
--- Log opened Tue May 07 00:00:19 2013
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delinquentmeMolecular programming, where nanoscale engineering is thought of as a programming01:34
delinquentmetask, provides our second motivation. The field has progressed to the stage where we can01:34
delinquentmedesign and synthesize a range of programable self-assembling molecular systems, all with01:34
delinquentmerelatively simple laboratory techniques.01:34
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EnLilaSkopaperbot: http://iospress.metapress.com/content/5604862127167724/?genre=article&id=doi%3a10.3233%2fRNN-13900205:09
paperboterror: HTTP 200 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/ec706c053ed38db77d6b9962cd7d84f9.txt05:09
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@kanzure"Most of the finances for Venter's version of the human genome project came from sales and royalties of "Big Dye", which is a component of the first automated sequencing method.  He also got some revenue from the NIH, although that partnership turned sour according to his autobiography. "09:52
@kanzure"The sequencing business has changed a lot since the Big Dye method, and he recently downsized his institute and laid off nearly half his staff. We interviewed many of them (they were all looking for jobs in the area at the same time), and they had horror stories."09:52
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brownieskanzure: link? details? interviews?10:26
@kanzurecontext is https://groups.google.com/d/msg/diybio/1Yi3PpQTMl4/fzXGyrA-SgwJ10:27
@kanzurethis thread is basically "phd holders beating down on people they believe are beneath them"10:40
@kanzurebut fuck me if i don't want to participate in your weird forms of science hazing10:41
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@kanzurebleh recruiter spam for http://arpeggi.com/ .. looks like yet another sequencing/data company.11:20
browniesi guess big data is getting pretty big11:32
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@kanzurethe only way i see myself working for a "big data, big bio" company is if they bribe me with many hundreds of terabytes of free storage space11:35
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browniesis that all it takes?11:39
brownies"i know you want to give me branded clothes and catered lunches, but all i want is hard drives"11:40
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@kanzurebrownies: at least i am honest?12:23
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@kanzurepaperbot: http://arxiv.org/abs/1304.505812:53
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@kanzure"JCVI management knew about the layoffs months before they happened (private grant was not renewed), but didn't make an announcement to the employees.  Of course, rumors got out, they were denied by management, and all of a sudden everyone had two weeks notice.  I think this shows a general lack of respect for the employees."14:02
@kanzure"When they broke ground in California to build another institute, the remaining people were told it would be in addition to the Rockville facility, and only found out the Rockville site was closing after seeing a press release. "14:03
@kanzure"With all due respect for Venter's contributions to the field, he seems like a dick to work for. His loss is our gain though, we hired some of his very talented former employees."14:03
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@kanzure"In the Chicago area, biotech companies support more than 45,000 employees. The City of Chicago is working collaboratively on a startup biotech incubator space in 1871!"14:58
@kanzurei guess that's chiopensci14:58
@kanzureoh.. "The 50,000-square foot space at 1871 provides affordable shared workspace at flexible terms for entrepreneurs and hosts events."14:58
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SphericalMouseSup, lardhogs?17:55
@kanzurehow did the teardown go?17:55
SphericalMousepretty well, there probably should have been beer and wine17:56
test-caseAre we pro-NRA here?17:56
@kanzurewe are pro-NRA-giving-us-money-for-gun-research17:56
@kanzurelike gene gun research17:56
test-casei like this17:56
@kanzureour youth deserve to know about life science research and what better way than gene guns, etc. etc.17:56
SphericalMouseany excitement17:56
@kanzuresome dirt on jcvi17:57
test-casegun genes, do i have to like my sister as well? or just own guns?17:57
@kanzuresome nanoengineer things17:57
@kanzurekeyboard things17:57
@kanzurejcvi is venter's institute17:57
@kanzuretest-case: what? that's not what a gene gun is.17:57
test-casei'm glad to read that17:58
@kanzureyou are not a biologist, are you17:58
test-casei am not17:58
SphericalMouseis ti proog venter is a hack?17:58
@kanzurei dunno if venter is a total hack, but his reputation is sketchy in a number of places for sure17:58
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SphericalMouseventer seems to be the epitome of a guy who makes grandiose claims big enough to float a decent career on until the dumb vc money runs out17:59
test-caseVenter is a difficult man.17:59
@kanzureSphericalMouse: what's interesting is that even with clinton's announcement about not being able to patent the human genome or human genes or whatever, the biotech market lost $50B in capitalization but still venter ended up ok.18:00
@kanzureand venter's company kept going until 2008 when it got bought18:00
SphericalMousethere are plenty of failed startups that raised 10 to hundreds of millions of dollars based on names and claims18:01
test-caseThat's how start ups work.18:02
@kanzureno, they don't work based on risk -_-18:02
test-casesure they do, risk appetite18:03
test-caseSince risk and reward are so closely intertwined in competitive tech fields, those willing to take more risk are exposed to greater reward opportunities.18:03
SphericalMousebeing able to sucker huge amounts of money may make you a sucessful businessman, but it doesn't make you a good scientist18:04
test-caseThough their expected return may be no higher over a number of investments.18:04
SphericalMouseso, what is the dirst on the jcvi?18:06
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@kanzure"Nor should a DIYBio programmer be necessarily be laboring under the delusion that they are scientists."19:25
@kanzureSphericalMouse: please.. that's ridiculous. only institutional individuals can do science? that's going to need way more support than just "programmers shouldn't know cmos" (which, btw, many of them do)19:26
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SphericalMousemany may, but not most. nor is it necessary19:26
@kanzurejust because you don't have a phd doesn't mean that your scientific method is bogus19:27
SphericalMouseno, but in general, abstraction of unneccessary details isn't a big deal19:28
@kanzurei don't think you are reading what i am typing19:28
SphericalMousenor you I19:29
@kanzureyou message clearly states "It may be most effectve if the DIYBio mentality shifted away from trying to do science." but who the fuck caress if they are doing science? just leave them alone.19:29
@kanzureit seems like you are trying to say that you can't do science unless you're an institution, but this seems like a really hard claim to support19:29
SphericalMouseI'm not really trying to make universal statements either19:30
@kanzure"Take the results of professional scientists and use them to create new and useful applications." this is what scientists do already, i don't see how that is unique.19:30
@kanzureit just seems really wild to suggest that people in diybio are lying about their projects or something... they clearly are working on experiments, and i would definitely classify what they are doing as science, so i just don't see what evidence you are drawing from.19:31
SphericalMouseI guess I feel there should be more emphasis on engineering than science (I'm an engineer, so take that as you will)19:32
@kanzureemphasis from what?19:33
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SphericalMouseI see engineering as abstracting the knowledge gained from basic research and using it to create things. This requires different skills and resources than basic discovery research. I think that we probably have more access to engineering resources than science resources. Of coruse, there is overlap between the diciplines, and some people will have more access than others19:37
@kanzureyeah but how do you get from "science and engineering overlap" to "non-institutional people can't and/or shouldn't do experiments" (i'm not really sure which one you are trying to advocate, can't or shouldn't)19:38
SphericalMouseI think synthetic bio is still very ealy stage, so anyone working in it is going to have to do a ton of experimentation to get things working. But I don't thing it is generally useful to pursue basic research on this scale.19:39
@kanzureuseful to who?19:39
SphericalMouseto us, to our output and use of time and limited resources19:40
@kanzureas an individual, i can conduct experiments where results can benefit me and not you. does that concern you ?19:40
@kanzure(for example, experiments involving my genomic dna)19:40
@kanzure(and not yours)19:41
SphericalMousewhat kind of experiment?19:41
@kanzureit doesn't matter; let's say an experiment focused on basic research. does me doing this experiment upset you?19:41
ParahSail1ni dont think anyone is doing useful biology for under 5000/mo19:42
SphericalMousebut no, it doesn't concern me that you do experiments19:42
SphericalMousebut you are mistaking concern, or being upset, with my opinion about the most efficient use of resources19:42
@kanzureParahSail1n: cathal is broke as hell, and i think john is low on funding too19:42
@kanzureSphericalMouse: no, i am upset about your statement that individuals should or should not try to do science experiments. that's absurd.19:43
ParahSail1ni was aware of them19:43
@kanzureParahSail1n: i'm pretty sure john's burn rate is below $5k/mo19:43
ParahSail1nthey're doing useful stuff?19:43
@kanzureoh wait given his physical location maybe not. rent is hella expensive.19:43
@kanzurekeeping stock? selling stock? yes that is useful.19:43
ParahSail1njohn who?19:44
@kanzurewhich john are you thinking about?19:44
ParahSail1nerm, he got thiel bucks, he aint broke19:44
@kanzurenah he spent thiel bucks19:44
@kanzureimmunepath tanked, right?19:44
@kanzureand livilirly tanked19:44
ParahSail1nok, lemme put it this way, i dont think anyone is doing novel, primary research for under 5000/mo19:45
@kanzurei think eleitl has been doing some cryo/tissue projects for much less than that19:45
@kanzurealso why $5k.. do you know someone who is doing that work at $6k.19:46
@kanzureactually maybe eleitl is unfair to bring up; his lab is a community lab now.19:46
ParahSail1nthats just the ballpark figure that i spent on reagents as grad student19:47
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@kanzurebtw how big was your lab group?19:47
SphericalMouseand people can easily spend 40k per month on supplies and reagents19:48
@kanzureoh. one of the molecular biology labs i worked in was large enough to have at least one dedicated person to chasing down vendors.19:48
@kanzurei think there was about 30 bodies at least.19:48
@kanzureSphericalMouse: yes i'm aware19:48
@kanzureSphericalMouse: i also find it hilarious how people assume individuals have no money19:48
ParahSail1nthere were other people in the room with me, but i was solo on projects19:49
@kanzurealthough, for the most part, people on diybio seem to be broke or whatever. not sure. maybe they are just masters at negotiation and never paying for anything.19:49
SphericalMousewhy would you spend 40k per month of your own money to do basic research?19:49
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SphericalMouseI can understand if if you are running a startup or something, and its essentially equity19:50
@kanzurefor the same reasons i would spend any other amount- probably because i need the results to proceed on other projects19:50
SphericalMousebut that is applied work19:50
@kanzurei am not talking about startups. just individuals. no companies. just some dude like myself in his pants at home doing things. minding his own business. angry that nobody understands him.19:51
SphericalMouseIf you can afford to spend 40k per month on basic research out of your own money, go for it. But I think that puts you in a very rare fraction of basically anyone on the planet.19:53
@kanzurebtw, not all projects cost 40k. there are in fact individuals who have less money that are still capable of doing things.19:55
klafkahey kanzure are you familiar with 'being human' conference19:57
klafkaor anyone19:57
klafkafor that matter19:58
SphericalMousethats fair. but what things are they doing?19:58
@kanzureklafka: no20:07
@kanzureParahSail1n: btw any thoughts about which antibodies or writing up a list of what you would want/need20:17
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ParahSail1ni'd need nanodrop equivalent before i'd bother doing any wetlab stuff20:51
@kanzurewhat about just buying a nanodrop, or paying for access?20:53
-!- SphericalMouse [62cfd610@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]20:53
@kanzurethe antibody schemes don't require an explicitly-diy setup (unless you feel that's important, in which case you should tell me)20:54
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ParahSail1nwell nanodrop brand nanodrop counts as nanodrop equivalent20:58
ParahSail1ni wonder where one could buy access to a lab with the good equipment around here20:59
ParahSail1nmight be hard to find that20:59
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ParahSail1nyou have an idea how to move inventory of black market ab?21:07
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@kanzureno, i'm not entirely sure yet21:11
ParahSail1nthe Fab version could be produced a lot easier than the actual antibody, but that one seems to only be used for macular degeneration21:11
ParahSail1nfor all i know, it could also work for cancer21:11
@kanzurei feel like there's room for a generic, anonymous black market for science things, possibly through the tor service, like a generic marketplace that takes a % of transactions, and then just get a bunch of people who want cheap things. dunno.21:12
ParahSail1nmy priority venture is a cold storage reservoir/air conditioner for residential scale-- use excess solar output during the day to freeze slush, and use that for night cooling21:14
ParahSail1nwould add significant value to residential photovoltaic system21:15
@kanzuredavidad doing celegans things https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=567235422:02
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