
--- Log opened Wed May 15 00:00:27 2013
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delinquentmekanzure, you around06:36
delinquentmethoughts on armodafinil vrs regular modafinil06:38
delinquentmearmodafinil is the non-racemic version ... ie only the active right handed ness06:38
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kanzurehttp://www.newyorker.com/strongbox/ "Strongbox is a new way for you to share information, messages, and files with our writers and editors and is designed to provide you with a greater degree of anonymity and security than afforded by conventional e-mail. To help protect your anonymity, Strongbox is only accessible using the Tor network (https://www.torproject.org). When using Strongbox, The New Yorker will not record your I.P. address or ...07:24
kanzure... information about your browser, computer, or operating system, nor will we embed third-party content or deliver cookies to your browse"07:24
fenn_delinquentme: armodafinil is potentially easier to get since it's not a prescription drug, however it's less safe when taken long term (something about liver enzymes)07:25
-!- fenn_ is now known as fenn07:26
fennwhoops nevermind i was thinking adrafinil07:26
delinquentmefenn, yeah armodafinil07:33
delinquentmeit seems like its just the right handed version07:33
fennseems armodafinil lasts slightly longer for the same dosage, but i bet it's just cephalon trying to extend the marketability of their brand, since modafinil will be going off-patent soon07:33
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-!- klafka [~klafka@c-24-6-18-31.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap07:35
kanzure"OMICS Publishing Group in India, threatens to sue Jeffrey Beall over postings in his blog Scholarly Open Access."07:40
kanzure.title http://chronicle.com/article/Publisher-Threatens-to-Sue/139243/07:40
yoleauxPublisher Threatens to Sue Blogger for $1-Billion - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education07:40
kanzure"On his blog, Mr. Beall accuses OMICS of spamming scholars with invitations to publish, quickly accepting their papers, then charging them a nearly $3,000 publishing fee after a paper has been accepted."07:41
kanzure"He also alleges that the publisher uses the names of scholars without their permission to entice participants to attend scientific conferences and then promotes those conferences by using names "deceptively similar" to well-known, established conferences. For example, just one hyphen separates OMICS's Entomology-2013 conference from the Entomological Society of America's Entomology 2013 conference."07:41
fennman that makes me want to go phishing for academics07:42
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kanzurefenn: academia is extremely easy to phish because who doesn't want to go to a specialty conference just for them?07:43
kanzureplus all the old professors seem to be unaware of phishing07:43
kanzurein fact, i bet you could gnab researchers as advisors to companies using this method07:49
kanzureto boost credibility before you go to raise venture capital07:49
kanzure"look at all these PhDs that have verified that my venture is legit"07:49
fennhehe reading the comments by krishnakumar, i move that we refer to such practices as "slutty OA journals"07:49
kanzurei don't see those comemnts07:50
kanzureoh i see. his comment is essentially "pick better words, you assholes".07:51
klafkaLOL kanzure that's a horrifically hilarious idea07:51
kanzureklafka: the problem is that it would fucking work!07:51
klafkayeah it totally would07:51
klafka_maybe_ someone finds out 1-2 years later07:51
kanzurein fact, you could even sell that evil service and be like "we connect entrepreneurs to scientific advisors"07:51
klafkaoh god07:52
kanzure<-- evil07:52
delinquentmefinding a room in SF07:52
delinquentmefucking dumbest shit ever07:53
klafkawhat you don't want to pay 1500/month to share an apt with 2 peoples?07:53
kanzuredelinquentme: i have real estate in the family in SF down by mission/2407:53
delinquentmekanzure, wha???07:53
* kanzure nods07:53
kanzure$1500/mo for the basement room07:53
delinquentmehow? lol i live on mission and 1907:53
klafkathat seems about right :P07:53
kanzureno you cant have it it's all mine mine mine07:53
delinquentmeits just stupid expensive for no reason07:54
klafkait's stupid expensive because of you and me delinquentme07:54
kanzuredelinquentme: when i do budgeting for moving to SF i estimate about $2500/mo07:54
kanzurei think $1500/mo is pretty low07:54
delinquentmeno fuck that07:54
delinquentmefuck everything lol07:54
klafka1500/mo for a room is possible kanzure07:54
klafkain an apt07:54
delinquentmei will find a place to put a shiping container07:54
delinquentmeand fuck everything07:54
klafka2200/mo min for a 1 bdroom07:54
kanzureklafka: yeah but let's pretend i don't want roommates07:54
klafkadelinquentme ... move to the east bay07:54
klafkayou can pay 400/mo07:54
delinquentmeklafka, dude i was looking at an apartment over there right?07:55
fennlive in a boat07:55
delinquentme2 weeks later theres a shooting... 2 blocks away07:55
delinquentmeAT FIREMEN07:55
delinquentmewho the fuck shoots at firemen?!07:55
klafkadon't be a bitch07:55
delinquentmeno thats dumb to me07:55
delinquentmefuck death07:55
delinquentmefenn, a boat is an option07:55
klafkai've never felt at all in danger in oakland07:55
klafkawell i've never felt in danger of my life07:55
klafkamy property... sure07:56
fennfwiw oakland is not homogenous07:56
klafkayes also true07:56
klafkai think temescal is really nice07:56
klafkaKONO is not bad and super cheap07:56
delinquentmei just want close to the fucking bart :D07:56
klafkaalso lake merrit and ashby area are straight up nice07:56
delinquentmemaybe i need to berk it07:56
klafkadid you look at ashby area? since it's near the ashby bart07:56
delinquentmeI want a 20 X 10 chunk of land07:56
delinquentmefucking shipping container07:57
delinquentmecall it a fucking day07:57
klafkamaybe you should move to dublin07:57
klafkaalso if you want more boring suburbia have you considered daly city?07:58
delinquentmefuck batches07:58
delinquentmeim gonna buy a shipping container and just PUT IT ON MISSION07:58
delinquentmewho the fuck is gonna move it?!07:58
klafkaidk we do have a lot of people here who work at a port07:58
klafkathey probably know how07:58
delinquentmethats like an eloquent way to protest is it not?07:58
delinquentmeklafka, do you knwo people who work in the ports?!?!?!07:59
klafkabut i'm probably  1 or 2 degrees removed07:59
delinquentmethe thing is IDK about living out of a container right so like its sub-legal07:59
kanzure.title http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/newsdesk/2013/05/strongbox-and-aaron-swartz.html07:59
yoleauxStrongbox and Aaron Swartz : The New Yorker07:59
delinquentmeso that whole thing you need a degree of trust07:59
klafkalike realistically totally not legal dude07:59
klafkafirst off you'd be squatting unless you owned the land08:00
klafkaand if you did it would have to be zoned for residential use08:00
kanzure"Who owned the code now? (Answer: he willed all his intellectual property to Sean Palmer, who gives the project his blessing.) " well that's convenient08:00
klafkaand the container wouldn't pass any sort of housing code08:00
kanzure"(His friend and executor, Alec Resnick, reports that they do.)" alec is his executor? oh snap.08:00
kanzurefor those playing at home, alec is fenn's alter ego08:01
delinquentmeplaces have "studio" zoning08:01
delinquentmewhatever that means08:01
klafkaoh damn08:01
delinquentmeklafka, theres even space in the SF piers which are zoned like that08:03
klafkalol :P08:06
delinquentmekanzure, strongbox ... not on github?08:06
klafkathere is08:06
klafkait is weird reading about aaron swartz i feel extremely emotional even though I didn't know him08:08
kanzurei knew him, many others did too. i think it's fair.08:08
kanzurescience exchange sent out some spam today.. "Whole Exome Sequencing (avg price: $1,224.50 per sample)"08:25
ParahSailinwtf, $.map() is actually a concatMap (?!)08:29
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kanzureperhaps you would prefer _.map()08:30
ParahSailinwhat if i actually want (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [[b]]08:30
kanzureoh wtf08:31
ParahSailincan i use _ on a jquery object?08:31
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ParahSailinon a selector i mean?08:31
kanzureno, you would have to include the underscore module first08:31
kanzurei highly recommend using requirejs08:31
kanzureand do something like require(["underscore", "jquery"], function() { ... your actual code .. })08:31
ParahSailinso instead of <script> tags loading the different js libs, i use this requirejs and require() stuff?08:33
kanzureoh this is probably good for a slightly bigger project involving bower + requirejs:08:34
kanzure"We will endup with a single merged file for each bundle, and a single common file for our global dependencies like Backbone.js, RequireJs, jQuery and so on."08:35
delinquentmeklafka, how does you not feel worried in oakland08:37
delinquentmeyou dont have dis brain replacement yet08:37
delinquentmehow do?08:37
ParahSailinhm, $.map does do (a->[[b]]) -> [a] -> [[b]]08:38
ParahSailinso you just have to use extra []08:38
ParahSailinsurprise, mathematically incorrect behavior!08:45
delinquentmeguys next to me playing startup buzzword bingo08:50
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klafkadelinquentme: because i know how to appropriately moderate risk09:00
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klafkaand like i said as long as you are smart and know what areas to avoid09:00
klafkaand know what situations to avoid09:00
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fennjeesh alec resnick can't even get his own blog in order09:05
fennanyway i guess he made an NMR machine: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aresnick/sets/72157605479946348/09:05
klafkaanyone else watching googl i/o?09:06
kanzureoh is that today.. ugh.09:06
kanzure.title https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/05/disappointing-unsealing-decision-aaron-swartz-case09:17
yoleauxDisappointing Unsealing Decision in Aaron Swartz Case | Electronic Frontier Foundation09:17
kanzure"The Court gave short shrift to the great public interest here, dismissing it as significantly less important than the vague and largely unspecified "incidents of harassment and retaliation" claimed by the government, MIT and JSTOR. The judge used these alleged incidents as justification for removing nearly all identifying information of those involved—regardless of how likely they were to be actual targets for retaliation. It is difficult ...09:18
kanzure... to believe that this case posed a bigger threat of retaliation than other federal cases involving violent offenses or organized crime, such that broad witness secrecy is required even after the case has ended."09:18
kanzureReceived: from cert.lexis-nexis.com (mxc3.lexisnexis.com. [])09:24
kanzureReceived: from cpc22208 by cert.lexis-nexis.com ( with ESMTP id r4FGK14B01427509:24
kanzureMessage-ID: <387458098.25581368634801140.JavaMail.u1elswas@cpc22208>09:24
kanzureX-ELS-AlertID: 2013135; X-ELS-DeliveryID: 22208:446938591; X-ELS-PipelineName: SDVIALERT; X-ELS-UpdateID: 593546409:24
kanzureFrom: ScienceDirect Message Center <valert@cert.sciencedirect.com>09:25
fennyou're getting harrassing emails?09:29
kanzureno, my filters from 4 years ago have started to fail because they changed something in their outgoing emails09:30
kanzurei signed up for automated alerts for every single one of their journals and publications09:30
kanzureand for some reason these emails are being sent from lexis-nexis.com?09:31
fennwell they are the same sort of business i guess09:31
kanzureyes i think they are both elsevier09:32
kanzuremendelsevier, i mean.09:32
fennsince 1994!09:32
fennman what a pitifully lacking wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_Direct09:34
fennhey here's one of the most important things in the world.. here's a paragraph about it, kthxbye09:34
kanzureat least springer has one or two sentences more.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpringerLink09:35
kanzure"Within STM, Springer is[when?] the largest book publisher and second-largest journal publisher worldwide after Elsevier, with around 55 publishing houses, almost 6,200 employees and around 2,000 journals and 7,000 new books published each year.[3]"09:35
kanzure"ScienceDirect is website operated by the Dutch publisher Elsevier containing (as of 2013) about 11 million articles from 2,500 journals and 6,000 e-books, reference works, book series and handbooks."09:35
kanzurewait, 7k books/year is way more than 6k ebooks total09:36
fenni think they're comparing the number of journals09:36
fenn"the largest book publisher and second-largest journal publisher"09:36
kanzurebut yes it's pretty absurd how there's so little information about these services09:37
a3nmkanzure: sorry for the late reply09:37
kanzurea3nm: hello09:38
a3nmkanzure: whether i'm interested in maintaining my fork and integrating things mostly depends on whether the people i did the fork for end up using it09:38
a3nmso far they haven't :-P09:38
a3nmkanzure: (hello)09:38
kanzurewho did you do the fork for?09:38
a3nmfriends on a private server09:39
fennfork of what?09:39
a3nmwe're a bunch of people from various institutions, so there used to be manual requests for papers09:39
a3nmfenn: paperbot09:39
kanzurehello bunch of people09:39
kanzureyou will be assimilated09:39
a3nmi started this fork to try and automatize the process, but no one's used it so far09:39
a3nmkanzure: hah ^^09:39
kanzureone of the projects that i want to do is auto login to other proxies09:40
a3nmlogin ?09:40
kanzurebecause i have a pile of logins that i haven't implemented09:40
kanzurefor instance, through these endpoints: https://github.com/kanzure/ezproxy-urls/blob/master/urls.txt09:40
a3nmthe way i intended to do it was to use socks proxies to benefit from ip-based subscriptions09:40
a3nmbecause we have a server so it would be reasonable for people to set up ssh tunnels from their to their institutions09:41
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kanzurewell whatever, that's definitely possible.09:41
a3nmyeah, that's what i did09:41
a3nmonly people didn't show much interest to create the tunnels09:42
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a3nmso well... i won't bother you with a pull request until there's some evidence people are using the thing09:42
a3nmjust so you know :)09:43
kanzurehow many people?09:44
a3nmi dunno... 20-30 i'd say09:44
kanzurei encourage you to spam your ideas to https://groups.google.com/group/science-liberation-front09:45
kanzurefenn: i'm surprised nobody in the media is kicking up dirt about NTRS since it was 2% of the entirety of science. shouldn't john carmack be complaining?09:45
kanzurethe rocketry mailing list has some people that are expressing a concern, but it's not anywhere near the levels of anger that this catastrophe should be invoking.09:45
a3nmkanzure: yeah, i knew about this, but thanks for the list09:46
kanzurea3nm: ok. then maybe this would be helpful too? http://diyhpl.us/wiki/articles article requesting sites/services.09:46
a3nmonce again, from my side at least, the problem seems to me that there's not enough demand for such things instead of not enough offer09:47
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fennkanzure: i think everyone in aerospace engineering has totally burned out (pardon the pun) on ITAR related issues09:47
a3nm(maybe because we're spoilt people with univ subscription accesses who just need such things when our institution doesn't have the right subscription)09:47
fennheh pirateuniversity.org09:49
fennit strikes me that a web page of requests needing manual attention is the wrong way to do it09:50
kanzureyeah, the rocketry people are concerned that uploading old NTRS docs will violate ITAR09:51
kanzureso i introduced them to TOR and pdfparanoia and asked them to send me samples so that i can check for identity-compromising watermarks09:52
kanzurefenn: yes, manual requests is bullshit but for some reason that's the first idea that everyone has :(09:52
fennso people actually have large fractions of NTRS?09:52
kanzurenope.. they haven't made clear statements about size.09:55
kanzureso far these are the largest: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/ (well, what's remaining)09:56
fenni mean if it's less than 1000 documents i'm not sure i see the point09:56
kanzureyeah, i don't think any of these add up to the missing 85%09:56
fennwhat does aric.or.kr have?09:57
kanzurenot sure, some blogs are claiming it has an (online?) ntrs backup09:59
fenntechbriefs.com is probably worth mirroring10:02
kanzureso, i have arranged for 20 TB and we should put this to use10:04
fenni have arranged them in a pile on my desk10:05
kanzurei mean an anonymous wealthy benefactor10:05
fennmatthew travis says "how many of us have our own "private" libraries of NTRS documents? I downloaded all of them about 5 years ago and keep it stored offline when I need reference material. Heck, I've hosted the SP-8000 series on a website for anyone to get for years."10:11
fenni guess he's referring to http://www.spaceflightnews.net/staticpages/index.php?page=SP800010:18
fennit's only 163 documents10:19
kanzurewe should work on getting realistic estimates of the size of NTRS10:20
kanzureinternet archive has 20k documents10:20
kanzureNTRS about page claims 200k documents, but also other things.. " Over 500,000 aerospace-related citations, over 200,000 full-text online documents, and over 500,000 images and videos are available. "10:20
kanzurei mean, that paragraph looks like someone wrote it, and it wasn't an accurate counter.10:20
kanzure"NACA Collection: Citations and reports from the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics period lasting from 1916 to 1958."10:21
kanzure"NASA Collection: Citations and documents created or sponsored by NASA starting in 1958 and continuing to the present."10:21
kanzure"NIX Collection: Citations and links to the images, photos, movies, and videos from the discontinued NASA Image eXchange (NIX)"10:21
kanzurehttp://ntrs.nasa.gov/?method=harvest "NTRS promotes the dissemination of NASA STI to the widest audience possible by allowing NTRS information to be harvested by sites using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). OAI-PMH defines a mechanism for information technology systems to exchange citation information using the open standards HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol) and XML (Extensible Markup Language). NTRS ...10:21
kanzure... is designed to accept and respond to automated requests using OAI-PMH. Automated requests only harvest citation information and not the full-text document images."10:22
kanzure<header status="deleted"><identifier>oai:casi.ntrs.nasa.gov:19780070036</identifier><datestamp>2013-05-15</datestamp></header>10:25
fennhow did you decide to fetch that particular document?10:27
kanzureis how. the verb "ListRecords" seems to be useful. but limited to 100 records/response.10:28
kanzureoh geeze they want you to use "resumptionToken" to resume your previous request10:29
kanzureoh, it's not based on my current session but rather has a format like !!casi_dc!!501!600 and !!casi_dc!!601!700 for the next page10:30
kanzurei wonder if they disabled the old documents through OAI-PMH or just in their weird web interface.10:31
fennbut OAI-PMH is only for metadata10:31
fennit would still be useful of course10:31
kanzureoh darn, what's the point of this shit if it doesn't give you a url to the actual file?10:33
fennbecause it can give you an accurate count of the number of documents, and what they're about10:34
kanzureargh stupid rate limit10:34
kanzure"Access forbidden!" http://trs.nis.nasa.gov/view/subjects/spacecraft-ctrl.html10:35
kanzurethis page seems to indicate that if i was using a nasa ip address that the content would be available10:36
fenni see 841,472 records on ntrs published since 195810:39
kanzureso their 200k number was bullshit?10:40
fennokay including pre-1958 stuff here's what i see http://trs.nis.nasa.gov/search.jsp?Nf=Publication-Date|GT+07260626&Ns=Publication-Date|0&N=010:42
fennis the OAI-MPH any better than that metadata?10:43
kanzurethe metadata i was seeing was pretty weak, here's a single document http://ntrs.nasa.gov/?verb=GetRecord&identifier=19620002455&metadataPrefix=casi_dc10:43
fennyeah it just has more decoration10:44
fennbut the search results page gives you the URL10:45
fennso i'm curious why anyone would want just the metadata and no link to the data10:45
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fennthat results page says 515458 photos, 1211 videos, 119765 full text, 158805 "from other sources", and 52235 "from casi"10:51
fennmany early documents are not digitized10:53
fennperhaps that's what "from other sources" means10:54
kanzure"Record 9 of 847474" blerg, so i don't understand, was 847k the original amount or were there more?10:55
fennthere's also ntrs.nasa.gov/sitemap.xml which eventually contains urls like http://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=1962000173010:59
fenni mean http://ntrs.nasa.gov/sitemap_index.xml10:59
kanzureooh, i wonder if their sitemap has been updated lately11:00
kanzureyeah i think grabbing their sitemap is a better idea11:01
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fennwhich points to 386k records11:01
fennhuh, some of those urls are pdfs11:02
fenni'm really sort of confused what ntrs actually is, it seems to contain random stuff from different journals11:03
kanzurei should note that document IDs seem to be consecutive integers11:03
fennthey're not all consecutive11:04
fennmaybe it would prove insightful to examine what's missing11:04
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fennblergh i can't look at it any more.. this seems like another good starting point though http://trs-new.jpl.nasa.gov/dspace/browse-date?order=oldestfirst11:23
kanzureyou could use HTTP HEAD to quickly test which integers correspond to existing articles11:25
kanzure"Showing items 1-21 of 23961"11:25
fennoh, i misread that, only 23k11:26
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fennyou think the sitemap and existing documents dont match up?11:28
kanzurei think the sitemap might not list out all 800k articles11:28
fennthere are 800k documents, which includes photos and non-digitized papers11:29
fennthe sitemap lists 55k pdfs11:29
fennthe sitemap lists 386k records (including those pdfs)11:30
fenni dont get why the numbers dont match up11:31
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fenn158805+119765+52235+1211 = 332016 which is about the same as grep "R=" sitemap*xml | wc -l = 331553 apparently non-digitized records11:35
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fennor at least not-available on ntrs11:36
fenndue to copyright issues mostly11:37
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kanzuregah, they just have lots of weird endpoints where they throw up documents http://ston.jsc.nasa.gov/collections/TRS/11:46
kanzure"Files available for downloading" http://ston.jsc.nasa.gov/collections/TRS/listall.cgi11:46
kanzurethis claims that proquest might have copies of NASA technical reports http://www.lib.utexas.edu/indexes/titles.php?id=811:47
kanzurepaperbot: http://search.proquest.com/aerospace11:47
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/c00a70e579a0acb7b6a2005fff7ab882.txt11:47
kanzure<div class="loadtip_content"> PLEASE WAIT, LOADING...</div>11:47
kanzurepaperbot: http://search.proquest.com/extras/foresee/foresee-trigger.js11:48
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/37497c98e2d087e6df45ae92009f4e1f.txt11:48
kanzurewhat's with all the ip addresses here? http://search.proquest.com/extras/foresee/foresee-surveydef.js11:50
kanzurepaperbot: http://search.proquest.com/extras/foresee/foresee-surveydef.js11:50
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/406cec0211ca961a7c7455cf6dc00c64.txt11:50
kanzureoh well. can't verify.11:54
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superkuhpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S009457651300122719:49
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Estimates%20of%20Carrington-class%20solar%20particle%20event%20radiation%20exposures%20as%20a%20function%20of%20altitude%20in%20the%20atmosphere%20of%20Mars.txt19:49
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kanzure"CLARITY then goes one better. In preserving the full continuity of neuronal structures, CLARITY not only allows tracing of individual neural connections over long distances through the brain, but also provides a way to gather rich, molecular information describing a cell's function that is not possible with other methods."20:07
kanzure""We thought that if we could remove the lipids nondestructively, we might be able to get both light and macromolecules to penetrate deep into tissue, allowing not only 3-D imaging, but also 3-D molecular analysis of the intact brain," said Deisseroth, who holds the D.H. Chen Professorship."20:07
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juri_nice hack, eh?20:08
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kanzure"We're setting up a DIYBio lab in Seattle (HiveBio) and have a bunch of donated equipment. The thermocycler is this model: Ericomp Twin block system; Easy Cycler Series; Model: EZ cycler; Datecode: 9534;P/N TCX20A-110/M5; We're looking online and can't find a manual for it - does anyone happen to have a manual of this, or a similar model, or have any good ideas of where one could be obtained? (I already contacted an ebay seller who is selling ...22:16
kanzure... a similar model - no reply yet)"22:16
kanzurestalk: Zeb Haradon <zebharadon@gmail.com>22:16
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