
--- Log opened Mon Jul 08 00:00:19 2013
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@kanzurePestdoktor: hi10:08
Pestdoktorkanzure: hey there^^10:13
Pestdoktorkanzure: just installed an IRC client on my phone and am now looking for some channels to idle in :-)10:17
@kanzuredelinquentme: the answer to your query is https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia10:25
@kanzurealso, if anyone is feeling bored today, here are some things:10:25
@kanzurepdfparanoia needs a watermark detector (something that takes a pdf and then says whether a watermark is present, based on known publisher-offenders) https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia/issues/2910:26
@kanzurepdfparanoia should inject scrubbing history metadata (plus which version of pdfparanoia was used) into scrubbed papers https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia/issues/3010:26
@kanzurepaperbot should be split into at least two python modules (one that is for phenny, the other that is just a generic paper fetching tool) https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/issues/2310:27
@kanzurepaperbot needs doi support, probably https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/issues/2210:27
@kanzureannnd paperbot needs more/actual unit tests https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/issues/410:27
-!- Urchin[emacs] [~user@unaffiliated/urchin] has quit [Quit: ERC Version 5.2 (IRC client for Emacs)]10:30
nmz787_kanzure: how does one actually work on paperbot ?10:53
@kanzurefirst you delete everything that doesn't work, then you just do whatever you want10:54
@kanzuresecond, you write angry comments into this irc channel and then i answer your questions10:54
@kanzurethere should be an install script or install instructions, i'm a bad person for not having done that already. i'll make sure to get to that soon.10:55
@kanzurei think paperbot is going to be split into two things10:55
@kanzureone is phenny-paperbot, which will be a module for phenny that uses paperbot10:55
@kanzurethe other is paperbot, a python module that will be unrelated to irc10:56
@kanzureboth of these will be python eggs installable via pip10:56
@kanzurefor now you just have to manually install the dependencies, or you can make it send all zotero requests to the zotero translation-server already running on port whatever on gnusha.org... heh.10:56
@kanzureok i've added a bug report about no install instructions, https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/issues/2410:57
ParahSai1inpaperbot doi support should just use sci-hub doi support10:57
gradstudentbotI'm so doing industry.10:58
@kanzurethe scihub module has doi support?10:58
ParahSai1inwell, in the sense that anything going to dx.doi.org.sci-hub.org supports dois10:59
@kanzureah great11:00
ParahSai1ini dont have it so that it will just take the doi and make that url11:00
@kanzurepaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/science.123790511:00
@kanzurepffft /shared/img/pages/login/login_hit_hidden.gif?timestamp=2013-07-08T11:00:58.801-07:0011:01
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.004254311:01
@kanzureyeah but dx.doi.org redirects to the paper11:02
@kanzureso it is possible that this was not because of scihub11:02
@kanzurebecause gecko follows redirects i think11:02
@kanzuremaybe paperbot should be less incomprehensible11:02
ParahSai1inthen we can add direct doi support by detecting 10.XXXX/ queries and explicitly route those to sci-hub11:03
-!- Lemminkainen [uid2346@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-qzelimvuswtuqblz] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:03
ParahSai1ini still havent managed to confirm that the libgen upload stuff is working11:04
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/rej.2013.142611:05
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=377934111:06
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-642-32560-1_811:06
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S030505480700015911:06
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/9780470444214.ch67/summary11:07
ParahSai1inpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S003294520803002811:07
@kanzureyeah, the system should be much more transparent11:08
@kanzurei'd like to make an http log for paperbot where i can send all the errors and output from gecko, zotero translation-server, zotero translators, any python gunk, etc.11:08
ParahSai1ini think with a little more work we could get away from the zotero hack11:09
gradstudentbotWho the hell stole my pipette?11:10
ParahSai1inand we should move to libgen as the only public archive11:12
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-!- upgrayeddd [uid2969@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-zgykrscmvaumwbes] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:15
ParahSai1inunless the zotero translators are really good11:18
ParahSai1inand then maybe the zotero translator pdf result could be plugged into sci-hub11:18
ParahSai1inas a second attempt before spewing .txt garbage11:18
nmz787_Burninate: regarding what fenn said about getting spectra from electron microscope images, it's called Secondary Ion Mass Spec https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_ion_mass_spectrometry11:26
nmz787_kanzure: so it sounds like no progress has been made for fixing zotero translator11:26
@kanzurefixing how?11:26
@kanzureParahSai1in: the zotero translators are really good, there's 100s and i don't want to repeat all of their work. by "really good" i mean numerous, their quality isn't that spectacular (especially since their test famework is shit).11:29
ParahSai1inthen we need automated translation of js to py11:30
@kanzurepyjamas can do that, but i'd really rather not. those translators are tied into firefox/gecko/zotero.11:31
@kanzurethere's lots of people that use zotero and they have incentive to update their translators11:31
@kanzuresooo if we come up with some python->javascript or javascript->python thing, it would be nice if zotero people can still use it11:31
@kanzurebut it's not a strict requirement. just a nicety.11:31
ParahSai1inthen we can do better integration between pdf and doi metadata that the translator server gives us and scihub11:35
@kanzureat this point i think the options are either javascript (running in gecko or webkit) or we use python with webkitgtk+ (which has gobject bindings into python to give us access to the dom and javascript)11:36
@kanzurebecause publishers will continue to use wacky methods in the future, including js bullshit11:36
@kanzureso that limits our options to: gecko + slimerjs, gecko + zotero translation-server, phantomjs + javascript crap of our own, python + webkitgtk+, and maybe some python<->js conversion junk11:37
ParahSai1inyou know those ones that you have hacked manually because zotero can't do it?11:37
@kanzurei hacked those manually but i should have added them to zotero and i didn't :(11:37
ParahSai1inyeah, exactly11:37
ParahSai1inwe're never gonna push this stuff back upstream11:37
@kanzurewhy not11:37
@kanzurethere's hope for me, i promise11:37
ParahSai1insame reason you haven't done it yet11:37
@kanzureyeesh, you have zero faith in me :)11:38
ParahSai1init is kind of an ugly hack11:38
ParahSai1indespite all the work the zotero people put in11:38
@kanzuredownload_url is definitely a hack11:38
@kanzureoh, zotero.. yeah.11:38
@kanzurezotero is mostly simonster right now i think11:39
ParahSai1inugly hack to have a translator server and all that business11:39
@kanzureso, the problem with moving away from zotero is that we're basically proposing to repeat all that work, and then take responsibility for it11:39
@kanzurerealistically that means *me* taking responsibility for about 100-200 different translators/scrapers11:39
klafkai thought zotero had like an actual team11:40
@kanzure"team" https://github.com/zotero/translators/contributors11:40
ParahSai1inzotero has 100-200 things in the translators directory, but how many of those are actual journals11:40
@kanzureoh wait that's actually pretty good11:40
@kanzure6 regular contributors is not bad11:40
@kanzurei agree that we could probably make something easier to maintain11:42
@kanzuretheir test suite is craaaap.. it was tacked on as an after-thought.11:42
@kanzure/** BEGIN TEST CASES **/ https://github.com/zotero/translators/blob/master/REDALYC.js#L8911:42
@kanzureand crap like "doWeb" wtf is "doWeb" etc..11:43
ParahSai1ini doubt the zotero framework even supports pages that have js11:45
ParahSai1init seems limited to xpath stuff11:46
gradstudentbotWho used the last of the growth medium?11:47
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 11:50
gradstudentbotYou know they keep the mice in better conditoins than us.11:50
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@kanzureParahSai1in: it definitely supports javascript. it's gecko.11:56
archelskanzure: gradstudentbot is not apparently on github. How may we suggest lines for it?11:56
gradstudentbotMy parents keep asking when I'm going to finish.11:56
ParahSai1ini guess if the DOM is generated somewhat dynamically by some js11:57
@kanzurearchels: the format is one line per line, either tell me via pm/email/in here, or drop a link, or something11:57
@kanzurearchels: also feel free to recommend redactions11:58
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archelswell, conditions is spelled wrong11:59
@kanzurei already fixed it, gah11:59
archels"Do I use a one or two sided t-test for that?"11:59
archelsI'm not really good at this sort of thing though12:00
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@fennnmz787_: SIMS is only used in FIB (hence the "secondary ion" part) see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_Microscope#Color12:03
@kanzureParahSai1in: oh you mean, the translators themselves only do xpath things? no i think they can all other js functions.12:03
@kanzureParahSai1in: if they can't call other js functions then yeah i agree it's time to trash it12:04
ParahSai1in"Each value can be either a string, in which case it is always the same, a function, or a chained series of filters. This last form is most common. In the above example we can see, for instance, the creators filter. It starts with an XPath expression."12:05
@kanzureit's a shame that they focus so much on xpaths12:05
@kanzureit should be functios12:05
@kanzureit's javascript.. functions are supposed to be first-class citizens.12:06
ParahSai1ini suppose it could disregard the xpath and do a function12:06
@kanzurepart of the problem with python + webkitgtk+ is that users would have to compile webkitgtk+.. or there would have to be a recent release of it (most package repos don't have a monthly release of webkit)12:07
@kanzureand then people inside of a browser can't use the translator (which i think maybe is important??)12:07
ParahSai1inwell, obviously it uses a chained computation for the translator fields, so it's first class function-aware12:07
ParahSai1inFW.Xpath() is a continuation monad of some sort12:08
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ParahSai1inyou can evaluate arbitrary functions inside this monad12:11
@kanzurewhat is transfw12:11
ParahSai1indunno, i just googled for the first thing i could find that defines the Xpath function12:11
ParahSai1inthis is actually a pretty clever way to define monadic computations in js12:13
ParahSai1inoh, no, it doesnt actually work that way12:14
ParahSai1init only evaluates a series of filters that apply to the xpath object12:14
ParahSai1ini dont see any evidence that you can define arbitrary js that is aware of the entire DOM within this Xpath() computation12:16
@kanzureuhh.. then wtf is the point of any of it.12:16
ParahSai1inhm, i bet it could be rewritten as the continuation monad that i described12:19
@kanzureyeah, but then you would have to test all of their current translators for compatibility or something12:19
@kanzurei don't think that gecko is a dependency worth having12:19
@kanzureor rather, i don't think the zotero plugin is a good dependency to have ;)12:19
@kanzuregecko is a possibly okay dependency, especially because of http://slimerjs.org/ or the xpcom/python gecko bindings (ask bkero)12:19
ParahSai1ini have a bit of a bias towards finding a reason to drop it-- it may indeed support arbitrary js for the FW.scraper stuff12:20
@kanzuresimonster actually had trouble porting zotero into zotero/translation-server .. if you look, it doesn't even support iframes :) not all translators work12:20
ParahSai1inFW. is what framework.js is imported as in other stuff12:21
ParahSai1inFW.scraper is how all the translators are described12:21
archelsProgram on Sept 28, 2013:12:22
archels“Science Speed Dating” by participating PhD students12:22
nmz787_fenn: ahh, similar general idea though, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_spectroscopy12:27
nmz787_i guess that was what I was really thinking, though i did know of SIMS through FIB12:28
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@kanzuredoes anyone have 3-4 btc they would be willing to sell to a Noble Cause?13:25
@kanzurehaha 1213:30
@kanzurefdjkalfjadkfjakldfjalda fucking irssi13:30
ThomasEgidoes that noble cause involve filling my fridge with beer?14:02
gradstudentbotSure, I'd love to switch into colorectal.14:03
bkeroI have some bitcoins I could sell for market rate to a Noble Cause. ;)14:04
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@kanzurebkero: yeah? how do you want to do this?14:10
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bkerokanzure: I have my wallet stored on my desktop at home, so let's see what bitcoincharts says when I get home and can transfer them to you, then you can paypal that to me?14:14
bkeroor google wallet or amazon payments14:14
@kanzureyeah, has to be pp in this case14:15
@kanzurethank you14:16
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bkeroI'll ping you when I'm home and have the desktop all bootered up14:26
-!- Pestdoktor [~yaaic@dyndsl-095-033-169-050.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has quit [Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - http://www.yaaic.org]14:52
ParahSai1inkanzure: ah looks like zotero has freeform translators as well14:58
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robitima robit.15:07
ParahSai1in16:59 < fejj> I think my testimony in Apple vs Samsung totally destroyed Apple's patent last week15:08
ParahSai1in16:59 < fejj> you could see it in the faces of the lawyers examining/cross examining me15:08
ParahSai1in17:01 < fejj> DMXRoid, so Apple's patent was basically: use at least 2 threads in an app so the UI can be handled in 1 thread and15:08
ParahSai1in              data sync in another thread, so as to avoid blocking/hanging the UI15:08
@kanzurerobit: hello15:09
ryankarason(defun say-hello () "hello")15:10
ryankarasonsorry for bringing around. just wanted to test a change in multiple channel support.15:10
@kanzurepff let's not have random bots in here just for the hell of it15:10
ryankarasonwell, it isn't quite just for the hell of it15:11
ryankarasonin the future i plan to mute its function in this channel15:11
ryankarasonand just use it for the logging it does15:11
@kanzuredo you have something against http://gnusha.org/logs/15:11
ryankarasonno, do you have logs there?15:11
ryankarasonjust i find that some channels i go to don't have logs. so i made a bot to log all the channels i use.15:12
@kanzuresee /topic15:12
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ryankarasonthere is much in topic never noticed the logs15:12
ryankarasonand so happy to see you all use15:12
ryankarasondate -I format :)15:12
ryankarasonnow i can use my fancy shell script to pull logs15:13
@kanzureiso 8602 is your master15:13
ryankarasoni need to create a custom syntax highlighting file for you logs though15:13
ryankarasoni wrote a bash script to curl a websites logs, based on using date to figure out which log. and then load into vim with syntax highlighting15:13
ryankarasonso "read-log -a 3" will pull the log from 3 days Ago15:14
ryankarasonor you can15:14
ryankarasonread-log -d 2013/07/0315:14
ryankarasonread-log -d 2013-07-0315:15
ParahSai1in(defun hodor () (cons "hodor (hodor)))15:15
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ryankarasonawh sorry ParahSai1in15:24
ryankarasonbut also, it returned NIL because you forgot to finish your ""15:25
ParahSai1inyeah just noticed that15:25
ryankarasongood thing, you trying to stack overflow it15:25
ryankarasonand all15:25
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@kanzurecounter culture labs members https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsQ2Ur3gqJI_dG9ITU83aFZlQ2NEVUZjUFZpckxQUnc&usp=sharing17:07
@kanzureeww why did they make the name plural?17:07
@kanzureis there a good reason to call it labs?17:07
@kanzurebecause then you have to say 'labs members' which is definitely wrong17:08
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browniesyeah, but if you're a hip cutting-edge tech company you have to pluralize "Lab"17:27
brownies"Google Labs" not "Google Lab"17:27
@kanzurethey aren't really a company though.. i mean their business model is junk ("charge membership fees, then pray").17:28
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@kanzureit seems like it might be useful if someone came up with an actually useful business model for those hackerspaces17:35
@kanzurelike, even consulting would be better than membership fees17:35
browniesthere exists a viable business model17:37
browniesplenty of coworking spaces / shared office-space-providers / etc are doing very well in the current economy17:38
@kanzurebiocurious only has 30 members17:39
browniesaren't they the ones who are about to go bankrupt?17:39
@kanzureand it's the largest community biology-related hackerspace17:39
@kanzurethey are about to go bankrupt if they don't get more members, yes17:39
gradstudentbotIs there free food at that seminar?17:39
browniesand weren't you telling me how way more than 30 people regularly use the space?17:40
@kanzurethey can't afford free food17:40
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@kanzurei dunno if i was the one telling you that, but they did mention something about lots of non-members using the space17:40
browniesso "members" clearly just means "people they mumbled at long enough to get a credit card number from" ... it's not actually any meaningful measure of the market size17:40
@kanzureParahSai1in: hey i'm really confused, what did we decide about zotero and what scrapers to write? i think it's going to take 5-6 hours of effort to rewrite all of the translators correctly.17:40
browniesthey should just start charging for "day passes"17:41
brownies"spending the day here? that'll be $20. there's all the coffee you can drink and you can use the space all day."17:41
@kanzurehuh, i searched my email archive and they have never mentioned day passes wtf17:42
@kanzureokay i have asked them17:43
@kanzurei still don't like the idea of membership fees. why not just do projects and get paid huge gobs of money, then do more projects?17:43
brownies"projects" ?17:47
@kanzuresure, like as a contract research-organization (it's how the biotech industry is structured)17:47
browniesah. yes that would be nice.17:47
browniesbut if they're not coordinated enough to charge money to people, they're probably not coordinated enough to do contract research...17:48
browniesNoisebridge seems to be staying afloat; what's their secret?17:48
@kanzurethey probably survive off of the guilt of engineers that used to do electronics but now do too much software17:48
@kanzuredamn it i don't really want to make a rewrite of zotero17:50
Burninateyou could upgrade from 'hackerspace'17:53
Burninateto 'co-working space'17:53
Burninateadd a semiprivate work area and a locker and charge monthly17:54
Burninateapparently a desk on that model runs $200/month by MIT17:55
@kanzurebiologists are poor17:55
@kanzurethey get paid minimum wage17:55
@kanzuresure, there's also bosslab in somerville17:56
@kanzurelet's not play hackerspace geographical bingo on irc, that's a no-win scenario for both parties17:56
Burninatejust an example, not a suggestion :)17:57
@kanzureare you in somerville?17:57
Burninatenowhere near, just had a friend use that space17:57
@kanzurewhere are oyu?17:57
BurninateI suspect I'm pretty centrally located as far as bioscience, if I had anything to do with the field personally17:58
BurninateMontgomery County, MD17:58
@kanzuresan diego?17:58
@kanzurethen you are close to buggs?17:58
BurninateI'm right near the new FDA complex17:59
Burninatenear NIH17:59
@kanzurebaltimore underground science space (bugss)17:59
Burninatenear Johns Hopkins Shady Grover and the genomics cluster17:59
Burninatenah, I don't really go for hackerspaces as of yet18:00
bkeroGo for hackerspaces.18:00
BurninateI'm in illness-postcollege-preemployment limbo with no money for physical projects at the moment18:01
@kanzureBurninate: what did you study?18:02
BurninateGIS & Remote Sensing18:03
Burninateif I had any cash I'd have a UAV aerial photography business to prepare for future legalizing legislation, and that might actually benefit from that sort of thing18:04
Burninatebut alas...18:04
Burninategonna have to get a real job first18:04
@kanzureyou could easily bootstrap that business by making it into something that people chip in money for18:05
@kanzuree.g. you could have a local project and get people to chip in money to have their house imaged or whatever18:05
@kanzureas a silly novelty18:05
@kanzurebkero: you ready?18:05
@kanzurebkero: ah nevermind, the other person isn't here at the moment18:06
Burninatecan't bootstrap if it's not legal18:06
@kanzurebtw if you have customers willing to pay for aerial photography, run the numbers by me18:06
BurninateI do not.18:07
@kanzureyou should go get some :)18:07
brownieskanzure: why would he run numbers by you for that?18:07
@kanzurebecause he wants money18:07
@kanzureand if it's an actually profitable business, why not?18:07
@kanzureit's not an extremely technically challenging project18:07
@kanzureand if it pays the premiums that other photography services do, then it is probably worth taking 30 seconds to consider18:08
gradstudentbotYeah, but his PI wrote his dissertation.18:08
@kanzurejeesh "I have my BS in biology and have yet to find a job two years out of school so I would have time, but not money to donate to the cause.  I created, organized, and ran a biology club that is still going now at my college, so I do have some experience running things.  I also worked doing Prep TA for the Biology 101 labs, so I know how to handle supplies and all of that.  I'm pretty far out of the city in the Barrington area.  But let me ...18:08
@kanzure... know if you'd like some help."18:08
Burninate"Earlier this month, NBC reported aerial photographer Mark Bateson pointing out that many hobbyists can get away with UAV photography or videography under remote-control guidelines.18:09
Burninate“But as soon as you turn it into a business … the FAA says you are violating the national airspace,” Bateson said."18:09
@kanzureyeah, many companies start out by violating crap, and then they fix it18:10
BurninateThere is an understood market in real estate photos18:10
Burninateand a poorly understood one in new applications for things like agriculture18:10
@kanzuredo they do aerial yield estimation?18:11
Burninatesome of the most impressive work I've seen was a commercial tourism campus - a ski resort18:11
@kanzurecrop yield i mean18:11
BurninateThey don't, for the most part.  But they could.18:11
@kanzurewhat do they do instead?18:11
BurninateI had some contacts in school testing fertilizer usage vs NPP vs water quality using a terrestrial photospectrometer18:13
BurninateBut I expect mostly they use a ruler :)18:13
@kanzurei wonder if you could have a fix on agriculture trading by trading based on aerial photos for different commodity crops18:14
BurninateOn a large market scale, you can do that with some of the lower-resolution, lower-revisit-time satellite photos now I believe18:15
Burninatethere's probably a finance company doing precisely that18:15
@kanzurestealth finance drone :318:17
@kanzure(ok doesn't have to be actually stealth or a drone. it could be a balloon.)18:17
BurninateBalloon and kite aerial photography probably represent the best bootstrapping opportunities18:18
Burninateand for real estate, a camera on a very long pole can do surprisingly well18:18
BurninateCongress has been dragging its feet for years now though18:26
Burninateso idunno how long exactly I'd have to wait18:26
Burninate*Congress and the FAA18:26
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Burninatetwo years and three months is the *official* deadline for the FAA to come up with a plan18:37
Burninatebut it's blown such things before18:37
@kanzuremaybe i should switch to typing on http://revolutiongrand.com/ProductdetailsV1.aspx?ID=1518:50
@kanzureor rather, http://revolutiongrand.com/ProductdetailsV1.aspx?ID=1318:51
bkerokanzure: lemme know when :)18:51
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@kanzurebkero: gonna be a while, sorry.. how much can you sell btw?18:56
bkerokanzure: I think I have ~11 coins18:56
@kanzureyeah the other person is on the wrong side of the planet18:57
bkeroI'm on all sides of the planet.18:58
bkeroSo whenever18:58
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@kanzurebrownies: the only mention of 'day passes' is from some old diybio-sf emails when they got into a complication with techshop.. techshop was the one demanding they purchase day passes :)19:19
ParaSa1linkanzure, what is an example response from translation server19:31
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@kanzureParahSailin: response = requests.post("http://gnusha.org:1969/web", data=json.dumps({"url": "http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v5/n10/full/nnano.2010.193.html", "sessioni19:36
@kanzured": "what"}), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})19:37
@kanzureimport requests; import json; response = requests.post("http://gnusha.org:1969/web", data=json.dumps({"url": "http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v5/n10/full/nnano.2010.193.html", "sessionid": "what"}), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"}); print response.content19:37
@kanzureParahSailin: i'm confused, am i supposed to be rewriting zotero translators right now?19:39
@kanzureParahSailin: i mean, that's going to end up being a bunch of work19:40
ParaSa1linim just gonna make some stuff to fetch pdf urls that translation server returns but the bot's network can't download19:41
ParaSa1linand upload to libgen based on the doi in the metadata19:41
ParaSa1linactually ill check if its on libgen first based on zotero translator doi19:41
@kanzurebut that's what paperbot is already doing.. it should pass on the pdf url to download_url19:41
@kanzurethe pdf url is returned by zotero translation-server19:42
@kanzureoh maybe you didn't pass that url into scihubber19:42
ParaSa1linoh was it? derp19:42
@kanzurewell.. take a look at the json output from response.content in that example.19:42
ParaSa1linno, i was taking "line" into scihubber19:42
ParaSa1linconfusingly i called mine pdfurl, and your pdf_url is what zotero yields19:43
brownieskanzure: and naturally techshop is still in business.19:50
@kanzureyes, but not something i participate in19:50
@kanzurethat shit's expensive just for a saw and a table19:50
brownieswell, you're also paying for the building, and the utilities, and the "ambience"19:51
@kanzuremm yeah ambience fuck yeah19:52
browniesi'm sure that's basically the marketing pitch.19:53
@kanzuretheir marketing pitch is "american innovation blah blah blah"19:53
@kanzure"TechShop is a vibrant, creative community that provides access to tools, software and space. "19:54
@kanzureoh geeze, vibrant19:54
@kanzurethey are only at 6 locations? i thought they had more.19:55
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@kanzureyashgaroth: hi20:27
yashgarothmust say I greatly enjoyed < gradstudentbot> Sure, I'd love to switch into colorectal.20:27
gradstudentbotActually, I didn't do that part, it was already here when I joined the lab.20:27
jrayhawkhttp://ebm.sagepub.com/content/232/10/1266.full huh, eggs are much less of a lifesaver for vegetarians than i thought20:28
@kanzureParahSailin: you should play with webkitgtk+ if you want to see what that would be like. there are python bindings. just do "from gi.repository import WebKit" i think. i recently compiled new bindings for recent webkit (as of a few weeks ago).20:28
@kanzurepaperbot: http://ebm.sagepub.com/content/232/10/1266.full20:28
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ParaSa1linkanzure, pull request (at this point i basically have no ability to test changes, so it could be completely broken)20:45
@kanzureif i pull now and there are bugs, could you fix things, or would it wait until tomorrow?20:45
ParaSa1linid fix tonight20:46
@kanzurewtf are you using urllib for :P20:46
@kanzureParaSa1lin: pm20:46
ParaSa1linwhat would you use to turn "/" into "%2F"20:46
@kanzurebut please check the pm20:47
-!- paperbot [~paperbot@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]20:47
ParaSa1linhm pm to this one, not the other one20:47
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=a9e4e0ce U-ACORNSYS\pwang: More control logic20:48
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=8e1d4331 U-ACORNSYS\pwang: Redundancy20:48
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=5a4ffd20 Bryan Bishop: Merge pull request #25 from rcallahan/master20:48
gnushapaperbot: reload papers20:48
ParaSa1linpaperbot: reload scihub20:49
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=7ebf01ca Bryan Bishop: fix syntax error20:51
gnushapaperbot: reload papers20:51
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@kanzureokay nevermind.. test away.20:54
ParaSa1linpaperbot, http://www.nature.com/nnano/journal/v5/n10/full/nnano.2010.193.html20:55
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@kanzureParaSa1lin: why is that pointing to libgen now?21:01
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ParaSa1lini think better to use libgen for public urls?21:02
ParaSa1linso then you dont get takedown messages from copyright trolls21:02
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jonathan_tito has a blog post about getting papers, did you see21:20
jonathan_using reddit as a request/share medium21:20
paperbotNameError: global name 'pdfurl' is not defined (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 157, in download)21:21
@kanzurejonathan_: http://diyhpl.us/wiki/article21:24
paperbotNameError: global name 'pdfurl' is not defined (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 157, in download)21:24
@kanzurejonathan_: i really doubt tito has this level of thoroughness21:24
@kanzurealso i think ybit has the most experience using r/scholar since he requested like 50 papers at once21:24
@kanzureand out of that entire fucking subreddit i was the only one to deliver the majority of his request -_-21:24
jonathan_poor tito21:25
@kanzuretito even knows about my list of other options21:25
@kanzurei fucking emailed it to him!21:25
@kanzurewhat an asshole21:25
jonathan_using reddit is quite a bit of publicity tho aint it21:25
@kanzurereddit.com/r/scholar has been around for a long time before tito21:26
@kanzuredidn't know about the deepdyve 5 minute rental, but it is broken because they only transmit pngs of each page21:26
@kanzureParahSai1in: can you bugfix the bug?21:26
@kanzureParaSa1lin: i mean you21:26
@kanzurejonathan_: did you look at http://diyhpl.us/wiki/articles though?21:29
jonathan_just did ya21:30
@kanzurei find http://expaper.cn/ to be an interesting option21:30
@kanzurethe downside is that you have to learn chinese21:30
@kanzureoh wait that's the upside21:30
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@kanzuredelinquentme: you want pdfparanoia, https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia21:30
jonathan_learning chinese is impossible even for the chinese21:30
delinquentmechemistry paper which made a stir about 6 months ago using 3d printing to organize different chemistry vessle designs?21:31
@kanzurejonathan_: yeah, online they just copy/paste the same phrases21:31
@kanzuredelinquentme: was it jordan's work?21:31
delinquentmeyeah! thanks kanzure I got the email ... is that just meta data? Or would it grab data which is say ... present on the page21:31
delinquentmekanzure, nah it wasn't vasculiture21:31
@kanzuredelinquentme: it removes the text watermarks21:31
@kanzuredelinquentme: like ip addresses, names, institution names, etc.21:31
delinquentmevassles as in ... the container which you'd run reactions in21:32
delinquentmecheck! kanzure21:32
delinquentmesudo python setup.py install  << seems incomplete21:33
gradstudentbotFuture work will focus on that.21:34
delinquentmeerror: https://gist.github.com/delinquentme/bcf4e229c593fe395a2d21:34
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@kanzuredarn, i thought that was fixed21:35
delinquentmeis it hard to get something approved for install via pip?21:36
@kanzureno, i just have to fix the bug21:36
delinquentme( or is there even an approval process ? )21:36
@kanzureif you can fix it, i will push it21:36
@kanzurebut i'm about to sleep21:36
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delinquentmeSuccessfully installed pdfparanoia21:37
@kanzureyou have to install pdfminer21:37
@kanzurebut setup.py has it in install_requires21:37
@kanzureif you fix it let me know and submit a pull request21:38
@kanzureor open a bug report21:38
paperbotNameError: global name 'pdfurl' is not defined (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 157, in download)21:38
delinquentmeno mas hardcore forking action =[21:38
delinquentmekanzure, yeah Ill do a pull request21:39
gradstudentbotI could never be a PI.21:39
ParaSa1linsorry im back21:54
ParaSa1linpull request21:58
ParaSa1lini guess i shouldnt attempt any patches when wife is home, because constant harassment isn't good for my focus22:00
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delinquentmekanzure, a test document would be awesome22:45
delinquentmeturns out you're writing individual classes per document type ... I have a ruby programming guide which I wanted to clean :D  not ... say a ieee paper :D22:45
heathanyone up?23:11
heaththis starts streaming in ~1h 45m23:12
paperbotNameError: global name 'pdfurl' is not defined (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 157, in download)23:12
heathjust wondering if anyone has the capability to record it23:13
@kanzurejust give the url for the real thing if you want someone to record it23:32
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@kanzuredelinquentme: merged https://github.com/kanzure/pdfparanoia/pull/3123:43
@kanzuredelinquentme: also it's up on pypi now https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pdfparanoia/0.0.1423:43
delinquentmekanzure, did you check the functionality?23:44
@kanzure"It would also be helpful to have a test PDF within the package to verify functionality."23:45
@kanzurethere are unit tests yo23:45
@kanzure"make tests"23:45
gradstudentbotIs there free food at that seminar?23:45
@kanzureall of the tests are failing23:46
@kanzureoh wait that was my fault23:46
@kanzurei forgot to install nosetest. so of course the "test" target was failing.23:47
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gradstudentbotI just want a 9 to 5 job.23:48
delinquentmeim out though .. sleeps!23:48
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@kanzurei pushed some more pdfparanoia junk in case anyone cares23:49
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gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=327b39c0 U-ACORNSYS\pwang: s/pdfurl/shurl/g23:52
gnushahttps://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=f69583d4 Bryan Bishop: Merge pull request #26 from rcallahan/master23:52
paperbotNameError: global name 'pdfurl' is not defined (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 157, in download)23:52
gnushapaperbot: reload papers23:52
paperbotgnusha: <module 'papers' from '/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py'> (version: 2013-07-09 06:52:44)23:52
@kanzurehmm why did paperbot send "..."?23:53
@kanzurethat sequence isn't even in the source code23:54
paperbotUnboundLocalError: local variable 'shurl' referenced before assignment (file "/srv/ikiwiki/paperbot/modules/papers.py", line 157, in download)23:57
--- Log closed Tue Jul 09 00:00:20 2013

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