
--- Log opened Mon Jan 21 00:00:36 2013
-!- lichen|2 [~lichen@c-24-21-206-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:55
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eleitlgood morning01:14
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@kanzureeleitl: hi01:41
nmz787eleitl: Dr. Ramsey,02:08
nmz787I've recently moved to Hillsboro, OR, and even toured the FEI NanoPort02:08
nmz787Showroom last week with the local ACS chapter. I applied to the02:08
nmz787Chemistry Ph.D. program at Portland State University, and I'd like to02:08
nmz787focus on optimizing high-throughput DNA synthesis on a micro or02:08
nmz787nano-fluidic platform.02:08
nmz787I was told by a professor there, Dr. Albert S Benight, that I'd have02:08
nmz787to find a funding if I wanted to do my own project. I've searched on02:08
nmz787grants.gov and think I might be able to fit into some biodefense area,02:08
nmz787making DNA primers de-novo for portable bioagent detection or02:08
nmz787something, but I don't know where to look otherwise.02:08
nmz787Do you have any ideas?02:08
nmz787wrong paste buffer02:08
nmz787i responded to you on diybio eleitl02:09
eleitlThanks, Nathan!02:09
eleitlnot sure the materials can take, e.g. DMSO/ethanediol/DMF are very good solvents for many polymers02:10
eleitlmicrofluidics would work well, but it has to be glass/ceramics/metal02:11
eleitlI was thinking about driving a valve with PWM02:11
eleitlmixing via duty cycle02:11
eleitlthen, pipe it through nonlinear mixer02:12
nmz787you can do glass microfluidics02:14
eleitlyes, but not with the stuff we have02:14
-!- Hu_Meanan [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]02:14
nmz787eleitl: http://nathanmccorkle.com/pdf/Rapid%20prototyping%20of%20glass-based%20micro%ef%ac%82uidic%20chips%20utilizing%20two-pass%20defocused%20CO2%20laser%20beam%20method.pdf02:15
nmz787CO2 laser02:15
eleitlwe don't have a laser, either02:16
eleitlwe need to buy a number of project-related items02:16
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@103-9-42-1.flip.co.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]02:16
eleitlCCC has a makerspace, but I think it's pretty barebones02:16
nmz787ahh, I just saw a link for a place that was charging $35/hour of CO2 laser time02:16
eleitlnot sure, need to check02:16
-!- Humean [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap02:24
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-!- nsh is now known as [your]03:11
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-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-54-10-121.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:12
* eudoxia checks the logs04:12
eudoxiai'm glad kim suozzi made it04:12
eudoxiaand she got to alcor instead of ci04:12
eleitlI'm also glad04:21
eleitlI hope the tumor did not destroy too much04:21
eudoxiawe'll have to wait for the report04:23
eudoxiathen she goes on the list :(04:23
eleitlI've seen her original comment on reddit04:24
eleitlthought -- damn, another one of these hopeless cases04:24
eleitlglad milk of human kindness still hasn't run out04:25
eleitlhttp://www.jove.com/ <-- have been living under a rock, first time I see this04:26
eudoxiai thought she was gonna make it to CI04:32
eudoxiathen ben best would do what he did to Henderson or something04:32
eudoxiaabsolutely horrifying04:33
eleitlare you reading the new cryonet?04:41
eleitlmarta sandberg is rapidly becoming a major troll04:41
eleitlare you actually from uruguay?04:41
eudoxiaoh i noticed04:42
eudoxiaand yes04:42
eleitlwhich part? big city?04:42
eudoxiamontevideo, moderately04:42
eleitldo you like it there?04:42
eudoxiait's rather nice04:43
eudoxiastill planning to escape as soon as possible04:43
eleitlsome people consider uruguay a potential location to emigrate to04:43
eudoxiabecause it will be relatively untouched when the Happening happens, or some other reason?04:44
eleitldoes it get very hot in the summer?04:45
eudoxianot australia hot04:45
eudoxiaright now its kind of chilly04:45
eleitlany technology scene there? what does a hacker do in montevideo?04:46
eudoxiawell there's a pycon04:47
eudoxiaand the engineering uni hosts a robot sumo every year04:48
eudoxiaand that's about it04:48
eleitlwhere woult you escape to, if you could? bay area?04:48
eudoxiaany part of america that's not too expensive or too baby jesus-y04:49
eudoxiaamerica = US04:49
eleitlI see04:50
eleitlI would probably move to .no or .ch, if I could04:50
eudoxia.ch seems nice04:52
eudoxiait has the LHC and no crime04:53
eudoxiamy godmother keeps telling me i should go study at the KTH04:55
eudoxiawhere she went04:56
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-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap04:58
eleitlnice place05:00
eleitlEidgenoessische Technische Hochschule05:00
eudoxiano the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Institute_of_Technology05:01
eleitloh, .se05:01
eleitlAnder's place05:01
eleitldamn, it's down05:02
eudoxiaoh god aleph.se is down05:02
eleitlyes, I just noticed05:03
eudoxiathe end times are upon us05:03
eudoxiawell actually it happens from time to time05:03
eudoxiai always think "this is it, it's down for good"05:03
eleitlstate:            deactivated05:04
eleitldomain:           aleph.se05:04
eleitldeactivationdate: 2013-01-2105:04
eleitldate_to_delete:   2013-03-2205:04
eleitldate_to_release:  2013-03-2905:04
eudoxiathis is it05:04
eudoxia1996 - 201305:05
eleitlwill you ping him I should I do it?05:05
eudoxiahe knows you05:06
eleitlgreat, we've got another 500 EUR budget for purchases approved05:06
eleitlI'll ping him, then.05:06
eudoxiawell at least the Archive has it05:06
eudoxiaand i recursively downloaded everything a while ago05:06
eudoxiaor did kanz do that...05:06
eleitldid you knew of jove.com before?05:08
eleitlok, then I haven't completely jumped the shark yet05:09
eleitleudoxia, do you have an OpenQwaq account?05:11
eudoxiathat's where all the cool extropians meet up?05:11
eleitldo you need one?05:11
eleitlit's Giulio Prisco's server,05:12
eleitlRon Teitelbaum allows us to use it for events, and such05:12
eleitlI can invite you if you give me a working email address05:13
eleitlthanks, invite sent05:14
eleitlclients work on windows, OS X, and Linux, latter only somewhat05:14
eleitlthe login details should be in the mail05:14
eudoxiathat's the same place where ken hayworth made that talk about the atlum right?05:14
eudoxiaor is it 'did'...05:15
eleitlit has very good audio and video conferencing, especially if you have a headset05:15
eleitlare you win, os x or linux?05:15
eudoxialinux, and i have a yellowed microsoft and headphones :305:15
eleitlnot sure the linux client would do decent codecs05:16
eleitljust try it, I guess05:16
eudoxiai have win7 on the other partition05:16
eleitlwin7 works good05:16
eleitlhttp://code.google.com/p/openqwaq/downloads/list <-- looks a bit long in the tooth05:17
eleitlnot sure the 3dicc client is fresher05:17
eleitluse the 3dicc client unless told otherwise05:17
eleitlthis technology is based on Smalltalk (Squeak)/OpenCroquet/OpenCobalt/TelePlace etc.05:18
eudoxiai heard05:18
eleitlthey're rewriting it in JavaScript, so that it will run in a browser05:18
eleitlnot sure it's a smart idea05:18
eudoxianever imagined squeak being used for something serious05:18
eudoxiawait i was thinking about something else05:19
eleitlall the Smalltalk coders are pretty much dead, it seems05:19
eleitlI'm in-world, but at work, so no video, and not a full presence there05:20
eleitlIt is nice to see that both of you reacted within 3 minutes of each other. True friends keep an eye on each other's domains :-)05:42
eleitlI think it is a minor payment bug, occasionally I do not get the bills in time in England. I have emailed FSData, my Swedish ISP.05:42
eleitlHave no fear, aleph will be back!05:42
eudoxiai gotta say we have a better response time than a NATO early warning station05:44
eleitlour co-worker is from Peru, she hasn't been to Montevideo but has seen it from Buenos Aires once05:47
eleitlaccording to Google, Uruguay looks really nice05:47
eudoxiaoh yes05:48
eudoxiaa peruvian cryonicist? that's fairly new05:48
eleitlno, she does Java at my dayjob, InfoChem GmbH05:49
* eleitl is at the accursed saltimes05:49
eleitlsaltmines even05:49
eudoxiaon the subject of chemistry05:50
eudoxiahave you seen github.com/kanzure/nanoengineer05:50
eleitlI see it now. What new is there?05:51
eudoxiakanz is trying to bring it back, an kirka/elfion managed to run it on linux05:52
eleitl64 bit?05:52
eudoxiai think so05:52
eleitlI have 12.04 at home, I should try it sometime05:52
eleitlit would be great to have a bunch of packages, or even a depository05:53
eudoxiafor molecular machine parts?05:53
eleitlno, just for nanoengineer05:53
eudoxiaoh like a deb package05:53
eleitlof course a parts depository would be great, too05:53
eleitla kind of molecular logo/macros with standard interfaces05:54
eleitlI'll go tell Perry, though he probably already knows05:55
eudoxiait might be possible to, as kirka suggested, abstract some machines into blocks with only external bondpoints05:56
eudoxiamight need a specialized simulator thoguh05:56
eleitlyou need a drag forcefield, which is basically bitblt at voxel level, with collision detection05:57
eleitlthat's the only way to drag big blocks quickly05:57
eleitldammit, I don't even have a working account for perry anymore06:00
eleitljis.mit.edu bounces06:00
eleitlwhich kind of Internet hoster do you use, eudoxia? Or just a regular ISP?06:04
eleitlcolocation in uruguay is probably a bit expensive06:06
eleitlin fact, since my hoster started charging rent for IP space, I'll be moving kit and kaboodle to a local hoster06:07
eleitlhow likely do you think is the 2030 peak? http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/Looking-Back-on-the-Limits-of-Growth.html06:19
eleitlthe curves look like it could shift more towards 2040, but that is too far to be very accurate06:20
eudoxiaundersea mining will hold back the Happening for a few years06:22
eleitlif we're energy-limited, then EROEI going to shit then new fossil is worth much old than the less06:22
eleitlwe've gone from 100:1 to 25:1 and lower.06:23
-!- EnLilaSko [~Nattzor@unaffiliated/enlilasko] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:24
eudoxiawe're gonna miss oil06:25
eleitlwe already do06:27
eleitlthings would look a lot prettier with 20 USD/barrel right now06:27
eleitlon the other hand, Chinese would really need axes to cut through the smog, then06:28
eudoxiait's rather sad06:28
eleitlfriends go there yearly, for visa reasons, and they have to live smack in Peking. With kids. Not fun.06:29
eudoxiamaybe it will be an incentive to speed up the thorium reactor project06:30
eleitlif it's feasible, it would take too long06:30
eleitlmin 30 years06:31
eleitlassuming it's feasible, which we don't know06:31
eleitltoo risky06:31
eleitlI do really think uruguay will be far enough from all the crap that's going to go down06:31
eleitlSouth America and Oz/Kiwiland will probably sit quite pretty06:32
eudoxia>Its ultimate target is to develop a pilot scale thorium based molten salt nuclear reactor in 20 years.06:32
eudoxiaoh come on china you can do better06:32
eleitlno, nuclear tech doesn't happen quickly06:32
eleitl20 years is already more ambitious, and I doubt they can pull it off without sacrificing something06:33
eleitlTHTR in Germany was shut down due to a series of technical problems, and they're starting with a graphite ball pile06:33
eleitlif they run into difficulties there, chances are they won't do MSR at all06:33
archelsDo you think ITER is going to work out, eleitl?06:33
eleitlplus, there's a problem with U233 inventory. You need some 2-3 tons in-core.06:34
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@gw-ko-kostr2.inka-online.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:34
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eleitlYou might be able to kickstart a thorium fuelcycle breeder with Pu-239 of which there's a metric crapload, but I don't know.06:34
eleitllet's say we need 1000 reactors/year, that's some 3000 tons of Pu-239.06:35
eleitlthat assuming you can build 1000 ~GW reactors/year.06:35
eudoxiaall those cold war era icmbs aren't gonna cut it06:35
eleitlwouldn't work with current pressurized water type at all06:36
eleitlyou'll probably have to reprocess all the spent fuel rods06:36
eudoxiai'm gonna send these logs to my friend who is a thorium friend06:37
eleitlhttp://www.ccnr.org/plute_inventory_99.html <-- pure Pu is really rare, so you have to reprocess spent fuel06:37
eleitlthat is also a bottleneck06:38
JayDuggerGood morning, everyone.06:38
eleitlgood morning06:39
eleitllong time no talk06:39
JayDuggerMarriage and a job will do that. :)06:39
eleitl... No, you have this backwards.  Fast-spectrum U-Pu reactors need high fissionable inventories due to the low fission cross-section at high energies; despite high breeding ratios (1.22 for PRISM) if you are only producing 0.22 additional ton of Pu out of ~7.5 tons total fuel-cycle inventory (in-core, cooling and reprocessing), your rate of increase is under 3%/yr and your doubling time is upwards of 25 years.06:40
eleitlLFTR can apparently hit breeding ratios of 1.05-1.07 at reasonable cost, and has no inventory requirement for cooling or fabrication.  More to the point, the thermal spectrum reactor has a low fissionable inventory; it can have a burnup of 80-100% per year.  Increase at 4%/year doubles in 17 years, 5.6%/year doubles in 12.5 years, 7%/year takes 10.06:40
JayDuggerAnd then I had to quickly catch up on the logs, too.06:40
eleitlThis still leaves us with the Pu/Am/Cm from a host of sources, even if a substantial amount of it is burned as the starting fuel charges for LFTRs.  Fast-spectrum reactors will get rid of it, burn our abundant supply of DU that we should not waste, and also take the waste Np-238 that LFTRs are inevitably going to have to do something with.  The two go hand in hand.06:40
eleitlNot sure what to make of it, atomicinsights is a worthless blog usually.06:41
eleitlin any case you won't get the scale up kinetics, even if it would all work, which we don't know06:41
eleitlI'm afraid we now have to use the only technology we already have, and which can be scaled up quickly06:42
eleitlarchels, I think ITER will be canceled, or delayed indefinitely06:43
eleitlvery little money left06:43
archelsI didn't know it was in such stormy weather. Hard to keep up a project with so many stakeholders over the course of a few decades, I guess.06:45
archelsNIF suffered the same fate, last I heard06:45
eudoxiafusion will always be 50 years away06:45
eleitlthey did not plan with the current economic winter, which I fear will be semi-permanent06:45
eleitlif we have zero growth or outright contraction for the next 30-40 years, most ambitious projects will be killed06:46
eleitlthis includes space06:46
eleitlnot a future I grew up expecting06:46
archelsThe NIC officially ended on September 30, 2012 without achieving ignition. According to numerous articles in the press, Congress is concerned about the project's progress and funding arguments may begin anew.[106][107][108] These reports also suggest that NIF will shift its focus away from ignition back toward materials research.06:47
eudoxiaNational Ignition Facility is quite the kickin' name06:48
eleitlapparently inertial confinement hit unexpected physics06:49
eleitljust as tokamaks did06:49
eleitlnature doesn't want us to win easily06:49
eleitlwhere are you now, JayDugger?06:51
JayDuggerTexas, just north of Dallas.06:52
JayDuggerNo more traveling for me. The job's mindless, but steady, and strictly 40 hrs/week.06:52
JayDuggerMuch better than when last we spoke.06:52
eleitlSame thing here.06:53
JayDuggerJob-wise, I assume?06:53
-!- nsh [~nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has joined ##hplusroadmap06:53
eleitlI try to make it more interesting, by myself.06:53
eleitlYes. We've also started a local cryonics lab, which takes up a lot of time.06:53
eleitlWill be writing SENS grant applications in a week or two.06:54
JayDuggerGood and good!06:54
eleitlwe burn through 1 kEUR/month just for rent, need to cross-fund this, and time-share the place.06:54
eleitlapart from that we're doing some Zero State things, which might or might not succeed07:01
JayDuggerI haven't heard of Zero State.07:02
eudoxiai heard a little07:02
eleitlit's a new organization http://zerostate.net/07:02
JayDuggerSaw that in the Google results, I'll look.07:03
eudoxiait looked a tiny bit cultish, but i haven't looked into it07:03
eleitlwe've had a meeting in May at my place last year, but it's mostly UK based07:03
eleitlyeah, it has to be somewhat cultish to be sticky07:03
eleitlit's basically a variation on the transhumanist memeplex packaging07:04
eleitlExI tanked, but this doesn't mean it's intrinsically nonsticky07:04
eudoxiaand something called kalkinism07:04
eleitlthe founder's nym is Amon Kalkin07:05
eudoxiai think that's what set off my cult alarm07:05
eleitlmine, too :)07:05
eudoxiaoh i thought that was his legal name, like he'd changed it07:06
eleitlthere are a number of projects, one of them could be even quite successfull07:06
eleitlbut, nobody to know what it is ;)07:06
eudoxiathe classifier in my head reported 3.5 Rachel Haywires of cultism07:06
eleitlis that a logarithmic scale?07:07
eleitlRachel seems to be into emo transhumanism07:10
eleitlI must admit I do not care much for that07:10
eudoxiashe used to be the editor of h+ magazine07:10
eudoxiathe horro07:10
eleitlI haven't touched anything WTA in a long time07:11
eudoxiayou haven't missed anything of value07:12
eleitlI know, I'm actively staying away07:12
eleitlby the way, Giulio is also in-world, and Natasha will be coming07:24
eleitlJayDugger, have you used OpenQwaq or Teleplace?07:26
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eleitlwhoah, a quarter-second ping to eudoxia07:39
eleitlpanax seems to hail from florida07:41
eleitlany of you do DIYbio?07:46
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eleitlthe antiperks of hailing from GMT+1, I guess.07:49
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-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-54-10-121.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:59
eleitlrehi eudoxia07:59
eleitlI've got a 254 ms ping to you from Nuremberg07:59
eleitlbut extremely constant. traceroute shows 13 hops.08:00
eudoxiawork internet, probably accounts for 25% of this country's bandwidth08:00
eleitlconnection looks good08:01
eleitlI've had to resort to reading imgur, out of boredom08:01
eudoxiabut it's monday. xkcd, smbc, whomp all update08:02
eleitlhow is IPv6 deployment doing in .uy?08:05
eudoxiano idea08:05
eleitl0.01%, according to Google08:07
eleitltotal is 1.12%, and it looks exponential so far08:08
eleitldoubling time is around one year, apparently08:10
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@kanzureeleitl: yes we have diybio peeps in here09:43
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.media.mit.edu/molecular/HamadNature.pdf09:44
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/a2fde125ece63c808e66ee539a3691a8.pdf09:44
@kanzurepaperbot: http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/01/08/mnras.sts378.full09:44
paperbotIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/bryan/public_html/papers2/paperbot/A Galactic short gamma-ray burst as cause for the 14C peak in AD 774/5.pdf' (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 200, in download_url)09:45
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=e021c543 Bryan Bishop: make paper titles with slashes work09:46
gnushapaperbot: reload papers09:46
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-21 17:46:27)09:46
@kanzurepaperbot: http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2013/01/08/mnras.sts378.full09:46
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/A%20Galactic%20short%20gamma-ray%20burst%20as%20cause%20for%20the%2014C%20peak%20in%20AD%20774_5.pdf09:46
eudoxia167 megatonnes09:52
eudoxiacould've been worse09:52
eleitlcould have been next door09:53
eudoxia'So the knights in armour were lucky, else they would be walking microwaves'09:54
eudoxiaoh facepunch <309:54
eleitlgamma fries atmosphere09:55
eudoxiagamma fries everything09:55
eudoxiaanother reason to live underwater09:55
eleitlapropos fried: I'm off to home. See you.09:56
@kanzuresomeone suggested living in a supervolcano lair for the obsidian casting potential09:56
-!- Humean [~quassel@unaffiliated/humean] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]09:59
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=b10004a3 Bryan Bishop: diybio-seattle link13:21
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eudoxiaguys quick14:01
eudoxiahow do you call the quality of a tumor being malign or benign?14:01
eudoxiathe 'malignity' or just the risk?14:01
eudoxiaanother unrelated question: what does alcor do with the bodies of the neuropreserved?14:03
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S104898431200081115:23
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Born%20to%20lead%3F%20A%20twin%20design%20and%20genetic%20association%20study%20of%20leadership%20role%20occupancy%20.pdf15:23
@kanzureeww a space at the end of the title.15:24
@kanzurethis is the worst15:24
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nmz787paperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=806324&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D80632415:52
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jrayhawknewuser is probably working again15:57
jrayhawkyou might want to change /etc/mailname to something more interesting15:57
nmz787kanzure: check this out http://www.freepatentsonline.com/20130005612.pdf16:06
nmz787he's checking for addition on single molecules using a fluorophore on the added nucleotide, then passing the growing strand through a nanopore past a spectrometer16:08
nmz787also using the fluorophore as the protectant (which disallows multiple base addition per step)16:09
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nmz787"in linear syntheses based on phosphoramidite chemistry, there are many potentioal sources of sequence erreor and oligonucleotide damage that are well documented. Most notable, the removeal of the 5'protecting group usually involves an acidic treatment that can removce the base, or in the case of photolabile 5'protecting group, require UV irradiation that can damage the nucleotide."... the nucleotide may fail to incorporate, nearly all the organic an16:14
nmz787wow this patent is great16:15
Guest62567this is just a test16:15
paperbotIndexError: list index out of range (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 65, in download)16:15
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Guest62567paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S106573559800011X16:21
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Processing_property_structure%20interactions%20in%20a%20calcium%20aluminate-phenol%20resin%20composite.pdf16:21
nmz787paperbot: ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=806324&tag=116:37
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=2c3df4e2 Bryan Bishop: handle ieee xplore login.jsp urls17:13
gnushapaperbot: reload papers17:13
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-01-22 01:13:21)17:13
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/login.jsp?tp=&arnumber=806324&url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fxpls%2Fabs_all.jsp%3Farnumber%3D80632417:14
@kanzurewell.. that sort of worked.17:14
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@kanzurejrayhawk: thank you17:16
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@kanzurejrayhawk: any thoughts about unbreaking the git service?17:17
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@kanzurenmz787: that's one of the guys doing gen9bio.com17:18
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@kanzure"The other team members include chemistry graduate student Matt Katcher from Princeton, New Jersey, and two bloggers called Organometallica and BRSM"17:25
@kanzuredid not know this "The journal Organic Syntheses, for example, only publishes synthetic procedures that have been checked and verified by a member of its editorial board."17:26
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@kanzurenot sure why they are trotting out chemspider though, that thing is uber-proprietary17:26
@kanzurethere's only one post?17:27
@kanzureseems like the barriers to get into nature news have uh lessened17:27
barriersu rang17:46
nmz787damn I missed a relevant conference http://www.chi-peptalk.com/Genes-Vectors-Clones18:01
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eudoxiawell kim's entry is up http://wiki.transhumani.com/index.php?title=Cryonics#Kim_Suozzi18:05
eudoxiathis list is depressing as shit18:05
nmz787eudoxia: why is it depressing?18:07
eudoxiavarious sorts of dead people18:12
eudoxiasome of them interesting dead people, like Jerry Leaf18:12
eudoxiaand Curtis Henderson18:13
eudoxiaman fuck you Ben Best and your patient experimentation18:13
nmz787paperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S016777991100179X18:23
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Error%20correction%20in%20gene%20synthesis%20technology.pdf18:23
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* eudoxia sleeps18:49
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nmz787kanzure: do you know who ted myatt is?18:52
nmz787oh, he's one of the diybio safety officers18:53
nmz787he's trying to add me on linkedin18:54
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nmz787kanzure: ever hear of iPython?22:22
@kanzurei use it all the time22:22
nmz787oh really?22:22
nmz787it looks a lot like matlab22:22
@kanzurei currently have 34 instances of ipython running22:22
nmz787damn dude, share the love22:22
nmz787how don't you spam about this?22:23
rigelthere was another python shell that i messed with a little bit that was great22:23
rigeli dont recall the name of it though22:23
@kanzurebefore ipython i was trying out bpython22:23
@kanzurebut bpython has a bunch of minor bugs that accumulate into a giant disaster22:24
rigeli still need to work out the details of using virtualenv22:24
rigelthat was probably it22:24
rigeli didnt mess with it enough to see the bugs22:24
@kanzurei use virtualenv-burrito to setup virtualenv on my machines22:24
nmz787kanzure: have you used the webnotebook?22:24
rigelthough iirc there was something odd like no scrollback or something22:24
@kanzurenmz787: nope.22:24
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@kanzurerigel: curl -s https://raw.github.com/brainsik/virtualenv-burrito/master/virtualenv-burrito.sh | bash22:25
@kanzurenext: echo "source ~/.venvburrito/startup.sh" >> ~/.bashrc22:25
@kanzurethen you have mkvirtualenv and friends.22:26
rigeli do not need to mess with programming right now22:26
rigeli need to avoid failing my classes22:26
rigeland then i need to avoid failing my board exams22:26
rigelthough i am hearing the call of programming and technical exploration more and more, in part simply because i am not constantly being evaluated on it and told "you suck pretty bad"22:27
nmz787yeah i'm writing some openSpectrometer code now in python22:28
rigeli have been at least 1 SD, usually 1.7, sometimes as much as 3, below the mean. on every test so far for the last year and a half.22:28
yashgarothare you pounding adderall22:28
rigeli wish i had access to adderall22:28
@kanzureyou're in med school.. it would be hard to *not* run into adderall22:29
yashgarothhow do you survive in med school without addies22:29
nmz787yashgaroth: looks like by being below the mean22:29
yashgarothask literally any of your classmates, or bluff a doctor22:29
nmz787NPR was talking about Oprah's lance armstrong interview22:30
nmz787and how he doped in every tour de france22:30
nmz787and basically, yeah it's not a level playing field anymore for non-doped22:30
nmz787if doping is taking place22:30
nmz787which it obv is22:30
@kanzurewhen i was first getting interested in medicine, i thought this guy was the coolest dude ever for doing this:22:30
@kanzurenmz787: lance should use his enormous fortune to convince people that doping isn't evil22:31
@kanzurenmz787: also they should keep the standings for the competitors because they were all on drugs anyway, so it's not like anything would have been different.22:32
nmz787i dont know any more than i've said22:32
rigeli have sort of suggested to my pcp that maybe i could use some adderall22:37
rigelbut they deflected22:37
rigeland honestly, i dont know that it would help22:37
@kanzurewhen you try to get adderall, never mention it by name22:38
rigeli get so fucking angry at how worthless this kind of teaching is22:38
rigelif i were hopped up on amphetamines i might stab someone22:38
@kanzurethat's not how amphetamines work22:38
rigeloh, trust me i know how this shit works22:38
rigel"i cant focus"22:38
rigel"i am so distractable"22:38
@kanzure"my job is suffering"22:38
rigeli know how amphetamines work22:40
rigeli know that i turn into a gigantic asshole once the plasma levels drop below a particular point22:40
@kanzurei wish there was more research into how amphetamines actually work on a circuit-wide level22:40
yashgarothwell at least try modafinil or something; I don't want to mention nootropics or else an hour-long discussion of stackz will appear22:40
rigeland i know that i have anger control issues22:40
@kanzure"it modifies dopamine levels!" is such utter bullshit22:40
rigeli messed with adrafinil, piracetam, hydergine, etc during undergrad22:41
rigel10 years ago22:41
rigelit would be hard to say that any of them did much22:41
rigeli hear modafinil is supposed to be good, but its still hideously expensive innit22:42
yashgarothoh yes it is, it's only for when I feel too guilty about being lazy on weekends22:42
rigelbah, antiaging-systems no longer carries modafinil22:43
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yashgarothwell if stims don't seem to work for you, it's worth a shot to try cramming on opiates22:44
rigelstill pretty fucking expensive22:45
rigelbut it used to be like 2-3x what this site sells it for22:45
rigelmaybe a scrip will be cheaper22:45
yashgarothsure but once you're an MD you'll be making $texas22:45
rigelright, with $400k in loans to pay back22:45
yashgarothsure, just do plastic surgery for a year22:46
rigel"just do plastic surgery" he/she says22:46
yashgarothhe, and yes I know22:46
@kanzureindeed, those "stem cell face lifts" are apparently hot.. :/22:46
rigelbecause you certainly dont need to be certified, and do a residency in it, in order to do plastic surgery22:46
@kanzurei guarantee you that nobody did a residency in stem cell face lifting22:46
yashgarothI severely doubt they even did med school for that matter22:47
@kanzurehi dr. nick22:47
yashgarothok well how about becoming a mob doctor? that's a thing22:47
rigeli dont think thats particularly well paid22:47
yashgarothall the cocaine you want22:48
rigeli think thats something you do because you owe the shark about 80 large22:48
nmz787kanzure: hell everybody22:49
nmz787yashgaroth: how did you get modafinil?22:49
yashgarothmymodafinil.net, back when they were .com22:49
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yashgarothpremium quality indian generic foil sheets22:50
browniesyou ordered from there?22:50
yashgarothway back when, yeah22:50
browniescustoms was cool with it?22:50
yashgarothheld up in customs for 10 days or something, but I guess so22:50
yashgarothI think nowadays they're flagging it though, so good luck22:50
browniesi have no desire to engage in anything nearly that shady22:51
browniesi have just seen them hawking their wares on reddit, so i was curious22:51
nmz787how way is way back?22:51
yashgarothalmost a year ago I think22:52
nmz787whats the armo* version?22:53
rigelsomeone i knew in undergrad used to get a whole lot of valium and codein from an outfit in spain called "libertarian solutions"22:53
browniesnmz787: regular mo is a racemic mixture; armo is the purified22:53
rigelagain, 10 years ago, statute of limitations, etc22:53
@kanzurerigel: that's an amazing outfit name22:54
yashgaroththere is always silkroad too22:54
browniesobviously that is the simplified explanation and i am not your doctor/lawyer/dentist/etc22:54
@kanzure"Mobular Solutions".. send cell phones through customs for mob bosses.22:54
rigelit was in keeping with their predilection for purchasing little quantities of every alphabet soup psychedelic/enpathogen to come down the pike22:54
brownieswikipedia has some nice explanations on this all ... though i wouldn't mind seeing some more studies on the psychopharmacology of such things22:54
rigel2ct7, 4-AcO-DiPT, MBDB, etc22:54
nmz787yeah i would like to see some neural reprogramming studies undertaken with psychedelics/empathogens in rats or mice22:58
@kanzurehuh? there are tons of studies with psychadelics+mice..22:58
nmz787i guess there are the psilocin experiments in humans happening now, NYU I think22:58
rigeli signed up for the hopkins studies22:58
rigelthey were trying to sign people up for that stuff for smoking cessation22:59
rigelit was crazy22:59
nmz787there was a conference last summer on the subject near philadelphia22:59
rigeli just didnt have enough spare time to go in for the sessions and debriefing etc22:59
rigelit would have been hella cool22:59
rigelbut just too much time investment22:59
nmz787i hear tijuana has ibogaine clinics23:00
rigelbecause it was always on weekdays23:00
browniesrigel: i wish they would publish their exact experimental protocol for those studies23:00
augur_there are tones of studies with psychedelics and people23:01
augur_oh neural reprogramming23:01
augur_depends on what you mean23:02
browniesreally? other than the Hopkins ones, i'm not aware of anything interesting/recent23:02
augur_if you mean some NLP hogwash, hah.23:02
nmz787augur_: yeah pretty broad term23:02
browniesi don't know what "neural reprogramming" is... i'd just be interested to see more study done on it.23:02
rigelif a site is advertising on reddit then it's probably going to be throwing money down the toilet23:04
rigelthe fucking president gets on reddit!23:04
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nmz787damn, is it worth learning chinese at this age?23:22
nmz787would that work well?23:22
@kanzurenmz787: http://pinyin.info/readings/texts/moser.html23:25
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-!- nsh [~nsh@wikipedia/nsh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]23:45
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browniesnmz787: ni hao, bro.23:49
-!- yashgaroth [~ffffff@cpe-66-27-118-94.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]23:57
--- Log closed Tue Jan 22 00:00:37 2013

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