
--- Log opened Sat Aug 03 00:00:44 2013
heath.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs1u3dIRcyY00:14
yoleauxDr. Laura Landweber - "Epigenetics: Rewriting the information in DNA" - YouTube00:14
heathfenn: that would be the better video00:14
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strangewarphttp://www.dhs.gov/how-we-fuck-you-in-your-ass - hmm02:05
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-!- Topic for ##hplusroadmap: biohacking, nootropics, transhumanism, open hardware | sponsored by george church and the NRA | http://gnusha.org/logs http://diyhpl.us/wiki http://groups.google.com/group/diybio | banned by the Federal Death Administration | official paperbot fan club06:54
-!- Topic set by kanzure [~kanzure@] [Sat Mar 23 20:40:45 2013]06:54
[Users ##hplusroadmap]06:54
[@bkero ] [ chris_99 ] [ heath ] [ nully ] [ Shehrazad_ ] [ underscor ] 06:54
[@kanzure ] [ cogitokat ] [ HEx1 ] [ oblique ] [ sivoais ] [ upgrayeddd] 06:54
[@nmz787 ] [ Coornail ] [ ivan` ] [ paperbot ] [ smeaaagle ] [ Urchin ] 06:54
[ abetusk ] [ devrandom ] [ jrayhawk_ ] [ ParahSailin ] [ spresser ] [ yoleaux ] 06:54
[ AlonzoTG ] [ EnLilaSko ] [ juri_ ] [ ParaSa1lin ] [ strangewarp] [ yorick ] 06:54
[ archels ] [ fenn ] [ juul ] [ pasky ] [ streety ] [ Zhwazi ] 06:54
[ AshleyWaffle] [ fredox ] [ lichen ] [ phryk ] [ superkuh ] [ zubaz ] 06:54
[ audy ] [ gnusha ] [ lupfantomo ] [ randallagordon] [ Thomas42_ ] 06:54
[ balrog ] [ gnusha_ ] [ monkeynipples] [ rigel ] [ ThomasEgi ] 06:54
[ brownies ] [ gradstudentbot] [ nsh ] [ ryankarason ] [ Thorbinator] 06:54
[ Burninate ] [ Guest10542 ] [ nuba_ ] [ saurik ] [ ua ] 06:54
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-!- Channel ##hplusroadmap created Thu Feb 25 23:40:30 201006:54
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@kanzurebleep boop07:49
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fredoxthat reminds me07:54
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@kanzurefredox: ?08:25
@kanzureyashgaroth: sup08:25
yashgarothapparently the guy who brought in a bunch of equipment to the lab has been asked to remove it by assaydepot guy08:26
fredoxi never grabbed the last venture bros08:26
ParaSa1linbrock dies08:27
@kanzurebrock dies? aw fuck.08:29
@kanzureoh that's right, the later seasons have some other voice actor08:29
@kanzureyashgaroth: so they just didn't want the equipment?08:39
yashgarothI doubt it, since it was over half of our stuff...maybe some sort of personal falling-out that everyone else has to deal with08:39
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yashgarothadmittedly 90% of his stuff was obsolete and/or broken but still, the one working -80 and floor centrifuge and power supplies and such08:40
ParaSa1linhow was nmz787's spec going anyway08:40
gradstudentbotWhere are the hot plates?08:40
ParaSa1linthats a project with some prospect08:40
@kanzureParahSailin: i think he's still busy trying to find someone who knows optics things08:41
ParaSa1linput out a craigslist ad for one08:51
ParaSa1linor buy one of the chinese knockoffs and reverse engineer a reverse engineered nanodrop08:51
ParaSa1linid be willing to pay a little extra to see it complete sooner08:54
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@kanzureyeah i don't remember what his holdup is. i thought it was optics, like sourcing a lense or something?09:13
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@kanzureoh.. hello me, https://gist.github.com/kanzure/555826709:45
@kanzurei wish i would have also published commit-cleaner.py because it's currently on another machine09:45
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abetuskDid you see the guideline change on Kickstarter?  "Projects cannot offer genetically modified organisms as a reward."  http://www.kickstarter.com/help/guidelines10:41
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abetuskI think it has a chilling effect on future projects.  Very short sighted11:06
@kanzureit doesn't matter, that's just kickstarter11:08
abetuskit does matter.  Biology projects will benefit from crowd funding, of which Kickstarter is a major player11:13
@kanzurekickstarter isn't doing the crowdfunding11:14
@kanzurei think you have it backwards?11:14
cogitokatHow do I respond to a message that was sent before I joined the mailing list?11:15
abetuskthey facilitate crowd funding.  They provide the infrastructure for crowd funding projects11:15
@kanzureabetusk: i think you can just scrape the list of people who donated to biocurious/glowing plant/whatever and just email them directly. problem solved.11:16
abetuskkanzure, I'm not so sure.  That list is certainly important, but I think there is a large market for people with low involvement in the DIY bio community that would like to donate/fund/invest in such projects11:17
@kanzureit's not investing11:17
yashgarothkickstarter projects have all the donors' emails listed publicly?11:17
@kanzureno, but i have their emails because i stalked everyone11:17
yashgarothhaha fair enough11:17
@kanzureand i have a database of people who have monetarily contributed to those projects11:17
@kanzure(because fuck kickstarter)11:17
abetuskit depends on how liberal your definition of investing is.11:17
abetuskWhen I fund open source projects, I consider it an investment11:18
@kanzuremaybe you should stick with SEC definitions11:18
abetuskfair enough11:18
@kanzureanyway, i think if those people exist then they would also exist outside of kickstarter.com11:18
abetuskAnd you could certainly go to some other crowd source funding sight, create your own, etc., but Kickstarter is one of the largest11:19
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@nmz787ParaSa1lin: being lazy on layout... circuit schematic is done, started layout.. need to get through it once and have a mixed-signal guru look it over12:12
@nmz787optics are simple, if the chinese company didn't rip me off for a slug of random plastic with lines on it, it should be plug n chug (or play)12:12
@nmz787(simple was a huge realization, after I learned how complex it all really is)12:13
@nmz787simple but it has to be done right12:13
@nmz787figuring out what is right was hard12:13
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fredox"Taq works best at a G/C content of no more than 50%. Addition of extra Mg2+ and optimization will usually work for up to 60%. For even higher G/C templates, Taq is unreliable." -> OpenTaq = 59% gc12:41
@kanzurewhat is opentaq?12:43
@kanzuredo you mean one of the unpatented taq variants?12:43
yashgarothdo you mean the gene sequence for the opentaq protein is 59% gc? because that's irrelevant to what sequences the protein will amplify12:47
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fredoxsequence is open source -> protein is sold. Idea was use sequence as test run for synth, then use to make your own protein. kinda ironic that it dosen't like amping its own source12:54
fredoxkanzure: http://www.openbiotech.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/popentaq%20datasheet.pdf12:55
@kanzurei'm confused about what you are complaining about13:03
@kanzurecan you state your complaint in the form of heckling?13:03
@kanzurealso, i forgot that john called his thing opentaq. that's sort of a douche move but whatever. from henceforth we shall refer to that as schloendorn taq.13:04
fredoxHey Taq, why dont you go amplify yourself? Oh thats right you cant hahaha13:04
@kanzureunreliable doesn't mean it never works13:04
fredoxyeah but i dont want use something that apparently unrelaible as a test for prototype function verifaction13:06
fredoxfication even13:06
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@kanzureeh, you could just sample a few thousand different polymerases i guess13:21
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@kanzuretry searching through ncbi for polymerases that have an even distribution of nucleotides13:22
fredoxI've just beeen looking around for a good simple target to test in the kb range. seemed fortuitous to notice that13:23
fredoxbut yeah i'll have a look13:24
@kanzuremost people use gfp because they can force an ecoli to express it13:24
yashgarothwhat about, like, the rest of the opentaq plasmid? looks like it's about 50/50 gc13:25
@kanzuremost oligo synthesizers can't synthesize gfp13:25
@kanzure(without forcing you to manually ligate oligos together)13:29
@kanzurebut if you're okay with ligation then you should be okay with synthesizing 25 bp fragments at a time13:29
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anannieOkay, so for week 1 I created a three wheeled drag racer... (I didn't have a differential )16:09
@kanzurewhere are the leocad files16:10
ananniekanzure: Leocad doesn't run on my tiny netbook I'm afraid16:11
@kanzurebecause of ram?16:11
anannieYes and the lousy atom CPU16:11
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@kanzurenot because of architecture?16:12
@kanzuredo you get an error message when you try to run leocad?16:13
anannieIt's been a while16:15
anannieI don't remember16:15
anannieI'll try to do it again and I'll tell you what happens16:17
ThomasEgianannie, that thing needs propper bearings and about 300W more power output on the wheels ;)16:17
ananniehttp://imgur.com/a/cHAN7#0 <--- corrected the photos16:18
anannieThomasEgi: Heh. I'm afraid that's the best I can do right now16:18
ThomasEgiyou'll grow up to play with bigger motors one day16:20
anannieThomasEgi: I already have...16:23
ThomasEgigrown up or played with bigger motors ;)16:24
anannieI've played with bigger motors16:25
anannieand I'm still growing up, so there isn't anything I can say over there...16:26
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ThomasEgigrowing up ain't that important. the motors however.. are so fun :316:38
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@nmz787looks cool anannie17:51
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AshleyWafflerelevant cause diy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9cK_TMLvjI19:36
yoleauxSoda can Stirling engine - 860 rpm - YouTube19:38
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anannieI've been reading the wikipedia article for stirling engines AshleyWaffle and even though I studied thermodynamics intently once upon a time, it isn't immediately obvious to me why this works20:37
anannieI mean I've read about the entire carnot cycle, but I don't grok why on earth this actually works20:40
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tomkinscpaperbot: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00028018#page-122:21
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ananniebrownies: I didn't fancy seeing you in here :)23:30
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--- Log closed Sun Aug 04 00:00:03 2013

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