
--- Log opened Fri May 03 00:00:15 2013
-!- Zarakii [~devillll@ppp-46-244-172-106.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap00:18
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature12143.html00:34
kanzureyeesh "Received 05 October 2011 Accepted 02 April 2013 Published online 01 May 2013"00:34
nmz787_ParahSail1n: have as in?00:38
nmz787_ParahSail1n: so far a schematic and a breadboarded circuit... i haven't got around to massaging the schematic into a PCB though00:38
kanzureweird, i thought http://circuitlab.com/ and http://circuits.io/ were the same company, but nope00:44
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archelspaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/early/2013/05/01/science.1232655.full.pdf03:09
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/cfd93e3cbda637b896b7be2cb329e3a9.txt03:09
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kanzuremaybe paperbot should use magic eight ball phrases.03:29
kanzureor fortune cookie phrases03:29
archels-> BOFH excuse generator03:31
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archelsI might actually code that as soon as sbp releases the new phennybot03:31
kanzurei didn't think he plans to continue with phenny, it's spectacularly broken everywhere and i think the other options are getting more attention from programmers03:32
archelsyeah, he's begun again from the ground up.03:32
archelsphenny2 is called saxo03:32
kanzurewhat makes it phenny2?03:33
kanzurehuh it lists kanzure/pyphantomjs.git as a repo that sbp has contributed to https://github.com/sbp03:34
kanzurei should read commit logs more carefully03:34
archelsnothing, I suppose. It's its successor, but the internals are wildly different.03:35
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kanzure"just throw it up in a torrent, i swear people will download it and there will be a million mirrors and we will all live happily ever after"03:48
kanzure"Nobody mentioned the Shanzai. The term was explained to me by the founder of a hardware company in Shenzhen. They are small companies that specialize in infringing IP laws and copying consumer electronics products almost as fast as they a released on the market." http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2008-12/30/content_10582935.htm04:01
yoleauxCopycat "Shanzhai" culture takes on life of its own_English_Xinhua04:01
kanzure"search electronic parts @ http://search.taobao.com, you'll be surprised. keyword: 電阻 (capacitor),電位器旋鈕(knob),貼片機 (SMT machine). You can also check individuas store like this one [1], price is in RMB. http://shop33817767.taobao.com/ "04:05
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yoleauxKeyboards and Covert Channels04:13
kanzure" In particular, we show a practical Keyboard JitterBug that solves the data exfiltration problem for keystroke loggers by leaking captured passwords through small variations in the precise times at which keyboard events are delivered to the host. Whenever an interactive communication application (such as SSH, Telnet, instant messaging, etc) is running, a receiver monitoring the host's network traffic can recover the leaked data, even when ...04:13
kanzure... the session or link is encrypted."04:13
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juri_kanzure: routing algorithms for PCB are one of my 'things'.07:32
juri_and yes, i'm a minor geda user.07:32
juri_i don't do path-to-pcb, i'm still just using it as a whiteboard on which to spit ideas, which i then go hand build prototypes.07:34
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kanzure"Just thought I'd start a new thread for the survey for those that may have missed it. This is a Survey to get a gauge for how many members would be willing to financially support a new Bio/Citizen science space for the East Bay DIY Bio group and how much our monthly budget might be."11:12
-!- Charlie [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:19
kanzure"Unfortunately, the community has chosen and continues to choose the yield values in submitted manuscripts as a measure of overall quality and/or utility of the report. This, of course, encourages the 􏰛'adjustment' in the values in order to avoid critique. An additional problem in the reported values is the fact that synthesis is performed on small scales, thanks to advances in NMR and other techniques available for structure ...11:23
kanzure... determination. On milligram scales it is extremely difficult to accurately determine weight and content of a sample, given the equipment available in typical academic laboratory."11:23
kanzure"For example, the authors point out that very, very rarely are any new synthetic methods given a proper optimization. One-variable one-at-a-time changes are worthwhile, but they're not sufficient to explore a reaction manifold, not when these changes can interact with each other. As process chemists in industry know, the only way to explore such landscapes is with techniques such as Design of Experiments (DoE), which try to find out what ...11:23
kanzure... factors in a multivariate system produce the greatest change in results. Here's an example; the process chemistry literature furnishes many more."11:23
kanzurehuh, when did inthepipeline move to this domain?11:24
kanzure"As a former analytical chemists, who has done quite a lot of synthesis, I did never understand why some of my peers where reporting false yields. There were very simple tricks to detect this, from the ones who always had x5's on their yields, to the ones who only had odd or even numbers ... there are more sophisticated analyses which are employed by tax agencies which can could be used, easily."11:26
kanzurehey these comments are legible11:27
ryankarasonkk, so the name of this channel has been puzzling me for days11:36
ryankarasoni just got to the understanding that h+ is this idea of transhumanism11:36
ryankarasonwhat then, is a h+ road map?11:36
kanzurehplusroadmap is a project focused on building particular technology,11:37
kanzuresee http://diyhpl.us/wiki/declaration11:37
ryankarasonalright so this idea of a "roadmap" is saying that the purpose of this channel is to mark all of the milestones of transhumanism as to show the possible paths of which are yeilding success11:44
ryankarasonit seems?11:44
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:44
archelskanzure: re 'hype malpractice', is it me or are they just a bunch of curmudgeons?11:47
archels'the golden days of synthesis' what.11:47
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kanzureryankarason: no, there was an actual roadmap and then we abandoned it because ??11:59
kanzureoh yeah because it was written poorly11:59
kanzureugh more glowcrap :( http://www.gizmag.com/glowing-plants-kickstarter-project/27324/12:00
yoleauxGlowing plants and DIY bio succeed on Kickstarter12:00
archelskanzure: do you consider this to fall under Carlson and Hudlicky's definition of 'hype'?12:10
kanzurei dunno if it falls under that particular definition, but yes i hate this glowshit very much and i think it's overhyped.12:11
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ryankarasoni think it seems interesting12:42
ryankarasonalways thought lightning bugs were the coolest.12:43
ryankarasonkanzure: what exactly is a "roadmap" then ?12:43
kanzureit gets boring very fast, because people tend to not understand the difference between ultraviolet-only luminescence and the other types.12:43
kanzureand people exaggerate the capabilities of both styles of glow12:43
ryankarasonuv, that is really neat12:43
ryankarasonso you can make plants that will illuminate in blacklight ?12:44
chris_99you can buy mushrooms that do that iirc12:44
ryankarasoni have been growing Oyster Mushrooms for the past month12:45
ryankarasonbought ready to pick some, i am excited:D12:45
chris_99heh i've been trying to grow them12:45
chris_99whats your substrate?12:45
ryankarasonSonoluminescence is my favorite kind of luminescence12:45
ryankarasonchris_99: coffee grounds :D12:45
chris_99nice, i'm using spent grain from beer, it's not doing well at all though12:46
rigelhow much lignin does spent grain have?12:46
chris_99lignin? not heard of that12:46
rigelor are the oysters grown on straw? i dont recall12:47
ryankarasonrigel: i got the mycellium running oyster patch12:47
chris_99apparently you can grow them on spent grain12:47
chris_99i think mine are too cold12:47
ryankarasongrowing them on spent coffee ground seems to be working grreat12:47
yoleauxDegradation of lignin in wheat straw durin... [J Agric Food Chem. 2001] - PubMed - NCBI12:47
rigeloh yeah temperature is important12:48
yoleauxWhy Sequence the Oyster Mushroom?12:49
kanzurenodecopter/ardrone/drone things will be at makerfaire in san francisco later this month (may 18-19) https://tito.io/dronegames/dronegames-makerfaire-sf-201312:50
rigelso i am eager to hear interesting things i might do with an amazon EC2 instance i just signed up for12:51
rigeli mean aside from normal workaday stuff12:51
kanzureuh, anything you can do with a regular server.12:51
kanzure3d printed quadrotor chasis, looks like a single contiguous part https://twitter.com/stanfordrobotx/status/297060906288943105/photo/112:55
rigelkanzure: no easter eggs?12:56
rigeli heard about something like imaging the drive that gets spun up and looking for data or something12:57
kanzurewhere did you hear that?12:59
rigelhackaday? something in that vein12:59
rigelsince it's a virtual drive and dynamically allocated, idea being that someone else's data might still remain on what's been spun up for you13:00
yoleauxAWS Developer Forums: Does Amazon wipe EBS drive data upon ...13:00
kanzure"I actually tested that a few months ago. Every block was fully binary zero."13:00
kanzuremaybe you are thinking of EBS snapshots13:03
kanzureare there any public EBS snapshots ?13:03
kanzurei guess they have data sets "Select public data sets are hosted on Amazon EC2 for free as Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) snapshots."13:06
kanzure"A set of transcript sequences of well-characterized genes and hundreds of thousands of expressed sequence tags (EST) that provide an organized view of the transcriptome."13:06
kanzure"The Ensembl project produces genome databases for human as well as almost 50 other species, and makes this information freely available."13:06
kanzureoh that's nice of them to provide.13:06
yoleauxHidden Dangers in Creating Public EBS Snapshots on EC2 - Alestic.com13:07
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kanzurethis one is neat, http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2005/02/unicode_url_hac_1.html16:46
kanzure"Here's a demo: it's a Web page that appears to be www.paypal.com but is not PayPal. Everything from the address bar to the hover-over status on the link says www.paypal.com It works by substituting a Unicode character for the second "a" in PayPal. That Unicode character happens to look like an English "a," but it's not an "a." The attack works even under SSL."16:46
brownieshaha. how delightfully evil.16:46
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yoleauxHot plate stirrer to dissolve PLA17:27
abetuskFound it off of HaD.  I thought it was novel.  They used a stepper driver to drive the solenoids for the stirrer17:28
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kanzurehah another dead forum http://www.diy3dscan.com/ tsk tsk..17:49
abetusk?  Last post is today...18:09
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superkuhpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S089662731300266318:45
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/The%20Ventral%20Hippocampus%20Is%20the%20Embryonic%20Origin%20for%20Adult%20Neural%20Stem%20Cells%20in%20the%20Dentate%20Gyrus.txt18:45
superkuhpaperbot: http://www.cell.com/neuron/abstract/S0896-6273%2813%2900266-318:46
superkuhNot actually a pdf.18:48
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kanzureheh, yep, there's assange's name.. https://github.com/JNRowe/surfraw/blob/master/AUTHORS21:46
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--- Log closed Sat May 04 00:00:16 2013

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