
--- Log opened Wed Apr 10 00:00:53 2013
-!- Shehrazad is now known as ElixirVitae00:25
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eleitlkanzure, will you be getting google fiber?01:40
kanzurei am zone-compatible but it will depend on whether or not the apartment complex pays google i think01:41
eleitlI would try organizing it01:42
eleitlyou can always run VPN over the pipe, so fuck the data kraken01:42
kanzurenot sure if i will still be in austin in 201401:42
eleitloh? where are you going?01:42
kanzureprobably san francisco. it is inevitable.01:42
eleitlsounds expensive01:42
kanzure"it's too expensive not to go!"01:43
* brownies pours kanzure another glass of kool-aid01:43
eleitlas long as you stay away from the salt mines, why not01:43
eleitlany idea what that North Korea propaganda is trying to distract from?01:47
kanzurethey are busy digging a tunnel to china01:47
eleitlI keep looking, but only see Comex gold depositories being emptied, but that one might be a canard01:47
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eleitlhttp://www.kurzweilai.net/man-will-become-like-god-say-mormons-and-transhumanists-in-salt-lake-city <-- does not sound like a good idea05:31
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SwordsmanThe title brings to mind the 'original sin' from Christianity06:55
Swordsmannot the original human sin, but the fall of Lucifer, for wanting 'to be like God'06:56
chris_99that article explains nothing to me06:56
SwordsmanLike, the Bible doesn't even say that Lucifer did anything, he just *wanted* to be as awesome as God06:58
Swordsmanso like, God was basically Lucifer's rolemodel, and God pwn'd him06:59
SwordsmanWhen I was a kid, I heard that a bunch in church, that Lucifer was cast from heaven for wanting to become God's equal, and it seemed to me that God was the real asshole in that situation07:09
Swordsmanbasically, it kinda seemed to me like Lucifer's crime was being a transhumanist (maybe though maybe a term like 'transangelist' would be more fitting or something)07:11
Swordsmanso, I suspect that christianity and it's derivatives are technically in opposition to transhumanism, though a lot of christians seem to base their beliefs more on the culture of the church, than on what's actually written in the bible07:14
* strangewarp grits teeth, avoids talking about theology/cosmology unless he's writing an opera about it or something ...07:15
Swordsmanso they're technically incompatible, but only hardcore fundamentalists are likely to notice07:15
Swordsmanheh yeah, it's a bad subject... I'll try to stop now, and just go for a walk07:16
strangewarpon that subject, has anyone read Max Tegmark's cosmological work? I'm considering diverting myself with it07:17
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strangewarpUgh, his website sucks, and his sense of humor seems stupid07:50
-!- ParahSailin [~Rob@50-194-178-148-static.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:52
strangewarpHm, he spoke at a Singularity Summit at some point, apparently? Interesting07:59
strangewarpOh hm. Max Tegmark has been acquaintences with Wei Dai for at least a decade and a half. That makes sense, since Wei Dai said he isn't concerned about preserving his brain with cryonics...08:29
-!- Charlie [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:49
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kanzurestrangewarp: i think tegmark is worth reading once, and then never again.09:56
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kanzureeleitl: shame on you for reading kurzweilai.net10:01
kanzureyou know that amara essentially regurgitates whatever you write by email, right?10:01
kanzurehttp://enjoythedisruption.com/post/47527556151/my-thoughts-on-mendeley-elsevier-why-i-left-to-start "For that reason then I co-founded PeerJ, an Open Access journal, with one aim of never being in the position to take shit ever again from a closed publisher."10:05
strangewarpkanzure: Not to pry, but is there a reason you dislike Tegmark? He seems to be confirming some hunches I've had, and some systems I've read casual explanations of, and I want to make sure I'm not falling into a cognitive trap.10:06
kanzureno, i said he's worth reading once. that does not mean i dislike him.10:08
kanzurebut spending any more time on his cosmology wouldn't be very fruitful.10:08
kanzuresame with lee smolin, unless you happen to be a loop quantum gravity researcher. which you're not.10:09
strangewarpalright then.10:10
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r190-134-0-170.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap10:12
eudoxiatt is the universal common ancestor of all hplus-related news on the internet10:13
eudoxiaeverything else, from nextbigfuture to kurzweilai is a link to a link to a link to a copypaste10:13
kanzureeudoxia: nextbigfuture used to be alright10:15
eudoxialel it just dropped from 260 to 21510:16
eudoxiathe bubble might be about to burst10:16
eudoxiai know10:17
eudoxiaprepare your doom paul pictures, gather your children, say your goodbyes, for the Great Happening of our time is upon us10:22
yoleauxkanzure: Sorry, that doesn't appear to be an HTML page.10:23
kanzurefuck your shortened links10:23
chris_99it's too hard to tell at the mo' i think it keeps swinging about10:23
eudoxiait's a picture10:24
eudoxianot a url shortener10:24
chris_99http://bitcoinity.org/markets?currency=GBP&exchange=mtgox is a live link10:24
eudoxiathe internet here is collapsing so i had to ask a friend in australia to screenshot it and upload it for me10:25
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nmz787__jrayhawk: are you around? I'm locked out of my house :/10:43
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kanzurethrough the windows!11:00
kanzurewhy the heck was mendeley doing any marketing related to "open access" in the first place?11:14
kanzureopen access is mentioned a lot on e.g. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=552511111:16
kanzurehm, that's not the best example.11:17
kanzure"In a much-rumored deal announced on Tuesday, academic publisher Elsevier (please see disclosure below) is acquiring Mendeley — a widely-used open platform for collaboration and networking related to scientific research — for about $70 million. While the founders of the network maintain that they are committed to the “open access” movement, and argue that having Elsevier’s resources will allow them to expand their work and make it ...11:18
kanzure... even more accessible, a number of high-profile users have said they aren’t convinced that Elsevier has changed its stripes, and they are taking their work elsewhere."11:18
kanzurewtf? why would they even claim to be related to open access?11:18
kanzurehuh, pmr dropped a comment that says "We have to build our own Open alternative. Academia spends 10 billion/year on #scholpub – it can afford to create the metadata". $10 billion?11:21
kanzurealso strange that he doesn't consider zotero an alternative.11:22
archelshaha, from the Bullet engine:11:25
archelsObjects with higher mass do not fall faster, but require a larger force to be accelerated and stopped. Objects with higher mass only fall faster than lighter objects when there is air drag.11:25
kanzureif you can go for something lighter than bullet, then consider box2d11:26
kanzurealso there's another one called openODE or something11:26
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kanzure"At 2Ghz the speed of light in a vacuum delay is a clock cycle every 15cm. Current fiber and copper transmission is about 70% of c, so that's a clock cycle every 10.5 cm. A few clock cycle might not matter for bulk storage, but Intel is also talking about separating main memory from individual processors. There individual clock cycles do matter. Witness the rise of low latency premium RAM."11:31
ThomasEgithe time where RAM was accessible wtihin a single clock cycle are over .. since quite a very long time ago actually11:32
ThomasEgipretty much since cpu speeds surpassed the system bus speed11:34
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ThomasEgithat was like.. dunno when cpu speed went above 66MHz or so.11:36
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jrayhawknmz787: ha ha11:45
kanzurestrange that he didn't just text you11:46
kanzureactually, i suppose it's even stranger that i would suggest texting you11:47
jrayhawkOh I guess those underscores imply that he's not paying attention to his normal account.11:47
kanzurehe seems to only login to gnusha once in a blue moon11:47
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kanzurei wonder if elsevier-mendeley is going to start deleting papers from your collection12:57
archelsoh, bitcoin already crashed. that was quick12:59
-!- BioGuy [~BioGuy@] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:04
BioGuypaperbot http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja00505a03713:04
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Lucibufagins.%202.%20Esters%20of%2012-oxo-2.beta.%2C5.beta.%2C11.alpha.-trihydroxybufalin%2C%20the%20major%20defensive%20steroids%20of%20the%20firefly%20Photinus%20pyralis%20%28Coleoptera%3A%20Lampyridae%29.pdf13:05
kanzure"A chemical treatment that turns whole organs transparent offers a big boost to the field of ‘connectomics’ — the push to map the brain’s fiendishly complicated wiring."13:13
kanzure"The new method instead allows researchers to see directly into optically transparent whole brains or thick blocks of brain tissue. Called CLARITY, it was devised by Karl Deisseroth and his team at Stanford University in California. “You can get right down to the fine structure of the system while not losing the big picture,” says Deisseroth, who adds that his group is in the process of rendering an entire human brain transparent."13:14
kanzure"The technique, published online in Nature on 10 April, turns the brain transparent using the detergent SDS, which strips away lipids that normally block the passage of light  (K. Chung et al. Nature http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature12107; 2013). Other groups have tried to clarify brains in the past, but many lipid-extraction techniques dissolve proteins and thus make it harder to identify different types of neurons. Deisseroth’s group ...13:14
kanzure... solved this problem by first infusing the brain with acryl­amide, which binds proteins, nucleic acids and other biomolecules. When the acrylamide is heated, it polymerizes and forms a tissue-wide mesh that secures the molecules. The resulting brain–hydrogel hybrid showed only 8% protein loss after lipid extraction, compared to 41% with existing methods."13:14
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature12107.html13:14
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/extref/nature12107-s1.pdf13:15
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/7b0c273e70ca41c9d5e28f4efef62ada.pdf13:15
kanzurehttp://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/fig_tab/nature12107_SV2.html "3D visualization of the YFP-expressing neuronal circuit elements from pial surface to the thalamus in the intact Thy-1:eYFP mouse brain (16 weeks old) shown in Fig. 2."13:16
kanzurehttp://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/fig_tab/nature12107_SV14.html "Hippocampus region showing networks of YFP-expressing neurons (green), distribution of PV-positive neurons (red) and astrocytes (blue)."13:19
BioGuypaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A%3A102107230351513:20
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Firefly%20Toxicosis%20in%20Lizards.pdf13:20
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kanzure"Second, whereas passive diffusion of detergent micelles would take many months to completely extract lipids from the adult mouse brain, we developed an active-transport organ-electrophoresis approach, which we term electrophoretic tissue clearing (ETC), that capitalizes on the highly charged nature of ionic micelles."13:26
kanzure... organ electrophoresis.13:27
jrayhawkah, apparently he also lacks a phone13:28
kanzurewtf is this madness http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/fig_tab/nature12107_SV3.html "3D visualization of YFP-expressing neuronal circuit elements in the ventral half of the intact Thy-1:eYFP mouse brain (16 weeks old)."13:29
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kanzureoh :( "K.C. and K.D. have disclosed these findings to the Stanford Office of Technology Licensing, which has filed a patent to ensure broad use of the methods in microscopy systems and for studying disease mechanisms and treatments. All protocols and methods remain freely available for academic and non-profit research in perpetuity, and supported by the authors, through the CLARITY website (http://CLARITYresourcecenter.org)"13:39
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kanzurearchels: is neuroml-technology@lists.sourceforge.net any good?13:59
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ParahSailinpaperbot: http://www.cell.com/current-biology/retrieve/pii/S096098221300210814:22
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098221300210814:23
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Vervet%20Monkeys%20Solve%20a%20Multiplayer%20Forbidden%20Circle%20Game%20by%20Queuing%20to%20Learn%20Restraint.txt14:23
kanzurewhy is the same id in the cell.com and sciencedirect.com urls?14:24
ParahSailinthat "pdf" that paperbot fetched the first time linked to that sd url as the "canonical" one14:25
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=GatewayURL&_origin=CELLPRESS&_urlversion=4&_method=citationSearch&_version=1&_src=FPDF&_piikey=S0960982213002108&md5=7e2a1388af7c193792480eec36b2072214:26
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Vervet%20Monkeys%20Solve%20a%20Multiplayer%20Forbidden%20Circle%20Game%20by%20Queuing%20to%20Learn%20Restraint.txt14:26
kanzurei suppose i should not trust zotero translation-server to always return a pdf url14:27
kanzureor paperbot should check the content-type on the url it gets back from asking translation-server instead of assuming it should be pdf14:28
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kanzurei wonder if i could convince elsevier to run a program that checks pdfs for watermarks and then revoke access rights to unlicensed elsevier papers. just to see how evil they are willing to be.14:30
kanzureuh, i mean, based on their new giant mendeley collection.14:31
browniescan you really trust servers to return correct content-types?14:35
kanzurein general i have found that most pdf serving servers will return the correct content-types14:35
kanzurei can't recall an example where the pdf server was wrong14:39
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kanzurehttp://blog.blackwinghq.com/2013/04/08/2/ "Dissecting PostgreSQL CVE-2013-1899"15:41
kanzure"Let’s take a look at this thing. Basically, the essence of the vuln is that when a client connects and specifies a database name that begins in “-” (hyphen), the postgres server misinterprets the database name as a command line flag for the server instance handling that connection (Even before any authentication is performed). In other words, an unauthenticated attacker can specify arbitrary command line flags to the target postgres ...15:41
kanzure... server that will handle their session."15:42
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kanzuredeleting mendeley accounts http://duncan.hull.name/2013/01/18/mendelete/15:55
kanzurehttp://www.glasscollective.com/ "Google Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz, and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers have teamed up to form the Glass Collective. We’re excited by the promise of the Glass platform. Developers are already dreaming up new experiences for Glass, and we want to help bring those ideas to life. The Glass Collective investment syndicate will provide financing and support to entrepreneurs shaping the future through Glass."15:57
kanzure"Glass is still in the early stages. Take a sneak peek at the Google Mirror API, which will allow you to build services for Glass."15:57
kanzuregah it's a link to a fucking video :(15:57
browniesam i the only one who hates that you have to communicate with Glass through audio?16:07
browniesis it too much to ask that they just stuff a brain wave sensor in the frame, by the ear?16:07
kanzure"brain waves" ugh16:08
kanzurei fear that we will forever be talking about "brain waves"16:08
kanzureyes yes i know that potentials are real... but :(16:08
browniesbrain particles? whatever16:08
browniesyou know, just throw some magnets in there and then... stuff will happen.16:08
kanzurei would rather communicate with it by keyboard16:08
brownieswhere would you put the keyboard though?16:09
kanzurei wonder if i should attempt to pitch the zencoder/face-recognition idea.16:09
kanzureon a shoulder strap16:09
kanzureor a belt hoist16:09
browniesyes, a "utility belt"16:09
kanzurethe thing about provisioning servers for real-time video face processing stuff16:09
kanzurewe talked about this16:09
browniesi vaguely recall this. you want to stream the Glass video to somewhere and then do something?16:10
kanzurei remember it was you on the other side of the conversation16:10
kanzureyeah because most people wont want to bother with the server problems of video encoding and other crap16:10
browniesi remember that much too16:10
kanzureeveryone and their mom is going to be doing face recognition or facial expression detection16:11
kanzurebut they will want to focus on that instead of the other server stuff16:11
brownieswhy does there need to be video encoding in the cloud? wouldn't it be most useful for client-side encoding before sending it to the clouds?16:11
kanzurealso: i just got the most amazing recruiter email ever. the subject line reads "Rails opportunity NYC (full telecommute okay)". ha ha ha.16:12
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kanzurebrownies: well, you need to re-encode if you want it to be shown on other types of devices because not all devices play the same formats.16:12
browniesi suppose so.16:12
kanzurethese are some battle-won bits of knowledge i picked up when i made that ridiculous mobile social network video thing..16:13
kanzuremobile devices are not going to be encoding your video into 10 different versions of x264 or w/e16:13
browniessure. just need one efficient one to get it up to the cloud16:13
kanzurethere are probably better ideas to be had16:14
browniesbrain waves, man. it's all about the brain waves.16:15
browniesuntil they figure that one out the market will be confined to nerdboys who are ok with wandering around saying "ok glass" all the time16:15
kanzurehave you ever useed an eeg?16:15
brownieshm... no, i don't think so.16:15
kanzurei had an emotiv epoc for a while16:16
browniesi'm aware it is... non-trivial.16:16
kanzureand then i began reverse engineering it16:16
kanzureit's not that it's non-trivial.. gaussian distributions to detect changes in the data are relatively easy.16:16
kanzurethe problem is that it sucks.16:16
kanzurean ability to solve non-trivial problems will not make it suck less16:16
brownieswell, detecting a change is obviously easy enough16:16
browniesthe problem is making it a viable input/output mechanism that can be used reliably16:16
kanzurea keyboard.16:17
browniesso that, for example, glass doesn't call my dentist when i need it to take a photo16:17
kanzurei think the output mechanism is the display, though.16:17
browniesyeah, and audio.16:17
kanzureyou should go find a friend with an emotiv or neurosky or mindsky headset16:18
browniesso really it's just a matter of "learning" how to input commands by pointing your brain in a certain direction16:18
kanzureand go try it out16:18
kanzuremaybe i just had a particularly bad experience with them, but they could hardly be trained to distinguish between 2 different commands.16:18
browniesi've seen the studies, as well as anecodtal usage by other people16:18
brownieswell... case studies, anyway16:19
kanzuresome people claim that there are up to 16 different trainable signals but i think that was like one guy that achieved that in a youtube demo once16:19
browniesi do agree it's still years away from being viable for real use16:20
kanzurei think the most successful eeg product so far has been the ears16:20
browniesi love how they productized it actually16:22
kanzurethey really know their market heh16:22
kanzureugh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnofwhV6fw016:24
@fennthey're just a bit too big16:25
chris_99and theres a tail too i believe!16:26
@fennnow it would be cool if they had built in parabolic microphones and earbuds16:27
chris_99i'm sure i remember speaking to the guys in ##neuroscience and someone saying that it's not technically EEG but something else, but can't remember what they mentioned16:27
kanzureprobably EMG16:28
chris_99yeah could be that16:28
kanzureand their tail is ECG or something..16:29
kanzureugh :\16:29
kanzuremaybe one day i will get over my EEG bias.16:31
kanzureanti-EEG bias i mean.16:31
browniesit's based on heartrate? that's pretty lame16:32
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@fennparietal lobe would make more sense for the ears, and then you wouldn't have a nerdstigma on your forehead16:33
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strangewarpthese things will not be good enough until they connect to the nervous system. everything before then just feeds off otaku overenthusiasm16:33
kanzurestrangewarp: i think it's perfectly fine to feed off of otaku overenthusiasm. they found a really good market fit.16:34
kanzurei just happen to hate it. heh.16:34
browniesi don't think it's necessary to connect directly. there's enough data available from external sensors; it's just a UI matter16:34
@fenni guess they didnt want to mess with electrodes going through hair16:34
kanzurebrownies: you really need to experiment with these devices before you claim there's enough data..16:34
kanzurethe data is there but it's not necessarily something that you can control as a user..16:34
brownieskanzure: that's why i said it's a UI matter16:35
kanzureby that logic everything is user interface16:35
brownieskanzure: http://www.nature.com/news/scientists-read-dreams-1.1162516:35
@fennthat's fMRI; huge difference16:35
brownieskanzure: it is a matter of making the "interface" usable without loads of training, and making it error-free16:35
browniesfenn: i said "external sensors"16:36
browniesyou people.16:36
@fennlet's make an effort not to conflate EEG and fMRI16:38
kanzurei would be happy to lug around an fmri16:38
kanzureat least it would be more useful than eeg16:38
browniesbesides, that is one example of how much data is available16:38
browniesfenn: let's make an effort not to read "external sensors" as "one type of sensor" then.16:38
@fennthe whole conversation was about EEG up to this point16:38
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@fennunless you meant something else by "brainwaves"16:38
brownieswell, y'know. if they just make MRI 1000x smaller, that works too.16:38
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chris_99what's the thing called where you shine a laser through the skull and pickup the reflection iirc16:38
browniesfenn: fair, i did say "waves." i'm open to all brainy things though.16:38
@fennchris_99: infrared spectroscopy?16:38
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kanzureinfrared reflectrometry or something16:38
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kanzurebrownies: i still insist that you should go steal one of these devices (emotiv epoc, neurosky, mindsky, etc.) from a friend and try it out for a few days.16:39
ParahSail1nthose are eegs?16:39
kanzurealso if you know someone who has an openeeg helmet, that would also be acceptable16:39
@fennbetter to get something like openEEG so you can see what the raw data looks like16:39
kanzureParahSail1n: to be honest i've lost track.16:39
kanzurei guess i should write this down on the wiki16:41
kanzurei thought someone was claiming that emotiv epoc wasn't eeg either16:42
brownieskanzure: looking over summaries, there is obviously enough available data from EEGs16:42
browniesit's just a matter of reducing training time and requiring fewer electrodes16:42
kanzurenumber of electrodes seriously doesn't matter to me. couldn't care less if it was 100 or 1000.16:43
browniesexperiments from the '90s proved there was enough data available16:43
browniesso i don't know where you people get off16:43
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brownieskanzure: yeah, i would wear any sort of fancy hat if it would save me the trouble of having to physically type things16:44
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ParahSail1nsomeone had a silly eeg game at sens 201116:44
kanzurei see nothing in this wikipedia article about data bandwidth through an eeg helmet16:44
kanzurei mean, controlled data, not raw data.16:44
brownieskanzure: there's enough data available to move around a mouse cursor. that's about the right order of magnitude to work with glass, i think.16:46
kanzurejust use a gyroscope for that?16:46
kanzurethat's what emotiv does for mouse movement.16:46
brownieswould be kind of clunky to move around a mouse cursor over my field of view, but it's still better than saying "ok glass" all the time like a jackass16:46
kanzureit turns out that daeken got the protocol wrong when he was looking into emotiv epoc16:46
brownieskanzure: well, the point here is to do it without requiring any movement or... "external output" from the body, if you will16:47
kanzureand as a result the mouse would bounce around like crazy16:47
kanzurehe later admitted to me that he totally guessed16:47
kanzureuntil i fixed it https://github.com/kanzure/emokit/commit/b023a3c195410147dae44a3ce3a6d72f7c16e44116:47
kanzuredunno where he even came up with the idea of -106 and -105 there...16:48
ParahSail1nthose were the lowest values he observed, so just used them as offset16:49
kanzurehmm i wonder why qdoteledildonics hasn't merged in my branch yet16:50
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* strangewarp sidles up to a stranger wearing Google Glass on the subway16:50
strangewarp"ok glass, search for tubgirl"16:50
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-!- superkuh [~superkuh@unaffiliated/superkuh] has quit [Quit: My hard drives are thrumming. They need more screws.]16:52
kanzuresuperkuh is not solid state yet16:52
brownieshopefully glass does voice recognition so not anyone can command your own glass?16:56
browniesotherwise it would be a really shitty MVP16:56
kanzurebut that would mean you can't hand your device to someone else to play with16:57
kanzureit's probably doing the jawbone sound thing?16:57
browniesi don't want other people getting their grubby face on it16:58
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strangewarpEventually I will run my entire live music setup off a Glass-like device (for HUD) and a RasPi-like device (for MIDI software and USB devices). Until then.. glancing diagonally at a laptop17:15
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kanzurehuh, i didn't know that eidetic memory was considered unproven17:40
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@fennthe CLARITY technique makes for some great brain porn, if you haven't seen the mouse hippocampus video yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-NMfp13Uug17:43
@fenni wonder what keeps membrane-bound proteins from washing out along with the lipids17:45
kanzurei think the proteins get attached to the hydrogel17:45
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002839320400301X18:19
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Recollection%20of%20vivid%20memories%20after%20perirhinal%20region%20stimulations%3A%20synchronization%20in%20the%20theta%20range%20of%20spatially%20distributed%20brain%20areas.pdf18:19
kanzurepaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2889679/pdf/fnhum-04-00046.pdf18:26
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/664a7fef7c56221148ab75759d29f431.pdf18:26
kanzurethat's a really neat article. it's a review of 100 years of electrical brain stimulation literature.18:31
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kanzure"We are located in Seattle, WA. The project is headed by Bergen McMurray (Co-Director) and Katriona Guthrie-Honea (Co-Director). Bergen is a student of neuroscience and has worked with the Allen Institute for Brain Science and Jigsaw Renaissance. Katriona is a student at Ingraham High School and an intern at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center."19:35
kanzurehooray maybe we will get a mole at allen brain institute19:35
brownieswhy do you need a mole?19:42
kanzurebecause it's a brain probing organization funded by a billionaire?19:43
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kanzure"Along with his sister Jo Lynn, Allen pledged $100 million in 2003 to found the Allen Institute for Brain Science, a nonprofit corporation (501(c) (3)) and medical research organization. Utilizing the mouse model system (given its great similarity to human DNA), 20,000 genes in the adult mouse brain were mapped to a cellular level for the Allen Brain Atlas. The data generated from this effort is contained in the free and publicly available ...19:47
kanzure... Allen Brain Atlas application."19:48
kanzure"On July 16, 2008, Allen launched a $41 million online "Allen Spinal Cord Atlas" mouse gene map."19:48
kanzure"In March 2012 he continued the funding of the Allen Institute for Brain Science with a contribution of $300 million to look at how we see."19:48
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abetuskWhen searching for 'open hardware' from the list of channels, this channel is only one of two that show up20:09
kanzurethere used to be #openhardware but nothing happens in there20:10
kanzure#reprap is probably the largest open hardware channel20:10
kanzure#qi-hardware is the one with the most money or income20:11
kanzureand #hackerspaces has the most global reach20:11
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kanzurethere's also #makerbot #lemoncurry and a number of other project-specific channels20:13
abetusksure, but open hardware specifically20:13
kanzurereprap. 447 users.20:13
abetuskoshwa, for example, doesn't have a channel20:14
abetuskat least, not on freenode20:14
kanzurethe oshwa people are not the types to use irc :(20:14
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AshleyWaffledoes anyone know how practical appearance modifying (nano? perhaps slightly bigger than nano) bots are?21:37
AshleyWaffleat this point, anyway21:38
browniesi can put a Sony Aibo on my head21:38
kanzurehave you considered surgery21:38
AshleyWafflekanzure: it doesn't work for some things though (or at least not as well), like height21:39
AshleyWaffleor {foot,hand,shoulder,everything} size21:39
kanzurehave you considered hormones?21:39
AshleyWafflekanzure: yeah, that can help with SOME stuff21:40
AshleyWaffleless than you might think21:40
AshleyWafflenot nearly a "magic pill"21:40
AshleyWafflethere's apparently FFS for every facial feature, but I don't know what quality21:40
AshleyWaffle(face feminzation surgery == FFS)21:40
kanzurei didn't say it was magic21:40
AshleyWaffleI assume nano bots are relative magic21:42
AshleyWaffle"Any sufficient technology seems like magic" - Whoever21:43
AshleyWaffleI mean at this level, changing such relatively basic appearance features should (and PARTIALLY is already) fairly trivial21:43
AshleyWafflenot turning into an octupus or anything lol21:43
@fennhow about a face transplant21:44
@fennhundreds of faces going into the dumpster every day21:45
kanzurethanks to face off21:45
kanzurehere, read some nanotech science http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/nanotech/21:45
AshleyWafflefenn: can't do a "height" transplant though :(21:46
@fennAshleyWaffle: maybe in 5 years we'll have usable "3d printed" tissue, but until then it's the same old meat cleaver routine21:46
AshleyWaffleI can wait 5 years21:47
@fennyou can modify height, it's just expensive and extremely painful21:47
AshleyWafflefenn: yeah... by the time I'd recover (if), they'd be able to 3d print a new body for me21:47
@fennas much as i love that scene in the fifth element, it's not going to happen any time soon21:49
@fennalso there's the whole problem of identity21:49
@fennyou know, the forking problem21:50
@fennif you make a perfect copy, which one's "the real you"21:50
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@fennif you delete the original is it murder (or suicide) or whatever21:50
@fennthings for your sister to argue about with her college buddies21:51
kanzurewhy phantomjs doesn't have Function.prototype.bind https://groups.google.com/d/msg/phantomjs/r0hPOmnCUpc/uxusqsl2LNoJ21:52
AshleyWaffleI think bitcoin's fall is good timing21:56
AshleyWafflecause now the people looking into it after the hype21:56
kanzureplease keep bitcoin talk to #bitcoin-price21:56
AshleyWafflecan get a good price21:56
AshleyWaffleis that a rule? 0_o21:56
kanzuresort of. sure. why not.21:56
kanzureeveryone in agreement about banning bitcoin?21:56
kanzurealso banning lol while we're at it21:56
AshleyWaffleand silence?21:57
kanzurebeen meaning to do that one for a while21:57
kanzureno silence is fine21:57
kanzurei think that word is useful21:57
kanzuredo you disagree?21:57
kanzureyou are against silence?21:57
yoleauxNOVAkILL - DEADinside (live) - YouTube22:03
yoleauxGRENDEL: Guilt By Association - YouTube22:03
AshleyWafflecome to think of it, the genre was recommended to me by another agorist transhumanist friend22:04
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AshleyWaffleAldenious: nibble :D22:05
AshleyWafflealden's mah friend22:05
AshleyWafflehe's a monarchist22:06
AldeniousAshleyWaffle, Rawr!22:06
kanzureplease no lol22:06
Aldeniousnot really22:06
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+o kanzure] by ChanServ22:06
Aldeniousi'm a objectivist.22:06
AshleyWaffleAldenious: well you called ME a monarchist22:06
AldeniousAshleyWaffle, i was jokinh, calm down :P22:06
* AshleyWaffle was never de-calmed22:07
Aldeniousthe royal we!22:07
@kanzurefenn: what do i do22:07
AshleyWaffleall the royals22:07
AshleyWafflekanzure: replicating like rabits lol22:07
-!- AshleyWaffle was kicked from ##hplusroadmap by kanzure [AshleyWaffle]22:07
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AshleyWafflehey :(22:07
AshleyWafflewhat did I do?22:07
@kanzurei was very clear about it22:07
@kanzurei don't know how i can possibly be more clear than that22:08
Aldeniousi think he's geting anoyed.22:08
* Aldenious shrugs.22:08
AshleyWaffleAldenious: by?22:08
Aldeniousnot sure.22:08
@kanzureyou two are really bad at reading22:08
AshleyWaffleyou were saying "ell oh ell" is against the rules...22:09
AshleyWafflewhich I don't get at all22:09
@fennalso the SNR dropped by about 20 dB22:09
Aldeniouskanzure> please no lol: no political discusion?22:09
@kanzureit means no "lol"22:09
AshleyWafflestatist oppressor22:09
@kanzurewhy are you here? can you leave?22:09
AshleyWaffleI'm just idling, ParahSailin invited me22:10
@kanzurethis is not how you idle22:10
AshleyWaffleyeah, I occasionally (gasp) speak, and then I get quiet again22:10
Aldenioushe's asking us to keep politcis out of here, thats oki by me.22:10
AshleyWafflefrom my observations, that's... normal by irc standards22:10
jrayhawk_HI EVERYONE <<<HUGS>>> A/S/L22:10
@kanzureno, filling a channel with gibberish is not normal. get out.22:10
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yashgarothOH GOD IT'S SPREADING22:11
@kanzureXD XD XD 16f cali22:11
AshleyWafflejrayhawk: I'm 237, I live in DC, and I'm all the sexes22:11
Aldeniouso.O. 19m NZ? o.O22:11
@kanzurewe were being sarcastic. what we really meant was shut up.22:11
* Aldenious shuted up >>.22:12
AshleyWafflewhy have a channel if people can't talk22:12
AshleyWafflenot only that but the topic seems to suit "silly" populations...22:12
jrayhawkkanz ur so mean :pout:22:12
Aldeniousi'd disagree sorta AshleyWaffle22:12
@kanzureyou are not being silly, you're being low signal22:12
Aldeniousi think the topic's quiet serious.22:12
AshleyWaffleAldenious: nice pun22:12
Aldeniousi didn't intend a pun? o.O22:13
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@kanzureyashgaroth: suggestions please22:13
yashgarothkill them, kill them all22:13
AshleyWaffleyashgaroth: you said lol22:13
yashgarothbut then that's my solution to everything22:13
AshleyWaffleoh god I just said it too!22:13
* Aldenious sighs, curls up, and hmms22:13
AshleyWaffleAldenious: Silence! Humming is not allowed!22:14
* Aldenious eyerolls.22:14
@kanzureif you two have any projects you'd like to share, we're listening. otherwise get out.22:14
@fennso. 3d printed bodies. your tax dollars at work, the only useful results from the visible human project: http://www.criticalcommons.org/Members/JLipshin/clips/the-fifth-element-and-the-cyborg22:14
Aldeniouswell, actuly, i was just talking about artifical intelience on another channel.22:14
@kanzureartificial intelligence is also banned.22:14
Aldeniousi'm a compsci? >>.22:15
@kanzureyou don't sound comp sci22:15
Aldeniousi am very much a computer science student.22:15
@kanzureif you were really comp sci then you would say machine learning22:15
@fennthere is in fact a difference22:15
@kanzurewhich is categorically different from "artificial intelligence"22:15
Aldeniousno, i mean artificial intelligence.22:15
Aldeniousi understand the difference22:15
@kanzureright, artificial intelligence is the one that nobody knows anything about22:15
Aldeniousbut i mean artifical inteigence22:15
@kanzureand that is the one that goes nowhere22:16
@kanzureand that nobody can appropriately talk about22:16
@fennif you want to be really nerdy you talk about game theory22:16
Aldenioususually, yes.22:16
jrayhawkhey guys want to talk about the singularity man that ray kurzweil guy is so amazing22:16
Aldeniousexcept i may have recently pinned it to something faitly specific.22:16
@fennjrayhawk: omg did u see the movie22:16
yashgarothguys I am so totally getting nanobots to make me like 10 feet tall22:17
AshleyWafflemeanwhile, /me is forming a mutiny...22:19
AshleyWafflejrayhawk: he's so patrician22:19
AshleyWaffleyashgaroth: or to have ten feet! (teen feet?)22:19
-!- venturecommunism [~ventureco@unaffiliated/venturecommunist] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:23
@kanzureParahSailin: your friends suck dude22:23
@kanzureParahSailin: why did you bring them in here22:23
venturecommunismhey bryan22:23
venturecommunismhow's the dependency management system for OSHW coming22:24
@kanzureneeds more developers.22:24
venturecommunismi remember you were working on that at some point22:24
venturecommunismi'm working on dependency management for tasks, but it's not in python22:25
@kanzureyou raised $12M?22:25
venturecommunismthe idea is to be interoperable with http://taskwarrior.org22:25
AshleyWaffleventurecommunism: rule 1, no "lol", rule 2, no artificial intelligence, rule 3 no bitcoin, rule 4, this is not an irc channel, this is a place for peace and tranquility22:26
@kanzurei highly doubt that you are behind meteor22:26
AshleyWafflekanzure: I think you're a troll22:26
venturecommunismi'm not trying to imply i'm behind meteor22:26
venturecommunismi'm saying that instead of writing the thing i'm writing in python i'm writing it in meteor22:26
@kanzurei don't think a todo list is the right format for expressing hardware dependencies22:27
venturecommunismwell you're focused on the interfaces right?22:27
@kanzurenot at the moment no22:27
venturecommunismconceptually though?22:27
venturecommunismwhat's your focus now anyway22:27
@kanzureright now skdb could use some honest architecture review from other developers22:28
@kanzurealso it could use smaller tools that work really well on specific problems instead of one monolithic tool that is supposed to do everything22:28
@kanzurefurthermore it would be really cool if more people tried to package all the open source hardware out there22:28
@kanzurethat would be very helpful22:28
* fenn puts in a request for a decent open source cad program while we're at it22:28
venturecommunismi was thinking of mass producing http://shapeoko.com routers as an open participation mass collaborative enterprise22:29
venturecommunismin nyc22:29
@kanzurewhy does it have to be in nyc wtf22:29
venturecommunismso that would involve curating and versioning that better, video i'd hope, etc.22:29
@kanzureand why shapeoko in particular.. that also strikes me as odd.22:29
venturecommunismi'm very open to that shapeoko is not right22:29
venturecommunismin fact the biggest piece i'd say i'm missing at the moment is to fit my particular logistical situation of nyc, occupy sandy warehouses, etc.22:30
venturecommunismto a specific product22:30
venturecommunismi have a link to the concept, one sec22:30
@kanzurewhat is the point of this22:31
venturecommunismmassive onboarding of open source hardware people would be nice22:31
venturecommunismpopularizing the concept not just of OSHW but open source business models22:32
venturecommunismfor worker cooperatives22:32
@kanzure"p2p flash manufacturing"... no thanks. not interested.22:32
venturecommunismlittle buzzwordy, ok22:32
@fenni think you should reorganize your draft with an outline at the top that explains 1) goal/problem definition 2) method/solution22:32
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venturecommunismproblem definition, people need skills, money and step by step instructions for how to arrive at the open source hardware solution through first hand experience, some mass movement, some visibility22:33
@kanzurethere are already business models that work with open source software/hardware22:33
@kanzureit doesn't really "need popularizing" in the first place.. who cares.22:33
venturecommunismanyway right now i'm in the early stages of planning how to gamify an online technical school for OS hardware22:36
@kanzureugh you're a redditor aren't you22:36
venturecommunismnot until a few months ago22:37
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@kanzurefenn: huh one of the langton labs guys did meteor22:39
@kanzureglasser i think22:39
@kanzurehmm "Geoff is the proprietor of Monument, a 24-unit live/work community for scientists and artists, currently being built in a converted warehouse in San Francisco"22:41
@kanzurephage should infect that and take it over22:41
venturecommunismi think geoff is the one who has comments in the code that say "Stand back, I'm going to try SCIENCE"22:42
venturecommunismmeteor's getting better documented over here: http://www.eventedmind.com/22:42
venturecommunismanyway i'm a beginner to javascript22:43
@kanzurehow about instead of all this social stuff you write some code or review the package format or something22:43
venturecommunismbeen up 40 hours tonight writing code22:43
venturecommunismto gamify open source hardware incubation22:44
@kanzurethat makes me sad.22:44
venturecommunismyou know i have looked at skdb before?22:44
venturecommunismit was a year or two ago22:44
@kanzuregamification isn't going to make a thousand packages spring up22:45
@kanzurenor will "in app payments"22:45
venturecommunismit's little work for me to do in app payments since i'm just piggybacking off http://payswarm.com22:45
venturecommunismwhich already has a node.js client, it works fine22:46
@kanzurejust because it's easy doesn't mean it makes sense22:46
@kanzurewtf dude22:46
venturecommunismwhat's the harm22:46
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@kanzurewasting time on bullshit when you could be working on more important things22:46
@kanzurethat's the harm.22:47
venturecommunismi'm open to what you think i should be doing22:47
venturecommunismi asked what's happened lately on skdb since i saw it a year ago22:47
@kanzurei gave you some very explicit answers22:47
AshleyWafflekanzure: how hard is biohacking?22:47
AshleyWafflesorry for being silly earlier22:47
venturecommunismmake packages, well i was going to "package" shapeoko but maybe not in the skdb sense of a package since the two don't relate22:47
venturecommunismand now i find out shapeoko is awful and i'm glad to hear that because i've wanted input on that for a while22:48
@kanzurewhat is this second sense of package that you are talking about?22:48
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: have you worked in a biology lab ever?22:48
AshleyWaffleNot really22:49
AshleyWaffleso no22:49
venturecommunismmy goal is to document well enough to bootstrap a flurry of activity that would be grounds for getting the high hanging CAD fruit, the circuitry, the 10 or 12 different kinds of open hardware data22:49
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: have you studied any biology ever?22:50
@kanzureventurecommunism: that doesn't answer my question22:50
AshleyWaffleYeah, I'm in a biology class now in fact22:50
AshleyWaffleBut not much22:50
@kanzurehigh school biology?22:50
AshleyWaffleyeah, I'm in high school biology now22:50
AshleyWaffleit's fairly interesting stuff22:51
@kanzureokay. i recommend throwing away your text book and reading these: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq/books22:51
venturecommunismi mean basics like bill of materials, URLs for parts suppliers for off the shelf parts, CAD files for the parts that are currently susceptible economically and logistically for large numbers of people to local manufacturing22:51
AshleyWafflehehe thanks22:51
@kanzureventurecommunism: i think a good first step would be to make tools that work with that file format22:51
@kanzureventurecommunism: thingdoc is very lonely all by itself22:51
AshleyWafflekanzure: 404 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/books/Molecular%20Biology%20of%20the%20Gene%20-%202006.pdf22:51
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: also you should read http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq or edit it when you see something wrong22:51
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: use the other ones22:52
AshleyWaffleyeah, there's a 404 for that one22:52
venturecommunismi'll look at the specs again, see what i can do22:52
@kanzureventurecommunism: i don't think you should skip straight to in-app payments when all the other tools are undefined22:52
venturecommunismi'm not spending time on in-app payment, i'm getting everything else started22:52
@kanzureventurecommunism: just because you can string certain words together doesn't mean they are communicating anything.. same goes with code.22:52
venturecommunismthe gamified environment could be coursera.org as much as some kind of package manager22:52
@kanzurei don't think that makes any sense.22:53
venturecommunismwhere's the online technical school for OSHW?22:53
@kanzurewhy would there have to be a school? unschool.22:53
venturecommunismcoursera is unschool to me22:53
@kanzurecoursera is a pile of horseshit22:53
AshleyWafflekanzure: unschooling. I'm with you22:53
@kanzurehave you ever tried their offerings? it's just hours of bullshit video.22:53
venturecommunismyeah i like their course on gamification22:54
venturecommunismi agree that it's crap compared to what's needed22:54
@kanzurevideo is nothing like package management22:54
@kanzurei think you are on drugs and crazy22:54
venturecommunismwhere's the electrical box set, where's the plumbing box set22:54
AshleyWaffleventurecommunism: seriously, what are you talking about22:54
venturecommunismi didn't say video was like package management. i said that a gamified meteor.js realtime collaborative portal for open source hardware workers' coops could be a technical school, a package manager22:55
@kanzurei am not convinced that you know what a package manager is22:55
venturecommunismi don't know of any good electrical or plumbing courses online in video22:55
venturecommunisma package manager for open source hardware? other than skdb i don't know of any22:55
venturecommunismother than that i like conary22:56
@kanzureif you want to make videos for learning plumbing that's cool but you should use different words to say that22:56
venturecommunismi'm willing to adapt how i speak for the sake of clarity, sure22:56
AshleyWafflekanzure: what do you mean by package manager in this context? like apt?22:56
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: http://gnusha.org/skdb22:56
venturecommunismso feel free to let me know what would make it more clear22:56
@kanzurei don't see how watching videos has anything to do with computers figuring out dependencies22:57
@kanzureor why i would want your "realtime collaborative portal".22:57
venturecommunismneed visibility to attract experts22:57
venturecommunisma purpose, a war effort, motivation22:57
@kanzurevisibility does not attract experts.22:57
venturecommunismi don't know how you can disconfirm that it does, but i've been operating under the assumption that it might22:58
@kanzureinstead of hoping for experts to show up how about you gain smoe damn expertise yourself. geeze.22:58
venturecommunismdo you think there's value in product selection metrics a la OSE?22:59
AshleyWafflekanzure: what book should I be reading first?22:59
venturecommunismas a communication device?22:59
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: all of them. they are difficult to read one at a time.22:59
@kanzureventurecommunism: i think OSE is terrible at open source hardware.22:59
AshleyWaffleI don't understand... How else would I read them?23:00
@kanzurei don't know what you mean by "product selection metrics"23:00
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: it's possible to read multiple books at the same time.. you don't have to "finish" one..23:00
venturecommunismkanzure: could you elaborate on OSE being terrible at that?23:00
AshleyWafflekanzure: I guess I've never tried that...23:01
@kanzureventurecommunism: OSE has publicly admitted recently that they don't even believe in schematics23:01
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@kanzureventurecommunism: OSE is probably the absolute worst role model you can pick for open source hardware23:01
@kanzurenow excuse me while i watch my dbz movie trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MlmbmNZP9s23:02
venturecommunismwell they've done SOME things23:02
venturecommunismkanzure: and they're seeking collaboration in effective ways23:02
@kanzurehahah effective23:02
@kanzuredude wtf23:02
AshleyWafflekanzure: all I can say is their site looks cool.23:03
AshleyWafflebut that doesn't say much23:03
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: who's site?23:03
venturecommunismkanzure: can you link me to something you think i should read then?23:03
AshleyWafflekanzure: OSE's23:03
AshleyWaffleI mean, it's well marketed in that sense I guess23:04
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: they are trying to do hardware projects without schematics and just by dumping in lots of text into wikis. that's not how you do real hardware projects.23:04
venturecommunismbut it's how you put more eyes on the problem23:04
@kanzureventurecommunism: i think prusa's reprap git repos are really good examples23:04
AshleyWaffleYeah, I noticed that when I looked deeper into the wiki23:04
@kanzureventurecommunism: no. eyes on their problem haven't solved it.23:04
venturecommunismit's how you put real skills BODILY into people23:04
@kanzureventurecommunism: nope. they are still just as bad as they were when they ignored our advice years ago. and fenn's even earlier.23:05
@kanzurefuck 'em23:05
@kanzurethey will die in their own miserable non-version controlled non-computerized hell23:05
venturecommunismkanzure: what do you think the role of JSON-LD or OWL etc. might play here?23:06
venturecommunismiow what about working on the linked data problem per se23:06
venturecommunismmaybe payments is the killer app23:06
@kanzureowl? the format?23:06
venturecommunismthe concept that maybe even though it's been however many decades in the making we're near some useful applications of linked data23:07
venturecommunismi dunno your stance on it23:07
@kanzurei think it's overkill.23:07
@kanzuredo you have any experience making any packages for any system ever?23:07
@kanzurelike what?23:08
venturecommunismi was a drupal developer for a bunch of years23:08
@kanzurei'm sorry.23:08
venturecommunismi've moved on as you can see23:08
@kanzurei don't think drupal has a sane packaging system, but i haven't looked in a few years.23:08
venturecommunismmeteor has a great one23:08
venturecommunismin the making23:09
@kanzurei recommend looking into nodejs modules since you seem to like those.23:09
@kanzurethen move on to looking at how debian packages work.23:09
@kanzureincluding their maintainers and the maintainers' motivations.23:09
venturecommunismutter specificity to induce laborless onboarding of small contributions?23:10
venturecommunismclear divisions between versions so people don't plan half the parts from version .8 and half the parts from 1.223:12
venturecommunismi mean i could probably get shapeoko into yaml23:15
venturecommunismif you think it's worth it23:15
@kanzurethere might be a simpler solution than yaml23:15
@kanzurei think it would be more useful to review the current tools and figure out simpler, smaller solutions for specific problems.23:15
@kanzurebut if you hate that then yes a package of shapeoko would be nice23:16
-!- qu-bit [~shroedngr@unaffiliated/barriers] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]23:16
venturecommunismwell yaml's pretty easy, i don't know what would be simpler23:16
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@kanzurejust because it's easy doesn't mean it's a good idea23:16
@kanzurethere were these terrible objects that we sprinkled into the yaml files23:16
@kanzureand nobody called me out on it23:16
@kanzureyou people are all awful23:16
venturecommunismi'm not even sure we should be doing shapeoko, i'm open to suggestions23:17
venturecommunismthe purpose is to create paid work for people hit by sandy, basically23:18
@kanzure.. what?23:18
venturecommunismall kinds of intermediate purposes to other goals here but we have some occupy sandy resources, physical spaces, money23:18
venturecommunismmasses of people who would be motivated by a collaborative open hardware production run23:19
AshleyWafflekanzure: I've been reading some of "Molecular Biology of a Cell"23:19
AshleyWaffleare the complicated terms at the beginning explained later?23:20
AshleyWaffleor is there something else I should read first that better explains some of that23:20
yashgarothcan you give an example of a term23:21
@kanzureyou should ask better questions like including the words that you hate23:21
@kanzurebiology is basically science barf and it takes a while to learn how to read it23:21
AshleyWaffleyashgaroth: "amino acids, sugars, and the purines and pyrimidines required to make nucleotides."23:22
AshleyWaffleI'm aware that amino acids are the building blocks of proteins23:22
AshleyWaffleand I know sugars are used in DNA (right?)23:22
AshleyWaffleI'm missing the rest23:22
yashgarothwell try reading up on the relevant wikipedia articles when you get stuck23:23
yashgarothI'd recommend a chemistry textbook, but that shit's even worse than bio23:23
@kanzureno way. it tends to be better organized.23:23
@kanzurepurines and pyramidines are just the two classes of complementary base pair nucleotide23:24
@kanzurebtw there are also thousands of youtube videos about these23:26
AshleyWaffleI think I'm getting the "basic idea" so far though: on the violent/chaotic early Earth, so many crazy chemical reactions were able to occur that inevitably SOMEWHERE and in all that time, some autocatylitic molecules had to do better than their competitors. it seems to refer to these as sort of semi-alive.23:26
AshleyWaffleoff to youtube with me23:26
venturecommunismkanzure: is there an equivalent concept to a URI in skdb?23:27
venturecommunismdoes the file name "costco_tote_dimensions" encode machine readable information itself?23:28
@kanzurei think that is a bad file name23:28
venturecommunismwouldn't that be an i18n problem?23:28
AshleyWafflekanzure: did that summary sound about right so far?23:28
@kanzurehere's the formal skdb spec http://gnusha.org/skdb/package_spec.html23:28
@kanzureif you have a better idea for a minimal packaging tool then speak up23:28
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: sort of. i would read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA_world_hypothesis if you cared about that.23:29
venturecommunismhave an OWL ontology sitting there in theory but really use JSON-LD for most applications23:29
@kanzurei don't think an ontology should be necessary.23:29
venturecommunismwithout URIs i could imagine coming across problems23:30
venturecommunismanyway reading the spec23:30
AshleyWafflekanzure: it does intrigue me23:31
venturecommunismthe universality of the resource indicator. that if the canonical link goes down it can be mirrored in a convenient way, consumed by web apps, etc.23:31
AshleyWafflekanzure: how much into unschooling are you?23:31
venturecommunismmakes the data more useful to interoperate with the rest of linked data potentially23:31
AshleyWafflenot only that, how much else have I been doing wrong (eg. instinct to read books in order)23:32
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: i don't really know much about unschooling. i just don't like schools. they tend to be broken.23:34
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@kanzureventurecommunism: debian packages seem to work just fine without requiring explicit uris.23:34
venturecommunismconary is better, and it's made better by rpath although it's proprietary, because they do this kind of thing23:35
AshleyWafflekanzure: what's the alternative, specifically?23:35
@kanzureAshleyWaffle: learning whatever you want whenever you want to ?23:35
AshleyWafflesounds about right23:35
AshleyWafflebut, if you just bounce around from thing to thing, how can you produce any productive results?23:36
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venturecommunismAshleyWaffle: it's better to bounce around as required than to sit for hours needlessly23:36
AshleyWaffleThat I agree with23:36
@kanzurethe same can be asked about schools. those curriculums are the weakest shit i've ever had the displeasure of being subjected to.23:36
AshleyWafflekanzure: Agreed23:37
AshleyWaffleSo if schools are bad23:37
AshleyWaffleAnd "bouncing around" can also be disorganized23:37
AshleyWaffleWhat remains?23:37
@kanzurei don't care about bouncing around.23:37
AshleyWaffleWhat do you mean?23:38
@kanzureis it really so bad that you had to use a dictionary to lookup nucleotide?23:38
@kanzurealso the synthetic biology book on that list might be more interesting to you since the author has a more programming perspective23:40
@kanzurebut don't be confused: any synthetic biology person that tells you cells are like computers are liars and should be hanged23:40
AshleyWaffleI'm also guessing that since we're looking at non-life, but fairly complex, molecules gaining complexity23:40
@kanzurethen move on to http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/bio/23:40
venturecommunismkanzure: what about building a so-called serious game to mimick a hardware package management system23:41
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venturecommunismor model or utilize or consume, whatever word you want to use23:42
AshleyWafflekanzure: Um, it's formatted weirdly on my pdf reader... let me try with evince instead23:42
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AshleyWafflethere we go, it works in evince23:44
venturecommunismwoot, evince23:44
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [+ri] by kanzure23:45
@kanzureoh god what23:45
-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-r] by kanzure23:46
AshleyWafflewhat are those modes?23:46
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* kanzure sleeps23:46
@kanzureok now sleep23:49
AshleyWafflekanzure: night23:50
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