
--- Log opened Wed Dec 19 00:00:02 2012
DoYouKnowI mean, a plant, to have evolved the ability to close its leaves like that, taken alone... must have had some pretty picky vegatarians on its hunt00:00
DoYouKnowand/or omnivores00:00
DoYouKnowalso, it's toxic00:01
@fennmost things are00:01
@fenn"all is poison, and nothing is without poison. the dose alone makes the poison!"00:02
@fennit's such bullshit that "native and or religious peoples" are permitted psychedelic drugs, and everyone else has to make do with television00:04
@fennhow is anyone more or less "native" or "religious" than anyone else?00:05
@fenni'm sure the aspies would have a field day with that00:08
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@fennaw i was hoping it would say "success"00:12
@fenn... sonoluminesence. hrmph.00:13
@kanzurefenn one day you will find someone to confer about conspiracy theories, but not today00:17
@fenni think ms. lovecruft has the right idea http://www.patternsinthevoid.net/blog/2011/10/schizophrenia-is-a-chronological-disorder/00:19
@fenn(roughly: you talk to yourself but get the time order wrong, so you believe somebody else is talking)00:20
jrayhawkschizophrenia also has strong correlation with intestinal permeability and inflammation00:20
@fennand oxidative stress too (?)00:21
* fenn mumbles something about mercury toxicity and magnesium deficiency00:22
@fennanyway, first step is for someone to define the problem00:23
@fennthen we can solve the problem00:23
jrayhawkhttp://chriskresser.com/the-truth-about-toxic-mercury-in-fish is kinda interesting00:23
@fenni don't think people are getting mercury poisoning from fish00:24
jrayhawkRiver systems are highly variable, there.00:25
@fennoh, i forgot about freshwater fish00:25
@fenn(why would you eat that :P)00:26
jrayhawkone hell of a lot lower barrier to entry to fish in a river00:26
jrayhawkI concur.00:27
jrayhawk>L., as you so rightly said, Ac.00:27
@fennum, what?00:28
@fennlactobacillus acidophilus?00:28
@kanzurei t's his password00:28
@kanzure*or it's his password00:28
chidofreshwater fish is the traditional christmas dinner where I come from00:29
jrayhawkAnd, of course, swordfish is often available at markets.00:29
chidobut I guess once a year isn't that poisonous00:29
archbox_fenn: Licensed Acupuncturist00:29
archbox_kanzure: what password?00:29
@fennso chris kresser is an acupuncturist. i hope that means he knows more about nutrition than your average medical doctor00:31
jrayhawkoh yes, just a bit00:31
archbox_also, you should take diluted water instead of any real treatments00:32
@fennwhy don't we have usb mass spectrometers yet00:33
@kanzurebecause nmz787 is lazy00:33
@fenndo i have to do everything around here?00:33
@kanzureoh wait, he wasn't doing a mass spec00:33
chidohow does one dilute water I wonder00:33
@fenngosh it's not that hard to answer the question "is this contaminated with mercury"00:33
archbox_chido: it's because H2O holds fingerprints00:33
archbox_you have to fingerprint the water in your water so you get more hydrated00:33
jrayhawkchido: well, first you dehydrate it00:33
archbox_jrayhawk has the right idea00:34
jrayhawkchido: in reducing water, you can get concentrated SUPERWATER00:34
@fennarchbox_: i hope you realize homeopathy and acupuncture are from two entirely different continents00:34
jrayhawkchido: then you dilute your superwater in water to get a homeopathic water response00:34
chidosounds fun00:34
@fennnot that all of homeopathy is bad (they invented oral zinc for colds, and various magnesium therapies)00:34
archbox_fenn: you know what we call alternative medicine that works?00:34
@kanzurearchbox_: i suspect that fenn is about to roflstomp all over you here00:35
chidoarchbox_: regular medicine?00:35
@kanzurearchbox_: have you actually read about homeopathy00:35
jrayhawkor acupuncture, for that matter00:35
@fennis this AdrianG?00:35
@kanzurefuck not this guy00:35
jrayhawkor even the efficacy of Standard of Care00:35
@fenna large part of the problem with how medicine is practiced is most doctors don't know it, and don't have time to find the "correct" answer00:37
chidoI quite enjoyed Singhs book Trick or Treatment on this topic, I wonder if anyone else did00:37
@fennit's not like "house"00:37
archbox_fuck http://chriskresser.com/the-truth-about-flu-shots-and-what-to-do-instead00:37
archbox_>So, that means avoiding foods that tend to weaken the immune system such as excess sugar, refined flour, unprepared grains perhaps and legumes, industrial seed oils, and other highly processed and refined foods.00:37
@fennthey walk in, look at your chart, glance at you, write a prescription for adderall or cipro00:37
archbox_how come i've never gotten adderall yet00:38
archbox_why are they holding out on me :(00:38
@fennbecause you didn't ask for it?00:38
@kanzurefenn: i had this intense week of testing away-from-home when i was little, and that's how i got prescribed stimulants. it was not a walk-in procedure -_-.00:38
@fennthat's because you're a mutant00:39
@kanzurehit by a radioactive crt, etc..00:39
archbox_kanzure: what are the best stimulants?00:39
@fenndefine "best"00:39
archbox_few sides, I guess. Modafinil?00:40
@fennmodafinil has side effects too00:40
archbox_I mean, this is ##hplusroadmap. what do you guys take?00:40
@fenndry mouth, nausea, angstyness00:40
archbox_>Trouble sleeping00:41
jrayhawki try to sleep properly00:41
archbox_who da fuck put that there00:41
@kanzuresleeping is for the weak00:41
@kanzureand the tired00:41
@kanzureas kirka put it, sleepy people are just depressed00:41
archbox_jrayhawk: how much melatonin?00:41
@fennactually i slept fine on modafinil, and woke up feeling great00:41
archbox_fenn: yeah it seems pretty tame compared to amphetamine salts00:41
jrayhawkI don't know, I haven't taken a blood test for that.00:42
archbox_thanks guys00:42
archbox_fenn: how do i ask for moda?00:42
@fennyou order it from india online00:43
archbox_><@fenn> they walk in, look at your chart, glance at you, write a prescription for adderall or cipro00:43
archbox_I see nothing about india there00:43
archbox_were you talking about western medicine or eastern?00:43
@fennadderall is not modafinil00:43
@fenna doctor won't give you a prescription for modafinil00:44
archbox_oh so schedule II drugs are easier to get than schedule IV. cool00:44
@fennunless you're a pilot or have narcolepsy00:44
@fennhey man i didn't write the rules00:44
archbox_so is adderall pretty cool?>00:44
@kanzurewhy are you here00:44
archbox_kanzure: h+00:44
archbox_I already take noopept, l-theanine, and caffeine00:45
@fennwhat benefit do you get from l-theanine?00:45
archbox_fewer sides from caffeine, relaxing00:45
@fenn"L-theanine is a glutamic acid analog with chemical similarities to the inhibitory neurotransmitter, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)"  probably why i didn't like it00:47
archbox_it's in green tea00:47
archbox_it's natural bro. obviously safe00:48
@fenni know00:48
archbox_then what _do_ you take?00:48
@fennwell, i've tried lots of stuff and had some success, but not as much luck figuring out what exactly i did00:49
archbox_how long have you guys been into transhumanism? Surely you have developed some form of a stack00:50
@fenni like b vitamins, piracetam, noopept, chocolate, magnesium citrate, fish oil, butter, cordyceps, chlorella, DMAE, and various other racetams and tryptamines00:51
archbox_we are on like the same stack00:51
@fennthat's not a stack, that's a pile00:52
archbox_esp. since they are powders :<00:52
archbox_i'm on b complex, sulbutiamine, benfotiamine, noopept, cocoa, magnesium glycinate, fish oil, cordyceps, chlorella, reishi, bacopa, handful of other things00:52
@fennreishi fucked me up.. i guess i have naturally low blood sugar00:53
archbox_oh? You got hypoglycemic?00:53
archbox_sorry to hear that :(00:53
@fenni thought it would help with altitude sickness00:53
archbox_how much did you take?00:54
@fennprobably too much.. i boiled one sliced mushroom in water for a few hours and drank 1/4 of that00:54
archbox_wow. thanks for the heads up00:54
archbox_I won't try megadosing it00:54
archbox_anyway, thanks for the help. 'night fellows00:55
@fennhm maybe i'll try bacopa again00:56
@fennwoah "In a clinical study with six patients, benfotiamine lowered AGE by 40%"00:57
@fennoh "inhibits formation of AGE"00:58
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wrldpcThere seems to be no desire on part of the Marine Corps to adopt substantive change in the way they handle science and technology.  I don't know if it's because the MC is slaved to the Navy but you'd think somebody would press for greater autonomy given the fact that the MC *is* a much smaller, more versatile force.01:05
wrldpcand everyone is constantly bitching about the budget.  "we don't have money for this money for that" ffs just cut the ties to these shitty legacy proprietary software archons and pursue the open source route.01:06
@fennlol "We calculated that you need to vaccinate between 33 and 99 people to prevent a single case of flu"01:07
jrayhawkhttp://chriskresser.com/pioneering-researcher-alessio-fasano-m-d-on-gluten-autoimmunity-leaky-gut is also quite good01:09
@fennthat quote was from someone at cochrane.. hard to get any more mainstream "show me the evidence" than that01:09
wrldpcdoes grapefruit juice universally produce greater bioavailability of compounds or only a select few?01:12
wrldpcthe piracetam I'm taking in conjunction with the choline seems to do nothing … and I'm up to like 3-5g doses.01:13
@fennpiracetam doesn't do anything in some people, and even when it does, it's not obvious01:14
@fennit's more obvious when taken with other drugs01:14
@fennthe effect is higher muscular coordination and being able to say exactly what you mean01:16
@fennthe grapfruit juice effect is complicated, because some chemicals are inactivated by cyp3a4 and others are deactivated by it01:16
@fennthat is, many "drugs" are actually pro-drugs01:17
bkerowrldpc: congratulations, your body produces enough of those already01:18
@fennyour body doesn't produce either of those01:19
wrldpcwhat else can I stack with it to make it pop?  I've tried huperzine … I think DMAE too.01:19
wrldpcyeah DMAE but the pills are ridiculous.01:19
@fenntry caffeine01:20
wrldpcI was hoping Cortex would bring the CX ampakines to market.  Never happened.  Their stock tanked.01:20
@fennaw that's too bad01:20
@fennoh, vinpocetine works with caffeine nicely as well01:21
@fenni don't typically drink caffeine drinks because i have a slow metabolism and it lasts for ~12 hours01:22
@fennand then i build up a tolerance after a couple weeks01:23
@fennit's great if you have to exercise though01:23
@fennjrayhawk: i read a lot about "organ meats" but what is that exactly?01:29
wrldpcI've heard a Marine Corps martial arts instructor comment on how the chocolate-covered coffee beans get him through the early hour training sessions.01:29
@fenni'm not about to start eating cow brain (assuming i could get it)01:30
@fenndammit i just want my food to come in shelf-stable bricks, is that so much to ask/01:33
@fenncome on, really? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Bull_penis_cocktail.jpg01:36
bkerodo I really want to click that?01:37
jrayhawkCow brain is an excellent source of K201:37
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@fennfuck that i'll eat natto01:38
jrayhawkUsually people are talking about liver, though, which has a lot of interesting stuff in it.01:38
jrayhawkha ha wow, that's a brave position to take01:38
jrayhawki guess i haven't really tried natto, i wonder if it's more disgusting than shark01:39
@fenni'd think saliva glands would be a good source of k201:39
jrayhawkhm. interesting thought.01:40
@fennanother think you won't find at the store01:40
@fennat least i can just buy natto01:40
jrayhawkYeah, carving meat out of a jaw is not an efficient use of time.01:41
jrayhawkbut don't eat bear liver. never eat bear liver.01:42
jrayhawkenough retinol in an ounce to kill you.01:42
@fenni hear it will cure pimples :P01:42
@fennif your skin doesnt slough off first01:42
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wrldpcnatto is gross man!06:48
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@kanzure"The winner of the 2012 Feynman Prize for Experiment is the team of Gerhard Meyer, Leo Gross, and Jascha Repp for their work to produce images of molecular orbitals and charges detailed enough to identify the structure of individual molecules, as well as metal-molecule complexes. They have also been able to precisely make and break individual chemical bonds."09:42
@kanzure"The winner of the 2012 Feynman Prize for Theory is David Soloveichik of University of California, San Francisco, for his general theory of DNA displacement cascades. In particular, he has shown that they are Turing-complete, and so can be made to run any general-purpose computer program."09:43
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nmz787those feynman guys sound like hot stuff10:19
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@kanzurenmz787: these prizes are from foresight institute10:23
@kanzureforesight was hosting the reprap/gada prize for a while until it turned out they may or may not have been taking money out of it (nobody was able to really clarify this)10:24
@kanzurewhich is about when i stepped up to move that prize fund out of foresight and into another org10:24
nmz787did you?10:41
nmz787find a new place for it?10:41
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eudoxiawhich as it turns out wasn't that great an org either10:49
@kanzurewell, my goal was to make sure the money stays put10:50
@kanzurenot, in that case, to fix the entire transhumanist organization community10:50
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@kanzurespider-built spider decoys http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/12/spider-building-spider/11:02
@kanzurewtf wired has pop-up ads now?11:03
nmz787kanzure: is there any way to review the code for something liek this https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/remove-google-redirects/ccenmflbeofaceccfhhggbagkblihpoh/details11:06
@kanzureget the .crx file and unzip it11:08
@kanzurenmz787: here it is.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1450596/11:11
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@kanzurenmz787: fenn knows autorouting things, btw11:31
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jrayhawkyeah not being able to copy and paste links from the google search index was the most annoying change they've made11:53
jrayhawkddg thankfully doesn't do that11:53
@kanzureit's too bad that nobody has figured out how to make exact symbol search work11:55
@kanzurei mean, work in the sense that it doesn't cost them too much money or resources11:55
@kanzure"As to “making chemistry available to a wider audience”, I don’t want to prejudge and then be surprised, but from where I sit, scholarly articles are much less accessible than they were 10 years ago."11:57
@kanzure"Just look at our cancellation list. Or do the scary exercise of seeing how many journals in Worldcat have less than 10 current subscribing institutions listed."11:58
@kanzurehuh i didn't know that worldcat shows that11:58
@kanzureoh it's probably just has-a-physical-print-version information11:58
@kanzurefenn: hah, that merckindex url was apparently not supposed to be public...12:00
@kanzure"I am sending this message on behalf of PerkinElmer Informatics to clarify the conditions under which The Merck Index 14th Edition can be accessed online from PerkinElmer, following messages posted on CHMINF-L pointing out an "open" URL that allowed apparently free access."12:00
@kanzure"Online access to The Merck Index 14th Edition provided by PerkinElmer Informatics is only available at http://themerckindex.cambridgesoft.com: apart from a free two week trial, this requires payment of a license fee and access is controlled by username/password or IP authentication."12:00
@kanzure"Access via any other URL is not approved. The "open" URL posted on CHMINF-L (http://themerckindex.chemfinder.com) was made open inadvertently, and has now been closed."12:01
@kanzure"PerkinElmer Informatics apologizes for any misunderstanding or confusion created by the unintended open access." yeah uh.. that's not what Open Access means.12:01
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@kanzureis ChemDraw or ChemBio worth anything to anyone?12:36
@kanzureor ChemScript12:37
nmz787jrayhawk: does nixtimilaztion fix gliadin?12:43
nmz787kanzure those progs look OK12:43
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@kanzureHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 999 No Hacking12:55
@kanzureiis is a bitch12:55
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jrayhawknmz787: Possibly! There are a lot of processing techniques in traditional cultures to increase digestability, including soaking, roasting, sun-drying, and fermenting that are known to bust up phytates, lectins, and may do the same for prolamines, but it'd be very hard to fight contamination issues.13:45
jrayhawkFlour does not like being contained.13:45
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@kanzurelooks like they have nobody listed, haha14:43
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chris_99a friend of mine is trying to do a sixth-sense type project, and we're thinking of different low powered actuators, just wondering if you guys have any ideas?16:06
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@kanzure"They don't use that selector as far as I know, because it's very brittle. Something like [class|='span'] would only match classes starting with 'span-' if they are the first class in the class list. So it wouldn't match something like '<div class="stacked span-5"></div>'"16:25
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archbox_hey guys intranasal insuling can  double memory performance in healthy adults. Is anyone here gonna jump on that?18:22
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curtisssure why not18:54
* curtiss snorts a fat rail of insulin18:54
archbox_curtiss: do you do any legit biohacking?18:54
@kanzureyes i use git18:54
curtissle git18:54
archbox_lol le meme face dot tumblr dot com18:55
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jrayhawkinsulin is your glucose homeostasis hormone; shuttling glucose and BCAAs into your muscle and adipose tissue without actually having any incoming glucose is not a particularly safe thing to do to your blood sugar levels.18:55
archbox_But it doubles your memory18:56
jrayhawkhave fun with that18:56
archbox_And intranasal mostly goes to your brain, not your other cells18:56
archbox_jrayhawk: do you even biohack?18:56
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jrayhawkoh, i see, so you're forcing glucose into your brain18:57
archbox_kanzure: reddit?18:57
archbox_jrayhawk: yeah it works really well18:57
curtissit's true18:58
curtissi went from 80 GB to 160 in one snort18:58
archbox_okay is everyone in here just trolling?18:58
archbox_Or am I the only one actually interested in h+?18:58
curtissspeak for yourself bro18:58
jrayhawkokay, see, the thing is, cells use up glucose metabolizing cofactors, and, when they run out of those cofactors, you get *neuronal insulin resistance*18:58
jrayhawkso this might be a neat party trick every once in a while, but you can't do it consistently18:59
archbox_eh. so we need intranasal glucose metabolizing cofactors?18:59
jrayhawkyou can't supercharge a cell; there are limits on oxidative stress18:59
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archbox_huh. so i need intranasal antioxidants18:59
jrayhawkyou can't supplement away damage19:00
jrayhawkthough i do encourage you to work very very hard on controlling cortisol and amping up glutathione production if you try this19:01
archbox_jrayhawk: do you do anything?19:01
archbox_and, thanks :)19:01
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jrayhawkfor the record, when you get muscular insulin resistance, it's physiologically normal, when you get hepatic insulin resistance, it's dangerous but easily reversable, when you get neuronal insulin resistance, you get permanent brain damage19:05
@kanzuretranscriptic.com just raised $1.2M19:05
AdrianGjrayhawk: how do you know neuronal is not reversible19:07
jrayhawkthe resistance is reversable, but a pile of neurons have apoptosed in the meantime.19:07
jrayhawksame would be true of hepatic cells, but they regrow pretty fast19:08
archbox_so if i take noopept i'll get NGF and BDNF and i'll be good?19:09
jrayhawkmuscle cells run fine on fat/ketones, so eh, they're fine19:09
jrayhawkhttp://vimeo.com/52645372 is a decent talk on why insulin signalling works the way it does19:10
archbox_jrayhawk: do you study medicine?19:10
jrayhawkalthough the first half of it "please, low-carbers, shut up and leave me alone for the second half"19:11
archbox_so doing keto fucks up your brain?19:12
jrayhawkNot terribly, though it usually does some thyroid downregulation once you hit leptin homeostasis for, like, a week.19:12
archbox_ah, so you should supplement T3?19:12
jrayhawkWell, your muscles can actually use more glycogen than your liver can keep up with, so a certain amount of energy downregulation is called for.19:14
archbox_this is all starting ot make sense19:14
archbox_jrayhawk: did you know that you can order T3 online directly from merck and it's pretty cheap?19:14
jrayhawkthe liver would be deriving that glucose from gluconeogenesis, which would be catabolizing tissues, most commonly muscle, for whatever period you don't have BCAAs in your bloodstream from food19:15
archbox_I have BCAA powder19:15
jrayhawkYes, but I assume you sleep at night.19:15
jrayhawkor, rather, you sleep for eight hours at some point19:15
archbox_is it possible to put BCAA's in IV?19:16
archbox_k i'll tell my doctor i'm going to do keto and hopefully get a prescriptoin19:16
jrayhawkhttp://chriskresser.com/thyroid you might want to do some reading on thyroid hormone pathways before attempting to goose everything with T319:17
archbox_yeah i know about that19:18
archbox_so obviously more T3 = better19:18
archbox_put some stress off your thyroid19:18
jrayhawkuh, well, no19:18
archbox_>mental slowing, depression, dementia, weight gain, constipation, dry skin, hair loss, cold intolerance, hoarse voice, irregular menstruation, infertility, muscle stiffness and pain19:18
archbox_you want that shit?19:18
archbox_by more i mean microgram doses19:18
archbox_obviously railing a gram of T3 would kill you19:18
jrayhawkYou're disrupting homeostatic feedback systems again without thinking about the consequences. You're going to drive the body to produce massive amounts of RT3 in response.19:20
archbox_still though19:22
archbox_it's better than getting dry skin and fat19:22
AdrianGlol RT319:23
AdrianGjrayhawk: T3 is rx'd when you are producing too much RT3. dont be stupid.19:23
AdrianGalso archbox_19:23
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AdrianGare you going to tell the entire world to buy T3 from merck19:24
jrayhawkYes, standard of care is awful.19:24
archbox_nah, only biohackers19:24
jrayhawkDoctors do pretty much the same naive disruption of homeostatic feedback systems that archbox_ wants to do.19:24
jrayhawkThis is why the medical system is projected to bankrupt the economy by about 2030.19:25
archbox_jrayhawk: so what do you recommend?19:25
@fennincreasing your iodine intake is a safe(r) way to start19:26
jrayhawkYeah, that's great for thyroid.19:26
jrayhawkAlso psychological stress management, also oxidative stress management, also inflammation management19:26
@fennseaweed, shrimp, ummm.. kelp powder perhaps19:27
archbox_how much iodine?19:27
archbox_I take KI19:27
@fennwell you're probably fine on iodine then19:27
archbox_what other drugs are good?19:27
archbox_for thyroid?19:27
@fennare you saying you have the symptoms of hypothyroidism?19:28
@fennbecause there is such a thing as hyperthyroidism too19:29
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@fennoh i see, you want to do a ketogenic diet and not get t3 downregulation19:31
@fenni think the answer there is to eat some carbs once a week19:31
jrayhawkPost-workout is best if you want to stay adapted.19:31
jrayhawkThe peak in insulin is what matters, rather than the volume.19:32
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@fenn"t3 increases the rate of protein degradation, and, in excess, the rate of protein degradation exceeds the rate of protein synthesis. In such situations, the body may go into negative ion balance."19:46
AdrianGnegtive ion balance O.O19:47
@fenndo you ever have anything constructive to say?19:48
AdrianGactually increasing iodine wont necessarly make more T3 available centrally19:48
jrayhawkoh, right, you're still here19:48
AdrianGthats the dumbest thing ive ever heard.19:48
jrayhawkAdrianG: in general, if you want to cite standard of care, you should first look up the efficacy of the treatment you're describing19:48
AdrianGalso, increasing T3 will not increase RT3. it will reduce T3.19:48
jrayhawkincreasing t3 will reduce t319:48
jrayhawkgot it19:48
AdrianGrt3, grow a brain to detect typos19:49
AdrianGit is metabolically impossible to produce more RT3 if exogenous T3 is given.19:50
jrayhawkoooohkay, where exactly does the T4 go, then?19:50
AdrianGT4 production will be suppressed by exogenous T319:51
AdrianGsuppressed or attenuated, depending on the dose.19:51
AdrianGT4 production will fall, RT3 will be eventually cleared.19:51
AdrianGincreasing iodine intake in hopes of producing more T3 is also far from guaranteed.19:52
@fennit only matters if you're iodine deficient, however many people in america are deficient19:53
AdrianGyou could have an ineffective transport of T4 thru BBB, and end up with peripheral thyrotoxicosis, while still centrally-deficient19:53
AdrianGmuch safer and effective to take a correct dose of T3.19:53
@fennlooking over this again, (i'm not thyroid expert) it seems like jrayhawk meant somatostatin, not RT320:00
jrayhawkNo, it's a matter of tanking TBG levels and effectively getting T3 resistance.20:00
jrayhawkwell, i guess T3 resistance is not the right way to think about it.20:01
jrayhawkgenuine resistance is an actual thing and would look different20:02
@fennreduced half-life?20:02
jrayhawkanyway, thyroid is annoyingly complicated and standard of care has really shitty efficacy for it20:05
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AdrianGthats why replacing either l-thyroxine or T3, or in combination works most of the time.20:08
AdrianGbecause its just so shitty.20:08
jrayhawkIt does nothing for the underlying etiology.20:08
AdrianGlol are you serious20:09
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AdrianGin practical terms, etiology is not important.20:15
AdrianGGPs are there to provide treatment, not conduct research.20:15
jrayhawkThyroid disregulation is a symptom, not a disease. GPs treating it as a disease are typically making the actual disease worse.20:17
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jrayhawkAlthough in the scenario above the thyroid downregulation was physiologically normal and appropriate.20:17
jrayhawkThe archbox_ one, that is.20:18
jrayhawkOr, rather, the long-term ketosis one20:18
AdrianGjrayhawk: in what scenario20:18
jrayhawk"Disease management" vs "health care" is the pithy shorthand.20:25
archbox_jrayhawk: are you an eastern doctor?20:26
* fenn giggles20:27
jrayhawki would tell you, but the scapulae tell me it would bring me bad fortune20:29
archbox_do you guys take aspirin daily?20:30
@fenni used to, but decided against it20:30
archbox_ah, due to the ulcers?20:30
archbox_or were you bleeding too much?20:30
@fennno, because it blocks prostaglandin synthesis20:31
archbox_ah. Exercise?20:31
jrayhawkNSAIDs are pretty nasty in general.20:31
@fenni wasn't suffering any symptoms from aspirin, if that's what you're asking20:31
archbox_weren't you saying earlier to remove inflammation, jrayhawk ?20:31
archbox_wouldn't an NSAID do that?20:31
@fennyes but you can develop vasculature problems, see the vioxx recall for example20:32
jrayhawkThat would mitigate inflammatory response to an inflammatory agent, but that just makes things easier for the inflammatory agent.20:32
archbox_cuz COX2 inhibition?20:32
@fennjrayhawk: that's assuming it's some kind of infection, which is often not the case20:32
@fennin first world anyway20:33
jrayhawkFirst world has intestinal permeability; they're pretty much fucked anyway.20:33
archbox_is taking 40-81mg aspirin really that much of a COX-2 inhibitor?20:33
archbox_jrayhawk: dat gluten20:33
@fennno, 81 is a pretty low dose20:34
archbox_oh. were you taking a full aspirin a day?20:34
archbox_for longevity people usually just take one baby aspirin or half20:34
archbox_so 40 or 8120:34
@fenn"COX-2 mediates the synthesis of prostaglandins responsible for pain and inflammation." is only half of the story20:35
@fennit also synthesizes prostaglandins which are vasodilatory and inhibit platelet aggregation20:37
@fennthe great thing about biology is there's so much to learn... :\20:39
@fennhormones are complex and complicated. i'm looking at this to try to get a better answer for you http://www.itmonline.org/arts/lox.htm20:40
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archbox_Oh, I realize that COX-2 inhibitors can fuck you up. I was asking if 81mg aspirin would do this20:43
archbox_aspirin isn't much of a COX-2 inhibitor, right?20:43
@fennit inhibits cox-1 and cox-220:43
@fennirreversibly, on a mole-for-mole basis20:44
@fennbut fortunately we're making new cox proteins all the time20:44
archbox_this sounds like aspirin acts differently from COX-2 inhibitors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aspirin#COX-1_and_COX-2_inhibition20:44
@fennthe idea behind cox-2 selective inhibitors was to prevent the side effects from inhibiting cox-120:45
@fennbut it didn't work as intended, because it turns out we need cox-2 also (duh)20:45
@fennit's fine for short-term injury treatment, but not if you take it continuously every day for years20:46
jrayhawkarchbox_: the quick summary of inflammation/oxidation management: stop eating grains and legumes, greatly curtail fructose and linoleic acid, eat a lot of nutrient-dense foods, including seafood and organ meats, get sunlight or supplement with a lot of D3, avoid cortisol-inducing stresses, be gentle to your intestinal flora and give them lots of soluable fiber and try not do dump too many alkali or antiseptic agents down there.20:47
jrayhawkam i missing anything20:47
jrayhawkoh yeah, industrial agriculture sucks, try to find long-term organic farms with fresh produce20:48
jrayhawkthough fossil fuel agriculture actually screwed up some stuff pretty permanently in some areas, so i guess magnesium supplementation might be necessary :/20:50
@fennwater purification systems block the main magnesium source in the diet20:51
jrayhawkoh yeah, long-term hardcore ketosis was also hell on my gut flora20:51
jrayhawki guess keto does not necessarily mean zero carb, but some people seem to treat it that way20:52
@fenni never understood why keto was regarded as a good thing20:53
@fennacetone in your blood?20:53
jrayhawkEh, acetone's not particularly scary.20:53
archbox_jrayhawk: is it okay that i take r-faction alpha lipoic acid?20:54
archbox_and yeah i basically eat paleo so what you said is what i do20:54
jrayhawkOh, yeah, Alpha lipoic acid is neat stuff. Popular in eastern medicine, too!20:54
archbox_yeah i thought of it when you mentioned the omega 6 (even though they aren't related they sound similar :< )20:54
archbox_ALA vs. LA20:55
jrayhawkactually more obnoxious is ALA vs ALA20:55
jrayhawkAlpha lipoic acid and alpha linoleic acid20:55
@fennas long as nobody starts selling pills with "essential omega 6" we'll be fine20:56
archbox_they do20:56
jrayhawkAlpha lipoic acid has lots of neat metabolic effects and alpha linoleic acid's primary useful function is competing with LA for receptors20:56
jrayhawkwhich is to say alpha linoleic acid is actually pretty useless20:56
jrayhawkfenn: I dunno, I'd be perfectly willing to eat an AA pill.20:57
archbox_hey, some small percent of it can be converted to EPA and DHA20:57
@fennjrayhawk: to what benefit?20:57
jrayhawkI mean, assuming it hasn't been heat treated and esterified to hell and back.20:57
jrayhawkAA is complimentary to DHA for neural construction.20:57
archbox_fenn: muscle gainz20:57
archbox_jrayhawk: there's quite a bit of AA in animal products, no? Do organ meats have a lot?20:58
jrayhawkYeah, liver and egg yolks are the big ones.20:58
archbox_specifically: chicken hearts (because I eat those probably more often than I should)20:58
archbox_I have livers sometimes too20:59
jrayhawkHeart is almost entirely protein.20:59
archbox_yeah I cook it in fat20:59
archbox_I usually use coconut oil or butter/ghee for cooking20:59
jrayhawkfenn: also the elongase reaction throws off a shitload of cytokines, so the more AA you have, the less your body will attempt to manufacture.20:59
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@fenni thought AA was pro-inflamatory21:01
@fennfrom barry sears, "The simple definition of an anti-inflammatory diet is one21:02
@fennthat prevents the excess production of AA21:02
@fennhereby reducing the21:02
@fennkey substrate for the generation of pro-inflammatory eicosanoids.21:02
* fenn grumbles about pdfs21:03
jrayhawkHe's right! We totally want to avoid production!21:03
archbox_fenn: not necessarily, but it ay cancel out the benefits of omega 3's21:03
@fennAA is the substrate that gets turned into pro-inflammatory eicosanoids21:03
archbox_anitinflammatory benefit, that is.21:03
archbox_fenn: the body only does that when it needs inflammation21:04
archbox_AA doesn't cause chronic inflammation21:04
archbox_If you never get inflammation then you won't get much benefit from exercise21:04
archbox_whelp :<21:05
archbox_yeah fenn over in ##nutrition we had a big discussion awhile ago about AA.21:05
jrayhawkhttp://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?aid=1304684 http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayFulltext?type=1&fid=1304764&jid=BJN&volumeId=98&issueId=03&aid=1304756 http://content.karger.com/ProdukteDB/produkte.asp?Doi=23644721:06
@fennjrayhawk: do you have like a zillion bookmarks all sorted and ready ot go?21:07
@kanzurewhy not?21:07
jrayhawkSorta. I keep meaning to put this in a wiki.21:07
@fenni used to have a good bookmark file but lost track of it once i joined this channel :P21:08
jrayhawkIn the context of a diet deficient in DHA, I am perfectly willing to believe that piling AA on the lipid fire is a bad idea, of course.21:09
@fenni wonder if AA is the reason for the "butter mind" phenomenon21:18
@fenn(the observation that eating half a stick of butter improves simple math problem reaction times)21:19
@kanzuremaybe instead of a titlebot we can have a bookmarkbot21:19
jrayhawkwell, that and the saturated fat21:20
@fennwhy would saturated fat affect the brain?21:20
jrayhawkIIRC the QSers doing that butter testing were starting from a SAD diet, which is fairly deficient21:20
archbox_MCT's do something beneficial, no?21:20
@fennanyway coconut oil didn't show the effect21:21
jrayhawkah, interesting21:21
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@fennthis sounds useful for wearable computing (p300 eeg wave) "Generally speaking, improbable events will elicit a P3b, and the less probable the event, the larger the P3b."21:26
@kanzuredump everything after 5min when an improbable thing does not occur?21:27
@fennyou could automatically trigger high-def recording when a p3b is observed21:27
@kanzureyou need it before it's observed21:27
@fennthe problem is determining whether it exists or not; usually it's being observed in a lab setting where the stimulus is known and controlled by the experimenter21:28
nmz787jrayhawk: where's arachidonate come from?21:28
@fennkanzure: easy enough to store a ring buffer of n seconds21:28
nmz787last week a friend and i discussed a wide-band SDR that monitored your head21:29
nmz787he mentioned it being possible with phased arrays maybe21:30
nmz787so you can shape the antenna21:30
@kanzurenmz787: you should ask fenn about autorouting things21:30
@fennautorouting sucks21:30
nmz787fenn autorouting is needed21:30
nmz787or at least length matching21:30
@fennsupposedly altium works okay but it's very expensive21:30
nmz787and curve addition21:30
@fennlength matching is a different beast21:30
@fennjust add more squiggles21:31
@fenni think both kicad and gEDA (and eagle) do length matching21:31
@fennthe neat thing about phased arrays is you can do the "beam forming" after the fact21:32
@fenni like the idea of topo router, and supposedly there was a plugin written for gEDA, but it's not maintained and there's no documentation21:33
jrayhawknmz787: most mammals, including humans, are reasonably good at elongating/desaturating linoleic acid to archadonic acid21:34
jrayhawkin humans, there's a big 'oh shit' inflammatory signal in doing so, though; presumably it signals a diet low in animal protein21:35
@fennso perhaps taking GLA along with AA will reduce inflammation21:37
jrayhawkMight be true.21:38
jrayhawkThere are also ways of influencing the pathway. "Having enough of certain nutrients in the body (including magnesium, zinc, and vitamins C, B3, and B6) helps promote the conversion of GLA to DGLA."21:39
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nmz787GLA being a non inflammatory arachidonic derivative?22:24
jrayhawkGLA also being useful and also being costly for the body to manufacture22:29
jrayhawkcostly in terms of inflammatory signaling22:29
@kanzureIV owns "Accelerando Development, LLC"22:37
@kanzurecharles stross should hurry up and die so he can roll in his grave22:37
@kanzureit looks like transcriptic is leading angel list's online investment feature22:40
@kanzurei thought transcriptic was just sent to me in their announcement email because they identified me as having looked at it before22:40
@kanzurebut it seems instead to be the default that everyone sees22:40
nmz787do we know this guy http://www.instructables.com/member/argon/22:58
@fenni've never met him23:10
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@kanzure"Myhrvold started buying equipment for the research kitchen in the Intellectual Ventures lab. Much of the equipment was standard cooking equipment, but it also included items such as rotor-stator homogenizers, ultrahigh-pressure homogenizers, freeze-dryers, a 50 G centrifuge,[1] ultrasonic baths, and rotary evaporators.[9]"23:46
@kanzure"The laboratory already included other high-tech and industrial equipment,[10] a 100-ton hydraulic press,[10] a large water-jet cutter, an electrical discharge machine, and automated milling machines."23:46
@kanzurei thought IV just had lots of holding companies23:47
@fenndidnt they do the laser mosquito shooter23:47
@fennoh, he wrote modernist cuisine, cool23:51
@fenngah, only the CTO of microsoft would patent a geoengineering scheme for reversing global warming23:52
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