
--- Log opened Sat Oct 05 00:00:39 2013
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paskykanzure: the real bug is the first line shouldn't be there, as it's obviously confusing02:17
paskykanzure: you don't run this script standalone, you run it from blender and blender shoves python3 down your throat, you like it or not :)02:18
paskybut it does it in a weird way that won't set up the searchpath properly02:18
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EnLilaSkopaperbot: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=880196208:57
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@kanzurei'm not making much progress on the python/windows problem11:09
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-!- mode/##hplusroadmap [-o kanzure] by kanzure11:23
archelspaperbot: http://informahealthcare.com/doi/abs/10.3109/07388551.2013.82359511:38
archelsReview Article11:39
archelsAn overview of the last 10 years of genetically engineered crop safety research11:39
kanzure#swhack turned off .title on their bot11:39
kanzurepasky: is blender all C?11:45
kanzurehm looks like yes https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/blender/source/blender/bmesh/operators/11:47
entelechiosman i saw some website the other day12:04
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entelechiosfreaking out over the singularity university's giving away of GFP-infused houseplants12:04
entelechiosi get the detriments of some of the things that happen in the realm of GE stuff but getting all shrill about it is never a very convincing or persuasive way to get people to care about these issues12:06
entelechiosespecially people who matter (IE the biotechnologists themselves)12:06
kanzureit was probably those etcgroup people. they did one of those anti-kickstarter pages. it was boring as all hell.12:14
entelechiosyeah those goons12:19
entelechiosthey just left such a weak impression on me hahaha12:19
cluckjsame here12:21
kanzurejust ignore them, it's not worth your energy12:25
kanzureif you insist on reading their material and complaints, just don't bring it up12:25
kanzurealso, for fun, replace every time they say "seed" with "human" or "person"12:25
kanzure(and suddenly they will sound like a radical eugenics org)12:26
kanzure"We must control environmental release of humans", etc12:27
cluckj"these humans are a danger if released"12:28
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kanzureright? "Oh yeah, good job guys, really insightful fucking contribution..."12:29
cluckjbbl, train's getting in soon12:31
archelsBlender at the least is also Python12:31
kanzurearchels: i'm concerned about how they choose to integrate python12:32
kanzurearchels: you should be able to import blender in other python projects, not "run your python project entirely inside blender's runtime just because you use some aspect of blender once"12:32
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archelsthat would be nice12:35
nalkriDeath to applications!12:36
nalkriLibrary-ify all the code!12:36
nalkriSorry, personal rant >.>12:36
archelsNeXT wooo12:36
kanzureParahSailin: so i fixed the brlcad post-install error. it turns out the path had to be to _bindings\__init__.py and not just _bindings\12:37
kanzurenalkri: well, why not? why should i have to run the blender runtime just to manipulate some meshes?12:37
kanzurearchels: you could always just raytrace all your neurons..12:38
nalkrikanzure: no, I really mean it, I just didn't mean to randomly turn up shouting in the channel12:38
kanzurei wonder if blender would be easier to understand as a library12:40
kanzurei would much rather learn which commands and objects to construct than which buttons to press like a jackass12:40
kanzureoops i mean shortcuts12:40
kanzureParahSailin: so now i need to figure out how to cross-platformly pick brlcad .dll or .so files.12:42
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juri_paperbot: http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/mi401004914:29
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paskyanyone knows how much dead opencog is?17:43
kanzurei haven't heard any spam from ben goertzel in a long time17:44
kanzurei would say it's especially dead if he's not in china now. i haven't looked.17:44
paskythanks! hmm, is there any other strong ai initiative worth looking at, currently?17:46
kanzureblue brain project17:57
kanzureand whatever archels says17:57
paskyhmm i suppose blue brain can be regarded as agi, i guess i had something less.. neurological ;) in mind (seems to me that with neurology simulation it's quite certain that nothing too interesting will likely happen in next 20 years; with other approaches, the confidence bounds are quite looser, but in both directions)18:03
kanzurewhy does it matter if it's "agi" or "ai" or whatever? we know that (human, and some non-human) brains are doing interesting things, so let's do that, right?18:05
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kanzureError 193: %1 is not a valid Win32 application. line: _dlopen in ctypes.cdll.18:09
kanzureweird how %1 is not being formatted correctly :(18:09
paskykanzure: dunno, having a conscious, thinking computer is much more interesting for me personally than emulating dog's brain playing fetch18:11
gradstudentbotSo, I'll let you have my reagents when I'm done with my project.18:11
kanzurefuck consciousness, that's bullshit18:11
kanzuresame crap as having a soul18:12
kanzureor life force18:12
paskywell i didn't mean it in an esoteric way, more like "has to be really smart" way18:12
paskyhaving its own agenda, i guess18:13
kanzurecould you clarify about the playing fetch part?18:13
kanzureso let's say that you had a pile of software that did brain-like things18:13
kanzureand i tested it once upon a time with a game of fetch18:13
kanzureare you arguing that this testing invalidates the software or something?18:13
kanzurei am currently dealing with windows/python issues so conversations are presently hazy for me18:14
paskywhat i meant is that it seems clear to me that creating sufficiently complex synthetic neural networks is very far ahead; it's far less clear how long other approaches can reach a similar goal, which means it's more likely that they'll take longer but also more likely they can offer some shortcuts, and shortcuts are interesting to me :)18:16
kanzurehave you read the brain emulation roadmap?18:17
paskyit seems likely that synthetic nns will go through similar phases as brains of animals and most of these seem really boring :)18:17
paskyi've read some, which one do you have in mind?18:17
kanzurethe one that anders and todd wrote18:17
paskythanks, gomm18:19
pasky*gonna read18:19
kanzureParahSailin: aughhh the other problem was that i was using 32-bit brlcad in 64-bit python.18:35
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kanzurepaperbot: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v365/n6447/abs/365611a0.html21:01
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klafkaso are 3d printers really going to get better substantially due to those laser sintering patents expiring ?22:37
klafkaalso will it not use abs plastics like formlabs?22:38
gradstudentbotThe paper got rejected.22:39
fredoxdepends on the price of lasers22:42
fredoxnot overly keen on the resin based ones22:42
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juri_resins end up pretty expensive.23:14
juri_i'm working on PC printing.23:15
gradstudentbotNo no no no! Use your key commands!23:28
nmz787anyone here in UK?23:31
nmz787talkin about this stuff?23:31
nmz787there is cheap resin avail for u23:31
nmz787untested for 3D but should work AFAIK23:32
nalkriOh, for STL?23:32
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nalkriI'd don't have an STL printer so I couldn't use it even if it were free23:32
nmz787they sell it for composite material use23:33
nmz787but it's made from linseed oil23:33
nmz787shipping to U.S. was weird last year for hazardous materials, dunno if that's changed23:34
nmz787it would've made it expensive unless I bought a few thousand dollars worth at a time23:34
nmz787but for ppl in UK or EU it was super cheap23:35
nalkriCool, I'll keep it i nmind for if anyone asks23:35
nalkriAnd I do like bioplastics23:35
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nmz787"regarding 1kg of resin being delivered to you in the US - we would have to use a carrier and it is working out approx 105.00 sterling plus the cost of 1kg of resin @ 14.25"23:35
gradstudentbotAm I going to be first author?23:36
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--- Log closed Sun Oct 06 00:00:46 2013

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