
--- Log opened Thu Jan 10 00:00:26 2013
@kanzure"Followers of the Way [of Chán], if you want to get the kind of understanding that accords with the Dharma, never be misled by others. Whether you're facing inward or facing outward, whatever you meet up with, just kill it!"00:14
@kanzure"If you meet a buddha, kill the buddha. If you meet a patriarch, kill the patriarch. If you meet an arhat, kill the arhat. If you meet your parents, kill your parents."00:14
@kanzure" If you meet your kinfolk, kill your kinfolk. Then for the first time you will gain emancipation, will not be entangled with things, will pass freely anywhere you wish to go.[7]"00:14
juri_taoist philosophy is fun.00:27
juri_i've heard that quoted by buddhists who seem to use it to justify being an asshole to everyone.00:27
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@kanzureah i was thinking it would be justification for murder00:28
@kanzurebut okay..00:28
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juri_no, its much less litearl than that: think kill the IDEA.00:35
@kanzurethat's not as interesting to me.00:35
@kanzurewell, thanks for clearing that up.00:35
juri_I'm a taoist who has the simplicity edict all messed up with singularism. ;)00:35
juri_i have to admit however, that working on a tree containing over a million lines of PHP makes me doubt the concept of machines ever being inteligent, through lines of code alone.00:37
@kanzuredid you know that you can just choose to not work on terrible projects? it will greatly improve your quality of life.00:37
juri_its what pays the bills. and its free software, to boot.00:38
@kanzurethat's crazy though. programmers are in extremely high demand right now and can pick whatever they want to work on (paid).00:38
juri_show me another way i can pay my bills coding free software, and doing as much good as i do (this is a free software EMR system), and i'll be there.00:38
juri_programmers are not in high demand.00:39
@kanzurei am being pulled in a million directions..00:39
@kanzuredo you consider open source software to be free software?00:39
juri_you're in high demand, i'll give you that. ;)00:39
@kanzure'cause mozilla is on a hiring streak like crazy.00:40
juri_No. different things. Free software is somewhere on the spectrum between GPLV3 and BSD.00:40
@kanzurebkero might even trade places with you.00:40
@kanzurei see.00:40
juri_ugh. i've abandoned that codebase.00:40
@kanzureum.. so you don't think gplv3 is open source?00:40
@kanzureit might be out from fsf but it's still osi approved i think00:41
@kanzurefun fact: christine peterson (foresight institute) was one of the original jerks who did osi.00:41
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bkerokanzure: trade places with me?01:06
@kanzurei thought you wanted out of mozilla01:06
bkeroIn a sense01:07
@kanzurealso, are there builds of firefox os that work at the moment?01:07
@kanzureor b2g or something?01:07
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juri_oh, i think gplv3 is free software.01:44
juri_i prefer to work on free software, open source is not quite 'good enough' for my tastes.01:44
juri_anything that can be made GPL is good enough, so much of the bsd stuff works.01:45
juri_i'm a zealot. don't expect what you consider sanity. ;)01:45
juri_i don't think i'd enjoy working on mozilla's products, because from my persoective, they're yesterday's news. i was actually a contributor back when it waw Mozilla. i was the first one who got jpegs rendering right. ;)01:48
juri_I learned a lot on that project. now, i'm using midori (a webkit based browser).01:48
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bkerokanzure: yes02:20
bkerokanzure: google r2d2b2g for a firefox os extension for your firefox browser. There's also an emulator built on top of qemu, and there are builds for the raspberry pi, samsung galaxy s 2, nexus s/galaxy, and a few other devices.02:21
bkeroBasically anything with a cyanogenmod ICS or newer target will just work02:21
bkerosince we're using the android build system.02:21
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://cen.acs.org/articles/91/i1/ACS-Posts-Online-Review-Leadscope.html08:45
paperboterror: HTTP 501 http://cen.acs.org/articles/91/i1/ACS-Posts-Online-Review-Leadscope.html (battle station not fully operational)08:45
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | friends don't let friends do super college10:02
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Fri Aug 10 08:01:18 2012]10:02
[Users ##hplusroadmap]10:02
[@fenn ] [ chris_99 ] [ Helleshin] [ OldCoder_] [ smeaaagle ] [ Vicarious] 10:02
[@kanzure ] [ Coornail ] [ HEx2 ] [ panax ] [ strages_home] [ wizrobe ] 10:02
[ AdrianG ] [ curtiss ] [ ivan` ] [ paperbot ] [ streety ] [ wrldpc ] 10:02
[ AlonzoTG] [ devrandom ] [ joehot ] [ pasky ] [ superkuh ] [ xx ] 10:02
[ archbox ] [ EnLilaSko ] [ jrayhawk ] [ phryk ] [ Thomas42 ] [ yorick ] 10:02
[ archels ] [ gedankenstuecke] [ juri_ ] [ qu-bit ] [ Thorbinator1] 10:02
[ bkero ] [ gnusha ] [ lichen ] [ saurik ] [ tylergillies] 10:02
[ brownies] [ Guest24219 ] [ nmz787 ] [ Simurg ] [ upgrayeddd ] 10:02
[ chido ] [ heath ] [ nuba ] [ sivoais ] [ Urchin ] 10:02
-!- Irssi: ##hplusroadmap: Total of 50 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 48 normal]10:02
-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201010:02
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=90126110:16
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/6950396aa0030020d251bdb922d20f5510:16
@kanzurepaperbot: http://cen.acs.org/articles/91/i1/ACS-Posts-Online-Review-Leadscope.html10:16
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/eb3b8e8cafbbef255c9fb55b66fee6aa10:16
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@kanzurejrayhawk: it would be cool if piny would give the git address after running newrepo instead of just the https urls10:56
@kanzurejrayhawk: also, the post-receive script seems broken.10:58
@kanzurejrayhawk: remote: fatal: Invalid revision range 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aa98a92edb4bd075af788794554f8d8a1638f7b310:58
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@kanzurejrayhawk: also, http://diyhpl.us/piny-commands/newuser results in http 500 when registering11:20
@kanzure[Thu Jan 10 11:20:02 2013] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: newuser.cgi, referer: http://diyhpl.us/piny-commands/newuser/11:22
@kanzurepaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/27/19498/00901261.pdf?arnumber=90126111:33
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/a62debb36de41c7b52448586d395737511:33
@kanzurepaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ielx5/27/19498/00901261.pdf?tp=&arnumber=901261&isnumber=1949811:33
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/5debcfda84728e7505fe5ced4433cd6d11:33
@kanzurehmm it would be nice if i could detect the pdf file format in that situation11:34
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-!- Simurg is now known as ElixirVitae11:43
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.plosntds.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pntd.000196912:18
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/ad46125d7eab3ecd91a80eb2c2df996312:18
@kanzure"An In-Depth Analysis of a Piece of Shit: Distribution of Schistosoma mansoni and Hookworm Eggs in Human Stool"12:18
@kanzurei guess they get points for being able to get 'shit' into a paper title12:19
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juri_that was a dare, i'm sure of it.12:26
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@kanzureoreilly alphatech ventures dumped some money into littlebits.cc, apparently13:00
@kanzurei think littlebits is run by the same ayah who commandeered open hardware summit13:01
@kanzureoh it's even a series a, huh.13:01
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@fennwhat a wacky little rocket http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/otrag.htm14:13
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@kanzurenmz787: feeling charitable? https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/issues15:01
@kanzurethese are all relatively easy tasks (except the ieee one)15:01
nmz787did you write paperbot from ground up?15:02
@kanzureit's just one file, https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/blob/master/modules/papers.py15:02
nmz787looks like multi URLs wouldn't be too hard15:03
nmz787how are you testing ?15:03
@kanzureno unit tests at the moment but that would also be a good thing15:03
nmz787so if i push to master, then screw with paperbot in that channel my changes will be reflected?15:04
nmz787like it auto reloads the new flie?15:05
@kanzureyou would have to push to nmz787@diyhpl.us:/srv/git/paperbot.git15:05
@kanzurebut yes15:05
@kanzurealso you would have to say "paperbot: reload papers" to get the new changes.15:06
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nmz787git pull on that string doesn't work15:10
nmz787nor on /srv/...15:10
nmz787ahh clone15:11
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=b09a55c0 Bryan Bishop: pedantic whitespace changes15:17
gnushapaperbot: reload papers15:17
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nmz787geez the GRE test is $18515:21
nmz787thought it would be like $5015:21
nmz787that's like $40 to TAKE a test15:21
nmz787an hour15:21
nmz787what is phenny?15:22
@kanzurea poorly written irc bot15:22
nmz787so who get's the URL first?15:23
@kanzureask again?15:23
nmz787when i type paprbot http://blah15:23
nmz787where does that go to?15:23
@kanzureall lines are sent to the download function on line 10 because of download.rule = r'(.*)'15:24
nmz787how does that work?15:26
nmz787i don't see any rule variable in the download func15:26
nmz787or a struct like thing anywhere15:26
@kanzuredownload.rule is set at line 12915:26
nmz787i see that15:26
@kanzurein python you can set attributes or variables on function objects15:27
nmz787that dont exist yet?15:27
@kanzureit was defined just above it!15:27
@kanzurephenny uses these functions-with-some-extra-attributes to determine when to call a function.. most people make bot commands like ".calc" or "!help", but download.rule is special because i want paperbot to always parse urls out of messages.15:28
nmz787where was .rule defined in download?15:28
@kanzureit was not15:28
nmz787ok so it didnt exist when it was declared then on line 12915:28
@kanzurebefore line 129, download exists but download.rule does not.. yes.15:29
nmz787so paperbot isnt a bot, its a phenny addon?15:29
@kanzurephenny is a bot15:29
@kanzurebut yes15:29
nmz787so is there any decent way to not allow people to download mp3s from an online music player15:44
@kanzureare you asking about drm?15:44
nmz787you can easily see where the MP3s are here view-source:http://www.wiletri.com/music.html15:44
nmz787nah its a band my dad is in15:45
nmz787I don't think my dad is losing money because of this15:45
@kanzureif the music is going to the user's browser, the user can ultimately just redirect his /dev/audio to a file15:45
@kanzure(or whatever)15:45
nmz787since I doubt he ever really made anything on royalties anywa15:45
@kanzureeww this uses flash?15:46
@fennall this disable downloading stuff is so dumb15:46
nmz787heh, I'm watching some CBS video on used copiers having harddrives full of prev copied image data15:46
@fennanyone with half a brain can get around 99% of it15:46
nmz787well maybe it's ok then15:47
@kanzuremaybe your dad should work on a business model that doesn't break because computers exist15:47
nmz787i don't think his guitar or amplifier care15:47
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@fennyour dad will benefit from the increased promotion of his band enabled by file sharing on the internet15:48
@fennan artist's worst enemy is obscurity15:48
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nmz787yeah prob is he doesn't have his own band or music page of his work anyway15:50
nmz787this is the site of a band he's in15:50
@kanzureit looks like he's signed with a publishing company15:50
nmz787or was in15:50
@kanzurethey probably made him sign away his rights15:51
nmz787i dunno15:51
@fenngreat, now can press all those records15:51
nmz787the album in question came out like 10 years ago or more15:51
nmz787i've never heard of him getting anything15:51
nmz787heh, i could release a torrent15:52
@fenn(i wish recording music on records was understood to be ridiculously crude and bad way of doing things.. but they still exist for some reason)15:52
nmz787like vinyl?15:54
@fennyes, platters with grooves in them15:54
nmz787it's mainly a problem of incomplete coverage of new tech15:55
nmz787i thought you were gonna say any non-digital format15:55
@fennwhat, like cassette tapes?15:55
nmz787cause my truck doesn't have an AUX in, so CDs are still handy15:55
@fennCD's are digital15:55
nmz787solid state?15:55
@fennhard drives aren't usually solid state15:55
nmz787what is then?15:55
nmz787CD, tape, hdd are all SOLID15:56
@fenner, that's not what 'solid state' means15:56
@fennit tends to mean "no moving parts"15:56
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@fennflash memory is the only widely deployed solid state recording technology15:57
nmz787the electrons move15:57
@fennso do the atoms15:57
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ThomasEginmz787, i hardly count electrons as an mechanical part15:57
nmz787they;re part of most/all states15:57
ThomasEgithere are also ring-core memories.. but those are fairly exotic and only used in some old spacecrafts15:58
nmz787fenn didnt say mechanical15:58
@fennthe idea is to improve reliability by eliminating wear and reducing the number of failure modes15:58
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nmz787well i guess nothing can't move by that definition at temp15:58
@fennyou wouldn't be able to maintain something at absolute zero and also add or remove information15:58
nmz787does anyone in here know about professional studio/stage audio recording16:00
@fennnot particularly.. talk to theBear16:00
@kanzurewrldpc does.. he released a few albums16:00
@kanzurei think he's currently deployed in japan?16:01
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ThomasEginmz787, if you want to build a microphone preamplifier i can help you. but other than that you better ask someone else16:03
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nmz787i'm not sure what the best setup for capturing my dad play live with studio-quality16:04
ThomasEgiwhat does he play?16:04
nmz787bass, but in blues bands16:04
ThomasEgiso you need to capture the entire band?16:04
nmz787i was thinking something that could use my HTC Evo, which has 720p video recording16:05
ThomasEgivideo is one thing. audio another16:05
nmz787so it would just be convenient but also decent16:06
nmz787it could've been the camcorder app but the audio on music i've recorded on my phone seemed way overamplified16:06
nmz787but the app doesn't let you mess with mic levels16:06
ThomasEgimic's in mobile/smartphones arent really made for professional recording.16:07
nmz787so then i was thinking a better mic coming into the mic port on the phone16:07
nmz787or via bluetooth16:07
ThomasEgithey are cheap and optimized for low power and voice16:07
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ThomasEgia good mic, in reasonably close distance to the instruments.16:07
ThomasEgisince it's a blues band , featuring instruments with low frequencies. you may wanna pick a mic that offers decent recording levels at lower frequencies16:08
ThomasEgilike medium or large diameter condenser. or if you can find someone, a ribbon mic16:08
ThomasEgino use to buy that stuff as it is expensive. but if you can find someone to lend it from. go for it16:09
nmz787it's weird that my dad doesn't have much of himself recorded16:09
nmz787he plays all the time, and has been my whole life16:09
nmz787so though i don't have $ to spend on something ideal, ideally he would just have something cellphone sized on a small tripod16:11
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nmz787that he just sits down when he get's to a club/bar16:11
nmz787ok camcorder sized16:11
juri_you could try one of those android DTV converters.16:11
juri_they're USB powered (so easy to rig a big battery to), and have a usb port you could plug into whatever sound card.16:12
nmz787audio would be more important than video, but 720p and 1080p cameras are spy sized now16:12
nmz787and support at least 16gb SDHC cards16:12
juri_for video, just use a hub, and a webcam.16:12
juri_they've got SD card ports in the side of them.16:12
nmz787digital tv or directv?16:13
juri_digital TV.16:13
nmz787not finding anything16:14
nmz787ahh now i do16:14
nmz787tuner not converter16:14
ThomasEgithe problem with audio is... the microphone.16:14
ThomasEgipretty much all recording mechanisms have a decent quality. but the microphone itself is the weak point16:15
nmz787the HW side is easy16:15
nmz787raspI would work well too16:15
nmz787so look for a wide diameter condenser mic?16:15
ThomasEgiraspI as in raspberry?16:15
nmz787like 1 inch, 2 inch?16:15
nmz787raspberry pi16:15
ThomasEgidoesnt come with audio in16:16
ThomasEgiit only has a hardware PCM input. but the drivers are still in development as we speak16:16
ThomasEgiyou'd have to use a usb soundcard instead16:16
ThomasEgias for mic diameters.. half inch or 1 should be totaly fine.16:16
ThomasEgibut.. as i said. they arent cheap16:16
nmz787i have a feeling there arent any decent USB soundcards16:17
ThomasEgiyeah. most are cheap16:17
ThomasEgithere are a couple of still affordable usb microphones tho.16:17
nmz787my friend bought a soundcard that you could change the op-amps on16:17
ThomasEgisome with pretty decent quality16:17
nmz787but that was PCI-e16:17
ThomasEgithe op-amps are just one of many parts16:17
ThomasEgimost cheap soundcards have a horribly power supply/filtering.16:18
nmz787yeah, but they were socketed i think16:18
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nmz787ahh ASUS Essence16:19
nmz787"The bottom section of the multilayer card carries the analog input circuitry, this based on a pair of R4580 low-noise dualop-amp chips, followed by a pair of 5532 dual op-amps. These feed a Cirrus Logic CS5381, a 24-bit A/D converter chip capable of operating at sample rates up to 192kHz and offering a S/N ratio of 110dB."16:19
nmz787"A high-performance, two-channel, 24-bit D/A convertera Burr-Brown PCM 1792, the same chip used in Musical Fidelity's V-DAC D/A processor"16:20
nmz787"Although almost all the components used, other than the electrolytic caps, are surface-mount types, the four output-stage op-amp chips are socketed 8-pin types, to allow the owner to experiment with other pin-compatible chips."16:20
nmz787huh, they made a USB version16:21
ThomasEgiyou may want to go with an usb mic to begin with16:22
ThomasEgithey go for 100 to 150 bucks16:28
ThomasEgioh.. that one goes for 70 on amazon. samson meteor mic16:29
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ThomasEgithose should get you noticably better sound than what most webcams/camcorders offer. not quite studio level, but most people probably won't care16:31
nmz787hmm, cool16:33
nmz787is there a best direction to point it?16:39
@kanzurehttparty/multixml has a similar exploit to CVE-2013-0156 https://gist.github.com/d7f6d9f4925f413621aa16:44
ThomasEginmz787, the mic?16:46
nmz787kanzure: so you're not actually using zotero anywhere?16:47
@kanzurepaperbot uses zotero16:47
nmz787i searched zot and it's only in the comment for ieee16:47
@kanzureline 5616:48
ThomasEginmz787, towards whatever you want to record. the position is probably more critical , given you record an entire band. depending on it. you can attenuate some instruments more than others16:48
@kanzurenmz787: i'm using https://github.com/zotero/translation-server16:49
nmz787ahh zotero is actually running separately16:55
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=956fddff Nathan McCorkle: added printline16:57
gnushapaperbot: reload papers16:57
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-11 00:57:24)16:57
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=58221d8e Nathan McCorkle: changed printline16:59
gnushapaperbot: reload papers16:59
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-11 00:59:03)16:59
@kanzurethis is a bad idea16:59
paperbotthis is a bad idea16:59
-!- paperbot was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [paperbot]16:59
* juri_ laughs.17:00
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@kanzureyashgaroth: hi.17:08
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=46c2143e Bryan Bishop: Revert "changed printline"17:14
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=f186b7d0 Bryan Bishop: Revert "added printline"17:14
gnushapaperbot: reload papers17:14
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nmz787kanzure: did you add that?18:30
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nmz787xming isn't totally opensource anymore?20:37
nmz787it asks for a password when i try to download it20:38
nmz787from the dude's website20:38
nmz787donations must be made then you get 1 year worth of downloads http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xming#Newer_Releases20:41
nmz787kanzure: can you install geany on gnusha20:44
@kanzurenmz787: done20:46
nmz787kanzure: is xforwarding yes in /etc/ssh/sshd_config20:51
nmz787has that been there?20:52
@kanzureit's been enabled for a few years now20:52
nmz787do i need to export DISPLAY= somethng?20:55
juri_did you install xhost?20:55
nmz787i dunno, i got it work work using Xlaunch that came with xming20:57
nmz787and telling it where ssh.exe was20:57
nmz787instead of trying with ssh -X20:58
@kanzuressh -X bryan@gnusha.org "x-www-browser"21:00
@kanzureworks for me..21:00
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=e4074d2b Nathan McCorkle: attempt at multi URL downloads21:08
gnushapaperbot: reload papers21:08
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-11 05:08:43)21:08
nmz787i think some continues need to be breaks21:11
@kanzurepaperbot: http://cen.acs.org/articles/91/i1/ACS-Posts-Online-Review-Leadscope.html http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=90126121:11
nmz787maybe my tab and space is messed up21:12
nmz787i used tabs21:12
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=6dcb23e2 Nathan McCorkle: tabs to spaces21:14
gnushapaperbot: reload papers21:14
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-11 05:14:19)21:14
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@kanzurenmz787: thanks21:26
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nmz787these zotero translators look big21:33
nmz787are they mostly the same?21:34
@kanzureyes, but one or two are different- like the ieee xplore one which requires opening a few windows (zotero/translation-server does not support this yet)21:35
@kanzurealso for some reason sciencedirect isn't working either21:36
@kanzurefun fact, the only other contributor to zotero/translation-server is jason morrison who you might remember from diybio21:37
nmz787pdx.edu mentioned zotero and endnote in my lab today21:37
@kanzureyeah, it's a popular firefox extension21:37
nmz787other than who?21:37
@kanzuresimonw, some guy employed to work on zotero full-time21:38
@kanzureerm, simon kornblith21:38
@kanzureah nevermind. he's not full-time on it.21:39
@kanzurehmm i didn't see this before https://github.com/simonster/zotero-translator-tools21:40
@kanzurethe issue we care about to get ieee xplore working is https://github.com/zotero/translation-server/issues/321:41
nmz787any idea what the fix is?21:50
nmz787i'm looking at a raw dump from paperbot21:50
@kanzurei've added some details about a possible fix here:21:52
@kanzurebasicaly it involves me writing some code in https://github.com/zotero/translation-server/blob/master/src/hacks.js21:53
nmz787p.s. i didn't actually read tht regex carefully21:54
nmz787i just copied it and tested it21:54
@kanzurei am sure it will burn my house down21:54
nmz787so in the real ieee explore page, the download pdf link just links to some stamp.jsp line22:03
@kanzureyeah it seems to go abstract page with a "pdf" link -> stamp.js with an iframe -> iframe possibly has the pdf file itself22:04
@kanzureerm, stmp.jsp22:05
@kanzurestamp.. can't type :(22:05
nmz787here <meta name="citation_pdf_url"22:08
nmz787the .pdf is right there22:08
@kanzureyes, but for some reason that's not what IEEE Xplore.js is looking at22:10
@kanzurethey seem to be using http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/downloadCitations22:11
@kanzuremaybe that should just be thrown out22:11
nmz787well i found that link in the raw dump that paperbot or whatever spit out22:13
@kanzurelooking at the history of that file, it seems that nobody was ever in charge of it really; just random accumulated fixes. so redoing it is probably worthwhile.22:14
nmz787sooo, how do I edit that and test it?22:14
@kanzurei haven't set that up. right now i just git pull and recompile translation-server when i want to test an update to that file.22:14
@kanzureif you have firefox, you can test the js file by using the zotero extension22:15
nmz787you mean the translator?22:16
nmz787i'm not sure what I would even add22:16
@kanzurewell.. it's a bit of work, i didn't think you would want to do it22:17
@kanzuremuch of this text is bullshit and you can just copy another translator that works, like the nature one22:18
nmz787where is the raw dump getting saved?22:22
@kanzurein here http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/22:22
nmz787i mean code-wise22:23
@kanzurezotero translators just extract metadata from a page. translation-server makes it so that i don't have to run firefox. paperbot makes it so that it downloads the pdf from the metadata that translation-server returns.22:23
@kanzurehere's where the pdf is finally downloaded from the remote server https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/blob/master/modules/papers.py#L7122:24
nmz787soo raw dump is getting passed to paperbot?22:24
@kanzurea url is being passed to paperbot22:24
nmz787but does paperdump get that raw dump22:25
nmz787who saves that22:25
nmz787zotero or paperbot22:25
@kanzurepaperbot saves that here (as a backup, it's better than not doing anything at all) https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/blob/master/modules/papers.py#L14222:25
@kanzurein download_url22:25
nmz787can't we just regex for the .pdf i found in there and save it?22:26
@kanzurepaperbot only does that when zotero fails to do an interesting thing22:26
@kanzurepossibly, but how would you get the title?22:26
nmz787k, so add an if .pdf in22:26
@kanzuresome pdfs have the title inside the pdf file itself22:27
@kanzurebut not all. because some publishers hate us.22:27
@kanzureand maybe the title isn't important.22:28
nmz787can you tell where in the translator it's returning that 501?22:28
@kanzurehttp 501 happens when zotero says "No translators available"22:28
@kanzurea few moments ago it said:22:29
@kanzurezotero(3)(+0000000): Translators: Looking for translators for http://www.zotero.org/support/dev/how_to_write_a_zotero_translator_plusplus22:29
nmz787wait, but the .js /does/ exist22:29
@kanzurezotero(5)(+0000001): HTTP/1.0 501 Method Not Implemented22:29
nmz787ok lemme look at that22:29
@kanzurepaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=90126122:30
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/c6371daffcba15f114402e0d72166b3d22:30
@kanzurethat's 500 not 501.. 500 is "oh shit something exploded" (in this case, the thing that paperbot issue #5 is talking about)22:30
@kanzureisn't javascript wonderful22:31
nmz787so what's 50022:33
nmz787i mean, if the .js is there22:33
nmz787where's it being signalled from?22:33
@kanzurehttp 500 and http 501 are the http status codes from translation-server22:35
@kanzurehere's what translation server is complaining about for http 500:22:35
nmz787paperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=90126122:36
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/92f4ab157cc6fed1067f6b7800a821da22:36
nmz787paperbot: http://cen.acs.org/articles/91/i1/ACS-Posts-Online-Review-Leadscope.html22:36
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/396aef7979855d47559f306d7c379f922:36
nmz787that's where i got confused22:36
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@kanzureM-f and M-b on bash is really useful23:40
@kanzure"Dear Shareholder, Mesoblast Limited today released an announcement entitled ‘Mesoblast’s Neofuse Stem Cell product shows positive Results in Phase 2 Lumbar Spinal Fusion Trial’.". hrmm.23:42
--- Log closed Fri Jan 11 00:00:27 2013

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