
--- Log opened Thu Sep 12 00:00:23 2013
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TechnicusHello . . .05:30
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poppingtonicpaperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adfm.20120312205:42
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Technicus< http://phoneblocks.com/ >06:23
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ThomasEgiTechnicus, good luck connecting the 676 pins of a modern mobile CPU to the rest of the chips using a hand full of pins on the carrier board.06:24
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TechnicusThomasEgi: At least it is a creative idea.06:27
* heath takes one of gradstudentbot's pipettes06:30
gradstudentbotYou know, I hear you make more money being a garbage man.06:30
FourFirephoneblocks looks interesting... but yeah issues would need to be resolved06:32
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ThomasEgiit is interesting. but it won't happen unless all manufactors of semiconductors agree on a rahter universal bus system and incorporate them into their chips.06:40
gradstudentbotHis lab is so awkward.06:40
ThomasEgiand that takes throwing a lot of time and money at a lot of companies. i don't see that happen in forseeable future.06:40
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FourFirebasically it's a nice thing which we can't have06:43
ThomasEgiwell you can have it.. but not the size pictured there06:43
ThomasEgiit'd be more like.. a phonebrick06:43
archelsyeah, that's kinda cute, but not really practical06:44
ThomasEgigood enough to leave someone a message..06:44
ThomasEgiby attacking a piece of paper and smashing it throuh their window06:44
archelsthis would be a good concept for a tricorder though, focusing purely on the sensorium06:45
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ThomasEgitransmitting a bit of sensoring data is a piece of cake, compared to shoving full-hd display data over a 4pin lego-brick-sized connector board06:47
archelsspeaking of which, y'all seen the mini 3D printed spectrometer?06:47
FourFirecould you have an FPGA inside the base?06:47
FourFireall of the blocks ping "here I am" from each of their corner studs06:47
archelsThomasEgi: well, any serial protocol is feasible06:47
FourFireso that the base doesn't need to do a crazy exponential stud/hole ping search thing06:48
FourFirethe pins/holes should be much smaller and an order of magnitude denser at least06:48
ThomasEgiarchels, for transmitting some sensordata sure. but not for 60fps full hd video. you need propper electrical interfacing for that06:48
kanzurethey are switching to chromium06:49
FourFirecan you do 1080p over USB3.0?06:49
kanzure"If you use the QObject bridge or the QWebElement API, we recommend you wait a bit longer with moving, as a replacement API for those will most likely not be part of the first version of Qt WebEngine."06:49
kanzurethe other downside is that this is still qt06:51
kanzureupside over libwebkitgtk+ is that qtwebkit actuall has pure headless. but it's sitll qt...06:51
kanzureso conflicted :)06:51
ThomasEgiFourFire, you could. but then you'd need to standardize on it. and your cpu would have to come with usb3 controllers and it would require them to integrate it. and the display controlle would have to be usb3 capable aswell.06:52
ThomasEginot sure about the power consumution of that aswell.06:52
FourFirecouldn't the base contain? the controllers06:52
FourFireI dunno I think the problem *looks* solveable, just difficult, not impossible06:53
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ThomasEgiit is solvable, sure. but it requires manufactors to agree on a suited way to connect all the components using one and the same hardware mechanism06:56
ThomasEgiright now, pretty much every component comes with its own bus. for microphones alone there are like 4 differnt standards06:56
kanzureyou mean microphones on mobile units have 4 different standards?06:57
kanzureor microphones in general06:57
archelsThomasEgi: it's not infeasible, those pins that they show on their mockups are too crude, but you can buy the necessary connectors for a few cents06:57
archelsHDMI, USB3, gigabit ethernet, it's just a few differential pairs06:58
ThomasEgiyeah. the connectors are not the issue.06:59
ThomasEgithe problem is that each chip comes with a different interface.06:59
ThomasEgiand you can't really mix those well. so the chip manufactors would have to agree on an universal interface and incorporate them into their designs.07:00
ThomasEgithen it would work out quite nicely.07:00
ThomasEgibut without that integration. i'd say it just becomes too bulky07:01
archelsyeah, it's definitely impractical and fairly non-elegant at the same time07:01
kanzurearchels: i dunno if you've noticed, but often i just feed your comments straight into gradstudentbot07:03
gradstudentbotSomeone stole my pipette.07:03
archelskanzure: haha07:03
ThomasEgiminipcie may be a sollution. but then , connecting a silly microphone over a pcie bus is overkill.07:03
archelsthen there's the tetris aspect of finding an optimal distribution of tiles07:04
kanzureyou can just call it geometry layout, we wont mind07:05
ThomasEgithe thing is.. if they'd agree on an universal standard. then you could simply buy bricks for whatever and build your own devices at home. not limited to phones. but pretty much everything.07:06
FourFireif making everything minipcie solves the other issues then overkill is worth it right?07:17
gradstudentbotI don't remember the paper, but someone definitely did that.07:18
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ThomasEgiFourFire, well it makes the "simple" components a lot more expensive.07:44
ThomasEgicause they have to match the specs of the pcie bus. it could be done i guess. if someone were to throw enough money at companies. it may happen07:46
ThomasEgisomeone like apple or microsoft. little chance for crowdfounding there , at least if you ask me. but who knows. i'd be all for it07:46
ThomasEgiusb3 doesn't sound half as bad either (power consumtion aside)07:46
nalkriAre you still talking about the lego phone?07:48
nalkriI think targetting a general PDA without worrying about radio network modules might be a useful stepping stone07:48
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ThomasEgiradio modules aren't really that difficult. those can be hooked up to rather lowspeed bus systems.07:50
nalkrino, but they add licensing constraints07:51
nalkriEspecially the UHF voice/data bands used for mobile phones07:52
nalkriSo I was mostly thinking in terms of separating technical challenges from social ones07:52
chris_99i wonder if you could use a BladeRF as a phone07:53
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superkuhpaperbot: http://prl.aps.org/pdf/PRL/v111/i11/e11500309:35
FourFireAR LARP09:43
FourFirenot sure if desirable or not...09:44
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anannie_paperbot: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=origin-of-life-on-earth09:46
anannie_paperbot: http://ilpubs.stanford.edu:8090/422/09:47
nalkriEgg salad sandwich09:47
anannie_kanzure: Paperbot is failing to get summaries...09:50
kanzureanannie_: post bug reports here, https://github.com/kanzure/paperbot/issues09:55
kanzureanannie_: if you don't post the bug report, i will fail to remember to fix it09:55
anannie_Will do09:56
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poppingtonicwhat's up?15:03
kanzurereverse engineering DCE/RPC things15:03
poppingtonici have a random question about semiotics on github15:03
poppingtonicit's about the homepage icon. which language is that supposed to be? I've seen  it at a bunch of sites and it made me curious...15:05
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skyLotusI'm looking for ways I can get involved in diybio18:35
kanzurebuy lab equipment for yourself, shun academic labs, become well versed in how to pronounce strange latin names18:36
skyLotuswhy shun academic labs?18:37
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kanzureskyLotus: because you'll be attracted to them, and that's not diybio18:39
kanzure"On September 6, 2013, after export control analysis, nearly 138K documents were reloaded to the NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS). This action more than doubles the full-text STI content available from NTRS and represents 75% of the full-text available prior to the NTRS going off-line in March 2013. The STI Program Office, in conjunction with the Export Control Program, will continue to assess the remaining content and release documents ...18:39
kanzure... deemed publically available."18:40
skyLotusWell maybe I'm not completely into diybio, it doesn't seem like it's really at a stage to do much atm18:41
skyLotusOr at least I'm not at the level to take advantage of what is available with diybio18:42
kanzureyes, you have to learn things on your own.. that's why it's diy. i don't see the disconnect ?18:42
-!- Deus-Imperator is now known as nalkri18:42
skyLotuswell sure I could understand that, but I don't think diybio should be done for the sake of being diy but instead to get results18:44
skyLotusanyway, I admit I don't really know much so I'm just saying things.18:48
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skyLotusI'm kind of at a loss where to really start to do experiements / projects with biology18:50
kanzure"results" on what18:51
kanzurewhat are you doing, again?18:51
skyLotus"results" as I used is is pretty theoretical, I'm just saying that as it should be the primary factor. Ideally, I could say that it could mean a way of revolutionizing the biotech / biomedical industry through the use of diybio competing with biotech corporations like was done with the computer/electric industry...but as I said I don't really think it's at a stage to do something like18:55
skyLotusthat and even if it were, I'm not at any stage to be able to help unless I learn a lot more than I already know18:55
skyLotusI am curious about how biology can be used to improve health and medicine, but i really am looking for ways to start experiementing and getting a better understanding of the field and what I can do - and really I don't care about the means of how I get there.. I'm just interested in how I can learn effectively18:58
-!- lupfantomo [~lupfantom@24-159-24-229.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:02
skyLotusso... yeah here I am19:02
wallmaniskyLotus: are you a student in university?19:05
skyLotusI am19:05
wallmaniwhat are your plans for this semester?19:05
skyLotusI'm taking some general science and math courses19:07
skyLotusI'm not really far into my schooling yet, but I want to start doing something on the side now so I know what I'm getting into and to see how to get more involved19:09
skyLotusI think it's best to be off to a good start from the beginning than later19:10
-!- ThomasEgi [~thomas@panda3d/ThomasEgi] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]19:16
wallmaniskyLotus: that is true, and i'd recommend trying to get involved in some research laboratory19:17
kanzurethat's what i told him not to do19:19
kanzurethat's ont diy19:19
skyLotusyes but don't I have to start somewhere?19:22
kanzureyes, try the middle19:24
kanzureskyLotus: btw here's some things http://diyhpl.us/wiki/diybio/faq19:24
-!- klafka [~klafka@c-24-6-18-31.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap19:32
heathdon't click: http://exclusiverewards.gameccc.com/?sov=173652&hid=dljhhlhfpjhrdvpj&&&id=cGiveaways219:36
* heath isn't sure where that came from19:36
heathpopped up in chrome19:37
heathlast visited site: http://haskell-distributed.github.io/documentation.html19:38
gradstudentbotYeah, I'm a 4th year. No wait, I'm a 6th year.19:38
heaththe others are all snapframework.com19:38
heathoh well19:38
-!- stieruridir [ad42f48f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:38
-!- stieruridir is now known as cpopell20:38
-!- Tuxedage [~Tuxedage@dhcp-108-168-3-14.cable.user.start.ca] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:41
TuxedageOh wow. This exists.20:41
TuxedageI know like so many people in here.20:41
TuxedageHow have I not heard of this channel before20:41
TuxedageOh well.20:41
n_benthamost r awake during usa 9-5 hrs20:47
n_benthaso that's whay it's a bit dead right now20:47
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 20:47
browniesgradstudentbot: wake up! get back to work!20:47
gradstudentbotYeah, it's significant.20:47
sbaughthe sleeping mumblings of a gradstudent20:48
-!- n_bentha [~GuanYu@] has quit [Quit: до свидания]20:52
-!- skyLotus [skyLotus@c-67-175-186-31.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has quit []20:53
-!- empiricist_ [80547fba@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined ##hplusroadmap20:57
kanzureit's not dead, we're just waiting.21:02
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-!- helleshin [~talinck@66-161-138-110.ubr1.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]21:17
-!- helleshin [~talinck@66-161-138-110.ubr1.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has joined ##hplusroadmap21:17
-!- strages [uid11297@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-dvxidogxhbkociry] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]21:19
heathi'm not dead, just boring21:24
* brownies pokes gradstudentbot 21:25
gradstudentbotI am busy doing science, go away.21:25
-!- lichen [~lichen@c-50-139-11-6.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]21:26
-!- lupfantomo [~lupfantom@24-159-24-229.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]22:14
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-!- lupfantomo [~lupfantom@24-159-24-229.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined ##hplusroadmap22:23
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juri_someone print me new hands.22:58
-!- joehot [~not@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]23:10
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-!- pads is now known as Guest5921423:11
-!- strages [uid11297@gateway/web/irccloud.com/x-ipkcppmrjbiwapxt] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:20
justanotheruserIs there any neat open hardware being developed by h++ people?23:36
entelechiosjustanotheruser: you write web code?23:38
entelechiosoh wait hardware23:38
entelechiossorry i got mixed up there23:38
justanotheruserentelechios: not professionally23:41
-!- yashgaroth [~ffffff@cpe-75-80-50-28.san.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving]23:41
entelechiosyeah hmm good question23:41
entelechiosi'd be willing to bet there is23:41
entelechiosthose tDCS device schematics floating around are worth a laugh or two23:42
entelechiostCDS **23:42
entelechiostDCS? tDCS. sheesh.23:42
entelechiosthese goons23:43
entelechiosah, looks like they sold out after rethinking encouraging everyone to zap their brains a little. figures23:43
--- Log closed Fri Sep 13 00:00:24 2013

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