
--- Log opened Fri May 24 00:00:35 2013
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rigelhttp://qz.com/86685/the-audacious-plan-to-end-hunger-with-3-d-printed-food/ proof that these days all you need to do is add a noun or verb to "3-d printing" and people will jump all over it as the best thing since sliced bread08:17
-!- klafka [~klafka@c-67-174-253-229.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:18
browniesi think you mean 3-d printed bread08:23
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a3nmpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgt.v6:2/issuetoc08:32
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/e1ef2054be6aa3ff0bc024769dc08ffd.txt08:32
a3nmhm, so why isn't it using https://github.com/zotero/translators/blob/master/Wiley%20Online%20Library.js ?08:32
a3nmpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jgt.3190060206/pdf08:35
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/5fd6302fe3e4a50fb475e3f685743e6b.txt08:35
kanzureprobably because of access this time08:35
kanzurejrayhawk: 07:15 <archels> also searching on diyhpl.us/wiki ends up redirecting to https and prompts for a username/password08:37
a3nmkanzure: interestingly, fetching this last page on an authorized IP gives a PDF08:38
a3nmor rather what I suspect is an HTML document redirecting to a PDF08:38
kanzurewell, paperbot is probably not authorized. paperbot is not omnipotent.08:39
a3nmon my install, the zotero proxy does not try to use the translator, and dierctly fetching the page even through an authorized IP gives an html page08:39
kanzureit's entirely possible that there's a bug in paperbot08:39
kanzureplease feel free to debug08:39
kanzurei am lonely and would appreciate someone else poking at the code :(08:40
a3nmoh, I understand what's going on08:40
a3nmdirect download through an authorized IP gives an HTML page that redirects to a PDF08:40
kanzurezotero translation-server does not presently support "meta" redirects08:40
a3nmthat's not even the translation-server08:40
kanzureand paperbot most certainly does not.08:40
a3nmthat's just paperbot trying to download the URL directly08:41
a3nmI'm not even sure this is a meta redirect, it might even be a js redirect for what I know08:41
kanzurewell http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/5fd6302fe3e4a50fb475e3f685743e6b.txt indicates <p class="accessDeniedMessage">08:41
a3nmthe html that I get from my authorized IP actually contains an iframe with the pdf08:42
a3nmso it's not really a redirect08:43
a3nmok so in this specific case the way to go would perhaps be wget --page-requisites08:44
a3nmbut in the more general case where it could be any form of redirect including JS, do you happen to know of a way to run a headless browser and follow any kind of redirects/iframes/etc. ?08:44
a3nm(hm, wget does not include iframes in --page-requisites...)08:45
kanzurezotero translation-server could be updated to follow redirects with a few lines of well-placed javascript (ask simonster)08:46
kanzurebut my go-to tool for this sort of job is phantomjs http://phantomjs.org/08:47
kanzurephantomjs is a headless (no xserver required) framework around webkit that you control by writing piles of terrible javascript08:47
a3nmkanzure: there is no need for zotero translation-server to follow redirects for this specific case08:48
a3nmbut phantomjs looks like the right kind of thing to use08:48
a3nmI would just need to figure out how to get the pdf with it08:49
kanzuretranslation-server is using a headless gecko engine thing.. sort of. i've always been a little confused about why not all of the features are available.08:49
a3nmyeah, but here the only need is to download the actual pdf, not extract a fancy location for the pdf08:49
kanzurewelp if you have any phantomjs questions either ask me or ask in #phantomjs (i became op today, not sure if happy or sad)08:49
a3nmahah :)08:50
brownieskanzure: i do find it slightly hilarious that your goto tool for following redirects is still phantomjs ;)08:51
kanzureyou know.. now that i think about it.. this is very hilarious.08:52
kanzurebut it's a javascript redirect08:52
kanzuredoesn't count. it's only http 3xx redirects that it chokes on.08:52
a3nm(in this specific case it's not a js redirect, it's an iframe)08:52
kanzureoh, well, i would know that if i had any ability to read08:53
kanzurebut yes phantomjs has an iframe api08:53
a3nm(i was just asking for the more general case of js redirects)08:53
kanzureyou could also write an add-on to paperbot to use lxml to find which url the iframe is pointing to08:53
a3nmor beautifulsoup08:53
kanzurewell, beautifulsoup is based on regular expressions, so no i wouldn't recommend that.08:54
a3nmwouldn't lxml choke on crappy markup?08:54
kanzurelxml doesn't choke anymore.08:54
kanzureoh weird the line numbering has changed (i guess it was updated in the last 8 months)08:55
a3nmbut conversely this would not be able to follow js redirects, if there were any08:55
a3nmso the Right Thing would be to use phantomjs or something like this to handle any possible redirects08:55
a3nmthen fetch the page and look for iframes (and maybe other stuff?)08:55
kanzurethe right thing to do would be to port zotero translators to phantomjs without repeating all of the work, but i haven't figured out how to do this magic yet.08:56
a3nmah, yes08:56
kanzureit would probably involve rewriting all the translators.. which isn't something i particularly want to sign up for.08:56
a3nmyeah ideally you would want to avoid that08:56
kanzurebtw this instance of paperbot is using translators that are probably a few months out of date08:57
a3nmphantomjs has the nice advantage of having proxy support, though, in addition to being a lot lighter than zotero etc.08:57
kanzurebe advised that phantomjs is JavaScriptCore and not v8. anywhere.08:58
a3nmwhat does this imply?08:58
kanzureso you don't have things like Function.prototype.bind, or array buffers or w/e.08:58
kanzureit means you write in a slightly older version of javascript than what you're accustomed to if you are writing javascript daily for node (v8)08:59
a3nm(i have no knowledge of JS...)08:59
kanzureah then welcome to my hell08:59
kanzurei highly recommend writing unit tests for whatever you do in phantomjs because otherwise it will implode on you09:01
kanzureit turns out there was no testing library so i had to fucking write one09:01
a3nmok, so when downloaded stuff isn't a pdf, try to use lxml to locate an iframe with a URL to a pdf, and if found download it09:01
a3nmi will implement this Someday09:02
kanzurethere are some example python things in paperbot that do similar tasks-- yes. but that part of paperbot is really hairy, you should feel free to delete it or rewrite it.09:02
a3nmif it works, i won't touch it with an N-foot pole09:02
kanzureit's just a bunch of if/then statements, really low quality code09:03
a3nmi should also clean things up and do a pull request if more people use my paperbot instance09:03
kanzureno idea why i wrote it like that09:03
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a3nm(first time someone tried to use it -> triggers an unexpected case)09:03
ParahSailinseems most publishers just use pages that could be parsed, no?09:03
ParahSailinshouldnt need phantomjs for paper fetching09:04
kanzureoh yeah there's some bullshit ssl error on https://sciencemag.org/ links.. dunno what's up with that.09:04
kanzurepaperbot: https://sciencemag.org/09:04
paperbotConnectionError: [Errno 111] Connection refused (file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 625, in send)09:04
a3nmParahSailin: my fear was that you conceivably could have js redirects09:04
a3nmthat you couldn't know about (as in, undecidable, halting problem, etc.) without actually running the JS09:05
ParahSailini think most publishers dont have those09:05
a3nmbut since in the actual situation it's an iframe which is a different problem, I won't try supporting this until I actually see it in the wild ^^09:05
a3nmafk, thanks for your help guys09:06
-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@cpe-174-106-131-132.ec.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:08
delinquentmepaperbot,  http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v14/n2/abs/nm1684.html09:09
kanzurei wonder if it would be possible to sell lightning strikes09:26
kanzure"get struck by lightning for only $4.99"09:26
kanzurei guess there are too many potential problems with killing your customer09:26
ParahSailinalcor shows that you can make a business model out of that09:29
kanzurei want some death metal band to rent out alcor's facilities for a music video09:32
kanzurei think it could work well09:32
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kanzure.title http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-2264992209:51
yoleauxBBC News - WHO urges information sharing over novel coronavirus09:51
kanzure"This is utterly horrid. Open knowledge sharing in this area particularly is *vital* to saving lives and effectively diagnosing illnesses. Yet patents appear to be impeding this. The move comes after Saudi Arabia said the development of diagnostic tests had been delayed by patent rights on the NCoV virus by commercial laboratories. Twenty-two deaths and 44 cases have been reported worldwide since 2012, the WHO says."09:52
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juri_paperbot, http://download.cell.com/current-biology/pdf/PIIS0960982213004946.pdf12:23
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/ba7aa4c72efe70424981c3b718686b20.txt12:23
juri_figures. the one time i'm interested in reading a paper... ;)12:24
ParahSailintry the sciencedirect of that one12:31
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096098221300494612:32
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/A%20Strong%20Interactive%20Link%20between%20Sensory%20Discriminations%20and%20Intelligence.txt12:32
kanzureso i wanted to look into getting a vertical list of windows in irssi and came across http://blog.linopol.us/a/812:45
kanzurebut basically the method boils down to "irssi script to dump the list of windows to a named pipe, tmux to display the list in a vertical pane"12:46
kanzureoh, but http://anti.teamidiot.de/static/nei/*/Code/Irssi/adv_windowlist.pl seems to indicate it causes irssi to show the window (without you making a new tmux pane)12:47
ParahSailindoesnt weechat do vertical panes?13:06
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ParahSailinlol fu pip "URLError: <urlopen error unknown url type: https>"13:32
kanzureyeah, pip doesn't work over https13:45
kanzureor it doesn't use https by default13:45
kanzurebecause who needs to be sure about their packages? just install everything and you'll be fine. :P13:45
ParahSailinso much for just typing pip install shit like the website of the package says13:53
kanzurehuh? pip install should work. how are you encountering https?13:54
ParahSailinpip install matplotlib13:54
-!- FooQuuxman [~test@c-98-215-254-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:01
ParahSailinfuck the fuck out of this shit http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.matplotlib.devel/1205314:05
kanzurethis seems to be an unrelated problem. also it looks like you need the libpng-devel package.14:07
ParahSailinwhy does centos not just ship with python 2.7, what is this, 2004?14:08
kanzureis it python3?14:08
kanzurehm yeah i would estimate 200414:08
ParahSailinos freshly installed two months ago; stuck in 200414:09
ParahSailinits nearly impossible to build numpy properly from source, given its crazy BLAS prereqs; you almost have to get it and matplotlib from the os package system14:10
kanzurewhat's wrong with the os package system?14:11
ParahSailinhelpfully, centos gives you python2.6 binary packages for all of them14:11
kanzurewhy are you using centos?14:12
ParahSailinsys admin picked this shit14:12
juri_hire a new sysadmin.14:21
kanzurehe's not in charge of hiring decisions. he should quit. there's no reason to tolerate that.14:21
jrayhawkinstall debian in chroot, problem solved14:47
jrayhawkor lxc if you want a somewhat fuller system14:47
Urchin[emacs]centos is an enterprise distro, and enterprise environments require an environment that does not change much, if at all14:50
Urchin[emacs]python is really a terrible language for making a project in14:51
jrayhawkyeah, i regret having ever written things in ruby for the same reason14:51
jrayhawknow i write stuff in perl because it makes me feel like killing myself *only when I write it*, rather than for the eternity of API breakage on subsequent interpreter releases14:53
Urchin[emacs]I cringe at the nanoengineer program, personally14:53
Urchin[emacs]ANSI C rules!14:53
jrayhawki should start doing more in C14:53
kanzurewriting nanoengineer in c would not have made those programmers smarter or more insightful14:53
kanzurenanoengineer isn't problematic because python it's problematic because no testing14:54
kanzureand no separation of models from presentation14:54
jrayhawkthose are additional problems14:54
jrayhawkare you able to run it without an ubuntu chroot yet14:54
kanzurei don't see how python is the primary problem14:54
jrayhawkoh good14:54
Urchin[emacs]I cringed at the hoops one had to go trough just to run the thing, I didn't look deeply into it14:54
jrayhawkapparently there are fewer hoops, now14:55
kanzurei would be okay with complaining about python/gtk or python/qt api breakage, but realistically a core library written in python shouldn't be a big deal.14:55
jrayhawkhave you bugged them about hosting nanoengineer-1.com14:56
Urchin[emacs]so, does it really make sense fixing nanoengineer, rather than developing your own program?14:56
kanzurei might have, i don't remember. i think i have a backup of a wiki, but not the joomla thing, and i don't know how much i want to handle joomla or migrate joomla or think about it.14:56
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kanzureUrchin[emacs]: depends on what you are developing.14:57
jrayhawkwell i was thinking even just rendering the readme.md file would be better than what they have now14:57
kanzureoh, and i guess i sort of took responsibility for doing things like that huh14:59
kanzureok that is probably worth doing15:00
kanzureUrchin[emacs]: if you want to help nanoengineer, it would be cool to write tests against the current source code, or pull out important parts into a separate module.15:03
Urchin[emacs]I haven't really touched python since it was in 2.4 or so, and even then I never really did anything serious with it15:06
Urchin[emacs]I might look into it15:10
Urchin[emacs]no promisses15:10
pwang_python's not terrible for projects15:28
pwang_compared to haskell, sure15:29
Urchin[emacs]doesn't haskell change some every once in a while?15:29
Urchin[emacs]well, I really see no reason for not going for the best15:30
pwang_not really15:31
pwang_type checker is useful for when you have to rip out and replace large parts of a program15:32
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kanzureupverter.com now claims to have eagle 6 file format importing. iirc they still have some sort of weird json export format. i wonder if they can do full-cycle lossless conversion.15:55
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kanzureoh boy xp_prg strikes again.. "I was reading in scientific american that they have finally conquered the problem of building the blood supplying vessicle structures for 3d printed organs.  They use sugar as the scaffold and create the vissicle structures with the organ etc...  This is very exciting as it means other non-trivial organs can be created and utilized besides bladders and skin, ears etc...  "15:57
kanzurei'm pretty sure jmil's work doesn't apply to organs, i don't understand how the fuck he misread that.15:58
brownieswasn't he 3d printing like a cake or something? how did they jump to livers?16:06
fennhe was printing dissolvable tissue scaffolds/vasculature16:06
kanzurei have no idea how xp_prg could have misinterpreted that to mean organs..16:08
fennapparently he also prints chocolate16:08
kanzurealso, wikipedia is lacking details about snail behavior16:08
kanzurei am trying to figure out what snails are doing when they climb during rains16:08
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kanzurei guess they just climb up, hang out, climb down when it's safe?16:09
fenn.title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yys1766j9js&list=UUZWnO__2IFnY5TqZyLIY5GQ&index=1316:09
yoleaux3D Printed Sugar Lattice for Vascular Casting in Engineered Living Tissues - YouTube16:09
fenni can see how you'd leap from that to organs, it's not that big of a stretch16:10
fennan order of magnitude or two at most16:10
kanzurepaperbot: http://mollus.oxfordjournals.org/content/77/3/241.full16:10
paperboterror: HTTP 300 http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Rain%20events%20influence%20short-term%20feeding%20preferences%20in%20the%20snail%20Cepaea%20nemoralis.pdf16:10
kanzurei don't think this is the same behavior:16:14
kanzure"only some like crows and robins: these birds are known to use stones to crack the snail shell.16:14
kanzurei thought that was only clams.16:15
brownieswhy are you snail-hunting16:15
kanzurealmost stepped on a few of these jerks, then saw that my walls were covered with them.16:15
brownies...outside or inside wall?16:17
kanzureoutside. where the rain is.16:17
kanzurekeep up.16:17
fennthis person has 3000 posts about pet snails O.o16:17
browniesi can't keep up. the snails move too quickly for me.16:17
kanzureit's a marathon not a race!16:17
kanzurei was surprised that http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snail is lacking details about their vertical traveling.16:18
fenni've seen them clustered under the lip of a compost bin like that16:21
kanzurehttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-10856523 "A 69-year-old amateur scientist has apparently discovered that her garden snails have a homing instinct."16:21
fenn"snails usually seek a place under cover but off the ground, maybe to protect them against being spotted by predators and heavy rains/ flooding. "16:21
kanzuresure, but what happens when they go up? do they come down when it stops raining? before it stops raining?16:22
kanzureit seems like an awful lot of work to climb straight up16:22
fennfor snails, going in any direction is a lot of work16:22
cogitokatWorking is better than getting eaten16:24
cogitokator stepped on16:24
fenni think they avoid the rain so they dont drown16:24
cogitokator drowned16:25
kanzurebut you could just go up a little bit, what's up with going 10 feet?16:25
fennsnails are not known for their intelligence16:26
cogitokatMaybe they just have one up switch that is triggered by rain/no rain.16:27
kanzure.title http://petsnails.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=behavior&action=display&thread=957416:27
yoleauxPetSnails Forum - Why Do My Snails Occasionally Sleep On The Ceiling16:27
cogitokatTheir next post is "Why do I let snails loose in my house, what's wrong with me?"16:28
fennhis snail is named goku :]16:28
nmz787kanzure: where is this? http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/books/papers/AFM.zip16:38
nmz787used to be http://heybryan.org/books/papers/AFM.zip16:38
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kanzurenmz787: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/AFM.zip16:39
kanzureheath: speaking of organ things, or business things, if you're not interested in dna synthesis then i would say do organ chambers/pods/things to keep organs alive and networked.16:56
kanzure"In SICP this is called "design by wishful thinking": you pretend that you already have a library of primitives that do the nitty-gritty work and write the high-level bits of your program using those primitives. Then, you go back and implement the primitives. It can also be explained as way to postpone decision you can't clearly make right now. First, you pretend to have made the decision, and later on you implement the decision "you wish you ...17:03
kanzure... had made"."17:03
kanzure"“Mochizuki…just read them from beginning to end sitting at his desk,” recalls Kim. “He started this process when he was still an undergraduate, and within a few years, he was just completely done.”"17:13
kanzurethis does not sound like a single sitting to me. unless poop bags.17:13
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kanzurefenn: what's the right name for keeping-organs-alive-in-closed-loop-systems?17:26
kanzurei was always confused about the practice of transporting frozen hearts for transplant operations. it seems like it would be better to keep them beating with bloodflow or something.17:29
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fennwell there's cardiopulmonary bypass, but that's for a whole body, not just a single organ19:15
fennas far as i can tell they just put it on ice and hope for the best :\19:15
kanzurei wonder if someone tested if keeping it pumping and feasting on blood was better than ice in a bucket19:15
kanzurethis seems like the sort of thing that some mad science probably checked during a war or something19:17
fennah here we go http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_perfusion19:17
fenncost-effectiveness really?19:18
kanzureno that's whole-body perfusion i thought?19:18
kanzureoh i guess not. neat.19:18
kanzure"Hypothermic perfusion has given the longest storage time for canine kidneys with the best result being 8 day storage.[2] This experimental model used a storage temperature of 8°C and a Plasma Protein Fraction (PPF) based perfusate.[3] The octanoic acid content of PPF was found to influence the results of preservation in five-day storage.[4] Both octanoic acid and oleic acid stimulated oxygen consumption to a similar degree during ...19:18
kanzure... hypothermic perfusion[5] suggesting that the detrimental effect of Octanoic acid was due to direct metabolic stimulation rather than uncoupling of oxidatative phosphorylation.[6]"19:18
kanzurewhy did they bother with this perfusate? what about blood..19:19
fennbecause they watched that movie "Alien" and liked the white blood better19:20
kanzurei would also expect them to test on non-human hearts19:21
fennyeah i dunno. CPB seems to work fine for long periods of time19:21
kanzurewithout the heart beating?19:22
fennit seems that clotting is a problem19:22
fennthey try to keep it under 10 hours, but CPB has been used successfully for 16 days (31 days?)19:23
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kanzureif the heart isn't beating (during CPB), then how does it get oxygen to itself?19:23
kanzureoh i guess you pump blood through the heart as part of the circuit19:24
fennin the 16 day case, the guy didn't have a heart (hence why he was on bypass)19:24
kanzurepfft how was i supposed to know that. sometimes they put you on bypass to let your heart take some time off to heal.19:25
fennuh, no19:25
fennit's so they don't have to try to do surgery on a beating heart19:26
fennthere are now robots that servo their movements to the beartbeat, it's pretty cool19:26
kanzurewasn't there some text i pasted once about artificial hearts and using bypass to give the heart time to heal? (before doing replacement)19:26
kanzurehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postperfusion_syndrome ".. a constellation of neurocognitive impairments attributed to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) during cardiac surgery. Symptoms of postperfusion syndrome are subtle and include defects associated with attention, concentration, short term memory, fine motor function, and speed of mental and motor responses.[1]" oh great.19:27
kanzure"often transient with no permanent neurological impairmen"19:27
fennare you thinking about getting a heart transplant?19:28
kanzurenope. but the heart is a pretty easy organ to test perfusion equipment with.19:28
kanzurei brought it up because heath seemed like he was out of ideas of things to figure to be worth working on19:28
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SphericalMouseyoyo NMZ21:03
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kanzurenmz787: ping21:03
kanzurehe doesn't seem to be online21:04
SphericalMousehmm, he wanted to talk about microfluidics21:04
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