
--- Log opened Mon Dec 17 00:00:59 2012
-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]00:34
@fennhuh. learn something every day. "supermarket meat, has been “wet aged” to increase tenderness and flavour. This means it has been refrigerated in vacuum packs for around three months before sale."01:03
@kanzureoh look a person.01:03
@fennr u a bot01:04
@kanzurei was just thinking to myself, "damn, this channel has been quiet, i need to beep" and then something happened.01:04
@fennthe tautology appeared because it was necessary01:05
@kanzurebecause it was necessary to make me not look like an idiot?01:06
@kanzurethis is a bizarre question.. "empirical evidence for the value of version control?" http://www.neverworkintheory.org/?p=45101:11
@kanzurerenaming a file to whatever2.dat, while stupid, is still a form of version control, and i'm pretty sure people do it anyway. any copy that exists somewhere else is "version control".. but it might just be a very weak form of control.01:12
@fennanything is anything, and everything! 1=1==1!!11101:14
@kanzurei think asking for data on evidence of the effectiveness of certain practices is legitimate01:14
@fennno, "any copy that exists somewhere" is not version control.01:15
@kanzureit's certainly not usable version control..01:15
@fenni agree, scientific studies of programming methods is important01:15
@fenni haven't seen anything since th 1970's though unfortunately01:16
@kanzuremitmproxy needs annotations or some way to note wtf the request was caused by or for.01:22
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@fennkanzure: possibly relevant to you, " I have had Asperger’s-like personality traits since childhood. Since taking thyroxine, I no longer score in the Asperger’s range. I have comorbid Attention Deficit Disorder, which has much improved since taking thyroxine, though it is not cured. This is because hypothyroidism causes low levels of dopamine and serotonin."01:27
@kanzurewhy would i possibly want these symptoms to go away?01:27
@fennbecause hypothyroidism will eventually kill you01:28
@fennalso iirc your mom has thyroid issues01:30
@kanzureyes she does01:30
@kanzurei believe it's called "being half lizard"01:30
@fennapparently low thyroid makes you lose calcium and supplementing with calcium helps with focus and energy01:36
@fennwhich can be done by drinking milk01:37
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archelscancer doesn't seem to be growing very much at all07:51
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jrayhawkcalcium supplementation is a little unwise without A/D and especially K2 supplementation12:06
jrayhawkwhen you don't provide calcium management molecules, calcium winds up all over the place12:10
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jrayhawki.e. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18198394?dopt=AbstractPlus12:18
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jrayhawkhttp://www.bmj.com/content/333/7572/775 well, all over the place *except* your bones12:34
jrayhawkhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9092314 also12:35
jrayhawkhttp://www.westonaprice.org/fat-soluble-activators/x-factor-is-vitamin-k2 is a fun read12:36
jrayhawkhmm. 50-60 years before mainstream science took it seriously. on par with penicillin.12:41
jrayhawki wonder if that number is magic12:41
jrayhawkan entire generation's worth of authoritarian baggage dying off or something12:42
jrayhawkauthoritarian intellectual baggage12:43
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@kanzureit's been a while.17:14
@kanzurefenn: well apparently they made it open access17:16
@kanzurefenn: http://themerckindex.chemfinder.com/themerckindex/Forms/Home/ContentArea/Home.aspx17:16
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technicusDoes anyone here have suggestions on how to become a self taught mathmatician?17:24
emancipatedtechnicus:  open course ware17:30
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technicusemancipated: Thanks :)17:33
browniestechnicus: read books17:37
technicusbrownies: Yes :)17:39
technicusbrownies: Which books?17:39
browniestechnicus: it really depends how much you know at the moment17:39
browniesit also depends how theoretical you want to get17:39
technicusbrownies: Pre-algebra.17:40
browniesoh wow. you're in high school or something?17:40
brownieshonestly, while i disagree with almost everything about math education in US schools, i will say the ordering is not totally useless. algebra => geometry => trigonometry => calculus, or somesuch.17:41
browniesonce you make it through calculus, then you can start wandering in a variety of directions17:42
browniesbut having some exposure to the basics and understanding the ideas of calculus is pretty important.17:42
@kanzurewith only knowledge of pre-algebra topics, i'm curious why you're interested in math. you're not even to the fun stuff. everything pre-algerba tends to be boring and things like "can you add" and "can you subtract".17:47
technicusbrownies: Yes that is the idea.  I am realizing that it will be necessary to understand how to evaluate myself while learning these subjects.17:47
browniesincidentally, we're building some software to teach people math.17:47
@kanzurewhen brownies says we he means himself17:47
browniescheck back with me in like 3 months and i'll throw you an invite17:48
technicusbrownies: THAT IS EXCITING!17:48
brownieskanzure: we do not approve of your clarification of our usage of the royal we17:48
browniestechnicus: anyway, evaluating yourself is straightforward. you do exercises.17:49
browniesthe tricky part is finding someone to evaluate your solutions, but if your'e clever, you can do that yourself.17:49
@kanzurealso, read all of wikipedia, and then do it again17:49
@kanzureit is also helpful if you happen to know something else, like programming, because then you can just go learn R and approach math from a programming perspective to get a good grip.17:50
technicusbrownies: I am interested in your math teaching softwares project, as I am currently trying to learn Octave.17:50
brownieskanzure: the tricky part is reading it in the right oder.17:50
@kanzurebut if you don't do any programming, sympy/mathematica/matlab will look like pure evil17:50
-!- emancipated is now known as emancipate17:50
@kanzureah octave17:50
browniestechnicus: oh, well, stop that, and go learn MATLAB instead.17:50
browniesOctave is for poor unwashed hippies.17:51
brownies...and open-source nuts.17:51
@kanzureyou got me there17:51
browniesthe industry runs on Matlab17:51
technicusbrownies: And bumbs on the side of the street who cant afford to go to colledge, because everything is too danmed expensive.17:52
@kanzurejust go download a copy of matlab17:52
@fenntechnicus: get a copy of mathematica and play around with it17:52
technicusI have to settle with Octave and being my own math professor because I can't afford tuition, books, or expensive software.17:53
@fennthen read about what you don't understand on mathworld17:53
@kanzureif you're paying for books, you're doing something wrong..17:53
@fenn(actually, i've never found a good online math site, any ideas?)17:53
emancipateI like that statement kanzure  :)17:53
@kanzurehow is mathworld not good?17:53
emancipateproject gutenburg has free math/physics books17:54
@fennit's very concise. sometimes that's good, but when you're totally new to the area it doesn't help17:54
brownieswikipedia and mathworld are solid math sites.17:54
brownies*math* is concise. =P17:54
@fennwikpedia is awful at explaining anything mathematical17:54
@kanzuremathoverflow is pretty awesome too, but it's anti-newbie17:54
browniesi owe at least half my degree to wikipedia17:54
browniesmaybe you're just awful at understanding anything mathematical -_-17:54
@fennwell anyway.. mathworld >> wikipedia17:55
@fennmaybe you're right17:55
browniestechnicus: as for books, if you ask around, there are lots of good free recommendations.17:55
@fenni often find math easier to understand when presented as an algorithm instead of an equation17:55
browniesin my experience it's best to read the textbook, *then* go to wikipedia to get another explanation of it while you do the exercises17:55
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@fennmath books are where it's at, unfortunately17:57
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erasmusIs Obama gonna take all the guns away from the rednecks and republicans now?17:58
@kanzureerasmus: please, leave that crap out of the channel17:59
erasmusoh snap, wrong channel17:59
@fenndo we need really to add a "no politics" clause? it should go without saying17:59
technicusHey this channel is awesome . . . thanks :)17:59
emancipateyou could make a bot that auto kicks on key words ;)18:00
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@kanzurei am a bot18:00
emancipatethanks for the interesting read http://anselmlevskaya.com/18:00
emancipateis there other sources that suppliments his whitepapers?18:01
@kanzureyes, they are called supplements on the publishers' sites18:01
@fennsupplements are bad mmkay18:02
@kanzurethey are bad but that doesn't mean they don't exist18:02
emancipateanyone here playing with optogenetics already? I would love to follow your progress18:03
@kanzureanselm has dropped optogenetics for various reasons18:03
@kanzurefenn: i recal his complaint was something like "it's really not as great as it's been made out to be", or something18:04
@kanzurei imagine he might have given you a more specific complaint at some point?18:04
@fennhe was frustrated with the state of gene synthesis and its lack of availability to academics, and this was hindering his research with zebrafish18:04
@fennit's too expensive so they make researchers do it by hand, which just wastes their time18:05
@fenni dont recall any complaints about optogenetics, aside from the voltage sensitive dyes being very difficult to work with18:06
@fenns/dye/reporter protein/18:06
technicusbrownies: On what platforms do you plan to deploy the software that you are designing?18:07
emancipatetoo bad, it looked promising18:07
@fennso pausing work on neuroscience to work on broader access to gene synthesis seems like a reasonable compromise18:08
@kanzurei thought he was working on sequencing18:08
@fennno, it's sequence directed synthesis, or something like that18:08
@fennif there's a typo the machine re-synthesizes that strand18:08
@kanzuresilly biologists and their naming schenes18:09
@fennsince they have physical position control over the dna bead you can do stuff like that even in large parallel synthesis reactions18:09
@kanzurethe majority of sequencing techniques requires synthesis anyway, which further confuses things18:09
@fennwhere is the info about what they're doing coming from? i don't see anything on cambriangenomics.com18:10
@kanzurethey had a private presentation at the FBI/DTRA thing that i wasn't allowed to type notes for18:10
@kanzurenaturally, that means i don't remember a thing of consequence18:10
@kanzurei remember other useless details though, like a picture of a machine with lots of tubes. gee thanks austen.18:11
@kanzureoh they updated their site. it used to be a redirect to angel.co somewhere.18:12
@fennthe laser shoots reaction site beads off a slide into an array of sequencers18:12
@fennto verify the sequence got synthesized correctly18:12
@kanzure"1 day ago: National Science Foundation Awards Cambrian Genomics SBIR Phase I: DNA Laser Printing for Low Cost Gene & Genome Synthesis"18:12
@kanzurethey did a SBIR?18:12
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@fennnews to me18:13
@kanzureSBIR seems like an odd choice for them? weren't they going around trying to raise VC funding?18:13
@kanzurewasn't that the whole point of involving george church?18:13
@fennSBIR lets you keep a larger share of equity18:14
@fennalso they need time more than money18:15
* fenn shrugs18:15
@kanzuredamn, i need to plant another mole at langton18:18
* fenn mumbles something about jeremy guillory18:21
@fennit seems they decided the pods are unfit for permanent residence18:21
@kanzurei can never remember who jeremy is18:21
@kanzurei think he worked for matt campbell at one point?18:21
@kanzureand that's how i know him?18:21
@fennyeah, the desk right behind us, but he was never there18:22
@fenni guess he worked on his laptop in a cafe because he didnt like being inside18:22
@kanzurewell he was also a "manager" at a startup thing that i was involved in (it wasn't a company, just some community-event-thing)18:22
@fennhardware startups though, i think it's a pretty small world still18:23
@fennhell nick pinkston's last hardware startup meetup was at alangton18:23
technicus"Red Dwarf X"18:25
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@fennwow, straight out of dystopian sci fi, reading "the last psychiatrist's blog" "I get that they have a lot of antipsychotics in Washington DC, but do you know what they don't have a lot of in Washington DC?  Riots.   I guess it all worked out, I have no idea how but you can't argue with results, ask the Athenians and Madridians if their system worked better."18:30
@kanzuredoes "having a lot of antipsychotics" mean "lots of people taking antipsych-category medication"?18:31
@fenn"we're not medicating a diagnosis, we're using a diagnosis to justify the medication we have to use anyway because we have nothing else to do but give out medications."18:32
emancipateanyone familiar with fluride and its effects on the brain is like a lobotomy?18:32
@fenn"we're not medicating a diagnosis, we're using a diagnosis to justify the medication we have to use anyway because we have nothing else to do but give out medications."18:33
@fenner, "the most important reason a medication was used is that the patient showed up, and they showed up because that's where the state told them to go.  "18:33
@fennit's not like we don't know this but it's surprising to hear a psychiatrist say it18:33
browniesah, that math-illiterate guy left. ah well.18:37
@kanzurei think http://wifis.org/ would be more interesting if you could auto-whitelist mac addresses based on social groups, or some other mechanism to incentivize mesh networks actually happening18:37
@fennfixing bug 82 in android would go a long way toward that18:38
@fennbut that's a corporate policy decision that isn't going to change any time soon18:38
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emancipatekanzure:  people could also spoof those :/18:38
@kanzureemancipate: so?18:39
emancipateI guess it could stop most...18:39
emancipatejust not the most persistent18:39
@fennemancipate: huh?18:39
@kanzurehe probably means mac address spoofing18:39
emancipatemac spoofing18:39
emancipateyeah, unless you meant something else :/18:40
@fenni like the idea of a mechanism to provide contact info18:40
@kanzuredoesn't matter if mac addresses can be spoofed.. worse case scenario is that you have the server send you a new mac address, which you use to connect temporarily18:40
@fennit's hard enough to just find someone's email address these days18:40
@kanzurefenn: also, something about auto-identifying mesh networks is useful18:41
@fennwho cares about spoofing, the goal is to provide access18:41
@fennsome evil hacker who knows how to spoof mac addresses has already cracked your pititful WEP encryption18:41
@kanzureyou mean everyone in here? heh.18:42
emancipatewow what is the goal of this group, some sort of localized public intranet?18:42
@fennno it's to encourage communication between humans in physical regions on planet earth18:43
emancipatepretty cool18:43
* fenn shrugs18:43
@kanzurefenn: i think another issue is that even if a mesh network does exist somewhere, you're unlikely to know about it unless you look at each wifi network name and see something peculiar18:43
@fennthere were better proposals, microformats for example, but it never took off for some reason18:43
@kanzureor unless somoen tells you18:44
emancipateif its doable with an android phone, it might be posible to make a homebrew peplink router18:44
@kanzurehow is an android phone considered homebrew precisely?18:44
emancipateand use several internet sources and pipe it into one fast connection18:44
@fennkanzure: why is it important that it's a mesh network?18:44
emancipatejust the adhoc part18:45
@kanzurefenn: it's not18:45
@fennnow i'm confused18:45
emancipatelol sorry, just thinking out loud18:45
@kanzureeveryone and their mom keeps posting on the internet about their radical new networking idea18:45
@kanzureand all you need is a million people with pringles cans to setup the network18:45
@kanzureexcept it rarely goes anywhere useful18:46
@kanzurepart of this is because willing participants don't know about the rollout18:46
@kanzureand another part is that your members are too distant to setup a usable link on their own18:46
@fennhuh. i'm now http://www.wifis.org/foo18:46
emancipatehmm what the group is trying to do looks like what jesager already does18:48
@fenni think protocol incompatibility and fragmentation is a bigger obstacle than simple ignorance18:48
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@fennthat's just the data link, there's also routing that needs to happen18:49
emancipatewww.digininja.org/jasager/ i'm sure it could be tweaked for adhock18:49
emancipateadhoc* even18:49
@kanzurei bet instead of towns appearing near rivers in africa they will appear near hotspots or places that connectivity doesn't entirely suck18:51
@kanzureoops wait, teleology bites me again18:51
emancipateI remember a newspost about some african traffic lights being broken into to get the sim card, for unlimited dialup internet18:51
@kanzurewhy is that dialup?18:52
@fennsomeone join wifis with this link, i want another ID http://www.wifis.org/?invite=FCnEfD8joPwkHjH2NCprjQN4DNARl-QS18:52
@kanzurea sim card would imply 2g or 3g18:52
emancipatemight be all they had18:52
emancipatenot sure about the accuracy of the post  anyway18:52
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@kanzurefenn: or you could just put your email address in the ssid19:14
@fennoh sure, but that would be too easy19:15
@fennand besides, what about the roving swarms of quadcopters searching for new ways to threaten our privacy for their spammer overlords19:17
* fenn sighs with nostalgia for the future19:17
@fenni wonder how skyhook gets their data19:18
@fennactually it's trivial nowadays with every phone having gps and wifi19:19
@fenn"In 2007, scientists identified specific anticancer mechanisms for vitamin K2, including inhibition of proinflammatory nuclear factor-kappa B (NFkB) that is often over-expressed in cancer cells."19:20
@fenngosh it seems everything and their grandmother affects NFkB19:21
@fenni wish statements like this were accompanied by quantitative estimates of the magnitude of th effect19:22
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@fennit's amazing k2 supplements are so expensive; how hard could it be to synthesize this?19:43
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@kanzuresigh how is there still no .deb for android-sdk?19:49
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browniesfenn: k2?20:12
browniesoh, the vitamin.20:13
@fennit's another one of those weird quinone things20:15
@fennman, deaf smith county texas seems to be the place to go if you have heart disease20:17
emancipatedis there current similar work like that petunia thing?20:22
@fennbad art pseudoscientific wankery?20:23
emancipatedyeah :)20:23
@fennsure, stelarc is still running around20:23
@fenni guess you meant something with genetic engineering20:23
emancipatedyes, with viruses thats a diy hobbyist could play with20:24
@kanzurewhy does it have to be viruses?20:24
yash-phonehe didn't use viruses20:25
yash-phoneor rather, the people he paid to do it, didn't20:25
emancipateddidnt he? ohh.20:25
yash-phonethe wankery was all him though20:25
@kanzurewhy would you assume a virus was involved?20:25
@fenni think he meant vector20:26
yash-phoneeither agrobacterium or a gene gun20:26
emancipatedCoYMV (Commelina Yellow Mottle Virus) Promoter20:26
emancipatedfrom what I understand its what introduced his dna, is that wrong?20:27
@kanzuredo you know what a promoter is20:27
@fennsigh.. go read a molecular biology text book please20:27
emancipatedno sorry, really really new20:27
emancipatedok will do20:27
yash-phoneisn't this the guy who did the glowing rabbit20:27
@fennsnyder & champness is alright20:27
@kanzurestelarci s not worth your time20:28
emancipatedthanks I'll look into snyder and champness20:28
@fennwe've got some ebooks online somewhere around here20:28
@fennoh my i really do need to tidy up20:29
@fenni haven't read these but hopefully one of them is decent: http://fennetic.net/irc/bio_books/20:37
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@kanzurehttp://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/books has some more20:41
emancipatedthanks for that too20:41
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abetusk404 not found20:42
@kanzureabetusk: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/books/20:43
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@fenni'd love a tv series just about molecular biology, all 3d graphics and explanations of how stuff works20:50
@fennnarrated by david attenborough20:50
@kanzureyou'll have to do with youtube videos, oh the horror20:51
@fennanimations like http://molecularmovies.com/showcase/ especially the ones by drew barry20:52
@fenndrew berry*20:52
emancipatedthis is great, nice links and books... would keep me busy for months if not years :)20:55
@kanzurei mean, be faster?20:55
emancipatedthank you :)20:55
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@fennit should only take 1 year :P20:56
@kanzureany of you jerks have an android image with iptables working?20:56
@fennwhat are you setting out on a crusade to implement mesh networking on android?20:56
@kanzurei'm trying to avoid re-compiling redsocks/proxydroid for android-x8620:57
@kanzureit looks like redsocks-for-android was compiled with some custom-patched libevent, which means i would probably have to mess around with libevent too20:57
@kanzurealso, it turns out there's no image of cyangenmod that is meant for an emulator20:59
emancipated404 on molecular biology of a gene20:59
@kanzureyes i'm aware20:59
@kanzureedit the page if you care so much, it's a wiki20:59
abetuskfenn, nmz787, hows the laser cutter coming?20:59
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Thorbinatoreeeeeeeeeee new foal necromancer chapter22:45
Thorbinatorwrong channel, sorry22:45
sylph_makoFucking. Fantastic.23:07
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