
--- Log opened Sat Feb 23 00:00:08 2013
brownieskanzure: used what within the past month?00:12
browniesi actually haven't. all of my CV work was done using the in-house lib we had at... that one place.00:22
browniesand it was a long time ago.00:23
@kanzureoh, i thought you were doing opencv things recently. something robotic.00:23
@kanzureor at least pretending to maybe be assembling some of those parts together.00:23
browniesi got as far as making a parts list and picking out what software stack i'd use... then i got distracted by startup things00:24
browniesi'm still a little shocked that Willow Garage folded00:25
@kanzurenope, it hasn't folded00:26
@kanzure"Willow Garage has decided to enter the world of commercial opportunities with an eye to becoming a self-sustaining company. This is an important change to our funding model."00:26
browniesoh that is interesting.00:28
browniesthat post is still worryingly short. and it doesn't mitigate the rumors i saw of layoffs.00:28
@kanzurethe layoff rumors might still be true.00:28
brownieskanzure: wtf, though? what was their business model before? how did they survive for the last 5 years?00:28
@kanzurecharisma and burritos?00:29
@kanzurenot sure.00:29
brownieskanzure: wikipedia doesn't really illuminate much either00:31
browniesmy best guess is "DARPA grant money + the largesse of early google employees"00:31
nmz787what did willow garage do?00:51
nmz787did they just host opencv?00:51
nmz787or develop it too?00:52
nmz787that's all i've heard of them for, opencv downloads and docs00:52
@kanzurethey also did ROS and lots of robots00:56
browniesopenCV, ROS, PR2, and some other spinoffs00:58
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nmz787i don't know what ROS or PR2 is03:01
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eudoxiaoh shit there's a possible gunman at MIT07:24
ThomasEgiwho you gonna call.... ghost busters!07:27
ThomasEgior the pizza delivery service07:27
eudoxia>Scene is clear. Call unfounded. No threat to public safety in #CambMA #MIT07:28
eudoxiathank you cambridge police department twitter feed07:28
eudoxiafuck i was already worried every kill would push the h+ future ~2 years into the future07:28
eudoxia>Hearing reports of the shooter being taken down by a grad student with a "prototype plasma weapon". Improbable I know, but this is MIT after all.07:30
eudoxia>At MIT? An ordinary firearm? Aha ha ha ha ha! Anything less that a photon laser will be vaporized by freshmen.07:30
eudoxiahahahaha oh the comments07:30
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@kanzurehrm. http://www.nirgoldshlager.com/2013/02/how-i-hacked-facebook-oauth-to-get-full.html09:47
brownieskanzure: is that 0day? or did he responsibly disclose first?09:56
@kanzurehe disclosed it i think09:57
browniesit's hard to tell. damn his broken english.09:59
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/early/2010/03/04/rspb.2010.0001.short10:54
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Atmospheric%20oxygen%20level%20and%20the%20evolution%20of%20insect%20body%20size.pdf10:54
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.springerlink.com/content/h348734770442854/11:04
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/395b02db5127aa6cf2fe78ae28a7d2d4.txt11:04
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yashgarothso kanzure how would you feel about doing a prototype dna synthesizer with a liquid handling robot and multi-well plates instead of microfluidicz12:01
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@kanzureyashgaroth: pretty good12:04
yashgarothok cool, because we'll have liquid handling robots and/or converted 3d printer assemblies at the lab, and 8000 wells isn't unforseeable with 384-well plates12:05
@kanzurenot sure how i feel about microwellarrayplates though. you can be a lot more sloppy with just 8x8 test tubes or something.12:05
yashgarothsure but when you've got thousands of wells...and even 3d printing heads have at least a millimeter of resolution12:06
@kanzureaccurate liquid handling on a microarray might be slightly more difficult, is my point.12:06
yashgarothoh not microarrays, these are well plates12:06
yashgarothlike dis http://www.thermoscientificbio.com/uploadedImages/Products/PCR_Related_Products/PCR_Plastics/ab-1384.jpg12:07
yashgarothI mean for super-initial testing of the enzymes and reactions, sure we can use a few ep tubes and mix by hand12:08
yashgarothbut if we end up having to wait for microfluidics to catch up, this might work well enough12:08
@kanzureso uh, i know this is a tough topic for you, but have you inventoried the liquid handlers you were given yet?12:10
yashgarothheh well we have two mendelmax's, and two real liquid handlers...I don't know how to assay them for functionality, and one seems to be a semi-homemade setup12:10
yashgarothI can't just go wander around the lab yet, since jojack has The One Key and is always traveling12:11
@kanzurethis is why you should learn lock picking12:11
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yashgaroththe parking lot is where local police like to hang out for donut breaks though12:11
@kanzureit would be nice if you could either get the model names and numbers, or any sort of barcodes or version numbers, from the bodies of the devices. soemtimes these are on the back, or inside a stupid panel.12:12
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yashgarothnow that I'm on the 'equipment team' it will be my first priority in general, next time we have a meeting I'm doing that12:12
yashgarothit's not like the handler needs to be super fast or anything, each reaction will take a few minutes, so even sterilizing the head in between, all it needs is <1mm repeatable resolution12:13
yashgarothanyway we have jcline we can do anything12:14
@kanzurehe will try to convince you to use perl, you must resist this as much as possible12:15
@kanzurenah not really, let him write it.12:15
yashgarothworks for me12:16
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@kanzureGrognor: hi13:22
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GrognorI perceive that this channel has an ethos of doing things rather than just writing all the time, but I don't know if there is anything I can do that is actually useful13:24
Grognorso I'm sort of requesting suggestions13:25
yashgarothwhat are you good at13:27
Grognormy resources are: lots of time, that's about it. I'm homeless and jobless at the moment, so I don't really have money or13:27
GrognorI don't have very many skills13:27
Grognorhttp://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/594240 this is the closest thing I can come to impressiveness, currently13:27
Grognorit'd be nice to know if there is a skill I can acquire from a (series of) textbook(s) that would inevitably be useful enough to get a job, or not, I don't think I necessarily need a job, but something, you know?13:28
@kanzuredo you have a computer?13:28
GrognorI haven't lurked/logspotted enough to know this channel's consensus opinion on pirating but I at least know about libgen.info13:29
@kanzurewrite software.13:29
GrognorI guess that's the default option for people who use irc, but it's not available to me13:31
@kanzurebecause you don't have a computer?13:32
Grognorbecause my brain has no innate programming skill module and refuses to install one and I know you're not going to believe me and you're probably going to say something about how I haven't tried hard enough but for god's sake don't because I've had that conversation a thousand times and it really gets on my nerves by now13:33
@kanzureno i happen to not believe in trying hard enough13:33
@kanzurebecause http://archive.autistics.org/library/inertia.html13:34
Grognorit's not a bad suggestion inherently, just inapplicable to me. i'd appreciate others, even other obvious ones because I have not thought of any at all13:36
jrayhawkif it helps, i despise writing software and thus resort to supporting roles for programmers13:38
jrayhawkQuantified Self-type stuff is also reasonably productive.13:38
Grognormaybe I should use that excuse in the future13:38
jrayhawkHypothesis formation/experimentation/publishing a la Seth Roberts and friends.13:39
GrognorI signed up for the first round of "Soylent" trials13:39
jrayhawkoh neat13:39
Grognorthings like drugs and Zeos cost money, which isn't really one of my available resources13:39
Grognorthat's worth thinking about anyway, though, I think13:40
nmz787kanzure: i can't find a definition for the term bsearching13:41
nmz787brute force searching?13:41
@kanzureprobably means binary searching13:41
nmz787it was in context of hacing13:41
@kanzurenobody calls it bsearching13:41
jrayhawkkanzure: what other support roles besides hardware/networking/system administration are useful to programmers?13:41
jrayhawkBug triage/knowledge base/community management stuff, maybe.13:42
Grognorthe thing that measures your brain while you sleep http://www.myzeo.com/sleep/13:42
jrayhawkhuh, neat13:42
@kanzurejrayhawk: photoshop wizards, or the better kind that can figure out how to convert psds to svg13:43
Grognorgwern's drug experiments used them, usually13:43
@kanzurejrayhawk: cad modeling stuff. there's a lot of stuff that just doesn't have brlcad/opencascade/openscad/implicitcad representations yet.13:43
nmz787kanzure: what are ACs in that article?13:43
@kanzurenmz787: which article?13:44
nmz787the inertia13:44
@kanzureautistic something, i'm sure.13:44
jrayhawkSeems like we should have a list of these sorts of skills somewhere for people who accuse you of being hostile towards non-programmers.13:44
nmz787Grognor: what/who is gwern?13:45
jrayhawkOh yeah, statistics and signal analysis are also useful, but those are bordering on programming skills.13:45
@kanzuregwern is just some dude that hangs out in #lesswrong posting quotes from blogs13:45
@kanzurehe also likes anime and eliezer fanfic or something.13:45
@kanzureladies, he's available.13:45
@kanzurejrayhawk: another thing that is useful is consolidating information in http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/13:46
Grognorhe writes extremely long essays that quantitatively analyze topics that he figured wouldn't pass the notability test on wikipedia and also he is a fucking asshole who I'd probably kill given the chance13:46
klafkamath and statistics13:47
@kanzureif anything the reason to kill gwern is because of his refusal to do anything but write, not because of any asshole trait.13:47
Grognorhe does self-experimentation, which jrayhawk just said is a useful thing13:47
@kanzurei suppose he pops a lot of pills, which is not writing. but those pills don't seem to cause much except more writing?13:47
klafkaself experimentation of what?13:48
@kanzurenootropics. same old same old.13:48
Grognorbut unlike most people he had the mathematical chutzpah to do statistics on the data he acquired from subjective assessments and zeo stuff13:49
@kanzurejrayhawk: i think cad stuff is a pretty good answer.13:49
Grognorand managed to double-blind himself13:49
@kanzurechutzpah is not how math works13:49
klafkabut um 1 person isn't a big enough sample size13:49
klafkaalso you introduce new variables when you 'double blind' yourself13:49
@kanzureklafka: "n=1 but it's the only 1 that matters" haha. reading his article is probably better if you want to criticize his math, since you can look at his claims directly.13:50
klafkai have enough things to waste time on13:50
nmz787CAD is pretty artsy13:57
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jrayhawkTesting hypotheses has to start somewhere.14:07
@kanzurethere are some hypotheses that are easier to test than others14:09
@kanzure"consumption of whatchamafuckit will increase my blood pressure" is pretty easy to test.14:09
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EnLilaSkopaperbot: http://www.nature.com.sci-hub.org/nrn/journal/v11/n7/full/nrn2867.html14:12
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nrn/journal/v11/n7/full/nrn2867.html14:12
paperbotHTTP 401 unauthorized http://www.nature.com/nrn/journal/v11/n7/pdf/nrn2867.pdf14:12
EnLilaSkoI love you for creating paperbot kanzure14:13
@kanzuresadly we don't have access to this paper14:13
EnLilaSkoMeh, still an awesome bot14:14
jrayhawkklafka: The important part is not the generalizability of the result, but the verifiability/falsifiability of the result. Suboptimal data is still data; we don't need to wait for perfect data to learn something.14:16
klafkayou can't reject a null hypothesis without a statistically significant sample14:18
klafkanot without the confidence interval being huge14:18
Grognoreven a shitty dataless experiment with results like "I tried it and it made me feel better" can at least point to things worth trying14:19
klafkaso you're saying that anecdote can drive experimentation14:20
jrayhawkMy life has been vastly improved by N=1 experiments. Empiricism is not stochastic.14:23
GrognorI'm really saying "If you don't have maximum statistical rigor anything you do is useless and should be rejected as evidence" is bullshit14:25
jrayhawkOr, rather, my life has been vastly improved by reports of N=1 experiments from others, N=1 experiments which I was able to reproduce thanks to their weak, subjective, "not big enough" data.14:28
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@kanzurejrayhawk: i'm not convinced that this article is really the source of knowledge that breakfast cereals cause early awakenings.. surely we knew that earlier?14:37
@kanzurehrm this article might just be a marketing stunt for http://sethroberts.net/science/14:39
EnLilaSkokanzure: So his theory is kinda that different flavours and what you think of the food affects the set-point?14:43
@kanzureseems so; i don't know what biological mechanism he is proposing though.14:43
EnLilaSkoIirc, ghrelin and leptin plays a fairly big role in the set-point theory, you can influence ghrelin by just thinking14:44
EnLilaSkoSo he might be partially right14:44
jrayhawkThere's also cortisol-cycle-dependent adaptations to insulin spikes.14:47
@kanzurea hemostatis-related explanation would seem more plausible to me14:47
@kanzureerm, wait.14:48
@kanzurethat's very much not the word i wanted to use..14:48
EnLilaSkoHomeostasis maybe?14:48
@kanzurehey that one looks much better14:48
EnLilaSkoLyle McDonald suggests people to stay at the bodyfat they "want" for as long as possible with refeeds once a week or so14:49
EnLilaSkoAnd Martin Berkhan suggests IF (very slowly) with some refeeds14:50
jrayhawkThere are also also metabolic adaptations to carb starvation, which I suppose is probably more important, here.14:51
@kanzuresurely there was some carb starvation sleep wakening theories out a long long time ago?14:51
@kanzureBed-time food supplements and sleep: effects of different carbohydrate levels (1981)14:52
@kanzureInhibition of glycolytic metabolism and sleep-waking states in cats (1973)14:53
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@kanzure"In cats, injections of 2-deoxy-D-glucose, a glucose antimetabolite, produces dose-dependent increases of slow wave sleep and decreases of REM sleep. Accordingly, variations of glycolytic metabolism may participate in the control of sleep-waking behavior."14:53
EnLilaSkoSo does that mean carbs at night = good or bad for sleep?14:54
jrayhawkDepends on the context.14:55
jrayhawkSleep can be maintained while melatonin dominates blood sugar, but you can also panic the body by having *too little* blood sugar and wake up at 3AM ravenous.14:56
jrayhawkSimilarly, you may produce too little melatonin to safely eat carbs and still attempt to sleep.14:57
EnLilaSkoSo it depends on the individuals genetics and such (melatonin production and such)?14:58
jrayhawkYeah, though 'genetics' is kindof a loaded term and I don't want it to carry implications of biological determinism, here.14:58
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jrayhawkThe cortisol cycle is supposed to wake you up in the morning through gluconeogenesis, but it's dependant on timing cues and hormone profiles that might be completely wrong, and meal timing and composition does seem to have some effect on that, but it's hard to make generalizable conclusions about due to all the variable context.15:01
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EnLilaSkoI just realised that I kinda like this chat a lot, no idea why I usually skip reading it15:04
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jrayhawkAll the context the reason rigorous n=1 experiments are so important; giving you the tools to reproduce good results is brilliant even if you can only get positive results out of ten percent of them.15:06
jrayhawk"Hey, that guy's problems sound just like mine!"15:06
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klafkajrayhawk: that's fine but it's not science15:13
jrayhawkhaha what?15:14
klafkaor rather quantifiable science15:14
klafkawhich would be a hypothesis test of a falsifiable hypothesis based on empirical data15:15
klafkaI mean - I guess you could do it but your margin of error would be rather drastic15:15
jrayhawkEmpiricism is not stochastic.15:16
EnLilaSkoFuck the brain is too complex to write about, lol15:17
GrognorI guess in most vernaculars the word "science" still means exactly what it did in Popper's day15:20
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doclI so want a better way to input text on my android phone. You'd think by now there would be ways to use the camera to type on a superimposed virtual keyboard or some such.17:10
doclHeck, with the front facing camera, there could be an eye tracker.17:12
@kanzuredocl: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.volosyukivan17:13
@kanzuredocl: or just use a bluetooth keyboard.17:13
ThomasEgieye tracking? with a vga-camera from half a meter distance?17:13
ThomasEgiin a shaky hand?17:13
doclHmm, good point17:15
doclMight need an actual eye accessory for that idea to work.17:15
@kanzureanother way is that you can send yourself an sms from twilio17:25
@kanzureor load a web page with the content you want17:25
@kanzurewifi keyboard works pretty well17:25
doclHuh? It seems to require another computer entirely.17:27
doclThe whole point of using the Droid is to get away from that.17:29
ThomasEgihow bout tapping in morse. utilizing the accelerometer sensordata17:30
ThomasEgiyou could just tap against the back of your phone that way17:30
doclMaybe. Any apps for that?17:31
ThomasEgii only know that there's one that can guess your phone pin/gesture this way17:31
ThomasEgiguess it shouldnt be too hard to write one17:32
ThomasEgiwhich gives roughly 40% hitratio. so guess morsing should be pretty reliable that way17:33
@kanzuredocl: i don't see what's wrong with a keyboard.17:40
@fenndocl: you could learn stenography if your phone supports truhttp://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/594240e multitouch17:40
@kanzuredocl: also, there's somme really cheap kyocera phones on ebay that have usable keyboards attached.17:41
nmz787docl: I think kanzure sent me that same link a while ago when i bitched about android input!17:42
nmz787I was confused17:42
@kanzurewow their price has increased. they were closer to $50 a while ago.17:42
@kanzurenmz787: what's confusing about it.. it works very well.17:42
nmz787i would actually like better audio interfacing17:42
@fenndocl: also dasher is interesting, and there's an android input whatsit for it already17:42
nmz787i hate texting while driving17:42
nmz787but i get bored in the car17:43
nmz787or i have a question about somethign i see17:43
nmz787kanzure: confusing because it wasn't helpful for the situation17:43
@kanzurefenn: $200 myvu? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Myvu-iPod-Personal-Media-Viewer-/270763945293?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f0ac9ed4d17:44
@fennyou probably want the "universal" not the ipod connector17:44
doclHmm. Morse code could be good. There are several touch-based ones at least. No punctuation though.17:45
@kanzureyou guys really really hate keyboards17:45
@fennmorse code is ... slow17:45
@kanzurei have never done anything productive with dasher. sometimes on dasher i like to pretend i am typing something that i wont immediately delete, but it's always a lie.17:47
@fennyou've summed up the last five years of my life17:47
doclKeyboards are horribly non-portable, usually.17:48
nmz787i need HUD + eye tracking and better voice I/O17:48
@kanzurei used to strap a keyboard to my pants, i wanted a rectractable drawstring though..17:48
nmz787then a few simple click scroll buttons would be enough17:48
@fennhow about a nintendo power glove17:49
doclGlove could be good.17:49
@kanzurefenn: what happened to your myvu?17:49
nmz787how are those neurosky things for simple XY locating?17:49
ThomasEgii _love_ my keyboard.. what i hate are the commonly used layouts :)17:49
@fennit's in storage in sf, and the battery needs fixing17:49
@kanzureneurosky is overhyped. so is emotiv epoc. they just bring you lots of disappointment.17:49
nmz787like are there drawing or item selection apps for those things?17:50
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@kanzureemotiv epoc has a proprietary api and you're supposed to submit your software to the company to get it signed or something, and then you can use it locally.17:50
@kanzuredaeken, myself and qdot (teledildonics extraordinaire) somehow managed to figure out most of the protocol for that device.17:51
@kanzurethere were like <10 applications on emotiv's site when i last checked..17:52
@kanzureoh brother "EmoLens automatically indexes Flickr photos by emotions so you can search for them later not only with keywords but by your feelings too."17:53
@kanzuregreat now instead of only worrying about the cosmic implications of which tag i choose i have to worry about the implications of my feelings about each item.17:53
nmz787are there clear CMOS or CCD sensors?17:56
ThomasEgiwhat do you mean with  "clear" ?17:56
nmz787aren't there see-through LCDs?17:57
nmz787for doing HUD17:57
nmz787or is that my imagination17:57
ThomasEgithere are see through lcd's17:57
ThomasEgibut no ccd or cmos17:57
nmz787is google glass supposed to do eye tracking?17:58
@fennwhat would be the point of an image sensor that lets the light through, it would have 0% sensitivity17:58
ThomasEgipretty much true17:58
nmz787it could be neutral density17:58
ThomasEgiif you need semi-transparent image recording you are best off with a conventional cmos and a half-mirror17:58
@fennglass seems to be driven by speech recognition rather than direct manipulation or eye tracking17:59
@fennit might do hand tracking17:59
nmz787i wonder if glass might be good for driving17:59
ThomasEgifor eye tracking you don't need a transparent cmos chip either17:59
ThomasEgiyou can just mount a tiny camera module out of the fov and still track the eye17:59
@fennalso you can track infrared or use an infrared splitter18:00
ThomasEgialso possible. my guess would be a separate camera is cheaper18:00
@fennEOG is interesting too18:01
ThomasEgiyeah. but requires a setup more difficult than just putting on regular glasses18:02
@fennmight be as simple as four dry electrodes18:02
@fennout of my realm of expertise i'm afraid18:02
doclBrow tracking or something like that might also work.18:03
ThomasEgiEEG stuff usualy requires well made circuitry, lots of shielding , reference electrodes etc..18:03
@fennwhat you do is take your homunculus and put it in a jar full of levers and buttons and whatnot18:03
ThomasEgii'd rather suggest something like a one-hand-keyboard that fits into your pocket and can be cmofortably hold.18:05
ThomasEgiwith 2 rows of button for each finger.18:05
ThomasEgiwith a bit of binary inputs you get 2x5 bit18:05
@fennit's called a twiddler18:06
@fennor perky18:06
ThomasEgihm.. yeah something like that.. just  a lot less bricky18:06
yashgarothwhat about a chorded keyboard18:06
ThomasEgisomethin thats actually comfortable to use18:06
ThomasEgithat's already a lot closer to what i had in mind18:09
ThomasEgiif you'd have a touch sensitive backside on your mobile. you could use that to lay out a  keyboard too.18:11
ThomasEgitotoroki! :D that's like.. the most awesome thing following pizza18:12
@fenni didnt really get how it would work18:13
@fenni guess it could be a gyro mouse18:14
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@kanzureplease don't read io9.com18:28
klafkapaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.01998.x/abstract;jsessionid=99E2123EEB63B21F6A823B616C100A9E.d02t0218:29
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/799549f98745afcfa432442402c4b881.txt18:29
klafkais there something better i can do to make paperbot work kanzure?18:29
@kanzurein this case the problem is that paperbot does not have access to http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2012.01998.x/pdf18:30
@kanzurethe python parts of paperbot need to be rewritten. that would be very helpful.18:30
klafkadoes anyone in chan have access?18:31
@kanzurei've been making incremental changes but they are piling up and will become unmaintainable.18:31
klafkaaah i see18:31
klafkai don't really have time to undertake that - i owe people two mobile apps already18:31
klafkaalso a mobile gaming ad algorithm18:31
@kanzureslacking is the best way to get stuff done.18:32
klafkaright now i'm catching up on my dancesafe stuff18:32
klafkasince i run the bay area chapter >_>18:32
klafkapaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs13181-010-0018-518:33
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Recreational%20Use%20of%20Mephedrone%20%284-Methylmethcathinone%2C%204-MMC%29%20with%20Associated%20Sympathomimetic%20Toxicity.pdf18:33
klafkainteresting 500 error18:34
@kanzurethe 500 error is from translation-server.18:34
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@kanzurejmil: howdy18:48
jmilo/ kanzure18:49
jmilhow goes it18:49
nmz787klafka: interesting, do you process random samples?18:49
nmz787like on hplc or do you have some 'friend' who 'tests' stuff?18:50
klafkaumm we have reagent tests that we can do on random samples18:50
nmz787jmil: long time!18:50
klafkawe or you can also send samples to ecstasydata.org and they will gc/ms them for a fee18:50
jmilo/ nmz78718:50
jmili been traveling18:50
jmilhas been awesome18:50
jmiltryin to launch a career18:50
nmz787klafka: who tests their stuff? who is a good enough dealer to do that?18:50
klafkaa number test it via reagent tests18:51
klafkawhich are obviously not perfect18:51
nmz787jmil: cool18:51
klafkabut better than not18:51
nmz787i thought they were all about profit18:51
klafkanmz787: have you known many drug dealers?18:51
nmz787jmil: where do you want to take your career?18:51
nmz787klafka: I guess not18:51
jmilnmz787: want to be a professor with a research lab. will have a whole wing for repraps :D18:52
nmz787jmil: so you're looking for a tenured prof postions?18:52
klafkawell I have known a lot at various levels, and a number do very much care about what they are giving to people both because they don't want their shit to cause someone to od/freak out /die and also beacuse people want to buy the good shit and also because they do this because they believe in the drugs that they sell18:52
nmz787or do you still need to do 85 years of post doc frist?18:53
Juul99 years of post doc on the wall18:54
Juulhey klafka do you or anyone you know have small satellite dishes (like directv) they don't need?18:55
Juulwe're looking for a bunch for the east bay mesh18:55
nmz787Juul: will this support a predominantly yuppie community or more likely an impoverished community?18:57
@kanzurenmz787: why would that matter.18:58
@kanzureklafka: also you can test samples on science exchange i think.18:58
klafkaof potentially illegal substances18:59
Juulnmz787, we're definitely trying to interface with a diverse community.18:59
Juulmost of the active nodes are in east oakland right now18:59
klafkaJuul:  i don't have any19:00
klafkai'll post in my loft facebook group19:00
Juulklafka, nice19:00
nmz787kanzure: I'd be more motivated to help bring access to a community that was otherwise internet-limited19:01
nmz787kanzure: others share similar feelings, if I came across someone with a bunch of dishes, it's a question they might ask19:01
klafkaok Juul19:02
klafkaalso nmz787 if most of the nodes are in east oakland - impoverished community19:02
klafkaor lower income19:02
nmz787yeah that's kinda what i was thinking19:02
Juulnmz787, we're interested in using it to create a resilient (censorship / disaster) network for mapping out local resources and communicating spatially relevant information in a decentralized way19:02
nmz787Juul: what are the community tie-ins?19:02
nmz787are you advertising it?19:02
nmz787like 'get mesh in your community by voting here '19:03
nmz787or in schools or something?19:03
jmilnmz787: yes tenure track faculty position19:03
nmz787jmil: RIT in Rochester has a pretty new biomed dept/college19:03
Juulnmz787, we're just beginning to set it up, and we're mostly trying to gain a sense of how well the different kinds of technology perform, both software and hardware, and what kind of needs and interests the local communities have19:03
jmilnmz787: cool. they weren't hiring this year :)19:04
nmz787jmil: they've got a lot of $$$ that they do stupid things with, so someone with brains and a title could clean up there, or be pretty comfy19:04
klafkajmil: are you a graduating PHD19:04
nmz787Juul: cool19:04
klafkanmz787: oh man RIT really doesn't hire that many people unfortunately19:05
nmz787klafka: he was just a post doc19:05
klafkabecause they have no research budget19:05
nmz787at upenn19:05
Juulso finding rooftops where we can mount antennas and mapping out obstructions and interference. testing software (such as TidePools) and developing some of our own. we have a meetup at the sudo room hackerspace every thursday evening.19:05
nmz787klafka: not true re: biomed engi19:05
klafkahow much grant money do they have?19:05
nmz787klafka: they are just completing a brand new building for biomed engi19:06
klafkaright but that was donated and via a grant from the bioX fund right?19:06
nmz787klafka: dunno19:06
klafkathat's grants for building19:06
klafkanot for research19:06
nmz787engi has a lot more $$$ than sciences there though19:06
jmilklafka: finishing a postdoc19:06
Juulit looks like the directv-style satellite dishes with the receiver heads replaced by weatherproofed usb wifi donges are the best bang for the buck for high-gain outdoor directional antennas19:06
klafkanmz787: really though imaging science has the most19:06
klafkaper professor19:07
nmz787heh, yeah that's tru19:07
nmz787i worked there with a prof for a while19:07
nmz787he had a nice gig19:07
nmz787building remote sensors and going out to the wilds to plant them19:07
klafkaah cool19:08
klafkai knew a phd student with the lidar professor19:08
nmz787building crazy spectral imagers to fly over forest fires19:08
klafkaah neat19:08
klafkabut remember the engineering building had no phd programs19:08
klafkaexcept microe19:08
nmz787yeah that sounds about right19:08
klafkaso i mean they can onyl do so much research19:08
nmz787there's a sustainability research prog19:08
klafkathat's a separate program from eng19:09
nmz787i mean phd19:09
nmz787in CIMS19:09
klafkathey are actually in a building in CIMS19:09
nmz787Center ... Manufacturing... i think19:09
klafkamy advisor went to a couple talks for people we were interviewing for it19:09
klafkathey were pretty crazy in a good way19:09
nmz787i used a machine shop there a few times19:09
nmz787it was nice to just walk into places like you owned them, flashing the student badge around19:09
nmz787the microe stuff had some red tape to get into but I ended up in there a bunch19:10
@kanzurewhich one of you knew zacharycohn19:11
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nmz787worked with him in tech support at RIT19:12
ThomasEgidecentrelaised networking infrastructure?19:32
ThomasEgior what was that a bit ago19:32
klafkayeah mesh networks in oakland19:36
ThomasEgihttp://twibright.ronja.com/ not the fastest thing in the world. but it's a technology the user has controll over. and unlike wifi it's ways more resistant to jamming/frequency overuse19:40
ThomasEgioh wait19:41
ThomasEgiother way round :D19:41
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JuulThomasEgi, yeah i think we'll eventually try one of those links to see how it compares in rainy / foggy conditions20:02
ThomasEgirain is no problem20:03
ThomasEgibut with fog.. you get a problem20:03
Juulalso looking at low bandwidth long range fallback links using CB radio, DECT, homebuilt transmitters + hdtv tuners as SDR receivers, softmodem over walkie-talkie, etc.20:04
ThomasEgialways depends on your requirements20:13
ThomasEgilow bandwith optical communication is rather easy20:13
ThomasEgiand.. how long, "long range" actually is20:14
Juulone of the problems we foresee with line of sight directional links is potential misalignment after an earthquake20:17
Juulwe're going to do some research and testing on how much misalignment is likely to happen and how much the different technologies can tolerate20:18
ThomasEgiit's not like you need tons of research20:18
ThomasEgieach antenna/transmitter/receiver has a nice diagrams showing reception gain for certain angles20:19
ThomasEgithe wider your angle, the more robust against misalignment20:19
ThomasEgiand the wider the angle, the less gain you have, thus the shorter the range20:20
Juulyes, but theory and real world conditions are different, and we don't necessarily have good info on our satellite dish + wifi usb stick solution yet20:20
ThomasEgimostly depends how well you can position your original wifi stick in the focal point20:21
Juuland how much we shield the receiver from off-focal-point interference and how much that shielding causes the transmitted signal to bounce around and interfere with itself before it hits the dish20:23
Juulwe're going to try a bunch of different things and see what gives the best signal20:23
ThomasEgidishes usualy have a pretty good directional characteristics20:24
Juulyeah definitely20:24
ThomasEgiwith a high gain towards the direction you point them to.20:24
Juulbest gain per $20:24
ThomasEgiit has very low gain directly behind the dish,too.20:24
ThomasEgithe parts that point from the focal point along the edge does have a bit tho20:24
ThomasEgifor an optical system. you only have the line of sight.20:26
ThomasEgia very narrow beam. with no pickup from other directions.20:26
Juulyeah, but usb sticks and old satellite dishes are so accessible and cheap20:26
ThomasEgiit depends on your environment tho.20:27
ThomasEgithere are only a limeted number of frequency bands for radio communication20:27
Juulyeah, interference may become a very limiting factor20:27
ThomasEgialso, relay stations usualy cut bandwith in half for wifi systems20:28
Juuldo you have a good idea for a battery powered 2.4 ghz interference generator?20:28
ThomasEgia microwave oven isnt exactly battery powered. but pretty much garanteed to interfere crap out of your environment :D20:29
ThomasEgiother than that. there are open source wirleless jammers on the net20:29
ThomasEgineither of those are legal to use of course.20:30
Juulhah, yeah the problem with microwave ovens is that wifi is built specifically to work with that interference present20:30
ThomasEgibtw. what are your definitions of lowbandwith and long range?20:30
Juul9600 baud or greater over a few miles would be nice, but it's very important to us that it's using very cheap and accessible technology, so you don't need to have money or many tech skills to set it up20:32
ThomasEgifor such low baud rates you can easily design an optical transmittion system20:32
ThomasEgiyou could use big sensor areas (like small solar panel pieces), and entire led-arrays or a high power led for transmittion.20:33
ThomasEgilaserpointers would work just aswell20:33
Juulhehe, that might be interesting20:33
Juula laserpointer modulated by the headphone output or some such20:34
ThomasEgithat's low tech enough to debug with just a soundcard as scope-repacement20:34
ThomasEgioptical phones are really easy to do,too20:34
ThomasEgibut led's work a lot better for them20:34
ThomasEgithey simply have a lot more output power.20:34
ThomasEgilasers are nice because most come with an optical system buildin.20:34
ThomasEgifor an led, you need to source some cheap lenses20:35
Juulyeah, it's not quite as easy to do as we'd like20:35
ThomasEgibut really . 9600 baud is a piece of cake.20:35
Juulthe challenge is making it simple enough that the devices can be built using parts that are available in the community20:36
Juulwith little technical skill20:36
Juulbut we may decide that that's too much of a restriction20:36
ThomasEgiwell what i can tell you is that with just 2 transistors you can already build a fully working optical phone.20:37
Juulyeah, but the problem is with the optics needed for a long range link20:37
ThomasEgia simple lens.20:38
ThomasEgithey can be found everywhere. in every tool shop, ebay, china,..20:38
Juulmaybe it _is_ simpler than i think20:39
ThomasEgias i said. i once build an optical transmittion system for audio. on just an led, one transistor and a small solar panel i sourced from an old solar-powered calculator.20:39
ThomasEgiand an earpiece.20:39
ThomasEgiit made pretty ok sound. above 8kHz it had a -20db slope . but regular telephone got cut of at 4khz already so who cares.20:40
ThomasEgiand that was made from scrap stuff i had around20:41
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ThomasEgiJuul, best of all. it's fun to play around with , and might even teach you a good deal of electronics20:42
Juulyeah it sounds fun20:43
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ThomasEgiJuul, got any tools to deal with electronics around? soldering iron, lab supplies , multimeter , scopes?20:44
JuulThomas42, yep, everything under the sun20:45
ThomasEgiin that case.. building an optical phone should be like 10 minutes worth of work20:46
ThomasEgiwant me to draw you a simple shematic?20:46
ThomasEgiusing a software modem you may even be able to send some digital data around. not exactly much but maybe 300baud or so using simple 2 frequency keying20:47
JuulThomasEgi, a simple diagram would be great!20:48
ThomasEgigimme a second20:53
ThomasEgiok gimme 2. i'll make this a bit more supply-voltage independent :D20:56
@kanzureat one point the ronja person was in here.. kendoka?21:09
ThomasEgiJuul, are you fine with a postscript file?21:10
JuulThomasEgi, definitely21:10
ThomasEgikanzure, i think clock was in here once or so21:10
ThomasEgiJuul,  can i netcat you the file?21:11
ThomasEgiJuul, or dcc transfer? or upload somewhere?21:12
JuulThomasEgi, hehe, sure21:15
ThomasEgisure which of those :D?21:15
Juulpriv msg21:15
Juuloh sorry, totally autocompleted wrong21:16
ThomasEgii love netcat.21:16
ThomasEgithe only part that sorta matters is the resistor R4. it should be picked according to the formular. other than that,  you can pretty much use any led you can get hands on.21:17
ThomasEgiand any general-purpose diodes.21:17
ThomasEgiand pretty whatever npn-transistor you have around that can handle the LED current.21:18
ThomasEgiR1 and R2 are pretty non-critical too.21:19
ThomasEgii'd say anywhere between 300 and 10k should do for those.21:19
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ThomasEgisupply voltage.. given those values. anywhere between 5 and 16V.21:22
ThomasEgias for the receiver. connecting a solar cell to a small speaker should give you first results already (try not to use your 200$ headphones as the solar panel also outputs a good deal of DC, which is not very healthy)21:25
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sheena1i'm looking to talk to someone who has successfully found chinese manufacturers for a electronic gadget that they've funded on kickstarer.. anyone here know anyone wh would talk to me?23:26
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