
--- Log opened Thu Apr 11 00:00:54 2013
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@archelskanzure: re neuroml-tech, it's not super-interesting if you're not actively involved with NeuroML00:51
@archelsoh hey, ops. thanks00:52
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@kanzureah that sucks01:19
eleitlneuroml design?01:25
eleitlwhere does an uploader go for the meat?01:25
@kanzurei've considered staking out anders' house and just taking copies of his hard drives.01:31
@kanzure"considered".. for a second or two. not much longer.01:31
eleitlAnders will be probably happy to share his paper stash.01:38
@kanzurebut he turned to the dark side01:38
eleitlwhy, ivory tower?01:38
eleitlhe thinks he can get more traction there, plus, this gives him a meal ticket01:40
@archelsnice pun, eleitl :)01:45
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@kanzureso... here's a weird idea. all of those scammy scam publishers that accept any articles.02:15
@kanzurewhat about just submitting other papers?02:15
@kanzureand then making them host the content.02:15
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@archels"CONFAB JOURNALS" haha02:26
@archelsthey probably won't have much of a spine when IOP comes knocking on *their* door02:28
eleitldistibuted p2p cryptosystems can take care of the location problem02:49
eleitlunless they themselves are declared illegal02:49
eleitlat which point you build a botnet, and live happily ever after02:49
@archelsdeclared illegal by whom, the United Nations?02:50
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eleitlgoverments can collude well enough, if greased sufficiently02:51
eleitland they will be greased sufficiently02:52
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eleitldisrupting known traffic only gives you that much leverage02:52
eleitlyou have to deter as well, orelse you're fucked02:52
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eleitlbut, being a victim of a botnet won't get you beheaded. in most countries.02:53
eleitllet us praise the crappy programmers, who made this possible02:55
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strangewarphttp://robrhinehart.com/?p=474 - Another update on Soylent, this time detailing bioavailability and CR06:05
strangewarpAlso: Skeptics' Guide To The Universe has declared that Soylent is inferior to Ensure, because Ensure was approved by the FDA and Soylent wasn't. Reddit Skepticism as its finest, IMO06:07
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strages_workhow do I use the bot for retrieving papers?06:56
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eleitlpaperbot: http://blah.net06:59
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/867c36c22fd0c844bf00113fe405f204.txt06:59
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strages_workit pulls papers from behind paywalls or I have to provide a direct link to the paper and it's just for archiving papers in one place?07:12
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@kanzurestrages_work: it will figure it out10:44
@kanzurehashedAI: hi10:44
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@kanzure"I am the Communications Manager for the Washington Biotechnology and Biomedical Association (WBBA). We are very interested in working with you to promote BioHive and your story to the Pacific Northwest life sciences community."10:48
strages_workpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ett.2632/10:56
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/a34d03931f76a63e025177baee7c3f40.txt10:56
strages_workhmm that's not what I needed10:57
@kanzurestrages_work: sometimes paperbot can't get a paper. sorry.11:05
@kanzurefirefox is getting a network inspector http://bits.potch.me/netpanel.png11:05
strages_workthanks anyways, off to /r/scholar I go11:05
@kanzurehaha script kiddies are still alive http://www.hackforums.net/ (click the "hacking" tab)11:06
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@ParahSailinpaperbot: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es303882411:20
paperboterror: HTTP 500 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Energy%20Balance%20of%20the%20Global%20Photovoltaic%20%28PV%29%20Industry%20-%20Is%20the%20PV%20Industry%20a%20Net%20Electricity%20Producer%3F.pdf11:20
@kanzurewhen i grow up i want to be a script kiddie11:32
venturecommunismkanzure: http://collabcad.venturecommunism.com:8000 ever seen shapesmith?11:36
@kanzureyes i've seen shapesmith11:37
@kanzurei wish he would release his opencascade bindings11:37
venturecommunismwhat do you think?11:37
venturecommunismhe's moving from OCC11:37
venturecommunismto all javascript11:37
@kanzurehas he written nurbs intersection things then?11:37
venturecommunismi don't know how far along he is11:38
venturecommunismit won't be able to do full CAD but it'll do STL11:38
@kanzurenot interested11:38
venturecommunism(or something)11:38
@kanzurehe is dumb for choosing STL-only11:38
@kanzurehis current work is better than that11:38
venturecommunismi think the major advantage is the realtime collaborative, the human component here11:38
@kanzurehe already had that in the first place11:38
@kanzureyou are very bad at lying11:39
venturecommunismno he has never had collaborative in realtime11:39
venturecommunismand you are very stupid and obstinate11:39
@kanzurehe had a client that communicated with the server11:39
@kanzurethat's collaboration11:39
venturecommunismrealtime collaboration means i see in realtime what you're doing11:39
@kanzurethat's really not a problem11:39
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venturecommunismwell for people who actually think people should collaborate on open source hardware documentation, the open hardware documentation gathering is happening soon http://opensourcewarehouse.org11:45
@kanzurehave you read their emails about that?11:46
@kanzurethis is also where OSE revealed their gross incompetence11:47
venturecommunismi think everyone who doesn't have an event like this is grossly incompetent11:47
venturecommunismbut thanks for the link11:48
@kanzurehaha because technical work can only happen in person? that's bullshit.11:48
@kanzurethey also demonstrated- in those emails- a surprising lack of knowledge about existing and theoretical tools for packaging, documenting and developing open source hardware11:48
@kanzurealthough the electronics people seemed to have some alright knowledge, like nate from sparkfun11:49
venturecommunismi see you pointing and laughing at ignorance more than i see you stepping in to remedy it11:49
@kanzurefuck you, i pointed you to my emails where i was more than thorough11:49
@kanzuremaybe you just suck at reading?11:50
@kanzurei think it's more likely that you don't like the answers i give you11:51
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venturecommunismgrepping the logs here. i assume you mean http://gnusha.org/skdb ?11:52
@kanzurehuh? no i mean the links i just gave you11:52
venturecommunismeither that or biopapers, i don't see a lot of other candidates11:52
@kanzureit was like four minutes ago wtf11:52
venturecommunismoh i didn't realize that was where the solution was kept. just the gross ignorance11:52
@kanzureit's pretty obvious my name is listed on that page. but i would recommend reading all of the emails in context.11:53
@kanzureactually that might be hard to do from that thread.html view11:53
@kanzurebecause emails are in thread/reply order, rather than chronological order11:54
eudoxiahello venturecommunism11:54
eudoxiaso kanz, it's pretty clear you don't like OSE11:54
@kanzurei think marcin is great but i think he could do better11:54
eudoxiabut what about defdist?11:54
@kanzurei think their zip file is silly?11:54
@kanzurebetter than no zip file i guess11:55
eudoxiaapparently they are working on 'git backed' stuff11:55
@kanzurei'm not really sure how defense distributed works. there does seem to be some cad models laying around and some active participants. but who is maintaining each of these projects? is it just model-and-dump? i haven't really investigated.11:56
eudoxiai think it's model and dump11:56
@kanzureseems that thingiverse follows that strategy too11:56
@kanzureand possibly also upverter11:57
eudoxiathe 'notes' i think mirrors a readme.txt file in each repo (no markup)11:57
eudoxiaright now it's just as bad but wilson seems to want to improve it11:57
yoleauxDEFCAD.com - YouTube11:58
eudoxiai'm sorry there's no transcript11:58
eudoxiait's also pretty silly at times11:58
@kanzurewhy oh why is video11:58
@kanzureback in my day we wrote down what we wanted to say11:59
@kanzureand then people would read those things11:59
eudoxiai know you don't want to tell me12:00
eudoxiaanyways some of the screenshots show a 'fork' button12:00
eudoxiai guess that's moving in the right direction12:00
@kanzurewhat is it that i don't want to tell you?12:00
eudoxiamaybe you should convince him to use skdb as the backend12:01
eudoxiayou don't need to tell me you'd rather hate text than video12:01
@kanzurei don't think so. i think skdb should be broken up into smaller tools. also it needs more people reviewing the spec and proposing better ways to go about doing this.12:01
eudoxiai mean, you don't need* to tell me12:01
@kanzurepeople keep saying "put the BOM in a list in a text file called bom.txt" but they never bother to try to formalize that or make tools around it or something12:01
@kanzurei wonder if octopart has changed their position on how much involvement they would prefer12:02
@kanzurethere used to be some random skdb-octopart integration12:02
@kanzuresomething about using their schema/names for some parts because they seemed to have naming down alright? i might be wrong.12:03
eudoxiahttps://github.com/kanzure/skdb/blob/master/octopart.py ?12:03
@kanzurethis was back when octopart wasn't making any money hehe12:04
@kanzurehm they have released a v3 api12:05
@kanzure"The Octopart API is the easiest way for developers to access up-to-date pricing and availability information for electronic components from distributors around the world. Using the Octopart API, you can access stocking information, price breaks, lead times, minimum order quantities and much more information from over 100 distributors including Digi-Key, Mouser, Newark, Premier Farnell, Avnet, Arrow, RS Components, Allied Electronics, Future ...12:05
@kanzure... Electronics, Grainger and many others."12:05
@kanzurewtf "The Octopart API v3 will be free to use until June 30, 2013. The pricing information below will be effective starting July 1, 2013."12:06
@kanzure"The Octopart API uses simple pay-as-you-go pricing so that you can control your costs and pay only for the resources you consume. You can track usage from your Dashboard. Your credit card will be charged monthly based on your usage according to the following pricing chart:"12:06
@kanzurewell that's really disappointing12:06
eudoxiaaw fuck it12:06
@kanzure"To maintain performance of the API there is a rate limit of 3 HTTP requests/second per IP address. If your application requires a higher rate limit please email us to inquire about volume pricing and service level agreements (api@octopart.com)."12:06
@kanzure"The Octopart API makes it incredibly easy to do partnumber lookups. Using the "parts/match" method you can search for parts by manufacturer part number (mpn) or distributor part number (sku) and even limit your results to a particular manufacturer or distributor. You can also make up to 20 queries simultaneously which makes it very easy to do BOM matching:"12:06
@kanzurewtf they do click tracking? http://octopart-clicks.com/click/vptrack?ak=EXAMPLE_KEY&sig=0a9f49b&vpid=4418159012:07
@kanzurewhcih redirects to http://rcfreelance.com/searchresults.php?email=websales@rcfreelance.com&partnumber=206062-112:07
@kanzureok octopart has gotten weird12:07
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@kanzuretheir api seems to respond with PriceOffer objects for electronic components, but i don't see a way to purchase items automatically? lame.12:10
@kanzurealso, someone bothered to reverse an attack on someone's bitcoin wallet (vector was java applet then exe) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=553124512:13
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venturecommunisminstead of octopart what about octopost http://octopost.me12:56
eudoxia>the most radically disruptive project in the history of telecommunications!12:57
venturecommunismthats true12:57
eudoxiawait a second... is this an elaborate joke?12:58
venturecommunismif it's a joke then why is it so elaborate?12:58
eudoxiato make it more believable duh12:59
venturecommunismthey offer a way to physically output sans serif fonts onto pictures of cats and then transport them using a global network of pneumatic tubes that is compliant with all national and internation trade and security agreements and whose centralized topograpy and Deep Capsule Inspection (tm) ensures optimum efficiency. i don't see whats funny about that13:00
eudoxiayeah it's a joke13:00
@kanzurei hate reddit13:02
@kanzurei blame reddit for venturecommunism believing that13:02
eudoxiaoh kanz he was just joking13:03
@kanzureaccording to the text on his site he is not joking13:03
@kanzurehe genuinely believes in radical social flash mob javascripting13:04
eudoxiare flash mobs13:04
venturecommunismkanzure: javascript not involved in that btw13:04
eudoxiahave those worked for OSE?13:04
@kanzureno amount of flash mobness is going to undo the damage their wiki has caused them13:05
venturecommunismthe idea has nothing to do with javascript, it has to do with getting product pre-orders using an open source kickstarter clone, buying parts, and then setting up a mutual credit system for supply chain management13:05
venturecommunismthe question is whether there's some open source hardware product out there for which this is a good idea, whether it's shapeoko or not13:07
nmz787kanzure: re cells as computers, when i stopped by cambrian I mentioned that discussion to Anselm and he said that eventually with complex enough computers (like definitely quantum computers) we should get much closer to the programming cells ideal13:11
nmz787or rather get closer to understanding cells like programmtic things13:12
venturecommunismcells, like automata, wolfram NKOS?13:14
eudoxiai think they're talking about actual cells13:15
venturecommunismbiological bootstrap nanotech?13:17
@kanzurenmz787: i don't think quantum computing would mean programmable cells. maybe he is going for a simulation angle? "if we can simulate it a bunch, then maybe we can figure out something that is close to programming." seems like hand waving to me though.13:23
@kanzureadditional simulation could help, though13:23
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nmz787no it was simply a conversation about elucuidating the logic of the cell13:51
nmz787not actually manipulating it13:51
nmz787simulation i guess would come right after discovering/understanding the logic13:52
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jrayhawknmz787: http://www.westonaprice.org/blogs/cmasterjohn/2013/04/10/does-carnitine-from-red-meat-contribute-to-heart-disease-through-intestinal-bacterial-metabolism-to-tmao/14:47
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nmz787jrayhawk: link isn't working for me14:53
nmz787the date alone worked14:53
nmz787oh, weird, i must have copied it wrong14:53
nmz787jrayhawk: illuminati trying to control lifespan by misdirecting dietary info?14:56
jrayhawkif by "illuminati" you mean "entrenched political and economic interests" and by "lifespan" you mean "their own income"14:58
jrayhawkthough there's some correlation there15:00
jrayhawksick people are excellent economic opportunities15:00
jrayhawkas demonstrated by a ten billion dollar statin industry15:00
nmz787kanzure: i just got an issue of Nature Methods in print from my mailbox!15:03
nmz787and one addressed too you too!15:03
nmz787and another addressed to a friend I sent that signup link to15:03
nmz787mine says my name twice, yours says your name once and my name once, the other sayd my friends name and my name both once15:04
nmz787and all my address15:04
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nmz787this is interesting too https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=552920215:11
nmz787'US rice imports 'contain harmful levels of lead' (bbc.co.uk)'15:11
nmz787i havent looked for the original article yet though15:11
@ParahSailini thought it was arsenic15:15
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@ParahSailinoh, rice imports15:22
@kanzurenmz787: haha why is it all going to you though?15:23
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nmz787kanzure: beats me15:56
nmz787"Besides this, this same group has previously shown that the enzyme responsible for converting trimethylamine to TMAO is suppressed by androgens, and its activity is low in males compared to females. Thus, comparing a female omnivore to a male vegan is misleading."15:59
nmz787"While this may indicate that meat-eaters as a group generate more TMAO from supplemental carnitine than vegetarians, it is somewhat unclear whether this experiment was confounded by antibiotic treatment, and the authors do not explain whether the result is driven by a single outlier or a fundamental gender difference, neither do they show any results indicating that the total amount of TMAO in the blood (instead of just isotopically labeled TMAO) in16:02
nmz787wait doesn't he mean sex instead of gender?16:02
nmz787isn't gender supposed to be the societal/chosen trait that's /influenced/ by sex?16:03
nmz787"Suppose each mouse drinks about 5 milliliters of water per day. This would provide 65 milligrams of carnitine per day, more than a third of what could be obtained from eating an eight-ounce steak. Adjusting for body weight, this is like a human eating a thousand steaks per day. This is beyond the capacity of even the most die-hard meat-lovers."16:04
jrayhawki can take it16:05
jrayhawkbring it on16:05
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jrayhawkgender, sex, and karyotype are all messy categories and fighting about their definitions and interrelations is at this point something i would only expect a trans activist to do16:08
jrayhawkand masterjohn already has lots of other fights to put his weight behind16:09
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eudoxiaamericans, why are you at defcon 316:36
eudoxiahas SIAI been nuked yet?16:36
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jrayhawkSIAI sold out its branding and changed to MIRI.16:45
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@fennnmz787: you had lead poisoning?17:06
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@kanzurenmz787: still receiving hilarious things in the mail ?17:21
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@kanzurejrayhawk: actually i've been sort of happy about how we don't seem to be getting any of the SIAI brand refugees. hopefully lesswrong will continue to absorb them?17:35
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brownieswhat's SIAI?17:36
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@kanzurebrownies: siai is singularity institute for artificial intelligence18:11
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nmz787lol, I thought it was an anagram for ASIA18:30
nmz787the continent18:30
nmz787but then that doesn't work18:30
nmz787i'm bad at anagramming18:30
nmz787fenn: yes, blood filtering when i was a kid using chelators18:31
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n_benthaherp derp19:02
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nmz787kanzure: which day were we playing with that publishers free signup thing19:18
@kanzurenmz787: 2013-02-1319:20
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Adifexjuri: hacking at it's finest :D22:13
AdifexOh god. Right.22:36
AdifexI hate people like me :D22:36
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brownieswhoa. that is impressive.22:43
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