
--- Log opened Thu Dec 20 00:00:04 2012
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juri_as far as auto-routing goes, i do study the topic a bit.00:58
juri_is there a specific need for better autorouting here?00:59
@kanzureno not really, autorouting is the least of the problems01:01
@fenni wouldnt mind learning how to actually use what's in gEDA01:04
@fennideally with the kicad schematic editor01:04
juri_there's a recent thread on the geda mailing list about a topological router.01:05
@fennum, is there an online archive that goes to 2012?01:07
@fenngod what a terrible interface: http://www.delorie.com/archives/browse.cgi?p=geda-user/2012/1201:09
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@fennreally there's no thread view spanning longer than 1 day?01:10
juri_the thread you're looking for is 'Router fun with rubberbands'.01:10
@fennand i can only search 4 days back?01:11
@fennjesus christ why does anyone put up with this01:11
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@fenntoo bad nobody knows C anymore :\01:15
* juri_ does. sad, sad world.01:15
@fennso have you actually used anthony's router?01:20
juri_Nope. i'm the one who commented about mucs pcb, which i have used, abused, and even played with the source to. i'm a dinosaur. ;)01:21
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@fenni remember looking at mucs and deciding it was more work than i felt like doing01:27
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@fennalso it's sort of a pain for DIY boards because it relies so heavily on vias01:29
@fennhrm. google brought back the cache01:32
archelsfenn: That's not really an excuse any more these days, when places like seeedstudio allow you to order multilayer PCBs for only a few dozen bucks.01:42
archelsI've etched quite a bunch in the past, but can't really be arsed any longer with these kinds of prices.01:42
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@fennyeah but how long does it take to get your board?01:47
@fennalso "a few dozen bucks" doesn't sound that cheap to me01:47
@fennalso also, what about flex circuits and other situations where vias are impractical01:48
@fenn"zonulin" what kind of name is that01:50
archelsafaik flex PCBs can handle vias perfectly well01:51
@fennonly the non flexing portions01:52
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@fennseems like zonulin is a prime target for desperate celiac/gluten-sensitive diy biologists to synthesize. an 8-mer oral peptide with no possibility for side effects, hard to beat that02:34
@fenner, larazotide, not zonulin02:34
@kanzureheh i thought that sounded familiar02:35
@kanzurehooray for email archives02:36
@kanzurein 2008 i was helping some girl i liked to synthesize zonulin because fuck celiac02:36
@kanzureat the time it was in phase 3 clinical trials.. what's the current status?02:36
@kanzuresorry i mean 'zonulin receptor antagonist'02:38
@fenni'm not sure how to find this information02:39
@fenndoes this mean it's in phase 2? http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01396213?term=larazotide&rank=102:39
@kanzuregoogle is really bad at blasting "Xaa Xaa AUA GGC CGA UUG"02:39
@kanzureweird, a larazotide patent was filed in 201102:40
@kanzurei recall getting the sequence out of a patent02:41
@fennyeah it's been aroung much longer than 201102:41
* kanzure pats himself on the back02:42
@fennhell you could even make/find a bug that expresses zonulin receptor antagonists on its surface02:43
@fennthen you never have to take a drug again02:43
@fennwell, for celiac at least02:43
@kanzuremy attempt involved yeast/yogurt02:43
@fennyou were transforming cells in 2008?02:44
@kanzurei was doing many things in 2008, you have to realize that my competence generally points backwards in time02:45
@fennoh you're benjamin button02:46
@fennor was it merlin02:46
@fenn"Characters with Merlin Sickness live or age backwards in time"02:46
@fenngosh it is indeed a trope http://io9.com/5117495/living-in-rewind-doesnt-erase-these-characters-problems02:47
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@kanzurelet me know if you can't find sequences, i seem to have some emails with notes02:59
* kanzure sleeps02:59
juri_rest well.02:59
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jrayhawkZonulin appears to be a well-adapted response; it's probably modulating feedback between the gut flora and the immune system. It seems like a CXCR3 antagonist would be far more desirable.07:50
jrayhawkthe well-adapted response being using the contents of the lymphatic system to flush dangerous contents from the intestine.07:50
chris_99anyone got any ideas for ultra low power solenoid type devices, that are commercially available07:54
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ThomasEgichris_99, as in electromagnet?08:11
chris_99or any other device that can 'push' something :)08:11
ThomasEgiwhat do you want to push? and how low power is low power?08:11
ThomasEgiwhat forces and travel distances do you need?08:11
chris_99skin, it's for an actuator to give a 'sixth' sense type thing08:12
chris_99so low force & travel distance08:12
ThomasEgiand what size do you target?08:12
chris_99can you get ~10mA or less?08:13
chris_99oh very small diameter size, e.g. 1.5mm08:13
ThomasEgihm. first thing that comes to my mind would be a piezo actor.08:14
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ThomasEginot a massive crystal. but a small flat surface that can swing. simmilar to those piezo-disk speakers.08:14
chris_99hmm we did think about a piezo transducer, but we weren't sure if that'd give enough 'movement' as it where08:15
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ThomasEgia bulky cristal will only get you micrometers. but if you use it to bend a flat object you can get enough travel distance.08:16
chris_99hmm interesting08:16
ThomasEgithere's another way to trigger your skin's sensory inputs. i read about it in a rather experimental tectile touchscreen brochure that can simulate texture of objets when touching08:17
chris_99check this http://www.piezo.com/prodbm0nav.html#4layer08:17
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chris_99look good?08:17
ThomasEgilooks pretty good08:18
chris_99we also thought about muscle wire08:19
ThomasEgiforget bout it. too slow. eats too much current08:19
ThomasEgithose piezos look pretty neat.08:19
ThomasEgi.25mm displacement is certainly noticeable on fingertips.08:20
chris_99aha, yeah piezos look cool08:20
ThomasEgiand the force applied looks pretty decent to.08:21
ThomasEgithey are a bit pricy tho08:21
chris_99oh i haven't looked at the price08:22
chris_99$200 for one of them08:22
ThomasEgifor single quantity08:23
chris_99we only really need one08:24
ThomasEgisome of the smaller stripes go for bout 8008:24
chris_99oh cool08:24
chris_99i might check on alibaba see if they have something similar08:24
ThomasEgiyou coud try to rip out a pizo speaker from some toy or smoke-detector08:25
ThomasEgior anything that makes loud beeping noise08:25
ThomasEgiand carcfully cut that disk in shape08:25
ThomasEgithose piezo beepers sell for pennies.08:27
ThomasEgipiezo buzzer or piezo transducer . that's what they are called08:28
ThomasEgi...you may even have some in old pc's that annoying beeping sound on startup.08:29
chris_99i think i've got some disc transducers kicking about somewhere08:31
ThomasEgiworth some experimentation befor spending 100bucks08:32
chris_99yup definitely08:35
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nmz787anything better than odesk for getting paid for work online?10:15
nmz787odesk takes 10% plus a withdrawl fee10:15
jrayhawkgoogle wallet, stripe, chargify, recurly, braintree10:25
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@kanzureodesk is for poor people11:09
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@kanzure"Looking over the past few years, the amount of people using GitHub is growing at an incredible rate; there are now 2.8MM GitHub users, which represents 133% growth in 2012 alone."12:59
@kanzureemoji seems like a terrible idea what are they thinking13:01
eudoxiai didn't know github had emoticons13:07
@kanzurealso, why haven't i been using this? https://github.com/jkbr/httpie13:08
ThomasEgii don't see why using github is so much of a bad idea. i mean. it's still using git. it is not like it'll stop you from doing any work when github should ever fail.13:17
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tylergilliesbkero: hello :)13:42
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srangewarpGithub is user-friendly, and has a lot of sort-of-searchable code, which is useful for beginner to intermediate coders who are trying to figure out how to do something14:30
srangewarpIt's not perfect, of course ... centralized, online services make me antsy14:30
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eudoxiawell at least git itself is decentralized14:54
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@kanzureneat, mozilla is building firefox for android-x86 now15:01
ThomasEgihm. x86 android builds have been around for quite long already. not by mozilla tho15:04
@kanzurethere have been firefox/android-x86 builds floating around?15:05
ThomasEgiah wait15:05
ThomasEgii misread15:05
ThomasEgii thought it was bout android x8615:05
ThomasEginot firefox on it15:05
ThomasEgipretend my text never appeared15:05
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@kanzuresomeone should make a brlcad/openscad script to convert an mp3 to a 3d image of a vinyl record15:14
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@fennwhy would that be any better or worse than processing15:19
@fennalso, who cares? records are for hipsters15:21
@kanzurebecause people are making these vinyl stl files by hand (apparently?)15:22
@fennuhm no15:22
@fenn"Once I create a text file, I can import the data into Processing and convert it into an STL.  I would like to streamline my code so that audio files (wav/mp3) can be loaded directly into Processing, but I have not found a solution yet, any suggestions would be appreciated!"15:24
@fennthe text file is created from a wav by a script15:26
@kanzureoh good. yes there's nothing wrong with processing.15:26
@fenngreat now all we need to do is run this 3d printed record player in a modelica simulation and pipe the output to /dev/dsp015:28
@fennand skip the actual printing part15:28
* fenn stomps off15:29
@kanzurei was only concerned that people seemed to have not automated the stl file generation, not because records are actually interesting15:30
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wrldpcWhat's the response to Jason Silva's stuff?16:27
tylergilliesholy crap its officially sunset right now16:29
tylergillieswrong chan16:29
AdrianGtoo late. we read it.16:32
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bkerotylergillies: sup17:02
tylergillieswrldpc: im a big jason silva fan17:02
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tylergilliesi mean he doesn't really do anything17:03
tylergilliesbut hes inspiring17:03
tylergillieswhich is good enough for me17:03
tylergilliesmy thoughts are the same for aubrey de gray17:03
tylergilliesi think sens is kinda weird17:04
tylergilliesbut hes inspiring17:04
@kanzurewhat makes it weird17:04
@kanzureor who cares17:04
* tylergillies immediately regrets starting that conversation17:04
tylergilliesits my opinion17:05
tylergilliesi don't have to rationalize it17:05
@kanzureyou're weird.17:05
tylergilliesin your opinion ;)17:05
ThomasEgiwhere's that doomsday everyone was talking bout? i thought i could skip doing the dishes but the world still shows no sign of ending? i'm dissappointed.17:09
tylergilliesThomasEgi: its tomorrow, we still have the rest of today ;)17:11
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tylergilliesThomasEgi: http://www.terriblefate.com/17:12
ThomasEgithat page requires flash plugin just to show a date?17:13
ThomasEgii mean i could take that as an indication on how close we are to the end but that aint going to clean my dishes at all *sigh*17:13
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emancipatewould be funny if 'the end' started after you dry the last dish17:16
ThomasEgiin that case.. i'd find the world's manager and kick him in the nuts. a passionate kick.17:18
ThomasEgimakes me wonder if i might make a good writer for song lyrics.17:19
@kanzurefenn: what's that beagleboard alternative that is the same form factor with better specs?17:24
@kanzurebeaglebone? i keep forgetting.17:24
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brownieswhy is pandaboard better?17:27
ThomasEgitwice the cpu speed. 4 times as much ram17:28
ThomasEgithe pandaboard is a lot bigger than the beagleboard.17:29
ThomasEgiso.. not 100% sure if that's what he's looking for17:29
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@fennthere are various new android tv sticks such as the mk802+ which also may be of interest18:09
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@fenn$40 and 1GB of ram, opengl ES, HDMI out and USB host, runs android or debian18:10
ThomasEgihm. any of those with line-in?18:12
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superkuhIs the USB host 1.1 or 2?18:16
superkuhSounds like it'd be a good data pump for running the rtlsdr dongles at the end of a long ethernet cord instead of coax.18:17
@fennfo sho18:18
@fennbeen a long day workin in the data mines, had a data flood and our pump broke down18:19
AdrianGsuperkuh: r u aspergian18:23
@fennoh it has wifi too, if that matters18:24
@kanzureAdrianG: can't you just leave18:25
AdrianGno :<18:25
AdrianGim addicted to this chat.18:25
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AdrianGwhy do you hate me.18:25
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yashgarothfucking roommate accidentally cancels internet and leaves for ohio 3 days ago20:03
@kanzure's okay, roadrunner isn't that great anyway.20:07
@kanzureit can hardly be called internet connectivity20:07
yashgarothquite so20:09
-!- Juul [~Juul@199-188-193-145.PUBLIC.monkeybrains.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:16
@kanzureJuul: sup?20:19
Juulkanzure, hey. i'm at the noisebridge 5 minutes of fame20:19
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Juuljake appelbaum is speaking about burhma20:36
Juulkanzure, what's up with you?20:47
@kanzurefighting with android emulators20:47
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Juuldo you have a mirror of library genesis?20:48
@kanzureno :( it's my greatest shame.20:49
@kanzurei'd like to though.20:49
Juul:P we're setting one up in oakland20:49
@kanzureoh good. let me know how i can help and get access.20:49
Juulwill do20:49
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delinquentmeSo when doing liquid handling on cells ... pressure is a huge thing21:07
delinquentmewhat other kinds of issues do you run into when pipetting them around?21:08
@kanzurecells sticking to things21:09
@kanzurecells not sticking to things21:09
yashgarothliquid interaction with air, eg bubbles21:10
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delinquentmeso in that case you'd need like a really subtle pump to kind of vaccum suck the cell and pull it from its spot?21:19
yashgarothmost sucking is done by vacuum, yes21:19
delinquentmeor .... what are really good applications for automation in liquid handling ... for more macro volumes21:19
delinquentme10 uL or above say21:20
yashgaroth80% of stuff in biotech21:20
delinquentmeyashgaroth, you know this for shuar21:27
yashgarothI may be off by as much as 10%21:27
delinquentmeI was playing around w the idea of using some material as a type of sling in order to get really small volumes21:27
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delinquentmea "cock it" kind of operation ... build up kenetic energy in the clip .. release it and hope to get some consistent  volume spat out21:29
yashgaroththat sounds inherently inconsistent21:30
delinquentmeyeah material fatigue would be an issue21:33
delinquentmebut I think thats just a specific deformation equation21:34
delinquentmeIE keep it within the range before permanent damage21:35
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juri_so... what is everyone doing to progress h+ here? :)21:46
juri_btw, thanks kanzure, for the link to that VM image.21:56
juri_it allowed me to effictively rule out android default browser support for the webapp i'm working on.21:57
@kanzureis that question facetious21:57
juri_no, more like 'highly pointed'.21:57
@kanzurewhat's wrong with the android webkit browser?21:57
yashgarothbro do you even biohack21:57
@kanzuremabye you just suck at css?21:57
juri_no ability to scroll inside of frames, no passing the graphical part of the acid3 test, eating my gritter windows.21:57
@kanzurestop using frames21:57
juri_agreed. not my call.21:58
@kanzurethen stop getting yourself into situations where you can't take responsibility for your work.21:58
juri_oh, i'm responsible... for removing popups from this code.21:58
@kanzureand you're testing that the removed popups are android compatible?21:59
juri_i was.. and they're working.21:59
juri_gritter doesn't work, but fancybox does.21:59
@kanzurejuri_: after spending weeks in here, if it's not obvious what projects are going on, i don't know how to help you understand.21:59
@kanzureyashgaroth: hush22:00
yashgarothbiohack: eat a lot of beets22:00
juri_kanzure: maybe i should have asked adrianG directly. ;)22:00
@kanzurefor some reason we're experiencing an influx of redditors/trolls and i'm trying to figure out how to plug the leak22:00
juri_re: really small pumps: I've been thinking of taking the tubing on my 3d printer, and using thermal expansion of a closed tube.22:01
yashgaroth#reddit-nootropics' topic still links here, no?22:01
@kanzureoh really22:01
@kanzurecan we, say.. not do that22:01
yashgarothI assume, anyway22:01
juri_sure. want to tell me why?22:01
@kanzureyou want me to explain why i don't want trolls?22:03
juri_no, i want you to explain why doing temperature control in order to expand/contract the liquid in the tubing for my cell printer is a bad idea.22:04
@kanzuredidn't we already go over why your cell printer idea was terrible and why you should work on another design22:04
@kanzureor maybe i dreampt this22:04
juri_i think you dreampt it. i've made some progress, refining the ideas.22:04
@kanzurewell, last time you were explaining it was still a pick and place thing22:05
juri_using a blu-ray head with its coils hooled up to PWM microcontrol for positioning, an optical microscope series (three of them, different angles) to do 3d vision from below..22:05
juri_(3d gabor filtering)22:06
juri_right now my big questions are how to focus the three cameras to the same depth (vary their distance directly?), and how to provide small enough suctions to the glass capilary to avoid damaging cells.22:21
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juri_if it helps, i'm not from redit. just another geek. :)22:33
@kanzurei didn't insinuate you were.22:36
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