
--- Log opened Fri Dec 21 00:00:05 2012
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archelsIncreased expression of BubR1 protects against aneuploidy and cancer and extends healthy lifespan00:13
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@fennjuri_: i think you should do some simple rate calculations to determine how long it will take to pick-and-place enough cells for an organ, and then see whether they can survive for that long01:36
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juri_fenn: already a problem i've been working with the other members of the team here on.02:17
juri_keeping the cells alive is important, after all.02:17
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-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+q AdrienG!*@*] by kanzure08:42
@kanzurei guess this is a competitor to peerj?08:51
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wrldpcanyone know of anything interesting happening in NYC December 27th-29th, January 4th-6th, or in Boston 29th/30th-January 3rd?  Science/technology/art related stuff.  Lectures, exhibits, conferences, etc.09:29
@kanzuregenspace probably does things09:30
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@kanzure"Richard Thieme, international BioHacking expert to appear as a ...." haha, i blame forrest for this.10:17
juri_there are biohacking experts?10:17
@kanzureno, he's full of shit10:18
@kanzurehe had one phone call with me in 2008 and now he thinks he's a biohacking expert10:18
@kanzuresomehow that one phone call became the subject of his defcon talk10:18
@kanzurewhen forrest was last visiting, he apologized about richard, because he had some interaction with him and might have confused him or something10:19
@kanzurewhat? it's not nice at all.10:21
juri_welcome to a developing field.10:22
juri_whackadoodle crazy is everywhere.10:22
juri_probably including me. ;)10:22
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tylergilliesjust watched http://www.ted.com/talks/peter_diamandis_abundance_is_our_future.html11:42
tylergilliesnice video11:42
@kanzurei think pdfernhout.net is a better source of abundance information11:44
@kanzurepeter diamandis, at this point, is just a marketing guy11:44
@kanzurenot that there's anything wrong with that.. it's just exceedingly unlikely that he is going to provide novel information that you can't get from better sources.11:44
tylergillieskanzure: thnx for link11:46
emancipatewhere is waldo? https://s3.amazonaws.com/Gigapans/EBC_Pumori_050112_8bit_FLAT/EBC_Pumori_050112_8bit_FLAT.html12:28
emancipatewhoops, sorry12:28
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ArmilusDajjalislreal is so awesome i converted from satanism to judeasm so i could live there14:24
eudoxia>In case the snake gets discovered, it can self-destruct with the built in explosives.14:31
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@fennpan4x: really cool video, thanks17:04
@kanzureso how about a marketplace/website thing for human enhancement projects17:08
@kanzurefor instance, whole genome sequencing would be one potential service. i guess it would work as a referral system.17:08
@kanzureor "creation of a human sperm from a dna sample, fusion with an egg, and implantation into the uterus of a surregate" (erm, "have a child with a dead guy")17:09
@kanzurezonulin would probably be a good example actually17:10
@fennlike MFG.com for bio stuff?17:10
@fennzonulin antagonist isn't really "human enhancement" so much as "fix the fucking broken medical system"17:11
@kanzure"bio stuff" doesn't quite capture what i had in mind.. just "near term future stuff, or stuff that might be 'futuristic' but is actually plausible but not happening"17:11
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@kanzurewell, consider the case of prosthetic limbs. a few hundred grand thrown at the right engineer can get you pretty far especially if you have a spare to throw at him.17:13
@fenna spare limb?17:14
@kanzurespare prosthetic, spare limb.. same thing.17:14
@kanzurei had a family member who needed a leg, he ended up having a few models laying around for whatever reason17:14
@kanzure(they were all terrible, i think he got the short leg of the deal)17:14
@fennspeaking of missing limbs and what to do about it, this guy looks to be onto something http://ase.tufts.edu/biology/labs/levin/17:15
@fennyah prosthetics is so bad because it's a "medical device" and all the legal bullshit that goes along with developing in that arena17:16
@kanzurealso, i'm pretty disappointed with how microelectrode arrays have not been improving resolution or whatever metric has to actually improve for realistic interfacing17:16
@kanzurepeople think that "brain-controlled prosthetics" means something interesting, but it's really like two muscles that you control and once you have one prosthetic, good luck getting another available muscle group to control anything else with..17:16
@fennthere's ways to get around that.. ensemble coding for example17:17
@kanzurewell, i also haven't been reading microelectrode array research for the past ~18 months. i suspect, though, that if something really awesome happened, the news would've gone ballistic.17:18
@kanzurei had this chart once that listed the bit-rate bandwidth of different implants. it was all so sad.17:18
@fennit's not a huge field. mostly confined to epilepsy research and seeing how large a chunk of someone's brain they can remove without killing them17:18
@kanzurewell presumably it would be huger because prosthetics users want better control?17:19
@kanzureor maybe they are just happy to not have a chunk of body missing17:19
@fennreally the issue has been integration with the rest of the body as a whole system, power to weight ratio and energy capacity17:20
@fennbody-powered prosthetics blow any electrical device out of the water on these fronts17:20
@fennwhich is the main reason "luke arm" style prosthetics haven't taken off17:20
@fennby "body-powered" i mean, a hook, or some cable actuated device17:21
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@kanzureno disagreement there17:22
@fennalso you have a tighter feedback loop with tactile control of a hook17:22
@kanzurei don't need a hook i need to type17:22
@fennhard to predict what a robot strapped to your shoulder is going to do17:23
joshcryerkanzure, you already type like a robot dude.17:23
@kanzurei would be faster if i didn't17:23
@kanzure"home row" is a soviet lie17:23
@kanzuredesigned to impact american productivity17:24
@fenni think once people realize that it's the structural impedance mismatch between squishy biological nerve tissue and hard silicon crystal chip surface, we'll make some progress on interfacing to nerve bundles17:24
@fenndoesn't matter how high resolution your interface is if the cells die in a week17:25
@kanzurestill: there should be a site that currates these already-possible, plausible, near-term-future projects for human enhancement and related projects17:25
@kanzurein many cases, hiring a few biologists (since they are dirt cheap) is quite possible to tackle some project17:25
@fennwhat does the site do exactly? catalogs the state of ongoing projects?17:25
@kanzuretake rich people's money17:26
@fennso it's a 501c3?17:26
@kanzurei was thinking something more like elance17:26
@fennit's a business that sells what exactly?17:26
@kanzureit's a business that sells referrals17:27
@fennhm.. okay then you have a chicken and egg problem17:27
@fennneed clients to get providers, need providers to get clients17:27
@kanzurenot entirely. i think i know enough providers that can do some really amazing projects.17:27
@fennokay well make a list17:27
@kanzureand i'm not as worried about clients.. singularity university is like a huge marketing program for this.17:27
@kanzure"hey you just dumped $25k into singularity university.. how would you like to actually get sequenced?" (sequencing is a bad example because in a year or two it will be trivially cheap)17:28
@fennyou probably have all this in your meetlog already, just need to verify that people are available17:28
@kanzure(and trivial to buy somewhere online)17:28
@kanzurethis makes sense for diseases- but that's not very enhancey17:29
@fenni can't think with all this hare krishna music blaring17:29
joshcryerHow long until you can sequence bad samples, like say from an envelope?17:29
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joshcryer(trivially / cheaply I mean)17:30
@kanzure"this provider offers custom/designer drug services" - but research projects can be hit/miss, i don't know.17:30
@kanzurejoshcryer: envelopes aren't always bad samples. we can sequence samples from 200,000 years ago. envelopes are probably better preserved.17:30
@kanzurefenn: i think the trick is finding the right match between service providers and what clients are expecting17:31
@kanzuresome wealthy people would be surprised what's currently possible and just not available, whereas others might have more specific goals/requirements in mind.17:32
@fennthere are lots of chinese custom drug synthesis companies17:35
@fennthey have a terrible online presence usually17:35
@fennjust accepting paypal instead of international bank transfer would be a huge step forward17:36
@kanzurealibaba doesn't take care of that?17:36
@fennaliexpress does, but most suppliers don't use that17:36
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@fennyeah it's especially annoying for small stuff, where shipping and transfer fees add up to like $10017:37
@fennassuming the transfer even works, which it takes a week to find out17:38
@fennanyway i don't know who these clients are you're expecing will line up17:39
@fennmost people don't have $25k to blow on gene sequencing17:39
@kanzurethe real question is whether or not there are individuals that are willing to spend to get tech from the future that isn't on the market yet17:40
@kanzure"from the future" is the wrong way to word it but it conveys the right meaning17:40
@fennit's a price to value ratio question17:41
@fennyou can fund your own research department to make an ipod, or you can wait 5 years and one will be invented by someone else17:41
@fennmaybe that was a bad example17:41
@fennokay how about zonulin antagonist peptides17:42
@kanzuremaybe what you mean to say is, "for any non-life-threatening situations, it pays off to wait for someone else to do whatever rather than spending resources yourself"17:42
@fennyeah it costs a lot to develop an ipod17:43
@fennbut they only cost $100 or so to buy17:43
@fenni guess "economy of scale" is what i'm getting at17:43
@kanzurethat doesn't matter to me here.. if the minimum amount of cash a user has to pay is $100k then so be it.17:43
@fenn100 celiac people could afford to fund a zonulin antagonist crash production program so they can get it RIGHT NOW ins tead f wating 5 years for clinical trials17:44
@kanzurein 2004 it was quite possible to build a one-off mp3 player. perhaps not one with the quality of an ipod. but it's not like it was impossible to make a hand-crafted piece of tech..17:44
@kanzurefurthermore there was probably more than 1000 engineers/tinkerers who could have done that17:45
@kanzureat that time17:45
@fenni remember the "minty mp3"17:46
@kanzureah yes the one in the mint box17:46
@fenni guess that was later17:46
@fennanyway there's nothing special about a DSP with a sound jack17:47
@kanzureif it costs $2M to get a team of chemists to design and test nootropics.. that's fine. but it should be listed and happening somewhere.17:47
@fennwell now you're in the venture capital territory17:47
@fenni mean it was "big deal" that transcriptic got $1.2m17:47
@kanzurelots of things are funded all the time. $1.2M is small change.17:48
@kanzurealso, i think there's something to be said for not requiring all projects to be companies.17:48
@fennyeah i guess it's a different game17:48
@kanzureone-off projects that have a definite start/end date is more like consulting than building a company that goes public.17:48
jrayhawk /window 417:49
@kanzureafter all these years of giving me shit jrayhawk...17:49
@kanzureshould have known17:49
jrayhawki am undone17:50
@fennhum i just type alt-417:50
@kanzuretmux overrides that17:50
jrayhawknormally i use ctrl-p and ctrl-n but i am dumb today17:50
@fennor esc-417:50
@kanzuregnome-terminal also overrides alt-n17:51
jrayhawkoh, that's cool17:51
@fenni'm using gnome terminal17:51
@kanzureaha esc-n. nice. but it doesn't seem to let me type in larger numbers.17:51
@fennoh, you mean for switching tabs17:51
@kanzuredamn it, we need a consistent tab switching convention17:52
@fenn(who came up with this tab idea and how do i go back in time to terminate their conception)17:52
@kanzurechrome is ctrl+page up/down. what sort of fucking nonsense is that?17:52
@kanzureand tmux is ctrl-b ctrl-n/ctrl-p.17:52
@fennit's not ctrl-tab in chrome?17:52
@kanzurethat also works17:52
@fenntmux isn't tabs though, it's, er... virtual consoles :P17:53
@kanzurexmonad plus labels is really nice17:53
@kanzurealt-w then i type what i want and press enter17:53
@kanzurealt-w gmail, alt-w cnn, alt-w irc, alt-w meetlog17:53
@fennanyway enough bout switching windows17:53
@fennwhere's my HMD with eye tracking head tracking hand tracking sensors built in17:54
@kanzurewhy? we all know that window switching is the true subject of this channel.17:54
@kanzureis there a way to break my windows out of irssi?17:55
@kanzurei can break windows out of firefox and have one window per page17:55
@kanzureand i can run multiple tmux sessions on a server and just reattach when i please (keeping one gui window open per console)17:55
@kanzuree.g. i want a completely flat interface17:56
jrayhawkyou can put everything in the same irssi window17:56
@fennseems like it would be similar to split windows17:56
jrayhawkit is a bit messy, though17:56
@fenndoesn't work for 100+ channels17:56
@kanzurehuh? everything /is/ in the single irssi window.17:56
jrayhawkthe irssi conception of a window17:56
@kanzurei don't understand?17:57
jrayhawkan irssi conception of a window in the sense of using /window in irssi17:57
@fennit's not the solution to your problem17:57
@fennit's for stuff like having #foo and #foo-dev in the same window17:58
@kanzureactually, irssi can have all of its lousy tabs for all i care17:58
@kanzureas long as i can switch to the exact tab from another application immediately17:58
@kanzureso while browsing around, alt-w irc-hplusroadmap17:58
@kanzurethis could probably be accomplished by dumping in "arrow down or \n/join ##hplusroadmap" into the irssi window17:59
@kanzureeh that sounds terrible actually. arrow down might go to the previous line of input, and \n might send an incomplete message.17:59
jrayhawkYeah, with xmacro or equivalent hooked into your window manager.17:59
@kanzurehow do i actually create a new line in irssi anyway? sometimes i have to arrow down for ages.17:59
jrayhawkYou might like quassel17:59
@fenni guess you could use an "irc bouncer" and run multiple display clients, one in each window-manager-window18:00
@kanzurealso, this same feature with tmux would be nice.18:00
@kanzureis tmux smart enough to propagate the names of tabs from encapsulated tmux sessions? like irssi within tmux within tmux.18:01
@kanzuresearch-by-window-name is the future. i have seen the future.18:03
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@fennit's basically an unbalanced n-ary decision tree18:05
@kanzuresearch-as-you-type is awful for google ("google instant") but i think i would be ok with it for my open windows18:05
@fennideally it would be balanced but that's hard for people to memorize18:05
@kanzurewhat do you mean balanced?18:06
@fenni try to name most of my top level directories starting with different letters so ~/anime doesn't conflict with ~/androids or whatever18:06
@fennyou know how a balanced binary tree works right18:07
@kanzureno, what makes it balanced?18:07
@fennwell say you have a top level directories ~/aaaaaa and ~/aaaaab and ~/aaaaac and there were no such thing as tab completion18:08
@fennwouldnt it be better to just name them ~/a ~/b and ~/c18:09
@fennbinary trees only have two letters 0 and 1, so you'd have ~/0 and ~/1, and inside thos directories ~/0/0 ~/0/1 ~/1/0 ~/1/118:10
@fennan unbalanced binary tree would be like having a whole crapload of directories under ~/0/0/0/0/0/0/18:10
@fennand nothing in ~/118:10
@kanzurethere are only so many first-three-letter words that make sense for things18:11
@kanzurezxcv isn't going to be prefixing many things18:11
jrayhawkuzbl supposedly does a good job of disabling tabs and making search-by-title model work for web browsing, at lesat18:11
@fennso, when switching to named tabs, it would be best if you evenly distributed the tab names over the alphabet18:11
@kanzurejrayhawk: ever since xmonad i have been using new windows just fine18:11
@kanzureuzbl does windows managed by itself? or what?18:11
@fenni have so many tabs open i don't even remember what i have open, so i'm not sure making it easier to switch is oging to help18:12
@fenni really like the idea of tab groups, and unfortunately firefox butchered the implementation18:12
@kanzurefenn: i use firefox's tree style tab to make it easy to read my oepn tabs18:13
@fenntree style tab doesn't fix memory consumption though18:13
@kanzurealso, toomanytabs is supposed to slowly move tabs into bookmarks/cache and remove them from active memory18:13
@fenno rly18:13
@kanzurebut i don't know if that works when you're using windows instead of tabs18:13
@kanzurei might have to fix it, dunno.18:13
jrayhawkuzbl doesn't have a concept of tabs, and works pretty hard to disable the target="_blank" and related friends18:14
@kanzureit also has a weird thing about rows of tabs.. rows are evil.18:14
@kanzure"To SPEED UP your Firefox, when a tab is added to TMT, it is unloaded from browser and its tab state & history are stored in TMT. When you click on a tab, the tab is opened again from disk cache, with tab state & history restored if available; (Please note that the memory freed varies and is subjected to different websites.)"18:14
@kanzureoh that makes it sound like you have to manually click which tabs you want to store..18:15
@fenndamn how did i not find this when i was reading about tab management extensions18:16
@kanzureno it's manual, it's worthless. you'd be better writing your own version.18:16
@fenni'm really not impressed by chrome or firefox lately, compared to how fast midori loads18:17
@fennit's like they forgot about the concept of disk cache and have to reload all the tabs from the internet18:18
@fennnow i just need to be able to save/close entire midori windows18:19
@kanzureITAR reform "I just got a notification that both the house and senate passed a bill to remove satellites and related technology from the USML, subject to restrictions on specific countries. Technology would still be restricted by the department of commerce export list, but that should be slightly less restrictive."18:20
@fennoh i see what you mean about rows.. blegh18:21
@kanzureah nevermind "The bill gave the president back the authority to move satellite related technologies off the USML, with congressional approval...which could take a while."18:21
@fennobama doesn't give a shit about space development18:21
@kanzureyeah i missed the second part, sorry. move along.18:21
@fennmaybe it will make a difference when marshall brain gets elected :P18:22
@kanzurei'm pretty sure he's busy smoking cigars made of hundred dollar bills with his family18:22
@fenndoes tmt for chrome sync with tmt for firefox?18:26
@kanzureunlikely. when i looked they didn't seem to be the same thing.18:26
@kanzure"Features: Bird's eye view of all opened tabs" why would i want that. i just want tabs to go away and magically come back.18:27
@kanzure"Import tabs data from TooManyTabs for Firefox" what. that's bizarre.18:27
@fennnot bizarre18:29
@fennchrome is faster at js18:29
@kanzurethis is just not what i remembered. maybe there was another chrome extension with the same name.18:29
@fennbut lacking in extension configurability18:30
@fennso if you want to change colors (the right way) use firefox. if you want to do heavy duty map browsing use chrome18:30
@kanzureon an unrelated note, it would be nice to be able to manipulate the dom in a window from the command line, instead of using the webkit inspector.18:31
@fennyeah. there's no way to do that?18:31
@fennusing dbus or something18:31
@kanzureat the moment it doesn't exist.18:31
@fennwell seems i'm not the first person to think of using dbus, but none of it went anywhere18:33
@kanzureit would be nice to do things like "browser tab-identifier javascript <js to inject goes here>(or files or stdin support)" and "browser tab-identifier assets" to list loaded remote resources18:33
@kanzurewhy would you say dbus in this case?18:33
@fennit's the modern popular inter process communication layer18:33
@fennon linux at last18:33
@kanzurei'm aware of what it is but wouldn't that mean i have to write lots of C++ to get webkit to work on this18:34
@fennit's the "browser tab-identifier" part of the string18:34
@fennno dbus messages can be sent from the shell18:34
@kanzuremy first thought would be "write a line of javascript that gets injected into a page, then the shell command talks to the server that the javascript tag is talking to"18:34
@fennit worked great for konqueror 2 years ago18:34
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@kanzure"extract all URIs from konqueror using dbus" well that's fucking neat18:35
@kanzurei can't find anything about this18:36
@fennthere was a gui browser for navigating the tree of available resources18:37
@fennthis is how i made a new window magically appear: dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=`qdbus org.kde.konqueror* | head -n 1` /KonqMain org.kde.Konqueror.Main.openBrowserWindow string:"$*" array:byte:18:37
@kanzuremaking a new window appears in other browsers is just "google-chrome http://whatever/"18:38
@fennwell that wasn't a feature back then18:38
@fenn(and there was no such thing as google chrome then)18:38
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@kanzureoh.. this is for javascript to get access to the dbus, but not the other way around?18:41
@fenni guess you could have your js constantly polling some command file to see if it's been written to18:42
@fenni just figured there would be some hook in the webkit implementation already that you could call18:43
@kanzurei would probably use a websocket to talk to a server that is running as a daemon18:43
@kanzureor whatever weinre does like on http://debug.phonegap.com/18:44
@fennwhat's the goal here?18:44
@kanzureless awful web development by using a command line instead of a gui to debug html/css/javascript18:44
@fennso basically you want a js console18:45
@kanzureand access to other browser things18:46
@kanzurelike session cookies18:47
@kanzure(which you can get through other means obviously, but shuttup)18:47
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nmz787what was that command you wanted me to type in cyanogenmod?21:00
@kanzurelsmod | grep net21:00
nmz787not there21:01
@kanzurek that sucks21:01
@kanzuremeans you don't have iptables21:01
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nmz787time you make a firewall app with iptables and sell it for a dollar21:02
@kanzureiptables requires the netfilter module to be installed21:02
@kanzureoops i mean it requires the netfilter module to be compiled into the kernel21:03
@kanzure.. i think.21:03
@kanzurejrayhawk: please check my ignorance21:03
@kanzurebecause it looks like i don't currently have netfilter running btu i know iptables is. so that can't be right.21:07
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@fennoh dont remind me21:37
@fennthere were only 5 applicants?21:38
abetusk6th is the SparkFun tour?21:38
abetuskAh, maybe they gave it to SparkFun because there were only 5 applicants?21:38
abetuskYou're not a fan of the grant?21:39
@fennuh. i was thinking about applying but didn't have my shit together21:39
@fennsparkfun is a business, why do they need a grant?21:39
abetuskoh, too bad.  What was your project?21:39
abetuskFor the tour that they're putting on21:40
abetuskThe link is to the kickstarter page21:40
@kanzurethat doesn't answer the question21:40
@kanzureyes i'm aware that sparkfun was running a kickstarter campaign21:40
@kanzurebut don't they make piles of cash?21:40
@fennyeah they charge $15 for a character LCD module21:40
abetuskDo you really think being in the kit selling business is lucrative?21:41
@fenndon't tell me it costs $10 to stuff it in a cute red cardboard box21:41
abetuskThey do a lot of development...21:41
abetuskDon't understand where the hate is coming from21:41
@fennit just seems sort of weird to ask your customers for money to take your business on tour21:42
@fennfor reference i bought a brand new LCD module from hong kong for $221:42
abetuskfenn, no, I undertand, and I try and do most of my shopping through ebay, aliexpress, etc. for precisely that reason.  But paying $15 for an LCD screen that is known to be working, has a datasheet, has documentation and effectively has a warranty behind it is worth $13 to some people21:44
abetuskworth the $13 extra I mean to say21:45
@fenni wish all their products had documentation and example code21:45
@fennas far as businesses and especially startups go, sparkfun is pretty responsible and communicative to their customers21:46
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@fennbut i can't see their tour as anything more than a sparkfun-promotion tour21:47
abetuskI'm all for supporting those guys, but it seems like it was teaching pre-teens how to solder.  Not my idea of a good time21:49
abetuskfenn, if you don't mind me asking, what was the project you were going to submit?21:49
@fenni've been to their soldering tent at maker faire etc, and it's nothing like real electrical engineering.21:49
@fennit's learning how to use the kits, which admittedly is where electrical engineering is headed..21:49
@fenni've got a large number of possible projects21:50
@fennwyolum took down their application guidelines so i dont know which one fit best21:50
abetuskI think the idea is to get people interested in electronics, rather than teaching electronics.  Making electronics "accessible"21:50
@fennlooking at what got funded, the wearable chording keyboard would have been a good fit21:50
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juri_kanzure: the project the biohacking group here is working on is micro electrode arrays.21:52
abetuskI've wanted one of those for a while21:52
@fennor a wrist accelerometer activity logger, quite similar to the logger on there electronically, but miniaturized21:53
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abetuskI'm waiting for small, cheap, low power GPS so you can put a position logger on it as well21:55
@fennanyway basis is (finally) out so you can go blow $300 on that if you're into that sort of thing21:55
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@fennlooks like anool (the guy behind wyolum) sells electronics testing and measuring equipment as his business22:01
@fennlow power gps would be nice22:03
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@fennmybasis.com an accelerometer pulse and gsr logger, aimed at hip young fitness enthusiasts22:08
@fenni still dont know what sort of data is possible to get off the thing, despite knowing several people who work there22:09
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@fennpff none of the hardware people are on the "team" page22:12
@fennkanzure did you ever meat jean rintoul? http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=1721939322:25
@kanzureno and the only entry i have is you mentioning him 2011-07-1922:27
@kanzureah we were talking with kevin kelly22:27
@fennyeah there were a lot of people there22:30
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@fennincluding nmz787?22:30
@fenni never did look at cytoscape-web22:31
@kanzurei'm p. sure he was driving you around22:31
@fennwell this is why i keep this log, to remember these important details :P22:32
@fennhrm cytoscape is flash22:33
@fennthat's disappointing22:33
@kanzureoops, correction.. jean rintoul is also in my incidence collision detection system as being somehow associated with diybio.22:34
@fennwhat the hell does "Cytoscape Web is a Flash component with a Javascript API." mean22:34
@kanzureit probably means it exposes some javascript functions22:35
@fennwhy isnt it just javascript? wah.22:35
@kanzurein the dark ages (2001) i fancied myself an actionscript expert22:36
@kanzure<--- deep shame22:36
@kanzureback then i think it was called flash 422:37
@fennhow funny is it that the demo doesn't work22:38
@fennthe viget.com thing22:38
@fennit tries to contact airbrake.io but nothing happens22:39
@fennfucking "designers"22:39
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juri_kanzure: we should all get the oportunity to become wise enough to be embarassed at the things we did when we were young.23:47
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