
--- Log opened Mon Dec 24 00:00:09 2012
qu-bitkanzure: that's uh00:21
qu-bithow can they buy a grape compound?00:21
@fenngenetically engineered bacteria to produce it can be patented00:22
qu-bitbut then it'd be a patent for that specific method of production00:22
qu-bitkanzure: that was missing a plural signifier00:23
@fenni know about mozilla's sync00:23
qu-bitdoesn't cache tabs?00:24
@fenntabs in tab sets remain in RAM00:24
qu-bitincrease your pagefile?00:24
@fenneverything bogs down nonetheless00:24
qu-bitlightweight firefox?00:25
@fennwhat does that mean00:25
@fennfennec? give me a break00:25
qu-bitalternative gecko browser00:25
@fennyes i am using midori now00:26
@fennstill too many tabs though00:26
qu-bithave you tried tab groups?00:27
qu-bityou can dump tabs into the background00:27
@fennyes, that's what i meant by "tab sets"00:27
@fennit's a terribly primitive interface and doesn't work for a large number of tabs00:28
@fennyou can't even make sets of sets00:28
@fenni don't like firefox's trend toward reinventing the wheel either00:29
qu-bitin what sense?00:29
@fennthe window borders in the tab group interface00:29
qu-bittheme independent00:30
qu-bitnot the most attractive grabbers00:30
@fenni dont care if it's attractive, the fact that they wrote a new system in the first place means something it wrong00:31
qu-bitdoesn't use gtk?00:31
@fennsure, gtk, wx, whatever00:31
@fennff doesn't use gtk for its native chrome does it?00:31
@fennanyway, they could at least have used the firefox chrome00:32
qu-bitor uh00:35
@fenngoing in circles now00:37
qu-bitbeen there?00:46
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@kanzurefenn: looks like we should just put ourselves on repeat10:06
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juri_happy biohacking holiday.10:54
juri_hack the planet('s residents)!10:54
eudoxiashould transhumanists celebrate christmas, the holiday of a terminally future-shocked tribal mythology?11:05
jrayhawkit's also the holiday of dumping giant piles of money into technology research institutions11:22
jrayhawkbiotech is not well-represented there, i suppose11:37
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@kanzurefenn: what was wrong with implicitcad again?11:58
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strangewarpoh god12:53
strangewarpI just realized one of my commit messages is "updated resume" when it should be "updated readme"12:53
* strangewarp github walk of shame12:53
jrayhawkyou can rewrite that commit and non-fast-forward update13:12
jrayhawkgit push +master:master or --force or what have you13:12
jrayhawkno one must know13:12
@kanzurewhat does the + do there?13:15
TRGwhat is commit?13:18
not_unoriginalit replaces your pineal with a CCD13:19
TRGnobody is touching my pineal13:22
jrayhawk+ is "allow non-fsat-forwards"13:22
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strangewarpmeh, I'll just leave it. Going to be updating every item in that repo soon anyway, so it won't show on the main page. And it has no followers anyway13:29
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eudoxiastrangewarp are those hole/scratches sort of things on your site supposed to look like letters i can't figure out14:03
eudoxiaor is it just a placeholder?14:03
strangewarpIt's just a placeholder. Little symbols cropped from a larger code-art image I might use as an album-cover later.14:04
strangewarpThanks for reminding me about my website - I've got to remember to do a bit of bare-bones webdesign to redirect to my Soundcloud and Bandcamp, once I've released some music.14:05
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@kanzurei'm not convinced this is practical http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/41/USS_Langley_%28CV-1%29.jpg17:23
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jrayhawkhttp://diyhpl.us/sympa/arc/diyhplus-admin hooray things are ostensibly working20:21
@fennis the bobblehead really necessary?20:23
jrayhawkbaloneymonsters are obligatory for all websites20:24
jrayhawkit is a crime for a website not to have a baloneymonster20:24
jrayhawkwho was it that actually wanted something forumish20:28
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jrayhawki have no real opinions on how community building should go, so i feel like i should empower someone who actually cares20:29
strangewarpThat was Steel2, I think, but he seems to have disappeared20:31
jrayhawki think it was someone more recently than that20:32
jrayhawkeudoxia, probably20:32
@kanzureno, eudoxia is the one that wants mediawiki20:35
@kanzureis this piny integrated20:38
@kanzure"This button trys to protect the mailing lists archives against address harvesting by a Spammer." this is a dumb feature20:39
jrayhawk12:41 < kirka> Well, about MNT:20:41
jrayhawk12:41 < kirka> There should be a forum20:41
jrayhawkah, there it is20:41
@kanzuregoogle groups has been trying to make itself look like a forum with its recent updates, except the ui is now even worse than phpbb/vbulletin/whatever.20:41
@kanzuremailman has the ultimate ui for email archives, except it doesn't usually provide bulk downloads for all months :\20:42
jrayhawkI thought the UI was commands over mail anyway20:42
jrayhawkoh i thought it did20:42
@kanzureit provides it per-month20:42
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jrayhawkhuh, weird20:49
jrayhawkthe exclusion of those is actually fairly arbitrary and i don't understand why they did it20:50
jrayhawkoh well, still easy to get to from a shell, at least20:50
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jrayhawkoh i guess pipermail sterilizes it a bit20:59
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jrayhawkkanzure: that spambot protection thing is optional21:02
jrayhawkkanzure: also no, not piny integrated. if you have requests in that regard, let me know.21:15
jrayhawkthat was on my list of things to do, but i never got around to it21:15
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@fennhttp://examine.com is an interesting compendium of data on supplements and nootropics21:36
@fenni wonder how they managed to get that domain name21:36
@kanzureRecord created on: 1996-09-05 04:00:0021:37
strangewarpmmmm drunk hardware hacking21:39
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JayDugger"http://examine.com is an interesting compendium of data on supplements and nootropics", Thanks.21:54
strangewarpI own an even shorter domain name, but mine kind of sucks, and doesn't have anything interesting on it yet21:56
@fennthey do a somewhat cursory examination of the literature, for example in the faq "can you eat too much protein?" they cite campbell's rat study showing that rats fed more protein have more tumors (when exposed to aflatoxin) despite the fact that they lived longer22:01
@fennthey don't mention that the rats lived longer, only that "cancer increased"22:02
@fennso take it with a grain of dead sea salt22:02
jrayhawki assume he welcomes contributions!22:31
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jrayhawkalso IIRC the rats living longer was only in some of the experiments; the lack of distinction made between stage 1/stage 2 liver detox was also pretty manipulative, though22:32
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jrayhawkfenn: http://blog.cholesterol-and-health.com/2012/12/my-new-article-on-nutrient-synergy-is.html you might like this22:36
jrayhawkerr, http://www.westonaprice.org/vitamins-and-minerals/beyond-good-and-evil22:36
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JayDuggerI should have thought of this earlier. Anyone here know of an online tool for drawing DFAs and NFAs?22:37
JayDuggerI'd also welcome tools for doing so in LaTeX.22:38
@kanzurewhy do none of the standard option parsers support shit like "git remote add" and "git remote rm".. is nesting really that alien?22:38
@kanzurehelp i think i've fallen into the eleventh dimenson22:39
JayDuggerThere's a pun on cuckoos somewhere in that, though I can't quite find it.22:39
@kanzureoh.. git uses which to just select a different command? isn't that cheating..22:39
@kanzurei don't seem to have git-remote on my $PATH. so it can't be doing that?22:41
jrayhawkJayDugger: I don't know much about the problemspace; best I can offer is graphviz22:41
jrayhawkkanzure: dpkg -L git | grep lib22:42
JayDuggerThanks, jrayhawk. I'm trying to avoid learning yet another tool, but graphviz keeps coming up in the answers.22:42
@kanzureJayDugger: bloodgraph used to host an online instance of graphviz, if you're lucky it's still up22:43
jrayhawkthe diyhpl.us wikis support graphviz22:43
@kanzurewho came up with that plan to organize git like that22:44
@kanzureit seems like a non-obvious choice to start with22:44
jrayhawkexample: http://piny.be/ahl/architecture/ with source of https://secure.piny.be/cgit/ahl/tree/architecture.mdwn22:44
@kanzureit works well but i don't see anything else using that pattern22:44
jrayhawkoh, no, i guess i am lying22:46
jrayhawkOriginally all that crap was in /usr/bin/, but for some reason it was decided to hide the plumbing to break competing frontends.22:51
jrayhawkthere are still some people bitter about the loss of cogito22:51
@kanzurethat must have been recent, i remember typing out dashed commands at some point and them working22:52
jrayhawkIt's been a few years, at least.22:52
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--- Log closed Tue Dec 25 00:00:10 2012

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