
--- Log opened Fri Jan 11 00:00:27 2013
-!- Simurg is now known as ElixirVitae00:04
superkuhpaperbot: http://pop.aip.org/resource/1/phpaen/v19/i11/p112702_s100:17
paperboterror: HTTP 504 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/1ee92259ca47983cd6ff2bbb3ca115f400:21
@kanzureno access00:21
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@kanzurei'm not sure how github's new "streak" feature works00:55
@kanzurei pushed a few thousand commits to https://github.com/kanzure/streak/commits/master00:55
@kanzurebut it only says i've pushed 7 commits today (it should be 9 because of the 2 from 2013-01-11 in streak.git)00:56
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eudoxiaoh no, io905:38
eudoxiaquick, destroy this channel05:38
eudoxiait's where the memories live05:38
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@kanzurehaha poor alan http://lists.list.humanityplus.org/pipermail/hplus-talk/2012-December/000150.html12:00
@kanzurei don't think he has a billion dollars. not sure what his plan is (get cofounders -> profit?)12:00
@kanzurewhat a sec, he's also talking about an "uploader conspiracy" http://lists.list.humanityplus.org/pipermail/hplus-talk/2012-November/000114.html12:01
@kanzurei suspect alan is AlonzoTG12:01
@kanzureso, nevermind. troll.12:01
nmz787"It is thought that antioxidants can prevent damage to DNA from oxygen radicals. But, argues Watson, we want oxygen radicals in cancer cells because this can cause the cells to die. Taking antioxidants might be preventing cancer drugs from destroying cancer cells. Instead, he recommends patients combine anti-antioxidants with cancer drugs."12:34
nmz787not totally outrageous12:34
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nmz787". The main factor holding us back from overcoming most of metastatic cancer over the next decade may soon no longer be lack of knowledge but our world's increasing failure to intelligently direct its monetary might' towards more human-society-benefiting directions."12:35
nmz787"Watson also wants researchers to focus on a protein called Myc, which is believed to regulate the activity of 15% of our genes. Its activity is also linked to many kinds of cancer. Using RNAi methods, it's possible we could figure out a way to control Myc, and thus shut down pathways to cancer."12:36
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jrayhawkwatson is an asshole, but he's quite right to make fun of vitamin c supplementation13:22
juri_being an asshole does not exclude you from being correct.13:23
erasmuswhy? Not even gets enuf Vit-C13:30
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jrayhawkThe antioxidant deficiency research keeps inferring exists is a deficiency in glutathione. Vitamin C input requirements are very low if glutathione is available to do most of the antioxidant work, and to to recycle what little work Vitamin C is actually good for. Meanwhile, high doses of Vitamin C mostly stay degraded DHAA and cause all sorts of problems of their own.13:34
jrayhawkerr... to recycle what little amounts of Vitamin C actually do good work.13:35
jrayhawkstay degraded to DHAA13:35
jrayhawkscrew it, forming coherent thoughts is too hard for me right now13:35
jrayhawkVitamin C is way down towards the "impractical" end of the antioxidant totem pole.13:36
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@kanzurewhat is that git command where i can just say directly what i wnat the parent commit id to be?13:49
@kanzureah, grafts13:54
@kanzure<3 grafts13:54
jrayhawkhuh, never seen that before13:54
@kanzurehuh? i am pretty sure you showed me that when i was doing surgery on nanoengineer.git..13:56
jrayhawkI probably suppressed most of that experience.13:56
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/01/07/mnras.sts497.full.pdf14:42
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/b17b59c2c6a68aacf30f8970dde3884d14:42
@kanzure"A structure in the early Universe at z ∼ 1.3 that exceeds the homogeneity scale of the R-W concordance cosmology"14:43
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eudoxiai can confirm alan grimes is AlonzoTG, he's one of my stalkees15:09
@kanzureah excellent15:09
@kanzureit's funny that the humanityplus elections weren't even announced on the humanityplus mailing list15:10
@kanzurei didn't know that they got mailman back up. pretty funny.15:10
eudoxiai think they were15:10
eudoxiaor that was an old email15:10
eudoxiait's good that that crazy nutjob Haywire got sacked15:10
@kanzurealso hilarious that they didn't bother with the wta-talk archives15:10
eudoxiawait what15:11
@kanzurethey just have august 2012-forward15:11
eudoxiaoh i thought they were no longer going to keep it up15:11
eudoxiai was ready to type "MOTHERFUCKERS" into the channel15:12
@kanzureyou can type it anyway.15:13
eudoxianow it doesn't have the feeling15:16
eudoxiaso this koen de paus (g+) character started his own h+ forum too15:17
eudoxiain retrospect i can't recall if i mentioned transhumani to him15:17
@kanzurei thought you were totally positive about starting up random forums15:18
nmz787who is alan grimes15:27
nmz787I only know Frank Grimes from the Simpsons15:27
@kanzurehe thinks you're going to cut open his head and force him into a computer15:27
nmz787i mean who the hell /is/ he15:27
@kanzurejust some person15:28
nmz787is he anybody influential otherwise?15:28
eudoxiaa transhumanist anti-uploader internet libertarian15:28
nmz787or rich?15:28
@kanzurehe is not known for anything15:28
@kanzureexcept bugging me15:28
juri_anti-uploader? thats a new one, to me.15:28
eudoxiaif i was rich i sure wouldn't be on the internet making the same argument for *15 years*15:29
eudoxiai'd own a CH-46 and have barrels of fun15:29
juri_rich is relative.15:29
@kanzurebarrels of it15:29
eudoxiai would pay millions for engineers to invent barrels that can hold the abstract concept of fun15:30
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@kanzureapi thing to detect objects in images https://www.dextrorobotics.com/experiment15:38
@kanzureseems to work on a few basic categories15:38
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nmz787objects is pretty wide ranging term15:44
nmz787'psate a URL not a link'15:45
nmz787what does that mean?15:45
juri_have a http at the beginning of it?15:47
@kanzurethat means they are idiots15:47
@kanzurethey probably have people pasting a link to a page with an image, instead of people pasting the link to the image15:47
juri_respond with a tarball containing a single symbolic link from /boot to /dev/null.15:48
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abetuskkanzure, you have some experience with openscad?17:17
@kanzureyes :(17:17
abetuskIt's basically a way to go from parametric geometry to STL or DXF?17:18
@kanzuresort of.. it's pretty awful to be honest17:23
@kanzureyou might want to consider something more mature like brlcad17:23
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abetuskI feel like I'm in a bad 80's "hacker" movie17:58
@kanzureopenscad is pretty bad in the scheme of things17:58
@kanzurethere's absolutely no reason for it to have a custom language17:58
@kanzureit didn't even have variables for the longest time17:58
abetuskit basically still doesn't.  It has the equivalent of defines17:59
@kanzurewhy would you want to use openscad though?17:59
@kanzurebrlcad does all of the same stuff and has way more file formats.17:59
abetuskI'm trying to get a toolchain down17:59
abetuskbut they're both byzantine17:59
@kanzurebrlcad is the king of toolchains17:59
@kanzureit's a collection of small tools making up a cad suite18:00
abetuskok, well, I'll give it a try18:00
abetuskbrlcad to gcode?18:30
@kanzurethere's probably a tool for that18:30
@kanzureb2gcode or something18:30
@kanzureask in #brlcad if you can't find it18:30
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@kanzurehuh opencv is more active than i thought19:23
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* juri_ nods.19:25
juri_its being used by pick-and-place machines.19:26
juri_of the non-cellular variety.19:26
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@kanzurealso: shriek was doing transcranial ultrasound as an evil villain21:02
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JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.22:17
juri_good morning, not-everyone!22:17
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@kanzureaaron swartz has committed suicide23:34
@kanzurei sent him an email just seven days ago..23:35
joshcryerOMG. :(23:39
juri_Didn't know him, but i'm sorry for your (and our) loss.23:58
@kanzurehe ran in our circle, used to fetch pdfs for me23:58
--- Log closed Sat Jan 12 00:00:28 2013

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