
--- Log opened Fri Jun 14 00:00:56 2013
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heathkanzure: didn't you previously have a pitch at ycombinator but the group you were with voted to push something else?03:22
heathwhat was that idea?03:22
gradstudentbotSorry for wasting your time.03:24
heathfor some reason i thought it had something to do with oligo synthesis03:32
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archelsif os.path.isfile(rotationFilePath): print('It appear as though there exist a file %s already' % rotationFilePath) print('I don\'t know what to do with all of this...') print('It\'s soo depressive....')05:13
-!- Charlie [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]05:14
archels.title http://www.neuromorpho.org05:21
yoleauxarchels: Sorry, that command (.title) took too long to process.05:21
archelsdown. great05:21
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archelsand springer is timing out on PDFs.05:48
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rigeli just noticed that kanzure is in the channel i'm asking questions in06:26
rigelmaybe you can help me out there pally06:26
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archelsand all of somafm seems to be down. the internet really is broken06:47
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kanzurerigel: the only other channel i see you in is #noisebridge and i don't see any questions07:58
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rigelkanzure: OFTC #mitmproxy08:07
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kanzure"First Clarification: The safety committee doesn't want the lure of potential funding from projects to bias how they decide on the safety and policy issues related to those projects.  The potential for revenue from projects like the Glowing Plant Project should not influence what kind of activities are acceptable or not within the lab.  "08:19
kanzure"Second Clarification: I think there was some sense that the Safety Committee was creating regulations that were not directly related to laboratory safety. I think it's important to discuss and identify where the boundaries of lab safety are and where we're dealing with something else entirely.  It was questioned whether the release of GMOs to the public is a laboratory safety issue or a policy concern that should be discussed more generally ...08:19
kanzure... by members--especially since the release of the seeds doesn't seem to be violating any legal regulations."08:20
fenni'm sure they will just blow that off by creating an "ethics committee"08:22
kanzureapproved! thanks fenn.08:23
kanzureThe Fenn Lipkowitz Commemorative Ethics Committee08:23
-!- FooQuuxman [~test@c-98-215-254-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]08:23
kanzureedward snowden's girlfriend is a transhumanist: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/06/11/article-2339202-1A403DD1000005DC-977_640x629.jpg08:25
kanzuresee http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-234169108:25
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kanzurerigel: ok i typed some answers08:28
fennor it was just a book that happened to be around08:31
kanzuremaybe ed had it08:31
kanzuretech people like to pretend to read, right?08:32
kanzurei know i do..08:32
fenni'm pretending to read your answers but actually i'm looking at "butt implant" pictures in the daily mail article08:33
kanzureoh right, you should avoid that site at all costs08:33
kanzurepervailing wisdom is that they are wrong literally all the time08:33
fenni wonder how much truth is in this sentence: " the so-called 'toxic tush' nurse allegedly injected patients with Fix-A-Flat and Super Glue"08:34
JayDuggerNo doubt some one made that allegation. Past that...I have doubts.08:35
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kanzureheath: i have pitched to ycombinator about a number of ideas. but the dna synthesis pitch was to singularity university.08:38
kanzureminimus: hello08:39
-!- Shehrazad is now known as ElixirVitae08:46
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kanzure"That cracked me up. Is Assange expected to die in that embassy?09:29
kanzure"At the moment, yes. His only other options are:.. "09:29
kanzure"1. Get from the building to a diplomatically immune car and out of the EU. Not going to happen: the fuzz will snag him the moment he steps out of the door."09:29
kanzure"4. Hope that Kurzweil was right, upload his conscious mind to a machine with OpenSSH and SCP himself overseas."09:29
kanzurewhere was that article about identify people based on their phone's clock drift?09:33
kanzurehah someone did deep packet inspection for advertising http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NebuAd09:37
-!- klafka [~klafka@c-24-6-18-31.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap09:37
kanzuredamn i wish i knew about this one earlier http://loopj.com/android-async-http/09:41
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kanzureoh brother.. "Hi Bryan, My name is John Anyrecruiter, and I'm an associate at Schrödinger, an international life science research and development company funded in part by Bill Gates. Looking at your programming skill set, I thought you might be interested to know that Schrödinger is currently building something that's going to revolutionize the drug discovery process. To do this, our engineers need more front-end experts who are proficient ...09:51
kanzure... in languages like JavaScript, Python, and PHP."09:51
-!- AlonzoTG [~atg@pool-108-28-74-221.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]09:51
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rigel"we are going to revolutionize the drug diiscovery process through PR10:30
chris_99maybe they're implementing revolutionary machine learning algorithms in PHP ;)10:47
heathkanzure: maybe it was dna synthesis and the group rejected it10:59
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kanzurewhat group?11:08
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ParahSailindoes ecuador not have any helicopters?11:37
ParahSailinmaybe we should do a kickstarter to help the ecuadorian government out with extraction11:37
ParahSailinah "Insiders say it would be impossible for Ecuador to spirit Assange off the roof of the embassy. It is located on the first floor of the building, which is shared with the Colombian embassy.11:40
ParahSailinIn order to reach the roof, Assange would have to use the stairs or the lift and that would involve setting foot in the communal areas of the building which are not classified as sovereign Ecuadorian territory.11:41
ParahSailinRead more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2189558/Julian-Assange-fiasco-Six-ways-spring-troublesome-fugitive-like-Assange-embassy.html#ixzz2WDXikzHB11:41
ParahSailinsorry, i did not add tmnt.com to /etc/hosts11:41
kanzurewhat about the windows?11:43
kanzurehe can zipline into a helicopter11:43
kanzure.. from the first floor.11:44
ParahSailinim not sure if the ecuadorians have good enough special forces to do something like that11:45
heathhttp://opensourcenano.net/ never went anywhere after the publication :|11:45
kanzurewhy is it ecuador that would have to do that?11:45
kanzurewhy not an EFF helicopter or something11:45
ParahSailinall the more reason for a kickstarter11:45
kanzurei'm pretty sure an EFF helicopter would go over pretty well on kickstarter11:46
ParahSailinraise a couple million to do an extraordinary extraction operation in cooperation with ecuadorian government and EFF11:46
ParahSailinand make it into a thrilling documentary at the same time11:46
kanzurethere can even be a decoy helicopter11:46
kanzurethere's no way that extraction would cost a million bucks11:46
ParahSailinthey need to get airspace permissions from the uk somehow11:47
kanzureall we have to do is find some hotshot military people who think they can plan this. of course, most military people hate him, so that might not work in your favor.11:47
ParahSailinand then you need some sort of boat11:48
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heathhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=CBjoWMA5d84#t=104s :: 85lb hard drive, 10MB storage space12:19
heath..and its breakdown12:19
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.jove.com/video/2744/electrode-positioning-and-montage-in-transcranial-direct-current-stimulation12:57
paperbotno translator available, raw dump: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/Electrode%20Positioning%20and%20Montage%20in%20Transcranial%20Direct%20Current%20Stimulation.pdf12:57
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-!- delinquentme [~asdfasdf@192-195-81-250.PUBLIC.monkeybrains.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap13:44
delinquentmehttp://jsfiddle.net/t3Ary/2/  << DIS13:44
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delinquentme:D  you wanna halp me with this13:58
delinquentmethat above code is a bit confusing  ... i dont undersand why the .id usage13:58
delinquentmethis is to get all items which belong in both arrays13:58
kanzurebecause "id" is the name of the attribute13:59
kanzurethey could have named that key something else, but whatever.14:01
gradstudentbotThe grant got rejected.14:03
delinquentmekanzure, tanks!14:06
delinquentmewhen you cming to sf?14:06
delinquentmeor should I come to austin :D?14:06
delinquentmethoughts on using commercial EWOD for a liquid handler14:06
delinquentmeI know someone who has hella small heating elements which we could talk them into installing :D14:06
kanzurei will be in san jose from monday until july 314:08
delinquentmeDUDE im glad I asked!14:12
delinquentmeIll totally trip to SJ14:12
delinquentmewhatchoo doing down yonder?14:12
delinquentmetheres a bio meetup im headed to monday night14:12
kanzuremoney things14:12
delinquentmeyou wanna hack it up a bit??14:13
kanzurewhat does that mean?14:13
delinquentmehangout and program?14:13
delinquentmecoffee shop or house or whatevs14:13
delinquentmetalk about world domination14:13
gradstudentbotCan I get Saturday off?14:16
kanzureok yes we can hang14:18
delinquentmeyou have my number right??14:20
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kanzureyes i have your number14:28
delinquentmeim excited14:29
delinquentmemonday afternoon is crap but any other days I'm totes flexible14:29
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delinquentmekanzure, were gonna have 2045.014:40
delinquentmeIm making tshirts14:41
delinquentmewith the aint nobody got time for that14:41
kanzureplease don't go to that14:41
-!- phillyj [~Thunderbi@pool-108-36-1-76.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:48
yoleauxProgramming Nanoscale Structure Using DNA-Based Information - YouTube14:56
heathi guess it isn't appropriate for me to link to everything i find remotely related to themes in this channel14:59
heathi haven't even watched the video yet, e.g.14:59
kanzurewe will complain if we start to hate it14:59
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nmz787_kanzure: i recently applied to Schrodinger, seems like they might do interesting things16:14
-!- phillyj [~Thunderbi@pool-108-36-1-76.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]16:33
kanzure"There was some strong support expressed by various members for the Glowing Plant project, who want to see the project happen at BioCurious , and some who think that contributions from Glowing Plant to BioCurious would solve the revenue shortfall. (It won't -- it's not sustainable.) Some people thought that Glowing Plant was already contributing to BioCurious or had offered some substantial sum of money to BioCurious. This also isn't the ...16:35
heathkanzure: re: which group, i was just talking about your business idea for ycombinator that your team/group decided not to go with16:35
kanzure... case. I believe that currently, Glowing Plant Inc has paid for Kyle's membership for the last month or two, and that's it."16:35
kanzureI strongly expressed my belief that it is entirely inappropriate for BioCurious to be taking or soliciting money from an entity that has a controversial safety or policy issue under consideration. Some folks (especially at the meeting) are outraged that there's any doubt Glowing Plant Inc could do their research at BioCurious, although it's clearly against the current safety rules. Other folks are outraged that we are  considering changes to ...16:35
kanzure... the rules to allow them to work at BioCurious, or would consider environmental release of GMOs. It's polarized the community.  "16:35
kanzureheath: there have been so many projects that i have decided to not run past ycombinator that it's not funny16:35
heathyo yo people! how's it going this fine evening?16:35
* heath is douching it currently16:36
delinquentme.... who the hell at biocurious is anti GMO?16:36
delinquentmeare they tarded?16:36
heathany of you ever just lost yourself in IRC after consuming some type of psycoactive drug?16:36
kanzure"On a quick personal note -- we're going to have a community discussion about the safety and policy ramifications of possibly hosting Glowing Plant. This is not the last project like this we're going to see, and it needs to be handled right. And it will be -- carefully, *civilly*, intelligently, and with due consideration given to *all* points of view. I may not be the smartest person at BioCurious, or the most handsome, or the one with the ...16:36
kanzure... deepest pockets, but I *am*, provably and genetically, the very most stubborn. Fanatics make me dig in my heels. I don't care whether its the damn-the-consequences-let's-splice-some-genes-what's-an-Asilomar? crowd or the ETC Group and FOE -- who are all invited, by the way -- but the order of business at that discussion will be risks versus rewards, best practices, consequences on a scale of likely-to-possible, liability, and freedom to ...16:36
kanzure... operate. Not dogfights. And not impassioned speeches. Except, of course, for mine. "16:37
heathcause that's what's happening right now16:37
kanzureinviting ETC is a mistake16:37
heath<-- right here16:37
-!- randalla1ordon is now known as randallagordon16:37
gradstudentbotNobody has tried this before.16:39
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heath[18:36:19] <delinquentme> .... who the hell at biocurious is anti GMO?16:40
delinquentmeheath y?16:41
kanzureit's not anti GMO, it's "anti environmental release"16:41
kanzurebecause they are worried that if biocurious releases organisms to the environment, that the policesters will strike biocurious down16:41
delinquentmeyou're throwing government at it16:41
delinquentmeyou need a better solution16:41
kanzureno i am not, i am explaining the situation16:41
delinquentmegovernance does not scale16:41
heathdelinquentme: it's a statement i agree with, it makes no sense16:41
delinquentmeohhhh that th16:42
kanzuremeh "However, intentional release - whether it's bringing a new drug or a new GMO crop to market, or bacterial geoengineering, falls well outside the scope of a laboratory safety manual. That becomes a regulatory issue, where you'll have to talk to the federal safekeepers of human and environmental health - and those will have their own safety requirements. We can choose to be *more* safe than what the federal regulations require, and the ...16:51
kanzure... Glowing Pant project has done an excellent job at that. Or we can choose not to do any of this at all, regardless of safety. Just like we could choose not to do DIYbio at all. But those are policy decisions, which I would hope the wider BioCurious membership has a say in as well."16:51
kanzurewhatever. it's some seeds/plants. big deal.16:51
kanzure"There is something wrong when the Supreme Court overturns something unanimously 9-0 that has been going on in the lower courts for almost 30 years. Isn't the law rather clear, as evidenced by the unanimous ruling? So why have the patent office and lower courts been doing something different all this time?"16:53
kanzure"As the lawyers successfully argued, you can't patent a tree you find in your yard, and you can't cut a branch off it and patent that (for any use at all). "Use of an oak tree branch for any purpose, USPTO xxxxxxxxx"  Wouldn't that be a nice patent to own? Or to put it on the logical chopping block, if I can't patent a new species of beetle I discover, or a leg of that beetle, or a cell of that beetle, then why on Earth would anybody think ...16:53
kanzure... they should be entitled to patent a piece of that beetle's DNA?"16:53
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heatha jellyfish21:17
yoleauxUNDERWATER DVD VIDEO - Just jellyfish - YouTube21:22
gradstudentbotI am writing the abstract.21:23
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JayDuggerSteve Mann on Google Glass and his own work.23:17
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--- Log closed Sat Jun 15 00:00:57 2013

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