
--- Log opened Tue Feb 26 00:00:11 2013
-!- augur [~augur@] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:08
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://jn.nutrition.org/content/134/10/2517.full01:37
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/The%20Effect%20of%20Dietary%20Fat%20on%20LDL%20Size%20Is%20Influenced%20by%20Apolipoprotein%20E%20Genotype%20in%20Healthy%20Subjects.pdf01:38
@kanzureman, the lack of quality in nutrition discussions is really sad http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=527930701:55
@kanzurei'm not sure how to make better nutrition discussion happen.01:57
jrayhawkactually that seems higher quality than most02:14
@kanzureit still feels painful to read02:17
@kanzurethis is not what science feels like. i know a science when i read it.02:17
@kanzureonly 52 results? wtf?02:22
jrayhawkwhy are you expecting science in an internet forum02:22
@kanzurei'm just concerned that nobody seems to be well-read in this subject.02:26
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@kanzurei'm also a little concerned about the lack of modeling/simulation that ties in knowledge about molecular metabolism/pathways, vitamins, thermoregulation, or the various different systems in homeostasis.02:30
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.springerlink.com/content/685ve8le7fmvy0b1/02:34
@kanzure"This paper proposes the utilisation of fuzzy logic so as to design a system which models the biological regulator of blood glucose. That system consists of several fuzzy relations, each one of them modeling a component of the biological glycemia regulator, that is, pancreatic insulin production, net hepatic glucose balance, insulin dependent and independent glucose uptake, and kidney function."02:34
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/929b8c28f7f6144de6d1822b00161e95.txt02:34
@kanzurehttp://www.journalofdst.org/Journal/pdf/July2008/VOL-2-4-ORG7-CAMERON.pdf "We propose a02:35
@kanzurepredictive hypoglycemia detection algorithm that uses continuous glucose monitor (CGM) data with explicit02:35
@kanzurecertainty measures to enable early corrective action. The algorithm uses multiple statistical linear predictions with regression windows between 5 and 75 minutes02:36
@kanzureand prediction horizons of 0 to 20 minutes."02:36
@kanzureso that's neat and all, but i wonder about non-hypoglycemia situations.02:36
@kanzurehere's one that models cholesterol metabolism http://www.ie.boun.edu.tr/labs/sesdyn/publications/theses/MS_demirezen.pdf02:39
@kanzurei see a lot of simulation articles that seem to talk about "energy balance".02:46
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.100055403:12
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Nutritional%20Systems%20Biology%20Modeling%3A%20From%20Molecular%20Mechanisms%20to%20Physiology.pdf03:12
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.springerlink.com/content/9n286t786n25236l/03:16
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/4cf577b8dc864739140abaae58de92e8.txt03:16
@kanzurepaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/abs_all.jsp?arnumber%=541597403:17
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/1a7d281d4f42e0977653a14c160faf26.txt03:17
@kanzurepaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=541597403:17
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/e6bc0806e6d56ec1a99b2517160b971a.txt03:17
-!- chris_99 [~chris_99@unaffiliated/chris-99/x-3062929] has joined ##hplusroadmap03:19
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-nutr-071811-15070503:19
@kanzurethe explanation around equation 5 in that one is a little curious (it includes energy from dietary fat intake, energy from fat oxidation, rates of gluconeogenesis, de novo lipogenesis, and ketogenesis) but goes on to say ".. To date, this is the only mathematical model of human metabolism to consider all three dietary macronutrients and accurately simulate the metabolic and body composition changes in response to diet and physical activity ...03:30
@kanzure... changes in a wide variety of subject groups."03:30
-!- sylph_mako [~mako@103-9-42-31.flip.co.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds]03:32
@kanzure"For example, the breakdown and resynthesis of body fat requires eight molecules of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) per molecule of triglyceride (22), and the flux through this pathway is strongly influenced by dietary carbohydrate via insulin’s inhibition of lipolysis. Similarly, protein synthesis requires four ATP per peptide bond plus one ATP for amino acid transport (6). Such energy-requiring metabolic fluxes have been incorporated into ...03:34
@kanzure... computational models of macronutrient balance (33, 38) and may explain the observed energy cost of tissue deposition that is especially important during growth and weight gain (36)"03:34
@kanzureneat, someone bothered to make a model that includes that.03:34
@kanzure"Furthermore, even the most detailed computational models of macronutrient metabolism implicitly represent the effect of hormones such as insulin, but an explicit representation of organ systems along with concentrations of hormones and metabolites would be desirable—especially on shorter time scales so that the response to individual meals could be simulated (17, 73)."03:46
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eudoxiakanzure, what happened to that lego skdb package?08:10
eudoxiait was mentioned in the Updates from Austin presentation08:11
eudoxiabut it's not in skdb/packages/, the address in fenn's titlebar08:11
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eudoxiaderp, connection problems08:32
eudoxiadid it become outdated as the package spec evolve?08:32
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@fennhrm. one would expect ikiwiki to let you to clone a wiki by default09:12
@fennsomehow it moved to http://diyhpl.us/lego/ and got an ikiwiki layer pasted on top of it09:12
@fenni expect this was done without much thinking through09:13
eudoxiai'm seeing it http://diyhpl.us/lego/lego.py09:13
@fennyeah but you can only get the files that are listed in "recent changes" right?09:14
@fenni'm not sure that's actually the same repo, oh well09:16
eudoxiawhy remove it from ksd09:16
@fenni don't know. apparently someone doesn't like symlinks09:17
eudoxiathese are the blocks you used for those screenshots right?09:17
eudoxiaare there any other sample packages that got removed from the main skdb repo?09:19
@fennwell there's no gnusha.org/skdb/packages/ so apparently all of them09:20
@fenni'm trying to find out where the content for gnusha.org is located on the filesystem09:20
eudoxiai mean, did you write anything other than that lego package? like packages to represent machines from the GCS?09:21
@fennhttp://diyhpl.us/cgit should have them; i think the only reasonably filled out ones are "threads" "screw" and maybe "dremelfuge"09:22
@fennthe idea was to convert a lot more but we got hung up on data format issues09:23
eudoxiai heard09:23
eudoxiasince mating legos and screws only requires pressing i guess you didn't run into that problem you mentioned of representing processes09:24
@fenni mean sure you can just dump a bunch of files on a web server and call it a day, but what's the point of that09:24
@fennpress-fit is a construction process09:24
ThomasEgiis case of actual lego. you have thight tollerances to make that work09:25
@fenni didnt know how to represent tolerances in STEP09:26
@fennit wouldn't have been a general solution anyway09:27
eudoxiait is, but "process: press-fit" is simpler than "process: weld: {insensity: x, area: y, duration: z, trajectory: [...]}"09:27
-!- Mariu [Jimmy98@] has quit [Quit: leaving]09:30
@fennnow i forget how to actually run the random growth demo09:31
@fennoh it's in the main repo09:32
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/content/104/5/347.full09:44
delinquentmepaperbot, http://jnci.oxfordjournals.org/content/104/5/34709:45
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delinquentmekanzure, paperbot is failing =/09:50
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@kanzuredelinquentme: give me your password and i'll add it to paperbot.10:49
klafka_interesting because - meat printing10:52
@kanzureburn the redditor10:54
ThomasEgibacon dragons!10:56
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EnLilaSkohttp://rpd.oxfordjournals.org/content/150/3/278.abstract - Very important for guys11:58
@kanzurepaperbot: http://rpd.oxfordjournals.org/content/150/3/278.abstract11:58
@kanzuresomeone should fix paperbot.11:59
@kanzureeudoxia: well, it seems drexler has been up to a bunch of nothing12:01
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jrayhawkfenn: I am awake for gnusha.org questions if any remain.13:46
@kanzureiirc lego is served from /srv/ikiwiki/legosomething/13:47
@kanzurealso, i am disappointed about the banhammer in ##ketotic - wtf13:47
@fennwhere gnusha.org/skdb/ from?13:57
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@kanzure13:59 -!- mode/##ketotic [+b *!*@131.252.130.*] by amiller14:27
@kanzure14:29 <amiller> i'm not sure a ban was necessary in any case so i apologize14:30
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@kanzurejrayhawk: someone else is trying to make the claim that you were trolling because you made a hypothesis and prediction about exarkun's possible response. i'm really thinking that's a stretch of the definition of trolling. but i'm not sure.15:34
@kanzurewhile that seems like some necessary conditions for trolling to occur, i don't think that's all of them.15:35
jrayhawkTrolling is the manipulation of a conversation towards ends ostensibly undesirable to its other participants. It's entirely plausible that the other regular participants found the interaction I disrupted desirable.15:37
@kanzuretheoretically the desirable conclusion was "use the other scrapers, duh"15:37
jrayhawkFor sane people, maybe.15:43
@kanzurenobody sane would want to use vimeo, problem solved15:43
@kanzureanyway, i'd still like to figure out some practical simulations of meal feeding15:45
@kanzurei think this could possibly improve discussions (and results) about nutrition15:46
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@kanzurebecause certain theories (like "energy balance") have been shown to be wrong15:52
@kanzureand if you want to test a prediction about a certain meal, what better way than to use actual data to check yourself?15:52
jrayhawkwell, "misleading"15:52
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.100051115:52
jrayhawk"wrong" is overstating things.15:52
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Estimating%20the%20Continuous-Time%20Dynamics%20of%20Energy%20and%20Fat%20Metabolism%20in%20Mice.pdf15:53
@kanzurewhy do papers call it "macronutrients" when the topic of digestion or metabolism comes up? why not just call it a nutrient?15:55
jrayhawkThey're being specific; macronutrient refers to the fat/carb/protein constituents.15:55
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@kanzurethen, what does nutrient refer to that macronutrient does not include?15:56
@kanzureare amino acids considered a micronutrient?15:56
jrayhawkNo, those are proteins.15:57
jrayhawkThat's a mineral. Micronutrient, yes.15:57
@kanzureyes i know it's a mineral. i didn't know if it was classified as a "micro" nutrient.15:57
jrayhawkYou normally use google/wikipedia so I'm left to assume you've gone bananas in serializing this learning process and routing it through me.15:59
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@kanzureit's partly because i have trouble predicting which things wikipedia will have or not have. it seems in this case that wikipedia does have an article on "micronutrients".16:01
-!- BioGuy [~BioGuy@c-24-21-160-77.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:01
@kanzureoften wikipedia has nothing about a particular topic deep in the confines of science, which doesn't surprise me anymore.16:01
jrayhawkI blame deletionism.16:01
@kanzureoh man there's even a list http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_micronutrients16:02
jrayhawkmacromineral micronutrients. Intuitive!16:06
@kanzurethat last paper is only considering the gluconeogenic rate, de novo lipogenic rate, fat oxidation rate, carboydrate oxidation rate, and the protein oxidation rate based on body protein and glycogen. aren't there supposed to be other factors, like blood insulin levels influencing glucose uptake?16:11
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nmz787kanzure: seen this? have an opinion? http://www.generative-modeling.org/16:17
@kanzure"Perhaps the GML is a valid successor of VRML" uh oh16:18
@kanzuretheir development stuff is saying 'access denied' http://www.generative-modeling.org/GenerativeModeling/DEVELOPER/software16:19
@kanzurethey seem to have a custom language.. i'm not sure why that is necessary. why not just use the library calls directly?16:21
@kanzurehrm. so this paper seems to do simulations about "the catabolic potential of an arbitrary nutrient" for microbial cultures (for carbon sources).16:23
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.100276216:23
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Phenomenological%20Model%20for%20Predicting%20the%20Catabolic%20Potential%20of%20an%20Arbitrary%20Nutrient.pdf16:23
nmz787what about that paper?16:24
nmz787oh, simulations16:25
nmz787kanzure: http://www.3d-coform.eu/index.php/tools/gml16:26
@kanzurei used to have this list of like 10-15 different homeostatic processes in the human body that are influenced directly by food intake. don't know where i put that list. and for some reason none of these papers mention more than one or two at a time. i'm very confused.16:26
@kanzurenmz787: have you seen shape grammars before?16:26
@kanzureor generative grammars.16:27
nmz787hmm, no16:27
nmz787it seems that site has something to do wth meshlab16:27
@kanzuremeshlab came out of some research group somewhere, so it wouldn't surprise me that its authors work on other things.16:28
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@kanzureoh, hm, it was a student's project.16:28
eudoxiakanzure: oh i was almost looking forward to reading that book16:28
@kanzure.. why?16:29
eudoxiait's been over 20 years since Nanosystems16:29
@kanzurethings i would be interested in from drexler: software, hardware plans, updates about probe tips, things like that.16:29
eudoxiai wasn't alive for some of that time16:29
@kanzureok that's a reasonable answer.16:29
eudoxiai would certainly like to see drexler in the commit logs16:30
eudoxiathat would be kinda futuristic16:30
@kanzurethe best i can give you is "Damian Allis <damian@somewhereville.com>" in the nanoengineer.git commit log16:31
eudoxia"completed skdb integration and fixed some bugs on the mechanosynthesis gcode generator | Eric Drexler <edrexler@metamodern.com>"16:31
@kanzuregcode haha16:31
eudoxiai don't know anything else lol16:32
eudoxiait should be 'nanocode'16:32
@kanzurewell i don't really see gcode as useful for layinger things in flat arrays16:32
eudoxia"completed stl->pdb translator | Eric Drexler <edrexler@metamodern.com>"16:33
eudoxiathat better?16:33
@kanzurethere's already a pdb2stl tool16:33
@kanzurebased on pdb2pov16:33
eudoxiathe future is here16:34
nmz787there's a pdb2stl?16:40
nmz787google only shows a log of this room for pdb2stl16:42
@kanzureoh. hrm.16:43
@kanzurethere's a podb2pov http://chem.skku.ac.kr/~wkpark/tutor/chem/pdb2pov/16:44
@kanzurethen you can use pov2stl16:44
@kanzureoh interesting. that doesn't exist either?16:45
@kanzurei have a file called stl2pov.py, pov2png.py, iges2stl.py, iges2png.py16:45
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@kanzurei have pdb2mdb16:46
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@kanzureand noah bedford (via davidad) said that neil gershenfeld has a stl2png script somewhere.16:47
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.100096016:54
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Metabolic%20Factors%20Limiting%20Performance%20in%20Marathon%20Runners.pdf16:55
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nmz787"We are working with our customers and partners on providing technology for their products that can be swallowed but we cant really comment on unannounced products, says Steve Tateosian, global product marketing manager.18:48
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@kanzurepfft "Sign That Chinese Hackers Have Become Professional: They Take Weekends Off"21:58
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nmz787can wpa2 wifi be jammed?23:03
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