
--- Log opened Sun Dec 30 00:00:15 2012
-!- wrldpc [~wrldpc@98.sub-70-192-10.myvzw.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:57
wrldpcFrom what I heard about Armstrong no one will get the awards.  They will simply list no winner for those years.01:00
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@kanzurethat's neat.01:05
@kanzurethat means that someone can come along and create a judging committee to award something for those years since all of the top competitors already competed01:06
@kanzurei suppose it's not as exciting to announce the results of a competition in retrospect, though..01:07
bkerosup doodz01:08
@kanzurethey were all doping anyway, so i don't imagine it would be a stretch to convince them that a competition where doping is allowed would be okay01:08
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@fennwoah. "exposure to Mycobacterium vaccae may work as an antidepressant because it stimulates the generation of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain.[4][5] More specifically, it induces the neurogenesis of neurons that produce those two compounds."05:46
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@fenni wonder if this is the jonah lehrer effect again05:49
@fennthere seems to be a patent on the effect06:19
@fenn"the present inventors have also discovered that preparations of Mycobacteria such as M. vaccae can activate specific areas of the brain using previously unknown neural pathways. These novel pathways relay signals of inflammation from the periphery to highly selective areas of the brain. ... Afferent nerves stimulated by methods according to the present invention may be associated with the vagus06:21
@fennnerve, the dorsal root ganglia or other neural pathway."06:21
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@fennthere's a lot of neuroanatomy stuff here i don't know enough about to say whether it's important or not06:28
@fennsame patent, different viewer http://www.google.com/patents?id=cLaFAAAAEBAJ&dq=%22Treatment+of+conditions+of+the+central+nervous+system+using+mycobacteria%2206:31
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@fenntoo bad there's no peer reviewed scientific article06:34
@fennnice picture of a dorsal root ganglion http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:DRG_Chicken_e7.jpg06:44
chidothanks for a nice desktop background :)06:45
@fennmy current desktop: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Antarctic_krill_(Euphausia_superba).jpg06:48
chidoaaaw now I can't decide... but I like b/w images06:49
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chidoI had this for months now http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/092/5/a/winter_delay_by_kvasilchuk-d4urdly.jpg06:51
@fenncool i should have read the image caption before, it's from this http://www.ecoscope.com/krill/index.htm06:52
@fennnice photo, but i wish it were shooting lightning bolts06:52
chidoI just imagine it does06:53
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@fennwow that "virtual microscope" goes all the way down to the single cell level (at least in the eye)06:57
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nmz787kanzure: how do i change the last commit comment for a certain file?12:38
@kanzuregit commit --ammend12:38
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@kanzureuh except imagine i can spell12:39
nmz787but uhh, how do I know what is in the git repo?12:40
@kanzuregit status12:40
nmz787i have the code directory autocommitting12:41
@kanzurethis is a good time to experiment with squishing commits together12:41
nmz787but in the autocommit script i also rm -f *.o12:41
@kanzuregit rebase --interactive12:41
nmz787but i think git is picking up the o files12:41
@kanzureecho "*.o" >> .gitignore12:41
@kanzuregit add .gitignore12:41
@kanzurethis makes git ignore your .o files and not commit them12:42
browniesi would not recommend beginners to experiment with rebase, tbh.12:43
@kanzurehe's doing something crazy12:43
@kanzurehe wrote some script to monitor changes to his directory12:43
@kanzureand he autocommits each time a file is changed12:43
@kanzureso he has tons of useless commits12:43
nmz787how would i ignore all .o files?12:43
browniesgood god why?12:44
@kanzuregit rebase --interactive lets him squish commits together12:44
@kanzurebrownies: no fucking clue dude12:44
nmz787since i'm using git add --all12:44
@kanzurenmz787: echo "*.o" >> .gitignore12:44
nmz787everytime it autocommits12:44
@kanzuregit add respects .gitignore rules12:44
browniesthe real advice is to stop autocommitting.12:44
@kanzurebrownies: yes, we were talking about this yesterday. i can't figure out why he wants to autocommit.12:46
nmz787so i dont have to gid add .gitignore12:46
nmz787everytime i autocommit?12:46
browniesjust once.12:46
@kanzureactually you don't have to add .gitignore ever12:46
nmz787so i dont add it or not?12:46
@kanzurebut if you want other people who clone your repository to have the same .gitignore.. then you have to add it.12:46
browniesset aside the pedantry and just add it.12:46
@kanzure(that includes yourself)12:46
@kanzurewhen you add a file that just means that it will appear in the next commit12:47
nmz787so she typed git add .git ignore12:47
nmz787do i have to remove .git somehow?12:47
* brownies facepalms12:47
@kanzuregit reset --hard HEAD^12:48
nmz787wtf does that do?12:48
browniescould just do HEAD and not HEAD^ i'm pretty sure.12:48
@kanzurebtw since you're already autocommitting i bet .gitignore is already in the logs -_-12:48
browniesHEAD^ might be one too far.12:48
@kanzureno, HEAD is your current commit.12:48
@kanzureHEAD^ gets you back to the previous one.12:49
@kanzureoh you're right sorry12:49
nmz787why do i need to do that?12:49
nmz787.git doesnt exist12:49
nmz787so would add even have worked?12:49
@kanzureyou mean you're not in a git repository?12:49
@kanzurels -la12:49
brownieswell there's HEAD and staging area, so he just needs to go back to HEAD12:49
@kanzuredo you see .git?12:49
nmz787ok i did the reset12:51
nmz787yeah .git dir was there12:51
@kanzurecheck "git status" to see if things look okay12:51
nmz787yeah nothing to commit12:51
nmz787so now i should rebase?12:51
@kanzurels -la to check if .gitignore is there12:51
nmz787i re-echoed it12:51
nmz787and then said git add .gitignore12:52
@kanzuregit commit and type a fancy commit message about how much you like .gitignore12:52
@kanzurethen you will start your journey of learning about git rebase --interactive12:52
nmz787nothing to commit12:52
nmz787it must have autocommitted12:52
@kanzureok i bet your autocommitter autocommitted12:52
nmz787so can't i just type git remove .git12:53
nmz787to make sure12:53
nmz787it isn't being versioned12:53
@kanzure.git is not being versioned, you're fine. git is smarter than that.12:54
nmz787can i just delete .git and then say git init?12:55
@kanzureno that would delete all of your commit history12:55
@kanzureit's fine the way it is12:55
nmz787well would it make sure it's not broken in the future tho12:55
nmz787the code is working now12:55
@kanzureit's not broken, we already confirmed that12:55
nmz787well i may have needed to go back several revisions12:55
nmz787you said HEAD^12:55
nmz787but i may have needed to go bac one more12:56
nmz787since there was git add .git ignore12:56
nmz787then i think git add .gitignore12:56
@kanzuregit add .git ignore did nothing12:56
nmz787then i issued git --hard HEAD^12:56
@kanzurei was just worrying unnecessarily12:56
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nmz787rebase says it needs a branch12:57
browniessee how many bad things happen when you autocommit -_-12:58
@kanzuregit rebase --interactive master12:58
nmz787see how bad things happen when the software doesn't autocommit as a feature12:58
@kanzurealso if you don't have a favorite editor setup you will probably be thrown into nano12:59
@kanzureif you don't want nano then you should set your eidtor12:59
@kanzureexport EDITOR="vim"12:59
nmz787so its aksing me for a command12:59
nmz787s for squahs?13:00
@kanzuresquash = use commit, but meld into previous commit13:00
nmz787thats what i should use?13:00
@kanzuresquash will merge multiple autocommits into a single commit13:01
@kanzurethis is handy for cleaning up your version history and making it more meaningful to yourself/readers13:01
nmz787i see, i could have said HEAD~50 to dothe last 50 commits13:02
nmz787but master will do all?13:02
@kanzuremaster will let you choose all13:03
@kanzurebut you might only change one or two lines, it's up to you13:03
@kanzureiirc at the very bottom of the file there should be an explanation13:03
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@fennvim-like mplayer interface to youtube etc: https://github.com/intnull/videotop13:10
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@kanzure"Lipitor for high cholesterol ($1,500 a year), Zyprexa for schizophrenia ($7,000 a year) or Avastin for cancer ($50,000 a year)"14:03
@kanzure"Alexion Pharmaceutical's Soliris, at $409,500 a year, is the world's single most expensive drug. This monoclonal antibody drug treats a rare disorder in which the immune system destroys red blood cells at night. The disorder, paroxysymal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH), hits 8,000 Americans."14:04
@kanzureso uh.. a monoclonal antibody is pretty easy to make in the scheme of things (compared to other crazy drugs).14:04
yashgarothcompared to non-antibody protein drugs14:05
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@kanzureit could be a clinic called "Last Resort"14:06
@kanzureyashgaroth: you think you could replicate that antibody work for <$100k?14:07
yashgarothsure, but everyone on soliris gets it via insurance anyway14:08
@kanzurehuh? not everyone has insurance.14:08
yashgarothyeah but then they die14:08
@kanzureand government assistance usually takes a while to get coverage (or maybe not? maybe there's an accelerated processing thing)14:08
@kanzurei mean, in the 3 months that it takes to get government assistance for the $1000/day drug, surely you'd rpobably die?14:09
@kanzureR. Pobably14:09
yashgarothalexion's entire staff nowadays is sales reps who hunt down people with the disorder and get them coverage14:09
yashgarothand people finding ways to spend their piles of cash14:09
@kanzureah so people without coverage are not dying14:09
@kanzurefind me a drug where uncovered people would die before the govt accepts their application14:09
yashgarothwell there's also whether people in other countries have access to soliris, or whether it's even approved there14:10
@kanzurei doubt there's diagnostics where it matters14:10
@kanzure"oh obviously you need soliris"14:10
@kanzuresays the man wearing only one leaf...14:10
@kanzureok i guess it's not fair to assume non-US docs are underinformed14:11
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@kanzureoh right the pharma companies usually offer assistance14:12
@kanzurei don't understand the 'hunt them down and get them coverage' thing.. why would an insurance company accept a $300k/year cost?14:12
yashgarothbecause that's what insurance is for14:12
yashgarothhemophiliacs have a similarly insane yearly cost, and there's a lot more of them14:13
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@kanzuremaybe i don't understand insurance then14:13
@kanzureregardless of the upcoming 2014 pre-existing condition changes,14:14
@kanzurean insurance company can't reject a hemophiliac at the moment?14:14
yashgarothnot until they require genome sequencing upon enrollment in 1-3 years14:14
yashgarothdon't ask me on specifics, I don't even have health insurance14:14
@kanzureyou might want to consider it14:15
yashgarothsurely my company will provide it in a few months :/14:15
yashgarothI think that 400k pricetag is similar to adderall - they cut discounts for insurance companies and hardship cases, very few actually pay full price14:16
@kanzurei have health insurance but i pay full price for adderall anyway14:16
@kanzureit's worth it and i earn 100x more income usingi t14:16
@kanzure*using it14:16
yashgarothheh fair enough14:16
@kanzurepatient assistance programs by manufacturers is weird. "we'll give it to you for free but eventually we'll stop providing it"14:26
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brownieswhen all these manufacturing/hardware startups say "we need $X0,000 for tooling and setup"15:44
brownieswhat the hell is "tooling and setup" ?15:44
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@kanzurethis looks sorta useless but maybe it will help http://www.toolingu.com/definition-950140-54648-tooling-cost.html15:48
@kanzure"tooling cost: The cost to buy or build new tools or to revise older tools to make a specific product. This can be a direct or indirect cost, though most companies view it as indirect."15:49
@kanzurei mean, pretty standard definition.15:49
@kanzurehere's some examples from forging.. https://www.forging.org/design/332-tooling-costs15:50
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browniesintriguing. that forging look is useful.16:00
@kanzurei don't actually know how maintenance gets factored into the accounting16:01
@kanzurebut you don't usually run the tools into the ground because your production line would stop..16:01
browniespresumably you'd stop long before you run the tools into the ground, because the output would start to vary outside your error tolerance16:04
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DoYouKnowanyone here ever succeed in growing brazil nuts in an exported country?17:33
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DoYouKnowI'm trying to figure out the best place to buy fresh brazil nuts that are still viable17:34
DoYouKnowI'm looking at this page: http://www.ehow.com/how_6457521_germinate-brazil-nuts.html17:38
DoYouKnowbased on all the similar pages on ehow that seem to contradict, I'm wondering about its legitimacy17:39
DoYouKnowand other pages elsewhere17:39
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DoYouKnowas I understand it, it's hit or miss with them17:51
DoYouKnowI don't know of any resources on the topic... if there's a way to calculate the percentage of viability based on x days dry and out of the fruit, I'd be interested in hearing it17:57
@kanzureehh.. http://genomealberta.ca/livestock/farmer-to-biohackers-want-to-team-up.aspx17:58
@kanzure"Cruver, while proudly seeking organic status for his first offshore shellfish farm in federal waters, is open to suggestions from biohackers on how to improve shellfish farming further in a completely green, socially responsible, and profitable way."17:58
@kanzurei don't understand what this has to do with biohackers.. why doesn't he just ask for employees?17:58
DoYouKnowkanzure: why does everything have to be so black and white with you?18:01
DoYouKnowhow old are you btw?18:02
@kanzurewhat's black and white18:02
@kanzurei am old enough18:02
DoYouKnowthose employed are employees18:02
@kanzureso basically he wants free labor18:04
DoYouKnowfuck the NRA18:04
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@kanzureerror: [Errno 98] Address already in use22:12
@kanzurenetstat -apn | grep 808122:12
@kanzurei don't see it. any ideas?22:12
jrayhawkit's possible that's my fault. which server?22:13
bkerokanzure: sudo netstat22:13
bkeroalso grep tproxy22:13
bkerogrep 8081 /etc/services ;)22:13
jrayhawkn takes care of that22:13
jrayhawkand sudo is only useful for p22:13
jrayhawkwhich is technically optional22:14
@kanzurethe only 80xx service running was adb which was on a separate port22:14
@kanzurejrayhawk: localhost, definitely not your problem22:14
jrayhawkSounds scary.22:15
@kanzureurllib3 runs some unit tests that start up a server22:15
@kanzureand for some reason i can't run the unit tests after the umpteenth time22:15
@kanzurei tried changing the port it asks for but i get the same error22:15
jrayhawkstrace -fe bind,close,listen,getsockname22:20
jrayhawkit might be racing22:21
@kanzurefutex(0x8e11a88, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 0, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)22:21
@kanzure bind(9, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(18080), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EADDRINUSE (Address already in use)22:21
@kanzurehuh? where did 18080 come from.22:21
jrayhawkI guess you could add ,connect to that strace for the hell of it22:23
jrayhawkjrayhawk@richardiv:~$ curl -vvv http://paste.ubuntu.com/1481453/plain/22:27
jrayhawk> GET /1481453/plain/ HTTP/1.122:27
jrayhawk< HTTP/1.1 302 Found22:27
jrayhawk< Location: http://paste.ubuntu.com/openid/login?next=/1481453/plain/22:27
@kanzurewell that looks evil22:27
@kanzurewhy can't pastebinit choose a more sane default pastebin22:28
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jrayhawkalias pastebinit='ssh gnusha.org bash -c \"cat \> \$\(mktemp --tmpdir=/home/bryan/public_html/irc/ paste-XXXXXXXX.txt\)\"'22:37
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@kanzurewell i was trying to install /etc/pastebin.d/gist.github.conf22:38
@kanzurebut it turns out that doesn't work22:38
@kanzureand nobody has bothered to backport pastebinit updates to whatever release of debian thisi s22:38
@kanzure*this is22:38
@kanzurethen i got annoyed at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/pastebinit/dev-arbitrary-dest/revision/69#pastebin.d/gist.github.com.conf because launchpad is a billion times worse than sourceforge (why would i want to select line numbers when copying? and why would i want a valid Content-Type instead of the plaintext of a file?)22:39
@kanzurejrayhawk: http://pastie.org/560086622:39
jrayhawkshouldn't it be doing the connect *after* the bind and listen?22:42
@kanzurein python land things don't have to make sense22:44
@kanzureand http can be molested however you want22:44
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jrayhawkhmm. well, not seeing anything obvious, but sockets might be getting passed around under a different system call22:54
jrayhawkalternatively, your userspace isn't privileged with full /proc/net/tcp(|6) output, suggesting network namespaces/openvz/vserver or a rootkit22:58
jrayhawki think unhide can bruteforce tcp and pids22:58
@kanzurehaven't checked for rootkits in a while22:58
jrayhawkbut more likely the unit tests are just racy22:59
jrayhawkoh, no i was just looking at the wrong thing. 1180 and 1181 interfere with eachother.23:03
jrayhawkhurf durf23:03
jrayhawkso yeah, just rerun that strace without the -e filter and you can work out what the last two processes are.23:04
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@kanzurei only see: read(10, "pyRH\0\0\0\324\0\0\0s4\0\0\0\6\1\t\6\t\4\6\2\t\16\t\v\t\6\t\6"..., 4096) = 118023:14
@kanzurenothing about 118123:14
jrayhawk[pid  1180] bind(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(18080), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 023:15
jrayhawk[pid  1181] bind(9, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(18080), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EADDRINUSE (Address already in use)23:15
@kanzureoops didn't know you were looking at a pid, of course it will be different23:16
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--- Log closed Mon Dec 31 00:00:16 2012

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