
--- Log opened Wed Dec 26 00:00:11 2012
-!- joshcryer [g@unaffiliated/joshcryer] has quit []00:28
chido...TALENs are my thesis topic, I just found out about a week ago01:38
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@103-9-42-1.flip.co.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]01:38
chidoI always sleep through the most interesting discussions in here, damn01:38
@fenni dont get it. why are they better than say, zinc finger nuclease? is it just the extra specificity?01:54
chidoI only found out about their existence a week ago, so to be honest I don't get it much either so far02:11
chidoask me in a few weeks :)02:11
juri_kanzure: i valgrind everything thats C, as well.02:38
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:50
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-!- EnLilaSko [~Nattzor@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:46
-!- Zimmeri [~Zimmeri@] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:02
Zimmerihow do i go about designing a automotive production facility using KUKA robotics?06:03
Zimmerican someone give me some leads? i am lost.06:03
juri_Ive been trying to 3d print automotive parts, but not with much success yet.06:07
ZimmeriKUKA 6 axis robotic arms for06:09
Zimmeriproduction of... well, anything really06:09
Zimmerinot that it could be built, but one needs a proper business plan in order to raise the funding right?06:10
Zimmeriso im trying to make a layout for a facility using KUKA robotics06:10
Zimmerifacility production process..06:10
ZimmeriProcess Design & Simulation06:11
Zimmeriprocess plant layout...06:11
Zimmeritool& equipment design..06:11
Zimmerimanufacturing engineering etc etc...06:11
Zimmeriif anyone has an entire automobile production facility design06:12
Zimmeriplease share06:12
juri_hah. ;)06:12
juri_please share with me, as well.06:13
-!- strages_home [~strages@] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]06:13
juri_I'm a 3d printer eek, working on 3d printing esoteric materials for automotives (carbon fiber), and working on printing liquids containing cells for organ production.06:13
Zimmeriim thinking of mass production assembly line - not just parts of automotives but06:14
Zimmerifrom scratch06:15
Zimmerito the very end processes...06:15
Zimmeriif only i can get hands on assembly plantations design06:15
Zimmeripreviously made by someone06:15
Zimmerii could understand the process of manufacturing much easier06:16
juri_i can tell you that designs like that are typically done in ansys.06:17
juri_thats about it.06:18
Zimmerii see06:26
Zimmerithanks ill look into it...06:26
@fennZimmeri: talk to alex_joni06:35
@fennyou may need to register to use /msg, otherwise join #emc06:37
@fennhe's probably on vacation though, so be patient06:39
Zimmerioh thank you06:41
Zimmeriwho is he?06:44
Zimmeriis he experienced with KUKA machines?06:44
@fenna kuka licensed training tech in romania, mostly welding applications but he would know about the software for sure06:45
-!- EnLilaSko- [~Nattzor@host-85-30-145-65.sydskane.nu] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:45
ZimmeriMy gawd, that is a perfect reference thank you.06:45
-!- EnLilaSko [~Nattzor@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]06:46
@fennZimmeri: http://juve.ro/blog/bio06:48
@fennoh, maybe it was cloos, not kuka06:48
@fennthey are both orange :P06:48
Zimmerii just want to be clear that - i am making this presentation based on 100 M funding it could be bestowed06:50
Zimmeriof $15 M spent on a different stand-alone facility in just Prototypes & Simulation06:50
Zimmeri$75 M in the mass production assembly line...06:50
juri_then tell them that automotives as they are are dead; 3d printing and open source iwll kill it in 20 years.06:50
Zimmeriif the investment comes back in 10 years, it doesn't matter whether technology surpasses the investment.06:51
Zimmeriin 20 years.06:51
juri_good reasoning.06:51
Zimmeriit's about profit right now.06:51
Zimmeri5M goes toward the dedication of commercialization of the products06:52
Zimmerijust a building -06:52
Zimmerifor networking through politics...06:52
Zimmerimore like dealing/trading than sales. this route is faster through politics.06:52
* fenn goes back to television06:52
Zimmeribut im not lying :P06:53
Zimmeriim on charge of it.06:53
Zimmerito make a presentation lol06:53
Zimmeriand recruitment. anyone want to work with me?06:53
juri_i'm ready to do anything to advance the cause of free software, free hardware, and freedom in general. ;P06:54
Zimmerilet us free the under-privilegd nations06:54
Zimmeritee hee hee06:54
juri_that said, i question your ability to sell something, given your display here on irc. ;)06:54
Zimmeriof their.... lack of06:54
Zimmericreativity and access to technology06:55
Zimmeriwhat am i trying to sell though?06:55
Zimmeriim trying to get something06:55
Zimmeriand that is information06:55
Zimmerithats all06:55
Zimmeribut im not luring anyone of anything06:55
Zimmeriim just asking help~06:55
juri_you're trying to sell your idea as worth someones effort, to get the information for you. ;)06:55
Zimmeriand that was indeed a mistake.06:56
Zimmeriwhy i said i just wanted to learn in the first place06:56
@fennwhy don't you just go tour a plant? or talk to the automotive engineering department at just about any university? i'm confused why you're here at all06:57
Zimmeriim at waterloo uni right now06:57
Zimmerithat's my second option06:57
Zimmerii dont want to move around in this cold. lol06:58
@fennhah okay06:58
Zimmeriand im hoping i could grab someone to work with in the mechanical engineering field06:58
Zimmerii've been previously "acquainted" with mr.bishop before here.06:58
Zimmeribut given that he doesn't like people in general, i think he wants to be involved in his own project.s06:59
@fenni think it's more the realization of the futility of business as usual06:59
@fennand the ineffectiveness of online communities07:00
@fennit's a miracle if we can just get documentation written, much less launch a new civilization07:00
Zimmeriindeed, but if i've been previously funded 100M already for a biotech related project in the field of geriatrics,07:01
Zimmerii think i should be taken seriously.07:01
juri_matters. did you get anything accomplished?07:01
Zimmerithis is the second phase for me, with helping of development of economy - of a micro nation.07:02
Zimmerimechanical engineering. :)07:02
@fennyou must be juls, yes?07:02
@fennhm, no you don't capitalize your sentences.07:03
@fennanyway, what was this geriatrics project? i might have heard of it07:03
@fennat least the general idea would be helpful07:04
Zimmeristem cells. rejuvenation. regenerative meds.07:04
Zimmerii cant talk about it. Bryan knows about it,07:05
Zimmeribut for some reason he doesnt want to talk to me.07:05
@fennthere seem to be a lot of people running around with millions in potential investment07:06
Zimmerifor what purpose i dont know.07:06
Zimmerifenn what is your -07:07
Zimmerido you think you can help me in a dedicated manner - with this making of presentation07:07
Zimmeriif so, we can work with you.07:07
Zimmeriim at least allowed to hire one person in the company.07:08
Zimmerii need this person to be networked/knowledgeable in the field though.07:08
@fennwell, i've never set up a factory if that's what you're asking07:08
Zimmeriit doesnt have to be you, yourself personally.07:08
Zimmeriit's the knowledge to use people surrounding you, or connecting to the places - to get that information completed.07:09
Zimmeriand be able to manage things being able to understand what they are doing, maybe not in a molecular level, but a manageable, directing level. lol07:09
Zimmeriwhere is bishop anyway07:10
Zimmerii can tell you my projects in detail fenn if you are up for it07:12
Zimmeriin msg.07:12
@fennsigh. okay.07:12
* juri_ sticks her tongue out (and her finger up) at secrecy. :)07:33
@fenneh its boring financial stuff07:33
* juri_ nods.07:34
juri_still, secrets are bad, mmmkay?07:34
-!- eudoxia_ [c828557a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:34
eudoxia_fenn, where any of the skdb tools like agimme or apkg ever written?07:34
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@fennno, we did some experiments with generic dependency resolution and graph traversal stuff, but it didnt really go anywhere07:36
@fenni got distracted with finding/formatting data sources07:36
@fennspecifically what the schema should look like07:37
eudoxia_kanzure said cad was the main stumbling block07:37
@fennsort of07:38
@fennwith existing cad tools it's impossible to tie metadata to actual features in the data07:38
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@103-9-42-1.flip.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:38
@fennand thus it's impossible to do any sort of automated reasoning07:38
@fennlike, does tab A fit in slot B07:38
eudoxia_i thought it was something like that07:39
@fennbut that doesn't tell you if it's possible to manufacture tab A with machine C07:39
@fennso there's this whole other problem of specifying a machine's parameters, what processes it is capable of, and so on07:39
eudoxia_so it's not enough with saying machine C can weld, you have to say it can only weld pieces up to x or y made of a or b07:41
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/commit/?id=86f56793 fenn: sample wet lab inventory, unformatted08:37
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/skdb/commit/?id=79076ba6 fenn: dimensions of the two standard containers i use; ideally this would be in a package but here for now08:37
-!- Charlie [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:40
@fennhow is that nick not registered already08:40
-!- Charlie is now known as Guest3238508:41
-!- chevbird [~chevbird@pool-108-34-246-28.prvdri.fios.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:41
Zimmeriwiat fenn, the OTEC idea, do you think it can be made in a small scale with say $5M to 10M08:45
Zimmerior less?08:45
Zimmerito run the KUKA machines hoping for a power source as abundant as you mention08:46
Zimmeribtw, we are building it on an island surrounded by ocean water so08:46
Zimmericould be useful08:50
Zimmeriok ill look into that08:56
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@kanzure"meetlog.txt" E514: write error (file system full?)09:40
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Zimmerii got it. i just need to follow tecnomatix09:52
Zimmerikanzure, im making a presentation on building a manufacturing plantation to get another 100 million in funding.09:53
Zimmeriwith KUKA robotics.09:53
Zimmeriisnt this your area of expertise?10:00
Zimmerimechanical engineering.10:00
Zimmerijoin kanzure.10:08
Zimmerijoin me in conquering this world! ahahahaha!10:08
-!- joshcryer [g@unaffiliated/joshcryer] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:31
ThomasEgiZimmeri, in case you get hands on an army of kuka robots. i'd take a smaller 5-axis machine  ;) with controll unit of course10:51
Zimmeriyou pay!10:54
ThomasEgidepends on the price10:54
Zimmerifull price + cost of shipping and service and for the honor of meeting me!10:55
ThomasEgithat's lame. in that case i can get them cheaper on ebay10:57
-!- ArmilusDajjal [~safitan@75-105-12-23.cust.wildblue.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:42
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-!- pasky [~pasky@nikam.ms.mff.cuni.cz] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]12:13
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@kanzureAgeVivo: welcome back12:56
Zimmeri....youu dont welcome me back?12:58
yashgarothdid you leave at some point12:59
chidohey :)13:02
-!- ArmilusDajjal [~safitan@75-105-12-23.cust.wildblue.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]13:04
@kanzurelooks like chrome wont be moving back to vertical tabs any time soon http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=100319#c10913:19
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@kanzureplease leave me alone :(16:40
@kanzureit's been two years, please just stop16:40
Zimmeriyou dont want to talk to me16:40
Zimmeribut why16:40
Zimmerii will stop if you give me a sufficient reason16:40
Zimmerii thought we were at this together -16:41
Zimmerihuman enhancement.16:41
Zimmerican't you see im trying my best and actually succeeding?16:42
Zimmeriwhy don't you help out in that journey - we at same road?16:42
Zimmeriim trying to help you as well, with funding/support - you can become something much higher-16:43
Zimmeribut whats the deal man, is it because all the bullshit stuff we spoke of lol16:44
Zimmeriforget about that, start fresh and be professional.16:44
-!- rainfrog [~swamp@p5B16DA83.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:45
Zimmeriif you believe im lying on anything, i can prove every single thing now16:46
-!- Plazma [~Plazma@freenode/staff/plazma] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:47
Zimmeriim not related to politics any more particularly so there's no complications anywhere too16:48
Zimmerisigh... if that is how you feel i guess i have to abide by it16:49
Zimmeribut i dont understand... it doesn't have to be this way. whatever it is we can talk about it.16:49
joshcryerYou don't go to kanzure, he comes to you. Go do something fabulous that he'd be interested in and he'd (possibly with reluctance) contact you.16:54
ThomasEgiZimmeri, you see... "please just stop" is a sufficient reason. it is the polite request and, unless you are a rude person and forcing your way on other people, should grant that request.16:54
-!- Charlie_ [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:16
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@kanzure"Google does it. They have a team that goes around unplugging network cables and monitoring how fast the engineers can find and fix the problem."18:22
tylergillies#TIL kurzweil works at google18:23
@kanzuretylergillies: please leave reddit out of here18:30
tylergillieskanzure: what?18:30
tylergillieskanzure: i got that info from wikipedia18:30
@kanzure"#TIL" is not from wikipedia.18:30
yashgarothit's some kind of hybrid of reddit and twitter...my god, they're breeding18:30
yashgarothoh whew18:31
tylergillies#TIL #TIL #TIL18:31
@kanzureanyway, we were all really disappointed when that was announced the toher week.18:31
yashgarothso it's just some insane memetic engineers, playing at al gore18:31
@kanzuremaybe google will be able to convince him to go back to working on projects18:32
@kanzurebut i sort of doubt it18:32
* tylergillies is watching "transcendant man" right now18:32
@kanzurewhy would you do that to yourself?18:32
-!- erasmus [~esb@unaffiliated/erasmus] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]18:32
tylergillieskanzure: you're mister positive aren't you? :)18:32
@kanzureyes, but not about ray18:33
tylergillieswhy the hate?18:33
@kanzurehis company is a media/news outlet. that's what he does. he goes around giving talks at conferences. his job is self-promotion.18:33
tylergillieseveryone has their role to play18:34
@kanzurehis transhumanist philosophy is rather weak and doesn't lead to results18:34
@kanzure"let's just wait it out for a 40 years and hope someone solves this problem for me"18:34
@kanzureTSiN was just extropy-chat email archives dumped into a book18:35
@kanzureand his documentary isn't highly informative.. i don't know what you're expecting to get out of it.18:36
tylergillieskanzure: you know amber case and max ogden?18:37
@kanzurei met max 2012-06-1918:38
@kanzureand amber i met 2010-11-1518:38
tylergilliescool. they are pretty good friends of mine :)18:38
yashgarothoh yeah I remember max ogden18:38
tylergillieskanzure: how do you remember the date?18:38
@kanzuretylergillies: quantifiedself.com/2011/08/bryan-bishop-on-meetlog/18:39
@kanzurethe shame! the terrible shame that i can't type a url properly.18:39
tylergillieskanzure: holy shit thats awesome18:39
@kanzurei figured i should keep track of who i meet and what we talk about because maybe it's not completely boring18:39
tylergilliesfrom a business/networking perspective thats brilliant18:40
@kanzurethe original motivation was because i had trouble multiplexing ideas from multiple conversations18:40
@kanzurei think i forgot to tell mom that i was traveling once and it just didn't occur to me until i had left18:41
@kanzureand other such things.18:41
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@kanzureoh geeze, steve coles (grg.org) has been diagnosed with "adenocarcinoma of the head of the pancreas"18:44
Zimmerialright kanzure, i'll leave you alone.18:50
Zimmeribut im still going to hang around the channel18:50
Zimmeriplz dont get in my way of networking w/ other individuals though18:54
Zimmeriremember, we talked about some really immoral things before but that's really just a fantasy ok? dont bother yourself on the reflection of it or toward to me because of that...18:55
* tylergillies is now interested in what Zimmeri is talking about18:57
tylergillieswow theres this magical phenonenon that happens on facebook, where i have 67 mutual friends with someone and i don't even know who they are18:58
Zimmeridespite your choice, i thank you for many things we've discussed and i wish you success.19:03
tylergilliesi said that to my boss when i got fired19:04
tylergillieshe died of cancer 3 years later19:04
tylergilliestreu story19:04
yashgarothlol pwned19:04
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erasmusciao a tutti19:24
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+q Zimmeri!*@*] by kanzure20:00
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@kanzureUser-Agent:  Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)21:29
@kanzureHost:        www.sciencedirect.com21:29
@kanzureguys gnusha's proxy doesn't give you access to sciencedirect21:29
@kanzuredon't bother trying :p21:29
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joshcryerWonder what the license fee for that would be.22:22
JayDuggertylergillies, that's awesome.22:25
@fennhow is someone dying of cancer awesome?22:35
-!- aristarchus [~aristarch@unaffiliated/aristarchus] has quit [Quit: Leaving]22:39
strangewarpsomething something Power Word: Death something something social fantasy22:46
joshcryerWho cares when shitty people die.22:50
joshcryerSee: Steve Jobs.22:50
erasmushe was a terrible person.23:09
erasmushurt so many people.23:09
erasmusparked in handicapped spots all the time23:09
erasmusdidn't think he needed to have license plates.23:09
erasmusthat the rules didn't apply to him23:10
JayDuggerfenn, I suspect you've a fundamentally better nature than I do.23:10
JayDuggerOr a more honest and competent set of co-workers.23:11
JayDuggerAs strangewarp points out, I'll admit that's mostly fantasy.23:12
JayDuggerbut I admit to a quick burst of schadenfreude every time I see certain co-workers doing something bad for their health.23:13
@fennwell, parking in handicapped spots is hardly a crime worthy of the death sentence23:15
@fenndamning someone because "he broke the rules" is not the most progressive philosophy either23:16
@fennand by the time he died, you were no longer being held back by him anyway23:17
@fenn"who cares when shitty people die" is doing nothing to make the world better.. "shitty people" are born (or taught to be that way) at approximately the same rate as they die23:19
@fennmy research on nutrition indicates that a large proportion of destructive behavior is a result of, essentially, birth defects due to malnutrition23:24
@fennon the plus side, it might be possible to correct them to some degree23:25
@fennhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_fallacy seems relevant here23:29
@fennjoshcryer: you claim to be interested in lesswrong but i see no evidence of any attempt to apply rationality to yourself23:29
joshcryerI'm irrational.23:34
@kanzurehuh? joshcryer hasn't claimed to be interested in rationality, just maybe that website.23:35
joshcryerAfter the Ayn Rand thing I've lost all interest in that shitty website.23:36
@kanzureas far as i know, that's 50% of my target goal for you23:36
joshcryerIt's your fault, I only went there because of the controversies you would talk about. I like drama. BTW, I'm irrational.23:37
erasmusyou said that already.23:39
@kanzuremaybe he's on repeat23:39
erasmusstuck in a loop perhaps.23:40
joshcryerEh, people would say drama is irrational, just wanted to subvert it.23:42
erasmusMelancholia was a good movie23:42
erasmusisn't it fun to pretend we are all super smart.23:42
erasmusbrilliant but socially inept23:42
@kanzureno it's not fun to pretend that23:42
erasmusbut perhaps it's the really smart ones who know the truth.23:43
erasmusthat impressing people on irc will get you nowhere.23:43
joshcryerI like to do a reality check on a regular basis and dumb myself down that way if I succeed at something I surprise myself.23:43
@kanzureerasmus: who are you trying to impress?23:43
erasmuskanzure I validate only myself.23:44
erasmusI impress no one.23:44
@kanzurei don't understand why you would bring it up then23:44
erasmusand if I do it's only by accent.23:44
erasmusbring what up?23:44
erasmusmaking the point of proving how useless these debates are?23:45
@kanzurewhat debates?23:45
@kanzurewtf man?23:45
erasmusthese disagreements23:45
@kanzurewhat disagreements?23:45
@fenni might have grazed the 'no philosophy' rule, but it was something that had to be said23:48
@kanzurei am having an exceedingly hard time understanding you. can you take your drama somewhere else maybe?23:48
joshcryerfenn, for what it's worth I simply see no motivation in expending thought on shitty people, but I would agree they have their own little shitty value to them.23:48
erasmuswhat drama?23:49
@fennerasmus: if you have nothing to say but criticisms of the medium itself, take it to a different medium (not here)23:59
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