu crystal and beagleboard, exactly what i had come up with independently22:09
@kanzurewhere did myvu.com go anyway?22:09
@fennthey were sleazeball IP whores from the start22:10
@fennmore importantly, "who has the microoptical technology license now?"22:10
@fennis it really that hard to make a grid of microscopic OLED22:12
@fennthe rest is just lenses and mirrors22:12
@fenni've never used a fiber optic light pipe.. i wonder how much "image" you can pack into one22:13
@fennit would really simplify the whole system22:13
@fennmaybe light pipe is the wrong phrase22:14
@fenni get the impression they're in the kilopixel range at max22:19
@fenn"the higher resolution bundles feature 20,000 leeched fiber pixels."22:20
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abetuskanyone up?  Anyone feel like letting me brag?23:02
abetuskalways so grumpy23:02
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