
--- Log opened Tue Jul 16 00:00:27 2013
@fennpaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1566989300:48
@fennpaperbot: http://article.psychiatrist.com/dao_1-login.asp?ID=10001181&RSID=6661406201000500:51
@fenni guess that's a negative00:51
nmz787try abusing it00:52
* fenn slaps paperbot around with a digital trout00:53
nmz787yesterday someone said 'touch a fish for good luck' while holding a rubber fish00:53
@fennthat's disgusting00:53
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@kanzure.title http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDwQwTDyASA06:38
yoleauxEG]Zeta Gundam Love Is The Pulse Of The Stars(720p 10bit FLAC) - YouTube06:38
@kanzuretoo much talking :|06:38
@kanzurepaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nsmb.262906:53
@kanzure.title http://www.bnl.gov/newsroom/news.php?a=1155006:53
yoleauxBNL Newsroom | Key Step in Molecular 'Dance' that Duplicates DNA Deciphered06:53
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nsmb/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nsmb.2629.html06:54
@kanzuredamn it wtf06:54
@kanzure"In eukaryotes, the Cdt1-bound replicative helicase core MCM2-7 is loaded onto DNA by the ORC–Cdc6 ATPase to form a prereplicative complex (pre-RC) with an MCM2-7 double hexamer encircling DNA. Using purified components in the presence of ATP-γS, we have captured in vitro an intermediate in pre-RC assembly that contains a complex between the ORC–Cdc6 and Cdt1–MCM2-7 heteroheptamers called the OCCM. Cryo-EM studies of this 14-subunit ...06:55
@kanzure... complex reveal that the two separate heptameric complexes are engaged extensively, with the ORC–Cdc6 N-terminal AAA+ domains latching onto the C-terminal AAA+ motor domains of the MCM2-7 hexamer. The conformation of ORC–Cdc6 undergoes a concerted change into a right-handed spiral with helical symmetry that is identical to that of the DNA double helix. The resulting ORC–Cdc6 helicase loader shows a notable structural similarity to ...06:55
@kanzure... the replication factor C clamp loader, suggesting a conserved mechanism of action."06:55
@kanzurePOST https://analytics.readcube.com/metrics/create_session.json {"auth_token":"02000090942c7cfe7342840321db05b7d08089b7c302fe019218e78d9b6d30303030303030302d303030302d303030302d303030302d303030303030303030303031","data":{"full_text":true,"doi":"10.1038/nsmb.2629","preview":true,"referrer":"nature.com","issn":"1545-9993","platform":0,"referrer_type":0,"session_id":"CD76B701-8B45-A982-04BE-E7C2C736C589","epdf":true,"eissn":"1545-9985"}}06:59
@kanzurehappy haxoring06:59
@kanzureaccess denied http://logs.readcube.com/heatmaps/ http://logs.readcube.com/07:00
@kanzurehahah here's the assholes who made readcube: http://www.labtiva.com/07:02
-!- marciogm [~textual@] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]07:04
ParahSail1nwhat is readcube07:05
@kanzureit's this evil pdf rental service that charges like $100/hour for reading07:05
@kanzureand somehow they convinced all the publishers that they are legit07:06
@kanzureelsevier and even nature are now embedding readcube javascript into all their pages07:08
@kanzurecheck out http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/papers2/paperbot/50a86f92583e8128b3d9361e58b1608b.txt (the nature link)07:08
@kanzureit has this: <script src="http://content.readcube.com/ping?doi=10.1038/nsmb.2629&format=js&last_modified=2013-07-14" type="text/javascript"></script>07:08
@kanzurewhich says /* ok */ actually.. that seems weird. and i changed it to http://content.readcube.com/ping?doi=10.1038/nsmb.2628&format=json and it says /* processing */ now.07:09
@kanzurei should probably write up a study of the change in javascript on different publisher sites based on paperbot failures07:11
@kanzurethere's also this junk... http://onlinelibrarystatic.wiley.com/js/wol.readcube.js07:11
@kanzurei think it's hilarious that nature uses like 10-15 different jquery extensions. not even using requirejs. keep on rocking it...07:13
@kanzureoh wait, maybe it was deepdyve and not readcube.07:13
@kanzurelike: http://www.deepdyve.com/rental-link?fieldName=journal_doi&docId=10.1063/1.1582108&prog=normal&key=aip&affiliateId=aip&format=jsonp&callback=?07:16
@kanzureor http://www.deepdyve.com/doc-view?docId=10.1063/1.1582108&prog=normal&fieldName=journal_doi&affiliateId=aip07:16
@kanzurehaha xss hole http://www.deepdyve.com/rental-link?fieldName=journal_doi&docId=10.1063/1.1582108&prog=normal&key=aip&affiliateId=aip%22`'&format=jsonp&callback=%3Cb%3Ehello%3C/b%3E07:17
@kanzureah there seems to be /brlcad/trunk/src/tclscripts/mged/bindings.tcl07:26
@kanzureoh that might be mouse control in brlcad. wtf.07:28
@kanzure07:41 < starseeker> hmm.  looking at it from that perspective, perhaps it doesn't make sense in any case for us to expose the brep/nurbs API as a top-level BRL-CAD api07:30
@kanzurewelp. there are no bindings to brlcad at the moment. that needs to change.07:30
@kanzurepaperbot: .title http://www.nature.com/nrd/journal/v11/n3/full/nrd3681.html07:42
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nrd/journal/v11/n3/full/nrd3681.html07:42
@kanzure"The past 60 years have seen huge advances in many of the scientific, technological and managerial factors that should tend to raise the efficiency of commercial drug research and development (R&D). Yet the number of new drugs approved per billion US dollars spent on R&D has halved roughly every 9 years since 1950, falling around 80-fold in inflation-adjusted terms. There have been many proposed solutions to the problem of declining R&D ...07:43
@kanzure... efficiency. However, their apparent lack of impact so far and the contrast between improving inputs and declining output in terms of the number of new drugs make it sensible to ask whether the underlying problems have been correctly diagnosed. Here, we discuss four factors that we consider to be primary causes, which we call the 'better than the Beatles' problem; the 'cautious regulator' problem; the 'throw money at it' tendency; and the ...07:43
@kanzure... 'basic research–brute force' bias. Our aim is to provoke a more systematic analysis of the causes of the decline in R&D efficiency."07:43
@kanzure"1. $'s billions annual sales of new drugs added. Suggest the plots separate small molecule vs biotech drugs. 2. A  much more subtle but, realistic set of events  in which increased research spending actually slowed down the rate of  new drug discovery. These events included a mass Pharma Industry move into 3 highly popular but relatively unproductive areas: Combinatorial Chemistry; HTS/U-HTS and Bioinformatics. These "new" approaches cost ...07:44
@kanzure... lots of money and actually slowed down discovery. The so-called "Platform Technologies" proved to be less efficient than the classical medicinal chemist-directed synthesis approaches of earlier years. Turned out that the industry learned the hard way (overinvesting ) to "make haste...............slowly" . They are paying the price today by paying billions of dollars for acquisitions trying to fill their depleted pipelines back up. The ...07:44
@kanzure... optimistic signs now are that NME approvals are on the rise back toward the 30's annually range. In 2011 there were 26 approvals (21 small molecule and 5 "biologicals- biotech"). And it appears that 2012 data will be into the low 30's."07:44
gradstudentbotIf I was your endoplasmic reticulum, would you want me smooth or would you want me rough?07:45
chidogradstudentbot just made me spit out my coffee07:49
gradstudentbotDropped my sample.07:49
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@kanzuregimme reasons to hate swig-wrapper again? i forgot.08:34
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ThomasEgikanzure, how about starting with the name "swing-wrapper"?08:46
@kanzurei think it was swig-wrapper not swing-wrapper08:47
ThomasEgioh.. well.. not that'd make the name any more attractive08:48
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@kanzurefenn: were you the one who disliked swig11:11
ParahSailinyou binding brlcad?11:12
@kanzurenot at the moment11:12
@kanzurebut i'm just trying to remember why we hated swig11:12
ParahSailinall the python binding stuff is bad11:13
ParahSailinswig might be the least bad?11:13
-!- cogitokat [~kat@cpe-66-68-190-37.austin.res.rr.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap11:13
ParahSailinoh, brlcad is c, not c++, it might not be so miserable11:15
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@kanzurecython is reasonably okay to write11:23
ParahSailinyeah i've used it quite a bit11:24
ParahSailinpeople use swig if they11:25
ParahSailin're trying to translate a lot of boilerplate c++ classes into python ones11:25
ParahSailindoes cython have any automated transformation of code?11:26
ParahSailinhuh http://wiki.cython.org/AutoPxd11:27
ParahSailinyeah i'd use cython then11:27
@kanzureproblem with cython is that it's just python bindings11:39
@kanzureautopxd looks like C++ only?11:39
@kanzureoh, C/C++11:39
@kanzure"It requires gcc_xml and codegenlib from ctypeslib (apt get install python-ctypeslib)"11:39
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@kanzurealt+d is the greatest bash shortcut ever11:47
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cpopell_Karl Guttag is a bro11:51
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ParahSailinoh, looks like significant parts of brlcad is c++11:56
ParahSailin"BRL-CAD's support for these primitives is relatively recent, and while we can raytrace them we do not have the ability to perform operations such as surface/surface intersection calculations. "11:59
nmz787kanzure: this says opensource http://www.genocad.org/12:08
ParahSailinyeah thats part of the genome compiler i think12:09
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@kanzureParahSailin: they are lying about that, they do have surface-surface.12:18
ParahSailini guess thats from opennurbs then12:19
@kanzureoh definitely. opennurbs has some good parts that are open sourced that brlcad uses.12:19
@kanzurebut all of the good shit (intersection stuff) is closed source and not available in opennurbs12:20
@kanzureand brlcad has been using opennurbs for ages. so those statements are accurate w.r.t their use of opennurbs.12:20
@kanzurehehe alt+d works in irssi. bwahaha.12:22
@kanzureiiiii iii iiii12:22
@kanzureoops. that didn't work.12:22
ParahSailinopennurbs intersection is closed?12:24
@kanzurecorrect, opennurbs is written by the same company that develops rhinocad and it's proprietary because they want rhino to be a thing you use12:26
ParahSailinwhat is https://github.com/louipc/opennurbs/blob/master/opennurbs_intersect.cpp12:28
ParahSailinoh i see, its not spline spline intersection12:28
ParahSailinpaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0010-4485(84)90002-212:30
gradstudentbotHeh, undergrads.12:30
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@kanzureParahSailin: if you have time.. trying to get brlcad bindings to work would be cool. especially for the nurbs stuff.12:42
@kanzureeventually i would like to have python and jvascript bindings (either seedjs or nodejs.. probably both), maybe jni bindings, and then some way to stuff it into golang or haskell.12:43
ParahSailinwhy bindings for all the things?12:46
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@kanzureParahSailin: because i want to kill openscad, pythonocc, python-heekscad, freecad-python, and all the other terrible non-starters. you can't even use heekspython outside of heekscad. blah.12:53
@kanzureParahSailin: also because i think that the current brlcad options are really lame. you can either use their mged editor script thing, or you can write in tk/tcl, or you can compile a program that #includes their libraries and static/dynamic links to it... lame. i'm not going to write a jet-engine.c file and compile it every time i want to render a new version!12:54
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nmz787kanzure: so if i head down to sf i'm gonna try to meet openbiotech ppl13:21
nmz787anyone know of anything else happening/worth visiting friday or the weekend?13:21
@kanzurejuul is doing counter culture labs things13:21
@kanzureand then there is the synthetic biology class at biocurious13:22
@kanzurethere's a party at synthego13:22
@kanzureprobably something you could do with transcriptic13:22
@kanzurebrownies: you might want to go to the synthego party just to amuse yourself at the biotech startup scene13:22
brownieskanzure: synthego?13:23
@kanzurejust some random biotech startup, who cares13:23
@kanzurebut i'm sure some people will be there13:23
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nmz787yeah going down for that party13:33
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@kanzurebrownies: 2013-07-20 5pm-late 990 La Mesa Drive, Portola Valley, CA http://www.google.com/url?q=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F13xmXjk&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNFgLt09J3SkItgTUp-rY6m-8sKF7Q13:39
@kanzureerm i mean http://bit.ly/13xmXjk13:39
@kanzureerm i mean https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1f1NUOMUyyG8opYEjS6vb__4DrmovZj70nBUO8KFtZHc/viewform13:39
@kanzuregod damn redirects13:39
yoleauxinteresting stuff from Moyashimon13:42
heathi was watching these episodes while internet free13:43
heathaccording to google adwords, not a lot of people search for open source hardware13:45
heathor open source phone13:45
heathopen hardware summit gets about 4700 hits monthly13:45
@kanzureno that's queries, not clicks13:45
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delinquentmepaperbot, http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v498/n7454/full/nature12217.html14:13
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brownieskanzure: portola valley? classy. but i wouldn't know anyone... might be weird.14:34
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@kanzurebrownies: nmz78714:35
-!- Juul [~Juul@c-67-170-193-114.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap14:37
@kanzureor you can take Juul14:44
Juultake me out for ice cream?14:44
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nmz787Juul: are you back in the Usa?14:51
nmz787brownies: you got a polo and some slacks?14:51
Juulnmz787, i haven't left14:51
Juulthough i would have liked to go to ohm, it seems it's not happening14:51
nmz787so let's all party on some other dudes' bill14:51
Juulwhat kinda party?14:52
nmz787series a funding for synthego14:52
nmz787which supposedly is some kind of dna synth company14:52
@kanzurethey might be lying of course14:52
@kanzureabout synthesis14:52
nmz787which is why we go party there14:52
gradstudentbotOh great, my paper got accepted with no revisions. Nice.14:53
@kanzurethey haven't presented any evidence that they do synthesis, but who knows14:53
nmz787someone at transcriptic said they are facebook friends with someone there14:53
nmz787who remarked on facebook a while ago something like "the science works!"14:53
nmz787but even the person i talked with wasn't sure what that really meanth14:54
@kanzurethe echo chamber effect is pretty strong14:54
@kanzureyou'll get used to it14:54
Juulwhat are they claiming they can do?14:56
Juulvoice-activated augmented reality html5 cloud-based dna synthesis?14:56
Juulnmz787, when and where is this event?14:57
nmz787saturday 5pm south-west bay14:58
Juulmidpeninsula eh?14:58
nmz787i think mid lower14:58
Juuli may or may not be in san diego14:58
nmz787lower mid14:58
Juulwait, wasn't there another event at hacker dojo14:59
Juuloh yeah, the BACH roundtable14:59
@fennwe all sit around a table getting drunk and singing bach rounds15:00
Juulso i guess i'm in the same area at the same time15:00
Juuli could come by and have a free beer and pretend i'm a startup person? fun times?15:01
browniesnmz787: there's a dress code?15:06
browniesperhaps you don't know how startup folks dress...15:06
browniesa polo and slacks is the SF startup equivalent of black tie15:06
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heathhrm, some guys from SF are trying to create a js web framework based on functional programming principles15:09
heathfunctional programming languages:  4,420 queries15:09
heathnot sure how they plan on monetizing thie venture15:09
heathmeteor went the PAAS route15:09
heathand are supposedly having problems15:10
heath$12 million in funding isn't terrible15:10
heaththat was a few years ago15:10
heathsurely they haven't went through all of that by now15:10
nmz787brownies: you said classy!15:10
heathfenn: where are you working?15:13
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@fennheath: i'm not working atm, half-assedly looking for a job15:22
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@kanzureJuul: if you are in san diego then you should visit yashgaroth and jonathan__________15:23
heathfenn: what kind of job are you looking for?15:23
@fennthe tail is how you know he's a super-saiyan15:23
Juulkanzure, thanks!15:23
@kanzureheath: is it meteorjs?15:23
heaththat's the one15:24
@kanzure"trying".. i'm pretty sure they already wrote it.15:24
@kanzureor they are lying to you15:24
@fennlegions of fanboys can't be wrong15:24
@kanzuredidn't you live with the meteorjs person15:24
@fennyeah, i did. meteor actually looks pretty cool, but i don't know what i'd use it for15:25
heathkanzure: the functional programming centric web framework isn't meteor, it hasn't been built yet15:25
heathi have issues with it15:25
@kanzurei don't know why i would want to use meteor either. why can't i just use angularjs/backbonejs/other standard components.15:26
@kanzurei guess they are trying to monetize the all-in-one package. since every javascript programmer seems to be an idiot that ignores their own standards. ugh.15:26
@kanzureheath: hey if you want to do helpful javascript things, help me write a commonjs implementation for gnome seedjs15:27
heaththe original of that rant is gone :|15:28
@kanzurewtf "Meteor doesn’t use NPM"15:28
@kanzurewhy would they choose to do that15:28
heaththey have since fixed this15:28
heathand there is a way to get a RESTful api15:28
@kanzurei don't care about the restful api shit, thta can be included from a node module on npm15:28
@kanzureif you don't support package.json, that's shooting yourself in the foot. you are basically committing yourself to perpetual js spaghetti.15:29
heathwhen i was looking at it, i was planning an app that would run on the phone natively, converting a meteor app to something that can be ran on a phone is a nightmare15:29
@kanzurecordova has recently added npm support for managing the javascript-side of things15:29
heathif you go the express + angular route, then you can just cut out your express portion and let phonegap convert it15:29
@kanzurethat's not the right way to do phonegap15:30
@kanzureoh, i see what you mean. not over http.15:30
@kanzurebut no, you don't need to "cut out".. you should have a library that you call into to access your core js.15:30
@kanzurethis is just basic design and separatoin of components :(15:30
@kanzureblah. rant over.15:31
@fenni love how every language develops its own set of opaquely-named libraries that all do more or less the same thing15:31
@kanzureimport os15:33
@kanzurei thought that was the point. you get bindings to all the system libraries.15:33
@kanzuregnome seed is pretty nice because it takes all of gtk's system bindings (gobject) and dumps them into javascript. or rather, it is just a javascript interoperability layer.15:34
@fenncan i "import os" in node?15:34
chris_99whats the gnome js for?15:34
@kanzureyou can do it in gnome seedjs, which is like node except jsc instead of v815:34
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@kanzureand gnome seedjs suffers from less attention than node. nobody has written require() for gnome seed.15:34
@fennwhy the hell does require() even need to be written15:35
@kanzurethere's a few other common api stuff that has to be implemented15:35
@kanzureand then the vast majority of javascript written for browsers and nodejs will just "magically work"15:35
@kanzurebut instead gnome seed implemented this crazy custom thing called "imports"15:35
@kanzureso you type "imports.gi.os" to get "os".. and "imports.myfile" to get "myfile.js".15:36
@kanzurenaturally, none of the stuff on http://npmjs.org/ uses "imports.myfile".15:36
@kanzurebut the advantage of gnome seed is that you have all of the gnome code (including bindings to webkitgtk+, which can be compiled from webkit.git whenever you please)15:37
@fennbut someone can just make a wrapper for imports, right?15:38
@fennor require, or whatever the other way of doing it is15:38
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@kanzurefenn: yeah, i was doing that, but it requires a change to seed's C code15:39
@kanzurefenn: there needs to be a way to pass in a string and get it compiled (i am hesitant to use eval())15:40
@kanzurethis was my attempt but it didn't work https://github.com/kanzure/seed/commit/d5bcaea5db544619f1ec1b89e17126d5eee1973415:40
@fennbecause imports is hardcoded? (in c)15:40
@kanzurethe problem is that i couldn't get my function exposed in the global context or w/e15:40
@kanzurei was very confused15:40
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@fenndidn't we learn this lesson already and decide to use pypy15:40
@kanzurethis is how phantomjs does it: https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/src/phantom.cpp#L362 see loadModule15:41
chris_99so does seedjs require gnome to be installed in full?15:41
@kanzureno, just some core components15:41
@fennchris_99: keep in mind there's a huge difference between "gnome" and "gtk"15:41
@fenngtk is actually "gimp toolkit" fwiw15:42
chris_99indeed fenn15:42
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@kanzureso, i want this to replace phantomjs15:42
@kanzurephantomjs vendorizes qt 4.8 and qtwebkit from qt 4.8.. so you can't just get a new webkit version whenever you want15:43
@kanzureand phantomjs doesn't even make sense anyway; why not just write javascript that uses the webkit api.15:43
@kanzurethe webkitgtk+ gobject bindings actually let you access html dom stuff directly15:43
@fennmaybe they couldn't do everything they wanted with the api15:44
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@fenn(the obvious workaround there would be to add whatever functionality you need to the api)15:44
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@kanzureyes that's what my commit was15:46
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@fenni meant change webkit's API15:49
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browniesnmz787: heh.15:51
@fennso, i thought js was interpreted. is seed doing something totally different?15:51
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@fennhuh, guess i was wrong. "V8 compiles JavaScript to native machine code (IA-32, x86-64, ARM, or MIPS CPUs)[3][6] before executing it, instead of more traditional techniques such as executing bytecode or interpreting it. The compiled code is additionally optimized (and re-optimized) dynamically at runtime, based on heuristics of the code's execution profile."15:56
heathfun fact, try/catch statements aren't optimized as of old information from ~4months ago15:57
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@kanzurefenn: seed is compiled wrapping/binaries between javascriptcore and gnome library stuff.16:04
@kanzurei think maybe eval is sufficient... maybe.16:22
@kanzurenot enough time in the day16:22
@kanzurethat seedjs compile() stuff needs to be fixed16:22
@kanzureand brlcad really needs bindings16:22
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heathwish my phone didn't break this morning, there's a deer 20 feet directly behind my computer screen grazing in my front yard16:28
heathit's so cute16:28
@bkerokill it and eat it16:28
heathit's eating from some bushes of mine :)16:28
gradstudentbotI think our octopus might be smarter than me.16:30
heathfuck, it just shit on my sidewalk16:36
heathson of a16:36
heathok, those flowers were expensive16:36
heathgod dammit16:36
* heath walks outside for a bit16:36
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nmz787so what are the selected linux distros mentioned to support secure boot? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface#Secure_boot17:51
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delinquentmegradstudentbot, whats your dissertation focus?18:06
gradstudentbotNo no no no! Use your key commands!18:06
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jonathan_"""The main point of the video that I have been shooting at BTnB has been so that I can perform a microsociological analysis on how people come together to launch and sustain a biohacking space. """   WHO LET THAT HUMANITIES MAJOR IN HERE ?18:15
jonathan_well back in the day there were (still are) a bunch of fruitloops bent on being "archeologists of digital culture"  wth that means18:22
jonathan_""It is perfectly legitimate, I should add, for anyone including myself to observe public gatherings-- ""18:24
jonathan_city building != public gathering place?18:24
jonathan_or clarification.. city building leased to private entity?18:24
@kanzurei think journos don't realize that when they walk in and claim things are impossible for them to understand, it's really insulting18:29
@kanzurewhat, i didn't work hard to do what i do?18:30
jonathan_anywayz i think I got a biz opp just now for kombucha of all friggin things18:30
@kanzureyou think i strolled out of my mom's vagina and magically knew this shit?18:30
jonathan_geez kids these days have it so easy18:31
@kanzurescrum was originally "get the fuck out of their way" ? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=605456018:31
jonathan_everything you want to know is on google or wikipedia for f' sake18:31
@kanzurei'm pretty sure that's not how it's practiced18:32
@kanzureagile scrum etc18:32
jonathan_just like "hacking" used to be about "do cool things for fun and ego" not "to protect potential profit streams I don't realize now but 15 years from now by artificial license lockups"18:33
jonathan_well nowadays people just say "we're doing agile" because it sounds hip, flavor of the month18:34
jonathan_even though what they really mean is:  "we have no plan and no capability to plan so basically it's just chaos and nothing is written down because no one is talented enough to write things down"18:34
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@kanzurejonathan_: people act like i'm talented just for being able to type18:37
jonathan_max dude this sangria is some mighty fine stuff18:37
jonathan_yea!  and clearly they are right!18:38
jonathan_cause most people cant type..  hell I work with 40 people regularly and not one of them can take meeting minutes worth a damn18:38
@kanzureall of the meetings i go to end up with full transcripts (typed by me)18:39
@kanzurei am also able to coherently say relevant things, but unfortunately i don't type the things i say. this is probably a mistake.18:39
jonathan_even the project manager new fancy hire guy told me one time, "I can't be expected to take meeting notes while running the meeting"18:39
jonathan_I told him what I thought of that idea18:39
@kanzureyou should just bring me in i guess. i could also do software things i guess.18:39
jonathan_you dont type the things you say.  that is an odd statement18:39
@kanzureyou have 200 MB of RAM, right? so 8 bytes per character is no problem, right?18:40
@kanzurewell, i mean, when i'm in a meeting18:40
@kanzureand i'm typing a transcript, and i say something, it's hard for me to both type it out and also talk at the same time18:40
jonathan_I told them they better hire a transcriptionist, they arent that expensive18:40
@kanzurea good one?18:40
jonathan_oh I think you should just practice that it is quite natural18:40
@kanzurelike, even tv caption people seem to miss everything18:40
jonathan_no, it doesnt have to be a good transcriptionist, tech meetings are slow overall, who cares about typos, just collect the main content / theme / agreements18:41
@kanzurehaha my transcripts would blow you away18:41
@kanzurei catch everything in a meeting18:41
@kanzureand then at the end i also have a fancypants todo list18:41
@kanzurethat represents what everyone actually agreed to18:41
jonathan_I think I went off on a rant on the project manager "well let me see I ran the last meeting and I typed meeting minutes and I ran the bug tracking system at the same time, so I do it, you can too"18:41
jonathan_anywayz I'm taking my sangria to the sunset brb18:42
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gradstudentbotI forgot to make a control group.18:44
heathi didn't find agile scrum to be effective at getting much done18:47
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jonathan_need a tight lead.  it works well.19:04
jonathan_well ok i've been successful with something I guess other people call agile xp scrum when in fact it is actually:  todo list review, revise & reprioritize, dont interrupt the devs and answer all outstanding q's definitively so devs dont have to stop & think  (including myself)19:06
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heathi really appreciate python's consistent styling19:15
jonathan_everyone always groans at python's whitespace requirements at first19:17
@kanzurei don't19:18
jonathan_at first?19:18
jonathan_like "omg wtf is this"19:18
@kanzurejust don't mix tabs and whitespace in my repos and i'm happy19:19
jonathan_like "its enforcing ws how lame & retarded"19:19
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jonathan_after the first week or so, then people like it19:20
jonathan_the ws thing is why I avoided python in early versions too19:20
gradstudentbotNobody has tried this before.19:21
jonathan_linkedin is getting scary.  dunno why ex gf's pop up there.  it's not good.19:21
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jonathan_conductive gold nanoparticles + antibodies = ?19:26
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* heath misses his third monitor19:39
yashgarothdoesn't linkedin harvest email info from people dumb enough to let them19:39
jonathan_10nm gold nanoparticle has conductivity of 2.5e-2 across f=(10hz,10e5hz)  fyi19:40
jonathan_"measured conductivity values increased with the decreasing of gold nanoparticle size"  any reasons for why this might be?19:41
jonathan_oh constant concentration hm19:42
ParahSail1nin suspension?19:42
jonathan_max you callin my ex gf's dumb?19:42
jonathan_"aqueous solution"  hm19:43
yashgarothto give linkedin the password to their email? also what article are you referencing here19:43
ParahSail1nits well known that the main mechanism of electron conduction in those sorts of situations is tunneling19:43
ParahSail1nthe more small particles, the less the average distance between them, so tunneling goes faster19:43
jonathan_so lemme see all we's haves to dos is increase nanoparticle uptake by cancer cells and then apply the electrodes, ZAP FRY19:44
jonathan_I guess I naively supposed that the nanoparticles would behave like mini capacitor plates. apparently not19:45
jonathan_tunneling, hm   I'll check that out later19:46
jonathan_this is from DOI: 10.5897/IJPS11.107319:46
ParahSail1npaperbot, http://dx.doi.org/10.5897/IJPS11.107319:50
ParahSail1ntunneling is actually how the electron transport chain works19:51
ParahSail1nas in, mitochondria and chloroplast19:51
jonathan_oh really, hm19:52
ParahSail1npaperbot, http://www.pnas.org/content/107/45/19157.full19:53
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jonathan_""Brian Murray The Photonics Group  I'm a technical recruiter and I have 2 mid level firmware engineering openings with one of my clients and the location is outside of Philadelphia, PA. "20:07
jonathan_"In 1986, SCRUM consisted of choosing an elite team of experts, throwing them into a room, and telling them to solve a problem with seemingly impossible goals."  --> I thought this was SKUNKWORKS..  not SCRUM20:11
ParahSail1ni forget what the tech requirement for a skunkworks is20:14
jonathan_lol is that a joke20:17
jonathan_skunkworks operate w/o requirements ;-D20:17
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jonathan_the problem is that non-smart devs cant handle agile/scrum/skunk/xp whatever you might want to call it.   they need a stone tablet with spec written on it and their job & only job is to build according to that spec w/o deviation.  otherwise they will get lost.20:19
jonathan_umm maybe it's called "critical thinking" i dunno20:19
ParahSail1nadvanced subatomic theory in think lets you build skunkworks, but its not really worth building them in very many colony bases20:20
jonathan_uhh you lost me20:21
jonathan_gradstudentbot did you understand that?20:21
gradstudentbotCan I get Saturday off?20:21
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jonathan_"" Dr Poulter's first experience with the Church's actions online came in the early 90s when he was browsing a newsgroup called alt.religion.scientology, a place where critics and ex-members were posting information on the Church. "The reaction from the Church of Scientology was that it went really beserk," recalls Dr Poulter. With the help of local authorities, houses belonging to newsgroup users across the US were raided, with21:11
jonathan_computer equipment being seized for weeks on end.  "The days of the internet as a cozy, private, intellectual cocktail party are over," technology magazine Wired prophetically declared in 1995."   http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-23273109 How Scientology changed the internet21:11
gradstudentbotFriends don't let friends go to super school.21:13
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jonathan_paperbot http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00897990367a22:08
jonathan_paperbot http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S037887410000161622:11
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jonathan_paperbot i luv u, oh no no, i luv u more, oh oh no no, i luv you most!22:12
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jonathan_""Kiera Wilmot, 16, was arrested in April and sent to an alternative school after she mixed household products in a water bottle, causing a small explosion on the grounds of Bartow High School. The felony charges were dropped last month, and now Wilmot’s lawyer says the youth will be allowed to return to Bartow in the fall, the Orlando Sentinel reports.  Wilmot, who has served a 10-day suspension, says she is eager to return t23:35
jonathan_Bartow, the story reports. She says she brought the water bottle and products to school to show a science teacher for a possible class project. She says friends coaxed her into mixing the items, however, before the school day began."""23:35
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jonathan_paperbot http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/ed300254523:49
jonathan_paperbot http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/ed300255723:50
jonathan_paperbot http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/ed300256a23:51
AdifexFor every case like that, I wonder how many there are that don't make the news23:52
AdifexI'm advising a high school student who wants to build a fusion reactor. If a water bottle of chemicals is worth felony charges, I wonder what a fusion reactor is worth.23:54
jonathan_paperbot http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/ed300396x23:54
jonathan_hopefully he doesnt do it anywhere near a school ground where laws can be very very strict23:55
jonathan_many of those laws are due to the u.s. war on drugs23:55
Adifexthen again, a small fusion reactor is probably safer than a bunch of household chemicals23:55
gradstudentbotIf I was your endoplasmic reticulum, would you want me smooth or would you want me rough?23:55
jonathan_Developing Tools for Undergraduate Spectroscopy: An Inexpensive Visible Light Spectrometer  DOI: 10.1021/ed300396x    "The design and implementation of an inexpensive, high-resolution Littrow-type visible light spectrometer is presented. The instrument is built from low-cost materials and interfaced with the program RSpec for real-time spectral analysis, making it useful for classroom and laboratory exercises. Using a diffractio23:56
jonathan_grating ruled at 1200 lines/mm and blazed in the first order, the spectrometer was found to have a resolution (R = λ/Δλ) of 7500 (0.07 nm) at 525 nm allowing for detailed spectroscopic experiments such as an analysis of the iodine vibronic spectrum or multiplet line splitting in the solar spectrum. The simple design of the spectrometer makes it possible to exchange gratings of different lines/mm easily."23:56
-!- kmo [122@d30-138.icpnet.pl] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:57
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-!- kmo is now known as kajetan23:57
-!- Adifex [~Adifex@75-148-41-126-Colorado.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has quit [Quit: Adifex]23:57
jonathan_holy electron23:58
jonathan_they call it "low cost" and it has a $200 camera, $105 diffration grating, and $50 at least of optics23:59
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