
--- Log opened Sun Aug 18 00:00:59 2013
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ThomasEgipaperbot: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S001448358880074505:00
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@kanzurebeep boop09:30
poppingtonicpaperbot: http://www.neuro.cjb.net/content/31/14/5540.full09:50
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@kanzureyashgaroth: sup10:01
@kanzureyou see that biocurious is exploding internally?10:01
yashgarothwhen's the grand closing ceremony10:01
@kanzureit's being hosted by jojack10:02
yashgarothwell hopefully east bay gets it together soon, so that people have somewhere to almost run gels in the bay area10:03
@kanzurenoisebridge is fine for running gels10:03
@kanzuregels are like the most boring thing you could possibly mention10:03
@kanzureoh i get it10:03
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* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 10:07
gradstudentbotWhen are you going to publish?10:07
browniesbiocurious are the guys who couldn't figure out how to charge for memberships right?10:07
@kanzurethey do charge, but yeah10:08
@kanzurewhich no biologist can afford because they're all broke10:08
-!- Cassox [~Cassox@pool-71-108-84-78.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving]10:08
browniesbut they had like 3 people paying, or something?10:08
@kanzure30. yes.10:08
browniesah, right. tricky business, selling to poor people.10:08
@kanzureone of the two people running it just quit10:09
@kanzureor.. i think it might be more than 2. but whatever.10:09
yashgarothbiologists can afford that, but not when they have to pay rent in SF10:09
yashgarothhow is diybio detroit coming along btw10:10
@kanzurehush this is the one the feds aren't supposed to know about10:11
@kanzurei think membership fees are a broken model, yadda yadda..10:12
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Saal_Henbest jones and owen 1995 studies in the polyene series conversion of vitamin a1 into vitamin a211:09
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ThomasEgikanzure, i think he wanted to ask paperbot to fetch that paper.11:28
* kanzure shakes his head11:29
@kanzureif this channel is just going to turn into people joining just for paperbot then i don't want to do this anymore11:29
browniesthere's other attractions too.11:30
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 11:30
gradstudentbotI am busy doing science, go away.11:30
@kanzureAAAAAHHHHHH https://gist.github.com/kanzure/625896511:30
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@kanzurethere. that should fix it.12:08
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@kanzuredamn. i keep forgetting glybera.12:29
@kanzured3.js digraph editor http://bl.ocks.org/rkirsling/500134712:36
chris_99heh thats cool12:36
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heath[12:03:51] <kanzure> oh i get it12:56
heath[12:04:00] <yashgaroth> mhm12:56
heathexplain that one12:56
yashgarothkey word was "almost"12:56
@kanzurehe was implying biocurious is of limited utility because gels are trivial12:57
anannieI would like to learn clojure any suggestions on how/12:57
@kanzureand/or that biocurious is only good for running gels12:57
@kanzureanannie: just learn java12:57
heathwhy'd the 2+ of the biocuriuos mangement quit?12:57
@kanzurei don't really recommend clojure. it's just a lisp variant with docstrings that hooks up to the jvm.12:57
@kanzureheath: there was an email. something about nobody helping her.12:58
anannieJava isn't supported for my platform12:58
@kanzurewhat do you think clojure is?12:58
anannieas in I can't download the sdk12:58
-!- rnD is now known as Noryokusha12:58
anannieit works with the linux version of the Java VM12:58
@kanzure"Clojure is a compiled language - it compiles directly to JVM bytecode"12:58
@kanzuresudo apt-get install openjdk12:58
ananniethat is bundled with my netbook12:59
anannieopenjdk works12:59
ananniebut not jdk12:59
chris_99what platform do you us anannie12:59
@kanzureyou have a baffling intellect12:59
anannieUbuntu 11.04 on an asus netbook12:59
ananniekanzure: me?12:59
chris_99so you can get java for that12:59
gradstudentbotDid you do that pset?13:00
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ananniechris_99: tried and it isn't working for some weird reason that I'm unable to debug13:00
@kanzureso openjdk doesn't work?13:00
anannieopenjdk works, this doesn't http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html13:00
@kanzurei don't see a reason to use oracle java13:00
chris_99there some odd inconsistencies between them i've found, mainly relating to GUI stuff13:01
ananniekanzure: I'm targeting leJos a java VM for lego NXT they tend to recommend the oracle version13:01
@kanzurelego recommends oracle? ugh13:02
@kanzurehow about not using lego?13:02
ananniekanzure: We have been here :) Nope the Lejos project maintainers recommend that not Lego. That said, I prefer Lego for my robotics these days because I get to learn control theory as well as the AI bits. I can't really carry around the hardware needed to make robots out of raw materials in my suitcase13:04
chris_99what are you making?13:05
ananniechris_99: 1 robot every week13:05
@kanzurewhat about just carrying nothing and rebuilding everywhere?13:06
@kanzurei mean, carrying nothing and making tools is better than carrying some junk that doesn't work13:06
ananniekanzure: That involves a monetary investment at each step and it isn't very possible in my country, but I'm open to suggestions on how I can do this. I hate lego though13:10
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@kanzureyou don't need money, just materials13:20
anannieAccessing materials like that is costly down here :)13:20
@kanzurei doubt it. gingery did it just collecting scraps.13:21
ananniepaperbot: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-642-13541-5_613:34
ananniekanzure: I live in India, we don't have such scrap and stuff13:34
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cpopellClients were happy enough with what we did that we got a follow on, so hooray.13:42
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heathcpopell: some startup you're working i'm guessing, what's the elevator pitch?14:11
cpopellheath: Disruptive analysis and state of science for firms that can't afford to hire emerging tech strategists just for that role.14:13
cpopellThat's the goal, but we seem to be grinding on market analysis atm.14:13
chris_99what's disruptive analysis14:16
cpopellLooking at how supply chain, business assumptions, etc. will change based on various research in the pipeline14:16
cpopellIdentifying emerging markets for existing (and new) companies14:17
cpopellyou know14:18
cpopellbusiness consultant bullshit14:18
ananniecpopell: Erm first of all that's going to be a heard sell for reasons I'm going to elaborate. Second that business consultant bullshit has a defined ROI which is why they can make out like bandits14:25
cpopellanannie: Currently we're doing contracted market research and doing pretty well.14:25
cpopellMost of this is bill-paying until next step.14:26
ananniecpopell: That's different. That's market research. Quite frankly no one gives a damn about what research is in the pipeline, because unless you're DWave research in the pipeline will impact your business in 20 to 30 years and by then you'll be dead or you would be doing something better14:27
cpopellWe're working on some stuff to disprove that-14:27
cpopellthere's a lot of research in the pipeline with an implementation horizon of 3-7 years14:27
anannieno one will give you a single dime unless you have a strong ROI and I just don't see the case over here14:28
anannieI'm sorry if I'm being negative, but there's a case for market research14:28
ananniebut not a case for "disruptive analysis"14:28
anannieall of that stuff sounds good on a CV and that's just pretty much what it is14:28
cpopellA lot of the market research is helping us build the case for disruptive analysis.14:29
cpopellbut that's honestly more a slightly longer term/overarching theme-implementation seems to be more on the start and end point14:30
ananniecpopell: I don't think anything I say right now will convince you. Just try to sell that to actual clients and you'll discover that you're facing an uphill battle14:30
cpopellie what're labs working on, and what's it mean in terms of global sales14:30
cpopellthose are what we're getting most interest in14:30
cpopellanannie: I agree it's an uphill battle completely.14:30
anannieunless you're analyzing *their* labs and telling them that there such and such applications it ain't gonna sell14:31
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chris_99http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/ecb2/ i figure that could increase my productivity 10 fold15:00
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@bkeroThose things.15:02
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chris_99and it runs ARM so i assume it's pretty hackabl15:03
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heathanyone in/around sf need a roommate?15:46
cpopellheath: I know some people who just moved there15:57
cpopellLemminkainen: thoughts?15:58
heathi might just head there and couch surf awhile15:58
cpopellheath: Lemminkainen will poke you later, he's afk and on his phone16:02
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Lemminkainenheath what's up?16:54
LemminkainenI'm looking to set up a nanotech-house in West Oakland beginning in October16:55
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browniesa nanotech-house?17:46
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Lemminkainenyar brownies17:50
LemminkainenTEM and Zetasizer in the garage17:50
browniesis it like a regular house, but extremeley small?17:50
browniesoh ok17:50
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heathLemminkainen: sold18:19
cpopellLemminkainen: is that where Dre is going?18:35
cpopellLemminkainen: and is Felson with you?18:35
LemminkainenI'm going to Hackistan initially while looking for the right house18:35
Lemminkainenthen it'll be Dre, Felson, Sugarbot, Edwin, myself, possibly heath and a JCF18:36
cpopellalso, did Patrick drop out of lawschool?18:36
heathplease say that's a name of a hackerspace18:37
heathi love it18:37
LemminkainenHackistan is the name of a hacker co-op18:37
LemminkainenJCF = Wonkerlos18:37
Lemminkainensaight, you ain't yet met him18:38
cpopellI've seen him on FB18:38
cpopellno offense18:38
cpopellbut that house is going to be a madhouse18:38
Lemminkainenthe hackerspaces in that area are the Crucible, Vulvan, and Sudo Room18:38
Lemminkainenalthough Vulvan is an excellent name for a hackerspace18:39
Lemminkainencpopell I'm fully aware that it's going to be a madhouse18:39
gradstudentbotHeh, undergrads.18:39
cpopellpbrag is getting married in a month18:40
Lemminkainenmay his soul rest easy18:40
cpopelldid some systems bio18:41
heathdon't mind me, just doing a whois18:43
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@kanzurebeep boop21:29
glims12130pst time and all is well21:29
@kanzurereporting in from san jose.21:29
glims1how goes? any interesting projects? i'm researching some eye bioaugments right now...21:35
@kanzurewhat does "researching" mean.21:37
glims1usually it means reading a bunch of science journal papers and looking for protocols and methods.21:39
glims1i am doing this thing21:39
@kanzurewell, if you need a paper, ask paperbot21:39
glims1luckily, i work at a university, so i get proxy'd thru, but thank you for the heads up. i honestly would have had no idea what to do (first time on channel...)21:42
@kanzuremost universities do not have access to all journals.21:42
@kanzurein fact, i've tested 1500 of them and none of them do21:42
glims1wow. i've never hit a wall.21:44
glims1hmm, the link you have for my university is not the same as i use in my bookmark bar. but maybe thats just cause i use the bookmark bar21:45
glims1do you have a list of places i _can't_ get a paper?21:46
-!- makoLime [~mako@103-9-42-133.flip.co.nz] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:51
glims1regardless, thats an impressive list. i know who i should look to for help if i hit a wall. thank you.21:58
-!- lupfantomo [~lupfantom@24-159-24-229.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:01
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heathkanzure: i have a friend in san jose, he'd give you a place to stay if needed22:28
-!- Lemminkainen [uid2346@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-iytpyxrcvivtodzi] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:30
-!- AnySomebody [~AnySomebo@pD9E1BF3B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:09
AnySomebodySponsored by the NRA?23:09
AnySomebodyI don't know, if I am willing to participate here if it is sponsored by the NRA23:09
AnySomebodyBesides of that, I wanted to know if someone has heard of the open-rTMS project23:10
@kanzureheath: nope, i got a hotel suite. it came with a butler but i sent him home because wtf am i going to do with a butler in a hotel room?23:11
@kanzureAnySomebody: yes, we've heard of open-rtms. what do you want?23:11
heaththat would be awkward :)23:12
AnySomebodyPerhaps help with compiling it23:12
@kanzurecompiling the software?23:12
@kanzurei thought it was just a makefile23:12
AnySomebodyYeah, perhaps I'm too stupid for makefiles?23:13
AnySomebodyI don't know, I wanted to import it as a project in Eclipse... and then I wanted to include mingw somewhere...23:13
@kanzurei don't recommend eclipse23:13
AnySomebodySo, what do you suggest?23:13
@kanzurejust use your system shell23:13
AnySomebodyWell, I enter trunk/ControlSoftware/src23:15
AnySomebodyBut no makefile or similar23:15
AnySomebodySo, probably I'm just too stupid *g*23:18
-!- strages [uid11297@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dvxidogxhbkociry] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:18
heathpaste the contents to gist.github.com23:18
heathstrages: ya bastard23:18
AnySomebodyHere are the contents: http://sourceforge.net/p/open-rtms/svn/31/tree/trunk/23:19
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-24-21-206-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:20
stragesheath: ?23:21
heathwas just saying hi23:21
-!- spresser [uid6132@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-vskfeuikqebekdnm] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:21
AnySomebodyThe author wrote me that it should compile for linux just fine but for windows he has some linking-problem23:22
AnySomebodyI really would like to solve that problem but before I need to understand how to compile it all ;)23:23
heathlooks like it depends upon wx23:23
AnySomebodyYeah, it does23:23
AnySomebodyI installed wxwidgets therefore from aur... but I'm not sure if wxgtk would be also fine23:24
heathyou're going to have to do something like g++ Open-rTMS.cpp -o ortms and read messages for this one23:24
@kanzureif it depends on wxwidgets then you should just ignore it completely23:25
AnySomebodyWhy -o ortms?23:26
AnySomebodyBecause wxwidgets is shit? *g*23:26
heathAnySomebody: that's an arbitrary name i made up for the compiled file23:26
AnySomebodyAh, ok23:26
@kanzureno, because there's no reason to write software to use a gui for a rtms device23:26
@kanzurethe interface should be separate in a different software package23:27
@kanzure-o is for output objects23:27
AnySomebodyIt is?23:27
AnySomebodyI mean, they have a gui and different software for the power pulse generator and so on23:27
AnySomebodyOh, in a different package you meant...23:28
AnySomebodyDon't know, the project is not that far progressed...23:28
AnySomebodyThey even don't know what coils to use23:28
@kanzurei'm pretty sure they did, and then they forked to openstim or something23:28
* kanzure sleeps23:28
-!- AshleyWaffle [~quassel@] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:30
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AnySomebodyWhat do you think they did?23:30
-!- upgrayeddd [uid2969@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-spwbdopgfsaxucfx] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:30
AnySomebodyCompilation does not find wxspec.h, but it is located at /usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/wxprec.h... how can I show him this directory?23:33
-!- ielo [~ielo@host-92-20-115-76.as13285.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:43
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