
--- Log opened Tue May 14 00:00:26 2013
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn401094s00:03
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kanzureweird, asimov.freenode.net is still down09:47
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wibzorThe two Foundational Pillars of Stoner Philosophy11:15
wibzor" What is true for you is not true for me"11:15
wibzor"What exists for you does not exist for me."11:15
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kanzurewibzor: why are you here. go away.11:22
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wibzorkanzure   I accidently the wrong window11:24
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heathhai guise12:49
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kanzureheath: yes?12:59
heathjust saying hi13:17
kanzureheath: do you like javascript?13:17
kanzureheath: want to write some for me? i have money.13:17
heathi think i have the only physical copy of the ecmascript 5.1 standard13:18
heathso yeah13:18
heathbut i'm actually writing python for a telecom out of cali13:18
heathwhatcha need written though?13:18
kanzureall sorts of things; i hate javascript and it infuriates me, but i've written a bunch of commonjs modules and i hate them. did i mention i hate it?13:19
heathi don't think you mentioned it13:19
heathgot the second js meetup of birmingham in just 2.5hrs: http://meetup.com/bhm-js13:21
kanzurealso, it's not emcascript 5.1 but rather this insanely old version of JavaScriptCore from webkit 534.3413:21
kanzureso there's no arraybuffers or whatever13:21
heaththere are libs for compile es5.1 to es whatever13:21
kanzurealso you get no source maps13:22
kanzureand very few npm modules work in this environment because it's not a webpage context13:22
kanzurebut it's not the nodejs engine either13:22
heathi probably wouldn't have mind helping this past weekend, but i'm already committed on finishing this orderbook for a guy13:23
kanzureno, this would be paid work, so it probably wouldn't happen on a weekend unless you work weekends13:24
heathhow much are we talking an hour?13:24
kanzurewe could negotiate that.13:24
heathif you can email details, i'll get back with you shortly13:25
kanzurehey everyone look, this guy likes javascript13:25
kanzurebrownies: ^13:25
kanzureheath: okay13:26
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brownieshahaha... nice coincidence13:32
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juri_kanzure: FWIW, i do run a business writing free software.. if you're needing something free software improved, let me know. i don't mind javascript, but i'm not quite a ninja, just a practitioner.13:44
juri_i need to talk here more. projects have been taking my time away..13:44
kanzureno, it's not free software.13:44
juri_mm. such is life. :)13:47
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AirmanEpichey, what's crackin?15:34
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kanzureAirmanEpic: yes ?15:47
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AirmanEpicnothing much, just stoping by to see what's up15:57
AirmanEpicTrying to get into the whole DIY bio thing15:57
AirmanEpicah, I see16:01
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kanzureso much for that16:03
kanzure"Rob Nail, Associate Founder, Singularity University"16:07
kanzure.. associate founder?16:07
kanzure"The team behind the Glowing Plant project on Kickstarter will be doing a Reddit AMA. This is an interesting project, pushing the boundaries fof synthetic biology,"16:09
kanzurewhat a fucking liar16:09
kanzurein fact, i bet they can outsource their entire project to a standard CRO..16:11
kanzurei don't think bitbucket is taking my security vulnerability report seriously https://bitbucket.org/site/master/issue/7355/information-disclosure-vulnerability16:13
-!- eudoxia [~eudoxia@r186-53-135-65.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined ##hplusroadmap16:32
ParahSai1ingoddamn, had to make a jquery-ui widget16:33
klafka_kanzure:  yeah i was curious what you thought about this16:33
klafka_it's clearly in no way pushing the boundaries of synthetic biology16:33
klafka_it seems to be the first commercially available glowing plants? maybe i'm wrong16:34
ParahSai1inits pushing the limits of how much technobabble a bain consulting scumbag can spew16:34
eudoxiaso from what i've gather from skimreading these logs is the plant only glows in uv?16:35
eudoxiaand everyone thinks it will actually glow, and when it does ship all sorts of lawsuits will be filed and hilarity will ensue?16:35
klafka_oh right because they don't have luciferase in them ?16:36
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]16:38
kanzuredoes anyone know if python dictionaries take advantage of constant lookup time, or what?16:39
ParahSai1inerm, you realize that kickstarter projects are not actually liable to deliver any "gifts" to sponsors16:39
kanzurei'd rather not have to watch http://www.pycon.tv/video/153/16:39
yoleauxPyCon TV16:39
kanzureoh fuck that. the title is "The mighty dictionary".16:39
ParahSai1inits hash tables, so yeah approximately O[1]16:39
kanzureare you sure it's hash tables? what if the keys aren't consecutive integers?16:39
ParahSai1inits hash tables16:40
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kanzureParahSai1in: it seems like python's implementation makes collision lists, so it depends on the efficiency of that collision list. it looks like dictionary key lookup is bound by O(n) where n is the size of the collision list.16:44
kanzurewhat! you want me to use actual evidence! /me looks16:44
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kanzurewin 416:48
ParahSai1ina good heuristic is that if you are beginning to think about stuff like big-O notation, it's time to move to something more performative than python16:49
kanzureParahSai1in: i wrote a disassembler and added the ability to look up items in a sym file, except for some reason i wrote it as a list16:50
kanzureon my system, it performs well in under 0.1s, but on someone else's system it's >3 seconds16:50
kanzureso, using a sorted list or dictionary seems like a better idea16:50
ParahSai1indictionary is pretty fast because all object attribute lookups are dictionary lookups-- python would be hideously slow if dicts werent well-optimized16:51
kanzurei think it should be possible to find a set of keys that would make dictionary lookups terribly slow, but i don't want to bother16:52
kanzureanyway, yeah i should switch to using dicts.16:52
kanzurefor that label lookup thing.16:52
ParahSai1inwhat sort of keys are you mapping to values16:53
kanzureaddresses between 0 and 0x100000 or something16:53
ParahSai1inyeah, use dict16:53
ParahSai1inwell, list seems like it shouldnt be bad...16:54
kanzure*shrug* i didn't use a dict originally because i didn't care, plus i noticed no negative performance characteristics.16:54
kanzurei also didn't realize people were having problems.16:54
ParahSai1inkanzure, neat trick is to rename module to pyx and compile it with cython16:55
kanzure"Hello BioCurious community,"16:55
kanzure"You've heard about the Glowing Plant project and the Kickstarter momentum that has built up behind it. While we are totally excited about their endeavor, we would like to reiterate where Biocurious actually stands with respect to Glowing Plant, and remind people of the media policy at the lab. "16:55
kanzure"We are in the process of evaluating whether BioCurious can host the project, working with Antony Evans of the project team for the last three months to determine regulatory and safety issues that may be involved, and seeing if it's possible to do this work at BioCurious. This is still under review."16:55
kanzureParahSai1in: it's pushing the boundaries of our wallets16:56
kanzure"pushing the boundaries of synthetic biology"16:57
kanzurei was making a joke by saying "of our wallets". it's okay, it wasn't a very good joke anyway..16:57
ParahSai1ini really dont see why a list would be slow for such a lookup16:59
ParahSai1inthe frequently hit indices should get into cache16:59
kanzurestructure is [{"address": xyz, "line_number": z, "label": ""}, ...]17:00
klafka_ParahSai1in:  i really think that's not true at all re: big O notation - algorithmic speedups are typically way more important than language level speedups17:00
klafka_like log n vs. quadratic or cubic17:00
ParahSai1inkanzure, sounds like that should be a tuple17:01
kanzuretoo late i'm already sold on dicts17:01
kanzurei use dicts everywhere else anyway, dunno why this is an exception17:01
ParahSai1inoh, wait what you have a list of those dicts and you're trying to find an object based on "address" of items?17:03
kanzureyep. you should know that i didn't really think when i wrote this.17:03
ParahSai1inMap Address (LineNumber, Label)17:04
kanzurefor each in somelist: if each["address"] == address... so O(n), hopefully sorted to reduce average case.17:04
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ParahSai1insomething to show for spending entire day on some javascript ui garbage https://github.com/rcallahan/jquery-seqspinner17:20
kanzureParahSai1in: is nitpicking ok?17:21
kanzurei highly recommend turning this into a bower or npm module17:21
kanzureexample: https://github.com/trendalytics/bower-jquery-autocomplete17:21
ParahSai1indidnt know there was package manager for js17:22
kanzurenpm is a package manager *primarily* for nodejs, but it also has loads of browser things17:22
kanzureand the browserify module for node converts node-only modules to browser-compatible modules17:22
kanzurebower is mostly front-end only javascript package management, except i'm not completely convinced yet. it seems like a thing worth trying.17:23
ParahSai1inthe most interesting thing in there is probably inosineTM(), which gives mostly passable estimation of annealing temp of probe containing inosines to a template17:23
ParahSai1inthe wetlab people didnt want to have to hit backspace and stuff when coming up with basically pcr primers for a template17:24
kanzurehttp://npmjs.org/ is a large node/npm-compatible module repository17:24
kanzureah, i see17:24
ParahSai1incan github display html?17:26
kanzureonly through a branch called gh-pages17:26
kanzureand then they create a username.github.io/reponame/ site17:26
ParahSai1inwhy is it telling me to type an unrecognized option "git checkout --orphan gh-pages"17:32
ParahSai1ingit doesnt have --orphan17:32
kanzuregit --version17:40
kanzurethey are up to 1.8.x17:47
kanzure--orphan is sorta worth upgrading anyway17:47
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ParahSai1inbuild error for git17:59
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ParahSai1infuck its all broken18:13
ParahSai1inhow do i make a commit go away18:14
kanzurewhat sorta go away?18:15
ParahSai1incss broken but you get the idea http://rcallahan.github.io/jquery-seqspinner/18:21
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kanzureyashgaroth: hey.19:11
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kanzure.title http://www.wired.co.uk/magazine/archive/2013/05/start/trust-me-im-a-friendly-biohacker19:15
yoleauxEllen Jorgensen is dragging genetic engineering away from the scare stories (Wired UK)19:15
kanzurethat's not exactly how you pipette19:16
kanzurethat posture never happens19:16
yashgarothhow can you pipette correctly without a severe hunch19:22
kanzureah yes, pipettor's scoliosis19:38
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nmz787_nah you can pipette like that20:10
ryankara1onhello all.20:12
kanzurenmz787_: sorry, i'll have to see evidence20:14
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nmz787_you've never stood during lab work?20:33
kanzureyes, but never with that posture20:33
kanzureoh hm20:34
kanzurei guess anything eye level maybe20:34
nmz787_i'd probably have the desired volume line level with my eye20:34
nmz787_but yeah i think it was more a photo demonstration pic20:35
nmz787_unless maybe you were checking to make sure all the fluid left the pipette tip20:36
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kanzureBlueberryPhi: hi20:57
BlueberryPhiNot very active at this time of day, huh?20:57
BlueberryPhianyway, hello, new here.20:57
kanzurewe're pretty active, you're just not looking hard enough20:58
nmz787_what's up20:58
BlueberryPhiah, hi20:58
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BlueberryPhiI'm assuming people here are reasonably knowledgeable regarding synthetic biology and the means of creating/performing such?20:59
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nmz787_some of us21:00
nmz787_interested or already participating?21:01
BlueberryPhiI'm trying to educate myself to the point where I can actually put together projects I come up with.21:01
BlueberryPhiVERY interested, would love to participate but don't think I have the knowledge to do so just yet.21:01
nmz787_open courseware, khan academy, "molecular biology of the gene" (book)21:02
juri_ read papers. a lot of them. ;)21:02
BlueberryPhiI have a general knowledge of genetics and biology, just not technical enough for actually doing anything with synthetic biology short of maybe inserting a single gene into a plasmid and using the electrical method whose name I cannot recall to transform a few bacteria.21:02
BlueberryPhiThank you, that was it21:03
nmz787_you gotta either be good at reading loads and loads on your own with no foreseeable goal, or you need to find some easy projects to use as stepping stones21:03
nmz787_carolina bio sells some nice kits21:03
kanzurealso you need to either hijack a lab, buy equipment, or build equipment21:03
BlueberryPhiI've been trying the "reading loads and loads" thing.  It's having trouble sticking.21:03
BlueberryPhiThink I might need to try the stepping stones method.21:03
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kanzureread everything here until it sticks:21:04
nmz787_well nothing will stick if it doesn't fit into some framework21:04
nmz787_so you need to help the framework along somehow too21:05
BlueberryPhigot the page open, thanks.21:05
BlueberryPhinmz: you mean with the stepping stone projects?21:05
nmz787_that could be it21:05
kanzurethis sounds very philosophical and wrong21:05
nmz787_get some kombucha scoby and just keep it alive21:06
kanzurenmz787_: did you look at my changes i made to your gist?21:06
nmz787_hrm, no21:06
BlueberryPhi...yeah, I can tell I'm still new, I have no idea what kombucha scoby is. :P21:06
nmz787_i have been doing not-computer things21:06
nmz787_it's a hippy/yuppie drink21:06
kanzureBlueberryPhi: learn to use google21:06
BlueberryPhilooking it up, I know, I know21:07
nmz787_SCOBY == symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast21:07
BlueberryPhiah, thanks21:07
nmz787_or something like that21:07
nmz787_for getting into lab work quickly, community college classes are the best bang for your dollar21:08
kanzurealso if the class sucks you can skip without feeling bad about yourself21:10
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nmz787_kanzure: oh actually I had looked at the diff21:10
nmz787_but honestly finding a niche is a long process21:11
nmz787_so don't expect to become a magician overnight21:11
BlueberryPhimostly I want to know how to do my own projects rather than repeat the specific projects of a lab class.  I don't know what it is, lab classes don't stick with me like most people.  I think it's the combination of the deadline and the already-set list of instructions.21:11
BlueberryPhioh I'm not21:12
BlueberryPhiI just want something that can help my understanding and ability, like the cell cultures, grow. :P21:12
BlueberryPhiI'd be mind-bendingly happy if I could successfully write a gene to make a petri dish glow when I turn the lights out.21:14
kanzuremost of biology is following previous instructions, because otherwise nothing would ever work. ever.21:15
juri_start by reproducing the open work. :)21:15
nmz787_well the nice thing about community college is you can treat it like summer camp, or a hobby art class or something21:15
BlueberryPhiHm, might try that, Juri.  Thanks. :)21:15
nmz787_whatever you like doing for relaxation21:15
juri_one step further than whats documented is a success, and each step after that is a new win. :)21:15
nmz787_forget the deadlines and papers21:16
nmz787_just make your experiment work21:16
nmz787_unless you want a degree/credits/certification21:16
nmz787_then you need to either settle for bad grades and good experience, or drop everything else and focus hard to keep it together and remembered21:16
nmz787_but it sounds like you're here because that option sounds horrible21:16
nmz787_i agree, reproduction is key21:17
BlueberryPhimostly because it's not entirely an option. ;)21:17
nmz787_you can discuss with others on a common level when it doesn't work21:17
nmz787_if you're doing novel stuff, you might not be able to talk to anyone abou tit21:17
nmz787_there are often parts of a protocol (instructions, recipe) that can be modified without screwing the results21:18
BlueberryPhiwell, I do have some ideas that are sound in theory...  But for instance, that glowing-tree project.  I'd LOVE to be able to help with that in some way where I knew what I was doing.21:18
BlueberryPhibut yeah21:18
nmz787_during my school lab work, i try to identify those key critical points before starting an experiment21:18
BlueberryPhiI'll look into just reproducing results for a while, and work my way up.21:18
BlueberryPhithanks. :)21:19
kanzureBlueberryPhi: that glowing tree project is full of shit, just fyi21:19
nmz787_and sometimes do multiple experiments in parallel (if there are enough reagents and time) to try and uphold/disprove my intuitions of the key points21:19
kanzureit was also funny to see biocurious sending out an email today saying that the glowtree guys haven't actually been approved to work at biocurious21:20
BlueberryPhimostly I'm here because my eyes glaze over against my will when I encounter too much technical text at once. :P21:20
kanzuremaybe you should fix that21:20
kanzureyou might have an ocular problem21:20
kanzurei am serious21:20
BlueberryPhinah, it's not that.21:20
nmz787_you need to get in the habit of getting completely through a complex paper21:21
nmz787_google every word you don't know21:21
BlueberryPhiI know.21:21
nmz787_and keep branching out when you don't know words21:21
kanzurethis should be 200-300 queries per paper at least21:21
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BlueberryPhiI can get through it.  Just a pain to get it both mentally translated AND having it stick.21:22
BlueberryPhibut anyway21:22
BlueberryPhiI'll work at it.21:22
BlueberryPhiAnd thanks for the suggestions.21:23
nmz787_yeah, it helps to troll professors at colleges21:23
nmz787_sometimes they're way too busy and will not respond to your email or personal visits21:23
nmz787_but other profs are starved for interested people to talk to21:23
BlueberryPhiI'll keep that in mind.21:24
nmz787_or maybe a journal reading club21:24
nmz787_body language can help, and meeting people in public, but chatting here is darn effective21:25
BlueberryPhiI live in the sticks, unfortunately for this sake.21:25
nmz787_as long as you can effectively communicate or at least want to!21:25
kanzuremy problem with journal clubs is that often the papers are boring (i don't mind when the presenter is boring, but the paper has to be worthwhile)21:25
kanzurethere's one at ut austin that's been around forever, but they only read very esoteric ion channel papers21:25
nmz787_i haven't actually looked for journal clubs around here21:25
BlueberryPhiI'll try to make an effort to come around to this channel more often, though21:26
kanzureand it's not even useful ion channel things, more like "here's a paper where people document what happened when they investigated the 2000th ion channel from a random cell in some random spider"21:26
kanzuregee my summary made it sound more interesting than it actually is21:26
nmz787_do you have any idea of what you'd like to play with?21:31
kanzurehe said glowing trees :(21:31
nmz787_like, bacteria, yeast, mold, horses, seals, manatees, peanuts, ferns21:31
BlueberryPhiin all honesty?21:32
BlueberryPhia little bit of everything. :P21:32
BlueberryPhiI know, I know, not practical.21:32
nmz787_live near any zoos?21:32
BlueberryPhior likely possible21:32
nmz787_most of them have internships21:33
BlueberryPhiLive near a vet's office.  They're not hiring anyone, I asked.21:33
BlueberryPhiBut at the moment I just want to understand the programmable nature of synthetic biology to where I can program my own custom genes.21:33
BlueberryPhiprobably start out with bacteria.21:34
nmz787_i haven't figured out a good way to say 'i'll work for cheap if you teach me stuff a little'21:34
kanzurethat's called "internship"21:34
nmz787_i guess21:34
nmz787_you need to learn organic and some physical chemistry21:35
BlueberryPhiyeah, I know a little, but not enough21:36
nmz787_BlueberryPhi: read anselms responses, at least, from here https://groups.google.com/d/msg/diybio/GxRTESzUWUI/zd5MpKNzBzgJ21:36
BlueberryPhithanks. :)21:37
BlueberryPhianyway, this has given me some to think about and read on and look up. :)21:38
kanzurepaperbot: http://arxiv.org/abs/1205.525221:40
kanzure.title https://plus.google.com/114134834346472219368/posts/8qpSYNZFbzC21:40
yoleauxTerence Tao - Google+ - Busy day in analytic number theory; Harald Helfgott has…21:40
kanzure.title http://terrytao.wordpress.com/2012/05/20/heuristic-limitations-of-the-circle-method/21:41
yoleauxHeuristic limitations of the circle method | What's new21:41
kanzure.title http://terrytao.wordpress.com/2012/02/01/every-odd-integer-larger-than-1-is-the-sum-of-at-most-five-primes/21:41
yoleauxEvery odd integer larger than 1 is the sum of at most five primes | What's new21:41
BlueberryPhiI'm gonna log out.  I'll try to check back in more often. :)  Thanks again, guys21:43
kanzurenasa ntrs collections (all partial):21:43
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kanzurehttp://archive.org/details/nasa_techdocs (which is already fairly well publicized)21:44
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