
--- Log opened Sun Jan 27 00:00:42 2013
-!- Charlie_ [~quassel@] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]00:18
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JayDuggerI checked the logs without00:48
JayDuggerSenator Cornyn (R-TX) sends Attorney General Holder a nasty letter re:Aaron Schwartz.00:49
JayDuggerLet Cornyn's office know what you think. http://www.cornyn.senate.gov/public/?a=Files.Serve&File_id=74c0afb3-1bc2-49f5-9150-0a8f004ef43800:50
kanzuresomeone is claiming that FOIA can be used to get pdfs00:53
kanzurei'm not sure if this is true, it sounds suspicious00:53
JayDuggerPDFs of what, kanzure. I've been arguing with my wife and my head is not on straight.00:54
kanzureJayDugger: never go to sleep with your wife angry, blah blah blah insert bogus marriage advice here00:54
browniesthat is an interesting twist00:55
JayDuggerYeah...we got married. She has a house. I have housework--all of the house work. We also sleep on opposite schedules, so no big deal.00:55
JayDuggerAll's well. I'll ask for housecleaning service next Christmas. :)00:56
kanzureJayDugger: did you know that you can just pay people to clean your house?00:56
browniesyou're a stay-at-home dad?00:56
browniesman, color me jealous. that sounds awesome.00:56
JayDuggerGosh, no. I work third shift.00:56
browniesoh =(00:57
JayDuggerAs for FOIA getting papers, try muckrock.co,00:58
kanzurebrownies: so i think the FOIA claim is probably wrong. while the research is funded by tax dollars, the research institutions supposedly signed over the copyrights.00:58
JayDugger.com, even.00:58
JayDuggerThey'll file FOIA for you, IIRC.00:58
JayDuggerHere's there page for Silk Road. https://www.muckrock.com/foi/united-states-of-america-10/bitcoin-and-silk-road-1385/00:59
kanzureone FOIA per pdf that you want is horribly inefficient, since most requests are not processed immediately.00:59
JayDuggerVery, so even if it works, it'll suck.01:00
JayDuggerHere's muckrock for another Silk Road investigation from last year. https://www.muckrock.com/foi/united-states-of-america-10/bitcoin-and-silk-road-1385/01:00
JayDuggerOh, and I meant hiring housecleaners for Christmas. I'll have the house cleaned by then.01:01
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kanzurehmm so apparently i sent an fbi foia request in 2009 and then again in 2010 with no formal response besides "we've received your request"02:36
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kanzure"aaronsw scraped 900k books from google books that are in the public domain, but they haven't been edited yet http://archive.org/details/googlebooks "03:29
kanzureugh formatting http://archive.org/stream/zeitschriftfuer135unkngoog/zeitschriftfuer135unkngoog_djvu.txt03:30
kanzureor erm.. i mean. ocr artifacts.03:30
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kanzurejuri_: also, actual review of skdb specifications or contributions on that front would be pretty handy. none of the existing package managers really solve the same problems.04:43
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kanzurechris_99: do you have an athens login?05:02
chris_99i don't think so05:02
kanzurearen't you in the uk?05:03
-!- HEx1 [~HEx@hexwab.plus.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap05:05
kanzureHEx1: what about you? athens?05:05
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HEx1hi kanzure. I've heard of it. but no, I don't currently have access to such a thing, if that's what you're asking05:07
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kanzureHEx1: okay, thank you.05:08
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HEx1is this related to journal scraping?05:15
-!- Jaakko96 [~Jaakko@94-194-89-130.zone8.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de]05:23
kanzureHEx1: eh, not entirely.. i just want to see the athens control panel in action. and to examine cookies.05:26
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-!- JayDugger [~duggerjw@pool-173-74-81-239.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]05:33
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gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=8bfa7b2a Bryan Bishop: a few more biohacking articles05:39
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=e6842c14 Bryan Bishop: README: initial content05:54
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=32d476fa Bryan Bishop: README: add a link to phenny05:54
gnusha_paperbot: reload papers05:54
kanzureah right that wont work because gnusha_ is not gnusha05:55
gnusha_/nick gnusha05:56
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kanzureremote:    19c9076..35682de  master     -> origin/master06:04
kanzureremote: warning: inexact rename detection was skipped due to too many files.06:04
kanzureremote: warning: you may want to set your merge.renamelimit variable to at least 1383 and retry the command.06:04
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=dfb9b34c Bryan Bishop: explicitly list some python dependencies06:05
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=88aff1a0 Bryan Bishop: README: describe another paperbot compulsion06:05
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=1fe6d64d Bryan Bishop: README: also also06:05
gnusha_paperbot: reload papers06:05
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kanzureyashgaroth: hi13:07
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kanzurepaperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cr030203g13:50
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Nonaqueous%20Liquid%20Electrolytes%20for%20Lithium-Based%20Rechargeable%20Batteries.pdf13:50
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1044203213:51
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kanzure"We've started up an EastBay DIYBio group (we've met twice so far in Downtown Oakland at www.sudoroom.org , a great, new and welcoming melded hackerspace) and we'd love to invite anyone interested in meeting with us the last Friday of each month in the East bay to come and join us!"14:10
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gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=f4990753 Bryan Bishop: add east-bay-diybio group14:13
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favetelinguishi all, anyone from sweden on here?14:37
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kanzurefavetelinguis: splicer is in sweden.14:40
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favetelinguiscant see him online now, will look out for him, thanks15:09
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kanzurefavetelinguis: welcome back17:46
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kanzureweb inspector commits rss feed http://peter.sh/data/web-inspector-rss.php18:50
kanzureyashgaroth: is sheldrake more or less of a quack than hameroff?19:10
kanzurei misplaced my quack decoder ringer. sheldrake is the "morphogenetic field" guy. :/19:10
yashgarothI have luckily not heard of either of them19:10
yashgarothhowever from a brief googling they are both detrimental to humanity19:11
kanzurethe wikipedia article on "morphogenetic field" looks like a sane thing now, it looks like they shoved all of sheldrake's stuff into a subsection.19:11
yashgarothyeah that'll happen19:13
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kanzurelab protocol videos http://www.benchfly.com/19:19
kanzure"opening a locked ultracentrifuge" http://www.benchfly.com/video/50/opening-a-locked-ultracentrifuge/19:19
kanzurehm it seems to be lacking the yucky biology protocols19:21
yashgaroth"How to Chunk Worms" FINALLY19:22
yashgarothlooks pretty good though19:22
kanzurejove has more stuff19:22
yashgarothyeah but it's all super-specific stuff19:23
yashgarothlike that19:24
kanzureheh http://www.jove.com/video/4243/manual-drainage-of-the-zebrafish-embryonic-brain-ventricles19:24
yashgaroth"You do not have access to any JoVE content through your current IP address." whaaaa19:25
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jove.com/video/4285/a-visual-description-dissection-cerebral-surface-vasculature19:25
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/A%20Visual%20Description%20of%20the%20Dissection%20of%20the%20Cerebral%20Surface%20Vasculature%20and%20Associated%20Meninges%20and%20the%20Choroid%20Plexus%20from%20Rat%20Brain.pdf19:25
yashgarothsince when is jove paywalled?!19:26
kanzurealways was19:26
kanzure.. right?19:27
yashgarothI seem to recall viewing full videos, lemme find a non-neuro one and see if it happens again19:27
yashgarothwow nope it's everything19:27
yashgarothI seem to recall it was free at some point, way back19:28
kanzuresomeone should do a youtube poop of these protocol videos19:28
yashgarothmaybe it was back when I had a UW proxy or something, oh well19:29
kanzureand accurately show how enraging they are19:29
yashgarothI thought youtube poop videos were strictly limited to 90's cartoons based off of video games19:30
kanzurepaperbot: http://ecsource.jove.com/CDNSource/4154_Levin_Pathogenesis_050412_F_Web.mov19:33
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/7006f6fbb24865d33c2fb09592c7b39d.txt19:33
kanzurejove stops playing after 30 seconds through pdx.edu19:34
kanzurebut it seems that they did this in flash, and the actual video file is still the full content19:34
yashgarothI was gonna say, should be possible to extract it19:37
kanzurethat text file there is a mov file. quicktime is playing it just fine.19:37
yashgarothyep, works for me19:39
kanzurethese people do not look happy at all19:39
yashgarothwhy are they wearing lab coats in the office? that is not osha compliant19:40
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jove.com.proxy.lib.pdx.edu/video/4163/visualization-genetic-manipulation-dendrites-spines-mouse-cerebral19:41
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Visualization%20and%20Genetic%20Manipulation%20of%20Dendrites%20and%20Spines%20in%20the%20Mouse%20Cerebral%20Cortex%20and%20Hippocampus%20using%20In%20utero%20Electroporation.pdf19:41
kanzurepaperbot: http://ecsource.jove.com/CDNSource/4163_Guillemot_071812_F_Web.mov19:42
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/b16c71f79078e122239477f887d013d7.txt19:42
kanzure"Transfer the animal to the second pad. Begin the surgery when the animal loses the twitching reflex." yessss.19:44
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kanzure"Avoid applying current across the placenta, as this will cause embryo death. Try to electroporate all of the embryos in under 30 minutes."19:46
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jove.com.proxy.lib.pdx.edu/video/4031/production-lentiviral-vectors-for-transducing-cells-from-central19:50
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/404f6b938dc7b584cf87a4b3112ff094.txt19:50
kanzurepaperbot: http://ecsource.jove.com/CDNSource/4031_Snider_Astrocytes_051612_F_Web.mov19:51
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/29abccb2d19b5417dd5889054bbe1084.txt19:51
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kanzurewhaat she didn't switch out tips19:57
kanzurei wonder where they found voice talent that can pronounce this shit.19:59
kanzurei need a way to loop all of these videos20:03
yashgarothacademics don't switch out tips without a good reason20:08
kanzurei guess i spent more time working with dna20:08
kanzureyou must be paranoid when working with dna, rna and other small molecules because even minor contamination throws off everything.20:09
kanzure"Remove all the fetuses and place them in a sterile dish prepared earlier. Cut the embryos from the amniotic sac using a pair of small scizzors. Place them in a second dish. Wash the embryos at room temperature by gently tilting the dish for 5 to 10 seconds. Transfer the rinsed embryos to another dish. Under a stereomicroscope, extract each rat's brain with a pair of curved forceps. Place about 5 brains in a 60mm dish."20:11
yashgarothwhen a single molecule will fuck you over, yeah20:11
kanzurehow do you have "about" 5 brains20:11
yashgarothadd 1 tablespoon of embryonic rat brains, to taste20:12
kanzure"This can be performed in about 2 hours if you perform it properly." ha, ha20:15
kanzure"using a custom-made hamilton syringe, ..." wait, that's not fair.20:19
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kanzure"a very narrow needle track minimizes brain damage" i'd say.20:38
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kanzure"MBA programs are more brazen about this. It's a regular thing for an MBA professor to reschedule exams to accommodate student travel and social events. Top MBAs are the only educational program (to my knowledge) where professors are virtually required to accommodate students' social calendars."21:48
kanzure"The tuition bubble is about the social connections. Do not be deluded on this. Education is a secondary concern in all that, especially when we're talking about private pre-schools where the quality is ancillary: it's about the "feeder" effect. How did degenerate connection-seeking get conflated with education?"21:48
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brownieshave you ever noticed how the only people who are anti-college are the ones who didn't graduate?22:10
brownieswhere are all the Harvard grads who think college is a bad idea?22:10
yashgarothehh I graduated and I'm anti22:11
browniesnonsense. where's your cognitive dissonance!22:12
joehotif you graduated of course youre going to like it22:12
yashgarothit's a bit different for bio since you can't just drop out and do freelance biology in silicon valley22:12
browniesyou could've gotten a job, though22:13
browniesbiology has other... obstacles... to freelancing. even for graduates =P22:13
yashgarothin biology? washing glassware maybe22:13
yashgarothor filling vials in a cleanroom22:13
browniesah, so you admit the college education was necessary22:13
browniesyou just don't want other people to have it? =P22:14
yashgaroththat's what, like, society says, man22:14
kanzurehehe people use excel for bioinformatics? http://nsaunders.wordpress.com/2012/10/22/gene-name-errors-and-excel-lessons-not-learned/22:14
yashgarothI'm against the idea that college education is required to learn a subject22:14
kanzurebrownies: jojack graduated from harvard and he thinks it's a fucking awful idea22:14
browniesi'd like to hear from him, then22:14
kanzurehe doesn't seem to be online at the moment22:14
brownieshe thinks going to Harvard is a bad idea?22:14
browniesor he thinks going to Shitty State U is a bad idea?22:15
kanzurehe had a lot of friends kill themselves while he was stationed at harvard22:15
kanzurehe has an extremely negative view of college.22:16
yashgarothjesus what22:16
browniesnot sure how many qualifies for "a lot" but it is actually relatively common at all top universities22:16
yashgarothman I only had one and I thought that was a lot22:16
yashgarothwait, two22:16
kanzurebrownies: i was only mentioning the suicides because you would probably claim that his experience is different from others. but he has other reasons based on reasoning.22:16
browniesyeah i would be genuinely curious to hear them.22:17
browniesin the meantime... yashgaroth: why do you think it's a bad idea?22:17
yashgarothbecause all I did in college was get high and read textbooks and papers22:17
yashgaroth2/3 I could do on my own, now 3/3 with paperbot22:17
browniesi know people who did that.22:18
browniesit seems the simple solution is to not do that.22:18
brownies*not do just that.22:18
yashgarothhow do you mean22:18
brownieswell, now that i'm out of college, i look back on it as a rare time that i had to just lead a life dedicated to studying and learning ... a privilege which i'll probably never have again22:19
browniesin theory, it would have been nice to have been told that at the start of the 4 years, rather than realizing it years later.22:19
browniesin practice... i'm not sure the message would've sunk in22:19
browniesbut if it had! then people would not just sit around.22:20
kanzurehow does that require college?22:20
browniesthe professors, labs, and fellow students are the part that college provides22:22
browniesotherwise, yeah, you can totally sit at home, eat pizza, and read textbooks all day. as long as you make rent, nothing's stopping you.22:22
kanzuredid you know that professors still exist even if you don't pay tuition?22:23
yashgarothso college provides connections?22:23
kanzuredid you know that you can still go to classes even without tuition?22:23
browniesyes, but what does that prove?22:23
browniesi am aware that all of these things exist22:23
kanzurethat nothing you have said supports your thesis22:23
browniescollege gives you an environment where you are surrounded by that, with a dedicated feedback loop to help you learn22:23
kanzureyou would know this if you went to college... oh wait.22:23
browniesnothing rules out creating this for yourself from scratch22:24
browniesyou could farm all your food too, and make your own microchips in your oven, but here you are going to the grocery store and buying laptops off-the-shelf22:25
* kanzure shrugs22:25
kanzurehomecmos seems to be working out okay22:25
yashgarothlet's not slide down the slippery slope too quick here22:26
kanzureyashgaroth: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=657182149541&set=a.657181545751.2225972.9591&type=1&relevant_count=422:26
brownieskanzure: you will note that my whole thesis is just anti-anti-college ... which just requires college to have a > 0 utility.22:27
yashgarothomg that profile pic22:27
yashgarothcollege undeniably has utility, it's just a question of whether it's worth the cost22:28
yashgaroth /time22:28
kanzureyashgaroth: https://www.facebook.com/notes/joseph-p-jackson/my-friend-the-killer/47191436455922:30
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yashgaroth"This content is currently unavailable" maybe I should friend him22:31
kanzurejojack is hilarious "PS.  When you have an extensive library of melodic death metal, as I do, there is always a song for every occasion."22:31
kanzuredamn none of his facebook notes have a writeup of his views on college22:32
kanzure" I am personally an anomaly, having never used a journal or any kind of formal record for diet and training tracking. Getting ripped is pretty simple--start with 2 100 meter sprints a day, increase over 12-18 wks until you work up to 20-30 intervals in a 24 hr period. When you feel like vomitting, which is most of the time, you know you are doing it right."22:34
kanzurefascinating methods!22:34
kanzure"We pay for convicts to lift weights in the joint damn it, why can't I catch a break?"22:34
yashgaroth100 meter sprints are a vital part of my patented 'resisting arrest' fitness program22:36
yashgaroththe sprints burn fat, while the tazing and beating stimulate muscle growth22:36
yashgarothrecommended supplements include a good lawyer22:37
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kanzureyashgaroth: don't leave me bro23:54
kanzure"The website diybio.org lists 16 groups in the United States, including Sunnyvale, known as BioCurious, San Francisco (BioBridge) and Los Angeles (LA BioHackers)."23:56
kanzurepfft my list is more thorough23:56
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=5d8ee282 Bryan Bishop: add a diybio article about the san diego group23:58
kanzureby my count there are 4523:59
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