
--- Log opened Mon Jan 13 00:00:22 2014
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jrayhawkI think I still have some deployed servers with reiserfs.02:12
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kanzurejrayhawk: the not knowing seems like the best part, there07:50
eudoxiasomebody should fork the filesystem and give it another name07:51
eudoxiayou can't have a conversation about reiserfs without someone bringing up the whole wifey knifey thing07:51
kanzureactually it was the other way around07:52
kanzureyou can'thavea conversation about the princess bride without it turning into either (a) an argument about the dread pirate roberts or (b) an argument about filesystems07:52
kanzure*you can't have a07:54
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entelechiospaperbot: http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v98/i5/e05390211:41
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jrayhawkIt's pretty good as a boot partition since it's basically indestructable, but I never really pay attention to boot partitions after I make them.11:50
jrayhawkResponds more poorly to memory corruption than most, though.11:51
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delinquentmekanzure:say I've got a number of illustrator path files for microfluidics12:10
delinquentmeediting them in linux12:11
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jrayhawkAlso has unusually fast tail-packing support, so was good for mail systems.12:33
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kanzurethese are cool: http://tryerlang.org/ http://tryhaskell.org/ http://tryruby.org/ http://try-python.appspot.com/ http://repl.it/15:10
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entelechioskanzure http://runnable.com/15:21
entelechiosit's not hugely hugely replete yet, but the notion-searching feature i find is pretty cool15:21
kanzurewhere's my launch on heroku button15:23
kanzureneeds more deploy buttons15:24
venturecommunisthi kanzure15:27
delinquentmedat handle15:27
venturecommunistkanzure: i'm trying to evaluate a biohacking experiment for cost, what equipment would be needed, think i could pick your brain a bit?15:29
venturecommunistbasically it's DRACO on rhinovirus15:29
ParahSailinventurecommunist: DRACO?15:29
ParahSailinwhat exactly you want to do15:31
venturecommunistso i guess send away to lifetechnologies.com for HIV1 TAT + PKR + ADAF115:31
venturecommunistheat shock transform into E. coli if it doesn't come in E. coli already15:31
venturecommunistthen liquid culture in some kind of diy bioreactor15:32
ParahSailinyou want to have someone synthesize genes?15:32
ParahSailinthat would be idt, not lifetechnologies15:32
venturecommuniststill looking on openwetware.org to see if i can do it with some open PCR variant15:32
ParahSailinshits unreliable enough as it is without crippling yourself with inferior equipment15:33
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ParahSailinwhat would pkr and adaf1 do in e coli?15:36
venturecommunistthe genes would produce the proteins, if they're expressed in e coli15:37
venturecommunistthe protein being a chimera of TAT, PKR and ADAF115:37
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ParahSailinwhat do you want that for?15:38
ParahSailini dont even see an adaf1 in genbank15:38
venturecommunistif it's really non-toxic in-vivo in humans presumably it's a cure for AIDs, HPV, HSV, Hep A/B/C/D/E Ebola, Influenza and the Common Cold15:39
ParahSailinthe draco antiviral drugs are the simple fusion protein you described?15:40
ParahSailinhm good catch on the paper15:42
venturecommunistinteresting right15:43
ParahSailinthats apaf1 btw :)15:43
venturecommunistapaf1 indeed15:44
venturecommunistapoptosis factor 1 or something15:44
ParahSailinPKR is the dsRNA detector?15:45
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venturecommunistPKR and APAF1 are both human genes, TAT is an HIV1 gene15:45
venturecommunistHIV appears to have two basic methods of counter-acting PKR (which complexly will induce apoptosis)15:46
venturecommunistone is that TAT binds with PKR obstructing its action15:46
venturecommunistthe other has to do with phosphorylation of something acted on by PKR15:47
venturecommunistbut with a TAT already on there, it should be able to get anywhere HIV can get, without obstruction by HIV one would think15:47
venturecommunistand the APAF1s should be triggered independent of this phosphorylation issue cause it's a more direct pathway15:48
ParahSailinwhat you gonna test the drug on?15:48
venturecommunistthere's definitly indication of PKR activation in HIV infected clls15:48
venturecommunistmyself of course15:48
venturecommunistfor make glorious venture communism15:48
ParahSailinmight try an animal first15:49
venturecommunisti'm a human-imal15:49
gradstudentbotI don't think our fume hood is safe.15:50
kanzureget back in there15:51
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venturecommunistkanzure: lol15:53
venturecommunisti was just talking about the price of a fume hood today15:53
venturecommunist$80k for real?15:53
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ParahSailinim sure there exist ones that expensive16:03
kanzure"premium fume hoods"16:05
kanzureon etsy16:06
kanzureoh i'm sorry, tindie, right16:07
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browniesjrayhawk: you around?22:22
gradstudentbotI don't remember the paper, but someone definitely did that.22:23
justanotherusergradstudentbot: is there a free algorithm for verifiable computation22:25
gradstudentbotNope, that's not even remotely possible.22:25
justanotheruseroh :(22:25
juri_gradstudentbot: are you watson, gathering information for the singularity, making sure humanity doesn't surpass or merge with the machines?22:30
gradstudentbotShould I be reading this?22:30
juri_I knew it.22:30
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jrayhawkbrownies: mostly22:37
browniesjrayhawk: educate me about pre- and post-workout nutrition?22:38
browniesor throw some papers at me, or something?22:38
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jrayhawkDepends on the modality, but, during training, typically folks aim for forcing fatty acid metabolic adaptation through carb-fasting pre-workout and then aim for a big carb and protein load post-workout while glycogen depleted in order to use an insulin spike to upregulate the thyroid for a week.22:42
jrayhawkThen abuse carbs during competition as needed.22:42
browniesso... protein shake before, then protein shake and food after?22:43
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jrayhawkI usually aim for fast-absorbing stuff to drive the spike as high as practical; pre-emulsified BCAAs in the form of egg and a couple tablespoons of some form of straight glucose, such as coconut sugar or corn dextrose or something.22:45
browniesi see22:46
jrayhawkIf you don't particularly care about the metabolic floor provided by fatty acid metabolism, then you can be a lot looser on pre-workout nutrition.22:46
browniesi don't suppose you have any particular product recommendations to make this idiot-proof for me?22:47
browniesi read this http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine-archive/2010/july/food/protein-drinks/what-our-tests-found/index.htm22:47
browniesand i've deduced that i should stop drinking muscle milk22:47
jrayhawkhttp://www.omgwallhack.org/home/jrayhawk/img/self/poiseanddignity.jpg fwiw here's observational evidence that i am at least not screwing up too badly22:48
venturecommunistwell as arnold used to say when they asked if he won mr. universe by drinking milk22:49
browniesthis photo appears to be upside-down22:49
venturecommunist"milk is foh baybeez"22:49
browniesoh, wait, i see.22:49
browniesyes, you seem to have some idea about what you're doing.22:50
jrayhawkIn general I tend to avoid food that other people have processed on the basis that other people are terrible and untrustworthy, so my recommendation is to learn to prepare foods.22:50
jrayhawkYou can throw a dozen eggs into a pot of boiling water for 30-60 minutes and wind up with a lot of food for very little effort, for instance.22:51
justanotheruserjrayhawk: but it's what plants crave22:52
jrayhawk(Though eggs are kinda crap for general nutrition due to mineral- and vitamin-binding antinutrients)22:52
browniesyeah, that's not an unreasonable approach22:52
browniesi'm just trying to decouple getting decent nutrition from having to learn to cook22:52
jrayhawkNot going to happen in the current food environment unless you have someone you can trust to follow directions.22:53
kanzuresee "other people are terrible and untrustworthy"22:53
browniescan't i just buy some sort of powdered food and mix with water? why does eating have to be so complex?22:55
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venturecommunistjrayhawk: the way i heard it you could get a vitamin b defficiency if you ate only the egg whites but that it would take a LOT of whites22:57
venturecommunistand even mixing in a little yolk would fix it22:57
browniesif i grudgingly cook eggs, will i need to cook other things too?22:58
jrayhawkbrownies: Two thoughts on that: 1) not all chemicals can survive free-floating with a wide variety of other chemicals, and 2) you're not eating for one, you're eating for 10 trillion22:59
jrayhawkthe latter of which is to say even if overabsorbability didn't have consequences inside your circulation, it has some pretty significant ones outside of it22:59
brownieshm, i see22:59
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jrayhawkventurecommunist: The B vitamin absorbtion inhibitor I'm halfway familiar with is avidin, but there's anomalously low bioavailability of others when measured in the science literature.23:01
jrayhawkAnd similarly conalbumin for minerals.23:01
jrayhawkAvidin is at least fairly easy to deactivate through heavy boiling.23:01
jrayhawkAnyway, John Kiefer and Martin Berkhan are good fun to read for basic macronutrient strategies and link to a lot of interesting science.23:02
browniesah, that's what i needed23:03
jrayhawkChris Kresser has a lot of really amazingly good resources on a lot of nutrition biochem minutiae.23:04
jrayhawkMark Sisson's fun for more general lifestyle stuff.23:05
jrayhawkhttp://www.marksdailyapple.com/is-barbell-dogma-doing-more-harm-than-good/ like this article23:19
jrayhawkit is a good article23:19
jrayhawkhttps://secure.piny.be/cgit/jrayhawk/tree/rss.mdwn there's other random stuff under the "health" category that might strike your fancy23:31
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jrayhawkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqwvcrA7oe8 is a pretty good example of what fatty acid metabolic adaptation can do if you're into endurance athletics23:33
venturecommunistjrayhawk: checking it out, cool23:44
browniesnice. thanks.23:46
--- Log closed Tue Jan 14 00:00:23 2014

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