
--- Log opened Wed Aug 07 00:00:48 2013
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drazakkanzure: the everyone gets a trophy attitude on diybio is awful01:06
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nmz787drazak: ?01:41
nmz787anyone around who can help with some javascript scope crap01:42
drazaknmz787: dakota's last post on diybio01:42
nmz787i'm giving an element an id (it didn't have one previously) with $('blah').attr('id', someVar)01:42
drazaknmz787: I'm Ben Gadoua on diybio btw01:42
nmz787i thought his post was good01:43
nmz787it's nice to see some kit dev01:43
nmz787i didn't really look into the specifics01:43
drazakhis post was awful and what we know if his method is awful01:43
nmz787he's doing something01:44
nmz787personally i learned aseptic tech in my moms kitchen in highschool, seeing th eothers contam in college lab was crazy01:44
drazakbut if you have the stuff to flame sterilize, which is ethanol and a lighter01:45
drazakwhy not do it01:45
drazaklike... seriously01:45
nmz787it doesn't say he didnt' use flame01:45
drazakit does in the blog post01:45
nmz787he did01:45
nmz787well that's pretty weird01:45
drazakIn this experiment, we wanted to test the bare minimum (ie, no flame, no hood) and see if we could get a control with no growth and samples that looked like endophytic fungi were growing from them.01:46
drazakI'm unsure what the expense or hardship of flame sterilization is01:46
nmz787in nepal they had some high grade rice ferments, not sure if they had stills, but they must have01:46
nmz787dunn oif it would have burned, so that's the extreme i guess01:47
nmz787but then those people without a copper coil still, wouldn't have petri dishes (glass or plastic)01:47
nmz787meh, whatever... he had decent results01:47
nmz787which is a good point01:47
gradstudentbotI have to read all these articles.01:48
nmz787had sterile water01:48
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drazaknmz787: oh you have results that are impossible to recreate?01:49
nmz787yeah looks like the only contam issue would be the tweezers used to transfer01:49
nmz787since after cutting he's rinsing in bleach and sterile water01:49
nmz787drazak: are you still in WNY?01:50
drazaklooking at my old posts? :P01:52
nmz787BC or WA?01:53
nmz787I'm just outside Portland OR now01:53
nmz787(used to be in Rochester NY)01:53
nmz787so we have moved in parallel somewhat01:53
drazakoh right openwetware was a thing01:54
drazakwonder what my user account's name is01:59
drazakoh hey found it02:02
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ParahSail1nthe flame sterilization is kind of a voodoo ritual05:18
drazakParahSail1n: dunno about that05:19
ParahSail1nmy last lab didnt have convenient gas outlets on the desk so we just didnt do that mysticism05:19
ParahSail1ni just held my breath and didnt let stuff uncovered for very long05:19
ParahSail1nnever got a bottle of lb contaminated05:20
ParahSail1nmaybe the holding the breath was also mysticism though05:20
drazakyeah maybe05:21
ParahSail1nbut i poured plates like that too05:22
drazakParahSail1n: dunno, I'm in the "better safe than sorry" camp05:38
drazakParahSail1n: mysticism about baked upippette tips instead of just autoclaved, etc05:39
drazakParahSail1n: read under tips and tubes http://www.invitrogen.com/site/us/en/home/References/Ambion-Tech-Support/nuclease-enzymes/general-articles/the-basics-rnase-control.html#105:41
drazakParahSail1n: if you are getting pipette tips that need to be autoclaved anyway, you need to bake them to ensure they are RNAase free05:42
ParahSail1ni just used bought tips05:44
ParahSail1nfor when i was doing molecular stuff05:44
drazakyeah if your lab is cheap as fuck you need to do that sort of stuff05:44
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chidoI set my hair on fire once, I could do without the ritual07:32
ParahSailinany suitable sacrifice will power the ritual07:47
ParahSailindoesnt have to be natural gas07:48
ParahSailini know people who leave one plate intentionally uncovered as the sacrifice07:49
ParahSailinthat plate gets infected and everything else gets spared07:49
ParahSailinblood sacrifice is another classic07:50
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@kanzuredrazak: yes, the trophies-for-everyone attitude is terrible. "my journey is about doing science without doing science. teehee!"08:15
@kanzurenmz787: openwetware.org is sorta dead. they fired their staff and sysadmin.08:16
@kanzureParahSailin: maybe there is a way to automate the blood sacrifice08:17
ParahSailinnot really a need to automate that, an ounce of blood has the same efficacy whether sacrificed all at once or spread over the course of the hour08:19
-!- AshleyWaffle [~quassel@unaffiliated/anastasiawyatt] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]08:21
ParahSailinalso doesnt seem to matter if the method of sacrifice is fire, spilling on soil, or poured down drain or toilet08:22
drazakkanzure: yeah...08:22
drazakkanzure: I'm not saying these people are all necessarily doing bad science08:22
ananniepaperbot: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=611414508:30
-!- Adillian [~Adillian@] has joined ##hplusroadmap08:34
drazakkanzure: do I need something to be able to get the papers from the link paperbot gives? I just get a blanke page >.>08:37
@kanzureno, you just need to complain at ParahSailin because he was the one who broke paperbot (the get.php stuff doesn't work)08:38
@kanzureeventually he will either disable it or fix it08:38
drazakkanzure: was I too rude to dakota?08:40
Adillianwhat's the consensus on psychoanalysis in here? important for interactions or not worth learning?08:40
@kanzuredrazak: no. i am the king of rudeness so i'm a little biased.08:40
drazakkanzure: heh08:41
Adillianhttp://changingminds.org/ - this is the best I've found at the moment08:41
drazakkanzure: dunno but there is a lot of fucking useless halfassed shit on diybio08:41
Adillianbut I get the feeling that a lot of the more capable stuff is kept quiet about, due to the power it would grant people over one another08:41
drazakkanzure: do I still have dit rights on openwetware08:41
@kanzuredrazak: openwetware.org is unmaintained08:41
@kanzureAdillian: you're reading too much into it and you're falling for a scam08:41
drazakkanzure: oh nmz787 was saying it's still a thing08:42
drazakI didn't think it was08:42
Adilliankanzure ; you've never attempted to illicit information from someone?08:42
@kanzurenmz787 was wrong. they fired bill like 4 years ago.08:42
@kanzureAdillian: you don't need to use "psychoanything" to get information from people.08:42
drazakoh rofl08:42
ParahSailinyou have illicit information?08:42
Adillianthere's no scam, this particular site may not be great..08:42
drazakno wonder there isn't a lot more stuff on it08:42
Adillianpeople lie, reading lies at the very least is useful08:42
drazakParahSail1n: hey fix get.php ya bum08:42
@kanzureAdillian: are you on any drugs08:42
Adillianthen there's learing to lie yourself08:43
Adilliankanzure: explain?08:43
@kanzureAdillian: most psychoanything sites are full of shit.08:43
@kanzureAdillian: it's not worth your time.08:43
ParahSailindrazak: rational apathy-- paperbot does everything for me that i need08:43
Adillianforget the word psychoanalysis.... let's start again. How can I best figure out how to understand other people08:43
drazakParahSailin: well fix it so I can get papers again >.>08:43
@kanzureAdillian: fuck other people, what have they ever done for you08:43
Adillianthere are a few obvious ones that people pick up in primary school..08:44
ParahSailindrazak: give me a sufficient carrot08:44
Adillianfuck them? ok, what better way than to understand them and get information out of them that they don't want you to see?08:44
Adillianwhy the hostility against this topic? bizarre08:44
@kanzurebecause you seem to be bad at it08:44
ParahSailin#lesswrong is a channel that likes to talk about psychology and dark arts08:44
Adillianblackmail is dangerous, and wastes opportunities, why burn them?08:44
ParahSailinmaybe you want to go there08:44
drazakParahSailin: eternal gratitude08:44
@kanzureoh yeah, that's true08:44
@kanzurego over there08:45
@kanzureinstead of here please.08:45
Adilliankanzure: i'm bad at it? ok.. forget this I don't know what your hostility against this is, it's just a question. I'll leave it.08:45
AdillianI will go there... thanks anyway08:45
@kanzurei am just generally hotsile. fuck off.08:45
Adillianok :)08:46
@kanzurei am allowed to be hostile08:46
@kanzureParahSailin: did you write a downloader by any chance?08:46
ParahSailinParahSail1n: nah i went to sleep last night08:47
@kanzureare you talking to yourself08:47
ParahSailinwhat ok i didnt get enough sleep either08:48
drazakkanzure: people in here talking to themselves?08:48
drazakwell that's new08:48
@kanzureyeah, ParahSailin == ParahSail1n08:48
@kanzureor ===08:48
@kanzuretoo much javascript :(08:48
@kanzurehttp://git.io/top pfft substack is #9. he is slacking.08:56
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Not-003[kanzure/papermonk] kanzure pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] http://git.io/kyWiPw09:05
Not-003[kanzure/papermonk] kanzure 72d6fd2 - remove plan() calls because end() is called anyway09:05
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chidowe actually had a sort of blood sacrifice at the lab today, my colleague ran into a door on his way to pick up his gel and had to do the purifying with a bleeding nose09:19
Not-003[kanzure/papermonk] kanzure pushed 2 commits to master [+0/-0/±2] http://git.io/A37qpg09:26
Not-003[kanzure/papermonk] kanzure 4c8279a - README: change section headers in markdown09:26
Not-003[kanzure/papermonk] kanzure b428f5b - README: art/bling because why not?09:26
@kanzurethere.. https://github.com/kanzure/papermonk#readme09:27
@kanzurecogitokat: thanks09:27
cogitokatkanzure, sure thing!09:28
Not-003[kanzure/papermonk] kanzure pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] http://git.io/lygSJQ09:30
Not-003[kanzure/papermonk] kanzure 283dbef - README: bibliometric -> bibliographic09:30
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nmz787"Nona Griffin reports on DIYbio and bioart. She was most recently a science fellow at the Eugene Lang College of the New School for Liberal Arts. Follow her on Twitter."13:01
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nsh.twho NanosByNona13:18
yoleaux@NanosByNona is “Nona Griffin” in New York — DIYbio &Bioart Reporter — and has 2 tweets, 4 followers, and follows 19.13:18
@kanzure"Genspace is hosting the journal club, and we will be connecting via zoom.us.  If you would like to join the meeting from afar (will not be at BioCurious), please make a zoom.us account and send me an email if you have not done so already. We will send the meeting link out to the group so all can attend."13:18
@kanzure"2012 Jinek paper, Science Vol 337, 2012."13:18
nmz787guess this http://genetics.wustl.edu/bio5491/files/2013/03/Jinek-et.-al.-2012.pdf13:20
nmz787CRISPR stuff13:21
heathwill someone in japan purchase this and ship it my way? http://www.7netshopping.jp/books/search_result/?fromSearchPage=1&title=&writer=&publisher=&info=&code=9784063648492&ctgySearchDetail=&extract=0&allGoods=0&nobuy=off&bprice=off&no_zaiko=off&publish_sy=&publish_sm=&publish_ey=&publish_em=&priceClassFrom=&priceClassTo=&submit22.x=0&submit22.y=013:54
heathsometime around xmas preferably13:55
heathhttp://www.7netshopping.jp/books/detail/-/accd/1102999920/subno/1 is the better link13:55
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heathmakoLime_origina: ping13:58
heathyou're japanese right? :P13:58
nmz787there needs to be a reliable online simpsons video snippet finder and link generator13:58
makoLime_originaheath, no.13:59
makoLime_originaNor a weaboo.13:59
nmz787like, i want to send my fried maybe 5 secs of a simpsons episode where Homer chokes a carboxyl group on a molecule model13:59
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nmz787hmm, this is as close as it gets http://babysimpson.co.uk/info/stranglings/small/aabf22_2.jpg14:00
nmz787heath: what is it?14:02
nmz787says ISBN but looks like a pocket pikachu14:02
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heathnmz787: i think it's special edition manga for the moyashimon series14:27
heathprobably shows different types of drinks popular in japan around that time, with a focus on the microbes used in making them14:27
heathi'm thinking yes14:28
heathevery cell phone i purchase these days breaks in a matter of months, this seems like it might last me a little longer14:29
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nmz787i've dropped this HTC evo 4g out of a moving car at ~40 MPH and it's still fine14:39
nmz787was filming the road14:39
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nmz787it came apart in pieces, it wouldn't boot until i reflashed the ROM (but the bootloader has a recovery, and I had a backup on the SD card, so I was back up in ~10 mins after I felt it was dry enough)14:40
nmz787(since it was also winter and a wet/snowy road in mountains14:40
heathplease don't tell me your war stories of your phones surviving falls, it makes me sick14:42
heathwell that's settled, i'm building one of these14:47
@kanzurebuilding a who what?14:47
heathlcd variant: https://github.com/damellis/cellphone2hw/blob/master/Components/BOM.pdf?raw=true14:49
heathbom for lcd variant*14:49
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poppingt`what's that weird where the Github logo usually is?14:59
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poppingt`weird icon*14:59
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nmz787heath just get a MIL grade phone, the republic wireless phone is one of those15:15
nmz787can't beat the $20 or $30 a month either for 3G15:15
Urchin[emacs]mil grade?15:21
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heathUrchin[emacs]: mil as in .mil as in military :)15:32
heathsee http://www.alibaba.com/showroom/military-grade-phones.html15:32
gradstudentbotMy experiment was working a second ago, but now it doesn't even work.15:34
nmz787actually I was talking about this MIL-STD-81015:34
nmz787add that to your favorite phone manufacturer on google15:35
nmz787here's a list of some http://www.mobilephonedevelopment.com/RuggedAndroid/15:36
panaxthey still most likely won't meet temp specs for mil-std-81015:37
nmz787otherwise i have a few older phones i could sell you15:37
nmz787vey strong!15:37
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gradstudentbotYou don't happen to have any more virgin flies, do you?15:38
nmz787panax: rugby says 160F15:39
nmz787gingerbread 2.3 :(15:39
nmz787but 1.4 GHz would prob be prety snappy15:39
panaxok but maybe not on the low end15:39
nmz787you mean price?15:40
panaxbut doesn't matter anyway15:40
panaxlike -40C15:40
nmz787says -60F15:41
heathnmz787: the screen still looks vulnerable in a case like that, at least with the open phone i can replace the screen for a relatively cheap cost15:41
nmz787huh, they're relatively cheap on ebay15:41
panaxhard to get a display/batteries that do that...15:41
nmz787i was thinking of a phone to get my dad15:41
heathdo you have any rugged cdma phones, gsm coverage around here sucks15:42
nmz787this was my old phone that I believe I still have... been through hell and still works great http://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=104215:44
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nmz787republic wireless is also cdma... but i heard you can't always use used phones for new $20/mo accounts15:46
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heatheh, i'll just go with the diy cellphone16:13
nmz787that seems much less rugged16:14
nmz787a lot more work than paying some ebayer $5 to $10016:15
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=b3dd17e1 Bryan Bishop: README: fix minor markdown formatting16:16
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=bca705c5 Bryan Bishop: README: update $LOGGING description16:16
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/paperbot/commit/?id=14bf5e14 Bryan Bishop: README: art, because why not?16:16
gnusha_paperbot: reload papers16:16
@kanzurethere... now we have a pic of paperbot, https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot16:16
nmz787your original art?16:17
@kanzureno, it was drawn by cogitokat16:17
@kanzuresame as https://github.com/kanzure/papermonk16:18
nmz787is this a zotero like thing?16:19
@kanzureit is going to replace zotero's translator infrastructure with something that works in both node and inside browsers16:20
@kanzureand then we'll switch out paperbot's internals with papermonk instead of paperbot having to be both python and zotero and all the other junk16:20
nmz787hopefully that means it will be easier for me to fix 'trasnlators'16:20
@kanzureyep that's the plan16:20
@kanzurezotero's translators are all poorly written, and the idea is to make sure they are all testable and always working16:20
@kanzureand then be notified when they stop working within 5-15 minutes16:21
@kanzureif successful, it should be easy to replace zotero's js stuff with papermonk things instead. but i will have to write them a small wrapper i think.16:21
@kanzurei was going to make an example module today16:28
nmz787hmm, it would be nice if you could 'train' a translator using mouse clicks16:29
nmz787'select abstract text'16:30
nmz787and it figures out what elements need to be scraped16:30
nmz787'select pdf link'16:30
@kanzuresure, that could be done since it's all javascript. it could work via a proxy server that injects a small amount of javascript into the page, then you click things and it records the selectors.16:30
gradstudentbotIs there free food at that seminar?16:30
anannieIs YC worth it?16:34
@kanzureworth 7% of your company? that depends, what is your company worth?16:34
anannieHopefully that's going to be a very large figure16:36
@kanzureno, i mean, right now16:37
anannieWe don't have a valuation yet. Our YC experience is going to be our first pre-investment valuation16:37
@kanzureanannie: http://diyhpl.us/~bryan/venture-deals.pdf16:39
anannieWow. thanks!16:41
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@kanzurehaha chrome://settings/passwords17:00
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@kanzurehaha cnet. yeah..17:04
panaxthere's no good reason to use that feature ever17:05
@kanzurethere's no good reason to use cnet either17:07
nmz787meh, i saw it a while ago, and even used it to show a password i'd forgot17:10
nmz787what's the problem again?17:10
@kanzurei was just laughing at it. i didn't know the exact uri. and now i do.17:10
@kanzurethe problem is that users aren't informed about security and i imagine that's what the cnet thing is about17:11
@kanzurebut i don't think anyone is supposed to be surprised by that17:11
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nmz787there's really no better way to keep things secure other than good practices, it seems17:32
nmz787even if you have things in a truecrypt volume, if you're using if the key is in RAM17:32
nmz787if you're using the truecrypt volume the truecrypt decryption key is in RAM17:33
panaxcold boot attack17:33
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nshi prefer the "cold boot stomping on a human face forever" attack17:47
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@kanzureanannie: are you the one selling bras?17:50
@kanzurek, different person17:50
ananniethat's Nali17:50
@kanzureoh that was nalannaie17:50
@kanzureoh right17:50
poppingtonicpaperbot: http://www.sciencemag.org/content/332/6027/33918:06
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ParahSail1nlibrary piracy site for your filing compulsion: http://aaaaarg.org/18:35
ParahSail1nmostly liberal arts stuff from the looks of it though18:35
gnusha_https://secure.diyhpl.us/cgit/diyhpluswiki/commit/?id=fdbee23f Bryan Bishop: another article piracy thing18:36
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@kanzureParahSail1n: i don't think downloader.test(url) and downloader.download(url, options, callback) is enough. there should be more functions i think.18:39
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@kanzureParahSail1n: i'm not sure what they should be yet.18:39
@kanzurestuffing everything into download() is a dumb idea18:40
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ParahSail1n.title http://www.priceplow.com/blog/soylent-subterfuge18:55
yoleauxSoylent Subterfuge: When a Bad Joke Turns into a Business18:55
Not-003[papermonk-downloader-plosone] kanzure pushed 1 commit to master [+7/-0/±0] http://git.io/uXji5A18:58
Not-003[papermonk-downloader-plosone] kanzure bd4774a - papermonk scraper for plosone.org This is a first version of a downloader module for papermonk, meant to serve as an example for implementing other modules. At the moment, the actual paper downloading code is not implemented because it's silly to stuff everything into the "download" function, maybe this concept should be split up into multiple methods instead. version bump to: 0.0.1 (initial commit)18:58
Not-003[papermonk-downloader-plosone] kanzure tagged bd4774a as v0.0.1 http://git.io/aTEvyg18:58
poppingtonickanzure: hi what do I need to learn to contribute to papermonk's downloader?19:00
@kanzurei am not ready yet because i am still figuring out the api19:02
@kanzureright now downloaders only have two methods: test and download19:02
@kanzurebut that doesn't make much sense to me19:02
@kanzurebecause maybe you just want the abstract on a page?19:02
Not-003[kanzure/papermonk] kanzure pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3] http://git.io/IS5YpA19:02
Not-003[kanzure/papermonk] kanzure b372907 - replace stubs with papermonk-downloader-plosone This is the first papermonk module, hooray! version bump to: v0.0.319:03
Not-003[kanzure/papermonk] kanzure tagged b372907 as v0.0.3 http://git.io/AmZhTg19:03
@kanzuredownload is supposed to take url, options (a dictionary), and a callback. so all of the download() methods will have to look at options extensively? that doesn't seem right. that should be moved into papermonk.download() and then papermonk.download() could choose which methods to call on the downloader. but i don't know how i want to separate the functions yet.19:04
@kanzuremaybe each downloader should have a few different prototypes- Paper, Abstract, Pdf, PdfBundle, Journal, and each one could be separately interrogated.19:07
@kanzureParahSail1n: halp19:10
@kanzurereally it would be best if the downloader only accepts an html blob as input, and then you pass that html blob to it and then see what it does to it19:12
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panaxFrancis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, has brokered a deal with the family of Henrietta Lacks to release the genetic sequence of the HeLa cell line to researchers19:50
@kanzure.title https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IECBj8v60Wk&t=6mac19:51
yoleauxGiant Robot Day! Aug 06 2013 (GRP 92) - YouTube19:51
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ParahSail1nkanzure, depends whether you want to do "pure" transformations on the results of getting that url or if you need to do navigation to other pages from there20:09
@kanzureoh yeah, navigations. damn.20:09
@kanzureeach downloader could be a state machine. and papermonk would grab the next page of html? hrm.. no.20:10
@kanzurei like the idea of a paper scraper state machine20:12
@kanzureinstead of just a giant pile of spaghetti in download()20:12
@kanzurebrownies: architecture advice?20:16
ParahSail1nwell thats why i suggested monadic/functor structure20:23
ParahSail1nhaving to work in the web browser (and be javascript) is a bit of a constraint20:24
@kanzurewhat constraints are you thinking of? i can probably show you otherwise.20:24
ParahSail1nid say let zotero folks worry about running stuff in a browser20:24
@kanzurewhat do you think is impossible to do in the browser ?20:25
ParahSail1nwell javascript has first order everything for the most part, but i think scrapers would end up looking just like zotero's translators20:26
@kanzureyeah it's pretty sloppy20:27
@kanzurei think a state machine would be a good improvement over this20:27
@kanzuretake a look at https://gist.github.com/kanzure/80badcf6c66c7a3d8d8e#file-spatula-coffee20:29
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@kanzurei guess that's not the most beautiful example of a state machine-based scraper20:37
jmilkanzure: http://blog.reprap.org/2013/08/announcing-amri-advanced-manufacturing.html20:51
jmilkanzure: thoughts appreciated20:51
@kanzure.title http://open3dlp.blogspot.com/20:52
yoleauxProject Open3DLP20:52
@kanzure.title http://opensls.tumblr.com/20:52
yoleauxOpen SLS: An Open Source Selective Laser Sintering20:52
@kanzuremy only complaint is why does it need a new organization. why not just RRRF.20:52
@kanzurei don't get it "DONATE: You can donate tax-deductible funds directly to AMRI through Rice University's 501c3 here."20:52
@kanzureoh maybe RRRF is only registered in the uk20:53
jmilkanzure: rrrf is too narrow. this is going to be bigger. also Hoeken said he would redirect rrrf to AMRI20:54
jmilso it's resurrection of RRRF20:54
@kanzurethere hasn't been RRRF things going on?20:54
jmilkanzure: go to the site :D20:54
@kanzurealso, yeah, i imagine zach is butthurt and wants to get back to doing things his way :)20:54
jmilit's dead20:54
@kanzurei see. makes sense.20:55
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jmilkanzure: regarding Rice, it's a bit of a chicken and egg problem. we can't incorporate until we launch. we can't launch until we incorporate. so rice is providing administrative overhead for free as personal favor to me. also all donations are tax deductible since they will be the funnel. so we are cleared for launch although we are not independent 501c3. yet.20:56
jmilbut i envision people can setup local AMRI anywhere.20:56
jmilthat is my hope kanzure20:56
@kanzurewhy the focus on young people?20:56
jmilbased on the belief that it's the best time to reinforce their interest in making stuff, and open source20:57
jmilbut AMRI fellowships will be open in the future to "anyone who wants to learn"20:57
@kanzurebecause people over the age of 25 aren't capable of contributing to open source projects?20:57
@kanzurethat part sounds sketchy20:57
jmilok i can take out young20:57
@kanzureyoung-friendly is an okay thing to promote i think20:57
jmilnothing is set in stone20:57
@kanzurethe other thing is that if i was doing this i would want to enforce some rather strict requirements on open hardware projects20:58
jmili think also companies like to donate stuff more to "students". but i didn't want to limit to students. so i call it "young makers". but young can be anyone under 70 :D20:58
@kanzurebecause otherwise you're going to be dumping in money to people doing really cool things, but they won't be doing responsible version control or anything20:58
jmilkanzure: we don't want to force "open" for AMRI. we want companies to be open to sponsoring amri fellows20:59
@kanzureopen source was the business friendly side of free software, you know20:59
@kanzurethat's the whole point of open.. business friendly.20:59
jmilthe version control model is still being defined20:59
jmilright now everyone has a github or thingiverse20:59
@kanzurethingiverse doesn't count because it's a proprietary blackhole of misery20:59
@kanzurezach should be against it21:00
@kanzureafter what happened21:00
jmilthingiverse is better than nothing. and by the end of month we should have him trained in github21:00
jmildon't read too much into things21:00
gradstudentbotWho's in charge of the master mix?21:00
jmilhim as in the guy who posted his project on thingiverse21:00
@kanzurehe already publishes things here https://github.com/hoeken21:00
ParahSail1noh hey jmil21:00
jmilo/ ParahSail1n21:00
jmilgradstudentbot: whut?21:01
gradstudentbotNobody is even going to read this paper.21:01
@kanzuregradstudentbot: don't you have a few more pages to write?21:01
gradstudentbotI am still writing a draft.21:01
ParahSail1na couple guys here wanted to use your lab as the drop for various reagent orders21:01
jmilParahSail1n: whut?21:01
@kanzureoh yeah, the running joke is that you're the new address to ship everything to21:01
jmilso confused21:01
ParahSail1nsigma won't send anthrax to residential addresses21:02
@kanzureor primers21:02
jmilplease dont21:02
@kanzurenobody has shipped anything, relax. it was just a joke. "Rice University c/o jmil for those irc guys"21:02
@kanzurealso, gradstudentbot is just a bot and not a person21:03
gradstudentbotOh a sales rep? No, I'm not busy, sure I have time to talk.21:03
@kanzurehe is a fairly accurate emulator of your average molecular biology grad student21:03
ParahSail1nwe're joking but what's your MS just in case21:03
jmilkanzure: so, anyway. thanks for your suggestions. this is very helpful21:03
jmilParahSail1n: have you been to rice before?21:04
ParahSail1ntoo long21:04
jmiloh right i forgot21:04
@kanzureyou two haven't met yet?21:04
jmilcan't remember21:04
ParahSail1nhavent met yet21:04
@kanzureyou could geek out about broken cell media recipes21:05
ParahSail1ni should go check out your lab sometime21:05
@kanzure.. or whatever it is biology people do together.21:05
ParahSail1nsince you're associate professor i take it you're in the lab on weekends?21:06
jmilassistant professor. so, def. but traveling a lot too21:08
jmilleaving lab now in fact. bbl :D21:08
heathjmil: ParahSail1n did get ricin through though ;P21:09
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heath"these effin calculations"21:12
heathfrom a grad student21:12
heathgradstudentbot: add21:12
gradstudentbotMy project sucks.21:12
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ParahSail1nping timeouts instead of /quits suck21:13
ParahSail1ndont worry guise ill figure out his mailstop number and intercept packages before he gets to work21:14
@kanzurepaperbot: http://www.opticsinfobase.org/boe/abstract.cfm?uri=boe-4-9-153321:15
@kanzure"Single-cell optoporation and transfection using femtosecond laser and optical tweezers"21:15
@kanzure"In this paper, we demonstrate a new single-cell optoporation and transfection technique using a femtosecond Gaussian laser beam and optical tweezers. Tightly focused near-infrared (NIR) femtosecond laser pulse was employed to transiently perforate the cellular membrane at a single point in MCF-7 cancer cells. A distinct technique was developed by trapping the microparticle using optical tweezers to focus the femtosecond laser precisely on ...21:15
@kanzure... the cell membrane to puncture it. Subsequently, an external gene was introduced in the cell by trapping and inserting the same plasmid-coated microparticle into the optoporated cell using optical tweezers. Various experimental parameters such as femtosecond laser exposure power, exposure time, puncture hole size, exact focusing of the femtosecond laser on the cell membrane, and cell healing time were closely analyzed to create the optimal ...21:15
ParahSail1nbiggest bitcoin scam yet https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=264098.021:15
@kanzure... conditions for cell viability. Following the insertion of plasmid-coated microparticles in the cell, the targeted cells exhibited green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the fluorescent microscope, hence confirming successful transfection into the cell. This new optoporation and transfection technique maximizes the level of selectivity and control over the targeted cell, and this may be a breakthrough method through which to induce ...21:15
@kanzure... controllable genetic changes in the cell."21:16
ParahSail1nthis time the asic miner pre-orders21:16
yoleauxWTF Avalon? Ship the Chips!21:16
* heath waves gn21:19
@kanzureParahSail1n: feel free to write a downloader your way, because i'm not going to write anything else tonight21:22
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Lemminkainenpaperbot: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2058590123:39
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