
--- Log opened Thu Feb 28 00:00:13 2013
nmz787kanzure: what was the netflix through wine thing?00:02
@kanzuresomething about firefox and silverlight00:04
rigelsomething about your mom00:05
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klafkapaperbot: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F11577935_703:00
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/eefa538f3257afae3f936582476eac2c.txt03:00
klafkapaperbot: http://www.springerlink.com/index/QQ35WT68L6774261.pdf03:02
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/f711681d70717b350c59ab267ab0fba.txt03:02
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yoleauxBBC News - One rat brain 'talks' to another using electronic link11:12
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chris_99care to share something interesting11:41
archelsthe primary somatosensory cortex might be a good place for a neural interface in humans, too11:57
archelsLastly, it is important to stress that the topology of BTBI does not12:01
archelsneed to be restricted to one encoder and one decoder subjects.12:01
archelsInstead, we have already proposed that, in theory, channel accuracy12:01
archelscan be increased if instead of a dyad a whole grid of multiple reciprocally interconnected brains are employed. Such a computing structure could define the first example of an organic computer capable of12:01
archelssolving heuristic problems that would be deemed non-computable12:01
archelsby a general Turing-machine.12:01
archelsthat gives a whole different meaning to the term "cloud computing"12:01
@kanzureif there's a paper, i'll read it, but otherwise i think i'll categorically refuse to visit that link on the account of news.12:07
archelsthe article links the paper, that makes it okay in my book :)12:07
@kanzurewouldn't know, the credibility of news articles is already so low that i didn't even bother to check.12:08
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abetuskas soon as they say they can solve problems that can't be solved by a Turing machine, you know they're full of bullshit13:03
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-!- Sk__ [4b3343fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:05
Sk__Hello everyone.14:05
wizrobeWhat the hell is the point of this  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-2160400514:07
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@kanzureSk__: hi14:08
Sk__How's it going?14:10
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@kanzureuh, why do you ask?14:13
Sk__Curiosity? Friendliness? I'd be happy to cut the small talk if you'd prefer to move to something more intellectual/creative/worthwhile.14:16
@kanzurewhy are you here?14:17
Sk__Because transhumanism is a major interest... I'd like to find some more likeminded people.14:18
Sk__Also, creating a website that touches on h+, so being involved in this little segment of the community can't hurt.14:18
Sk__Why are YOU here?14:18
@kanzurewhat website/why?14:18
@kanzurei don't know why i am here. mostly because these are the most productive transhumanists i've ever worked with.14:19
Sk__It's still in dev. I'd give the link, but I'm just now setting up the prelaunch stuff and I don't really want to advertise what I've done so far until I get the public page up for the prelaunch. Give me an hour or two and I'll link you.  Because I'd like a tighter knit community, a place for in-depth discussion... I'd also like to organize some in-person meets (and maybe SL too, haha.) I've just noticed there's not much in the way14:21
Sk__around the web... Most places seem pretty defunct at this point.14:22
Sk__That's good to know. Makes me think I'm in the right place then. Care to tell me about some things that have been going on?14:22
@fennmaybe all the old transhumanists got bored talking about the same things for 30 years, and now it's up to you young people14:22
Sk__Makes sense, fenn14:23
@kanzurefuck you for making yet another silo14:23
@kanzure"tighter knit community".. you don't do this by creating a new community with zero people.14:23
@kanzureand Second Life is really just awful14:23
Sk__It is, but it has its merits.14:24
@kanzureit's antisocial, incompatible with lots of other protocols, etc. i don't see any advantages to it.14:24
@kanzureit's almost as bad as openqwaq/openquack14:24
-!- ksull72487 [~ksull7248@adsl-108-92-133-108.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:24
klafkaSk__: so are you planning on doing stuff or creating a space to talk about doing stuff14:25
Sk__I'm not going to argue with you. If you don't like it, don't join. It's not the sole subject, it's intended to show these ideas to new people who've not necessarily heard/done/known much on the subject as well as a place for the 'more advanced' do-ers.14:25
ksull72487guys currently looking for away to oc a compaq v6000 amd processor nvidia 6150 chipset14:25
ksull72487softmods dont work14:26
@fenndoes anyone use facial expression recognition or posture detection in a virtual social environment yet?14:26
ksull72487its an hp essentially most i was able to do with the oem bios was add slic 2.1 tables14:26
Sk__And there is a niche of people who DO have good ideas and DO want a community but do not want to devote the resources to create it because they're working on other things.14:26
@kanzureSk__: maybe instead of trying to change other people by creating more websites, you should try to change what in yourself you don't like by doing things.14:26
Sk__fenn, I don't think so. I was just thinking of that the other day after realizing Apple (and perhaps Intel? Don't recall) hold virtual meetings in SL.14:27
Sk__I still do things.14:27
@kanzuremeetings are a bad idea anyway14:27
Sk__This is one of the things I'm doing.14:27
@kanzureyes but you're doing it so that other things can be done, i assume14:27
@kanzurei'm saying this step is unnecessary and useless14:27
Sk__And I'm perfectly happy with it. Movements don't grow in seclusion as they would with everchanging ideas.14:27
@fennit just seems sorta weird to construct this huge environment when all people do is look at floating rectangles showing webcam video14:27
klafkaalso fenn fetish porn14:28
klafkadon't forget fetish porn14:28
@fennnah, the fetish porn part makes sense14:28
Sk__If it's not a movement, pray tell explain what it is.14:28
klafkafenn come on you've read snow crash! that's how it's done in the metaverse14:28
Sk__Mmm, fetish porn.14:28
@fennwut? snow crash had a several page rant about facial expressions and how they were crucial for the development of the metaverse14:29
@kanzureSk__: so you will create your website, and developers/people who do things will be magically attracted to it, and finally all the transhumanist projects will fall into place and happen..?14:29
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@kanzurewhat's the plan exactly14:30
@kanzurebtw, we get a lot of people in here that want to splinter the transhumanist communities even further.14:30
klafkaI think Sk__ - there is a bit of argumentativeness around this because it's something that people commonly come in here and say they are doing14:30
@kanzureso this is like the umpteenth time i've had this conversation14:30
klafkaand it really to lots of people begs the question, why?14:30
klafkalook if people want to be part of the transhumanist movement - tackle transhumanist problems14:30
klafkathose aren't setting up message boards. those are problems of biotech, computer science, materials science, physics, math, etc...14:31
klafkaengineering, etc...14:31
@kanzureguyz1 i have dis awes0me new f0rum phpbb8 u should join me u can be a mod14:31
klafkaif you want to further the transhumanist movement and spur conversation DO SOMETHING that transhumanists will talk about14:32
@kanzurewho cares if transhumanists talk about it or not14:32
@kanzurewhat does that matter14:32
klafkathe things that they talk about the transhumanist movement is a subset of the things that are important to the 'ideals' or whatever of transhumanism14:32
Sk__I do agree with that klafka. But I won't be faulted for introducing some minds who wouldn't otherwise have known or taken interest, it's a segment. It's a method for funding to do more with the ideas I have. And because new ideas and new minds breed new ideas and new minds...14:34
Sk__And if I am enjoying something that I care about while increasing funds to DO more, then I think that's perfectly fine.14:34
Sk__I work with what I have, but it can't hurt.14:35
@kanzureyes it can hurt14:35
@kanzurecase in point, all the redditors that keep flowing in here.14:35
@kanzurewhat about getting a job, and then using that money to do things?14:35
Sk__Well, I'm not a redditor. And I am trying to DO things.14:36
Sk__It's not like I'm going to post this channel all over the site and be like HEYYYY GOOOO TALK.14:36
Sk__I'm not an idiot. I am trying to DO things. Directly related.14:36
Sk__But this is a segment I do care about and I'm not going to just let it go.14:36
@kanzurewhy don't you do them, then? i don't understand this. setting up a forum is not very helpful.14:37
Sk__If this frees up my time and funds me to 'do' more, then it is a win.14:37
Sk__I am.14:37
Sk__It's not going to be just a bloody forum.14:37
@kanzure i think you are making up a fake dichotomy of "doing/not doing" and i challenge you to back up that dichotomy as a fact14:37
@kanzureor as a reasonable concept, i mean.14:37
Sk__By doing I mean directly contributing to transhumanism vs say, starting a community *of not only transhumanist but of people I find have the mindset for creativity and productivity*14:39
Sk__It is a false dichotomy14:39
Sk__Because in my intention it is all related.14:39
@kanzureare you hoping that some percent of these people will be more productive than you, or something? is that what it is?14:40
Sk__If finding motivation and immersion here frees up my time so as to not work a dead-end job or be tied down by a location while funding resources to create something of more worth, then I'm satisfied.14:40
Sk__Not really.14:40
@kanzureif you have a dead-end job, you should just quit it.14:40
Sk__I don't have a dead end job.14:41
Sk__But I'm creating my own way in the way that best makes sense to me. But I do still have life to tend to, a spouse to feed, bills to pay.14:41
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@kanzurewhat are you skilled in or interested in learning how to do?14:42
@kanzureor what is your background14:42
Sk__I'm sorry you don't see the merit in that. I do.14:42
eudoxiahello Sk__14:42
eudoxiaI'm going to have to side with kanzure on this14:42
Sk__Hello, eudoxia.14:42
eudoxia(i moderated http://transhumani.com/forum/portal.php and wrote http://wiki.transhumani.com/index.php?title=Main_Page and it was largely a failure)14:42
eudoxiaright now there's a new forum <http://thetranshumanist.com/forum/> that might die off soon, who knows14:43
Sk__That has so much more merit to me than what has so far been said. Why did they fail?14:43
@kanzurehaha more merit14:43
@kanzurebecause fuck thinking about things14:43
Sk__I am thinking kanzure. I'm trying to listen to your side and take what makes sense into my own paradigm.14:44
@kanzure"let's just ignore all of this experimental data, and call kanzure bullshit" i think i hate you14:44
eudoxiaI think, from what I've observed here, that the best thing you can do to work towards transhumanism is just pick something and work with it. and then, when you have something to show, you talk about it here or on one of the mailing lists or whatever14:44
eudoxiano point in creating the "new and definitive h+ community"14:44
Sk__The site is not just about transhumanism... I don't think that point has gotten across.14:45
@kanzureSk__: what is your background in skills/jobs/things?14:45
@fenni actually like the topical forums such as longecity14:45
@kanzurei dunno how to explain longecity14:45
@fennnobody can even agree on what "transhumanism" is so of course it's going to be all over the map and never get traction14:46
@fennbut focus on a specific topic and it can make sense14:46
Sk__That is not my end. This is a job. Funding. Freedom to some degree to learn and do what does deeply interest me... All I said was it *touched* on it.14:46
@fennlongecity started out looking at various supplements for life extension/longevity and then later on attracted a nootropics interest14:46
@kanzurelongecity has been doing some small research projects on their own, but i'm not sure how it happened.14:46
@kanzureit has a weird crowdfunding angle too14:47
@fennbecause the existing research was inadequate14:47
eudoxiaSk__, when he gets on, ask cpopell about his experience re:h+ communities14:47
@kanzureyes, but i mean, longecity had people that were willing to do the work14:47
@fennwho is cpopell anyway? he just sort of appeared (from what i saw)14:47
Sk__A bit of physics, electronics, some biology... I'm learning every day. I've put a lot of focus on the mind and what it can do with hypnosis.14:47
@kanzurehypnosis you say14:47
@kanzurewhat about your job?14:48
eudoxiafenn: grep 'cpopell\|Stee|\|Steel\|Stieru_Ridir' *.log14:48
Sk__And that's part of the reason I came here. Because if there's a good resource, anything to learn... I'd love to hear about it. I thought this would be a great place to find that.14:48
@kanzureSk__: i can't offer you anything without knowing your background or what you've dealt with14:49
eudoxiatl;dr he started an h+ forum and slowly the post count dropped and it was overrun by spam because i'm a category 5 retard14:49
@kanzureare you a lab technician? dsp engineer? construction worker?14:49
Sk__No. I'm not.14:50
@kanzureeudoxia: you have to install akismet and other shit these days14:50
@kanzureSk__: are you going to answer my question?14:50
eudoxiakanzure: yeah but he didn't have time for that shit and i didn't have access so i don't even have a citations plugin for mediawiki14:50
Sk__Any information at all you can give would be helpful.14:50
@kanzurei am not going to just give you all the information. i need to know what you work on.14:51
@kanzureyou are very difficult to talk with.14:51
@fennSk__: he just wants to know what skills you have14:52
Sk__I'm sorry you find it so. I am not currently employed as I'm a military spouse who just moved across the country.14:52
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Sk__I probably don't have many skills you wouldn't scoff at.14:52
@kanzurenot true.14:52
@kanzureas of yet, there is no way to download all information and knowledge about different aspects of transhumanism and making this stuff happen. so the conversations have to be constrained by your skills or which skills you are working on acquiring or specific projects. this is why i keep asking. but you seem to be avoiding the issue.14:54
Sk__I'm not that far down this rabbit hole. I just know that I do care and I do want to make a contribution. I can work with electronics. I am good with minds. I am best at conveying ideas (not that it shows here, hah) concepts that are complex, with less complexity.. am a very fast learner and I eat information like food. I am always looking for new resources and things to learn. I am an autodidact, no formal education or skills.... 14:55
@kanzurei don't really care about formal anything, wasn't really my question.14:55
@kanzureso you have experience with microelectronics? or what..14:55
Sk__A little. Again, I'm still learning.14:56
@kanzurehave you done anything with microcontrollers?14:56
@fennthere's a huge need for practical low-cost biosensors14:57
Sk__I am interested in doing modifications now... ie, finger magnets. I realize that is not very complex... but *now* implants of a little more complexity would be somethng I'm interested in.14:57
Sk__There is?14:57
Sk__See. That's the sort of thing I'm looking for14:57
@kanzurefinger magnets aren't too useful. you can get the same effect by gluing a magnet to your finger.14:58
Sk__Yeah, I realize...14:58
klafkaoh can you?14:58
Sk__I was just using that conceptually14:58
klafkahmm  i wanna try that then14:58
@kanzureklafka: sort of. it's less pronounced.14:58
Sk__Of *now* mods.14:59
klafkaalso think of all the positive energy you're aligning14:59
Sk__But again, with more complexity.14:59
klafkaso kanzure what's your takeaway on google glass14:59
@kanzureit's just not a useful mod.. it gets media attention because of the body shock community.14:59
klafkabadass eyetap or gimmick flavor of the month14:59
Sk__It's nifty, but not useful.14:59
@kanzureklafka: no conclusions yet. their api seems a little suspicious (something about all apps being hosted on the cloud). so no local software? that worries me.14:59
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1432-1033.1994.tb19004.x/pdf14:59
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/d93db375cdaf05e23287d3685dbc697e.txt15:00
chris_99why's it not useful Sk__15:00
jrayhawkpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/store/10.1111/j.1432-1033.1994.tb19004.x/asset/j.1432-1033.1994.tb19004.x.pdf?v=1&t=hdqimqyg&s=14ea7aadb99cb369ab184e29875b1aafd75dcc7715:00
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/f995605864ba0775c7236566ca2a8b2a.pdf15:00
@kanzurechris_99: because you can get a direct reading from a magnetometer, or you can experience the same thing by gluing a magnet to your finger.15:00
@fennsure, there's all the quantified self stuff (heart rate variability, blood pressure, accelerometers, wireless glucose monitors) and then there's more existential awareness things like extending sensory perception or brain monitoring technologies (EEG, infrared spectroscopy, doppler ultrasound,) but i'm not compiling a comprehensive list here15:00
chris_99oh i thought we were talking about Glass15:00
@kanzurepaperbot: fix wiley :|15:00
chris_99not the magnets15:00
@fennit would be really nice to have a reliable low noise EMG sensor that one could use to do ensemble encoding ("typing" without a keyboard)15:01
jrayhawka paper wherein the wheat antagonizes vitamin d15:01
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eudoxiano local apps?15:02
@kanzurejrayhawk: any ideas about moving broken things out of papers2/paperbot/, or moving papers into separate folders and using symlinks, without breaking previous links?15:02
eudoxiaso i can't even run bc without waiting ten minutes because HURR WIRELESS THE CLOUD15:02
@kanzureeudoxia: not sure yet, but i read somewhere that it would be "like Google Calendar". of course, nobody has an sdk yet so who the fuck knows.15:02
@fennyou can do hard links for much the same effect15:02
@kanzurewell i don't want to leave paperbot/ piling up with papers forever15:03
@kanzureand ideally things should be categorized15:03
@kanzurebut if i move papers (like even after paperbot retrieves them) the links are broken immediately15:03
@fennthen delete them after n days15:03
@fennthen dont delete them15:03
@kanzurehard links are a good idea.15:03
@fenneudoxia: did you know ubuntu has made an OS for ARM phones?15:04
@kanzuredebian already has arm binaries15:04
eudoxiafenn: i think i remember hearing about it15:04
@fennor were you talking about forums15:05
@kanzurehe was talking about google glass15:05
@fenndebian has arm binaries, but there's no "phone experience"15:05
@fennoh i see15:05
@fennwell, personally i'm not too excited about glass because all i ever wanted was a display device that was made for wearable computing and didnt cost $5k15:06
@fennif it's a hermetically sealed pill that has no extensibility, it prolly won't do what i want15:06
eudoxiawhy not have some kind of "computer wallet" that does the processing and sends it to the glasses through some wireless link15:06
@kanzurei think google glass might be pairing with your phone15:07
eudoxiaoh well that would certainly be more practical15:07
eudoxia"computer wallet" i should be gassed15:07
@fenndigital coinpurse15:08
@kanzureSk__: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq15:08
@kanzureSk__: i am only hard on you because i care15:08
jrayhawkgoogle glass would mean i wouldn't need to remember people's names15:10
@fenndoes it do facial recognition? they're pitifully short on details15:10
eudoxiai sure as fuck hope so15:10
@fennklafka: do you know this for sure?15:10
klafkafenn there are quite a bit of details now15:10
@kanzurethere are a lot of patents and companies built around face recognition lirbaries15:10
@kanzurei think it's going to be a gold rush in that area, if it takes off.15:10
eudoxiai can remember names, and i can remember faces, but i can't map those two to save my life15:10
@kanzureand then lots of lawsuits.15:10
klafkawell i think it may be later15:10
@kanzurei think that the place to be for that gold rush is going to be something like a service on top of ec2 for running their video stream parsers15:11
klafkafenn did you check out - http://www.theverge.com/2013/2/22/4013406/i-used-google-glass-its-the-future-with-monthly-updates15:11
@fennklafka: i mean does "version 1 google glass explorer hardware" do image processing15:11
@kanzurebecause people who are going to want to do face recognition algorithms aren't going to want to have to setup servers to parse x264 or whatever video they are transmitting15:11
klafkalike you would have to do video / image processing in the cloud15:12
klafkaand htat's potentailly a lot of data transmission15:12
@kanzurethat's the place to be, because everyone and their mom is going to be recognizing faces/moods/other crap.15:12
@fennyou'd have to do face _detection_ on the device, but probably will want to do _recognition_ on a server, since there's a lot of data to dig through15:12
klafkadetection on a device currently seems a bit out of scope though15:12
@kanzureopencv seems to detection just fine?15:13
klafkafor the amount of battery life and processing power15:13
klafkayeah but remember we're talking about probably a fairly weak android based cellphone basically15:13
@kanzureoh well, battery backpack. just kidding. nobody has the balls to make a battery backpack.15:13
eudoxiaahhaha running opencv on google glass15:13
eudoxiagood luck15:13
klafkaeudoxia: that's what i'm basically saying15:13
@fenni don't really know, there's a lot of specialized hardware that can be brought to bear on the task that isn't really available to most basement hackers15:13
@fennlike if your camera chips automatically produced an integral image, or did canny edge detection or whatever as a first processing step15:14
eudoxiaklafka: "why do i have second degree burns on my temples"15:14
klafkafenn fair enough15:14
@fennSIFT in hardware would be very useful for a zillion potential applications15:14
klafkaanyway  - i feel like i've read most of the literature out there of what people know about glass and talked to a number of people who used it and it dones't do facial recognition currently15:15
klafkaor detection15:15
@fennbtw opencv was largely funded by intel to prove that intel was still relevant, so it isn't optimized for running on ARM architecture15:15
klafkawait what?15:15
klafkahasn't opencv been around for awhile15:16
klafkawas this awhile ago15:16
@fennpeople have added to it since the initial release, of course15:16
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eudoxiaisn't OpenCV like a fork of an Intel library15:16
eudoxiait's why IplImage is named IplImage15:16
@kanzure"i guess so. but who would use anything but ARM in the portable/robotics use case?"15:17
@fenni can totally see wanting to use CUDA for robotics15:18
@fennafaik there aren't any "mobile" processors that support it15:18
@fennGPU whatever15:19
@fenndigital black boxen15:19
klafkai think it'll take a few more iterations15:19
klafkaand there will be15:19
klafkai think atm everyone is so power conscious on mobile15:19
klafkabecause batteries suck15:19
klafkaeven so my nexus 4 gets fucking hot when i use it a bunch15:19
@kanzureare those in stock yet15:20
jrayhawk'There's no cellular radio in Glass' yeah, i imagine that would go badly15:20
@fennbatteries will continue to suck, we will just get a slowly increasing percentage capacity out fo them15:20
klafkajrayhawk:  they use bluetooth 415:20
klafkato tether to your phone/tablet15:20
jrayhawkThat's cool.15:20
klafkafenn:  i can hope for a paradigm shifting advnace in a technology i know nothing about15:20
@fennmaybe someone will figure out how to make a small portable methanol fuel cell15:21
@fennor chip turbines or something15:21
@fennbut batteries are doomed15:21
@fennDOOMED i say15:21
@kanzurei wish my phone was powered by gasoline15:21
klafkai wonder if these would be a cool gift for someone http://www.marblesthebrainstore.com/sifteo-cubes-interactive-game-system?gdftrk=gdfV25307_a_7c1679_a_7c6469_a_7c1674&gclid=CL3w_bOS2rUCFWbZQgod2xwAhg15:22
klafkai've played with them15:22
@fennthat depends on the person15:22
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@fenni cant help but think they're full of explosives, and if you fail to solve the puzzle in time they explode15:24
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Sk__Phone call. Sorry. Thanks for the links kanzure!15:33
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@kanzure"Backyard Brains is housed and even does its shipping from allhandsactive.com "16:10
@kanzurehuh they let them store their inventory at their hackerspace?16:11
sheena1So I need an INR testing machine for home use.. The doctor said they're available, but thousands of dollars. Thoughts?16:12
@kanzureisn't INR a currency?16:13
@fennit's a time to clotting diagnostic for people on blood thinners16:13
@kanzureso it looks at... light?16:14
@kanzurelooks like a blood test, so my bet is antibody and then bouncing light off of it to detect binding?16:16
@fennthe "CoaguChek XS" is thousands of dollars?16:16
@kanzurehere's one claiming to be $10016:18
@fennsheena1: this sort of thing usually boils down to finding the correct "program to aid disadavantaged people" in your area16:18
@fennsince you're in canada it's not medicaid but i imagine there's something similar16:19
sheena1they'll pay for the inr testing, but she has to physically go to the lab16:20
sheena1and due to another drug she's on, her inr changes all the time, every test, pretty much16:20
@kanzurehere's one that does 200 tests/hour.. for $100? http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/547053652/200_tests_hour_automatic_blood_Chemistry.html16:20
sheena1we've got the pharmacy worked out to change her warfarin doses for her (she can't do it herself), but getting out twice-3 times a week for the test is really REALLY hard16:21
sheena1she went twice last week and got two other, unrelated tests done16:21
sheena1cause she gets confused and the people at the lab are morons16:21
sheena1kanzure: the first one is $100-$3000/unit, eh?16:21
@kanzureit means you have to talk with them16:22
@fennit means they're $100 each in quantities of a million16:22
@kanzurethere's no way they manufactured a million of those ever16:22
ThomasEgiever is the word you should never use ;)16:24
sheena1checking out coaguchek now16:24
ThomasEgilike.. who'd possibly ever build more computers than you can address with ipv4..16:24
sheena1they might have a help-low-income-patients program16:24
sheena1some big comapnies too16:24
@fennThomasEgi: http://www.xkcd.com/865/16:26
ThomasEgii would've bet 50 bucks it'? the nanomachine ipv4 comic16:26
ThomasEgiand i would've won it16:26
@fennsheena1: i know nothing of coaguchek but it looked about right16:26
sheena1http://www.ebay.ca/itm/ROCHE-COAGUCHEK-S-SELF-TEST-COAGULATION-MONITOR-W-QUALITY-CONTROL-/330879380765?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d09f2ad1d&_uhb=1#ht_886wt_1055 that might be reasonable16:27
@kanzurei wouldn't go for any strip stuff, that looks sorta dumb and vendor lockiny16:28
@fenn"Electronic Quality Control unit with Sys Code Chip" great16:28
@fennstrips use less blood which means you can do it without a phlebotomist16:28
@kanzureyes but the strips seem to cost $295/pack16:29
@kanzureif you wanted to spend a lot of money you would just pay someone16:29
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@fennstill, $400 is better than $n,00016:30
@kanzurefor all these communities that have weird diseases that requires lots of testing, i still can't figure out why they don't have more open source hardware for these things16:30
@fennbecause everyone is an idiot and afraid they'll do it wrong and there are laws written by idiots16:31
@kanzureout of the umpteen hundred thousand people that need to do multiple blood tests a day, none of them bother to figure this out?16:31
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@kanzureright. i also expect insurance things play into it.16:31
sheena1re strips, they seem to be around on ebay and stuff.. i found one on ebay that comes with 13 strips for $100.. that owuld last her at least a few months, in strips16:33
sheena1she needs it about once a week, since she has a lab who will come once a week also16:33
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@kanzure"On July 19, 2011 gamesindustry.biz reported that Gameloft's New Zealand studio employees faced excessive working hours.[15][16] The article included quotes from Gameloft's former head studio programmer, detailing 100 to 120 hour workweeks and "four consecutive weeks of fourteen-hour days".[15]"16:59
ParahSailin_eg is gonna be launching a direct to consumer subsidiary for the dog version of 23andme17:01
sheena1ParahSailin_: I'd love to know more!17:07
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.005787317:11
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/The%20Relationship%20of%20Sugar%20to%20Population-Level%20Diabetes%20Prevalence%3A%20An%20Econometric%20Analysis%20of%20Repeated%20Cross-Sectional%20Data.pdf17:11
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@fennconsumer electromyography armband https://getmyo.com/17:33
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@fenninstead of searching for ever more elaborate and profound ways to specify "friendliness" why don't any professional AGI worriers simply promote a moderate utility function that expires after some upper limit has been reached? like, instead of "maximize paperclips" the function instead is "produce 1 million paper clips a second"17:50
@fennit seems like this fixation on linear optimization is some kind of personality quirk17:51
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@kanzurefenn: if you want to play around with that hornet's nest, just ask that in #lesswrong18:10
@fennno, not really18:11
@fenn"We are looking for Cyber Paladins with experience in one or more of the following:18:11
@fenn* Polygraph required.18:12
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2013/02/19/1217505110.abstract18:26
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Lifespan%20of%20neurons%20is%20uncoupled%20from%20organismal%20lifespan.pdf18:26
ParahSailin_i can beat a polygraph, where do i sign up18:27
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/130228/srep01319/full/srep01319.html18:28
@fenni love figure 1 http://www.lucifer.com/~sasha/articles/techuman.html18:28
@kanzurethat guy is very dead.18:29
@fennyeah i've never heard of him, its interesting digging through his virtual estate18:29
@kanzurea lot of the extropians mention him any chance they get18:29
@kanzureso i heard his name often when i was at max's18:29
@fenndid anders sandberg ever explain why he took down his awesome website?18:30
@fennwhere he = anders18:30
@kanzuredo you mean http://www.aleph.se/Trans/18:31
@fennthere was also an art collection at nada.kth.se/~asa/ but i'm not sure if it's the same as what you just linked to18:32
@kanzureit was http://www.aleph.se/andart/18:32
@kanzurealso it's http://www.nada.kth.se/~asa/ not http://nada.kth.se/~asa/18:33
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2320192518:33
@fennah it is still there18:34
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S156899721200272819:38
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/The%20circulatory%20systemic%20environment%20as%20a%20modulator%20of%20neurogenesis%20and%20brain%20aging.txt19:38
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nmz787jrayhawk: "They are omnivores, eating small animals, fruit, tree gum, and other vegetation."20:19
nmz787jrayhawk: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slow_loris20:20
nmz787jrayhawk: so seems some gums may be fine to eat20:20
nmz787"A 1984 study of the Sunda slow loris indicated that its diet consists of 71% fruit and gums, and 29% insects and other animal prey"20:21
ParahSailin_why you bring up gums?20:23
nmz787"The plant gums, obtained typically from species in the family Fabaceae (peas), are high in carbohydrates and lipids, and can serve as a year-around source of food, or an emergency reserve when other preferred food items are scarce.[108] Several anatomical adaptations present in slow lorises may enhance their ability to feed on exudates: a long narrow tongue to make it easier to reach gum stashed in cracks and crevices, a large cecum to help the anim20:23
nmz787I'm not sure how our cecum to duodenum ratio compares to theirs20:23
nmz787ParahSailin_: jrayhawk mentioned gums being something he wasn't sure of being non-inflammatory20:24
nmz787ParahSailin_: I guess there are a lot of them20:24
ParahSailin_i didnt realize they were digestible20:25
ParahSailin_guar gum is fiber for us20:25
jrayhawkYeah, plant exudates have a lot of genetic pressure to repel other lifeforms.20:26
nmz787It'd be cool to splice some human DNA with a slow loris's20:27
nmz787you'd make ewoks, essentially20:27
@fennvenomous ewoks20:28
jrayhawkthe island of doctor mccorkle20:29
nmz787all my children, hmm, yes...20:30
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doclApparently there are two projects na21:03
doclnamed gmod21:04
doclGrr. Android input.21:04
doclAnyway someone was telling me about Gary's Mod, a popular 3d modeling framework, so I googled for it and discovered GMOD, Generic Model Organism Database.21:09
jrayhawk"3d modeling framework" is such a classification for it21:11
jrayhawker, dignified21:11
doclAh I see, the capitalization is different, GMod vs GMOD.21:16
doclNever again shall I confuse the two. Lol.21:17
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nmz787just transferred some kombucha mushrooms from the mailing container to fresh sweet tea22:48
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