
--- Log opened Thu Apr 04 00:00:47 2013
-!- superkuh [~superkuh@unaffiliated/superkuh] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]00:02
kanzureneuron 7.3 released.. http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/download00:05
kanzurewith documentation now http://www.neuron.yale.edu/neuron/static/new_doc/index.html00:05
kanzure"Reaction diffusion in one dimension can now be specified using Python classes and methods ... we are working to extend this to two- and three-dimensional reaction-diffusion. Previously it was necessary to use NMODL for reaction-diffusion. We expect that interpreter-based specification of reaction-diffusion will eventually replace this application of NMODL."00:06
kanzure"Inter-host communication can now use the ParallelContext.py_alltoall() to send distinct arbitrary Python objects to all the other ranks."00:07
kanzure"neuron.nrn_dll() gives Python access to the C-language internals of NEURON. This makes all internal NEURON functions, variables, etc., available through a ctypes object."00:07
kanzurenrn_dll... what? this isn't even windows-only.00:07
archelsthey're moving towards 3D mesh models and full reaction-diffusion simulations? awesome http://www.neuron.yale.edu/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=149500:09
kanzure"We are planning to augment NEURON to implement biochemical reaction-diffusion (RD) as well as facilitated cytoplasmic transport in NEURON. This would involve complementing the present integration of the one-dimensional cable equation with a meshed integration of diffusing reactants in multiple 3D (cytosolic, intranuclear, intravacuolar) and 2D (intramembranous) compartments"00:11
kanzureweird i didn't know neuron had sbml things.00:12
kanzure"Somewhat related to this is the following short utility for converting SBML to native NEURON code (NMODLfiles):" http://www.neuroml.org/neuron_tools.php00:12
kanzure"Note though that reaction & diffusion in 3D will probably be outside the scope of NeuroML v2.0;"00:12
archelssbml-spatial seems rather dead00:14
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archels"James Randi, whose organization, the James Randi Education Foundation, has a long-standing offer: prove you have paranormal abilities and they'll give you $1 Million"00:38
archelsget your neural implants ready00:38
kanzurethere's been long-standing criticism about his long-standing offer. the slashdot crowd really hates him for some archane reason.00:47
archelsI don't care I just want the $1 mil00:48
archelsif mice can do it, so can we!00:48
kanzurethe criticisms were probably something about how poor he demonstrates his understanding of statistics? no this wasn't it.. hrm.00:49
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rigelrandi is kind of a smarmy dick00:57
rigelthough that should make /.ers like him, i would imagine00:57
rigelgod, when i get finished watching my hours of fucking lecture videos i have no energy to try and play around with code00:58
rigeli cant even bring myself to fire up my damn vm00:58
kanzurethe solution is to always have the vm running00:58
brownieswhy are you watching hours of lecture videos?00:58
kanzuremedical school00:58
browniesi might argue the solution is not to watch hours of lecture videos00:58
kanzurethere are little excuses to not always be running 5 virtual machines when you have 32 GB RAM..00:59
rigeli dont even know why i run the machine in the living room01:00
rigeloh yeah, media servage01:00
rigeli really should take that drive offline though and put it elsewhere01:01
kanzureliving rooms were always curious to me. i could never get the parental units to show me the death room.01:01
rigeli cant be spending 50w just on the off chance i need to play a video01:01
rigeli only do that once or twice a week anyway01:01
kanzurewhy not?01:01
rigelits just wasteful01:01
rigeli have my RPi for running actual required server things01:01
rigelthats like 2w01:02
eleitlsivoais, File not available The upload was interrupted.01:06
sivoaiseleitl: let me reupload01:08
sivoaiseleitl: <http://ge.tt/7ys5o1d/v/0>01:10
sivoaismust have been a bad network before01:10
rigelso, motherfucker, these people forked this swf package but have not fixed it to my satisfaction01:16
rigelit still does not properly render swf frames as svg's01:17
kanzureswf frames to svg sounds like a useful thing01:18
kanzurei'm often using flasm -d to dump swf stuff for investigating things01:19
rigelit would be if it worked01:20
rigelyou can use swftools with undocumented flags to render to a particular resolution01:21
rigelbut then you have these gigantic png's01:21
kanzureyou could use phantomjs 1.4 (before ariya pulled out flash support)01:21
rigelim not sure how that would help01:21
kanzurebut it wont be the raw frames obviously01:21
kanzurewell you can take screenshots as frequently as you want01:22
kanzureoh, which wont be svg. well whatever.01:22
rigelscreenshots are exactly the wrong approach01:22
rigelas are bmp's01:22
kanzurei'm not sure svg captures all of the swf animation features anyway.01:22
rigellet's say, hypothetically, that you have a bunch of swf files that are one frame each for pages of a 500pg book, that have been rendered with one of the multiple pdf to swf engines01:23
rigeljust for argument's sake01:23
rigelnow, in order to convert that back to something print quality, you can take those swf files, render to png, but in order to do so adequately, you have to blow up the resolution with swftools by like 4x01:24
rigelwhich means your files are correspondingly larger01:24
kanzureyes but at least it wouldn't be swf or pdf01:25
rigelso you go from a 20mb pdf file to 20mb of swf's to 500mb of png's01:25
rigeland it is non-searchable01:25
kanzurecan you search the swf version?01:25
rigelonly with some crappy viewer01:26
rigelthat hypothetically someone hasnt figured out how to use offline01:26
kanzurei wonder if calibre has a thing that parses evil swf ebooks01:26
rigelif that could work, pointing at a set of local files and using a swf viewer that includes search, that would be nearly as good as converting back to pdf01:27
* kanzure sleeps01:31
rigelyoure going to have to be more specific than that01:31
eleitlthank you, sivoais01:40
* eleitl hopes eudoxia doesn't have wet feet01:41
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eleitlwtf are backwards mozzies01:54
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eleitlpaperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ja310897r04:21
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/d5e199a9d95a3a8a78036ef930af18cc.pdf04:21
eleitlThat paperbot think kicks ass. Thanks, kanzure.04:22
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ParahSail1nmozzie is probably mosfet07:06
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gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=cb3695f3 Bryan Bishop: add london/diybio article11:25
browniesa "salon" ?11:31
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kanzurebrownies: europeans are weird like that. they should have just called it "a thing where people show up and talk to each other".11:32
kanzurei'm not sure why ellen was overseas though. did they pay for her ticket?11:33
brownies"Cathal is the only biohacker in Europe to have had his lab licensed by the authorities to work with genetically-modified organisms. He described his makeshift lab gear, including a power-drill centrifuge and a coffee-can PCR machine"11:34
browniesnot exactly the most comforting sentences to put together11:34
kanzuredon't you remember talking with cathal in here?11:34
brownieswhat's his handle?11:35
eudoxia_isn't he the guy who made the dremelfuge11:36
eudoxia_oh he is http://www.thingiverse.com/cathalgarvey/designs11:37
kanzurethat's what they meant by "power-drill centrifuge"11:37
eudoxia_i should've guessed11:37
eudoxia_i remember that package because other than lego.git it's the only skdb package ever11:37
kanzurethere's also thread.git and scrwe.git11:38
eudoxia_i don't remember those11:38
kanzurebecause you are a slacker. are you going to write software anytime soon?11:38
eudoxia_but college makes me sooo tireeedd11:39
kanzurefriends don't let friends do college11:42
browniesbut all the cool kids are doing it!11:43
eudoxia_i understand why you didn't go for it11:43
eudoxia_i'm always tired and bored and i don't think a day has gone by where i didn't fall asleep in class11:43
browniesbuy more coffee, take fewer shitty classes?11:43
kanzurethe one thing i regret about college is that i didn't just walk into the classes i actually cared about11:44
kanzuremost of the time they don't care if someone is hanging out during a cool lecture11:44
kanzure"PDEs for loop quantum gravity? why yes, yes i will sit here"11:44
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eudoxia_i think i'm going to take fewer shitty classes, yes11:49
eudoxia_i'll just read the books and download the pdfs with the problems11:49
kanzure"It's worth reviewing because it includes almost 15,000 responses from the 83,000 authors who published in Taylor and Frances journals in 2011.  It's certainly biased (as are all surveys) because it only includes those who've already chosen that publisher, but still a good read."11:49
kanzure"There's much more detail in the the survey than just a laundry list of licenses, including questions about authors views on various types of reuse, importance of data vs text, etc.  It includes not only author preferences but also author answers about their institutions policies and those of their funders. It's a 30 page report and includes an additional 16 pages containing the complete text of the survey."11:49
ThomasEgipaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/408404911:50
ThomasEgihm. not quite..11:50
yoleauxThe Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics: Taylor & Francis Open Access Survey: Critique11:51
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superkuhpaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/340/6128/36.full12:07
superkuhpaperbot: http://stm.sciencemag.org/content/5/179/179ra44.full.pdf12:13
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ParahSailincygwin package for weechat does not even include the irc plugin, lol13:08
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kanzure"Hi Bryan, I was referring to general researchers in industry.  University research might be a little less expensive.  My numbers come from a career at Northrop, where the rank and file design engineer ran to about $200,000 per year as a billing rate to the customer (10% on top of cost for profit).  About $125,000 was salary and benefits, the balance overhead, etc."14:17
kanzurehuh? northrop is in security? that's odd. the context was talking about researchers.14:19
kanzureparticularly, neuroscientists. does northrop employ neuroscientists?14:19
kanzure"Northrop Corporation was a major United States aircraft manufacturer which merged with Grumman in 1994 to form Northrop Grumman."14:19
browniesNorthrop is in all the things14:25
browniesi am sure DoD brings them all kinds of contracts14:26
chris_99am i right in thinking you have to be a US citizen to work for DARPA14:26
browniesbesides, he didn't say anything about security or neuroscience? just "researchers"14:26
kanzurebrownies: well, i said context because there was context that wasn't shown in that quote.14:26
browniesoh ok14:27
Lemminkainenchris_99 no one really works for DARPA, they're a travel agency that gives out grants14:28
chris_99do they not have their own labs and stuff though?14:29
ParahSailinyeah, kinda the whole concept of the "military-industrial complex"14:31
ParahSailinmilitary is revenue side, industry is get-free-money side14:31
LemminkainenParahSailin I find it truly amazing how far the industry side can fuck things up without consequence14:34
kanzure"oops we lost the schematics to your $200 million jet, we cool?"14:35
ParahSailinyeah, just keep my constituents employed14:36
chris_99i was looking at the ICBMs the DPRK use, and apparently they're using fuming nitric acid as an Oxidiser, anyone know if that's unusual14:37
ParahSailinno that was common in goddard days14:38
ParahSailinif you dont want to deal with cryo, thats about the most dense oxidizer there is14:39
chris_99ah interesting, so cryo tends to be liquid oxygen + hydrogen right?14:39
ParahSailinwell, N2O4 is liquid at reasonable range too14:40
ParahSailinnitric acid would seem easier to handle14:40
chris_99it says the actual fuel is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsymmetrical_dimethylhydrazine14:41
ParahSailinim kinda surprised theyre using hydrazine instead of kerosene14:41
ParahSailinmaybe hypergolic works better when you're north korea14:42
chris_99oh so you can just use kerosene + nitric acid?14:42
ParahSailinyou can mostly mix and match oxidizers and fuels14:44
chris_99i was just looking into how much it'd cost to buy HTPB and it's curatives etc. for a mini hybrid rocket14:48
chris_99the actual cost wasn't so bad, but apparently i'd need a vacuum chamber14:48
chris_99to stir it14:48
chris_99to remove co2 bubbles14:48
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kanzurenano2: hi.16:10
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paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/3589bf649f8bb019bd97be9880627b7c.pdf16:13
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kanzure"There was a rival initiative to the Human Genome Project from a private company called Celera, which aimed to create its own subscription database of the human genome, and to patent over 300 genes. Martin Bobrow, a representative for the Human Genome Project, later said: “Celera’s requirements seemed to amount to them establishing an effective monopoly over the human genome.” If they had succeeded the consequences to scientific ...16:27
kanzure... research and innovation in this area could have been devastating."16:27
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ParahSail1nconnectome lol17:11
ParahSail1nthe amount of information there is probably a couple dozen orders of magnitude higher17:13
ParahSail1nbut itll pay a lot of university administrators, buy a lot of professors' houses, and grad student noodles17:14
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LemminkainenI want grad student noodles17:28
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kanzurebish0p_: hi18:03
bish0p_hello bryan18:04
kanzurewhat brings you here?18:04
bish0p_you do18:05
kanzurego on18:05
bish0p_i found your number on 4chan18:05
kanzureon 4chan? what is it doing there?18:06
bish0p_i think you should know that haywire and her national anarchist friends are after you18:06
bish0p_i cannot reveal my name because she has sent me death threats18:06
bish0p_but i am warning you to be careful18:06
kanzureshow me the 4chan thread.18:07
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ParahSail1nhaywire and nationalist anarchists and death threats18:09
eudoxiawell last time someone came here from 4chan it was from /r9k/18:09
eudoxiaI searched the html of the catalog but there isn't any "bishop" or "bryan" in the OPs18:10
* eudoxia is worried18:10
kanzurejust ignore it.18:15
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eudoxiaif it turns out to be real i'm sure you can borrow a 3d printed gun from cody wilson18:36
eudoxiaon that note, what do you think about defcad?18:37
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kanzurewhy is the commit activity on servo so low lately? https://github.com/mozilla/servo/graphs/commit-activity20:01
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kanzureworm videos ftp://anonymous@ftp.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pub/tjucikas/wormdatabase/results-12-06-08/Laura%20Grundy22:06
browniessometimes, i just want to boot everyone in that channel.22:26
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@fenn*blink* nationalist anarchist? am i the only one who's confused?22:30
kanzureit was just a troll, there was nothing on 4chan with my information.22:32
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archelswho's "Haywire", anyway?23:42
kanzurenot worth your time23:42
kanzureepic internet drama queen. claims to be working on transhumanist projects. but i've never seen any usable results.23:43
archelseven worse than Lepht?23:44
archelsah, I think I saw her before as the organiser of some H+ conference or other23:46
archelsher website is down. maybe the interwebs *is* stirring23:46
archelsnever mind, there it goes23:47
kanzurehaha apple is throwing its weight around on webkit https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2013-January/023255.html23:51
kanzure"2) Ports must keep themselves building. Non Apple Mac ports, if broken by core functionality changes to WebKit2, are now responsible for fixing themselves."23:52
kanzurewasn't webkit supposed to be cross platform?23:52
kanzureah they made the changes before discussing it in public23:57
--- Log closed Fri Apr 05 00:00:48 2013

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