
--- Log opened Wed Feb 20 00:00:06 2013
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:05
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bkeroMmm, 1080p headset came today00:45
bkeroHave FXI Cotton Candy and USB Battery too.00:45
-!- mutagen [~safitan@75-105-12-23.cust.wildblue.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]00:46
jrayhawkWait, 1080p? who makes that?00:46
bkeroSilicon Microdisplay ST108000:48
bkeroTyping to you from it now. :)00:52
jrayhawkhot damn, that's 1080 per eye00:52
bkeroIt's pretty slick shit00:54
jrayhawk80fps per color, staggered by channel00:55
jrayhawkHuh, that's bound to get annoying, but I guess we'd have to wait another few years for microwire processes to get down to appropriate size for that.00:56
jrayhawkDoes it have integration with any major 3D engines yet?00:57
bkeroSupports 3 different 3d standards, don't know if it needs more support inside engines than that.00:58
ThomasEgifor 3d rendering. all you usualy need is a driver that supports it.00:58
jrayhawkOrientation tracking is the concern, not rendering.01:02
archelsbkero: didn't want to wait for the Oculus Rift eh?01:10
-!- ArmilusDajjal [~safitan@75-105-12-23.cust.wildblue.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap01:16
bkeroarchels: have one of those preordered as well, but nowhere near the resolution.01:26
archelsah really, that's disappointing. I was looking forward to the idea of having an almost limitless virtual display, thanks to its low-latency head orientation tracking.01:38
archelsResolutionDeveloper kit: 1280×800 (640×800 per eye),[4] Consumer version: >=1920x108001:39
archels">=" seems to indicate a promise rather than hard fact :)01:39
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ThomasEgidoesnt the st1080 come without tracking?01:51
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-!- ArmilusDajjal is now known as mutagen06:41
ParahSail1npaperbot: http://doi.apa.org/index.cfm?doi=10.1037/0735-7044.120.2.35306:52
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/a556846176f5ce3c2a07bb72805ee252.txt06:53
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nmz787paperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja990592p08:37
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Kinetics%20of%20RNA%20Degradation%20by%20Specific%20Base%20Catalysis%20of%20Transesterification%20Involving%20the%202-Hydroxyl%20Group.pdf08:37
nmz787error 500 indeed!08:38
nmz787cheers to error 500!08:38
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delinquentmepurchasing microplates ...  I need a 96 well V-bottom microplate with very minimal "structure" at the bottom  I'm using it to stick into a heating block and so I need the smallest air-gap that I can get ... anyone know what these are called?09:53
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superkuhpaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=112759811:45
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chris_99does anyone know of anything about when the Nanopore sequencer will be out12:16
chris_99or anything similar12:16
ParahSailinoxford nanopore?12:45
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/21/10/2375.full.pdf+html12:45
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/A%20fractional%20programming%20approach%20to%20efficient%20DNA%20melting%20temperature%20calculation.pdf12:46
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ParahSailinwe should get some seeds from bowman (http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/20/business/justices-signal-a-monsanto-edge-in-patent-case.html?_r=0)13:14
ParahSailinpirate the shit out of them13:14
chris_99yeah oxford nanonpore ParahSail1n13:15
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1521-0391.2013.00309.x/pdf13:22
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/d2582afa8af58f5393d36be2fd52a896.txt13:23
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vnfv/ncurrent/full/nature11028.html13:23
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1111/j.1521-0391.2013.00309.x/asset/ajad309.pdf?v=1&t=hdeznozo&s=50a50aecd85fb140943fd1d8267f8e87c76e91db13:25
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/d93585683a455c8ea6a6b92f8b3e40c6.pdf13:25
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kanzurehttp://google.com/glass just marketing stuff, but whatever. looks like the betas they shipped might be real.14:05
kanzurewelp, time to start on a facial recognition project.14:09
kanzurei think a 10 second lag would be acceptable, if it had to upload a picture to a remote server to get details back.14:09
klafkawhat about just to your phone14:11
klafkaby the time glass is commercially available i bet phones can handle facial recognition14:11
kanzureyour phone still can't have terabytes of data for storing facial recognition data sets14:12
kanzurei mean, i can't imagine a scenario in the next few years where your phone can accurately recognize every one of the 7 billion people14:12
klafkaoh good point14:12
klafkaumm i figured you'd do facial recognition from your friends14:13
klafkarather you'd grow the set youreslf14:13
kanzurethose are the people you know14:13
kanzurei want it when i need it most14:13
klafkagot it14:13
-!- augur [~augur@129-2-129-32.wireless.umd.edu] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:30
strangewarpSent Google a throwaway application for their Glass promotion thingy. Maybe I'll luck out and get a pair, then figure out how to write a bridge between Pd on a laptop and a HUD client on Glass.14:32
strangewarpMy extreme-DIY music setup currently has an annoying bottleneck where I have to steal glances at a laptop screen while singing, and that is pretty annoying.14:33
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strangewarphttp://robrhinehart.com/?p=298 - Anyone have any opinions on this? I found the link while Poetry Twitter People were ripping the guy apart for being so obviously lonely and disgusting and unfeeling that he wanted to remove the warmth of food from his life.16:49
-!- augur [~augur@c-98-218-127-183.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:49
strangewarpBut it's fascinating.16:50
strangewarpHe claims to have created a total food-replacement substance, covering all nutritional needs, and sating all cravings, for $50/month. And that's without any economies-of-scale involved.16:50
strangewarpHe calls it Soylent, because.. of course he would.16:51
Thorbinatorif you can give it variable texture and flavor packets16:52
ThorbinatorI'd use it16:52
strangewarpIt's an oily frothy drink, it seems.16:52
strangewarpApparently it is delicious, but he wasn't expecting it to be.16:53
Thorbinatorthe biggest problem with human chow is how monotonous it is compared to our actual diet16:53
ParahSail1nit doesnt list the formula16:53
jrayhawkis the formula16:53
strangewarpFollow-up post with recipe: http://robrhinehart.com/?p=42416:53
strangewarpah, beaten16:53
jrayhawkIt's one hell of a lot better than the crap people normally eat.16:53
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jrayhawkThe overabsorbability is going to screw his intestinal flora up pretty bad, though, and I'm not convinced he's being adequately careful about the nutrient forms and resulting bioavailability.16:54
ParahSail1ndubious premise16:54
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ParahSail1nbut i guess these sorts of experiments are how scientists originally learned of the vitamins and micronutrients we've discovered so far16:56
jrayhawkLike, is that ω3 short chain or long chain? Is that folate folic acid or an actual tetrahydrofolate? Is that iron iron oxide or heme? Is that b12 cyanocobalamin?16:57
jrayhawkThese things matter a lot and he doesn't seem to care.16:58
ParahSail1nall kinds of red flags16:58
jrayhawkEh, he's still way better off than normal folks.16:59
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strangewarpYeah, that's about what I figured, but it's good to get confirmation from actual science people.17:00
strangewarpI'm tempted to try it, since I'm currently on an ultra-low food budget..17:00
jrayhawkDoing it with proper forms will be prohibitively expensive.17:01
ParahSail1nim pretty sure chemical isolates are more expensive than actual unrefined foods17:02
ParahSail1nget more money so that you can afford to eat17:03
strangewarpworking on it :s17:03
strangewarpI like that diet for its unabashed modernism most of all, really17:04
jrayhawkisolates are probably the cheapest approach until you start factoring in the externalities of agricultural subsidies17:04
ParahSail1nhm, you can get a metric ton of maltodextrin for $50017:06
jrayhawkLike, wheat is nutritionally near-worthless and immunologically disastrous, but deriving dextrose from that wheat is not a lot of extra cost.17:06
ParahSail1nare the chemical isolates of all the vitamins that cheap too?17:13
jrayhawkSo long as you don't care about bioavailability.17:13
ParahSail1ndoubt its cheaper than beef liver puree17:17
* strangewarp reads up on bioavailability wrt vitamins...17:17
jrayhawkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwbY12qZcF4 is kinda interesting to watch17:18
jrayhawkIt's about density rather than bioavailability, but the liver thing reminded me of it.17:19
ParahSail1nwhats he say in video17:19
ParahSail1nits very hard to scroll and skim a video to find the new information17:20
jrayhawkThere are a few surprises; the biggest one being that animal fats are crap for nutrients.17:21
jrayhawkLiver and shellfish still come out on top, though.17:21
jrayhawk(no surprise)17:21
ParahSail1ncrap for nutrients except for vitamin a, k, cholesterol, omegles?17:24
-!- panax [~panax@] has joined ##hplusroadmap17:24
jrayhawkCholesterol is not an essential nutrient and endogenous production outstrips dietary sources by at worst a factor of ten.17:24
jrayhawkBut even the fat soluable vitamins are pretty low in most cases.17:25
ParahSail1nfactor of ten? citation?17:25
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panaxshould i go for low cholesterol or high17:27
jrayhawkpanax: Doesn't matter much.17:28
ParahSail1nanimal fats are mostly good as macronutrient17:30
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jrayhawkOh, folks with hypercholesterolemia are apparently a much worse case.17:39
jrayhawkor, in some cases, rather17:40
jrayhawkThat's more variable than I thought it was.17:40
jrayhawkWhat I get for believing Ancel Keys about anything.17:40
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jrayhawkpaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1634065417:46
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/pdf/10.1146/annurev.nu.12.070192.00150317:51
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jrayhawkso apparently the modern numbers for typical responders are, like, 25 percent exogenous but there's some shutoff mechanism for the receptor18:13
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2068378518:15
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11883-010-0130-718:15
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/14202c1cfed49bfcbe1aab9f20b35d14.txt18:15
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://journals.ohiolink.edu/ejc/article.cgi?issn=15233804&issue=v12i0006&article=377_rdcrdtesalo318:16
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/f1f6e913fe7608fb49f1e124084ea348.txt18:17
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jrayhawkscience is hard18:17
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panaxi need to get my HDL up18:21
panaxdon't want niacin though18:22
ParahSail1neat animal fat18:22
panaxthe literature seems to indicate i really need to minimize cholesterol18:23
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ParahSail1nyou mean you want to minimize the vldl thats going to the wrong places?18:25
panaxthoughts on cholesterol vs alzheimer's18:26
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JayDuggerFourth Generation Nuclear Weapons: Military effectiveness and collateral effects (http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0510071)18:44
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ParahSail1nalzheimers seems to be cholesterol deficiency18:56
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kanzurewhere did eleitl go?19:29
kanzure4 TB hdd going for $180 http://www.amazon.com/Seagate-Backup-Desktop-External-STCA4000100/dp/B00829THLE/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1361379018&sr=8-2&keywords=4tb+drive19:31
kanzureand $180 (with $20 discount) on costco http://www.costco.com/.product.695080.html419:32
kanzureoops i mean http://www.costco.com/.product.695080.html19:32
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sylph_makoParahSail1n, I was going to message the mods of /r/objectivism to say that the faq it links to is disabled or inaccessible. Then I realized the mods are you. So that.19:44
ParahSail1noh, oops19:44
ParahSail1nok fixed19:45
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ParahSail1ndid i link r/Objectivism here, or wild coincidence?19:46
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sylph_makoCoincidence. Insofar as a transhumanist arriving at Objectivism is coincidental, but I feel that it is not.19:50
cpopellDo I go for the 4tb drive or not.19:53
ParahSail1ntoo many ip monopolists on r/O19:54
ParahSail1ni guess thats also to be expected given that AR shilled for ip too19:54
cpopellbelieved in =/= shilled for19:55
sylph_makoIntellectual Property?19:55
ParahSail1ni say shilled for because it is motivated cognition for an author living off of ip monopoly to need to rationalize it19:58
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Cat4Dis there any JS ontology construction or visualization tool?20:18
kanzureParahSail1n: you linked to it once.20:21
kanzure"My name is Sergio Longoria and I am a Talent Acquisition Sourcing Specialist with Thomson Reuters.  I came across your information online ..."20:23
kanzureha ha ha :shark:20:23
kanzureto be fair, he probably just mass emailed that20:24
kanzure"of *course* web of knowledge is safe with me on the job, sure.."20:25
kanzure.. or endnote.20:25
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sylph_makoHang on. ParahSail1n, you link to the TVTropes article on Objectivism. I was once struck with a vision of a curated compendium of all conceived concepts, and it looked kinda like TVTropes, without the emphasis on fiction.20:29
sylph_makoBut, the fact that there's an extensive article here on Objectivism suggests that the place is open to all kinds of concepts?20:30
ParahSail1nu/studiodekadent wrote most of that tvtropes page20:30
ParahSail1nand yeah, i guess tvtropes allows all kinds of content20:31
klafkaso much reddit going on in here20:31
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kanzurehere's the fbi's response they mailed me: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/irc/fbi/foipa/response.html20:43
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ParahSail1nwhat were you trying to foia20:45
kanzuremy own records20:45
kanzurethe fbi mailed me this letter a few days ago saying 404 file not found20:45
kanzurebut jrayhawk is saying that they are lying, because others receive results (like previous requests that were made) while i have not received anything at all.20:46
ParahSail1ni guess the only way to be sure is to fake your death20:47
ParahSail1nhomeless person, corrupt dentist, money20:47
mutagendont talk shit bout homeless20:50
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ20:50
mutagenmost of them are vets20:50
@kanzuremutagen: go away20:50
mutageni promis if i ever get the chance to beat you to death with a baseball bat i will, but this is irc20:54
mutagenand nothing matters20:54
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+q mutagen!*@*] by kanzure20:56
@kanzurethat's not okay with me.20:56
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@kanzurethis particular exemption is rather broad:21:01
@kanzure"(k)(2) investigatory material compiled for law enforcement purposes, other than criminal, which did not result in loss of a right, benefit or privilege under Federal programs, or which would identify a source"21:01
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ParahSail1nwelcome to the american regime where everything is made up and the points dont matter?21:07
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@kanzurehahaha yes teamfourstar irc.23:33
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strangewarpwow. that is an unusually foreboding FOIA Request response23:51
@kanzurehuh? is it different from their standard response?23:53
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