
--- Log opened Fri Dec 13 00:00:52 2013
juri_ThomasEgi: it might be worth you talking to mirage335. he's doing EEG work, mainly because he cannot find anyone to cooperate with on electrode work. he's been trying to get me to help him manufacture electrodes for a year now.00:08
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juri_paperbot: http://www.pcisig.com/members/downloads/PCIe_M.2_Electromechanical_Spec_Rev1.0_Final_11012013_RS_Clean.pdf02:40
juri_grr. worth a shot.02:41
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ThomasEgisuperkuh, ping09:22
superkuhI don't know anything useful about multi-electrode arrays.09:24
superkuhRecently I have been reading about using small molecules to restores some visual function after retinal detachment.09:25
superkuhIn the interneurons.09:25
ThomasEgihave you any ideas about how to reduce the strength of the connective tissue holding the neurons together?09:26
ThomasEgihm. anyone you know maybe?09:26
superkuhNope, sorry.09:26
ThomasEginp. thx anyway. who knows. maybe i'll run into someone who knows about that sort of stuff.09:29
ThomasEgiran into a whole lot of people lately09:29
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@archelsThomasEgi: Does this person have any chance of keeping their retina, even if it is dysfunctional?11:04
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@archelsthere should be a several regulator-approved retinal implants out there11:06
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ThomasEgiarchels, the entire eye got removed due to retinal cancer-like things11:08
ThomasEgiso it's only the optic nerve left. we aren't even sure if the visual cortex still processes the signals properly, but that's another issue11:09
@archelsah, very cool that you're trying to help this person11:10
@archelsyou should be able to achieve at least phosphenes, don't you think?11:10
@archels160x144 may be a bit much to ask for at this point in time11:10
chris_99retinal implants are b&w aren't they?11:11
ThomasEgigrayscale at best11:12
chris_99why is that11:12
chris_99like could you transmit red or is that not possible atm11:12
ThomasEgi160x144 is indeed a rather high target to reach. 32x32 or 64x64 should be somewhat possible.  64x64 already produces a somewhat useable vision11:12
ThomasEgichris_99, well theoretically you could use different colors, but that would reduce the resolution 4 fold, and your brain would have to learn to interpret that.11:13
ThomasEgifor the time speaking, grayscale only reduces the technical requirements, and the requirements for the brain to relearn things.11:14
chris_99am i right in thinking there are different coloured nerves in the retina?11:14
chris_99or is it not like that11:14
ThomasEgithe retina has different kinds of receptor cells11:15
ThomasEgibut they all transmit the data over the same nerve.11:15
chris_99oh, so how is the colour encoded11:15
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ThomasEgiwell you have the different photoreceptor cells wired up to separate neurons11:16
ThomasEgibetween 700k and 1.7M of those make up the optic nerve.11:16
ThomasEgiso you have the information of red, blue, green and lumo all mixed up next to each other11:17
chris_99ah, so there are 3 types of cones, i didn't realise that11:17
ThomasEgi4 i think?11:17
ThomasEgi3 for color. one for just brightness11:18
chris_99' In humans, there are three different types of cone cell, distinguished by their pattern of response to different wavelengths of light. '11:18
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chris_99isn't it the rod11:18
chris_99that defines the brightness11:18
chris_99iirc sometimes humans have an extra red cone11:19
juri_i'm colourscrewed. i have only two types, and one of them is working in the wrong band.11:20
ThomasEgiyeah 3 cones, and the rod.11:20
ThomasEgimakes 4 in total11:20
ThomasEgifor a healthy human11:20
ThomasEgithere are rare genetic conditiotns which result in 4 different cones and the rods.11:21
chris_99so how do you actually target the cone/rod specifically11:23
chris_99surely alignment is very hard11:23
ThomasEgiyou don't11:23
chris_99oh you just whack it in11:23
ThomasEgiwell you could, if you could access individual neurons.11:23
ThomasEgibut todays tech won't allow you to do that on more than just very few neurons11:23
ThomasEgiso yeah, you whack in bigger electrodes, stimulating hunrdets of neurons with a signle electrode.11:24
ThomasEgiand as result, you pretty much get a grayscale impression as all colors are excited evenly11:24
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kanzureyet another eeg http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/openbci/openbci-an-open-source-brain-computer-interface-fo12:52
chris_99arduino eeg hmm12:54
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chris_99ThomasEgi, you know anything about that chip http://www.ti.com/product/ads129913:02
ThomasEgisure do13:02
ThomasEgii have the the older version of that chip right in front of me right now13:02
ThomasEgithe ADS119413:03
chris_99nice, i assume it's not a differential input, right13:03
ThomasEgiit is differential input13:03
chris_99ah, so the electrode has two connections on?13:03
ThomasEgieach channel has a positive, and negative input. each usualy connects to one electrode13:04
chris_99so is it really easy to use then, just whack an electrode on13:04
chris_99and grab the output13:04
chris_99via SPI by the looks of it13:04
ThomasEgimore or less yes13:04
ThomasEgiit still requires all the engineering to not fuck up the signal13:04
chris_99you don't happen to know any non-differential 24 bit ADCs?13:05
ThomasEgiproper power supply, good pcb layout, strong shielding etc.13:05
ThomasEgiwhy would you want non-differential?13:05
ThomasEgii mean you could simply pull one end at half the supply voldage13:06
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chris_99doesn't work that well if you do that kind of trick though13:06
chris_99compared to a non-diff i thought13:06
ThomasEgithe non-differential signal handling is what makes it worse13:06
ThomasEginot the trick you pull13:06
ThomasEgithere is a very good reason to use differential signaling13:07
ThomasEgiactually many reasons.13:07
chris_99yes, that'd make sense if you have 2 real inputs13:08
ThomasEgiyou don't ?13:09
chris_99no that's what i'm saying13:09
ThomasEgithen you should change your setting to get 2 inputs13:09
ThomasEgialternatively you could do something like having a lowpass-filtered signal at one input. and the original at the other.13:10
chris_99hmm i guess i'll use a regulated signal like you say as the other input13:11
chris_99as i can then use my existing pcbs13:11
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chris_99ever used capacitive displacment sensors?13:14
justanotheruserIn a 2-3 spanning tree with n=64 leafs, is it's height closer to log_2(n) or 3?13:15
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AlterSidwhat is a 2-3 spanning tree? do you mean each node can have 2 or 3 children?13:33
AlterSidjustanotheruser: ^13:33
AlterSidif it's a binary tree, then its height will be exactly log_2(64), which is 613:34
justanotheruserAlterSid: it is a B-tree. Each node either has 2 or three children.13:36
AlterSidok, then worst case is 613:37
justanotheruserBasically, if the entire tree has 2 children it will have a height of 6, but if every node has 3 children it will have a height of 413:37
justanotheruseranyways one of the questions on my exam was if a tree would be closer to log_2(n) or 3.13:37
justanotheruserI put log_2(n), but the trees height can be 4,5 or 6 therefore, 3 could be right too.13:38
AlterSidthat's a weird question..13:38
justanotheruserbecause a height of 4 is closer to 3 than a log_2(64)13:38
AlterSidwas it multiple choice, or could you elaborate (like you just did)?13:39
justanotheruserAlterSid: it was multiple choice. One of the answers was also 2n13:39
justanotheruserThere were 5 answers, only those two could be right.13:39
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ascendancyquick question: has anyone here had neodymium implants?21:27
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ZhwaziThat seems like a dangerous sort of thing to implant, if you're talking about magnets.22:13
kanzuredoes anyone have a link to a stream for the upcoming the chinese moon landing22:27
kanzureoh wait, they probably wont stream photos22:28
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AlterSidascendancy: if you want, quinn norton did a conference at 29C3 (or maybe earlier) on her experience using these22:31
AlterSid(the conference is availble on youtube)22:32
AlterSidwow, it was 23C3 actually22:34
AlterSidbtw, anyone here going to this edition?22:34
kanzurei am there in spirit, does that count22:35
AlterSidof course !22:36
ascendancyaltersid: thank you very much. I'll check it out right away22:42
ascendancyand thank you too, kanzure22:42
kanzureuh whatever22:43
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-!- soylentbomb [~k@d47-69-156-180.nap.wideopenwest.com] has quit [Changing host]23:34
-!- soylentbomb [~k@unaffiliated/soylentbomb] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:34
kanzureParahSailin: what place will do anonymous genome sequencing23:38
kanzureParahSailin: e.g. no "know your customer" BS23:38
-!- pads [~not@] has joined ##hplusroadmap23:41
-!- pads is now known as Guest619823:42
-!- Guest8612 [~not@] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]23:44
-!- Adifex [~Adifex@utdpat242090.utdallas.edu] has quit [Quit: Just going out for a swim...]23:57
--- Log closed Sat Dec 14 00:00:53 2013

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